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The underlying premise of Chaldean numerology is that every letter has a unique vibration.

Numbers are assigned to letters based on the vibration value. In the Pythagorean System of numerology numbers are assigned by sequence. The ancient Chaldeans believed that science and spirit were inter-related and that each vibrational frequency had a soul of it s own. !ach spo"en word would resonate to a vibrational frequency associated with numbers. #ere is a lin" to $eeya %roo"e Thompson s article on Chaldean numerology. http&''www.lightwor"'(onthly)spectarian'*+++'September',+++-,-.htm .o you remember $inda writing about the woman who made patterns with an eidophone using her voice/ That is how I tie it all together with the numbers and the vibration. .onna

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