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Kimbeily Pietiis

Classioom uuiuance Lesson: Bow to Choose a College

Naich 7, 2u1S

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*(%"(+%,) The puipose of this lesson is to encouiage high school stuuents to iuentify
peisonal, euucational, anu caieei inteiests to biing focus to theii college seaich anu post-
seconuaiy planning. The multituue of consiueiations involveu in choosing a college is
exploieu. Stuuents will leain to uevelop goals anu align theii inteiests with post-seconuaiy
plans. This lesson will infoim stuuents about how to make the best choice foi themselves,
using the "Finuing youi Fit" woiksheet as a tool, along with a uemonstiation of the College
view Inteinet seaich instiument.

/0 Foi stuuents to iuentify theii peisonal, acauemic anu caieei piefeiences.
10 To impiove stuuent focus among numeious highei euucation possibilities.
20 To expose stuuents to vaiious facets of college life to geneiate excitement anu
motivation foi college attenuance.
30 To teach stuuents how to peifoim a college seaich using the Inteinet.
40 To pioviue web iesouices foi fuithei exploiation.

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A: AS - Achieve School Success
A: AS: 2 Bevelop a bioau iange of inteiests anu abilities
A: AS: S Bemonstiate uepenuability, piouuctivity, anu initiative
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A: B1 - Impiove leaining
A: B1: 1 Bemonstiate motivation to achieve inuiviuual potential
A: B1: 4 Seek infoimation anu suppoit fiom faculty, staff, family, anu peeis
A: B2 - Plan to achieve goals
A: B2: 4 Apply knowleuge of aptituues anu inteiests to goal setting
A: B2: S 0se pioblem-solving anu uecision-making skills to assess piogiess towaiu
euucational goals
A: B2: 7 Iuentify post-seconuaiy options consistent with inteiest, achievement,
aptituue, anu abilities
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A: C1 - Relate school to life expeiiences
A: C1: 4 Bemonstiate an unueistanuing of the value of lifelong leaining as essential
to seeking, obtaining, anu maintaining life goals
A: C1: 6 0nueistanu how school success anu acauemic achievement enhance futuie
caieei anu vocational oppoitunities
Kimbeily Pietiis
Classioom uuiuance Lesson: Bow to Choose a College
Naich 7, 2u1S

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C: A1 - Bevelop caieei awaieness
C: A1: 1 Bevelop skills to locate, evaluate, anu inteipiet caieei infoimation
C: A1: S Bevelop an awaieness of peisonal abilities, skills, inteiests, anu motivations
C: A1: S Leain to make uecisions
C: A1: 7 0nueistanu the impoitance of planning
C: A1: 9 Bevelop hobbies anu vocational inteiests
C: A2 - Bevelop employment ieauiness
C: A2: 7 Bevelop a positive attituue towaiu woik anu leaining
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C: B1 - Acquiie caieei infoimation
C: B1: 1 Apply uecision-making skills to caieei planning, couise selection anu caieei
C: B1: 2 Iuentify peisonal skills, inteiests, anu abilities anu ielate them to cuiient
caieei choice
C: B1: 6 Leain to use the Inteinet to access caieei-planning infoimation
C: B2 - Iuentify caieei goals
C: B2: 4 Select couise woik that is ielateu to caieei inteiests
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C: C1 - Acquiie knowleuge to achieve caieei goals
C: C1: S Iuentify peisonal piefeiences anu inteiests influencing caieei choice anu

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PS: A1 - Acquiie self knowleuge
PS: A1: 2 Iuentify values, attituues anu beliefs
PS: A1: 1u Iuentify peisonal stiengths anu assets

Computei anu uisplay scieen foi PoweiPoint
Naikeis foi whiteboaiu
"Finuing youi Fit" woiksheet
Post Test Activity woiksheet

Kimbeily Pietiis
Classioom uuiuance Lesson: Bow to Choose a College
Naich 7, 2u1S

ASCA Leaueiship anu Achievement stanuaius emphasize that all stuuents anu families
shoulu have "full access to caieei anu college uevelopment infoimation anu cuiiicula
thioughout theii K-12 expeiience" (Eifoiu, 2u11, p. 11S). This piesentation was uesigneu
baseu on the iuea that with gieatei exposuie to college planning anu encouiagement of
success, moie stuuents may be likely to puisue highei euucation. Ny peisonal uiscussions
with piofessional school counselois have ievealeu a neeu to piesent infoimation about
how stuuents can navigate theii inteiests anu options in choosing a college. With
thousanus of highei euucation institutions in the 0niteu States alone, high school stuuents
face an oveiwhelming numbei of choices in planning foi life aftei giauuation. Because of
the stiessful anu multi-faceteu natuie of the college seaich piocess, theie is a gieat ueal of
mysteiy about wheie to focus. By helping stuuents to exploie theii peisonal goals,
acauemic inteiests, anu caieei plans, they will be bettei equippeu to focus on what is
impoitant to them.

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As a pietest measuie piioi to beginning the PoweiPoint, I will use the biainstoimeu list of
chaiacteiistics on the whiteboaiu to gauge stuuents' initial knowleuge about this topic. As
a posttest, I will utilize a self-uesigneu piocess evaluation foim. This uata will assess
stuuents' peiceptions of what they leaineu fiom the piesentation; theii likelihoou of
utilizing the inteinet seaich tools; theii likelihoou to seek counseling help in futuie
planning; theii sense of focus in examining peisonal, acauemic, anu caieei inteiests anu
values; theii futuie plans to visit anu exploie colleges; anu any auuitional infoimation that
woulu be helpful to theii planning piocess. The uiscussion of what stuuents have leaineu
about themselves thiough the "Finuing Youi Fit" woiksheets will also pioviue infoimation
about what was paiticulaily salient.

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1. Intiouuction anu explanation of a school counseloi's iole.
2. Biief explanation of the iationale foi this topic.
S. 0pen question to the class asking how many stuuents have visiteu a college oi
univeisity, anu what stoou out to them. Biainstoim a list on the boaiu of valueu
chaiacteiistics in selecting highei euucation institutions.
4. Bistiibute the "Finuing Youi Fit" woiksheet.
S. Commence PoweiPoint Piesentation.
6. Allocate time to complete "Finuing Youi Fit" woiksheet.
7. Select a volunteei to assist in uemonstiating a piactice college seaich using the ciiteiia uesigneu to assess best fit.
8. Wiap up final thoughts on PoweiPoint; enteitain stuuent questions.
9. Bistiibute Post Test. Biscuss what stuuents leaineu fiom the piesentation.
1u. Concluue by pointing out the Seaich Resouices on the back of theii woiksheets, anu
by encouiaging stuuents to visit the School Counseling 0ffice with any questions in
the piocess of theii college seaich. Pioviue my peisonal contact infoimation anu
inuicate wheie the School Counseling 0ffice is locateu within the school.
Kimbeily Pietiis
Classioom uuiuance Lesson: Bow to Choose a College
Naich 7, 2u1S


Eifoiu, B.T. (Eu.). (2u11). Tiansfoiming the School Counseling Piofession, S
Boston, NA: Peaison.

Bobsons, Inc. (2u1S). College view. Retiieveu fiom

New Yoik State Bighei Euucation Seivices Coipoiation. (2u1S). College anu caieei
planning. Retiieveu fiom

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