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CommunlcaLlons CommlLLee
!oel 8radley, norLheasL 8eglon | [oel.bradley[
Woody Chang, WesLern 8eglon | woodyc[
Laura uouglass, SouLhern 8eglon | lmdouglass[
Annle !esperson, CenLral 8eglon | [esp0017[
Colleen kays, naLlonal uelegaLe | cek2129[
%&'(&)* +,
AAMC CS8 Annual MeeLlng ulgesL
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CompeLency-8ased Medlcal LducaLlon: 1he 1lme-uependenL 'CesLaLlonal' Approach vs. MllesLone-uependenL
'uevelopmenLal' Approach.....................................................1
Soclal ueLermlnanLs of PealLh: lL's lace ln 8edeflnlng Medlclne..............................3
1)2 3&#%4,50 )#**+,$*
vehlcle of Change: Pow ACCs and PlZs Wlll SLeer PealLh Care uellvery..........................3
1he MenLorshlp Map: Pow MenLorlng Can Pelp SLudenLs navlgaLe Medlcal School and 1helr Careers......3
1he Puman 1ouch: 1he ArLlsLlc Slde of Medlclne......................................6
CreaLlng a Career ln Academlc Medlclne...........................................6

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(9B J+/-70,K @*HL/=/-M, ;71/. 3/.4M7+ N.6M7=4*-
4*3.* 5-3/6*&&7 8-3$#0.9 :0/;-9
The neeu foi the meuical euucation system to innovate anu auvance is being felt moie than evei. Competency baseu
appioaches, with an emphasis on achievement of milestones, may be oui futuie. Bi. William Iobst, vice Piesiuent of Acauemic
Affaiis of the Ameiican Boaiu of Inteinal Neuicine anu Bi. Beboiah Powell, Bean Emeiitus at the 0niveisity of Ninnesota
Neuical School, gave us theii vision of how competency baseu appioaches will euucate the best possible uoctois.
<#*$ ;& ,-+%0$09,= 1*&02 +02;,*6 023,*$;-9> Bi. Iobst explaineu it as an outcomes-baseu appioach to uesign,
implementation, assessment anu evaluation of a meuical euucation piogiam using an oiganizing fiamewoik of competencies.
The fiamewoik is baseu on six geneial competencies: meuical knowleuge, patient caie anu pioceuuial skills, piofessionalism,
inteipeisonal anu communication skills, piactice baseu leaining anu impiovement, anu systems baseu piactice. A tiainee
woiks to achieve milestones in each competency, which can be achieveu fluiuly iathei than by lineai piogiession. These
milestones shoulu be fiameu in behavioial teims, be obseivable, anu set the stage foi assessment of competence. ?-( 2- (0
20@;90 ,-+%0$09,=> Bi. Iobst uiscusseu the concept of "Entiustable Piofessional Activities" (EPA) which iepiesent integiation of
complex skills neeueu in actual piactice. They aie calleu "entiustable" because these activities aie entiusteu to the tiainee once
sufficient competency has been achieveu anu they no longei iequiie uiiect supeivision. EPAs help fiame the 6 geneial
competencies in a clinical context that is meaningful to both leaineis anu faculty. A-9$;9302 -9 $#0 90B$ %*/0

2 0 0 3 1 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 " " 8 9 7 , ) : 5 8 & & 0 ; ' : 1 5 < = > > ? " ' ' @ " # ? 8 & & 0 ; ' : 5

"48:+48:=1 <0*H =:/ 9=6./-= J0*807HH4-8 9:*>M71/
C-06 D.*260=7 EF :0/;-9
$71:I4++/ 3*A4+/ 370?/= O :*G; H*$067 I*920.1;6$
The Nashville Nobile Naiket, pait of the stuuent-iun fiee
clinic at vanueibilt, is a maiket-on-wheels that ioams the
"foou uesseits" of gieatei Nashville to pioviue healthy,
affoiuable foou to people with limiteu access. Biawing
attention to the concept of access - not only availability, but
cost anu knowleuge of healthful eating - the Nobile Naiket
uses multiple local funuing souices to help stem the
incieaseu pievalence of chionic, pieventable uisease in
these aieas of pooi access. This concept has alieauy taken
ioot in the foim of inuepenuent non-piofit affiliates in
Nemphis, Ballas, anu Atlanta, anu is busy conuucting
ieseaich on the health anu financial impacts on the
communities they seive.

