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Power Up Your Brain The Neuroscience of Enlightenment DAVID PERLMUTTER, M.D, FA.C.N. AL ERT! VILL!LD!, Ph.D.

Pr"ise for Po#er U$ %our r"in "Dr. Perlmutter and Dr. Villoldo bring together the long-separated disciplines of science and spirituality to help us gain access to the parts of the brain that define us as human beings. This book applies leading-edge science to our quest for enlightenment and gives us practical tools, including specific dietary and lifestyle recommendations, to improve our ell-being." & An're# (eil, M.D., "uthor of ) (ee*s to !$timum +e"lth "n' +e"lth, Aging "The shaman and physician for millennia ere the same person until the !"th century hen they ere split apart in the name of science. #o through the lens of $!st-century science, Villoldo and Perlmutter bring them back together, illuminating the eb that links together our physical and metaphysical energy. %or anyone feeling a loss of energy of body or soul, Po er &p 'our (rain is your guide to restoration and re)uvenation of your deepest energies." & M"r* +,m"n, M.D., Ne# %or* Times -est.selling "uthor of The Ultr"Min' /olution "This is the book e*ve been aiting for+ ,ith leading-edge information that*s easy to understand, -lberto Villoldo and David Perlmutter have masterfully oven $!st-century science ith the indigenous isdom of the past to reveal the *missing link* in the modern story of life.the role of our brain*s health in the quality of our spiritual e/perience. 0n doing so they offer us a practical isdom that e can use to empo er our lives immediately+ This book is a must for anyone seriously interested in moving beyond the conventional ideas of hat enlightenment is and ho to achieve it." & 0regg r"'en, Ne# %or* Times -est.selling "uthor of The Di1ine M"tri2 "n' Fr"ct"l Time "This book is a treasure. 0t is a guidebook to enlightenment filled ith the isdom and e/perience of the authors. 0t relates the practical aspects of science to the spiritual and mystical realities of the nature of life. 0t clarifies hat our potential is as human beings and directs us in the steps e need to take to achieve our potential and utili1e the healing energy available to us all." & ernie /. /iegel, M.D., "uthor of Lo1e, Me'icine 3 Mir"cles "n' 456 Prescri$tions for the /oul "0 seldom use the ord *brilliant,* but this book is. 0t e/pands our a areness of the untapped potential of our brain, offers cutting-edge neuroscience, and is ritten by t o e/perts ith decades of hands-on clinical practice. 2ee for yourself hy Dr. Perlmutter is my personal neurologist and mentor." & N"omi 7u'', singer, song#riter, "n' "uthor of N"omi8s 0ui'e to Aging 0r"tefull,

"This is one of the most important books 0*ve ever read. 3ombining modern scientific kno ledge and shamanic practices, it lucidly e/plains ho to restore the health of the brain at the cellular level." & D"1i' R. +"milton, Ph.D., "uthor of +o# %our Min' C"n +e"l %our o',

Also by David Perlmutter RAI/E A /MARTER C+ILD % :INDER0ARTEN; uil' " etter r"in "n' Incre"se I< -, u$ to 4= Points >#ith C"rol Colm"n? T+E ETTER RAIN !!:; The est Tools for Im$ro1ing Memor,, /h"r$ness, "n' Pre1enting Aging of the r"in >#ith C"rol Colm"n? RAINREC! VER%. C!M; Po#erful Ther"$, for Ch"llenging r"in Disor'ers LIFE0UIDE; %our 0ui'e to " Longer "n' +e"lthier Life

Also by Alberto Villoldo ILLUMINATI!N; The /h"m"n8s (", of +e"ling@ C!URA0E!U/ DREAMIN0; +o# /h"m"ns Dre"m the (orl' into eing@ %!0A, P!(ER, AND /PIRIT; P"t"nA"li the /h"m"n@ T+E F!UR IN/I0+T/; (is'om, Po#er, "n' 0r"ce of the E"rth*ee$ers@ MENDIN0 T+E PA/T AND +EALIN0 T+E FUTURE (IT+ /!UL RETRIEVAL@ /+AMAN, +EALER, /A0E; +o# to +e"l %ourself "n' !thers #ith the Energ, Me'icine of the Americ"s DANCE !F T+E F!UR (IND/; /ecrets of the Inc" Me'icine (heel >#ith Eri* 7en'resen? I/LAND !F T+E /UN; M"stering the Inc" Me'icine (heel >#ith Eri* 7en'resen?

To our ives, 4arcela 5obos and 5ei1e Perlmutter. ever supportive, loving, and understanding partners.

Pu-lisher8s Fore#or' 2iii Pref"ce 21 Intro'uction 22iii Ch"$ter 9; The Neuroscience of Enlightenment Ch"$ter B; The Po#erful Min' Ch"$ter 4; The E1olution of the r"in "n' the Min' Ch"$ter C; Mitochon'ri" "n' the Feminine Life Force Ch"$ter 6; Neur"l Net#or*s "n' +"-its of the Min' Ch"$ter 5; +o# /tress +"rms the r"in Ch"$ter D; The 0ift of Neuro$l"sticit, Ch"$ter ); Neurogenesis; 0ro#ing Ne# r"in Cells Ch"$ter E; Three Con'itions %ou Don8t ("nt to +"1e Ch"$ter 9=; Cutting.E'ge Ther"$ies for Enh"nce' Energ, Pro'uction Ch"$ter 99; The /h"m"n8s 0ift Ch"$ter 9B; Priming %our r"in for Enlightenment Ch"$ter 94; /h"m"nic E2ercises Ch"$ter 9C; The Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m Ch"$ter 96; /e"rching for %our /oul E$ilogue En'notes Ac*no#le'gments A-out the Authors PUB !S"E#$S %O#E&O#D /h"m"nism "n' neuroscience; #h"t 'o the, h"1e in commonF The, "re -oth *e,s to $erson"l he"lth "n' #ellness, ment"l e2cellence, s$iritu"l "#"reness, gro#th "n' $ros$erit,, im$ro1e' $erson"l rel"tionshi$s, " higher Gu"lit, of life, "n' " gre"ter "-ilit, to $erform "n' contri-ute to societ,&to n"me " fe# -enefits. %et, sel'om h"1e #e seen these #or's&sh"m"nism "n' neuroscience&use' in the s"me sentence. (h, is th"tF ec"use #e h"1e -een li1ing in " time of re'uctionism 'uring #hich the re"lm of s$irit "n' the 'om"in of science h"1e -een se$"r"te', s$lit, 'i1i'e', "n' 'i1orce' from one "nother. This #"s not "l#",s so. For millenni", sh"m"ns #ere "lso "stronomers, #iH"r's #ere scientists, s$iritu"l see*ers #ere e2$lorers, "n' rese"rchers #ere ris* t"*ers. Their o$inions #ere 1"lue' -, em$erors, chieft"ins, ts"rs, *ings, "n' $otent"tes. Th"t is, until the time #hen est"-lishe' "uthorities&the $o$es "n' $rinces of the $o#erful st"tus Guo&l"-ele' 1ision"ries "s heretics "n' 'ecree' th"t religion "n' science shoul' follo# their 'is$"r"te $"ths. Fortun"tel,, the rel"tionshi$ of s$irit "n' m"tter, #hile su-Aug"te' to the -"c*groun', #"s ne1er tot"ll, er"se' from hum"n consciousness. /cientists h"1e "l#",s sus$ecte' th"t " connection, $reser1e' in some -"s"l $"r"'igm, e2ists -et#een the soul "n' the -r"in. An' this thought -eg"n to reemerge " fe# 'ec"'es "go, $hr"se' "s the min'.-o',.s$irit connection. An' no# t#o men, t#o seers&" sh"m"n "n' " scientist&"re com-ining their e2$eriences "n' e2$ertise to e2$lore the tot"lit, th"t inclu'es "ll of the s$irit #orl' "n' "ll of the scientific #orl'& "s !ne.

Po#er U$ %our r"in; The Neuroscience of Enlightenment is " coll"-or"tion of Dr. D"1i' Perlmutter, " neuroscientist "n' $r"cticing neurologistI "n' Dr. Al-erto Villol'o, " me'ic"l "nthro$ologist "n' sh"m"n. Unli*e the m"Aorit, of scientists #ho h"1e in1estig"te' me'it"tion "n' the e2tr"or'in"r, fe"ts of ,ogis, -oth of them "re h"n's.on clinici"ns, hel$ing countless $"tients he"l their emotions, re$"ir their -r"ins, "n' enlighten their min's. Therefore, this -oo*8s mess"ge is " reunion of ethere"l s$irit "n' h"r' science. An' its content is " s$iritu"l -lessing "n' " $h,sic"l -enefit to ,ou&"n' to others #ith #hom ,ou sh"re this stor,. (h,F ec"use Po#er U$ %our r"in is -len' of 'ee$ sh"m"nic truths "n' $rofoun' scientific f"cts. Do D"1i' Perlmutter "n' Al-erto Villol'o '"re to use the #or's neuroscience "n' sh"m"nism in the s"me sentenceF %esJ Resoun'ingl,, ,es. ec"use, in effect, neuroscience "n' sh"m"nism "re cut from the s"me cloth, thre"'s in the s"me f"-ric of hum"n histor, "n' hum"n e1olution.

David Perlmutter' E(plorations) T*en and Now As #e follo#e' the sh"m"n u$ the mount"in "long the "ncient stone $"th#", cr"fte' -, the Inc" some si2 centuries "go, the silence #"s -ro*en onl, -, the soun' of his flute. !ur 'estin"tion #"s !ll"nt",t"m-o, ne"r M"chu Picchu, not onl, one of Peru8s -est.$reser1e' "rch"eologic"l sites -ut "lso " site of gre"t s$iritu"l signific"nce. M, com$"nions seeme' to -e energiHe' -, their s$irite' en'e"1or, ,et I #"s more concerne' #ith the $oun'ing in m, he"'. The shoc* to m, -o', of tr"1eling Guic*l,, from se" le1el in Flori'" to "lmost 9=,=== feet in the An'es, focuse' m, "ttention on the inesc"$"-le f"ct th"t I #"s suffering from shortness of -re"th "n' -lurre' 1ision. Th"n*full,, m, #ife "n' t#o chil'ren seeme' less "ffecte'. !ne of the sh"m"ns tr"1eling #ith us notice' m, 'istress "n' offere' me " h"n'ful of coc" le"1es to che#. I 'eci'e' to tr, it inste"' of the "cet"Hol"mi'e I c"rrie' in m, -"c*$"c* in c"se of high."ltitu'e sic*ness. /oon I felt num-ness in m, mouth "n', 1er, Guic*l,, m, s,m$toms 'is"$$e"re'J +o# 'i' this 'escen'"nt of the Inc" *no# th"t the le"1es of the Er,thro2,lum coc" $l"nt coul' hel$ #ith the s,m$toms of high."ltitu'e sic*nessF The o-1ious "ns#er is th"t it #"s the -enefit of "ncient #is'om, ,et th"t onl, $"rti"ll, s"tisfie' me. It seeme' im$ro-"-le th"t some h"$less fore-e"r h"' -een chosen to che# his #", through "ll the loc"l $l"nts to chec* their me'icin"l use. Me"n#hile, m, com$"nion stu'ie' m, counten"nce, much "s I #oul' o-ser1e m, o#n $"tients. Meeting his g"He, I re"liHe' th"t his *no#le'ge of the coc" le"f 'i' not come from lessons le"rne' -ut #"s roote' in " $rofoun' *no#le'ge of soul "n' s$irit& not " conce$t th"t s"t e"sil, #ith m, (estern me'ic"l tr"ining, "n' ,et I felt mo1e' to "cce$t it. M, Aourne, to the An'es in the com$"n, of m, f"mil, #"s ins$ire' -, m, #ife "fter she h"' re"' se1er"l -oo*s -, Dr. Al-erto Villol'o. (e chose this e2$e'ition -ec"use Al-erto #"s le"'ing it, "n' it #"s not long "fter m, he"ling encounter th"t I h"' " ch"nce to s$e"* #ith him. !ur con1ers"tion flo#e' n"tur"ll,, #ithout el"-or"te intro'uctions, "n' soon re1ol1e' "roun' " 'iscussion of the sust"in"-ilit, of cultures li1ing seemingl, off the gri'. L"ter th"t s"me '",, -"c* "t our hotel, I "s*e' Al-erto "-out the sh"m"n8s "$$"rentl, uniGue "-ilit, to "ccess com$le2 inform"tion -, me"ns of intuition. KTh"t h"s -een m, mission for the $"st thirt, ,e"rs,K Al-erto re$lie', e2$l"ining th"t he h"' m"'e it his life8s #or* to 'isco1er ho# such un"ssuming in'i1i'u"ls "re "-le to "m"ss such "

1"st com$en'ium of inform"tion. KIt is not *no#le'ge th"t comes from others,K he continue'. KIt comes from the source of "ll *no#le'ge, #hich is the 0re"t /$irit. The s"ges "re "-le to t"$ into this #is'om, "n' to " cert"in e2tent #e "ll h"1e the $otenti"l to 'o this, not Aust in'igenous $eo$les. After "ll, there h"1e -een in'i1i'u"ls throughout the "ges "n' in "ll cultures #ho #ere consi'ere' enlightene'.K I returne' to m, me'ic"l $r"ctice ser1ing $"tients #ith " 1"riet, of ch"llenging -r"in 'isor'ers, m, tre"tment $l"ns "l#",s integr"ting lifest,le issues "n' nutrition"l inter1entions #ith st"n'"r' $h"rm"ceutic"l.-"se' "$$ro"ches. This less th"n tr"'ition"l neurologic"l metho'olog, "llo#e' me to g"in " 'ee$ un'erst"n'ing of he"lth issues #hile ret"ining " min'.set th"t #"s o$en to ne# i'e"s. Ne1ertheless, I continue' to -e ch"llenge' -, $"tients #ho suffere' 'ise"ses th"t #ere #ell -e,on' the sco$e of neurolog, "lone, inclu'ing c"ncer, "'1"nce' "rthritis, 'i"-etes, "n' other eGu"ll, ch"llenging 'isor'ers. I -eg"n to focus on the sm"ll -ut gro#ing num-er of $"tients #ho #ere "ctu"ll, "-le to reg"in their he"lth 'es$ite #h"t coul' h"1e -een " 'i"gnosis of incur"-le 'ise"se. (h"t #"s it "-out these $"tients th"t turne' things "roun'F The "ns#er #"s $resente' to me l"te one Fri'", "fternoon 'uring " consult"tion #ith " #om"n suffering from chronic $rogressi1e multi$le sclerosis, " freGuentl, f"t"l "n' cri$$ling "uto.immune -r"in 'isor'er. (e h"' $l"ce' eth on our st"n'"r' "rr", of nutrition"l su$$lements, s$ecific essenti"l f"tt, "ci's, "n' nutrient inAections for the 'isor'er se1er"l ,e"rs -efore. Although her 'ecline h"' slo#e' some#h"t, she #"s force' to use " #"l*er "n' e1en " #heelch"ir "t times. Th"t "fternoon, ho#e1er, m, st"ff "n' I #ere "stoun'e' to see her #"l*ing 'o#n our h"ll#", un"ssiste'. K(e "re $utting ,ou on our mir"cle list,K I tol' her, referring to the gro#ing num-er of our $"tients #hose im$ro1ements coul' not -e e2$l"ine' -, me'ic"l science. In the e2"mining room, #e e2$lore' #h"t h"' ch"nge' in her life "n' to #h"t she "ttri-ute' her mir"culous im$ro1ement. KI h"1e -een stu',ing sh"m"nism for " fe# ,e"rs,K she re$lie', scrutiniHing m, f"ce for "n, sign of f"mili"rit, #ith the term. K "sic"ll,, I81e g"ine' the "-ilit, to t"$ into #h"t I c"ll he"ling energ,,K eth continue'. KNot onl, "m I 'oing so much -etter "s f"r "s m, M/ is concerne', -ut I "lso feel re"ll, $e"ceful "n' $ositi1e "-out m, life. I81e -een $r"cticing some me'it"tion techniGues for ,e"rs,K she e2$l"ine', K-ut the, ne1er re"ll, clic*e' until "-out three months "go.K !1er the coming months, I -eg"n to notice th"t #e #ere $utting more "n' more $eo$le on the mir"cle list. An' it #"s -ecoming cle"r to me th"t, o1er#helmingl,, the $"tients #ho "chie1e' the most $rofoun' reco1eries #ere those eng"ge' in some form of me'it"ti1e or s$iritu"l $r"ctice. (hether the, re$e"te' "ffirm"tions, me'it"te', or $r",e' in some f"shion, 1irtu"ll, "ll of these $"tients #ere someho# connecting #ith #h"t the sh"m"n h"' referre' to "s the 0re"t /$irit. There #ere se1er"l other ch"r"cteristics in the lifest,les of our mir"cle.list $"tients th"t -eg"n to st"n' out in "''ition to their s$iritu"l $r"ctices. M"n, of them h"' "'o$te' the $r"ctice of f"sting from time to time. Almost "ll of them eng"ge' in some form of $h,sic"l e2ercise. An' "n o1er#helming num-er #ere t"*ing some form of 'ocos"he2"enoic "ci' >D+A?. The use of this omeg".4 su$$lement #"s no 'ou-t the result of m, $erson"l enthusi"sm for itI in'ee', I l"ter 'isco1ere' th"t it h"s " s$eci"l "ttri-ute th"t #"s $ro-"-l, $l",ing " much l"rger role in enh"ncing the effic"c, of lifest,le ch"nges in m, $"tients th"n I h"' $re1iousl, im"gine'. !1er the ne2t three ,e"rs, m, encounters #ith Al-erto e1ol1e' into " close frien'shi$, "n' #e re"liHe' th"t #e shoul' $ut our he"'s together "n' coll"-or"te. For it h"' -ecome cle"r to us th"t "ccess to the 0re"t /$irit or Di1ine Energ,&th"t n"tur"l force #hich is c"lle' -, so m"n, n"mes&is "1"il"-le to "ll. In " sense, #e "re "ll sh"m"ns, "n' the most "'1"nce' te"chings in cellul"r -iolog, "re 1"li'"ting lifest,le "cti1ities th"t, for centuries, h"1e -een

