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LEARNING OUTCOMES CHAPTER ONE: GETTING TO KNOW OU 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE 1.1 Take part in disc ssi!n 1." #isa$ree p!%ite%& 1.' Gi(e ad(ice ".0 LANGUAGE FOR INFOR)ATIONAL USE ".1 Read e*tracts +r!, a diar& "." Take n!tes !+ ,ain ideas '.0 LANGUAGE FOR AESTHETIC USE: IN T!E MI"ST OF !AR"S!IP '.1 Recite a p!e, '." R-&t-, and r-&,e '.' I,a$er& in a p!e, '.. Understand +i$ rati(e %an$ a$e './ Ta%k a0! t t-e ,essa$e in a p!e, and 1rite a para$rap!n it '.2 Ta%k a0! t t-e t-e,e in a p!e,

SPECIFICATIONS LEVEL 1 a. C!,parin$ and c!ntrastin$ 0. )akin$ sentences t! e*press speci+ic + ncti!ns c. Rep!rtin$ si,i%arities and di++erences d. 3ritin$ a para$rape. C-!!sin$ appr!priate descripti(e 1!rds +. Readin$ a p!e, a%! d LEVEL 2 a# Pr!n! ncin$ 1!rds 1itt-e c!rrect s! nds $# E*c-an$in$ ideas %# Get ,eanin$s !+ 1!rds sin$ a dicti!nar& LEVEL & a# 4eepin$ a disc ssi!n $!in$ $# 3ritin$ a diar& 56! rna% entr&

EXAMPLES/ACTIVITIES/NOTES #ictati!n 3ritin$ a 6! rna% entr& P!e, recita% #icti!nar& ski%%s

1&2 (2 10 Jan)

&&' (1( Jan & F)$)

CHAPTER T3O: MALA SIAN TAPESTR 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE 1.1 Ta%k a0! t !nese%+ 1." Gi(e instr cti!ns and ad(ise 1.' E*c-an$e ideas and !pini!ns 1.. 3rite a0! t t-e s!cia% c st!,s !+ a )a%a&sian et-nic $r! p ".0 LANGUAGE FOR INFOR)ATIONAL USE ".1 Listen t! a ta%k "." 7!t d!1n ke& 1!rds and p-rases ".' Identi+& ,ain ideas ".. S ,,ari8e9 identi+& ,ain ideas '.0 LANGUAGE FOR AESTHETIC USE: IN T!E MI"ST OF !AR"S!IP '.1 Recite a p!e, '." R-&t-, and r-&,e '.'I,a$er& in a p!e, '..Understand +i$ rati(e %an$ a$e './Ta%k a0! t t-e ,essa$e in a p!e, and 1rite a para$rap- !n it '.2 Ta%k a0! t t-e t-e,e in p!e,

a. 0. c. a. 0. c. d. a. 0. c.

LEVEL 1 S-arin$ and rec!rdin$ past e*periences Listenin$ and n!tin$ i,p!rtant detai%s C-!!sin$ appr!priate descripti(e 1!rds LEVEL 2 Listenin$ +!r speci+ic in+!r,ati!n and tickin$ t-e c!rrect ans1er Resp!ndin$ t! : esti!ns and c!,,ents Readin$ +!r detai%s and ,akin$ in+erences S ,,ari8in$ s-!rt passa$es LEVEL & Pr!0%e,;s!%(in$ and decisi!n;,akin$ Pickin$ ! t 1!rds 1-icappea% t! t-e senses 3ritin$ a0! t t-e c st!, !+ a )a%a&sian et-nic $r! p

Preparin$ pr!+i%es 3ritin$: pr!cess and pr!ced res #escripti(e 1ritin$ Inter(ie1in$ pe!p%e !n c st!,s !+ di++erent et-nic $r! ps


*&( (+ 1, F)$)