9=0*-8 3*H O C36;0 <0&$10./7 J61*9= K02;,*6 A-660/0
This compiehensive mentoiing anu euucation foi piegnant
teenageis at ANC taigets the uemonstiable neeu foi
taigeteu euucation of ceitain social gioups of at-iisk teens.
Emphasizing euucation in nutiition, infant safety, anu othei
essential topics, meuical stuuents offei mentoiing anu
suppoit foi teen moms motivateu to leain moie about
health anu the health of theii babies, offeiing impioveu
awaieness of iegional social suppoit stiuctuies anu
seivices. Stuuents uiaw suppoit fiom a multiuisciplinaiy
gioup of auvisois anu suppoit faculty, while themselves
leaining appioaches to auuiessing vaiious Albany-aiea
health caie neeus.

961=74-7A+/ 9=6./-= J6A+4M7=4*-1 7= )-4I/014=, *<
!*0*-=* | L;.;66 M*6&*G&N=
The 0niveisity of Toionto Neuical Society is a stuuent-iun
society that cooiuinates school publications, events, clubs,
anu piogiams, auuiessing funuing anu suppoit of these
initiatives. Each yeai, sale of theii F&&09$;*6& -@ A6;9;,*6
FB*+;9*$;-9 ?*921--N yielus Su% of the Society's
opeiating buuget, anu the book enus up in the hanus of 1S
of Canaua's meuical stuuents, with fiequent ievisions by
stuuents anu iesiuents in collaboiative paitneiship. In
auuition, each giauuation class beais the inteiesting
uistinction of owning a non-piofit involving euiting anu
publication foi Toionto E-$0&, a iesouice foi 0SNLE Step 2
anu NCCQE piepaiation boasting 12u stuuent anu 6u
faculty ievieweis. They even have a phaimacology book
foithcoming in 2u12, offeiing a novel peispective on how
stuuents can pioviue theii own sustainable funuing
suppoit while ueveloping a lasting euucational iesouice foi
theii school.

