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$%" Conta&t' Jim M&Fadden# (%)*+"+*,))-

Simotas, Gianaris, Constantinides Continue Push for Cleaner Astoria Streets Local leaders call upon mayor to increase trash pick up frequency
Astoria# N.Y./ Addressin0 &on&erns raised 1 &ommunit residents# Assem1l mem1er Ara2ella Simotas# Senator Mi&3ael 4ianaris# and Coun&ilmem1er Costa Constantinides re*iterated t3eir &alls 5or &lean streets in 6estern 7ueens# &allin0 u8on Ma or Bill de Blasio to ta9e a&tion. Last 5all# t3e ele&teds led a rall in Astoria to dra6 attention to t3e re&urrin0 issue and 8ro8ose 2ia1le solutions. :Residents 3a2e &ontinued to &onta&t m o55i&e re0ardin0 t3e de8lora1le le2els o5 tras3 stre6n a1out t3e streets#; Simotas said. :We 3a2e as9ed t3e ma or 5or an additional 8i&9u8 ser2i&e 5or t3e 8u1li& 6aste 1as9ets alon0 Astoria<s 1us &ommer&ial streets. Ina&tion on t3is issue is una&&e8ta1le.; Currentl # t3e area re&ei2es onl one o2erni03t 8i&9 u8 ea&3 da 5rom Monda t3rou03 Saturda # do6n 5rom t3ree dail 8i&9 u8s in 8ast ears. T3e 8ro8osed additional tras3 8i&9 u8 6ould o&&ur durin0 t3e 1us da time 3ours 63en t3e ma=orit o5 tras3 is 0enerated# 1et6een %%am and (8m. :M 8rimar 0oal is to ensure t3at 6estern 7ueens re&ei2es# at t3e 2er least# t3e same le2el o5 ser2i&e as t3e rest o5 t3e &it #; Simotas said. :In Astoria 6e ta9e 8ride in t3e 1eaut o5 our nei031or3ood# and 5or t3at to 1e ruined 1 o2er5lo6in0 tras3 &ans is una&&e8ta1le#; 4ianaris said. :As more and more Ne6 Yor9ers &ome to Astoria 6e need more 0ar1a0e tru&9s to 9ee8 our streets &lean# not less.; Coun&ilman Constantinides said# :I>2e 3eard 5rom residents time and a0ain a1out t3e de8t3 o5 t3eir 5rustration o2er 3o6 dirt our streets 3a2e 1e&ome. O2er5lo6in0 tras3 1as9ets end u8 litterin0 our streets and im8a&tin0 our ?ualit o5 li5e# 5or&in0 residents to =um8 o2er 0ar1a0e on t3eir 6a to 6or9. Business o6ners are also 5or&ed to attend to litter outside t3eir doors rat3er t3an to t3eir 8atrons. Additional 8i&9*u8s 6ill ma9e our streets su1stantiall &leaner.;

Simotas &on&luded# :We all 6ant a &lean li2in0 en2ironment 5or our 0ro6in0 &ommunit and to 3el8 our small 1usinesses t3ri2e. I am 8roud to &all t3is 8la&e 3ome and I am &ommitted to 9ee8in0 it &lean 1 8artnerin0 6it3 t3e 3ard6or9in0 men and 6omen o5 t3e @e8artment o5 Sanitation# lo&al leaders# and Ma or de Blasio to 9ee8 Astoria 1eauti5ul.; AAA

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