CHAPTER THREE: SCALE T!E !EIG!TS 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE 1.1 Pers ade s!,e!ne t! d! s!,et-in$ 1." Read t!pics !+ c rrent interest and e*c-an$e ideas 1.' Read an artic%e and $i(e !pini!ns ".0 LANGUAGE FOR INFOR)ATIONAL USE ".1 Listen t! a c!n(ersati!n9 n!te i,p!rtant detai%s "." Present in+!r,ati!n in a dia$ra, ".' 7!t d!1n ke& 1!rds and p-rases ".. Read a ,a$a8ine artic%e9 identi+& ,ain ideas9 nderstand c!nte*t a% c% es "./ S ,,ari8e9 identi+& ,ain ideas ".2 App%& pr!cess 1ritin$ ski%%s

LEVEL 1 a. S-arin$ e*periences !n pr!0%e,s 0. Re%atin$ e*periences c. Listenin$ t! pr!0%e,s and 6!ttin$ d!1n ke& p!ints d. Readin$ an artic%e !n c rrent iss es LEVEL 2 a. )akin$ decisi!ns and c!,in$ t! a c!nsens s 0. Rearran$in$ se: ence !+ e(ents c. C!,p%etin$ a dia$ra, t! deter,ine risin$ acti!n and c%i,a* LEVEL & a. A$reein$ !r disa$reein$ 1it- a speaker 0. S $$estin$ 1a&s t! s!%(e a pr!0%e, c. Gi(in$ ad(ice t! teena$ers d. 3ritin$ a s-!rt rep!rt

Readin$ ne1spaper artic%es Ta%kin$ a0! t !ne<s e*periences 3ritin$ an artic%e


'.0 LANGUAGE FOR AESTHETIC USE: -WERT UIOP '.1 Settin$9 descri0e t-e p%ace and ti,e t-e st!r& t!!k p%ace '." C-aracteri8ati!n '.' C!n+%ict in a s-!rt st!r& '.. P!int !+ a (ie1 './ I,a$er& '.2 Se: ence !+ e(ents '.= T-e,e in a st!r& CHAPTER FOUR: T!E S/FILES 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE 1.1 Ta%k a0! t !nese%+ and !ne<s drea,s 1." E*c-an$e !pini!ns !n t!pic !+ interests 1.' Read a ne1spaper rep!rt and $i(e ideas 1.. ".0 LANGUAGE FOR INFOR)ATIONAL USE ".1 Listen t! a descripti!n !+ a pers!n9 n!te i,p!rtant detai%s "." C!n(ert in+!r,ati!n int! a ta0%e ".' Read an inter(ie19 identi+& detai%s LEVEL 1 S-arin$ e*periences Listenin$ and c!,p%etin$ s-!rt passa$es Readin$ an artic%e Ans1erin$ , %tip%e; c-!ice : esti!ns Readin$ +!r detai%s> ,akin$ in+erences and ,!(in$ 0e&!nd t-e te*t LEVEL 2 Listenin$ +!r ,ain ideas 3ritin$ an artic%e Pickin$ ! t %ines t! s-!1 pers!ni+icati!n LEVEL & Carr&in$ ! t and 1ritin$ an inter(ie1

a. 0. c. d. e.

Carr&in$ ! t inter(ie1s 3ritin$ ! t an inter(ie1 S!cia% ski%%s

,&+ ( 20 F)$ 2 Ma.)

a. 0. c. a.

".. S ,,ari8e9 red ce t-e %en$t!+ a te*t "./ 3rite an inter(ie1: app%& pr!cess 1ritin$ ski%%s '.0 LANGUAGE FOR AESTHETIC USE0 -WERT UIOP '.1 Settin$9 descri0e t-e p%ace and ti,e t-e st!r& t!!k p%ace '."C-aracteri8ati!n '.'C!n+%ict in a s-!rt st!r& '..P!int !+ a (ie1 './I,a$er& '.2Se: ence !+ e(ents '.=T-e,e in a st!r& 10 (* 1 Ma.) (10 Ma. 1+ Ma.)

0. Predictin$ t-e ca se and e++ect !+ acti!ns and decisi!ns c. 3ritin$ a s&n!psis !+ a s-!rt st!r&









Listenin$ t! c!n(ersati!ns

11 & 12 (11 Ma. &0 Ma.)