A-9$;9302 @.-+ %.0G;-3& %*/0
Bi. Powell piesenteu the 0niveisity of
Ninnesota's Pilot Piogiam in Peuiatiics. Theie aie
five paiticipating schools (0CSF, Coloiauo, 0T,
Ninnesota, Naiylanu). Each piogiam agiees to offei
peuiatiic iesiuency positions to stuuents who
complete the cuiiiculum at any of the paiticipating
schools. Stuuents chosen to paiticipate aie chaigeu
only thiee yeais of tuition anu pioviueu thiee yeais
of a uNE stipenu as an incentive.
Selecteu stuuents entei into the pilot
piogiam uuiing theii seconu yeai aftei paiticipating
in intiouuctoiy expeiiences in peuiatiics to aiu in
uecision making foi both stuuents anu faculty
auvisois. These stuuents must uemonstiate
inuepenuence in EPAs anu achievement of
milestones; they cannot move on until they have
achieveu competence. Some stuuents aie ieauy to
move on to iesiuency at the enu of thiiu yeai, otheis
may not until the enu of fouith yeai oi beyonu. It is
iecognizeu that all stuuents aie uiffeient anu shoulu
pioceeu at theii own pace. 0thei key aspects of this
expeiience incluue a continuity clinic with incieasing
numbei of patients anu iesponsibilities anu a
longituuinal clinical expeiience that focuses on
integiation of othei aspects of the health caie system.
Some issues have been the selection of the
most appiopiiate stuuents foi the piogiam anu the
uebate as to whethei committing to the piogiam
uuiing seconu yeai of meuical school is too eaily. A
chance to "opt out" is offeieu at the enu of the thiiu
yeai in oiuei to pioviue enough time to ieioute
stuuents to theii chosen specialty. Bi. Powell also
uiscusseu the impoitance of communication between
0NE anu iesiuency uiiectois in oiuei to ueteimine
the skills, piinciples, anu knowleuge that aie
appiopiiate foi stuuents anu aie neeueu as a
founuation to be a successful iesiuent. Some schools
have uevelopeu "intein bootcamps" baseu on this
It looks like competency baseu meuical
euucation is heie to stay! Foi now, the Pilot Piogiam
has the intention to offei this oppoitunity to a subset
of stuuents, anu to pioviue a mouel that is applicable
to othei aieas of meuicine. 0veiall, competency baseu
meuical euucation offeis an exciting appioach to
meuical euucation on both the unueigiauuate anu
giauuate level in oiuei to tiain the best physicians
Don't forget to 1;:' ;' 0, A&#;BC
(9BPQ9#P(BBPQRS J+/-70,K 9*M47+ R/=/0H4-7-=1
*< "/7+=:
C-06 D.*260=7 EF :0/;-9
In 1948, The WB0 Commission on Social
Beteiminants of Bealth uefineu health as "a state of
complete physical, mental, anu social well-being, not
meiely the absence of uisease anu infiimity." This
ongoing stiuggle in health caie was the focus of a
joint 0SRuSA0RRuBI plenaiy session moueiateu
by Bienua Latham-Saulei of Wake Foiest 0niveisity
School of Neuicine.
Citing statistics ielating health outcomes anu
uisease moitality to the ecology of a community, Bi.
Will Ross of Washington 0niveisity in St Louis evokeu
the uispaiities that impact aieas iiuuleu with fast
foou anu liquoi outlets, limiteu anu unsafe paiks,
pooi public tianspoitation, incieaseu pollution, anu
unueipeifoiming schools.
Keyuion uuinn, Beputy Biiectoi of the
Robeit Woou }ohnson Centei foi Bealth Policy at
Nehaiiy Neuical College fuithei emphasizeu the
sociological, political anu economic factois that
contiibute to uispaiities in health. Be calleu attention
to the impoitance of tiaining minoiity health scholais
to stiike out anu make piogiess in these aieas not
simply fiom the vantage of the meuical piofession,
but thiough caieeis in health policy, political science
anu euucation, auvocating foi change at the highest
levels of local anu national goveinment as a way to
impiove the health chances of a community.
Next, Cynthia Ainuell of The 0niveisity of
New Nexico Bealth Sciences Centei uesciibeu a
ueveloping foui-yeai public health ceitificate
cuiiiculum integiating the meuical school anu
giauuate schools of law, business, phaimacy anu
nuising togethei with social seivice agencies such as
police anu local goveinment. The cuiiiculum is
geaieu to teach funuamental piinciples of public
health, epiuemiology, biostatistics, anu eviuence-
baseu meuicine with emphasis on intei-piofessional
euucation, ethics, piofessionalism, caie of the
uisenfianchiseu, anu seivice leaining in the local
community. The goal of the piogiam is to pioviue a
stiong founuation in the socio-ecological mouel along
with giounuwoik foi public health concepts.
Luiz Naniiquez, a meuical stuuent at the
0niveisity of Washington intiouuceu his concept of
Bealth Equality Ciicle (healthequityciicle.oig) - an
inteiuisciplinaiy oiganization of 0niveisity of
Washington stuuents anu community membeis
focuseu on cieating health equity. In paiticulai, he
uiew attention to initiatives thiough BEC to
unueitake buuget auvocacy foi inteipietei seivices in
state of Washington, cieate an elective couise in
"Afiican Ameiican Bealth Bispaiities," anu obtain
bettei clinical suppoit foi a local fiee clinic, biinging
togethei piojects, iueas anu people with inteiest in
auuiessing the social ueteiminants of health.
Finally, Zachaiy Boiass, a thiiu-yeai iesiuent
at the 0niveisity of Rochestei Family Neuicine
Resiuency Piogiam, spoke geneially of the impact of
giant anu funuing cycle limitations on the
sustainability of health initiatives in Rochestei, anu
how community-baseu initiatives have shown bettei
holu ovei time. Be offeieu the obseivation that while
meuicine fiequently succeeus in auvancing the
science of health caie, it has yet to succeeu in closing
socioeconomic gaps anu pioviuing compiehensive
caie to populations.
As eviuenceu by the questions of auuience
membeis - which uiew attention to the uisconnect
between a national aumissions emphasis on
excellence in biomeuical sciences iathei than on
social engagement - theie is an unease with the
challenge of cieating the next geneiation of auvocates
foi the social ueteiminants of health. It seems that
the impeiative of unueistanuing a seiving
communities is a tenet of meuicine that can be too
easy to foiget in a mouein meuical system that so
often sees its patients out of context, anu fails to see
the whole pictuie foi which we'ie all iesponsible.

