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Furturile comise de angajai reprezint reale probleme pentru orice tip de afacere, indiferent de domeniul de activitate sau de magnitudinea

acesteia. Dac v confruntai cu o astfel de problem, ns v este imposibil s identificai vinovaii, ar fi cazul s apelai la serviciile unui profesionist. Nu o considerai o critic la adresa calitilor dumneavoastr manageriale. De regul acest tip de furt poate surveni fr ca dumneavoastr s fi procedat greit. Trebuie s tii totui c aceast problem trebuie nfruntat urgent. n caz contrar, situaia s-ar putea nruti , iar profitul dumneavoastr ar putea avea de suferit. Foarte multi antreprenori ezit s angajeze un detectiv particular ntruc t se preocup de efectul pe care l-ar putea avea aceast aciune asupra reputaiei lor. Totui, trebuie s luai n considerare faptul c o dat cu inventarul !et so man" business o#ners $esitate on $iring a private detective because t$e" #orr" about #$at it #ill do to t$eir reputation. %f "ou are losing inventor" rapidl" or $ave people ma&ing off #it$ sensitive files, t$en "our reputation is alread" in danger. T$at "ou #ill $onestl" need to do from $ere is ma&e sure t$at "ou are getting a private detective to loo& into t$ings. '$at t$e" can do is bring a fres$ pair of e"es into t$e investigation. Far too often business o#ners are #a" too invested in t$e #a" ever"t$ing loo&s to as& t$e (uestions t$at need to be as&ed, or dig into t$ings t$e #a" a t$ird part" securit" professional #ould. %nvestigative surveillance can also uncover t$ings, but if "ou)ve never set up t$at t"pe of monitoring on "our emplo"ees "ou mig$t not &no# #$ere to get started.

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