CHAPTER FI?E: NATURE3S GIFT M !OMELAN" 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE 1.1 E*press c!ncern and !++er -e%p 1." Resp!nd t! : esti!ns p!%ite%& 0& $i(in$ t-e re: ired in+!r,ati!n 1.' C!n(erse 1it- s!,e!ne ,et +!r t-e +irst ti,e

a. Readin$ a0! t pe!p%e<s e*perience. 0. S-arin$ +ee%in$s c. Listenin$ t! a c!n(ersati!n d. Ski,,in$ and scannin$ t! identi+& +acts !r !pini!ns e. Usin$ t-esa r s +. Readin$ e*cerpts t! deter,ine c-aracteristics a. LEVEL 2 Listenin$ +!r speci+ic in+!r,ati!n and tickin$ t-e c!rrect ans1er Readin$ and %istin$ c-aracteristics !+ c-aracters LEVEL & Pr!0%e,;s!%(in$ and decisi!n;,akin$ Predictin$ ! tc!,es

?!ca0 %ar& %ist: s&,pat-& (ers s e,pat-& 3ritin$ an ar$ ,entati(e essa&

".0 LANGUAGE FOR INFOR)ATIONAL USE ".1 Listen t! an in+!r,a% ta%k9 n!te i,p!rtant detai%s "." Use t-e dicti!nar& t! +ind t-e ,eanin$s !+ 1!rds ".' Scan +!r detai%s in an artic%e ".. Identi+& ,ain ideas9 nderstand c!nte*t a% c% es "./ S ,,ari8e9 %inkin$ ,ain ideas ".2 Take n!te !+ te*t -eard9 dictati!n


a. 0.

'.0 LANGUAGE FOR AESTHETIC USE: !E !A" SUC! -UIET E ES '.1 Recite a p!e, '." R-&t-, and r-&,e '.'I,a$er& in a p!e, '..Understand +i$ rati(e %an$ a$e './Ta%k a0! t t-e ,essa$e in a p!e, and 1rite a para$rap- !n it '.= Ta%k a0! t t-e t-e,e in a p!e, CHAPTER SI@: "O WE NEE" "AMS5 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE 1.1 S-are in+!r,ati!n 1." )ake in: iries a0! t a pr!d ct 1.' C-!!se and !rder a pr!d ct ".0 LANGUAGE FOR INFOR)ATIONAL USE ".1 Listen t! a radi! ta%k9 n!te i,p!rtant detai%s "." Read t-e te*t !+ an in+!r,a% ta%k9 +!%%!1 se: ence !+ ideas ".' S ,,ari8e9 se: ence !+ e(ents ".. 3rite an in+!r,a% ta%k LEVEL 1 a. S-arin$ in+!r,ati!n !n pr!d cts 0. Readin$ and ,atc-in$ !pini!ns c. Gat-erin$ in+!r,ati!n d. Findin$ ,eanin$s !+ p-rases sin$ c!nte*t a% c% es e. R!%e;p%a&in$ t-e c-aracters LEVEL 2 a# Gi(in$ !pini!ns !n pr!d cts $# Resp!ndin$ t! : esti!ns and c!,,ents %# Readin$ +!r detai%s and

)akin$ a ,arket s r(e& Carr&in$ ! t inter(ie1s Presentin$ a rep!rt 0ased !n a sc-!!% s r(e&

1& & 1' (2 1& A4.)

"./ #ra1 c!nc% si!n LANGUAGE FOR AESTHETIC USE: !E !A" SUC! -UIET E ES '.1 Recite a p!e, '." R-&t-, and r-&,e '.'I,a$er& in a p!e, '..Understand +i$ rati(e %an$ a$e './Ta%k a0! t t-e ,essa$e in a p!e, and 1rite a para$rap- !n it '.A Ta%k a0! t t-e t-e,e in a p!e, CHAPTER SE?EN: ALL CREATURES GREAT AN" SMALL 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE 1.1 Ta%k a0! t pers!na% e*periences 1." E*c-an$e ideas and !pini!ns 1.' Initiate and keep a disc ssi!n $!in$ 1* & 1( (1( 2, A4.) ".0 LANGUAGE FOR INFOR)ATIONAL USE ".1 Listen t! a +act a% acc! nt9 n!te i,p!rtant detai%s "." C!n(ert in+!r,ati!n int! a

,akin$ in+erences 6# 3ritin$ a speecLEVEL & a. Pr!0%e,;s!%(in$ and decisi!n ,akin$ 0. Presentin$ a speecc. Pickin$ ! t (!ca0 %ar& 1-ic- appea% t! t-e senses

a. 0. c. d. e.

a. 0. c.

