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11(4/24/1922, London) p. 130 4821 211-11 Christ taught his disciples after His Resurrection not only of the secret of death but also of the secrets of the earths interior, the realm of the lower gods called Titans by the Greeks. This domain was unknown to the upper gods up to the Mystery of Golgotha. 236/16(6/29/1924): the upper gods are called luciferic and the lower ones ahrimanic; the good gods (hierarchies) are in between. 11(4/24/1922, London) p. 134 4821 211-12 Ahriman will shorten the second half of the postmortal life, so that the human being is born one to two centuries too early if one does not counteract him. Ahriman grasps the brain and the force of thinking with strong energy. 12(6/11/1922, Vienna) 141ff. 4863 211-13 Ahriman lives in nature, and while the human being takes in nature, he takes in ahrimanic forces. The elemental beings of the solid element (gnomes) are not countable due to their multitude; they are superintelligent beings (correspond to the human life of thought). The elemental beings of the fluid element (undines) have an intensive sentient life. The elemental beings of the airy (sylphs) are related to the will-life. An alliance of these elemental beings with Ahriman is threatening if people do not become familiar with them. See 223/7(9/28/1923). The elemental beings of light and of the ether kinds strive for unity. They seduce the human being to perceive the spirit in the cosmos as unitary: monotheism as a revelation of the etheric world. On the threatening alliance between the elemental beings of the etheric (light) and Lucifer if man misses the right sort of inner absorption. Elemental beings of fire (salamanders), which live in the change of summer and winter, however, also in blood circulation, are the mediators between the luciferic and ahrimanic elements. See 212/8(5/28/1922, Dornach): the Yahveh religion as a spiritual view of the etheric regions, the elemental beings of which are striving for unity. Against it, the elemental beings of the earthly elements like gnomes, sylphs, and undines tend to become multitudes. Reference to lecture of CW 211 after 4-15.


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