$"1ing the #", to enlightenment through me'it"ti1e $r"ctices not Aust for the chosen fe# -ut for "ll #ho c"re to le"rn. !ur coll"-or"tion e2$lores the im$lic"tions of this not onl, for in'i1i'u"ls -ut for "ll of hum"nit,. Alberto Villoldo' +ourney ,rom t*e Brain aboratory to Enli-*tenment !1er time, I gre# "ccustome' to the stench of form"l'eh,'e. /tin*, fi1e.g"llon 1"ts hel' "ll *in's of -r"ins&shee$ -r"ins, co# -r"ins, hum"n -r"ins&-ut it #"s the onl, l"-or"tor, s$"ce I #"s "-le to #r"ngle from the -iolog, 'e$"rtment "t /"n Fr"ncisco /t"te Uni1ersit,. An' so, un'er these con'itions, surroun'e' -, hun're's of -r"ins, I con'ucte' m, rese"rch into ho# the min' cre"tes $s,chosom"tic he"lth or 'ise"se "n' ho# sh"m"ns "re "-le to cure illness. !ne '",, t#o ,e"rs into m, rese"rch, I re"liHe' th"t I h"' -een 1ie#ing the min' through the #rong lens. I h"' -een tr,ing to un'erst"n' " s$iritu"l tr"'ition of in'igenous Americ" -, loo*ing "t ch"nges in -r"in "n' -loo' chemistr,. The follo#ing #ee*, I resigne' m, $ost "t the uni1ersit, "n' shut 'o#n m, l"-. An' -efore the month #"s o1er, I h"' $urch"se' " one. #", tic*et to the Peru1i"n Am"Hon to stu', the sh"m"ns in their o#n en1ironment. M, -est frien', " me'ic"l stu'ent, g"1e me " 1er, l"rge hunting *nife "s " gift, #ith " note th"t s"i', K%ou might nee' this in the U$$er Am"Hon.K E1er,one I *ne#, inclu'ing m, o#n f"mil,, thought I #"s m"' to thro# "#", " $romising c"reer in "c"'emi" to follo# " h"re-r"ine' 're"m of -eing "n e2$lorer "n' "'1enturer. I h"' m, o#n 'ou-ts "n' reser1"tions, -ut I sh"re' them #ith no one. I #"s " cit, -o, #ho h"' ne1er set foot in the Aungle. ut I #"s sure of one thing; I #oul' not fin' "ns#ers "-out the min' in " l"-or"tor,. I s$ent the ne2t Gu"rter of " centur, tr"1eling "n' stu',ing #ith the most reno#ne' s"ges of the Americ"s. During th"t time, I #itnesse' e2tr"or'in"r, cures&$ersons #hom (estern me'icine #oul' h"1e long gi1en u$ on returne' to he"lth through #",s I coul' onl, "scri-e to " mir"cle or s$ont"neous remission. !1er time, I -ec"me "n "$$rentice to the sh"m"ns "n' le"rne' their he"ling $r"ctices "n' metho'ologies. %et $"rt of me "l#",s felt li*e "n outsi'er. !ne ol' In'i"n I #or*e' #ith for m"n, ,e"rs, " m"n #ho e1entu"ll, -ec"me m, mentor, e2$l"ine' to me; KTh"t8s -ec"use ,our 0o' is " 'escen'ing 0o'. +e comes 'o#n from the he"1ens on r"re occ"sions to touch those of us here on the E"rthI #here"s our 'eit, is "n "scen'ing 'i1init, #ho rises from the E"rth li*e the gol'en corn "n' resi'es "mong us. !ur cre"ti1e force is *no#n "s P"ch"m"m", the Di1ine Mother.K The s"ges I stu'ie' #ith #or*e' #ith the Di1ine Mother, "n energ, or intelligence the, #ere c"$"-le of inter"cting #ith to he"l their $"tients. The, -elie1e' th"t #e oursel1es "re this 'i1ine energ, em-o'ie' in m"tter, much li*e ri--ons of sunlight th"t #r"$ themsel1es "roun' the trun*s of trees "n' then rele"se their light #hen #e $l"ce " log into the fire. The, cl"ime' the, #ere "-le to see em"n"tions of this energ, "roun' the -o', of " $erson in the form of " luminous m"tri2. D"r* s$ots in the m"tri2 in'ic"te the $resence of 'ise"se, the, s"i', e1en if the illness h"' not ,et m"nifeste' in the $h,sic"l -o',. After m"n, ,e"rs, I "lso le"rne' to sense this luminous fiel' "n' to com$rehen' the sh"m"ns8 conce$t of "ll life -eing interconnecte' through str"n's of light. In the -eginning, m, scientific min' h"' to gr"s$ this notion -, e2$l"ining to m,self th"t #e e"t "nim"ls th"t e"t gr"sses th"t fee' on sunlight. I remin'e' m,self th"t chloro$h,ll turns light into c"r-oh,'r"tes, such "s #he"t "n' other gr"ins, "n' th"t #e turn c"r-oh,'r"tes -"c* into light insi'e our cells for fuel through " $rocess *no#n "s the :re-s C,cle. (ith time, m, logic"l -r"in rel"2e' its*e gri$ on m, "#"reness, "n' I #"s "-le to $ercei1e more 'irectl, the luminous #e"1e of "ll cre"tion. (ith time, I le"rne' th"t tr"um" le"1es "n "lmost in'eli-le sign"ture th"t " he"ler c"n $ercei1e in her clients8 luminous fiel'. +e"lers -elie1e th"t this m"r*s " $erson8s e2$erience of he"lth or 'ise"se for their entire life, li*e " cross th"t e"ch of us h"s to shoul'er. A sh"m"n c"n hel$

$eo$le to lighten their lo"', $erh"$s e1en hel$ them un'erst"n' the lessons the, nee'e' to le"rn from the origin"l tr"um" the, e2$erience', -ut it is u$ to e"ch $erson to choose #hether the, c"rr, their cross lightl,, 'isc"r' it "ltogether, or -ecome -ur'ene' "n' o1er#helme' -ene"th the #eight. Accor'ing to the sh"m"ns, the #", to cle"r these m"r*s "n' she' this -ur'en th"t 'efines our $erson"lit, "n' our he"lth is -, he"ling our to2ic emotions 1i" energ, me'icine. I le"rne' the $r"ctice of energ, me'icine 'uring m, ,e"rs #ith the sh"m"ns "n' no# te"ch it to stu'ents in the Unite' /t"tes "n' Euro$e. !ur gr"'u"tes le"rn to use timeless he"ling techniGues to hel$ frien's, f"mil, mem-ers, "n' clients. As mo'ern sh"m"ns, #e "lso *no# th"t if " $erson #"nts to -e he"le' of 'ise"se "n' -e trul, free "n' enlightene', then it is essenti"l to strengthen the feminine life force #ithin. This reGuires f"sting, $r",er, "n' me'it"tion, com-ine' #ith the use of he"ling her-s "n' $l"nts. During m, ,e"rs stu',ing #ith the sh"m"ns, I le"rne' "-out their -elief in the Di1ine Mother, #hich #e e"ch h"1e the $otenti"l to 'isco1er in n"ture. This #"s not the -e"r'e' ol' m"n #hose im"ge I h"' come to "ssoci"te #ith K0o'.K R"ther, this #"s " force th"t infuse' "ll of cre"tion, " se" of energ, "n' consciousness th"t #e "ll s#im in "n' "re $"rt of. I c"me to un'erst"n' th"t our (estern notions of the 'i1ine "re $erh"$s " m"sculine 1ersion of this life force th"t infuses e1er, cell in our -o'ies, th"t "nim"tes "ll li1ing -eings, "n' th"t e1en fuels st"rs. The sh"m"ns hel$e' me to 'e1elo$ "n origin"l "n' fulfilling rel"tionshi$ #ith the $o#er of P"ch"m"m". In B==5, on one of m, ,e"rl, e2$e'itions to the An'es, I met D"1i' Perlmutter. +e first c"ught m, "ttention "s #e #ere hi*ing u$ the "ncient Inc" stone ste$s to re"ch the Tem$le of the (in's, ne"r the 1ill"ge of !ll"nt",t"m-o. +e #"s short of -re"th -ut #"s gre"tl, hel$e' -, che#ing the coc" le"1es th"t the loc"l $eo$le consi'er me'icin"l. +is $"ce "n' 'eme"nor $ic*e' u$, "n' l"ter #e struc* u$ " comfort"-le "n' e"s, con1ers"tion, "s if #e h"' "l#",s *no#n e"ch other. I h"' he"r' of D"1i' "n' his #or* o1er the ,e"rs "n' #"s 'elighte' to he"r he #"s "lso intereste' in in'igenous he"ling $r"ctices. As #e t"l*e' on th"t first '", of our encounter, I mentione' the sh"m"ns8 notion of ho# im$ort"nt it is to restore the feminine life force, "n' his f"ce imme'i"tel, lit u$. K%es,K he rem"r*e', Kit8s the mitochon'ri".K !n he"ring this, I ne"rl, fell off m, ch"ir. +ere #"s the lin* -et#een the "ncient sh"m"nic $r"ctices "n' mo'ern neuroscience. I remem-ere' th"t our mitochon'ri" "re inherite' onl, from our mother8s line"ge. +ere #"s the source, insi'e e"ch cell of e1er, li1ing cre"ture, of the feminine life force th"t s"ges s$e"* "-out. I -ec"me 1er, e2cite' #hen he mentione' ho# these energ, f"ctories seeme' to -e -re"*ing 'o#n un'er the continu"l -"rr"ge of stress in our f"st.$"ce' li1es "n' from -iochemic"l to2ins, inclu'ing mercur,, $estici'es, "n' #"ter "n' "ir $ollution. D"1i' hinte' th"t the "ncient sh"m"nic $r"ctices, inclu'ing $r",er, f"sting, "n' me'it"tion "s #ell "s 'iet"r, su$$lement"tion #ith s$eci"l her-s, hel$ restore mitochon'ri"l function. The more #e con1erse', the more o-1ious it -ec"me to -oth of us th"t there "re m"n, elements of "ncient he"ling "n' s$iritu"l $r"ctices th"t c"n -e 'escri-e' in mo'ern neurologic"l terms. The feminine life force of P"ch"m"m" coul' -e foun' in our mitochon'ri"I the m"r*s of tr"um" in our Luminous Energ, Fiel' corres$on' to neur"l net#or*s in the -r"in th"t $ro'uce to2ic emotions "n' 'efine our $erson"lit,. I #"s o1erAo,e'. +ere #"s the missing element th"t h"' elu'e' me in the Am"Hon -ut th"t h"' -een "ll "roun' me 'uring m, '",s "t the l"-or"tor,, ensconce' -et#een shel1es st"c*e' #ith chemic"ll, $reser1e' -r"ins. The f"ct is th"t, "lthough I h"' succee'e' in tr"nsl"ting "ncient sh"m"nic he"ling metho's into scientific"ll, soun' $r"ctices "n' m, stu'ents "t the +e"ling the Light o', /chool "n' $"tients re$orte' e2tr"or'in"r, life tr"nsform"tions, some foun' it 1er, 'ifficult to -re"* free

from their 'estructi1e -eliefs "n' emotions. It #"s "lso im$r"ctic"l for m, stu'ents to 'o #h"t I h"' 'one 'uring B6 ,e"rs in the Am"Hon "n' An'esI n"mel,, to f"st for m"n, '",s in the #il'erness #hile e"ting onl, s$eci"l -"r*s "n' -erries. D"1i' h"' *no#le'ge of rich -r"in nutrients th"t coul' "ccom$lish the s"me thing&$erh"$s e1en more finel, "n' cert"inl, more con1enientl, th"n the rigorous 'iets the sh"m"ns $rescri-e'. +e un'erstoo' ho# to re$"ir the mitochon'ri" "n' restore the feminine life force. +e *ne# ho# to $rime the -r"in for enlightenment. I, me"n#hile, h"' stu'ie' in 'e$th the sh"m"nic "n' ,ogic $r"ctices th"t #oul' hel$ to s#itch on the higher.or'er functions of our -r"in to hel$ it he"l from tr"um" "n' e2$erience Ao,. (h"t if #e coul' -ring these metho'ologies together to hel$ our stu'ents "n' $"tients he"l their -r"in, restore their he"lth, "n' e2$erience free'om from 'estructi1e emotions li*e "nger "n' fe"rF

Enlightenment. This elusi1e st"te h"s -een the focus of some of the gre"test min's throughout histor,. Thous"n's of $eo$le h"1e 'e'ic"te' their li1es to its $ursuit. (e see im"ges of mon*s sitting $e"cefull, on me'it"tion cushions . . . nuns *neeling in $r",er . . . sh"m"ns li1ing in the #il's of the Am"Hon. An' #hile these re$resent"tions of enlightene' in'i1i'u"ls m", -e "ccur"te, the, "lso im$l, th"t this 'esire' st"te is reser1e' for " $ri1ilege' fe#. (e -elie1e, ho#e1er, th"t enlightenment is "1"il"-le to "ll those #ho "re #illing to 'e'ic"te the time "n' effort necess"r, to "tt"in it. Fin'ing this st"te 'oes not reGuire " lifest,le th"t is incom$"ti-le #ith sur1i1ing in the mo'ern (estern #orl'. An' the re#"r's of enlightenment "re not limite' to the "tt"inment of s$iritu"l *no#le'ge enAo,e' -, the contem$l"ti1e m,stic. The, c"n "lso -e re"$e' in the 'isco1er, of DNA seGuencing -, the inno1"ti1e scientist, the $re$"r"tion of " mouth.#"tering me"l -, the in1enti1e chef, or the cre"tion of "n ins$iring m"ster$iece -, the insightful "rtist. (e -elie1e th"t enlightenment $romises e1er,one the $ossi-ilit, for inno1"tion, e2tr"or'in"r, cre"ti1it,, "n' inner $e"ce. (e "lso -elie1e th"t the se"rch for enlightenment c"n -e "cceler"te' -, follo#ing " $r"ctice focuse' on "#"*ening the $o#er of the higher -r"in. (hen our higher -r"in functions "re eng"ge', #e h"1e the $otenti"l to ch"nge our li1es -oth s$iritu"ll, "n' -iologic"ll,. ut to "chie1e this 'esire' st"te of consciousness, #e must not onl, m"ster "ncient enlightenment techniGues -ut "lso restore the -r"in8s he"lth "t the cellul"r le1el. These t#o go"ls "re ine2tric"-l, lin*e'. YOU# OPT!.A B#A!N Anger, fe"r, Ae"lous,, gree', "n' #orr,, #hile common$l"ce, un'ermine our inner $e"ce "n' sense of self.#orth. ut e1en on " #ee*en' me'it"tion retre"t or 'uring " #"l* in the Guiet "n' stillness of the #oo's, the min' continues to ch"se thoughts, com$ose to.'o lists, "n' fret "-out "cti1ities not ,et com$lete' "n' situ"tions not ,et resol1e'. +"r' "s #e might tr, to sit Guietl, "n' em$t, our min' of thoughts, it continues to gr"1it"te to#"r' the unfinishe' -usiness of our $"st. Po#er U$ %our r"in hel$s ,ou un'erst"n' #h,, inste"' of o$er"ting "t its o$tim"l le1el of functioning, ,our -r"in inste"' relies on the neur"l net#or*s cre"te' -, the $rehistoric, sur1i1"l."t."ll.costs -r"in regions&the re$tili"n -r"in "n' the lim-ic -r"in. It "lso sho#s ,ou ho# to o1ercome the to2ic emotions of ,our ol' #iring, the con'itioning -"se' on neg"ti1e e2$eriences from the $"st. , he"ling th"t $rehistoric -r"in, ,ou eng"ge ne#er, higher, more e1ol1e' -r"in structures&the neocorte2 "n', s$ecific"ll,, the $refront"l corte2&#hich #ill

hel$ ,ou elimin"te fe"r, $o1ert, ment"lit,, "n' "nger from ,our life. This is 'one through the cre"tion of ne# neur"l net#or*s in ,our -r"in. Until Guite recentl,, most -r"in rese"rchers hel' th"t, e1en though the -r"in is m"lle"-le in the e"rl, ,e"rs of " chil'8s 'e1elo$ment, the #in'o# of o$$ortunit, for ch"nging its #iring sl"ms shut -, "roun' the "ge of se1en ,e"rs. (hile it is true th"t the -r"in of " fetus or " ,oung chil' is li*e " 'r, s$onge, #ith the $otenti"l to so"* u$ "ll the *no#le'ge, -eliefs, "n' -eh"1iors it nee's to sur1i1e in its ne# #orl'l, en1ironment, the $remise th"t the -r"in c"n no longer -e re#ire' $"st " cert"in e"rl, "ge h"s no# -een u$en'e'. Le"'ing.e'ge neuroscience rese"rch no# confirms th"t #e c"n gro# ne# -r"in cells "n' ch"nge the "ctu"l net#or*s in the -r"in. !nce #e $ro1i'e our neurons #ith s$ecific nutrients l"c*ing in our e1er,'", 'iet "n' em-"r* on stimul"ting ne# "cti1ities, #e c"n est"-lish ne# neur"l net#or*s th"t hel$ tr"nsform limiting -eliefs "n' -eh"1iors "n' rec"$ture long.lost feelings of Ao,, o$timism, "n' tr"nGuilit,. To "chie1e these -enefits, ,ou must st"rt -, le"rning ho# the -r"in functions "n' ho# ,our mitochon'ri" h"1e -ecome com$romise'. A "EA T"Y BODY In the l"ngu"ge of neuroscience, enlightenment is the con'ition of o$tim"l mitochon'ri"l "n' -r"in functioning th"t "llo#s us to e2$erience -oth #ell.-eing "n' inner $e"ce "n' the urge to cre"te "n' inno1"te. Mitochon'ri" "re the energ, f"ctories "t #or* #ithin ,our cells. The, im$"ct ,our moo's, ,our 1it"lit,, ,our "ging $rocess, "n' e1en ho# ,ou might 'ie. The, "re "lso in ch"rge of the elimin"tion of ol' cells "n' re$l"cement #ith ne# cells, " function th"t occurs "utom"tic"ll,, #ithout ,our conscious "#"reness. The mitochon'ri" "re influence' -, the foo's ,ou e"t, the "mount of c"lories ,ou ingest, the e2tent to #hich ,ou e2ercise ,our -o',, "n' the inclusion of s$ecific nutrients. Po#er U$ %our r"in #ill gi1e ,ou "ccess to *e,s enco'e' in ,our mitochon'ri"l DNA th"t, until no#, h"1e -een $"ss#or'.$rotecte' 'ue to "n in"-ilit, to re1erse the '"m"ge c"use' -, free.r"'ic"l '"m"ge to the -r"in. (hen ,ou unloc* this co'e, ,ou -re"* free of the illness. ri''en Aourne, th"t m"n, (esterners suffer from cr"'le to gr"1e. (ith ,our mitochon'ri" restore', ,our cells #ill -e "-le to e2$ress the genes th"t $romote -r"in he"lth "n' $h,sic"l longe1it,, "n' ,ou #on8t h"1e to continue $er$etu"ting the ills "n' tr"um"s of ,our f"mil, of origin. T"E PO&E# UP YOU# B#A!N P#O/#A. lue Lones "re regions on the $l"net #here ten times more $eo$le re"ch the "ge of 9== com$"re' #ith $eo$le in the Unite' /t"tes. D"n uettner, " N"tion"l 0eogr"$hic #riter "n' rese"rcher, #rote " -oo* "-out this $henomenon "n' re$orte' th"t these in'i1i'u"ls h"1e cert"in tr"its in common, inclu'ing c"lorie re'uction >the, e"t B6 $ercent less th"n #h"t ,ou #oul' nee' to feel full?, "1oi'ing me"t "n' $rocesse' foo's, "n' li1ing li1es th"t h"1e me"ning "n' $ur$ose.9 uettner cites " D"nish scientific stu', of t#ins th"t in'ic"tes th"t genes 'ict"te less th"n B6 $ercent of " $erson8s he"lth "n' longe1it,. The rem"ining D6 $ercent is 'etermine' -, lifest,le f"ctors; #h"t ,ou e"t, ho# ,ou lo1e "n' "re lo1e', ho# much ,ou e2ercise, "n' ho# ,ou 'isco1er me"ning in ,our life. Lifest,le f"ctors "ctu"ll, mo'if, our genetic e2$ression -, shutting off the genes th"t $re'is$ose us to m"lign"nc, "n' 'ise"se. !ur mitochon'ri" regul"te the s#itching on or off of these genes. Therefore, to li1e long "n' li1e #ell, #e nee' o$tim"ll, functioning mitochon'ri". At our f"cilities&the Center for Energ, Me'icine in Los Lo-os, Chile, "n' the Perlmutter +e"lth Center in N"$les, Flori'"&#e hel$ our clients restore their mitochon'ri" to re$"ir their -r"ins. !ur $rotocols utiliHe intr"1enous glut"thione "n' h,$er-"ric o2,gen to o$timiHe