LEVEL 1 S-arin$ e*periences Listenin$ and c!,p%etin$ s-!rt passa$es Readin$ an artic%e Ans1erin$ , %tip%e; c-!ice : esti!ns Readin$ +!r detai%s> ,akin$ in+erences and ,!(in$ 0e&!nd t-e te*t LEVEL 2 Listenin$ +!r ,ain ideas 3ritin$ an artic%e Pickin$ ! t %ines t! s-!1 pers!ni+icati!n LEVEL &

3ritin$ a c!,p!siti!n: A st!r& !n ,!ra% (a% e #isc ssin$ pr!s and c!ns

$rap".' Read a narrati(e9 identi+& s pp!rtin$ detai%s9 +ind e(idence t! s pp!rt state,ents9 nderstand c!nte*t a% c% es ".. #ra1 c!nc% si!ns9 predict ! tc!,es "./ 3rite a si,p%e narrati(e '.0 LANGUAGE FOR AESTHETIC USE: T!E FRUIT CAKE SPECIAL '.1 Settin$9 descri0e t-e p%ace and ti,e t-e st!r& t!!k p%ace '."C-aracteri8ati!n '.'C!n+%ict in a s-!rt st!r& '..P!int !+ a (ie1 './I,a$er& '.2Se: ence !+ e(ents '.=T-e,e in a st!r& 1, (&0 A4. ' Ma7) 1+8 11 & 20 MI" EAR EXAMINATION (, Ma7 2' Ma7) REVISIONS

a. Carr&in$ ! t and 1ritin$ an inter(ie1 0. Predictin$ t-e ca se and e++ect !+ acti!ns and decisi!ns c. 3ritin$ a s&n!psis !+ a s-!rt st!r&



(2( Ma7 10 J9n))

MI" EAR !OLI"A CHAPTER EIGHT: SPECIAL PEOPLE 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE 1.1 Re%ate pers!na% e*periences 1." E*press c!ncern and s&,pat-& 1.' E*c-an$e ideas !n -!1 s!ciet& can -e%p t-e e%der%& 1.. #esi$n a card and 1rite a %etter t! e*press c!ncern and t! c!,+!rt ".0 LANGUAGE FOR INFOR)ATIONAL USE ".1 Listen t! a te%ep-!ne c!n(ersati!n9 n!te i,p!rtant detai%s "." Use a dicti!nar& t! +ind ,eanin$s !+ 1!rds ".' S ,,ari8e9 parap-rase ,ain ideas ".. #ra1 c!nc% si!ns "./ 3rite a %etter e*pressin$ c!ncern9 app%& pr!cess

MI" EAR !OLI"A LEVEL 1 Readin$ a0! t pe!p%e<s e*perience S-arin$ +ee%in$s LEVEL 2 Listenin$ +!r speci+ic in+!r,ati!n. Readin$ and %istin$ c-aracteristics !+ c-aracters LEVEL & 3ritin$ an in+!r,a% %etter ?!ca0 %ar& ski%%s Usin$ t-esa r s


a. 0. a. 0.

Ta%kin$ and s-arin$ in+!r,ati!n S!cia% ski%%s 3ritin$: F!r,a% (ers s in+!r,a% %etters

21 & 22 (11J9n) 22 J9n))

a. 0. c.