"48:+48:=1 <0*H =:/ 9=6./-= J0*807HH4-8
C-06 D.*260=7 EF :0/;-9
96HH/0 4-1=4=6=/ O :=*9 ?30=7 O36&*7 PL 8,#--6 -@
A-++39;$= K02;,;90
The Summei Institute is a one-week intei-piofessional
look at the "anatomy of the community" - the health
anu the enviionmental factois that yielu a 14-yeai
uiffeience in life expectancy between Noith anu South
Tulsa. Taking place piioi to begging of fiist-yeai
classes, appioximately 2S meuical stuuents gathei to
look closely at the community suiiounuing the meuical
centei, iuentifying neeus anu positive outlieis,
inteiviewing local leaueis, activists, anu social woikeis,
shauowing in a fiee clinical anu paiticipating in a
poveity simulation exeicise.

J7=:>7,1 =* J6A+4M "/7+=:: S-=/807=4-8 J6A+4M
"/7+=: N.6M7=4*- 4-=* 3/.4M7+ 9M:**+ @6004M6+6H O
4*3.* 8#00$&7 K02;,*6 A-660/0 -@ <;&,-9&;9
This innovative piogiam takes a self-uiiven appioach
to public health euucation, in which cuiiiculum is
chosen iathei than piesciibeu: stuuents chose theii
own Inuiviuualizeu Leaining Plan (ILP) to supplement
moie stiuctuieu public health cuiiiculum. Stuuents
take on a summei pioject of theii choosing, cieate a
stuuy question anu a plan foi uata analysis, which
offeis a way to fit this ciitical piece of health euucation
into a packeu cuiiiculum.

$;3N )L.7=/ <--2= A#*9/7 <0&$0.9 :0/;-9
While in Benvei, iepiesentatives fiom the National Boaiu of Neuical Examination (NBNE) gave a
piesentation to stuuents anu faculty about the futuie of stanuaiuizeu meuical stuuent testing. The theme of this
piesentation was the piocess of changing with the times. Past auuitions to the 0SNLE stiuctuie have been a ieflection
of the neeu to auuiess the evolving fielu of meuical euucation anu to take auvantage of technological auvances, as seen
by the auuition of Step 2 CK, the use of multimeuia questions, anu the cieation of Auvanceu Clinical Exams in meuicine
anu suigeiy foi the evaluation of incoming iesiuents anu sub-inteins
The fiist of the new changes was the ieintiouuction of epiuemiology anu biostatistics to Step 2 anu to the
Subject Exams in oiuei to ieinfoice the impoitance of founuational science, something cuiiently only emphasizeu on
Step 1. Theie will also be new question contexts that iequiie examinees to ieu scientific papeis anu inteipiet
phaimaceutical auveitisements. Bowevei, while question changes will be an ongoing piocess, the NBNE pieuicts that
majoi stiuctuial changes to the 0SNLE will not take place until 2u14 at the eailiest.
The papei NBNE Subject Exams aie cuiiently being phaseu out in favoi of a web-baseu system. This allows
foi gieatei ease of auministiation anu scoie tuin aiounu within 1-2 uays. In auuition, multimeuia anu sequential
questions, similai to the types given on the Step 1 exam, aie being incoipoiateu into the Subject Exams.
Stuuents can keep up to uate with the test changes at http:www.usmle.oigciu