mitochon'ri"l function "s #ell "s foo's "n' su$$lements th"t hel$ un'o the '"m"ge 'one to the -r"in -, ,e"rs of stressful li1ing. (e fin' th"t mitochon'ri", the min', "n' the -r"in res$on' e2tr"or'in"ril, Guic*l, to these inter1entions. Then, through sh"m"nic me'it"tion $r"ctices, #e c"n he"l from to2ic emotions "n' 'isco1er inner $e"ce. ut ,ou 'o not h"1e to t"*e $"rt in one of our se1en.'", intensi1es to "ccom$lish this. In Po#er U$ %our r"in, #e $resent " $rogr"m to hel$ ,ou 'o the s"me things; he"l ,our mitochon'ri" "n' re#ire ,our -r"in for $e"ce "n' Ao, inste"' of suffering. (e com-ine t#o com$lement"r, str"tegies; -r"in.s$ecific nutrients use' in conAunction #ith f"sting "n' enlightenment $r"ctices. The neuronutrients recommen'e' -, Dr. Perlmutter #or* to re$"ir regions in ,our -r"in th"t h"1e -een "ffecte' -, stress, $s,chologic"l tr"um", "n' 'egener"ti1e -r"in 'ise"se to hel$ gro# ne# -r"in cells "n' turn on the genes res$onsi-le for longe1it,, im$ro1e' immunit,, "n' enh"nce' -r"in function. An' the enlightenment $r"ctices $ioneere' -, Al-erto Villol'o, Ph.D., hel$ "#"*en -r"in regions th"t "llo# $e"ce, com$"ssion, inno1"tion, "n' Ao, to "rise n"tur"ll,. Together, the, #ill en"-le ,ou to est"-lish ne# neur"l net#or*s for Ao, "n' #ell.-eing. Using this $rogr"m, ,ou c"n 'e1elo$ the gifts once "scri-e' onl, to " $ri1ilege' fe#. An' in the $rocess, ,ou8ll h"1e the ch"nce to g"in other he"lth -enefits, inclu'ing " re'uce' ris* of 'e1"st"ting -r"in 'ise"ses, c"ncer, he"rt 'ise"se, "n' P"r*inson8sI elimin"tion of 'e-ilit"ting moo' s#ingsI the -re"*ing of unhe"lth, emotion"l "n' -eh"1ior $"tternsI the o1ercoming of $"inful memories "n' $"st tr"um"sI " $o#erful cl"rit, of thoughtI "n' the $otenti"l for m"2imum hum"n life s$"nI "ll #ithout the use of 'rugs. (hen #e re$"ir our -r"ins "n' he"l our to2ic emotions, #e mo1e to#"r' " st"te of $erson"l he"lth "n' #ell.-eing. Then, #e c"n -ring forth the Gu"lities "ttri-ute' to enlightene' -eings; inner $e"ce, #is'om, com$"ssion, Ao,, cre"ti1it,, "n' " ne# 1ision of the future.



C"n neuroscience 'eli1er on the $romises $resente' -, religion; free'om from suffering, 1iolence, sc"rcit,, "n' 'ise"seF C"n neuroscience 'eli1er us into " life #here he"lth, $e"ce, "n' "-un'"nce reignF The $le'ges of the #orl'8s religions "re so uni1ers"l th"t it8s li*el, the longing for Ao,, inner $e"ce, "n' #ell.-eing "re h"r'#ire' into the hum"n -r"in "n' h"1e -ecome " soci"l instinct "s $o#erful "s the 'ri1e to $rocre"te. The i-le, the :or"n, "n' u''hist "n' +in'u scri$tures "ll te"ch th"t #e c"n -e 'eli1ere' into " $"r"'isi"c"l st"te, #hether "fter 'e"th, "t the en' of time, follo#ing m"n, reinc"rn"tions, or "s " result of $erson"l effort "n' merit. This st"te of li-er"tion is c"lle' gr"ce or +e"1en -, Christi"n religions, P"r"'ise -, Muslims, #hile E"stern tr"'itions refer to it "s "#"*ening or enlightenment, using 1"rious terms such "s s"m"'hi, mu*ti, -o'hi, s"tori, "n' nir1"n". ut #h"t if gr"ce, s"m"'hi, "n' enlightenment "re re"ll, -"se' in -iologic"l scienceF (h"t if the, "re st"tes of higher or'er "n' com$le2it, cre"te' -, $rogr"mm"-le circuits in the -r"inF (h"t if these circuits coul' m"*e it $ossi-le to "tt"in lifelong Ao,, inner $e"ce, he"lth, "n' #ell.-eing no#, in this $h,sic"l #orl', "n' not in some 'ist"nt future or "fterlifeF T"E ENE#/Y .AT#!1 In the 9E4=s, Dogon sh"m"ns of #estern Afric" informe' t#o French "nthro$ologists of the e2istence of " com$"nion sun to /irius, the Dog /t"r. This celesti"l -o', coul' not -e seen #ith the n"*e' e,e, "n' the sh"m"ns h"' no "ccess to so$histic"te' telesco$es. %et the, 'escri-e' it "s e2tremel, he"1,, or-iting "roun' /irius in "n elli$tic"l $"ttern th"t reGuire' h"lf " centur, for e"ch com$lete c,cle. Fort, ,e"rs l"ter, "stronomers #ith $o#erful telesco$es i'entifie' the st"r "n' n"me' it /irius .9 There "re m"n, more e2"m$les of the 'isco1er, of seemingl, im$ossi-le *no#le'ge. For e2"m$le, Am"Hon s"ges cl"ime' th"t, "fter f"sting "n' $r",ing 'uring 1ision Guests, the, #ere t"ught -, the $l"nts themsel1es ho# to $re$"re cur"re, " neuroto2in em$lo,e' for hunting "n' "lso use' for mo'ern "nesthesi". Cur"re cont"ins 'e"'l, $oisons from the -"r* of /tr,chnos to2ifer" "n' from moonsee' flo#ers, in $"rticul"r from Chon'ro.'en'ron tomentosum. The most common metho' of $re$"r"tion is to slo#l, coo* the -"r* scr"$ings of /tr,chnos "n' moonsee' for e2"ctl, D6 hours, "fter #hich the mi2ture -ecomes " '"r*, s,ru$, $"ste. During coo*ing, if its s#eet. scente' 1"$ors #ere to -e inh"le', the muscles in1ol1e' in res$ir"tion #oul' rel"2 "n' ce"se to res$on', resulting in inst"nt 'e"th from "s$h,2i"tion. The men #ho $re$"re it #"tch it coo* from " s"fe 'ist"nce so "s to "1oi' inh"ling its fumes. A 1ictim of cur"re $oisoning is horri-l, "#"re of not -re"thing "n' luci'l, #itnesses the -o', going into con1ulsions #hile -eing un"-le to mo1e or c"ll for hel$. Am"Hingl,, ho#e1er, "fter cur"re is coo*e', it c"n -e s"fel, touche' "n' rolle' into " $"ste th"t is h"rmless e1en if s#"llo#e'. ut if cur"re comes into 'irect cont"ct #ith the -loo'stre"m, it is 'e"'l,&"s #hen the $oison is "$$lie' to "rro# ti$s th"t $ierce the s*in of 1ictims. +o# coul' the sh"m"ns h"1e *no#n "-out this effectF It is st"tistic"ll, im$ossi-le to 'isco1er the formul" for cur"re through tri"l "n' error, #hich un'erlines the sh"m"ns8 cl"im th"t the, "ccesse' inform"tion from the n"tur"l #orl'&from the -ios$here itself& -, t"$$ing into the in1isi-le #is'om of " fiel' th"t $erme"tes "ll of life. This #e- of life, #hich the, refer to "s the Di1ine Mother, is " li1ing energ, s,stem th"t su$$orts "n' informs "ll cre"tures. It is, in essence, " m"tri2 of energ, th"t connects "ll li1ing entities. This conce$t is m"*ing its #", -"c* into the min's of the science communit,. /cientists "re "lso -eginning to reconsi'er the notion of s$"ce "s one huge 1oi'. Inste"', "


gro#ing num-er of $h,sicists $ostul"te th"t s$"ce is not em$t, -ut full of energ,; cosmic r"'i"tion from the ig "ng, $uls"ting electrom"gnetic fiel's, "n' gr"1it,. Coul' this energ, -e " 1"st storehouse of inform"tion "s #ellF T"E %E.!N!NE T"#OU/" "!STO#Y Ancient $eo$les recogniHe' "n' re1ere' the $o#er of the 'i1ine feminine in her m"n, forms, such "s the Di1ine Mother of the sh"m"ns. For millenni", -efore the "'1ent of the "l$h"-et, cultures "roun' the #orl', from the In'us V"lle, to Centr"l Euro$e, cele-r"te' the 0o''ess. In In'i", :"li h"s long -een #orshi$$e' "s the 0re"t Mother "n' the ultim"te re"lit,. In 0reece, +er" re$resente' " much ol'er mother 'eit,, $erh"$s rel"te' to the /umeri"n go''ess In"nn", #hile the go''ess Demeter, re1ere' in the Eleusini"n M,steries, #"s the 0re"t Mother of $l"nting "n' h"r1esting cro$s. Throughout Centr"l Euro$e, the e"rliest of re$resent"tions of the 0re"t Mother "re stone "n' -one $ieces collecti1el, referre' to "s Venus figurines. The -est *no#n of these is the Venus of (illen'orf, " s,m-ol of fertilit, #ith l"rge -re"sts "n' hi$s, n"me' "fter the 1ill"ge in centr"l Austri" ne"r #hich it #"s foun'. This st"tuette #"s c"r1e' close to B6,=== ,e"rs "go from limestone "n' tinte' #ith re' ocher th"t is not n"ti1e to the "re", suggesting th"t it h"' $erh"$s -een " tre"sure' $ossession -rought from else#here -, " $ilgrim. /imil"r figurines h"1e -een foun' throughout the "re" "n' in such gre"t num-ers th"t some "nthro$ologists "re con1ince' the, $oint to " time #hen the feminine form #"s the singul"r re$resent"tion of the Di1ine. M"riA" 0im-ut"s, "n "rcheologist *no#n for her rese"rch into the Neolithic cultures of Euro$e, offers com$elling e1i'ence th"t the Euro$e"n he"rtl"n' #"s once in1"'e' -, In'o. Euro$e"n $eo$les from #h"t is to'", the U*r"ine "n' southern Russi". eing fierce #"rriors, these in1"'ers ro'e ne#l, 'omestic"te' horses "n' e"sil, 'efe"te' the 0o''ess.#orshi$$ing Neolithic f"rmers. These in1"'ers #ere *no#n "s mem-ers of the "ttle A2 culture -ec"use the, ch"r"cteristic"ll, $l"ce' " stone -"ttle "2, #hich -, th"t time #"s useless "s " #e"$on -ut hel' onl, s,m-olic 1"lue, in the gr"1es of m"les. (hen the "ttle A2 $eo$le "rri1e' in Euro$e "roun' 4=== -.c.e., the, re$l"ce' the m,thologies of the 0re"t Mother #ith those of " m"le 'eit,, "n' the re$resent"tion of the Di1ine -ec"me the $h"llus or the tree of life. The chief 'eit, in the In'o.Euro$e"n $"ntheon is D,eus, 0o' of the /*,, #ho #"s "''resse' "s F"ther /*, or /hining F"ther. The n"me D,eus is the root of the L"tin #or' for 'eit,, 'eus. In 0reece, D,eus #oul' -ecome Leus "n', in Rome, 7u$iter. T"E OSS O% T"E %E.!N!NE (ith the first /umeri"n cuneiform t"-lets, In'us scri$t, "n' Eg,$ti"n hierogl,$hs "roun' 4===.B6== -.c.e., "t the st"rt of the ronHe Age, scri-es of th"t $erio' -eg"n to recor' the stories of milit"r, le"'ers "n' the songs of $oets. Accounts of historic"l e1ents -ec"me reg"r'e' "s un'is$ute' f"ct "n' -eg"n to re$l"ce legen's, #hich #ere " mi2ture of f"ct "n' m,th con1e,e' from one gener"tion to the ne2t through " rich or"l tr"'ition. M"le go's of the s*, "n' he"1ens, such "s Leus, %"h#eh, Thor, "n' /hi1", too* 'omin"nce o1er go''ess tr"'itions "n' the e"rth go''esses. Peo$le no longer s"# n"ture "s the m"nifest"tion of 'i1init, -ut "s " resource; forests #ere for -uil'ing houses "n' shi$s, soil #"s to -e tille' for cro$s, "n' "nim"ls #ere to -e -re' for foo'. A mech"nistic 1ie# of n"ture -eg"n to $re1"il "s "lchemists g"1e The Neuroscience of Enlightenment #", to chemists "n' "strologers to "stronomers. (ith the "rri1"l of Ne#toni"n $h,sics in the l"te 95==s, "n, force th"t coul'n8t -e e2$l"ine' -, science #"s 'ismisse' "s su$erstition.


(estern me'icine #"s -orn of this #orl'1ie#. Inste"' of rel,ing on n"tur"l reme'ies to cure the "ilments of the -o',, $h,sici"ns turne' to s,nthetic 'rugs "n' surger,. The scientific #orl'1ie# re$l"ce' the m,sterious #orl' of the "ncients. The in1ention of microsco$es en"-le' scientists to in1estig"te #h"t #ere once 'eeme' in1isi-le Ks$iritsK th"t c"use 'ise"se "n' to c"t"logue them "s micro-es. L"ter, in1estig"tors 'isco1ere' the genetic co'e "n' -eg"n to entert"in the notion th"t mort"l hum"ns coul' control he"lth in the s"me #", the, controlle' n"ture. 0eneticists "n' chemists foun' #",s to m"ni$ul"te genes "n' conGuer 'ise"se #ith $rescri$tion 'rugs. These '",s, (estern $h,sici"ns seem o1erl, focuse' on refle2i1el, res$on'ing to $h,sic"l $ro-lems th"t the, -elie1e un'erlie their $"tients8 m"l"'ies. (hether the c"use is " smol'ering infectious "gent or " chemic"l im-"l"nce, "ll too often -oth $h,sici"n "n' $"tient reg"r' the $rescri$tion $"' "s the sole me"ns to tre"t " 'ise"se, thus ignoring the more fun'"ment"l issue of $"tient uniGueness. A #ETU#N TO T"E %E.!N!NE An' ,et, the $en'ulum h"s -egun to s#ing -"c* to the -elief in "n interconnecte' uni1erse "n' the im$ort"nce of the 'i1ine feminine. Contem$or"r, scientists, inclu'ing the No-le PriHe.#inner Er#in /chro'inger, the neuroscientist +um-erto M"tur"n", "n' the $h,sicist Fr"ncisco V"rel", h"1e suggeste' the interrel"te'ness of "ll $"rticles in the uni1erse. (e c"n fin' e1i'ence of this interconnecte'ness in $h,sics in " $ro$ert, *no#n "s ent"nglement. E1i'ence in'ic"tes th"t #hen t#o $"rticles "re cre"te' together, such "s through the r"'io"cti1e 'ec", of other $"rticles, the, rem"in lin*e' together, or ent"ngle', no m"tter ho# f"r "$"rt the, might -e from e"ch other. V"ri"-les in the con'ition of e"ch $"rticle rem"in un'etermine' until the, "re o-ser1e' "n' me"sure'. For e2"m$le, #hen one ent"ngle' $"rticle h"s " $ositi1e ch"rge, its m"te #ill h"1e " neg"ti1e ch"rge. Re1ersing the ch"rge of one c"uses "n inst"nt"neous re1ers"l in the other. This 'efies the l"#s of 0ener"l Rel"ti1it, -ec"use it #oul' in1ol1e " sign"l tr"1eling f"ster th"n the s$ee' of light. %et the conce$t of ent"nglement is consistent #ith the l"#s of Gu"ntum mech"nics, #hich 'escri-e " uni1erse in #hich 'ist"nt inter"ctions "re not onl, $ermitte' -ut common$l"ce. <u"ntum mech"nics is thought to "$$l, onl, to su-"tomic $"rticles -ec"use Gu"ntum effects "re not o-ser1"-le on " l"rger sc"le. ut /tu"rt +"meroff, "n "nesthesiologist "n' $rofessor "t the Uni1ersit, of AriHon", "n' 7"c* A. TusH,ns*i, " $h,sicist "t the Uni1ersit, of Al-ert", -oth suggest th"t Gu"ntum $rocessing&on " le1el l"rger th"n su-"tomic&m", "ctu"ll, -e occurring insi'e the -r"in.B A commonl, "cce$te' scientific mo'el st"tes th"t consciousness "rises "s the result of the com$ut"tion"l $o#er&the inform"tion $rocessing c"$"-ilities&of the hum"n -r"in. +"meroff is stu',ing microtu-ules, #hich "re structur"l com$onents of the cell th"t tr"ns$ort nutrients from the cell -o', to the "2on termin"l. In +"meroff8s rese"rch, he note' th"t "nesthesi" #or*s through "n effect on neur"l microtu-ules. The correl"tion -et#een consciousness "n' com$ut"tion"l $o#er le' +"meroff to re"son th"t these microtu-ules coul', in f"ct, "ct "s inform"tion.$rocessing mo'ules, #hich #oul' incre"se the current estim"tes of hum"n com$ut"tion"l c"$"-ilities more th"n " millionfol'. An' if this #ere the c"se, sim$le com$uting $o#er coul' offer hum"ns the ment"l K-"n'#i'thK necess"r, to commune consciousl, #ith the -ios$here&in essence t"$$ing into the inform"tion of our interconnecte' uni1erse. (ith rese"rch such "s this, scientists "re fin'ing mo'els to eluci'"te #h"t sh"m"ns "n' seers h"1e so eleg"ntl, "n' sim$l, e2$l"ine' in the $"st "s our "-ilit, to h"1e "n "cti1e 'i"logue #ith "ll of n"ture. YOU# CO.PUTAT!ONA .!ND


