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---Child Welfare Reform and Family Support Association---Our Strategic Plan--*Plan will always be open to revision

Our mission is to: provide assistance, advocacy and support for child welfare involved families, work towards a child welfare system that more than adequately protects and supports both the child and the family they were born into and to change attitudes and social institutions that foster and perpetuate violence against the poor family.

Our 20 ! - 2020 Strategic Plan

Fi"e-year #ision$ By ! !, "hild #elfare $eform and %amily &upport 'ssociation will be well(known in the &eattle community as the primary resource for family support)preservation and a recogni*ed partner in system wide reform efforts. +he agency,s e-pertise and cultural competence will be informed by the involvement of family participants, and by a committed group of women and men: board, staff and volunteers reflective of the community. +he agency,s services will be sustained by a wealth of human, financial, and technological resources, widely used, and reflective of an ever(widening circle of involved community members. Strategic %irections &.PPO$+/01 &1$0/"1&: &trengthen the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of supportive services. &O"/'2 "3'451: &trategically e-pand social change and prevention efforts. "O66.4/+7 &.PPO$+: /ncrease community involvement and support. O$5'4/8'+/O4'2 31'2+3: &trengthen the organi*ation,s human resources, technology and financial health. Outcomes &.PPO$+/01 &1$0/"1&: .sing national 9:ocumenting Our #ork9 tools to document child welfare involved family input and positive outcomes; using family input and program outcomes to improve program services; in contractual compliance; anti(racism)classism, social <ustice and cultural competency commitment is evident. &O"/'2 "3'451: /ncreased knowledge and skills of families and stakeholders to support positive change in the system and to create effective self advocates; increased knowledge and skills of service providers to better assist families; increased knowledge)awareness of how families break down and how often times, the child welfare system assists in the breakdown rather than help alleviate the problems and pressures that contribute to the breakdown in family

integrity of poor)marginali*ed families. :evelopment of programs)services that empower families =+each to fish> and sustained involvement in legislative change. "O66.4/+7 &.PPO$+: /ncreased community partnerships; increased number of volunteers and volunteer hours; increased number of donors; increased revenue from individual contributions; increased participation by those who have had no direct e-perience with the child welfare system either as a child or a parent, relative, community organi*ation, or other areas of the child welfare system. O$5'4/8'+/O4'2 31'2+3: "apable staff, board and volunteers are attracted and retained, with commitment to leadership of survivors evident; asset management plan has been integrated into agency practices; ?(@ months in reserves through increased revenue and intentional budgeting; appropriate internal technology infrastructure in place to support mission; technology utili*ed more fully and creatively to achieve organi*ational goals. Other goals$ A> %irst office > Our new dynamic website will be completely finished ?> have four annual fundraising events scheduled = smaller ones, A medium and A large event.> &early 'hemes 20 ! Who are (e) *etting started$ +uilding our ,oard- "olunteer capacity and in"ol"ement- affording pt.ft staff and increased "isi,ility/ 20 0
20 2

Focus on organi1ational health/

Focus on agency-(ide discussion and consensus on direction for social change/ 20 3 Focus on agency-(ide discussion and consensus on community support/ 20 4 Focus on inno"ation in supporti"e ser"ices/ 20 5 6"aluate progress to(ard outcomes/ 2020 7dentify areas of future gro(th/

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