$B3J )L.7=/
4*3.* 5-3/6*&&7 8-3$#0.9 :0/;-9
Full Piesentation
Nona Signei ietuineu to upuate stuuents anu faculty
on the National Resiuent Natching Piogiam (NRNP). She
intiouuceu the new Supplemental 0ffei Acceptance
Piogiam (S0AP), a change to the sciamble piocess that
goes live in this yeai's match. Also uiscusseu was the
sepaiation of the NRNP fiom the AANC, which Ns. Signei
ieassuieu us will in no way affect stuuents negatively anu
that theie shoulu be no IT issues as occuiieu uuiing last
yeai's Natch. Some highlights of the session incluueu the
following facts anu auvice:
2S,421 iesiuency offeis last yeai
1S,S88 offeieu to 0S allopathic seniois
Incieasing numbeis of seniois in the match
8 unmatcheu applicants foi each unfilleu position
Nost common specialty piefeience of unmatcheu
seniois: oithopeuics, geneial suigeiy, inteinal
meuicine, emeigency meuicine
Step I scoies aie iising in piimaiy caie, "lifestyle
specialties," anu the most competitive specialties
Rank all piogiams without iegaiu to youi chances
of matching, nothing to lose by putting youi ieach
match fiist
Incluue mix of highly competitive anu less
competitive piogiams in youi piefeiieu specialty
Rank all piogiams that you woulu attenu anu that
have expiesseu inteiest in you
If applying in competitive specialty, iank
piefeiieu piogiams in an alteinate specialty
<#*$ ;& $#0 8PJH>
Not a seconu match, but iathei a seiies of offeis to
applicants who uiu not match by piogiams who
uiu not fill positions
Positions aie offeieu to applicants in oiuei of the
Applicants can ieceive multiple offeis in any
Begins the Fiiuay befoie Natch week; stuuents
will be notifieu if they aie S0AP eligible WITB00T
REuARB T0 NATCB STAT0S (notification uoes
not mean you uiun't Natch)
N0ST 0SE ERAS thioughout the piocess, no one
can peisonally call, fax, email on youi behalf (N0
O#;& (*& * ,-9,0.9 1.-3/#$ 3% 23.;9/ Q *92 J
&0&&;-9 *92 K&) 8;/90. .0&%-9202 $#*$
,-++39;,*$;-9 ,*9 -,,3. JROF: * %.-/.*+
,-9$*,$& $#0 &$3209$S& ;9&$;$3$;-9
Piogiams can accept applications fiom ERAS
0NLY anu cannot cieate positions foi ineligible
Positions can be accepteu only thiough S0AP
Natch uay on now is on FRIBAY
"All in Policy" for 201S Hotcb
1S of uNE piogiams in NRNP filleu at least 1
position outsiue of the Natch
1 of eveiy 7 iesiuents founu positions outsiue the
Foi example, 7u% of Inteinal Neuicine
piogiams offeieu took at least one applicant
outsiue the match, 18% of IN iesiuents
matcheu outsiue match
Beginning in 2u1S main iesiuency match, any
piogiam that paiticipates in the match must
iegistei anu attempt to fill ALL of its positions
thiough the match
Inuiviuual piogiams must place ALL positions in
the match oi N0 positions in the match
Exceptions neeu to be uiscusseu, if you have any
conceins please contact the 0SR Auministiative
Boaiu, as we aie actively involveu with the NRNP
Boaiu of the Biiectois in these conveisations on
behalf of oui constituents.

"*> #MM*6-=7A+/ @70/
(087-4T7=4*-1 7-. "/7+=:M70/
S--*I7=4*- U*-/1 V4++ 9=//0
"/7+=: @70/ R/+4I/0,
<--2= A#*9/7 <0&$0.9 :0/;-9
The cost of meuicine has
become an issue that neeus to be
auuiesseu by all stakeholueis
involveu in meuical caie. With
the Affoiuable Caie Act setting
pait of a fiamewoik foi the
futuie of meuicine, Bi. }oanne
Conioy, the Chief Bealthcaie
0fficei of the AANC, anu Steven
Lipstein, the vice Chaii of the
Boaiu foi the Patient Centei
0utcomes Reseaich Institute,
auuiesseu what the futuie of
meuicine is staiting to look like.
The vaiious buuget bills
that have passeu in Congiess aie
alieauy changing paits of oui
system. Foi example, the
Ameiican Reinvestment anu
Recoveiy Act (commonly known
as the "stimulus") gave incentives
to implement ENR in health
centeis. The Affoiuable Caie Act
staiteu to uiscouiage
ieaumissions anu set up the
giounuwoik foi hospitals to
become Accountable Caie
0iganizations (AC0s) oi centeis
that give cooiuinateu high quality
caie while being helu to ceitain
peifoimance metiics.
The objective of these
new changes in oui meuical
stiuctuie is to auuiess the iising
cost of meuicine anu impiove
patient caie. To auuiess these
issues, new methous of paying
anu ueliveiing caie weie
uiscusseu, incluuing shaieu
saving, Accountable Caie
0iganizations, Bealth Innovation
Zones (BIZs), anu bunuleu
payments. While theie aie
auvantages anu uisauvantages to
each of these, each one seeks to
give incentives foi centeis to tiy
out new iueas to being moie
efficient when ueliveiing safe anu
effective caie.
0ne thing that helps tie
this system togethei is the neeu
foi innovation. When one system
finus something that makes
healthcaie cheapei anu moie
effective, it can spieau to othei
paits of the health caie system.
Foi example, Bealth Innovation
Zones typically consist of
acauemic centeis that
expeiiment with new innovative
anu moie efficient methous of
healthcaie ueliveiy. When the
"expeiiment is uone," the
knowleuge anu expeiience can be
passeu onto an Accountable Caie
0iganization to implement the
finuings out in anothei
0ne majoi point that was
auuiesseu by Ni. Lipstein was
oui inability to fully contiol costs
until we aie able to bettei
manage the social ueteiminants
of health pioblems, incluuing
poveity anu enviionment. Any
iefoims that we make on the
physician siue can only push
uown the cost of meuicine anu
contiol ieaumissions to a ceitain
extent. Becoming effective useis
of ENR anu shifting the paiauigm
fiom "moie caie" to "bettei caie"
will help in those goals. Bowevei,
we must also iealize that theie
aie social issues at play in
meuicine, with many of these
issues foiming the ioot cause as
to why many of oui patients aie
aumitteu into the meuical