The num-er of neurons in the -r"in is 9= to the 99th $o#er& th"t8s " 9 follo#e' -, 99 Heroes, or 9== -illionJ (ith close to 9=,=== s,n"$ses in e1er, l"rge neuron "n' #ith s#itch r"tes close to 9,=== times $er secon', this me"ns th"t the num-er of o$er"tions the -r"in c"n $rocess $er secon' is 9= to the 9)th $o#er.4 (hile this is "n incre'i-l, l"rge num-er, it -ecomes minute if neuron"l microtu-ules "re in1ol1e' "s com$ut"tion"l su-units. (ith more th"n 9== million microtu-ules in e"ch neuron, the incre"se' com$ut"tion"l c"$"-ilit, of the -r"in -ecomes st"ggeringl, immense. ut #hether the num-er of com$ut"tions the hum"n -r"in c"n $erform is " 9= follo#e' -, 9) Heroes or " 9= follo#e' -, BD Heroes is not "s conseGuenti"l "s ho# #ell #e "re using the -r"in #e h"1e no#. If #e #ere to "s* ,ou to remem-er the song K+e, 7u'eK for " moment "n' then "s* ,ou to forget it, ,ou, in common #ith most $eo$le, #oul' h"1e " h"r' time $utting it out of ,our min'. Reg"r'less of the $ossi-le num-er of com$ut"tions our -r"in is c"$"-le of, the truth of the m"tter is th"t most $eo$le use most of their com$ut"tion"l "-ilit, to '#ell on e1er,'", $ro-lems. This #"ste of " goo' -r"in le"1es h"r'l, "n, com$ut"tion"l $o#er for inno1"tion, cre"ti1e $ro-lem sol1ing, "n' enlightenment. If +"meroff is right "-out microtu-ules e2hi-iting Gu"ntum mech"nic"l e1ents insi'e ,our -r"in cells, then consi'er the $ossi-ilities "n' $otenti"ls th"t ,ou "re c"$"-le of, es$eci"ll, #hen ,ou turn off thoughts of fe"r, se2, gree', or incess"nt #orr,. %ou coul' h"1e the $o#er to eng"ge in nonloc"l inter"ctions, to "ccess inform"tion from "cross the g"l"2,, "n' to 'r"# u$on the lessons from ,our $"st, ,our future, or e1en from the collecti1e $"st "n' future of hum"nit,&Aust "s enlightene' me'it"tors "n' sh"m"ns 'o "n' h"1e 'one. As the D"l"i L"m" st"tes, KThose on " high le1el of s$iritu"l e2$erience h"1e . . . 'e1elo$e' me'it"ti1e concentr"tion to the $oint of -ecoming cl"ir1o,"nt "n' gener"ting mir"cles.KC T"E B#A!N AND EN !/"TEN.ENT /o #ith "ll this e2$"n'e' -r"in $o#er, #h"t "re #e stri1ing forF In the E"st, enlightenment h"s tr"'ition"ll, -een "ssoci"te' #ith Gu"lities such "s generosit,, com$"ssion, $e"ceful "cce$t"nce, "n' "n e2$erience of oneness #ith "ll cre"tion. In the fiercel, in'i1i'u"listic (est, our r"ther 1"gue notion of enlightenment suggests "n "cce$t"nce of the #orl' "s it is, or of 'isco1ering ho# #e c"n ch"nge it for the -etter. Enlightenment for us "lso im$lies the common longing for no1elt,, e2$lor"tion, "n' cre"ti1it,, "s $ersonifie' -, the e2$lorers #ho 1enture into s$"ce. If #e t"*e the E"stern Gu"lities of enlightenment out of their religious conte2t "n' $l"ce them in the re"lm of -iologic"l science, #e fin' th"t the, "re "ttri-utes "ssoci"te' #ith the "cti1"tion of the $refront"l corte2&the ne#est $"rt of the hum"n -r"in. !n function"l MRI sc"ns, $eo$le #ho me'it"te regul"rl, "re sho#n to h"1e 'e1elo$e' -r"ins th"t "re #ire' 'ifferentl, th"n the -r"ins of $eo$le #ho 'on8t me'it"te. The, "re -etter "-le to rem"in c"lm "n', li1e in $e"ce, "n' $r"ctice com$"ssion. Curiousl,, their $refront"l corte2 is the most "cti1e region in their -r"in 'uring the st"tes the, 'escri-e "s s"m"'hi, or enlightenment. +is +oliness the D"l"i L"m" 'escri-es enlightenment "s K" st"te of free'om not onl, from the counter$ro'ucti1e emotions th"t 'ri1e the $rocess of c,clic e2istence, -ut "lso from the $re'is$ositions est"-lishe' in the min' -, those "fflicti1e emotions. The D"l"i L"m" is suggesting th"t enlightenment is " st"te of free'om from 'estructi1e emotions "n' from the limiting -eliefs "n' re$etiti1e -eh"1iors cre"te' -, these emotions. 0enerosit, "n' com$"ssion "rise onl, #hen the $refront"l corte2 is "-le to throttle -"c* the more $rehistoric regions of the -r"in. %et, for the $refront"l corte2 to cre"te function"l $"th#",s for Ao, "n' $e"ce, the entire -o', "n' -r"in nee' to -e he"lth,, fe' #ith the $ro$er nutrients, "n' tr"ine' #ith "n inner 'isci$line. (e must he"l our -o'ies "n' min's to em$o#er the $refront"l corte2&the ne# -r"in, #hich is -iologic"ll, $rogr"mm"-le for -liss, e2tr"or'in"r, longe1it,, $e"ce, "n' regener"tion. For too long, this -r"in region h"s -een *e$t


offline, silence' -, the s"me forces . sc"rcit,, 1iolence, "n' tr"um"&from #hich it $romises to 'eli1er us. !nce this ne# region in the -r"in is -rought online, -r"in s,nerg, is $ossi-le. /,nerg, me"ns th"t the #hole is gre"ter th"n the sum of its $"rts. Engineers "re f"mili"r #ith ho# s,nerg, o$er"tes. The tensile strength of st"inless steel, for e2"m$le, is ne"rl, ten times gre"ter th"n the tensile strength of iron, e1en though st"inless steel is -"sic"ll, iron #ith " minute "mount of c"r-on "''e' to it. oth c"r-on "n' iron, -, themsel1es, "re -rittle "n' fl"*e e"sil,. %et, #hen com-ine', the, m"*e "n e2tr"or'in"ril, strong m"teri"l. r"in s,nerg, signifies " neurocom$uter #hose circuits "re "ll turne' on, tune' in, "n' o$er"ting coll"-or"ti1el,, e"ch region "tten'ing to its functions&much "s the he"rt "tten's to circul"ting -loo' #hile the lungs "tten' to res$ir"tion&cre"ting " s,stem th"t c"nnot -e 'efine' or e1en 'escri-e' -, its com$onent $"rts. ATTA!N!N/ SYNE#/Y Peo$le in the E"st s", the $"th to -r"in s,nerg, is through the $r"ctice of me'it"tion. /h"m"ns use the term cle"r $erce$tion. In ,og", it is c"lle' s"m"'hi, the highest st"ge of me'it"tion, oneness #ith the uni1erse. Reg"r'less of the term use' to 'escri-e the $rocess, the ch"llenge is to 'is.i'entif, #ith ,our limite' sense of self th"t #"s cre"te' -, 'estructi1e emotions. Thin* of " l"*e. (hen the #"ters of the l"*e "re still, it reflects e1er,thing "roun' it $erfectl,. %ou see $ine trees on the other si'e or " rising moon "s mirror im"ges. ut #hen e1en the slightest -reeHe crosses the l"*e, the surf"ce reflects onl, itself. It, in effect, s",s, KLoo* "t me.K /imil"rl,, #hen ,our min' is 'isru$te' -, unin1ite' thoughts or emotions or #hen it is 'istr"cte' -, tele1ision or " -"rr"ge of commerci"l "'1ertising or soci"l gossi$ or tri1i"l -"nter, it remo1es itself from connection #ith the gre"ter uni1erse. It interru$ts ,our 'ee$, inn"te 'esire to $ercei1e the gr"n' m,ster, of cre"tion&"n' -e $"rt of it. /h"m"ns -elie1e th"t, to inter"ct #ith the 1"st inform"tion fiel's of the -ios$here, ,ou must enter " st"te of cle"r $erce$tion. %our min' must -e "t $e"ce in or'er to $ercei1e the true n"ture of the #orl' "n' not merel, the reflection of ,our o#n"ce 'r"m" cre"te' -, ,our 'estructi1e emotions. A te"ching stor, from the North Americ"n Pl"ins In'i"ns tells of " ,oung m"n #ho comes to his gr"n'f"ther "n' s",s, KThere "re t#o #ol1es insi'e of me. !ne #"nts to *ill "n' 'estro,, "n' the other one #"nts to m"*e $e"ce "n' -ring -e"ut,. (hich one #ill #in, 0r"n'f"therFK The ol' m"n "ns#ers, K(hiche1er one ,ou fee'.K Li*e#ise, ,ou h"1e " choice; To fee' the #olf of ch"os "n' confusion, the #olf th"t 'e1ours ,our $ositi1e thin*ing, 'estro,s ,our sense of self.#orth, "n' consumes ,our entire -eing. !r to fee' the #olf of inner $e"ce th"t #ill en"-le ,our min' to -ecome li*e the -e"utiful, reflecti1e surf"ce of " still l"*e "n' "ccess the "ttri-utes "n' gifts of ,our higher -r"in. !nce ,ou he"l ,our emotion"l -r"in "n' cre"te the st"te of -r"in s,nerg,, the gifts of ,our $refront"l corte2 #ill come online n"tur"ll,. %ou #ill no longer nee' to $ursue h"$$iness through "rtifici"l me"ns, -ec"use h"$$iness #ill "rise from ,ou #ith e"se. For the $refront"l corte2, h"$$iness is not the result of goo' luc* or h"$$enst"nce. No, h"$$iness is " tre"sure of cle"r $erce$tion th"t #ill -e etern"ll, ,ours.


C"APTE# 2 T"E PO&E#%U .!ND

In our #or*&-oth "s "n "nthro$ologist #ho 'e'ic"te' m"n, ,e"rs to in1estig"ting the he"ling $r"ctices of Am"Hon "n' An'e"n s"ges, "n' "s " neurologist #ho h"s s$ent 'ec"'es tre"ting in'i1i'u"ls suffering from 'egener"ti1e -r"in 'ise"ses&#e h"1e long -een intrigue' -, the $o#er of the min' in "chie1ing un-elie1"-le fe"ts, -oth $h,sic"l "n' ment"l. (e81e met "n' stu'ie' #ith s"ges #ho #ere "-le to "chie1e e2tr"or'in"r, -rilli"nce, inner $e"ce, "n' cre"ti1it,. (e81e he"r' of Ti-et"n mon*s #ho "re "-le to me'it"te o1ernight on "n ice. co1ere' mount"in #ithout freeHing to 'e"th, 'usting the sno# from their n"*e' shoul'ers "s the sun rises. The full $o#er of the min' is still not com$letel, un'erstoo', -ut #e #itness e2"m$les of it on " regul"r -"sis. "EA T" AND T"OU/"TS %e"rs "go, $eo$le s"# su$$ort grou$s "n' stress m"n"gement techniGues "s h"rmless "'Auncts to the me'ic"l tre"tment of those #ith serious illnesses. Recentl,, ho#e1er, rese"rch h"s sho#n th"t $"tients #ho use techniGues such "s min'ful me'it"tion not onl, "re less stresse' emotion"ll, -, their illness -ut "lso e2$erience -etter $h,sic"l he"lth. This rese"rch is, in f"ct, sho#ing ho# thoughts, -eliefs, "n' emotions influence the he"lth of the -o',. In the 7ul, B==E issue of /cientific Americ"n, the neurologist M"rtin Portner 'escri-es the c"se of 0retchen, " $"rtici$"nt in " B==6 stu', on the 1i"-ilit, of " testosterone $"tch to tre"t h,$o."cti1e se2u"l 'esire 'isor'er, " con'ition in #hich " $erson8s li-i'o is so 'iminishe' th"t he or she feels no se2u"l interest or "ttr"ction. Testosterone, " hormone $ro'uce' -, the testes in m"les "n' the o1"ries in fem"les, is "ssoci"te' #ith se2u"l "rous"l. 0retchen h"' felt no se2u"l 'esire e1er since un'ergoing "n o$er"tion th"t remo1e' her o1"ries. After #e"ring the $"tch for 9B #ee*s, 0retchen felt the stirrings of 'esire "g"in. KIt c"n onl, -e -ec"use of th"t $"tch,K she re$orte'. /hortl, there"fter she #"s "-le to m"*e lo1e #ith her hus-"n' "g"in "n' e2$erience "n org"sm for the first time in ,e"rs. ut the most "m"Hing $"rt of the stor, is th"t 0retchen, un-e*no#nst to her, #"s $"rt of the stu',8s control grou$ "n' the $"tch gi1en to her #"s " $l"ce-o #ith no testosterone in it #h"tsoe1er. The return of 0retchen8s se2u"l "$$etite #"s cle"rl, rel"te' to " ch"nge in her neur"l #iring, some liter"l ch"nge of min' of #hich she #"s not e1en cogniti1el, "#"re. %et, it h"$$ene'. An' th"t ch"nge #"s felt throughout her -o',. Most of us "re more f"mili"r #ith $s,chosom"tic 'ise"se th"n #ith $s,chosom"tic #ellness. (e *no# th"t #e c"n #orr, oursel1es sic*, "n' #e sus$ect th"t #e c"n l"ugh oursel1es to he"lth. E1en so, me'icine gi1es little cre'ence to the i'e" th"t $s,chosom"tic he"lth c"n -e "chie1e'. After "ll, #e c"nnot *no#ingl, "'minister " $l"ce-o to oursel1es, in the s"me #", th"t it is im$ossi-le to tic*le ,ourself. %et societies th"t rel, on tr"'ition"l he"lers& me'icine men "n' #omen&h"1e long un'erstoo' the $o#er of the min' to either he"l or *ill. At times, sh"m"ns resort to gre"t $om$ "n' ceremon, to mo-iliHe the min'8s "-ilit, to he"l the -o',. Their com$le2 ceremonies "cti1"te the $refront"l corte2 to cre"te he"lth. %et, in mo'ern societies, #e h"1e l"rgel, 'ecl"re' these $r"ctices to -e su$erstition or Gu"c*er,I K$l"ce-oK is e1en " term of 'ismiss"l in e1er,'", con1ers"tion. The iron, is th"t our mo'ern.'", Kceremon,K consists of gi1ing the $"tient " sug"r $ill, " t"-let th"t cont"ins no $h"rm"ceutic"l ingre'ients. Testing ne# me'icines "g"inst " $l"ce-o is " common $r"ctice for 'etermining the effic"c, of "ll me'ic"tions, #hich is, in effect, strong e1i'ence th"t the min' "lone 'oes h"1e the $o#er to soothe infl"mm"tion, c"lm ner1es, "n' influence org"ns "n' tissues of the -o', to return to " st"te of he"lth.


