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Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing this letter as an answer to your invitation from your English-language magazine The Buzz

to readers to share their experience with making an important decision. I want to write about my choice of the faculty I want to fallow and what domain of activity I want to take part in. I am in my last year of highschool and, as all other teenagers in this situation , I had to make a decission regarding my future and what I want to do after graduating. It was far from a simple decission but I had to deal with it, since I was under pressure of time. After taking in consideration a few options like mathematics and computer science I turned to engineering. I decided to fallow the courses of an engineering university, with specialization in information engineering and minor in electronical engineering. I took the decision mostly because of my passions for mathematics , computers and physics concerned with electricity. Even so, an important argument in favor of this decision is the wide range of oppurtunities I have after graduation. I can become an engineer, programmer, researcher, algorithm or web designer. Also, the minor in electronics broadens my horizon even further, allowing me to work in telecommunications or sound engineering. The consequences of my decision are obvious , since it will affect all my life after graduation. I have to be happy both during my studies and after that, and I also have to earn enough money with what I will be doing. Since the information industry is booming I am sure that there will be enough jobs which I will enjoy. I am looking forward to hearing from you and I hope my letter will be in your next issue of the magazine. Yours faithfully, Peter Cold

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