1ritin$ ski%%s '.0 LANGUAGE FOR AESTHETIC USE: T!E FRUITCAKE SPECIAL '.1 Settin$9 descri0e t-e p%ace and ti,e t-e st!r& t!!k p%ace '." C-aracteri8ati!n '.' C!n+%ict in a s-!rt st!r& '.. P!int !+ a (ie1 './ I,a$er& '.2 Se: ence !+ e(ents '.= T-e,e in a st!r& CHAPTER NINE0 PROFILE OF PRO"UCTS 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE 1.1 Resp!nd t! : esti!ns p!%ite%& 0& $i(in$ t-e re: ired in+!r,ati!n 1." Re%ate pers!na% e*periences 1.' Gi(e a +eed0ack a0! t a ser(ice 1.. )ake a c!,p%aint a0! t a ser(ice9 resp!nd t! a c!,p%aint ".0 LANGUAGE FOR INFOR)ATIONAL USE ".1 Listen t! a +act a% acc! nt9 n!te i,p!rtant detai%s LEVEL 1 a. Readin$ a0! t pe!p%e<s e*perience. 0. S-arin$ +ee%in$s c. Listenin$ t! a c!n(ersati!n d. Ski,,in$ and scannin$ t! identi+& +acts !r !pini!ns e. Usin$ t-esa r s +. Readin$ e*cerpts t! deter,ine c-aracteristics LEVEL 2 a. Listenin$ +!r speci+ic in+!r,ati!n and tickin$

3ritin$ a rep!rt Listenin$ t! a c!n(ersati!n ?!ca0 %ar& %ists

2& (2* J9n) 21



"." Read %etters +r!, %etters !+ c!,p%aint ".' C!n(ert in+!r,ati!n int! a dia$ra, ".. Find e(idence "./ 3rite a +!r,a% %etter !+ c!,p%aint9 e*pand ! t%ine LANGUAGE FOR AESTHETIC USE: NATURE '.1 Recite a p!e, '." R-&t-, and r-&,e '.'I,a$er& in a p!e, '..Understand +i$ rati(e %an$ a$e './Ta%k a0! t t-e ,essa$e in a p!e, and 1rite a para$rap- !n it '.2Ta%k a0! t t-e t-e,e in a p!e, CHAPTER TEN: MALA SIAN IN"USTRIES 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE 1.1 O++er ad(ice 1." #isc ss p%ans and ,ake a decisi!n 1.' E*c-an$e ideas !n t!pics !+ interest 1.. )ake rec!,,endati!ns and s $$est 1a&s t! s!%(e a

t-e c!rrect ans1er 0. Readin$ and %istin$ c-aracteristics !+ c-aracters LEVEL & a. Pr!0%e,;s!%(in$ and decisi!n;,akin$ 0. Predictin$ ! tc!,es

2' & 2* (2 1& J9:7)

LEVEL 1 a. Reca%%in$ past e*periences !n 1ater s-!rta$e 0& c!,p%etin$ a ,ind;,ap. 0. Takin$ n!tes c. Readin$ a ne1spaper rep!rt d. Recitin$ a p!e, %! d%& LEVEL 2 a. E*c-an$in$ ideas

Readin$ artic%es !n c rrent iss es 3ritin$ a %etter !+ c!,p%aint Carr&in$ ! t inter(ie1s and s r(e&s


pr!0%e, ".0 LANGUAGE FOR INFOR)ATIONAL USE ".1 Listen t! a ta%k9 n!te i,p!rtant detai%s "." Read a 0r!c- re9 scan a detai%s ".' S ,,ari8e9 se -eadin$s t! nderstand ,ain p!ints ".. 3rite a 0r!c- re +!r a 1ater ca,pai$n9 app%& pr!cess 1ritin$ ski%%s '.0 LANGUAGE FOR AESTHETIC USE: NATURE '.1 Recite a p!e, '." R-&t-, and r-&,e '.'I,a$er& in a p!e, '..Understand +i$ rati(e %an$ a$e './Ta%k a0! t t-e ,essa$e in a p!e, and 1rite a para$rap- !n it '.2Ta%k a0! t t-e t-e,e in a p!e, CHAPTER ELE?EN: SA ; ES3 TO !EALT! LIVING8 SA ;NO3 TO A""ICTION 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR

0. Crainst!r,in$ ideas a0! t !r$ani8in$ an e(ent c. Inter(ie1in$ pe!p%e !n 1ater crisis d. 3ritin$ a s r(e& rep!rt LEVEL & a. Gi(in$ !pini!ns !n 1ater c!nser(ati!n 0. Learnin$ t-e +!r,at !+ a %etter !+ c!,p%aint c. C!,p%etin$ a %etter !+ c!,p%aint