/tu'ies h"1e sho#n, for e2"m$le, th"t " sug"r $ill c"n -e "s effecti1e "s mor$hine in 65 $ercent of $eo$le.9 %et, e1en though the sug"r $ill is the most c"refull, stu'ie' Kme'ic"tionK -, m"nuf"cturers "n' rese"rchers of $h"rm"ceutic"l me'icine, it is the one le"st "$$reci"te' or recogniHe' "s " $otenti"l cure. A frien' of ours once suggeste' th"t if #e #"nte' to get rich #e shoul' $ress chic*en sou$ into $ill form "n' sell it o1er the counter #ith the n"me KPl"ce-o,K "s #e coul' m"*e legitim"te scientific cl"ims th"t it #oul' -e "lmost "s effecti1e "s e2$ensi1e me'ic"tions in tre"ting " host of com$l"ints, r"nging from he"'"ches to erectile ',sfunction. The $l"ce-o effect "n' $s,chosom"tic #ellness "re the result of t"$$ing into the he"ling $otenti"l of the min', #hich h"s -een common $r"ctice in hum"n*in' for thous"n's of ,e"rs. , 'ismissing the $l"ce-o effect, (estern me'icine h"s, in re"lit,, f"ile' to in1estig"te ho# this $henomenon c"n gi1e us " glim$se into the immense $o#er of the $refront"l corte2. David Can3er4 &*at Can3er4 As " tr"ine' neurologist, I8m intrigue' -, ho# I "m often "ccuse' of $r"cticing Knontr"'ition"lK me'icine -ec"use, in "''ition to offering nutrition"l recommen'"tions, our clinic8s $rotocols "lso incor$or"te such mo'"lities "s "ffirm"tions "n' me'it"tion. The $"r"'o2 is th"t these $r"ctices, or simil"r ones, h"1e -een " $"rt of he"lth c"re for thous"n's of ,e"rs, "n' "re thus Ktr"'ition"lK -, 'efinition. In l"te B==D, " $"tient #ith " 1er, serious he"lth issue c"me to see me. KM"r1inK #"s " DC. ,e"r.ol' m"n #ho h"' Aust returne' from " to$ c"ncer tre"tment f"cilit,, #here he #"s tol' to Kget ,our "ff"irs in or'erK -ec"use he h"' -een 'i"gnose' #ith "ggressi1e $"ncre"tic c"ncer th"t h"' "lre"', s$re"' to the "'A"cent l,m$h no'es. Chemother"$, #"s "n o$tion, -ut the success r"te, es$eci"ll, "t his "ge, #"s "lmost Hero $ercent. 0i1en #h"t mo'ern me'icine h"s to offer someone in M"r1in8s con'ition, the c"ncer s$eci"lists h"' tol' him #h"t the, "ssesse' to -e the truth "-out his 'e1"st"ting illness; he h"', "t -est, "-out si2 months to li1e. :no#ing ho# much of "n im$"ct -eliefs h"1e on $h,sic"l he"lth, I "s*e' him if he trul, -elie1e' th"t, "n' he re$lie', KA-solutel, notJK&#hich #"s e2"ctl, the res$onse I #"s ho$ing for. (or*ing #ith m, te"m, #e therefore 'esigne' " $rogr"m of s$ecific nutrition"l su$$lements to enh"nce his immune s,stem. I "lso "''e' " high.'os"ge D+A to "ugment the me'it"tion $r"ctices "n' "ffirm"tions he #"s to -egin. The focus of -oth of these techniGues #"s sim$l, the thought, KI "m he"lth,.K (ithin one #ee*, his $re1ious s"llo# "$$e"r"nce h"' 'is"$$e"re', "n' rem"r*"-l,, #ithin si2 #ee*s, his $re1iousl, "-norm"l -loo' stu'ies rel"te' to $"ncre"tic "n' li1er function h"' com$letel, norm"liHe'. Three months l"ter, he returne' to the reno#ne' hos$it"l #here he8' -een 'i"gnose'. +is CAT sc"ns re1e"le' no e1i'ence of c"ncer #h"tsoe1er. K(h"t 'i' the, s", #hen the, s"# ,our resultsFK I "s*e' him. K(ell,K he re$lie', Kthe, re"ll, 'i'n8t seem intereste' in le"rning #h"t I #"s 'oing, -ut the, 'i' s", th"t #h"te1er it #"s, I shoul' continue it.K Almost t#o ,e"rs l"ter, "t the time of #riting this -oo*, M"r1in rem"ins c" /ure, it coul' -e "rgue' th"t this is sim$l, " c"se of s$ont"neous remission, -ut th"t is e2cee'ingl, r"re #ith this t,$e of c"ncer, "s "n, c"ncer s$eci"list #oul' confirm. I su-mit th"t the *e, inter1ention #"s the rel"tionshi$ he culti1"te' #ith the Di1ine "s " result of using the t#o. $ronge' "$$ro"ch of neuronutrients "n' sh"m"nic me'it"ti1e techniGues th"t "llo#e' him to "ccess the he"ling energ, th"t infuses "ll th"t e2ists. In contr"st to the $l"ce-o, the noce-o is "n insi'ious com$lement. A noce-o is "n other#ise h"rmless su-st"nce or inert me'ic"tion th"t c"n c"use h"rmful effects 'ue to the $"tient8s


neg"ti1e e2$ect"tions, -eliefs, or $s,chologic"l con'ition&reg"r'less of the $erson8s $h,sic"l con'ition. Alberto' T*e Curse !s #eal The most 'r"m"tic e2"m$le of the noce-o effect I e1er #itnesse' occurre' in the Peru1i"n Am"Hon #hen I met " $erfectl, he"lth, m"n #ho h"' -een Kcurse'K -, " loc"l sorcerer. At the time, I #"s in1estig"ting the he"ling $r"ctices of sh"m"ns ne"r the he"'#"ters of the M"r"non Ri1er. (hen the $"tient c"me in for " consult"tion, the he"ler informe' the $"tient th"t his n"use" "n' he"'"ches #ere -eing c"use' -, this curse, th"t there #"s nothing he coul' 'o to hel$ him, "n' th"t he shoul' $re$"re himself "n' his f"mil, for his $"ssing. (ithin BC hours the m"n #"s 'e"'. (hen I "s*e' the he"ler #h, he h"' not hel$e' the m"n, he re$lie' th"t the m"n h"' -ro*en " 1ill"ge t"-oo -ut it #"s his o#n fe"r th"t h"' *ille' him. I imme'i"tel, Guestione' him further, "s*ing if the curse #"s "ll in the m"n8s o#n min', th"t the sorcer, #"s not re"l. K!h no,K he em$h"siHe'. KThe curse, the sorcer,, is "-solutel, re"l.K (h"t I le"rne' in th"t corner of the Am"Hon #"s the s"me thing th"t "'1ertising "gencies on M"'ison A1enue h"1e long un'erstoo'; th"t the min' c"n -e $rogr"mme' to $urch"se 1ehicles th"t #ill m"*e us feel li*e #e "re ,oung "g"in "n' 'resses th"t $romise to m"*e the hurt of 'e$ression go "#",. The min' c"n e1en -e $rogr"mme' to go "g"inst e1er, instinctu"l sur1i1"l function ingr"ine' through millions of ,e"rs of e1olution. It is 1er, 'ifficult to o1erri'e the -o',8s immune s,stem. %et th"t m"n8s -elief h"' m"n"ge' to *ill him. The Guestion th"t c"me to m, min' th"t '", #"s; (h"t "-out the long list of 'iscl"imers "n' $ossi-le si'e effects th"t comes #ith e1er, me'ic"tion #e -u,F Coul' the, -e "ffecting our 1er, suggesti-le min's in " no2ious #",F R"ther th"n f"lling $re, to noce-os&#hether of the $h,sic"l -o', or min'&ho# c"n #e $rogr"m oursel1es for life, he"lth, "n' Ao,F I h"1e since come to re"liHe th"t $h,sici"ns "re hesit"nt to suggest " $l"ce-o or to recommen' #h"t #ere once c"lle' Ksoft ther"$ies,K such "s counseling, rel"2"tion techniGues, or me'it"tion, -ec"use the, -elie1e these metho'ologies constitute $hon, me'icine. The, #orr, "-out the im$lic"tions of Ktric*ingK the $"tient into he"ling the -o',, e1en though the success of m"n, me'ic"ll, "cce$te' ther"$ies "n' surgic"l inter1entions currentl, $erforme' -, those s"me 'octors m", -e, in l"rge $"rt, enh"nce' or f"cilit"te' -, the $l"ce-o effect. ut "-o1e "ll, "s I h"1e come to un'erst"n' the c"$"-ilities of our min', I re"liHe th"t ,ou "n' I "n' e1er,one c"n use these f"culties consciousl, to cre"te $s,chosom"tic he"lth. In effect, #e #ill -e "-le to 1olition"ll, he"l oursel1es from $h,sic"l "n' emotion"l 'isor'ers, #ithout h"1ing to resort to tric*er,. To 'o this, #e first h"1e to un'erst"n' ho# the -r"in #or*s, "n' ho# tr"um" c"n inAure the -r"in regions th"t "llo# us to t"$ into these "-ilities. T"E T#!UNE B#A!N In the mi'.9E6=s, P"ul D. M"cLe"n, "n Americ"n neuroscientist, $ro$ose' " mo'el to hel$ e2$l"in the e1olution of the hum"n -r"in. M"cLe"n8s mo'el -ec"me *no#n "s the triune -r"in, "n' it 'escri-es ho# #e h"1e three e1olution"ril, 'istinct neurocom$uters, e"ch #ith its o#n intelligence, su-Aecti1e feel of the #orl', "n' sense of time "n' s$"ce. M"cLe"n8s mo'el is too gener"l to -e of 1"lue to stu'ents of e1olution"r, "n"tom,, ,et it is hel$ful to met"$horic"ll, un'erst"n' ho# e"ch of us re"cts 'ifferentl, to situ"tions, 'e$en'ing on the K-r"inK #e "re res$on'ing from. It e2$l"ins ho#, #hen #e smell the scent of #olf, one of us m", sense '"nger #hile the other m", 'etect o$$ortunit,. T*e Old Brains The first -r"in is the re$tili"n -r"in, or R.-r"in, #hich is "n"tomic"ll, 1er, simil"r to the -r"in of mo'ern.'", re$tiles. This -r"in region is com$letel, instinctu"l "n' is $rim"ril, intereste' in sur1i1"l. It regul"tes most "utonomic functions, such "s -re"thing, he"rt r"te, "n' -o',


tem$er"tureI "n' it is in1ol1e' in the fight.or.flight res$onse. There is nothing cu''l, "-out " re$tile, "n' this -r"in region, li*e " col'.-loo'e' ser$ent, feels no emotions. The secon' -r"in is the lim-ic s,stem, #hich is m"'e u$ $rim"ril, of the "m,g'"l", the h,$oth"l"mus, "n' the hi$$oc"m$us. M"cLe"n 'escri-e' this "s the -r"in of instinct "n' emotion. The lim-ic s,stem is "lso *no#n "s the m"mm"li"n -r"in, or M.-r"in. As the n"me im$lies, this is the -r"in most 'omin"nt in m"mm"ls, #hich flourishe' "-out the s"me time th"t 'inos"urs #ere st"1ing off e2tinction. As such, it re$resents one more ste$ in the l"''er of e1olution"r, com$le2it,. In the lim-ic s,stem, sign"ls "re 'eco'e' "ccor'ing to four fun'"ment"l $rogr"ms, *no#n "s the Four F8s&fe"r, fee'ing, fighting, "n' fornic"ting. The M.-r"in #ill inter$ret meeting " $erson for the first time "s "n in'i1i'u"l to -e #"r, of, " 'inner '"te or " $romising -usiness $"rtner, " $otenti"l "'1ers"r,, or " $ossi-le m"te. This -r"in "lso inter$rets color "ccor'ing to the cultur"l en1ironment th"t $rogr"mme' it; re', for e2"m$le, me"ns K'"nger, sto$K in the Unite' /t"tes, -ut it me"ns Kgoo' fortuneK to the Peo$le of Chin", "n' K-estK or K-e"utifulK to Russi"ns. Anatomy o, t*e imbi3 Brain To -etter un'erst"n' ho# the lim-ic, or m"mm"li"n, -r"in functions, let8s loo* "t the structures #ithin it th"t e1ol1e' to ensure our sur1i1"l. The lim-ic -r"in cont"ins the se""$e' hi$$oc"m$us "n' the "lmon'.sh"$e' "m,g'"l". oth "re in1ol1e' in $rocessing inform"tion from our en1ironment 1i" our emotions. If "n enem, "m-ushes us, #e -ecome terrifie' "n' fight or flee. If " sn"*e stri*es out "t us, #e instincti1el, Aum$ "#",. The hi$$oc"m$us is loc"te' in the 'ee$est "n' most for#"r' $ortion of e"ch me'i"l tem$or"l lo-e "n' e2ten's into -oth hemis$heres of the -r"in. The hi$$oc"m$us recei1e' its n"me in the 95th centur, #hen It"li"n "n"tomist 7ulius C"es"r Ar"nHi note' its unc"nn, resem-l"nce to the se"horse "n' chose the n"me hi$$oc"m$us, the 0ree* #or' for this cre"ture. E"rl, rese"rchers, "ttem$ting to "scri-e $"rticul"r functions to s$ecific -r"in "re"s, -elie1e' the hi$$oc"m$us #"s in1ol1e' #ith olf"ction, the $erce$tion of smell. No 'ou-t this -elief #"s strengthene' -, the loc"tion of the hi$$oc"m$us ne"r the olf"ctor, s,stem. E1en though rese"rch l"ter sho#e' th"t olf"ction #"s not " $rim"r, function of the hi$$oc"m$us, in1estig"tors continue to e2$lore the rel"tionshi$ -et#een the memor, of scents "n' hi$$oc"m$"l function. Notice ho# " f"mili"r smell #ill remin' ,ou of ,our chil'hoo', such "s " #hiff of siHHling -"con th"t e1o*es the -re"*f"sts ,our mother use' to m"*e. More refine' rese"rch to'",, ho#e1er, re1e"ls th"t, r"ther th"n ser1ing "s " stor"ge center for memories, the hi$$oc"m$us "cts more "s " #", st"tion, "cGuiring inform"tion from the fi1e senses "n' then $"rceling out the '"t" for $rocessing either -, the "m,g'"l", in the e1ent of " $ercei1e' thre"t, or to the cere-r"l corte2 for "ll other nee's. In effect, the hi$$oc"m$us o$er"tes something li*e " 'igit"l c"mer" th"t c"n $rocess -oth still $ictures "n' 1i'eo. F"cts, li*e $hotogr"$hs, "re $ieces of '"t" th"t c"n gener"ll, -e 1er-"liHe' in sim$le terms. Rec"lling f"cts is terme' 'ecl"r"ti1e memor,. E1ents, li*e 1i'eo, "re more com$le2 "n' in1ol1e rel"tionshi$s th"t "re -oth s$"ti"l "s #ell "s tem$or"l. This ment"l "cti1it, is c"lle' e$iso'ic memor,. (hen the hi$$oc"m$us -egins to 'eterior"te, ne# e2$eriences "re less li*el, to -e store' "n' memori"liHe', "n' this is " h"llm"r* of AlHheimer8s 'ise"se. A'1"nce' im"ging techniGues li*e MRI "n' PET sc"ns no# cle"rl, sho# th"t loss of $h,sic"l tissue "s #ell "s loss of function in the hi$$oc"m$us is "n e"rl, in'ic"tor of this 'ise"se. As ,ou8ll see l"ter in Po#er U$ %our r"in, the hi$$oc"m$us -egins to f"il 'ue to free r"'ic"l "n' chemic"l '"m"ge c"use' -, tr"um" "n' stress. "sic"ll,, once the hi$$oc"m$us -egins to f"il, school is o1er "n' le"rning $rett, much sto$s. Con1ention"l #is'om -elie1es th"t the


"-ilit, to $rocess inform"tion through higher -r"in centers is stunte', th"t our emotion"l re$ertoire is 'iminishe', "n' th"t genuine feelings -ecome in"ccessi-le. !ur mission, ho#e1er, is to ch"llenge th"t $"r"'igm "n' 'emonstr"te to ,ou th"t neuro'egener"tion is $re1ent"-le "n' e1en re1ersi-le. Ring the -ell. /chool is -"c* in session. The "m,g'"l", from the 0ree* #or' for "lmon', go1erns our so.c"lle' fight.or.flight res$onse, #hich is our "utom"tic "n' inst"nt"neous re"ction to re"l or im"gine' thre"ts. "sic"ll,, it8s the fe"r center of the -r"in th"t "llo#s us to res$on' to '"ngerous situ"tions refle2i1el,, unconsciousl,, "n' imme'i"tel,. T*e New Brain The thir' -r"in i'entifie' -, M"cLe"n is the neocorte2, #hich is #ell 'e1elo$e' in "ll the higher m"mm"ls "n' is res$onsi-le for s$eech, #riting, "n' higher.or'er thin*ing in hum"ns. If #e 'o not nee' to fe"r, fight, se'uce, or 'ine #ith " $erson #e encounter in "n, $"rticul"r situ"tion, the th"l"mus rel",s the sensor, inform"tion, colore' -, the Ao,s, e2citements, #orries, or concerns of the lim-ic -r"in, to the neocorte2 for reflection "n' "$$ro$ri"te -eh"1ior. The neocorte2 $rocesses sign"ls in " holistic f"shion, inter$reting en1ironment"l sights "n' soun's into coherent mess"ges. Through the neocorte2, #e recogniHe the 1"lue of "ll $eo$le "n' /et "si'e "n, thoughts "-out ho# the, coul' -e useful to us or #h"t #e might -e "-le to get from them, either leg"ll, or illeg"ll,. The neocorte2 remin's us to c"ll frien's for no re"son other th"n to s", hello "n' #ish them #ell "n' not onl, #hen #e nee' to "s* " f"1or. It is in these higher cortic"l "re"s th"t selfless lo1e, re"soning, "n' logic t"*e $l"ce. This -r"in "llo#s us to cre"te ne# i'e"s "n' entert"in notions such "s 'emocr"c, "s #ell "s to un'erst"n' m"them"tics, #rite $oetr,, com$ose music "n' "rt, 're"m of free'om, "n' en1ision the future. !ur t#o ol'er neurocom$uters, the R.-r"in "n' the lim-ic s,stem, thin* $rim"ril, in terms of 'ist"nce to the *ill, ho# f"r -"c* to the 1ill"ge of origin, the frien'l, confines of the chil'hoo' home, "n' $erson"l s$"ce. The, recogniHe s$"ti"l -oun'"ries "ssoci"te' #ith rel"tionshi$s, the -loo' f"mil,, cl"n territor,, ethnic neigh-orhoo's, "n' n"tion"l -or'ers. (ith these "nchors firml, em-e''e' in memor,, the $rimor'i"l -r"ins c"n e"sil, i'entif, #h"t is Km, "re"K "n' #h"t is Ktheir l"n'.K These -r"ins -elie1e th"t goo' fences m"*e goo' neigh-ors "n' $ercei1e Kthose $eo$le o1er thereK to -e KothersK "n' Knot our *in'.K The, "ssoci"te $eo$le #ith $l"ces, #hich is hel$ful *no#le'ge to ensure sur1i1"l -ut limiting to the conce$t of " glo-"l communit,. Consi'er ho# e"sil, ,ou c"n forget someone8s n"me -ut remem-er the f"ce. Th"t situ"tion stems from ,our $rimiti1e -r"in8s "-ilit, to 'r"# u$on memor, "n' emotion in or'er to 'iscern -et#een Kthe -"' gu,s on the other si'e of the tr"c*sK "n' Kthe goo' gu,s #ho "re li*e us.K In contr"st, the neocorte2, "ssoci"te' #ith the higher e2ecuti1e functions, is "-le to thin* in terms of time "n' not onl, of s$"ce. It c"n store foo' for the #inter, $l"n "n irrig"tion c"n"l for the 'r, se"son, "n' "ntici$"te #here the her' might go for the s$ring. It #ill m"r* the turning of se"sons "n' h"1e "n inclin"tion for m"them"tics "n' music. This -r"in is "-le to $l"n "n' recogniHe future "ctions "n' conseGuences, to choose -et#een goo' "n' -"', right "n' #rong, "n' to su$$ress soci"ll, incorrect -eh"1iors "n' res$onses. The neocorte2 c"n restr"in the Four F8s of the lim-ic -r"in "n' is in1ol1e' in me'it"ti1e "n' tr"nscen'ent"l e2$eriences. Perh"$s it is the neocorte28s "-ilit, to com$rehen' our limite' time on e"rth th"t gener"tes " fe"r of 'e"th "n' *ee$s m"n, of us from e2$loring its $otenti"ls. The lim-ic -r"in un'erst"n's th"t 'e"th h"$$ens in the s"me $rim"l #", th"t chil'ren *no# th"t *ittens "n' gr"n'$"rents 'ie. ut the lim-ic -r"in 'oes not re"liHe th"t 'e"th #ill h"$$en to us "n' someho# im"gines th"t #e "re immune from it. This, cou$le' #ith the f"ct th"t the 'e1elo$ing -r"in is more


$rone to ris*.t"*ing -eh"1ior, is #h, some teen"gers "ct "s though the l"#s of gr"1it, "n' centrifug"l force 'o not "$$l, to them "s the, s$ee' #ith " c"rlo"' of frien's "long " #in'ing mount"in ro"' "fter 'rin*ing too much If ,ou h"1e not "#"*ene' ,our neocortic"l gifts in ,our ,outh, the, #ill ten' to rem"in 'orm"nt until much l"ter in life, onl, to "#"*en reluct"ntl,. , the "ge of C=, most of us h"1e gro#n to "cce$t th"t #e m", not h"1e " secon' ch"nce "t ,outh. Perh"$s this is #h,, for inst"nce, !rtho'o2 r"--is tr"'ition"ll, #"rne' "g"inst the stu', of m,stic"l te2ts until "ge C=, #hen m"turit, #"s more li*el, to -e "ccom$"nie' -, #is'om. Li*e#ise, life insur"nce s"les$eo$le *no# it is ne"rl, im$ossi-le to sell " $olic, to "n,one #ho 'oes not ,et recogniHe th"t their time #ill run out "n' th"t e1er, moment is $reciousI until th"t st"ge of $r"ctic"l enlightenment, #hich h"$$ens "roun' "ge C=, these $ersons "re con1ince' th"t 'e"th #ill not h"$$en to them.

