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Brbulescu Vasile Daniel Anul II, seria I, grupa I

Text 1

Lucy Liu renvie moda anilor !"

#u$ine perioade o nc%nt pe Lucy Liu ca cea a anilor 1&!"' () atrage ideea de a aduce n *ilele noastre o $inut tradi$ional, speci+ic acelor vremuri, d%ndu,i o not de prospe$ime'-, spune Lucy Liu, al crei persona., )ia, conduce o publica$ie ne/yor0e* n paginile creia apar $inute deosebite de la Dolce 1 2abbana, Valentino 3i 4ac5el 4oy' 6u toate c roc5ia ncre$it din organ*a, marca 65ristian Lacroix, cu imprimeu +loral 3i abstract, ar +i putut aprea cu u3urin$ pe coperta unei reviste de mod din timpul celui de,al Doilea 4*boi )ondial, Lucy Liu i d n plus un su+lu modern 3i distinct' (#e atunci, +emeile aveau acel ceva elegant 3i erotic, datorat taliei de viespe pe care o aveau 3i centurilor pe care le purtau'-, declar ea' #e platou, vedeta de trei*eci 3i nou de ani este nc%ntat s,o priveasc pe creatoarea de costume, #atricia 7ield, cum +ace o adevrat magie vestimentar dintr,un mix de texturi speciale 3i podoabe' ()ai deun*i, persona.ul pe care,l interprete* trebuia s poarte o roc5ie aurie din lam8 cu dungi, o curea de nuan$a ca+elei, colan$i negri 3i cercei ver*i' 9 contagios'-, spune Liu, care, n ultimul timp, e mai atras de combinarea ludic a 5ainelor dec%t de asortarea lor' Text :

; educa$ie adecvat

Am ieit din coal i din +acultate, av%nd capul plin de in+orma$ii< n orice ca*, su+iciente pentru a trece toate examinrile care mi,au aprut n cale' 7iindun om bine educat, m,am a3teptat ca munca mea s +ie +loare la urce5e, o munc n care intelectul meu mi,ar +i permis s excele* +r a +ace vreun e+ort exagerat' #rin urmare, a +ost ca un oc s m con+runt cu lumea exterioar pentru prima dat i s reali*e* c am +ost teribil de prost

ec5ipat, nu numai n activitile necesare pentru a,i c%tiga traiul, dar, i mai important, pentru a +ace +a tuturor deci*iilor noi care s,au ivit, at%t n via, c%t i la munc' #rimii mei anga.atori au +ost destul de clari= ai o gandire bine educat, dar neinstruit, mi,au spus, pe care vom ncerca acum s,o umplem cu ceva +olositor, dar nu te g%ndi c vei valora ceva pentru noi n primii 1" ani' Am +ost norocos s dau peste un anga.ator dispus s investeasc at%t de mult timp n ceea ce eram, de+apt, n educaia mea adevrat, i ar trebuit s m simt mereu vinovat c i,am prsit dup acei 1" ani' ; minte instruit corect nu merit tratat cu dispre, dar n cur%nd aveam s descopr c g%ndirea mea a +ost educat s respecte un anumit tipar, n timp ce, acum, o mare parte din mine trebuie s +ac +a situaiilor noi' (6are este costul de v%n*are>- este o problem nc5is, una cu un rspuns care poate +i corect sau greit' (6e ar trebui s +acem n legtur cu asta>- este o problem desc5is, una cu un numr mare de rspunsuri posibile, i nu am deloc experien n a lua ast+el de 5otr%ri' Am a.uns s reali*e* c, a ti rspunsul corect la o ntrebare, nu era acelai lucru cu a +ace o di+eren la o situaie, ceea ce era lucurul pentru care trebuia s +iu pltit' Dar, cel mai ru dintre toate, adevrata problem desc5is ncepuse s,mi dea t%rcoale' Am +ost educat ntr,o cultur individualist' ?corurile erau ale mele' @imeni altcineva nu a intervenit, cu excepia competitorilor ntr,o curs imaginar' Am +ost pe cont propriu n acest .oc de nvare la coal i la +acultate' @u i n munca mea, am reali*at cur%nd' 7iind un star individual, nu m,ar +i a.utat dac a +i +ost ntr,un grup in+erior' Destinele noastre erau unite, ceea ce a nsemnat c colaboratorii mei erau acum colegi, i nu competitori' 9c5ipele erau ceva ce nt%lnisem pe terenul de sport, nu n clas' 9le erau n compartimentul amu*ant din mintea mea, nu n cele marcate cu munc sau c5iar via' @oua mea provocare, am descoperit, era s mbin aceste trei compartimente' Am descoperit, mai bine mai t%r*iu dec%t niciodat, necesitatea pre*enei celorlali' A +ost debutul educaiei mele adevrate' Deci eti absolvent, nu,i aa> mi,a spus managerul meu de v%n*ri' An literatura clasic, nu,i aa> @u cred c asta i va impresiona pe v%n*torii notri c5ine*i' 6um i propui s le c%tigi respect+ul, de vreme ce te vei ocupa de unii din ei +oarte puin timp> Alt problem desc5is' @u m,am lovit niciodat de oameni +oarte di+erii mie, cu valori i ipote*e di+erite, despre modul n care +uncionea* lumea, sau ar trebuie s +uncione*e' @ici mcar nu am nt%lnit pe cineva mai btr%n dec%t mine cu mai mult de doi ani, cu excep ia rudelor sau a pro+esorilor' 9xploatarea cultural era un process necunoscut mie, i nu am +ost