LEVEL 1 a. S-arin$ e*periences !n ne1 enc! nters 0. C!,p%etin$ a c!n(ersati!n

Presentin$ rep!rts S-arin$ st!ries !n pers!na% acc! nts !+ e(ents S!cia% ski%%s


2( & 2, (1(/ 2,J9:7)

INTERPERSONAL USE 1.1 Ta%k a0! t !ne<s pre+erences 1." #isc ss p%ans and arran$e,ents 1.' )ake a decisi!n 0ased !n an a$ree,ent !+ t-e $r! p 1.. Inter(ie1 pe!p%e sin$ a : esti!nnaire ".0 LANGUAGE FOR INFOR)ATIONAL USE ".1 Listen t! a rep!rt9 n!te i,p!rtant detai%s "." 3rite a rep!rt9 present in+!r,ati!n dra1n +r!, ta0%es and $rap-s ".' Read a rep!rt9 identi+& ,ain ideas and s pp!rtin$ detai%s9 interpret n!n;%inear te*ts s cas ta0%es and $rap-s ".. 3rite a rep!rt9 present rep!rts 1it- t-e aid !+ $rap-s +r!, inter(ie1s '.0 LANGUAGE FOR AESTHETIC USE: ARE OU STILL PLA ING OUR FLUTE '.1 Recite a p!e, '." R-&t-, and r-&,e '.'I,a$er& in a p!e, '..Understand +i$ rati(e

c. Listenin$ and c!,p%etin$ a ta0%e d. Readin$ an artic%e e. R!%e;p%a&in$ LEVEL 2 a. )akin$ en: iries 0. Gi(in$ !pini!ns c. Findin$ s&n!n&,s sin$ t-e t-esa r s d. C!,p%etin$ t-e se: ence !+ e(ents e. Rearran$in$ t-e se: ence !+ e(ents LEVEL & a. 3ritin$ a c!,p!siti!n 0. 3ritin$ a s ,,ar& c. 3ritin$ a dia%!$ e 0ased !n a p!e,

3ritin$ a rep!rt


%an$ a$e './Ta%k a0! t t-e ,essa$e in a p!e, and 1rite a para$rap- !n it '.2Ta%k a0! t t-e t-e,e in a p!e, CHAPTER T3EL?E0 MENTAL !EALT! 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE 1.1 Resp!nd t! : esti!ns p!%ite%& 0& $i(in$ t-e re: ired in+!r,ati!n 1." Read t!pics !+ c rrent interest and e*c-an$e !pini!ns 2+ & 21 1.' )ake speec- t! pers ade (&0 J9: 10 A9<) s!,e!ne t! d! s!,et-in$ ".0 LANGUAGE FOR INFOR)ATIONAL USE ".1 Listen t! a pane% disc ssi!n9 n!te i,p!rtant detai%s "." Identi+& ,ain ideas> 6!t ke& 1!rds and p-rases ".' Resp!nd t! : esti!ns !ra%%& ".. Read p!ints !+ (ie19 identi+& s pp!rtin$ detai%s "./ #ra1 c!nc% si!ns9 identi+& ca se and e++ect ".2 S ,,ari8e9 identi+& p!ints !+ LEVEL 1 Readin$ a0! t pe!p%e<s e*perience. S-arin$ +ee%in$s Listenin$ t! a c!n(ersati!n Ski,,in$ and scannin$ t! identi+& +acts !r !pini!ns Usin$ t-esa r s Readin$ e*cerpts t! deter,ine c-aracteristics LEVEL 2 Listenin$ +!r speci+ic in+!r,ati!n and tickin$ t-e c!rrect ans1er Readin$ and %istin$ c-aracteristics !+ c-aracters LEVEL & Pr!0%e,;s!%(in$ and decisi!n;,akin$ Predictin$ ! tc!,es 3ritin$ c!,p!siti!n: Pr!cess and pr!ced res. ?!ca0 %ar& %ist: s&n!n&,s and ant!n&,s

a. 0. c. d. e. +. a. 0.

a. 0.


