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Coordinates Exemplar Cover Sheet

Attach to each exemplar in your portfolio. Teacher Candidate Title of Exemplar ortfolio Cate!ory ACEI #tandard x Derek Jones Island Coordinates I II III I" " Cohort # 414

ACEI I$ De%elopment& 'earnin!& and (oti%ation

ACEI #tandard Element)s* A1 o Candidates kno+& understand& and use the ma,or concepts& principles& theories& and research related to de%elopment of children and youn! adolescents to construct learnin! opportunities that support indi%idual students- de%elopment& ac.uisition of kno+led!e& and moti%ation.

#emester 1.

#prin! /011


April /4th& /011

Description of exemplar and how it demonstrates meeting this ACEI Standard and Element(s). This lesson +as desi!ned to !i%e the students an a2solute concrete interpretation of +hat coordinates are and ho+ to identify them. In order to do so& I created an interacti%e 3eynote presentation that first hi!hli!hted all of the parts of a !raph& follo+ed 2y ho+ you read coordinates. I had the students 2uild their o+n !raphs as I modeled ho+ I created mine step 2y step. E%entually they had their o+n !raphs to +ork +ith and +ere soon !oin! to create an island in the !raph +ith different landmarks to identify. 4efore doin! this& I sho+ed them my completed map and a detailed example of ho+ to na%i!ate the 5 and 6 coordinates& follo+ed 2y allo+in! the students to come to the front of the room and identify coordinates. After myself and the students +ere comforta2le& +e mo%ed onto allo+in! the students to dra+ their islands and place 7 landmarks inside to identify. To keep the pace !oin! in the classroom I had an example of 17 %ery easy to dra+ landmark sym2ols that the students could use as a reference for their islands. After completin! the islands& the students had a mini assi!nment to close out the su2,ect. They +ere !i%en a fe+ !raphs and had to correctly identify +hat the coordinates +ere for different letters that +ere placed on the !raphs. They had to correctly identify all of the coordinates on t+o !raphs consistin! of 7 pro2lems 2efore they could take a 2reak and start !ettin! ready for lunch.

2. Reflection on m professional growth in !nowledge" s!ills" and dispositions related to

this ACEI Standard and Element(s). This +as 2y far my 2est lesson of the semester. 4ein! %ery ne+ to # ED& it took me a couple lessons to !et comforta2le in pro%idin! a %ery concrete +ay of teachin!. Each student& re!ardless of a2ility le%el& seemed to understand +hat I +as tryin! to con%ey and +ere more than +illin! to participate fully in the acti%ities. (y 3eynote presentation ena2led the students to see ho+ a !raph is 2uilt piece 2y piece& rather than ha%in! to study a pre82uilt !raph that they other+ise +ould ha%e encountered on a pre8made +orksheet. I tried continuously and effecti%ely to ensure that I created a lesson that e%ery student +ould 2e a2le to learn 2ut still challen!e themsel%es. I +as a2le to control the pace effecti%ely and allo+ myself the time to +alk around to each student and monitor their pro!ress. As +ell& I tried to focus on usin! students as examples as to ho+ I +anted other students to 2eha%e )i.e. 9I really like ho+ Chris is sittin! +ith his hands on the desk and his pencil in front of him& it lets me kno+ he is ready:*. (y dispositions in creatin! a lesson that fully implements a ;D' aspect of learnin! enhanced !reatly. (y classroom +as filled +ith a %ariety of different learnin! styles +hich I 2elie%e I effecti%ely con%eyed my lesson to. <ithin the lesson I +as successfully a2le to pro%ide %isually stimulatin! material& as +ell as 2ein! a2le to touch auditory and hands8on learners. =%erall& the lesson +as a success and the students seemed to really en,oy ho+ interacti%e my 3eynote presentation +as. It definitely !a%e me a 2oost of confidence for +hen I start doin! more lessons in the future.

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