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Seton Hill University

Greensburg, PA 15601

Daily Lesson Plan for Student Teachers

Teacher: Date: Lauren Mariano Ti#e: Subject: $: Literacy Plan a&&roved by: Grade: 3

March 1 ! " 13


'ehavioral (bjective)s*: Students will be able to individually identify eight vocabulary words with 100% accuracy. Students will be able to individually list five events and alindro!es in the te"t. Students will be able to individually su!!ari#e the story with 100% accuracy. Pennsylvania State %cade#ic Standard)s*: $%.A.1 &nderstand fiction a ro riate for grade level. $%.'.1.% (a)e inferences and draw conclusions based on te"t $%.A.1.5 Su!!ari#e a fictional te"t as a whole $%.A.1.' *dentify and e" lain the !ain ideas and relevant details Materials and+or ,-ui&#ent: +low chart wor)sheet $es onding wor)sheet Racecar Bob in Panama story Modifications for .ndividual Differences: A,-,. -enry will have his /ui# cut into sections so he can focus on each s ecific section. 0ision i! aired. 1atherine will sit in front of the class and her wor)sheet and /ui# will have larger fonts. -earing *! aired. 2alvin will sit in the front of the roo!. -e will also receive ty ed discussion notes and the /ui#. Autis!. $oy will read the story on the class *Pad. -e will use se/uencing visuals aired with the sentences on the /ui#. 3earning disabled. -arry will be aired with a gifted student. -is /ui# will be cut into sections also. %ctivities and Procedures: %ntici&atory Set: 1. Students will be given a wor)sheet with three words 45 of which are alindro!es6 and will be as)ed to !a)e inferences to decide which words are si!ilar 5. 7" lain with the word alindro!e is fro! a Gree) word that !eans 8running bac) again9. A alindro!e is a word, hrase, or sentence that reads e"actly the sa!e forward and bac)ward. %. Student will read the story Racecar Bob Lesson Se-uence: 1. Students will individually co! lete the wor)sheet 8res onding. se/uence of events9 5. *n a class discussion students will answer the following /uestions a. :hat two things does +red ,erf do ;ust after he reads the rules of the Pana!a 2hallenge to $acecar <ob and his crew= b. After reading about the owl, what are two /uestions you could as) about its role in the race= c. :hat would you li)e to )now that is not e" lained in the story= %. As a class we will discuss why organi#ing story events in order can hel better understand the i! ortant events in a story '. Students will co! lete the flow chart wor)sheet in a airs at their des)s /losure:

Students will end the class eriod with a s!all /ui# based on the story and their critical thin)ing s)ills. ,valuation: Students will be assed by a s!all /ui# that tests their co! rehension and critical thin)ing s)ills. <elow is the /ui#. Student Teacher 0eflection: /oo&eratin1 Teacher 0eflection:

0acecar 'ob 2ui3

4a#e 5555555555555555555555555555 Section 1 6ocabulary: Match the follo7in1 vocabulary 7ords 7ith the correct definition8 1. 5. %. '. 5. 6. A. B. >>>> 2ollect >>>> Scra!bled >>>>?rders >>>>Sorted >>>>$agged >>>>$a idly >>>>2ontinued >>>>,arted A. tattered or having uneven edge <. !oving swiftly 2. instructs@ arranges ,. to gather in one lace 7. to ;u!ble together +. swiftly or /uic)ly G. to organi#e or ut in correct lace -. to )ee going or not sto

Section " 9ive ,vents Se-uence the follo7in1 events into the flo7 chart8 1. 5. %. '. 5. Coo -ot to -oot9, -annah says about an owl ato a !ailbo". $acecar <ob and his tea! win the race. ?tto says, 8Do le!on, no !elon9 at the fruit !ar)et. $acecar <ob co!es to Pana!a. 8(a handed 7dna ha!9, when ?tto sees (a and 7dna !a)ing sandwiches.

7vent E1 7vent E5 7vent E% 7vent E' 7vent E5

Section : Palindro#es ;hat is the definition of a &alindro#e<

4a#e = &alindro#es listed in the story: 18 "8 38 :8 =8

Section 3 Su##ary ?n the age rovided, write a su!!ary of the story you read utili#ing the flowchart you !ade reviously. &se co! lete sentences and three aragra hs that include a beginning, !iddle and end of the story. Chis su!!ary should be able to be read to another student who has not read the story and be understood.

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