Advan3ed Neo3orti3al T*in5in/,nesthesi", #hich is the "-ilit, to -len' senses, is one of the m"n, f"culties of the neocorte2. Artists "n' musici"ns $ossess this Gu"lit,, #hich en"-les them to see " V of fl,ing geese "t " 'ist"nce, im"gine the soun' of their fl"$$ing #ings, then set th"t "ur"l "n' 1isu"l com$osition to music or c"n1"s. E1en in common l"ngu"ge, #e sometimes use s,nesthetic or cross.sensor, 'escri$tors to cre"te Au2t"$osition"l i'ioms, such "s " K-itter #in'K or " Klou' color.K D"niel T"mmet, "n English s"1"nt, is one $erson #ho e2$resses s,nesthetic c"$"-ilit, liter"ll, to the nth 'egree. T"mmet c"n, for e2"m$le, recite the m"them"tic"l const"nt $i from memor, to BB,69C 'ecim"l $l"ces "n' 'i1i'e ED -, 94 #ith com$lete "ccur"c, to o1er 9== 'ecim"l $l"ces. In his -est.selling -oo* orn on " lue D",; Insi'e the E2tr"or'in"r, Min' of "n Autistic /"1"nt, T"mmet 'escri-es ho# he thin*s. +e s",s th"t #hen he $erforms " m"them"tic"l c"lcul"tion, such "s multi$l,ing 4D to the $o#er of C, #hich he c"n 'o f"ster th"n ,ou c"n $ress the num-ers on " c"lcul"tor, the "ns#er comes to him in " rich, *"lei'osco$ic confluence of colors, te2tures, sh"$es, hues, "n' feelings. T"mmet #"s 'i"gnose' "s h"1ing high.functioning "utism. +e 'e1elo$e' his e2tr"or'in"r, c"$"-ilities "fter " series of e$ile$tic seiHures 'uring chil'hoo' th"t m", h"1e re#ire' his -r"in, "llo#ing him to t"$ into " limite' r"nge&" 'ee$ -ut n"rro# slice& of his neocortic"l c"$"-ilities. D"niel8s e2$erience is not unli*e th"t of s"ges in the high An'es #ho cl"im th"t e2tr"or'in"r, tele$"thic "n' cl"ir1o,"nt s*ills "$$e"re' shortl, "fter the, #ere struc* -, lightning or "fter " strenuous 1ision Guest of f"sting "n' $r",ing for numerous '",s. D"niel T"mmet8s gifts "re not limite' to m"them"tics. +e "lso h"s the "-ilit, to le"rn " ne# l"ngu"ge #ithin " short $erio' of time. For " tele1ision s$eci"l, he m"stere' the com$le2 "n' 'ifficult Icel"n'ic l"ngu"ge&#hich cont"ins, for e2"m$le, 9B #or's for e"ch of the num-ers one, t#o, three, "n' four, 'e$en'ing on the conte2t, "n' " strict "'herence to gen'er "greement -et#een nouns "n' "'Aecti1es&in less th"n " #ee*. This en"-le' him to con'uct " li1e inter1ie# on Icel"n'ic tele1ision in the n"ti1e l"ngu"ge, " t"s* th"t he $erforme' fl"#lessl,. /ome in1estig"tors "rgue th"t such gre"t gifts come "t " gre"t $riceI the, s", th"t ne"rl, 6= $ercent of "ll s"1"nts "re "lso "utistic. This h"s le' (isconsin $s,chi"trist "n' in1estig"tor D"rol' Treffert to suggest th"t s"1"nt s,n'rome is c"use' -, '"m"ge to the left -r"in hemis$here, $"rticul"rl, the front"l "re"s, #hich c"uses the right hemis$here to o1ercom$ens"te.B This is s"i' -, Dr. Treffert to -e "ccom$"nie' -, " shift from high le1el front"l lo-e memor, "n' $rocessing to lo#.le1el $roce'ur"l memor,, #hich "llo#s $ersons li*e D"niel T"mmet to m"ster num-ers "n' l"ngu"ges #ith such e"se.



Thous"n's of ,e"rs "go, our "ncestors f"ce' " neurologic"l o$$ortunit, simil"r to the one #e f"ce to'",, "n o$$ortunit, th"t f"cilit"te' "n e1olution"r, le"$ for#"r'. (ith the "#"*ening of the neocorte2, our fore-e"rs "cGuire' " ne# -r"in structure th"t n"ture h"' #ire' for Ao,, cre"ti1it,, "n' inno1"tion. To "ccess th"t $otenti"l, our "ncestors reGuire' s$ecific nutrients to $ro1i'e fuel to run their neurocom$uter. !nce the, "''e' -r"in.enriching foo's to their 'iet, the f"culties of cert"in in'i1i'u"ls, the 1ision"ries of their '",, c"me online "n' -eg"n to cre"te gre"t #or*s of "rt, 'e1ise #ritten l"ngu"ge, est"-lish ci1iliH"tions, "n' l", the foun'"tions for our mo'ern hum"n e2$erience. During this time, "ncestr"l sh"m"ns 'escri-e' Cre"tion "s " #e- of life in #hich #e "re "ll interconnecte'. This #"s " *in' of In'r"8s Net, #hich the m,tholog, of "ncient In'i" 'escri-es "s " #e- #ith "n infinite num-er of intersecting str"n's "n' " $re.C9Mus Ae#el "t the intersection of e1er, str"n'. E"ch of the infinite um-er of Ae#els reflects e1er, other Ae#el $erfectl,. (ithin this m,thic"l net, "ll -eings "re interrel"te', "n' "ll of our "ctions, no m"tter ho# slight, "ffect e1er,one else. (ithin this net, $ro$hets con1erse #ith 0o' "n' inter$ret +is #ill, #hile m,stics se"rch for the eli2ir of immort"lit, "n' "lchemists "ttem$t to tr"nsform le"' into gol'. These s"ges, m,stics, "n' "lchemists sh"re' the s"me $reoccu$"tions "s seers of to'",. The, "s*e', "s #e 'o no#; +o# c"n #e li1e long "n' he"lth, li1es, un"ffecte' -, 'e-ilit"ting illness "n' 'egener"ti1e -r"in 'ise"seF +o# c"n #e turn the 'ense le"' of hum"n suffering into the gol' of enlightene' consciousnessF In the scheme of histor,, the Guest for met"$h,sic"l "ns#ers "-out the origin of life 'ie' #hen Ch"rles D"r#in $u-lishe' The !rigin of /$ecies. The $o$ul"r un'erst"n'ing of the time #"s th"t life is " $erenni"l struggle for sur1i1"l, th"t hum"n*in' is go1erne' -, " h"rsh L"# of the 7ungle #here onl, the fittest #in. ut, fortun"tel,, "fter centuries of scientists8 'ismiss"l "n' ignoring of the "ncient te"chings, $eo$le in "ll #"l*s of life "re once "g"in "s*ing the m,stic8s Guestions "-out the signific"nce "n' $otenti"l of hum"n consciousness. Coul' e1olution h"1e "lso -een f"1oring the sur1i1"l of the #isestF &AYS O% %EA#) &AYS O% &!SDO. The histor, of hum"n consciousness is m"r*e' -, the -"ttle -et#een the ol'er "#"reness, the #",s of fe"r, "n' the ne#er "#"reness, the #",s of lo1e. (hen the ne#er "#"reness $re1"ils, #e 'isco1er " 0o' of lo1e "n' com$"ssion, e2$ress religious free'om, "n' $r"ctice generosit,. (hen the ol'er "#"reness 'omin"tes, #e ten' to #orshi$ "n "ngr, go' #ho scourges his enemies #ith $l"gues "n' #ho sen's his chosen $eo$le on so.c"lle' hol, #"rs to ensure his 'omin"nce. (ith the ol'er -r"in, gree' "n' intoler"nce $re1"il. Lo#er "#"reness 1ie#s e1er,thing, e1en n"ture8s -e"ut, "n' -ount,, "s " commo'it,, 1"lue' onl, "s " me"ns to gener"te $rofit. ("ter, one of the essenti"l elements of life, is seen not "s " home of "Gu"tic org"nisms "n' " n"tur"l me"ns of tr"ns$ort"tion -ut "s " liGui' to -e -ottle' "n' sol'. Air, "nother essenti"l element, is seen not "s " 1it"l su-st"nce in'is$ens"-le for -re"th -ut "s 1"c"nt s$"ce in #hich to emit in'ustri"l #"ste $ro'ucts. /oil is seen not "s " necessit, for gro#ing foo' -ut "s $ro$ert, to -e o#ne', fence', "n' cont"min"te' #ith "gricultur"l chemic"ls "n' in'ustri"l "n' 'omestic #"ste. Mount"ins "re seen not for their m"Aest, -ut "s $l"ces to -e stri$$e' of miner"ls "n' ores. Forests "re seen not "s "nim"l h"-it"ts "n' $l"ces for s$iritu"l retre"t -ut "s $otenti"l $l"n*s "n' -o"r's. E1en s$"ce -e,on'


the s*, "-o1e is seen not Aust "s "n o$$ortunit, for g"l"ctic e2$lor"tion -ut "s " $l"ce to 'um$ $l"net"r, tr"sh "n' s$, on our glo-"l neigh-ors. E1en hum"n -eings "re 1ie#e' "s " commo'it, #hen our thin*ing is fettere' to the #",s of fe"r. Chil'ren in 'e1elo$ing n"tions, for e2"m$le, "re seen "s l"-or $"#ns in s#e"tsho$s or, in 'e1elo$e' countries, "s future r"n*."n'.file em$lo,ees. /enior citiHens, "t le"st in (estern societies, "re not re1ere' for their #is'om -ut #"rehouse' in Kol' $eo$le8s homesK until 'e"th fin"ll, gets them out of the #",. Peo$le of "ges in -et#een, "ccor'ing to D"r#ini"n $rotocol, "re often tr"ine' in #"rf"re or $rogr"mme' to Kget e1en,K if not Kget "he"',K e1en "t the e2$ense of other fello# hum"ns. ut $erh"$s the #orst 'ismiss"l of hum"n 1"lue occurs in the s$inmeister term Kcoll"ter"l '"m"ge,K #hich #oul' h"1e us he"rtlessl, gloss o1er the *illing of innocent ci1ili"ns #ho h"$$en to -e c"ught in " #"r Hone. An' #hile the ne#, higher "#"reness offers us the "-ilit, to thin* on " so$histic"te' "n' gr"n' sc"le&to see E"rth from s$"ce "n' to com$rehen' th"t, "s the he"lth of the $l"net goes, so goes our o#n he"lth "n' #ell.-eing&#e fin' societies, #hether 'e1elo$e' or emerging, returning "g"in "n' "g"in to seemingl, ine1it"-le 1iolence in or'er to resol1e conflicts "n' im$ose 1"lues on others. (hile "rguments #"ge o1er glo-"l #"rming&#hether it e2ists or not "n', if so, #ho is to -l"me, "n' #h"t is the c"use "n' the cure&"n' #hether or not the #orl' is $erche' on the e'ge of ecologic"l 'is"ster, m"n, in'i1i'u"ls "re -eginning to re"liHe th"t hum"n societ, is "lso st"n'ing on the -rin* of "n e2tr"or'in"r, le"$ in consciousness. In the $re1ious ch"$ter, #e c"refull, loo*e' "t the ch"r"cteristics of the -r"in8s first three e1olution"r, st"ges; th"t is, the re$tili"n or R.-r"in, the lim-ic s,stem, "n' the neocorte2. No#, to un'erst"n' this e2tr"or'in"r, le"$ "n' to -etter m"nifest the o$$ortunit, "t h"n', #e nee' to loo* more closel, "t the 'e1elo$ment of the fourth -r"in&the $refront"l corte2. T"E P#E%#ONTA CO#TE1' 7EY TO EN !/"TEN.ENT In hum"ns, the $refront"l corte2, loc"te' in the front of the -r"in, t"*es on critic"ll, im$ort"nt signific"nce "s our lin* to the future, our *e, to enlightenment, the "ns#er to those "ncient Guestions; +o# c"n #e li1e long "n' he"lth, li1es, un"ffecte' -, 'e-ilit"ting illness "n' 'egener"ti1e -r"in 'ise"seF +o# c"n #e turn the 'ense le"' of hum"n "#"reness into the gol' of enlightene' consciousnessF +o# c"n #e $rogr"m the -r"in for life, he"lth, "n' Ao,F +o# #ill #e e1ol1eF The $refront"l corte2 is "ssoci"te' #ith the loftier -r"in functions such "s re"soning, in1enting the "l$h"-et "n' music, 'isco1ering science, "n' eng"ging in cre"ti1e thin*ing. M"n, of the functions of the $refront"l corte2 rem"in " m,ster,, -ut #e *no# th"t it is "ssoci"te' #ith $erson"l initi"ti1e "n' the "-ilit, to $roAect future scen"rios, "n' it is Guite li*el, the $l"ce #here our in'i1i'u"lit, "n' sense of self 'e1elo$e'. (hen our -r"in functions s,nergistic"ll,, our $refront"l corte2 is full, "#"*ene' "n' #e h"1e the "-ilit, to 'e1elo$ the 1er, highest form of intelligence "n' cre"ti1it, "n' rem"in groun'e' "n' effecti1e in the #orl'. (e un'erst"n' #ho #e "re in rel"tionshi$ to our 1ill"ge "n' our histor,. A-le to thin* origin"ll,, #e recogniHe #h"t hol's us -"c* from "chie1ing " higher le1el of consciousness "n' #h"t #ill hel$ us to "tt"in it. (e recogniHe ho# #e c"n sur1i1e "n' thri1e.


&*i3* Brain Are You Usin-4 Is ,our life " struggle for sur1i1"lF Are ,ou fore1er tr,ing to m"*e en's meet fin"nci"ll,F Are ,ou li1ing h"n' to mouthF If so, then ,our re$tili"n -r"in is in the 'ri1er8s se"t of ,our cogniti1e "$$"r"tus. Do ,ou le"rn ,our lessons through 'ifficult lo1e rel"tionshi$sF Does ,our $rince turn into " frog #ith " 'rin*ing $ro-lem "fter the hone,moon&Aust li*e ,our $re1ious $rince 'i'F Are ,ou "l#",s en'ing u$ #ith "-usi1e -osses or -usiness $"rtners #ho ne1er seem to "$$reci"te ,our contri-utionsF If so, then ,our emotion"l m"mm"li"n -r"in is $re'omin"ntl, in ch"rge of ,our consciousness. Does ,our intellect get in the #", of ,our $"ssion "n' Ao,F Are ,ou fore1er "n"l,Hing things in ,our he"'F Do ,ou f"il to listen to ,our instinct "n' ,our intuitionF Do ,ou mistrust "n,thing th"t is not $ro1en scientific"ll,F Are ,ou 'isconnecte' from ,our feelings "n' insensiti1e to the feelings of others, e1en #hen ,ou tr, not to -eF If so, then ,ou "re str"$$e' "n' -oun' to the fien'ishl, logic"l "s$ect of the neocorte2. !r "re ,ou flight, "n' ungroun'e', #ith ,our he"' u$ in the clou'sF Do ,ou #"l* into " room "n' forget #h"t ,ou #ent there to 'oF Are ,ou more con1ers"nt "-out Gu"ntum $h,sics, the -loo'line of M"r, M"g'"lene, "n' intern"tion"l cons$ir"c, theories th"n "-out ,our chil'ren8s home#or* or #h"t is h"$$ening in ,our neigh-orhoo'F If so, then ,our consciousness is $ro-"-l, in the gri$ of the $refront"l corte2. If ,ou "re e2$eriencing " $re'omin"nce of "n, one of these -r"ins, it is " sign th"t the $"rts of ,our -r"in "re not "cting in concert #ith e"ch other, th"t those in the -"c*groun' "t the moment "re "llo#ing "nother $"rt to 'omin"te "n' e2hi-it onl, its limite' tr"its. In "ctu"lit,, to e2$erience -r"in s,nerg,, it8s necess"r, to -e "#"re of ,our fin"nci"l situ"tion "n' ,our rel"tionshi$sI it8s goo' to thin* logic"ll, "n' to 're"m #ith #hims,I "n' it8s 1it"l to *ee$ "ll of these ment"l "cti1ities in -"l"nce #ith e"ch other.