(ie1 ".= 3rite a pers asi(e speec-9 app%& pr!cess 1ritin$ ski%%s '.0 LANGUAGE FOR AESTHETIC USE: ARE OU STILL PLA ING OUR FLUTE '.1 Recite a p!e, '." R-&t-, and r-&,e '.'I,a$er& in a p!e, '..Understand +i$ rati(e %an$ a$e './Ta%k a0! t t-e ,essa$e in a p!e, and 1rite a para$rap- !n it '.2Ta%k a0! t t-e t-e,e in a p!e, &0 (1& 1, A9<) (1+ 2( A9<) ACA"EMIC TEST 2 )I# SE)ESTER CREA4 DHARIRAEA PUASA HOLI#AESF CHAPTER THIRTEEN0 OF "OWN3S AN" " SLEXIA &1 & &2 (2, A9< , S)4=) 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE ACA"EMIC TEST 2 )I# SE)ESTER CREA4 DHARIRAEA PUASA HOLI#AESF LEVEL 1 a. S-arin$ e*periences !n en(ir!n,enta% da,a$e 0. Readin$ s-!rt te*ts and scannin$ +!r in+!r,ati!n ACA"EMIC TEST 2 )I# SE)ESTER CREA4 DHARIRAEA PUASA HOLI#AESF

S!cia% ski%%s 3ritin$ +act a% essa&s: en(ir!n,enta% iss es Pr!0%e, s!%(in$


1.1 Ta%k a0! t !ne<s past e*periences 1." #isa$ree p!%ite%& 1.' Pers ade s!,e!ne t! d! s!,et-in$ 1.. 4eep a 6! rna% 1./ E*c-an$e !pini!ns !n t!pics !+ interest 1.2 S $$est 1a&s t! s!%(e pr!0%e,s ".0 LANGUAGE FOR INFOR)ATIONAL USE ".1 Listen t! an appea%9 n!te i,p!rtant detai%s "." Read a 6! rna%9 scan +!r detai%s ".' S ,,ari8e9 identi+& re%e(ant in+!r,ati!n "..3rite a +irst pers!n rec! nt "./)ake in+erences ".2 App%& pr!cess 1ritin$ ski%%s '.0 LANGUAGE FOR AESTHETIC USE: RE?ISION CHAPTER FOURTEEN: T!E INTERNET0 USES AN" A2USES 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR

c. Findin$ ,eanin$s !+ 1!rds LEVEL 2 a. E*c-an$in$ ideas and !pini!ns a0! t t-e en(ir!n,ent 0. )akin$ predicti!ns c. F!r,in$ 1!rds sin$ s ++i* d. Readin$ p!e,s t! deter,ine pers!na a. 0. c. d. LEVEL & Ha(in$ a disc ssi!n 0ased !n s-!rt te*ts Identi+&in$ ca se and e++ect 3ritin$ a c!,p!siti!n !n en(ir!n,enta% iss es 3ritin$ a s ,,ar&

Ca se and e++ect re%ati!ns-ip

LEVEL 1 a. S-arin$ e*periences !n ne1 enc! nters 0. C!,p%etin$ a

E*c-an$e ideas and !pini!ns R!%e;p%a&in$ #e0ate5F!r ,


INTERPERSONAL USE && & &' (10 21 S)4=) 1.1 E*c-an$e in+!r,ati!n a0! t c!,,!n interests 1." Ta%k a0! t !ne<s +ee%in$s and pre+erences 1.' E*c-an$e ideas and !pini!ns !n t!pics !+ c rrent interest 1.. )ake a c!,p%aint a0! t a ser(ice and resp!nd t! a c!,p%aint ".0 LANGUAGE FOR INFOR)ATIONAL USE ".1 Listen t! a c!n(ersati!n9 state 1-at te*t is a0! t9 n!te i,p!rtant detai%s "." Read a re$ %ar c!% ,n in a ne1spaper9 scan +!r detai%s ".' Identi+& s pp!rtin$ detai%s9 ,ake in+erences9 nderstand c!nte*t c% es "..S ,,ari8e9 identi+& ,ain ideas and s pp!rtin$ detai%s '.1 Take n!tes !+ t-e te*t -eard '." #ra1 c!nc% si!ns '.' 3rite t! a re$ %ar c!% ,n +!r a ne1spaper ..0 LANGUAGE FOR AESTHETIC USE: RE?ISION

