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Lenka Koutn Halftime in America

June, 3rd 2012

Nowaday , in t!e era of con umeri m and main tream, ad"erti in# and marketin# a a w!ole make a i#nificant $art of our e"eryday li"e % &t i omet!in# we cannot a"oid nor i#nore no matter !ow !ard we try% &t $read to u from "ariou kind of media, 'ein# it (), radio, new $a$er , $am$!let in t!e $o t 'o*e , 'ill'oard on t!e ide of t!e road% &t i ea y to under tand t!e ea#er of com$anie to ad"erti e t!eir $roduct % (!e main #oal of t!e ad"erti in# i im$le + to $er uade t!e con umer,cu tomer to 'uy t!e $roduct and to make a muc! $rofit a $o i'le% (!e way !ow to $er uade can 'e ne"erendin#% .ne of t!em i to !ow t!at t!e $roduct ad"erti ed i t!e 'e t one amon# all ot!er offered on t!e market 'ecau e many $roduct are identical% (!e mo t im$ortant element of e"ery commercial i t!e tar#et #rou$ to w!ic! t!e $roduct i directed% &t i nece ary for t!e com$any to under tand t!e cu tomer wit! !i need , want , 'elief and "alue % (o $ut it im$le, it i nece ary to know e"eryt!in# a'out !im or !er% &t i t!e mo t im$ortant link 'etween t!e ucce , and failure of t!e $roduct ad"erti ed and t!e future of t!e com$any a well% He decide if t!e $roduct i #ood for !im or not and t!i deci ion i $artially made on t!e commercial concernin# t!e $roduct% &n my $a$er, & will focu on "ariou a $ect of t!e c!o en commercial, lin#ui tic 'ein# an e ential $art of t!e analy i % /y intention i to !ow t!at t!i commercial i not a con"entional one and alt!ou#! t!e aim of e"ery commercial i to ad"erti e and ell t!e $roduct, ometime it i not an un'reaka'le rule 0a i t!e ca e of t!i commercial1% 2ometime e"en an unu ual way to ad"erti e t!e $roduct can 'e ucce ful and to ome e*tent al o c!allen#in#% & !a"e c!o en Halftime in America commercial, 'ecau e it wa a $art of commercial 'lock durin# t!i year N3L 2u$er 4owl% &t i an annual, e"en mo t im$ortant, $ort e"ent in t!e 5nited 2tate + a national !oliday for all American % 4ut it i al o a 'i# day for ad"erti er and com$anie % &t i a day w!en t!ey can !ow t!eir under tandin# of t!e true art ad"erti in#% (!ere are e"eral commercial 'reak wit! trin# of commercial wit! t!e len#t! from 30 econd to e"eral minute % 4ecau e t!i e"ent i !i#!ly antici$ated amon# all o"er t!e country, t!e $rice of t!e commercial time i "ery e*$en i"e% /a6ority of t!e commercial !own are u$$o ed to entertain t!e "iewer % 4ut in t!e ca e of t!i commercial we can ay t!at t!e e*$ectation of t!e "iewer were not fulfilled% (!e main #oal wa to make t!e $eo$le t!ink a'out t!eir country, li"e , !o$e and fear of t!e future + to$ic w!ic! are not "ery $lea ant and can 'e con idered not $refera'le in ad"erti in#% &t wa created in order to en ure t!e American t!at life can 'e !ard ometime , 'ut t!e tron# one can #et t!rou#! e"eryt!in#% 7!en we talk a'out t!e American we can ay t!at t!ey are t!e tar#et #rou$ for w!ic! t!e commercial i created% 7e !a"e to 'ear in mind t!at 'ecau e t!e 2u$er 4owl i !i#!ly antici$ated $ort e"ent in t!e 52A t!e tar#et #rou$ i di"er e% &t i true t!at durin# t!o e $ort #ame t!e mo t im$ortant audience are male % (!erefore t!e $roduct ad"erti ed are