A&A7EN!N/ T"E NE& B#A!N In the 9Dth centur,, 7"mes Ussher, Anglic"n Arch-isho$ of Arm"gh "n' Prim"te of All Irel"n', $u-lishe' " tre"tise th"t i'entifie' the '"te on #hich 0o' cre"te' the #orl'; the e1ening Prece'ing /un'",, !cto-er B4, C==C -.c.e. on the 7uli"n c"len'"r. Although his chronolog, #"s -"se' on the $"tri"rch"l line"ges 'escri-e' in 0enesis "n' in"ccur"te from " scientific $ers$ecti1e, the Arch-isho$ #"s not tot"ll, #rong. To'",, #hile #e 'ismiss the goo' Arch-isho$8s cl"im "s " flight of religious f"nc,, he 'i' "$$ro2im"te the '"te on #hich the gifts of the $refront"l corte2 #ere -ecoming "1"il"-le for l"rge sections of hum"nit, "t the '"#n of ci1iliH"tion "n' the in1ention of #riting ut this self."#"reness 'i'n8t h"$$en o1ernightI r"ther, it too* countless gener"tions for the $refront"l corte2 to -ecome function"l enough to #"rr"nt " circuitr, connection #ith the ol'er $"rts of the -r"in. In f"ct, fossil e1i'ence of the e"rliest ch"nges in this $"rt of the -r"in '"tes -"c* B.6 million ,e"rs "go, 'uring the Pliocene e$och, #hen "n e"rl, homini' c"lle' Austr"lo$ithecus "fric"nus li1e'. The enl"rge' cr"nium of A. "fric"nus&" mem-er of the K0re"t A$esK f"mil,, #hich inclu'es hum"ns&#"s more li*e th"t of mo'ern hum"ns th"n his imme'i"te $re'ecessors. This me"ns th"t the "rtists of the Alt"mir" c"1e "n' the hunters of the Pleistocene e$och #ho li1e' B=,=== ,e"rs "go h"' the s"me -r"in structures #e h"1e to'",. %et most mem-ers of the s$ecies l"c*e' the nutrition"l su$$ort "n' min'.-o', 'isci$lines th"t #oul' "llo# them to e2$erience "rtistic cre"ti1it, "n' scientific 'isco1er,. This is #h, onl, " fe# isol"te' in'i1i'u"ls "#"*ene' to the $otenti"l of the $refront"l corte2. In'ee', the gifte' cr"fte' their gre"t #or*s of "rt 'uring secreti1e ceremonies 'ee$ insi'e c"1es.


(ith the en' of the l"st Ice Age, "roun' 9=,=== ,e"rs "go, #hen "-un'"nt "n' -r" foo' su$$lies -ec"me "1"il"-le, the $refront"l corte2 -eg"n to stir. During the l"te Neolithic $erio', st"rting "roun' D,=== ,e"rs "go, our "ncestors initi"te' horticulture, #hich en'e' the nee' to follo# "n' h"r1est foo' from " nom"'ic her'. The, 'omestic"te' c"ttle "n' so#e' gr"in cro$s "n' groun' the gr"in into cere"l. The, 'e1elo$e' " curiosit, for science, e2$lor"tion, "n' $erh"$s e1en lo1e. An' the, concei1e' of tr"nsoce"nic tr"1elI for e2"m$le, Micronesi"n n"1ig"tors -uilt s"iling c"noes in #hich the, n"1ig"te' the o$en oce"n for hun're's of miles, using onl, the st"rs for reference "n' "rri1ing "t isl"n's th"t #ere not 1isi-le from their $oint of 'e$"rture. It #"s "roun' this time in histor, th"t #riting "n' cit,. st"tes emerge' in m"n, geogr"$hic"ll, 'isconnecte' societies "roun' the glo-e. At th"t time, "s ci1iliH"tion emerge' in the Fertile Crescent in #estern Asi" "n' the s$r"#ling cit, of MohenAo.D"ro rose "long the /"r"s1"ti Ri1er in #h"t is no# P"*ist"n, the 'iet"r, st"$les of the $olitic"l "n' religious le"'ers c"me from the +im"l","n ri1ers "n' the Me'iterr"ne"n /e". These #ere fish "n' mollus*s rich in 'ocos"he2"enoic "ci' >D+A?, " -r"in foo' th"t h"s -ecome incre"singl, sc"rce in the hum"n 'iet of to'",. D+A $ro1i'e' the neuronutrient -oost th"t -rought the $re1iousl, inst"lle' $refront"l corte28s soft#"re online. Is it not $ossi-le th"t the -enefits of " 'iet e2$l"in #h, " gre"t M"ster&7esus of N"H"reth.chose sim$le fishermen "s c"n'i'"tes #ise enough to -e his "$ostles, his Kfishers of menK +o#e1er, #hile the $refront"l soft#"re #"s "lre"', inst"lle' in "ll hum"ns of the time, the m"sses, though c"$"-le of t"$$ing into the #is'om of this -r"in, #ere still struggling -et#een t#o min'.sets&the ol' "n' the ne#. T"E O D .!ND8SET VE#SUS T"E NE& .!ND8SET To trul, un'erst"n' the conflict insi'e the hum"n min', let8s com$"re the $o#er of the $refront"l corte2, or ne#, higher -r"in, #ith the $ro#ess of the ol' -r"in. This com$"rison is "*in to Kthe #",s of fe"r "n' #",s of #is'omK $resente' e"rlier in this ch"$ter. +o#e1er, there #e e2$lore' fe"r "n' lo1e from the soft#"re $ers$ecti1e, th"t is, emotions th"t come from our -elief s,stems. +ere #e "re e2"mining fe"r "n' lo1e from " h"r'#"re $ers$ecti1e, th"t is, the $h,sic"l -r"in th"t $rocesses those emotions. The ol' -r"in $ercei1es the #orl' "s " frightening $l"ce, fille' #ith ri1"ls com$eting for the s"me sc"rce resources. To this -r"in, #h"t m"tters most is sur1i1"l, "n' it is "l#",s re"', to fight or to flee. Consi'ering th"t the ol' -r"in 'e1elo$e' in m"mm"ls "t " time #hen l"rge, stom$ing 'inos"urs still ro"me', it is no #on'er th"t these sur1i1"l mech"nisms #ere firml, em-e''e' in the core of those sm"ll, fuHH, cre"tures th"t #e 'e1elo$e' from. The ol' -r"in in hum"ns g"1e rise to the -elief th"t the Pmt #orl' is $o$ul"te' #ith fierce go's #ho 'em"n' s"crifice "n' th"t the $h,sic"l #orl' is $re, to in1isi-le forces th"t "re to -e "$$e"se'. In m"n, m,thologies, the e"rth #"s $o$ul"te' -, tit"ns, gi"nts #ith e2tr"or'in"r, $o#ers, #ho h"' to -e 'efe"te'. The e"rl, 0ree*s, for e2"m$le, i'entifie' 9B Tit"ns #ho rule' the e"rth 'uring the legen'"r, 0ol'en Age. In the :ing 7"mes i-le, 0o' tells Moses of K" l"n' of gi"nts N#hoO '#elle' therein in ol' time.K9 In 0ree* m,tholog,, the Tit"ns #ere " r"ce of ol'er go's #hom the !l,m$i"ns -"nishe' to the '"r*est 'e$ths of the un'er#orl' in the ("r of the Tit"ns. The ol' -r"in see*s m"gic"l "n' religious e2$l"n"tions for n"tur"l $henomen", -e the, the form"tion of mount"in r"nges or the course of ri1ers or the tem$est of storms. Legen's of the Inc" tell of the four origin"l -eings #ho coul' mo1e mount"ins "n' est"-lish the course of ri1ers #ith their -"re h"n's. Leus, the *ing of the s*,, #iel'e' " thun'er-olt th"t he $erio'ic"ll, use' to #re"* h"1oc on the e"rth.


(ith such m,thic $rece'ent, the ol' -r"in righteousl, cl"ims, KM, go' is stronger th"n ,our go',K "n' -elie1es th"t onl, those of Kour f"ithK h"1e -een chosen for s"l1"tion, #hile e1er,one else is " $"g"n or " he"then 'estine' for " hellish e2$erience in the "fterlife. The ne# -r"in, ho#e1er, un'erst"n's th"t #e 'o not h"1e to li1e in " continuous st"te of thre"t. It *no#s th"t #e "re not struggling to sur1i1e in " hostile #orl' h"unte' -, 'e"th. It com$rehen's, r"ther, th"t #e "re "ll interconnecte', th"t #e c"n $r"ctice com$"ssion -, Kturning the other chee*K "n' Klo1ing our neigh-ors "s #e lo1e oursel1es,K "n' th"t $h,sic"l K'e"thK is re"ll, "n o$$ortunit, to return to " he"1enl, re"lm&" $rece$t th"t lies "t the core of the three A-r"h"mic religions, 7u'"ism, Isl"m, "n' Christi"nit,. ut e1en this min'.set is " m"tter of consciousness. At first, onl, those li1ing in mon"stic communities "n' "mong religious or'ers "tt"ine' this insight of the #",s of #is'om. Me"n#hile, the ol'er min'.set in the m"Aorit, of the $o$ul"ce continue' to -e tem$te' -, the #",s of fe"r. This min'.set continue' to see* #e"lth "n' Austif, gree', #hile the ne#er, higher min'.set c"lle' out to the #",s of lo1e. These t#o, seemingl, o$$osite c"llings h"1e $l"gue' hum"nit, for millenni"&"n' continue to 'o so. The 'is$"rit, #ill onl, -e resol1e' #hen #e c"n turn on the trul, -enefici"l neur"l $rogr"ms inherent in the $refront"l corte2. It is cle"r th"t our re"soning "-ilities, roote' in the more e1ol1e' -r"in, "re not enough to $re1ent our suffering or gi1e us the o$$ortunit, to cre"te " more h"-it"-le, $e"ceful, "n' sust"in"-le #orl'. In'ee', if re"son h"' e1er $re1"ile' o1er $"ssion, the stor, of hum"nit, #oul' not -e #ritten in -loo'. At this $oint in histor,, our s$ecies is in nee' of the ne2t gre"t o$$ortunit, offere' -, our $refront"l corte2, #hich #ill "llo# us to entert"in the "ncient notion of " #e- of life in #hich "ll cre"tures, "n' e1en in"nim"te m"tter, "re interconnecte' "s $"rt of " fiel' of inform"tion "n' energ,. To e2$erience enlightenment "n' le"rn to inter"ct #ith this cosmic #e-, #e must -egin -, he"ling th"t $"rt of our -o'ies th"t "llo#s us to 're"m " ne# #orl' into -eing; our $refront"l corte2.



Intric"tel, lin*e' to the "-ilit, of the $refront"l corte2 to come full, online "re the mitochon'ri"&the $o#erhouses of ,our cells "n' the feminine life force referre' to -, sh"m"ns. Mitochon'ri" "re the con'uctors of the genetic orchestr" th"t regul"te ho# e1er, cell "ges, 'i1i'es, "n' 'ies. The, #"1e the -"ton th"t hel$s 'ict"te #hich genes "re s#itche' on "n' #hich "re s#itche' off in e1er, one of our cells. An' the, $ro1i'e the fuel for est"-lishing ne# neur"l net#or*s. An' "ll of the mitochon'ri"l DNA in ,our -o', is inherite' solel, from ,our mother8s line"ge. Th"t me"ns th"t the source of energ, th"t sust"ins ,our life is 'eri1e' e2clusi1el, from the #omen in ,our f"mil, tree&,our m"triline"ge. T"E PO&E# SOU#CE &!T"!N YOU# CE S Mitochon'ri" #ere first o-ser1e' -, the 0erm"n $"thologist Rich"r' Altm"nn in 9)E=. /een through " microsco$e, these sm"ll intr"cellul"r $"rticles loo* li*e tin,, thre"'li*e gr"ins. +ence the n"me mitochon'ri", 'eri1e' from the 0ree* mitos me"ning Kthre"',K "n' chon'rin, me"ning Kgr"in.K It #"s not until 9ECE, ho#e1er, th"t the role of mitochon'ri", "s the $ro'ucers of cellul"r energ,, #"s full, e2$l"ine' -, t#o -iologic"l chemistr, rese"rchers, Eugene :enne', of the +"r1"r' Me'ic"l /chool "n' Al-ert Lehninger, then of the Uni1ersit, of (isconsin.M"'ison. Mitochon'ri" use c"r-oh,'r"tes "s fuel, #hich the, con1ert into life.sust"ining energ, #ith the -,.$ro'ucts of #"ter "n' c"r-on 'io2i'e. This $rocess is c"lle' o2i'"ti1e met"-olism, so n"me' -ec"use o2,gen is consume' in the $rocess, Aust "s o2,gen is consume' -, fire >"s 'emonstr"te' #hen #e e2tinguish " fl"me -, smothering it "n' 'e$ri1ing it of o2,gen?. ut, unli*e in " fire, #hich rele"ses energ, in "n uncontrolle' re"ction, the energ,, or life force, $ro'uce' -, mitochon'ri" is store' in " chemic"l K-"tter,,K " uniGue molecule c"lle' "'enosine tri$hos$h"te >ATP?. Energ,.rich ATP c"n then -e tr"ns$orte' throughout the cell, rele"sing energ, on 'em"n' in the $resence of s$ecific enH,mes.9 In "''ition to the fuel the, $ro'uce, mitochon'ri" "lso cre"te " -,.$ro'uct rel"te' to o2,gen c"lle' re"cti1e o2,gen s$ecies >R!/?, "lso *no#n "s free r"'ic"ls.B T"E #O E O% %#EE #AD!CA S These free r"'ic"ls $erform "n im$ort"nt, $ositi1e function in hum"n $h,siolog,. The, $l", " $i1ot"l $"rt in regul"ting "$o$tosis, the $rocess through #hich cells initi"te self.'estruction. A$o$tosis h"$$ens #hen genetic s#itches th"t instruct " cell to 'ie "re turne' on. (hile it m", -e $uHHling to loo* u$on cell 'e"th "s " $ositi1e e1ent, "$o$tosis is in'ee' " critic"l function th"t en"-les gro#th "n' he"ling of the gre"ter org"nism. Until Guite recentl,, scientists $rett, much su-scri-e' to the $"r"'igm th"t "ll cellul"r functions, inclu'ing "$o$tosis, #ere 'irecte' -, the cell nucleus. ut, "s Nic* L"ne notes in his com$elling -oo*, Po#er, /e2, /uici'e, Kthere h"s -een " ch"nge of em$h"sis th"t "mounts to " re1olution, o1erturning the n"scent $"r"'igm. The $"r"'igm #"s th"t the nucleus is the o$er"tions centre of the cell, "n' controls its f"te. In m"n, res$ects this is of course true, -ut in the c"se of "$o$tosis it is not. Rem"r*"-l,, cells l"c*ing " nucleus c"n still commit "$o$tosis. The r"'ic"l 'isco1er, #"s th"t the mitochon'ri" control the f"te of the cell; the, 'etermine #hether " cell sh"ll li1e or 'ie.K4 Mitochon'ri", then, must -e loo*e' u$on "s -eing so much more th"n sim$l, org"nelles #hose Ao- in1ol1es turning fuel into energ,. The, #iel' the /#or' of D"mocles. +i$$ocr"tes #"s the first to use the term "$o$tosis, #hich liter"ll, me"ns Kthe f"lling of le"1es from " tree.K +o#e1er, "$o$tosis 'i'n8t g"in tr"ction in the scientific communit, until


the $"thologist Al"st"ir R. Currie $u-lishe' "n im$ort"nt $"$er 'escri-ing cellul"r self. 'estruction "s " -"sic -iologic"l $henomenon.C There"fter, rese"rchers use' "$o$tosis to 'escri-e the $rocess through #hich the -o', intention"ll, elimin"tes cells in or'er to ser1e " l"rger $ur$ose. This $rocess -egins e1en #hile the fetus is in the #om-. As "n e2"m$le, 'uring em-r,onic 'e1elo$ment, hum"n h"n's initi"ll, resem-le the #e--e' "$$en'"ges of " frog. ut 'e"th of the cells in the #e--e' "re" tr"nsforms these e2tremities, "llo#ing for 'efinition of in'i1i'u"l fingers "n' refinement of the entire h"n'. Furthermore, "fter -irth, "$o$tosis is the $rotocol th"t en"-les ,our -o', to continuousl, ri' itself of "s m"n, "s ten -illion cells e1er, '",, m"*ing room for ne#, he"lthier cells. The outc"sts inclu'e " multitu'e of c"ncer cells. Most of the time, #hen these $"thogenic cells "$$e"r, mitochon'ri" sen' " sign"l th"t tells them to 'ie r"ther th"n re$lic"te. This is " 1er, im$ort"nt mitochon'ri"l function -ec"use run"#", c"ncer cells 'on8t *no# the, nee' to un'ergo "$o$tosis, "n', #ithout th"t mess"ge from the mitochon'ri", the, #oul' continue to re$ro'uce, out of control, until the, en'"nger the host&,ou. T"E P#OB E. &!T" %#EE #AD!CA S AND CE DEAT" (hile cellul"r suici'e, "s 'escri-e' "-o1e, is gener"ll, $ositi1e, it -ecomes " neg"ti1e situ"tion #hen mitochon'ri"l function -ecomes im$"ire' "n' sen's sign"ls th"t tell norm"l cells to 'ie. In f"ct, this is the fun'"ment"l fl"# in the mitochon'ri"l mech"nism th"t le"'s to the 'estruction of -r"in cells in essenti"ll, e1er, neuro'egener"ti1e con'ition, inclu'ing AlHheimer8s, multi$le sclerosis, P"r*inson8s, "n' Lou 0ehrig8s 'ise"se, to n"me Aust " fe#. +o#e1er, this -r"in cell "$o$tosis is not limite' to Aust these 'ise"ses. The $rocess occurs throughout ,our lifetime "n' is res$onsi-le for " gener"l 'ecline in -r"in function, e1en if not c"tegoriHe' "s " 'ise"se $er se. An' the c"t"l,sts&or cul$rits&"re free r"'ic"ls. Free r"'ic"ls "re chemic"ls th"t c"use o2i'"ti1e '"m"ge to tissues, essenti"ll, c"using them to rust li*e " $iece of iron left e2$ose' to the #e"ther. The, c"n "lso '"m"ge $roteins, f"t, "n' e1en DNA. In f"ct, '"m"ge to ,our tissues -, free r"'ic"ls is thought to un'erlie the $rocess of "ging, " theor, first 'escri-e' -, Denh"m +"rm"n, " -iogerontologist #ho #"s then " rese"rch "ssoci"te "t the Donner L"-or"tor, of Me'ic"l Ph,sics "t the Uni1ersit, of C"liforni", er*ele,. +is much.cite' "rticle, no# consi'ere' to -e " l"n'm"r* #or*, "$$e"re' in 9E65.6 Dr. +"rm"n "lso st"te' th"t free r"'ic"ls "re KGuenche'K -, "ntio2i'"nts "n' thus l"i' the groun'#or* for "n un'erst"n'ing of the $ositi1e effects of ingesting "ntio2i'"nts, #hich #e #ill le"rn more "-out l"ter in the -oo*. .!TOC"OND#!A DNA Mitochon'ri" $l", " f"r more interesting role th"n sim$l, -eing "n energ, f"ctor, "n' the source of R!/. In'ee', there "re m"n, ch"r"cteristics of the mitochon'ri" th"t ser1e to 'ifferenti"te them from "ll the other structur"l $"rts of our cells. For inst"nce, mitochon'ri" $ossess their o#n DNA >referre' to "s mt.DNA?, #hich is 'istinctl, se$"r"te from the f"r more f"mili"r "n' more often stu'ie' DNA in the nucleus of the cell >*no#n "s n.DNA?. (hile the nucleus of the cell cont"ins e2"ctl, t#o co$ies of its DNA, mitochon'ri" m", h"1e "n,#here from t#o to ten co$ies of DNA. Interestingl,, the mt.DNA, unli*e n.DNA, is "rr"nge' in " ring, " configur"tion much li*e th"t seen in -"cteri". Furthermore, in "''ition to simil"rities in the sh"$e of their DNA, mitochon'ri" "n' -"cteri" -oth l"c* the $rotein surroun'ing their genetic co'e th"t hel$s $rotect it from free r"'ic"l '"m"ge, #hile in contr"st, nucle"r DNA is in1este' #ith $rotecti1e $roteins c"lle' histones, #hich "lso ser1e to regul"te its function.