obinuit s +iu considerat prost sau ignorant, ceea ce cu siguran eram, n privina aspectelor care contau n lumea lor' 9ducaia mea, am decis atunci, era de+icitar' )are parte din ceea ce am nvat a +ost irelevant, n timp ce procesul de nv%are mi,a cultivat un set de aptitudini i comportamente care erau total opuse de ceea ce prea s +ie important n viaa real' Dei am studiat +ilo*o+ia, nu am aplicat,o i n ceea ce m privete' Am presupus c scopul vie ii era evident= s te reali*e*i, s devii bogat, s te cstoreti i s,i +aci o +amilie' Ancepuse s,mi +ie clar c viaa mea nu era at%t de simpl' An tot ceea ce credeam, i lucrurile pentru care merit s munceti, i oamenii pentru care se merit s munceti, aceste lucruri deveneau importante' 9ram at%t de preocupat n legtur cu ceea ce puteam +ace eu, nu numai pentru a c% tiga bani, c%t i pentru a +i util' Ar +i bine s m g%ndesc c acest gen de experien nu s,ar putea nt%mpla acum, c ast*i colile noatre i pregtesc mai bine pe oameni pentru via i pentru munca care este at%t de esenial unei viei implinite' Dar m ndoiesc' Disciplinele poate c par mai relevante, dar nc suntem lsai s nvm despre munc la locul de munc i despre via trind,o' Asta va +i mereu valabil, dar cred c am putea +ace mai multe pentru a ne asigura c procesul educaional are mai multe n comun cu viaa i cu munca, +a de c%te are n pre*ent, ast+el nc%t impactul cu realitatea s +ie mai puin dur'

9ssay 1 ;n learning +oreign languages

@o/adays, everyone /ants to learn a +oreign language' 7or example, in 7rance many people learn 9nglis5, because i+ you 0no/ 9nglis5, you can get a better .ob' In +act, 0no/ing any ot5er language besides your o/n can be a plus' Learning a /orld language li0e 7renc5 or 9nglis5 can be very use+ul /5en traveling in a +oreign country, given t5e +act t5at you /onBt 5ave any problems to communicate /it5 t5e peopleyou meet t5ere' I /ant to +ocus on 9nglis5 t5oug5, because itBs t5e +irst and t5e only +oreign IBve learned' In 4omania, t5e c5ildren begin to learn t5is language since 0indergarden , and t5e process goes on t5roug5 primary sc5ool, 5ig5 sc5ool and, o+ course, college' 9nglis5 ?tudies is, in +act, an academic discipline t5at t5ose /5o /ant to improve t5eir 9nglis5 can c5oose , i+ t5ey /ant to study 9nglis5 literature and 9nglis5 grammar' I started to learn t5is language in t5e +ourt5 grade, but I 5ave to say t5at at +irst I did not li0e it very muc5' It seemed to me t5at it is di++icult to learn it and t5at I didnBt really