tar#eted toward male cu tomer a well% &n t!i ca e, we cannot ay w!o wa t!e intended tar#et #rou$ a t!e $ro#ramme i "iewed amon# $eo$le of "ariou #ender, a#e and al o ocial $o ition% 3ir t of all, & would like to analy e 'riefly t!e "i ual $art of t!e commercial% &t i a tory told t!rou#! word 'ut al o ima#e % &n t!e 'e#innin# of t!e commercial we can ee a $er on walkin# and t!ere i ome man $eakin# in t!e 'ack#round% 7e cannot ee t!e face and it i !ard to reco#ni8e w!o t!e $er on i % (!ere are ima#e of olicited country and town% (!i e"oke t!e feelin# of em$tine % (!en ordinary $eo$le in t!e mornin# a$$ear, $re$arin# t!em el"e for t!e day% &t i only after ome time t!at t!e man e*$o e 06u t 'riefly1 and we can reco#ni8e w!o !e i % He i !owe"er not t!e mo t im$ortant $art of t!e commercial and t!erefore t!ere i not muc! em$!a i $ut on !i $er on% (!e main fi#ure of t!e commercial i a well-known actor and director - 9lint :a twood% &t i rat!er unu ual for t!e $rota#oni t to !a"e uc! a "oice% 3or ome, t!e tone and t!e colour of t!e "oice can 'e rat!er un$lea ant, may'e too !ar !% &n t!e ma6ority of commercial it i $refera'le t!at t!e "oice i oft and kind 0u ually female "oice1% 4ut in t!i ca e t!e "oice function a a mean to !ow t!e e*$erience and tru twort!ine of t!e $er on and al o t!e $roduct% &t i a ociated wit! t!e e*$erience of t!e elderly man w!o know omet!in# a'out life and !i word !ould 'e taken eriou ly% Hi knowled#e and e*$erience are al o !own in !i "i a#e 0wrinkle !owin# t!e 6oy and mi ad"enture of !uman life1% (!i a#ain $ut em$!a i on t!e me a#e of t!e commercial and force t!e con umer to focu on t!e word $oken 0 Ive seen a lot of tough eras, a lot of downturns in my life and times when we didnt understand each other.)% Al o !i 'ody lan#ua#e i con idered to 'e of older #eneration, !e walk lowly and !ow di#nity and e"en $ride% He i not o"erly ener#etic and doe not di tract t!e attention of t!e con umer% (!i i al o t!e ca e of t!e "i ual $art of t!e commercial w!ic! will 'e 'riefly mentioned in t!e final $art of t!e $a$er% 9on iderin# t!e colour of t!e commercial u ually t!ere are "i'rant colour , e"okin# 6oy and !a$$ine % 4ut in t!i ca e t!e colour are rat!er dark and toned down% (!ey do not di tur' t!e attention of t!e con umer and di tract !im o !e or !e can focu olely on t!e me a#e and t!e word $oken% (!e me a#e deli"ered i al o u$$orted 'y t!e ima#e !own durin# t!e commercial% 7e can ay t!at t!e u e of 'lack and w!ite $icture 0$ortray of $eo$le1 i rat!er dark and $e imi tic 'ut in t!i ca e it i u ed to u$$ort t!e real world and e"oke ordinarine a well% Al o t!e face e*$re ion of t!e econdary $artici$ant are im$ortant, !owin# fear, uncertainty, 'ut on t!e ot!er !and al o !o$e, fait! and emotional in"ol"ement% (!e $icture are al o !own in low motion w!ic! a#ain doe not di tract t!e attention of t!e con umer% Alt!ou#! it i $refera'le for t!e commercial to 'e "i'rant, ener#etic, and full of action, al o in t!i a $ect i t!e commercial uncon"entional% A for t!e lin#ui tic $art of t!e commercial, it i an e ential one% (!e w!ole commercial i 'a ed on t!e me a#e deli"ered t!rou#! t!e $eec! of t!e man% &n t!e commercial we can analy e t!e u e of meta$!or % 3or e*am$le, t!ere i t!e e*$re ion halftime mentioned many time % 0Its halftime. Both teams are in their locker room discussing what they can do to win this game in the second half. Its halftime in America,

