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Problem Solving Skills

Solve Problems with Creative and Critical Thinking


Quote by John Dewey

A problem well stated

is a problem

half solved.
John Dewey


IBM Copyright 2014

Apply our Practices when solving problems.

One Purpose Nine Practices

Three Values


IBM Copyright 2014

Apply the five-step problem-solving process.

3- Brainstorm

1 - Identify

2- Analyze

4- Select

5- Implement

Critical thinking

Creative thinking

Critical thinking


IBM Copyright 2014

Lets work on a problem together.

Steps 1 What is the problem? 2 What are the causes? 3 What are the possible solutions? 4 Whats the best solution? Responses

5 What will success look like?


IBM Copyright 2014

Problem 1: Nobody takes me seriously.

1 Identify 2 Analyze 3 Brainstorm 4 Select 5 Implement


IBM Copyright 2014

Problem 1: Nobody takes me seriously.

Let people know about your skills and previous experiences Bring new insights or knowledge to the table so people can see your value Dont be shy about letting others know about your connections to others


IBM Copyright 2014

Problem 2: How do I get stuff done when everybody else has a different idea?

1 Identify 2 Analyze 3 Brainstorm 4 Select 5 Implement


IBM Copyright 2014

Problem 2: How do I get stuff done when everybody else has a different idea?

Map out the problem as a team try a mind map. This shows the ideas and elements of any problem and how they relate. Use it to help share thinking and build a common view. Identify the elements you can control. Where can you make an impact with your team? In clarifying roles? Coordinating activity? Handoffs?


IBM Copyright 2014

Next time you have a problem

Be solution-focused not problem focused Be open - no idea is a bad idea! Be lateral in your thinking look for a solution that might be the opposite of what you need Keep asking why and why not!



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Questions and Answers



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Visit the Employee Learning Wiki for more ideas.



IBM Copyright 2014

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