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Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology

Department of Electronics & Communication

Subject: Advance Electronics !th Sem" EC#

1) What is emitter couple differential amplifier and explain its working. 2) What is CMRR? What is significant of CMRR? List and explain the methods to impro e the CMRR. !) "xplain the concept of irtual short and irtual ground. #) $p amp is used in in erting % non in erting mode R1&'k( % R)&1**k( and +cc ,1' % input oltage 2' m - calculate output

oltage. ') .ustif/ /our answer wh/ op0amp is called as multistage amplifier? 1) 2raw the fre3uenc/ response of 4ransistor amplifier and explain in detail. 5) Which are the factors that are responsi6le for reduction in gain at Low fre3uenc/- explain in detail. 7) Which are the factors that are responsi6le for reduction in gain at 8igh fre3uenc/- explain in detail. 9) 2raw the h parameter model of transistor and deri e the e3uation of hie - hoe - hfe and hre. 1*) 2raw the 8igh fre3uenc/ e3ui alent model of 4ransistor. 11) 2raw the 8/6rid Model of 4ransistor and explain all the parameters.

&ast data for submission of Assignment is '($')$('%)"

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