too%1 (!i !a a literal a well a meta$!orical meanin#% 3ir t, t!e !alftime mean a $ro$er $au e in t!e middle of t!e $ort e"ent 0in t!i ca e a foot'all #ame1% A time w!en t!e $layer #o to t!e locker room and try to focu on t!e ne*t !alf of t!e #ame and t!e $erformance% /eta$!orically, !alftime mean a time w!en we can t!ink of t!e $a t, w!at !a$$ened to u , w!at we !a"e done 0wron# or ri#!t1 and al o to try to t!ink of t!e future% 7!at lie 'e!ind all t!i , w!at i our fate, our de tiny and w!at we all can do a'out it to make our li"e 'etter% &n t!e econd ca e, t!ere i t!e roar of our en#ine 0We get right back up again and when we do the world is going to hear the roar of our engines.) and a#ain it can !a"e num'er of meanin# % 3ir t, it i a $ro$er en#ine of t!e car% 4ut t!e econd meta$!orical meanin# i muc! more im$ortant% 7e can under tand it al o a !uman !eart 'eatin# 0e"okin# $a ion , de ire , will, force, dri"e1% (!i make t!e inanimate o'6ect !uman 'ein# and connect t!e world of mac!ine to t!e !uman world% &n t!e final $art of t!e entence !now Motor City is fighting again%1 al o t!e "er' fi#!tin# can !a"e different meanin# % 3ir tly, it can mean tru##lin#, !a"in# $ro'lem , not 'ein# ucce ful enou#!% 4ut on t!e contrary, it can al o mean t!at t!e $eo$le !a"e !own coura#e, tren#t! and de ire to #et t!rou#! t!e e !ard time % (!rou#!out t!e commercial t!ere i a li#!t c!an#e in t!e referent% &n t!e fir t $art of t!e ad"erti in# t!e man $eak a'out $eo$le 0"eople are out of work and theyre hurting. And theyre all wondering what theyre going to do to make a comeback.1, 'ut a t!e commercial continue and de"elo$ , !e u e t!e $ronoun we 0Because thats what we do. We find a way through tough times, and if we cant find a way, then well make one. 1 (!i i a#ain a i#n of mutuality% He come from anonymou $eo$le, w!ic! are connected wit! detac!ment and anonymity to !arin#, 'ein# t!e $art of t!e w!ole% (!i i t!e way to !ow t!e !earer t!at t!e $eaker i not omet!in# more t!an anyone el e and t!at !e !a t!e ame $ro'lem a t!ey do% 0&t i a matter of modality and e"entuality w!et!er or not t!e !earer 'elie"e t!i to 'e true% He or !e may take t!e me a#e aid 'y famou and ucce ful and t!erefore al o wealt!y $er on to 'e an in ult, a not- o-funny 6oke%1 &t t!e commercial t!ere are u ed "ariou kind of modifier eit!er to em$!a i8e t!e me a#e or to make t!e ayin# weaker% &n t!e econd ca e we talk a'out downtowner or !ed#e % (!o e are e*$re ion w!ic! !el$ to ome!ow lift u$ t!e me a#e a i t!e ca e of a little omet!in# and almo t 0#he people of Detroit know a little something about this. #hey almost lost everything.1% (!o e are u ed to tone down t!e $re ure of t!e ne#ati"e a $ect of t!e me a#e tran $orted t!rou#! t!e commercial% &t i al o a way to introduce t!e more $o iti"e and al o o$timi tic $art of t!e commercial% (!ere i al o t!e ca e of #radation, t!ree tron# element mentioned When the fog of division, discord, and blame made it hard to see what lies ahead.) and t!ey are u ed to e*$re and e"aluate t!e idea - make it more rele"ant and al o to #i"e it a more ne#ati"e meanin#% (!e $!ra e the fog of division, discord, and blame i connected wit! t!e uncertainty of t!e future and w!at lie a!ead% A for t!e con6unction w!ic! !el$ to make t!e me a#e fluent and to em$!a i e t!e $o ition of indi"idual entence 0utterance 1, t!e and i often u ed 0 "eople are out of work and theyre hurting. And theyre all wondering what theyre going to do to make a comeback. And were all scared, because this isnt a game.1 7e can al o ee t!at in t!e econd utterance