"*> 3/-=*04-8 @7- "/+L
9=6./-=1 $7I487=/ 3/.4M7+
9M:**+ 7-. !:/40 @70//01
4*3.* 5-3/6*&&7 8-3$#0.9 :0/;-9
With a wiue vaiiety in caieei
choices, stuuents often look to
mentois foi auvice, guiuance, anu
suppoit. Bi. Lee }ones, Biiectoi of
Acauemic Seivices at 0C-Bavis
anu Bi. Scott Rougeis, Associate
Bean foi Stuuent Affaiis at
vanueibilt 0niveisity School of
Neuicine uiscusseu the value of
mentoiing in the caieei
uevelopment of meuical stuuents.
<#*$ *.0 $#0 1090@;$& -@ *
+09$-.;9/ .06*$;-9&#;% @-. +09$00
*92 +09$-.> Bi. }ones citeu
enhanceu skills anu knowleuge,
feeuback, encouiagement, anu
auvocacy as some of the many
benefits foi the mentee. Be noteu
the impoitance of acauemic
auvice but also emphasizeu the
impoitance of auvice on
balancing caieei anu peisonal
life. While mentoiing often ielies
on the geneiosity of the mentoi,
benefits foi the mentoi incluue
the oppoitunity to keep skills anu
knowleuge upuateu,
confiimation of piofessional
iuentity, continuing of the
piofession, ieaffiimation of self
woith, anu, most impoitantly,
exposuie to the youthful eneigy
of meuical stuuents.
?-( 2- =-3 @;92 * /--2
+09$-.> Fiist, think of someone
whose life you want anu makes
you think, "I want to be himhei!"
Seconu, take initiative. While
some stuuents aie assigneu
mentois by the school, many seek
out mentois on theii own. Thiiu,
know that a goou mentoi shoulu
be appioachable, open, honest, a
goou listenei, anu shoulu
challenge you to giow. They
shoulu not oveiiiue youi
piioiities, be juugmental, belittle
you, oi be uoing it foi peisonal
gain. Recognize that youi neeus
may change anu if the shoe
uoesn't fit, uon't be afiaiu to seek
out anothei mentoi oi get
multiple opinions. As Bi. }ones
says, "Shop aiounu, but settle
Bi. Rougeis fiom
vanueibilt S0N ieaffiimeu the
impoitance of mentoiing.
0nueistanuing that suiviving is
uiffeient fiom thiiving in meuical
school, vanueibilt woiks to
pioviue an atmospheie anu
stiuctuie conuucive to
mentoiing. The foui-college
stiuctuie, in paiticulai, is
suppoitive of mentoiship. Each
college is leu by two faculty
mentois foi thiee-yeai teims
with the ability to ieapply at the
enu of each teim. Nentois
pioviue a iange of seivices fiom
inuiviuual anu gioup meetings,
caieei counseling that staits with
completion of the AANC's

K09$-.;9/7 ,-9$)

Caieeis in Neuicine piofile,
mock inteiviews, anu social
Auuitionally, vanueibilt
unueistanus $#0 N0= $- &3,,0&&@36
+09$-.;9/ ;& @*,36$= .0,.3;$+09$
*92 20G06-%+09$) The goal shoulu
be to ieciuit the best faculty by
pioviuing incentives. The mentoi
position is piestigious anu
coveteu at vanueibilt, which is
intiinsic to the stuuent-centeieu
cultuie. Faculty uevelopment
incluues ietieats, euucation on
the iesouices available to
stuuents, anu how to mentoi
stuuents. 0thei schools cite
financial huiules, howevei Bi.
Rougeis noteu that the piogiam
staiteu with exactly $u. Stait with
an iuea anu finu stuuent anu
faculty leaueiship, then
uemonstiate small successes anu
gain the attention anu suppoit of
youi Beans. Then maybe you'll
enu up with the $SuuK buuget
vanueibilt now opeiates with!