c!n(ersati!n c. Listenin$ and c!,p%etin$ a ta0%e d. Readin$ an artic%e e. R!%e;p%a&in$ LEVEL 2 a. )akin$ en: iries 0. Gi(in$ !pini!ns c. Findin$ s&n!n&,s sin$ t-e t-esa r s d. C!,p%etin$ t-e se: ence !+ e(ents e. Rearran$in$ t-e se: ence !+ e(ents LEVEL & a. 3ritin$ a c!,p!siti!n 0. 3ritin$ a s ,,ar& c. 3ritin$ a dia%!$ e 0ased !n a p!e,

3ritin$ a speec-: #e0ate


&* & &( (2' S)4= * O%=)

CHAPTER FIFTEEN: PEACE 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE 1.1 Ta%k a0! t !ne<s +ee%in$s 1." 3rite a ,essa$e 1.' E*c-an$e ideas and !pini!ns !n t!pics !+ c rrent interest 1.. Read an artic%e and $i(e !pini!ns 1./ Initiate and keep a disc ssi!n $!in$ ".0 LANGUAGE FOR INFOR)ATIONAL USE ".1 Listen t! a p 0%ic ,essa$e "." Read e*cerpts +r!, ,essa$es ".' S ,,ari8e9 ens re reada0i%it& ".. Predict ! tc!,es "./ 3rite a p 0%ic ,essa$e '.0 LANGUAGE FOR AESTHETIC USE: RE?ISION

a. 0. c. d. e. +.

LEVEL 1 Readin$ a0! t pe!p%e<s e*perience. S-arin$ +ee%in$s Listenin$ t! a c!n(ersati!n Ski,,in$ and scannin$ t! identi+& +acts !r !pini!ns Usin$ t-esa r s Readin$ e*cerpts t! deter,ine c-aracteristics LEVEL 2 Listenin$ +!r speci+ic in+!r,ati!n and tickin$ t-e c!rrect ans1er Readin$ and %istin$ c-aracteristics !+ c-aracters LEVEL & Pr!0%e,;s!%(in$ and decisi!n;,akin$ Predictin$ ! tc!,es

Readin$ artic%es !n c rrent iss es 3ritin$: One;1!rd tit%e S ,,ar& 1ritin$

a. 0.

a. 0.


&, (+ 12 O%=)

CHAPTER SI@TEEN: 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE 1.1 Ta%k a0! t !ne<s specia% interests 1." E*c-an$e ideas and !pini!ns !n t!pics !+ c rrent interest 1.' S $$est 1a&s t! s!%(e a pr!0%e, ".0 LANGUAGE FOR INFOR)ATIONAL USE ".1 Read descripti(e acc! nts9 +!%%!1 se: ence !+ ideas "." Listen t! an !pini!n9 identi+& ,ain ideas ".' Identi+& s pp!rtin$ detai%s9 identi+& c!nte*t a% c% es ".. S ,,ari8e9 ens re re%e(ance "./ #ra1 c!nc% si!ns ".2 3rite a descripti(e acc! nt9 app%& pr!cess 1ritin$ ski%%s '.0 LANGUAGE FOR AESTHETIC USE: RE?ISION

a. 0. c. d. a. 0. c. a. 0. c.

LEVEL 1 #ictati!n Readin$ an artic%e !n nati!n<s s ccess C!,p%etin$ a +act s-eet Presentati!n LEVEL 2 A$reein$ !r disa$reein$ 1it- !pini!ns Findin$ 1!rds 1it- t-e sa,e ,eanin$ C!,p%etin$ a cr!ss1!rd p 88%e LEVEL & Initiatin$ and keepin$ a disc ssi!n $!in$ 3ritin$ a s ,,ar& 3ritin$ a descripti(e essa&

3ritin$ a descripti(e essa& ?!ca0 %ar& %ist: Ad6ecti(es and ad(er0s Ad6ecti(a% p-rases Readin$ artic%es !n nati!n<s s ccess


&+8 &1 & '0 (1* O%= 1 N>?)





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