t!e $ronoun all i tre ed 'ecau e it em$!a i8e t!e mutuality and !arin# of t!e $eaker and !earer% He make !im elf a $art of t!e ituation% (!ere are al o ;ue tion u ed, in t!i ca e we talk a'out r!etorical ;ue tion w!ic! do not eek t!e an wer 'ut function rat!er a an e*$re ion of emotion or 'elief of t!e $rota#oni t and t!ey add t!e dramatic element a well% &n t!i ca e t!e ;ue tion denote initiation of ome action and t!e form are imilar, all tartin# wit! $ow do we! (How do we come from behind? How do we come together? nd, how do we win?! And a#ain we can ee t!e #radation of t!e me a#e 'y t!e u e of t!ree "er' 0 come from behind, come together, win1% &n t!e commercial, u ually t!ere many di cour e marker a well% (!o e are e*$re ion like ri#!t, yea!, o! are u ed "ery fre;uently% &n t!i #i"en commercial t!ey are reduced to one only 0"eah, its halftime America. And, our second half is about to begin.), in order to u$$ort t!e final tatement of t!e $eaker% %eah i al o more collo;uial t!an ye and function a a confirmation% (!e e ential a $ect of t!e me a#e i it 'elie"a'ility% (o make t!e commercial credi'le and 'elie"a'le t!e ad"erti er u e different way % .ne of t!em i t!e u e of dialo#ue of two or more $eo$le% (!e e are u ually friend or in ome kind of a relation !i$ wit! eac! ot!er% (!e dialo#ue i lead a kind of con"er ation w!ic! em$!a i8e t!e 'ein# $art of t!e ituation, in"ol"ement and al o intimacy and $er onality% &n t!e ca e of Halftime in America, t!ere i no dialo#ue at all 'ut t!e ad"erti ement i ne"ert!ele !owin# mutuality and !arin#% (!e commercial i a monolo#ue and t!e man i talkin# to t!e !earer and addre in# t!em t!rou#! t!e () creen% He want t!em to react, to take action% (!e u$erim$o ed te*t i al o an e ential $art of e"ery commercial% &t #i"e more information or um u$ t!e me a#e of t!e commercial or force t!e con umer to #et ome furt!er information and !ow to $urc!a e t!e $roduct ad"erti ed% 4ut in t!i ca e t!ere i 6u t a im$le wordin#< &/=.>(:? 3>./ ?:(>.&(% A#ain t!i i a i#n t!at t!e com$any i well-known and !a a re$utation on it own and t!ere i no need to $er uade t!e con umer to $urc!a e it or force !im to #et t!e information of t!e $roduct% (!e com$any !a lon# and ucce ful !i tory and it credi'ility i "ery !i#!% &t i al o intere tin# t!at alt!ou#! t!e aim of t!e commercial i to ell t!e $roduct and t!erefore to !ow it in t!e 'e t way $o i'le, t!i i not t!e ca e of t!e Halftime America commercial% (!ere i no e*act $icture of t!e car 0t!ey are !own only a 'ein# $art of e"eryday life cenario 1 and al o t!e 'rand or t!e lo#o are !own only 'riefly and we !a"e difficultie to reco#ni8e t!e $ro$er $roduct% (!i i 'ecau e of t!e !i tory and t!e ima#e of t!e com$any w!ic! e"oke tru twort!ine and credi'ility on it own and t!erefore t!ere i no need to em$!a i8e t!e "i ual a $ect of t!e $roduct% & t!ink t!at t!e $roduct i ome!ow 'ack#rounded from t!e commercial, t!at it i not t!e main $art of it, w!ic! i al o a#ain unu ual in ad"erti in#% &n mo t ca e t!e $roduct i t!e mo t im$ortant $art and t!e main focu i $ut on it, 'ein# it 'y focu in#, !ar$enin# or 6u t t!e $o ition of t!e $roduct in t!e commercial% & 'elie"e t!at it i a "ery cle"er way to ad"erti e t!e $roduct 'ecau e it i not im$le $er uadin# 'y t!e ima#e %

& 'elie"e t!at t!e commercial er"ed it $ur$o e "ery well% Alt!ou#! it i unlikely t!at it forced t!e American to t!ink of t!eir future and life and e"en 'uy more car , it certainly #ained $o$ularity 0$o iti"e or ne#ati"e1 and !a 'een marked a 'ein# contro"er ial% (!i commercial !a 'een di cu ed widely% &t wa rat!er c!allen#in# and 'old deci ion to ad"erti e t!e $roduct 'y t!i mean % 4ut t!i all !ow t!e confidence of t!e com$any and it may #i"e an in $iration to ot!er ad"erti er %

2ource of t!e commercial< Halftime in America< .33&9&AL 9!ry ler 2u$er 4owl 2012 9ommercial N49% 3e'ruary, @t! 2012% Aacce < June, 3rd 2012B CC!tt$<,,www%youtu'e%com,watc!D"EF=:@)G58o'cHH tran cri$t< 2cri$t< 9!ry lerI 2012 2u$er 4owl ad I&tI Halftime in AmericaI% ?etroit 3ree =re 2012% 3e'ruary, Jt! 2012% Aacce < June, 3rd 2012B CC!tt$<,,www%free$%com,article,2012020J,452&N:220103,12020J00K,2cri$t-9!ry ler- 2012-2u$er-4owl-ad- -Halftime-America-HH

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