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Teacher Candidate: Abigail Young Date: 2/25/14 & 2/26/14 Cooperating Teacher: Jennifer Lipton Coop. Initials: ________________ Group Size: Whole Class Allotted Time: 20-30 Minutes Grade Level: 4 Subject or Topic: Inside the Ocean Unit Review Section:

STANDARD: S4.D.1.3.1: Describe types of freshwater and saltwater bodies (e.g., lakes, rivers, wetlands, oceans). I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes): Students will show understanding of the impact of the ocean by answering questions with accurately information and vocabulary terms.

II. Instructional Materials SmartBoard presentation

III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea) Sun Evaporation Water cycle Condensation Wave Precipitation Storm surge Surface current Tides Shore zone Abyssal plain Continental shelf Trench Mid-ocean ridge Deep ocean current IV. Implementation

A. Introduction Day 1: 1. Activate prior knowledge by directing student attention to the charts and posters made during prior lessons 2. Ask students to turn and talk to their table partners about two points that they found most interesting during this unit of study a. Allow adequate time b. Call students attention back to front 3. Call on three separate partners to share their most interesting fact B. 1. 2. 3. Development Bring students over to SmartBoard Bring up SmartBoard presentation Pass out guided notes (including the following fill in the blank prompts): a. ________________ is a process that changes water from a liquid to a gas state called vapor. b. A gas changes to a liquid when it cools, in a process called _____________. c. Blowing winds form a __________, a river of water in the ocean. d. Water vapor, clouds, rain, and the ocean are all parts of the ______ ________. e. _______ are changes in ocean level caused by the pull of the sun, moon and Earth. f. __________ is any form of water that falls from the clouds. g. ________ forms when cold, dense ocean water meets and flows beneath warmer ocean waters. h. The up and down motion of water is called a _________. i. The level of salt in a liquid is called ________. j. The longest chain of mountains on Earth is the ___ ________ _______. k. The ___________ _______ is the gently sloping part of the ocean floor near the shore. l. When two of Earths oceanic plates collide, they can form a deep valley called a __________. m. An _______ _______ is a big, flat area of the ocean floor that is covered with a thick layer of sediments. n. What is the name of the element found in the ocean that makes it different from freshwater sources? _________ o. Many important resources are harvested from the _______ _______, where the ocean meets the land. p. The _____ provides the energy for the water cycle. Explain to students that this is a list of all the questions that will be asked during the review, and they are to record the answers as they appear on the board or are guessed by another student Call on one student volunteer to approach SmartBoard and click on a polka dot Read question out loud Give student adequate time to answer question verbally


5. 6. 7.

a. If student cannot answer question, allow time for think-pair-share and have a pair of students attempt to answer question 8. Repeat until all students have had a turn OR all questions are answered Day 2: 9. Have students return to table groups 10. Have students in their table groups take turns reading off each of the answered questions from the guided notes a. Repeat until each table has read all of the review questions out loud C. Closure 1. Pass out end of unit test 2. Allow students time to complete 3. Collect and tests Accommodations/Differentiation Provide preferential seating for student who needs clear view of the board Heterogeneously grouped students at table groups during Day 2 review


E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan Formative: Teacher will monitor student responses during SmartBoard presentation and review, and redirect/correct answers if needed Summative: End of unit test V. Reflective Response A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives 1. How did the students perform?

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection How was my intro effective?

How could my lesson be improved?

VI. Resources (2002). Science. (Teachers Ed., Vol. Units C and D). Orlando: Harcourt School Publishers.

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