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1. Present Simple and Present Continuous

a. Does Mary read books at home?

b. We’re looking forward to the meeting.

c. John isn’t waiting for us.

d. Ella vol viatjar a molts països.

e. Elles no la visiten molt sovint.

2. Time Expressions

a. I’m cooking dinner today.

b. He brings a new CD to school every day.

c. Ells a vegades em fan preguntes.

d. L’equip de football no juga els dimarts.

e. No estic utilitzant el diccionari ara mateix.

3. Adverbs of Frequency

a. Jo mai escric cartes a la meva àvia.

b. En Pere és habitualment molt tímid i egoista.

c. Sempre invento històries fantàstiques –en els meus somnis!

d. My team hardly ever scores goals.

e. Her parents are always very generous.

4. Past Simple of be

a. Heracles was a great Greek hero.

b. I was very tired yesterday.

c. He wasn’t very confident when he was young.

d. Hi havia dues capitals a Espanya abans del 1561.

e. Estaves a la festa dissabte passat?

5. Revision

Usain Bolt can run very fast, he’s got gold medals for the 100 metres,
the 200 metres and the 4x100 metres relay. He is the second man to
win all three races at the same Olympic Games (the first was Carl Lewis
in 1984).
Les seves vamves són famoses també. Ell sempre porta sabates d’or quan
està corrent. Com que és molt tractable, alguna gent diu que és mandrós,
però de fet és molt treballador.

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