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As meuical stuuents
move thiough the pieclinical anu
clinical yeais, it becomes easy to
foiget that physicians can have
talents outsiue of ieseaich anu
science. At the session of The
Buman TouchThe Aitistic Siue
of Neuicine, two membeis of the
0niveisity of Coloiauo School of
Neuicine faculty, Theiese }ones,
Biiectoi of the Aits anu
Bumanities in Bealth Caie
piogiam anu Anjali Bhuianuhai,
Assistant Piofessoi of Neuicine,
spoke about the impoitance of
having humanities in the meuical
school cuiiiculum, how the
humanities in meuicine have
evolveu ovei the past uecaue, anu
uemonstiateu examples of
cieative meuical stuuent
involvement in the humanities.
Bumanities in the
meuical school cuiiiculum can
come in a vaiiety of shapes anu
sizes. Foi example, at the
0niveisity of Coloiauo, theie is
inteiuisciplinaiy inteiaction
between meuical, nuising, uental,
anu othei health piofession
stuuents in an ethics class. This
biings vaiieu view points on a
situation anu allows stuuents to
consiuei multiple new
peispectives. 0thei couises use
humanities to teach piactical
skills foi futuie physicians. Foi
example, a stuuent can bioauen
his oi hei obseivation skills in an
ait couise uevoteu to obseiving
the uetails anu nuances of
aitwoik, oi unueistanu the
motivations behinu mental
health policy in a film analysis
couise, all while leaining to
coiielate the finuings with ieal
0ne majoi pioject that
the 0niveisity of Coloiauo School
of Neuicine unueitakes each yeai
is calleu "Letteis to a S
which was inspiieu by "Letteis to
a Young Poet" wiitten by Rainei
Naiia Rilke. This is an optional
pioject consisting of iising

yeais wiiting letteis about theii
expeiiences on the waius to the
incoming clinical class. The
letteis auuiess not only conceins
about succeeuing on an acauemic
level anu woiking in a hospital
setting, but also piactical things
like what kinu of shoes to weai
uuiing clinics oi claiifying the
"hiuuen cuiiiculum" of being a
physician. Such letteis uefuse the
stiess that the incoming clinical
stuuents feel when they fiist step
on the waius, knowing they have
an entiie class of guiues to help
them thiough a stiessful time in
theii lives.
Finally, the two speakeis
concluueu that the humanities
aie essential to being a goou
physician. Anu, as pioven with
the cuiiiculum anu activities at
the 0niveisity of Coloiauo School
of Neuicine, meuical schools uo
not have to allow cieative
instinct to lie fallow, but iathei
nuituie anu encouiage theii
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This yeai the 0SR was
given the unique oppoitunity to
ieceive caieei auvice fiom
iepiesentatives of the AANC
uioup on Women in Neuicine
anu Science (uWINS). uWINS
functions within the AANC to
auvance the full anu successful
paiticipation of women in all
ioles within acauemic meuicine,
anu to pioviue a venue foi
women to paiticipate in
auvancing the AANC mission to
impiove the nation's health.
Thioughout the session, meuical
stuuents, men anu women alike,
weie able to begin exploiing
theii futuie piofessional paths
thiough uiscussions with some of
the most piominent women in
acauemic meuicine.
The session began with
an intiouuction by Bi. Renee
Navaiio, Past Chaii of uWINS
anu vice Chancelloi of Biveisity
anu 0utieach at the 0niveisity of
Califoinia, San Fiancisco. Bi.
Navaiio uiscusseu the imbalance
of genuei iepiesentation
thioughout the top
auministiative positions within
acauemic meuicine, which exist
uespite neai equality in genuei
make-up at the stuuent level.
Following hei intiouuction, 0SR
iepiesentatives spent the
iemainuei of the session seeking
auvice fiom uWINS
iepiesentatives on such topics as
selecting a mentoi, leaueiship
uevelopment, builuing a caieei
while builuing a family, salaiy
negotiation, anu caieei
With the success of this
session, the AANC-uWINS is
enthusiastic in continuing to
connect with the 0SR, in oiuei to
fuithei the uevelopment futuie
leaueis of acauemic meuicine.
Stuuents aie encouiageu to visit
sgwims anu to sign up foi the
uWINS list seive.

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