needed to 0no/ suc5 a language' I did not understand /5y it is necessary to 0no/ 9nglis5 and /5at /ere t5e adventages' I 5ave to admit t5at +or a long period o+ time I did not care very muc5 +or 9nglis5, until one day /5en I sa/ +or t5e +irst time in my li+e a +ilm on VC?' I t5in0 I /as about t/elve years old' T5e +ilm is called Edward Scissorhands and it /as directed by Tim Burton Dmy +avourite movie directorE' Fo5nny Depp /5o plays t5e main c5aracter in t5e movie is p5enomenalG Ce brings t5e c5aracters in 5is movies to li+e so /ell t5at it is 5ard to believe t5at 5e is acting' DeppHs per+ormance /as very good, and I /as annoyed by t5e +act t5at I didnBt understand a /ord 5e said' ?o, t5at +ilm spar0ed my desire to learn 9nglis5' 7rom t5at day on I started to care+ully /atc5 every American or Britis5 movie t5at /as on TV, to analy*e /5at t5e actors /ere saying, 5o/ t5ey pronounce t5e /ords, in order to learn ?5a0espeareBs language' T5at, doubled by t5e 9nglis5 classes I /as ta0ing at sc5ool /5ic5 implied 5ome/or0 and ot5er assignments, 5elped me to learn 9nglis5' Learning a +oreign language ma0es you more open minded and culturally sensitive' T5at is a +act' It allo/s you to experience anot5er culture, to 0no/ it and to trully understand its core'I+ you visit a +oreign country, you /ill 5ave a more pleasant experience and greater understanding o+ t5at countryBs culture, i+ you spea0 t5eir language' Anot5er 0no/n bene+it is t5at it 5elps you to develop your mental ability' )any sc5olars believe t5at studying a +oreign language improves t5e cognitive development o+ t5e brain' In t5e past, people primarily regarded t5e learning o+ a +oreign language as a mental discipline t5at developes intellectual capacity' To summari*e, learning a second language is an incredible experience and it 5elps you on your your day to day activities'

9ssay : 7ood 1 drin0s

7ood is a basic need o+ 5umans and /e all 0no/ t5at 5ealt5y eating is extremely important +or normal gro/t5 and development' In t5is s5ort essay I /ant to +ocus on t5e idea o+ 5ealt5y eating' I5at is it> In order to 5ave a 5eat5y li+e /e 5ave to eat t5e rig5t Juantity o+ +ood +rom various types o+ +ood' T5at means /e mustnBt only eat meat or strictly vegetables, our diet s5ould be diverse, given t5e +act t5at one single group o+ +ood canBt preovide all t5e vitamins and nutrients t5at our body needs' Beside t5at, excessive eating is also 5arm+ul, beacuse it leads to obesity and diabetes'

T5e 0ind o+ +ood t5at /e must avoid is t5e preprocessed +ood' ?ometimes, due to our busy li+e /e donBt 5ave time to prepare 5ealt5y +ood Dcoo0ed +ood or ra/ +ood saladsE, so /e c5oose to buy and eat preprocessed +ood or +ro*en +ood, because it ta0es less time to be coo0ed' T5e scientists 5ave discovered t5at +res5 +ood o++ers optimal nutrition, /5ile processing decreases nutrient content' ?o t5atBs /5y I rarely eat preprocessed +ood' 7ood cand be divided into +ive categories, as +ollo/s= aEbeans, eggs, +is5 and meat< bE mill0 and dairy +oods< cE vegetables and +ruits< dE +oods t5at contain sugar and +at< eE starc5y +ood Dbread, pasta, rice etc'E' ItBs /ell 0no/n t5at vegetables and +ruits are a vital source o+ vitamins and minerals, t5atBs /5y I li0e to eat salads Dgreen salad, vegetables saladE t5at include tomatoes, onion and cucumber' I usually serve t5em /it5 a sauce, a dressing or balsamic vinegar' Anot5er vegetarian +ood t5at I really en.oy is t5e garlic soup' It contains among ot5ers blac0 pepper, olive oil, s/eet papri0a, garlic, eggs and vegetable brot5' Kou can serve it /it5 a slice od tomato toast' I 5ave to say t5at itBs t5e per+ect dis5 +or a lig5t lunc5' 7renc5 +ries /ere my +avourite +ood as a c5ild, but as I gre/ my +ood pre+erences 5ave c5anged' @o/, I li0e to eat more 5ealt5y, but t5at doesnBt mean I donBt still eat t5ings li0e +renc5 +ries or L76 spicy /ings' T5e only di++erence is t5at I reali*ed 5o/ important is to 5ave a 5ealt5y diet, so I try to balance +res5 +ood and preprocessed +ood' 7or example, I coo0 and eat +is5 as o+ten as I can, given t5e +act t5at is a good source o+ vitamins and minerals' I also li0e to eat dairy products beacuse t5ey contain calcium, /5ic5 is very good +or t5e bone system' 4egarding drin0s, I avoid carbonated beverages and t5ose beverages t5at contain ca++eine' @evert5eless, I li0e co++ee' Tea is one o+ my Mguilty pleasures-, and I pre+er c5amomile tea and lime tea' I usually drin0 a cup o+ tea late at nig5t be+ore I go to sleep because it relaxes me' IBm /ell a/are t5at drin0ing tea 5as many bene+its, +or example= it 5as t/o to t5ree times less ca++eine t5an co++ee, it reduces t5e ris0 o+ 5eart attac0 and stro0e, its antioxidants protect us against cancer etc' To summari*e, +ood is esential and it mig5t be a priority, but /e s5ould be care+ul /5at /e eat' Ie s5ould adopt a 5ealt5y diet'

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