These simil"rities le' the -iologist L,nn M"rgulis to $ro$ose "n im$ort"nt ne# theor, of the origin of mitochon'ri".5 /he $osite' th"t mitochon'ri" e1ol1e' hun're's of millions of ,e"rs "go from "ero-ic >o2,gen.-re"thing? -"cteri" th"t gr"'u"ll, entere' into "n Ken'os,m-ioticK rel"tionshi$ #ith "n"ero-ic -"cteri", #hich me"ns the, -eg"n to li1e insi'e the -o'ies of these other org"nisms. This s,m-iosis en"-le' the "n"ero-ic org"nisms to sur1i1e in "n o2, en1ironment. !1er time, the mitochon'ri" "ssume' the $rim"r, function of energ, $ro'uction, intr"cellul"r sign"ling, "$o$tosis regul"tion, "n' $erh"$s communic"ting #ith the -ios$here. +um"n mt.DNA cont"ins onl, 4D genes, #hile n.DNA h"s thous"n's, "n' it is $ossi-le th"t, o1er time, n.DNA h"s -een t"*ing on more of the functions of mitochon'ri", "llo#ing other org"nelles in the cell to s$eci"liHe in such "cti1ities "s $rotein -uil'ing, #"ste elimin"tion, "n' re$ro'uction. E1entu"ll,, one -"cterium engulfe' "nother. The result #"s th"t these formerl, free org"nisms no# resi'e #ithin e"ch of ,our cells. ec"use of their role in energ, met"-olism, #e might e2$ect l"rger num-ers of mitochon'ri" in the cells of tissues to -e more met"-olic"ll, "cti1e. An', in'ee', in'i1i'u"l cells of the -r"in, s*elet"l muscle, he"rt, *i'ne,, "n' li1er m", cont"in thous"n's Mf mitochon'ri", com$rising in some cells u$ to C= $ercent of the cellul"r m"teri"l. Accor'ing to Professor EnHo Nisoli of the uni1ersit, of Mil"n, " hum"n "'ult $ossesses more th"n ten mil.ion -illion mitochon'ri", m"*ing u$ " full 9= $ercent of the tot"l -o', #eight. /o, #hile nucle"r DNA8s m"in function is to $ro1i'e the inform"tion ,our cells nee' to m"nuf"cture the 1"rious $roteins th"t control the met"-olism, re$"ir, "n' structur"l integrit, of ,our $h,sic"l -eing, it is mitochon'ri"l DNA th"t 'irects the $ro'uction "n' utiliH"tion of ,our life energ,. It 'etermines the f"te of e1er, cell, tissue, "n' org"n in ,our -o', "n' the energetic f"te of ,our -eing "s " #hole. David' An Ener-y Crisis K(here #oul' ,ou li*e to -eginFK I "s*e' K/us"nK "s I settle' into m, ch"ir in the e2"mining room. KLet me tell ,ou. I h"1e " #hole list of $ro-lems,K she -eg"n "s her mother, #ho h"' "ccom$"nie' her from their home st"te se1er"l hun're' miles "#",, loo*e' on. KPerfect, -ec"use I "m " 8#hole.listic8 'octor,K I re$lie', ho$ing to lighten her moo'. /us"n8s $ro-lems -eg"n "-out four ,e"rs e"rlier, #hen she h"' Aust turne' C=. /he 'escri-e' her life -efore -ecoming ill "s "cti1e "n' full. /he h"' "ctu"ll, -een Guite "n "ccom$lishe' "thlete #hile "t the s"me time #or*ing full.time "n' r"ising t#o ,oung chil'ren #ith her hus-"n'. L"te in the summer she -ec"me su''enl, Guite ill #ith #h"t she 'escri-e' "s " K-"' fluK th"t $rett, much $ut her out of commission for the gre"ter $"rt of " #ee*. The illness #"s "ccom$"nie' -, " fe1er th"t $e"*e' out "t 9=B 'egrees. ut it #"s unli*e " norm"l flu, -ec"use "fter the fe1er "n' other s,m$toms li*e coughing "n' 'i"rrhe" h"' $"sse', she #"s still e2$eriencing f"tigue, e1en se1er"l #ee*s l"ter. KI coul'n8t t"*e it "n,more. I Aust coul'n8t function,K she continue'. Meeting the e2$ect"tions of her $re1ious "cti1e life -ec"me insurmount"-le, so, "fter " month of #"iting it out, she 1isite' her g,necologist, the onl, $h,sici"n #ith #hom she h"' " $rofession"l rel"tionshi$. loo' tests in'ic"te' the nee' for " $otent or"l "nti-iotic, #hich she reluct"ntl, -ut f"ithfull, too*. T#o #ee*s l"ter, /us"n8s he"lth h"' not im$ro1e'. KC"n ,ou 'escri-e e2"ctl, ho# ,ou #ere feeling "t th"t $ointFK I "s*e'. /he $rocee'e' to list her 1"rious com$l"ints, r"nging from K-r"in fogK to f"tigue. KI coul' slee$ for ten hours "n' still #"*e u$ tire',K she l"mente'. /he #ent on to 'escri-e 'iffuse "ching $"in in her muscles "n', to " lesser e2tent, $"in in her Aoints "s #ell.


As is so often the c"se, /us"n -eg"n " Aourne,, 1isiting 'octor "fter 'octor #ho $rescri-e' "n e2tensi1e -"tter, of me'ic"l tests, "ll of #hich $ro1i'e' no hel$ful re1el"tions. /he #"s tol' on more th"n one occ"sion th"t she shoul' consi'er seeing " $s,chi"trist -ec"use no e2$l"n"tion #"s e1i'ent in the 1"rious $h,sic"l tests. KAll the, 'i' #"s gi1ing her "nti-iotics "n' steroi's, o1er "n' o1er, "n' then tell her she #"s 'e$resse',K her mother informe' me. The loo* of frustr"tion on the mother8s f"ce ri1"le' th"t of her '"ughter. A-out 9) months -efore I s"# /us"n, she h"' 1isite' " 'octor in " ne"r-, st"te #ho s$eci"liHe' in L,me 'ise"se. Through e2tensi1e -loo' stu'ies, the s$eci"list confirme' th"t, in'ee', /us"n #"s suffering from chronic L,me 'ise"se "n' $rescri-e' "n "ggressi1e "nti-iotic $rogr"m th"t #oul' hel$ her reg"in her he"lth. KIt #"s the first glimmer of ho$e for me,K /us"n recounte'. /he #"s first $l"ce' on t#o $o#erful or"l "nti-iotics th"t she too* f"ithfull, for the follo#ing si2 #ee*s. (ith no im$ro1ement in her con'ition, she #"s s#itche' o1er to intr"1enous "nti-iotics "fter getting "n "ccess $ort inst"lle' in her chest to f"cilit"te the "'ministr"tion. Anti-iotics #ere infuse' intr"1enousl, through the $ort se1en '",s " #ee* for the follo#ing four months, -ut to no "1"il. Another fe# roun's of 1"rious or"l "nti-iotics #ere trie', "n' nothing seeme' to hel$. , the time /us"n c"me to our center in N"$les, Flori'", it #"s 1er, cle"r th"t she h"' "lmost re"che' the en' of her ro$e. The 'es$er"tion in her 1oice in her 1oice #"s $"l$"-le. +er life #"s 'e1"st"te'. /he #"s o1er#helme' -, f"tigue, -o', "ches, "n' " ne# s,m$tom th"t h"' st"rte' " ,e"r e"rlier, $rofoun' sensiti1it, to 1"rious chemic"ls. 7ust $"ssing -, " $erson #e"ring $erfume or "ftersh"1e #"s enough to c"use " 'e-ilit"ting he"'"che "n' e1en more confusion. At th"t $oint #e re1ie#e' the rest of her me'ic"l histor,I "si'e from " fe# minor "ilments o1er the ,e"rs, nothing stoo' out to $ro1i'e "n, me"ningful clue to #h"t might -e c"using this se1ere con'ition. Nor 'i' her f"mil, histor, $ro1i'e "n, re1el"tor, inform"tion. In'ee', her mother confirme' th"t -efore the onset of the initi"l illness, /us"n #"s he"lth, "n' enAo,ing " #on'erful rel"tionshi$ #ith her hus-"n' "n' chil'ren. The st"n'"r' $h,sic"l e2"min"tion "''e' 1er, little insight, #ith the e2ce$tion th"t her -loo' $ressure #"s " -it lo#. The neurologic"l e2"min"tion, #hich is " more in.'e$th "ssessment of 1"rious functions of the ner1ous s,stem, "lso re1e"le' no "-norm"lities. Then, "s h"s -een m, $r"ctice for m"n, ,e"rs, I e1"lu"te' her $ulse, not in the st"n'"r' #", of counting the -e"ts "n' chec*ing for " norm"l rh,thm -ut r"ther from "n A,ur1e'ic $ers$ecti1e. M"n, ,e"rs "go I #"s tr"ine' in A,ur1e'", " s,stem of tr"'ition"l me'icine th"t '"tes -"c* to the "ncient Ve'ic $erio' in In'i". The #or' A,ur1e'" is 'eri1e' from the /"ns*rit ",us, me"ning Klife,K "n' 1e'", me"ning KscienceK or K*no#le'ge.K (hile I h"1e ne1er consi'ere' m,self to -e " true $r"ctitioner of A,ur1e'ic me'icine, nonetheless the $ulse 'i"gnosis tr"ining h"s ser1e' m, $"tients 1er, #ell, often $ro1i'ing 'i"gnostic clues #hen none #"s other#ise "$$"rent. An' /us"n8s $ulse 'i' tell " stor,. The A,ur1e'ic $ulse gi1es inform"tion "-out the three 'osh"s, or energies&1"t", $itt", "n' *"$h"&th"t corres$on' to the energies of #in' or "ir, fire, "n' e"rth. The sense I got from /us"n8s $ulse #"s li*e " col' #in' -lo#ing through " tree th"t h"' no le"1es to c"$ture "n' hol' the energ,. "sic"ll,, it felt "s if she #ere K'isconnecte'K from the energ, forces -lo#ing through "n' "roun' her. I left the e2"mining room "n' -eg"n to re1ie# her $re1ious me'ic"l re$orts "n' l"-or"tor, stu'ies&"n' the, #ere e2tensi1e. Interestingl,, "si'e from " 1er, mil' "nemi", her stu'ies Mitochon'ri" "n' the Feminine Life Force #e' nothing to e2$l"in her s,m$toms. E1en the -loo' tests for L,me 'ise"se, #hich h"' -een re$e"te' se1er"l times -efore, 'uring, "n' to#"r' the en' of her "nti-iotic tre"tment, #ere "ll


norm"l. /us"n "n' her mother h"' -rought MRI sc"ns, #hich #e re1ie#e' together. !nce "g"in, e1er,thing loo*e' fine. (hen I returne' to the e2"mining room, I o-ser1e' th"t /us"n h"' 'is$l",e' "ll of her numerous nutrition"l su$$lements on the e2"mining t"-le. !-1iousl,, "long her Aourne,, she h"' 1isite' " num-er of com$lement"r, me'icine $r"ctitioners, "n' e"ch h"' seemingl, gi1en their -est "'1ice in ho$es of getting her -"c* on her feet. K efore #e go through ,our su$$lements,K I s"i', Klet me sh"re m, thoughts.K I st"rte' -, gi1ing /us"n "n' her mother "n o1er1ie# of the me'ic"l recor's, inclu'ing telling them th"t the L,me $"nels #ere norm"l, #hich cle"rl, sur$rise' -oth of them. I 'iscusse' the MRI sc"ns "s #ell "s the re$orts gi1en -, the 1"rious other $r"ctitioners. I then s"t -"c* " -it "n' -eg"n to e2$l"in m, i'e"s "s to #h, she #"s so inc"$"cit"te'. KI 'o not h"1e " n"me for ,our illness,K I s"i', K-ut th"t 'oesn8t me"n I c"n8t hel$ ,ou.K I tol' /us"n th"t the issue ultim"tel, com$romising her he"lth #"s centere' on energ,. I e2$l"ine' ho# mitochon'ri" $ro1i'e energ, to the -o',, "n' th"t, for #h"te1er re"son, $erh"$s the initi"l se1ere 1ir"l infection, her mitochon'ri" #ere Aust not full, function"l. K ut,K I continue', Kthere is "nother energ, th"t #e nee' to consi'er.K I e2$l"ine' th"t energ, surroun's e1er, $erson, th"t to -e "li1e is to inter"ct #ith "n' sh"re in the energ, th"t e2ists throughout the uni1erse. I c"refull, #"tche' her f"ce, *no#ing th"t this 'iscussion coul' c"use her, or her mother, to feel uncomfort"-le, -ut /us"n no''e' her he"' #ith un'erst"n'ing. The re"ll, g==' ne#s #"s th"t her mom #"s "lso smiling in "greement. (e then #ent through her 1"rious nutrition"l su$$lements, "n' I selecte' se1er"l th"t #oul' hel$ im$ro1e mitochon'ri"l oil M 9 "''e' se1er"l more to the regimen "s #ell "s coconut "n' D+A, "n omeg".4 oil. K(e8re going to get ,our mitochon'ri" -"c* on line,K I e2$l"ine'. I then #ent further into the i'e" of Kt"$$ing inK to the energ, th"t surroun's "ll of us "n' 'emonstr"te' " -rief me'it"tion techniGue th"t I "s*e' her to $erform t#ice '"il,. There #"sn8t "n, re"l nee' for e2tensi1e -loo' #or*, -ec"use #h"t she h"' $ro1i'e' #"s more th"n com$rehensi1e. ut #e 'i' chec* one sim$le -loo' test, "n e1"lu"tion of li$i' $ero2i'es th"t is "1"il"-le "t most st"n'"r' l"-or"tories "n' $ro1i'es "n "ssessment of mitochon'ri"l function. It too* three #ee*s to get the results, -ut #h"t the, sho#e'&" 1er, "-norm"l con'ition&'i' confirm th"t #e #ere on the right tr"c*. After the initi"l e1"lu"tion, #e -eg"n " series of inAections to "'minister glut"thione&" n"tur"l com$oun' th"t enh"nces mitochon'ri"l function "s #ell "s the $rocess of 'eto2ific"tion&in conAunction #ith the or"l su$$lements. In "''ition, I or'ere' h,$er-"ric o2,gen ther"$,, " tre"tment in #hich /us"n s"t in " cle"r "cr,lic ch"m-er fille' #ith o2,gen un'er $ressure. This is the s"me technolog, use' to hel$ un'er#"ter 'i1ers reco1er from 'ecom$ression sic*ness c"use' -, returning from $ressuriHe' 'e$ths to the surf"ce too Guic*l,. Together, the nutrition"l su$$lements, glut"thione, "n' h,$er-"ric o2,gen cre"te' " com$rehensi1e $rogr"m to reest"-lish mitochon'ri"l he"lth "n' function in /us"n8s -o',. >(e #ill 'escri-e e"ch of these in 'et"il l"ter in the -oo*.? I chec*e' on /us"n "n' her $rogress 'uring the #ee* th"t she recei1e' her 1"rious tre"tments, then s"# her in m, office " #ee* l"ter. E1en "fter Aust one #ee*, /us"n #"s tr"nsforme'. ut the re"l e1i'ence #"s not in ho# she loo*e' -ut on her mother8s f"ce. I h"1e le"rne' o1er the ,e"rs th"t " $"rent8s concern for "n ill chil' is the s"me #hether the chil' is 6 or 6=. Cle"rl,, /us"n8s mother h"' fin"ll, seen some '",light "t the en' of #h"t h"' -een " long tunnel for -oth of them, "n' the te"rs she she' #ere te"rs of relief. K(e8re going to "'' " cou$le more things to ,our $rogr"m,K I s"i', recommen'ing some light '"il, e2ercises. /us"n e"gerl, "gree'. KI c"n8t -elie1e I8m going to st"rt e2ercising "g"in,K she s"i', -e"ming.


In "''ition to the me'it"tion $r"ctice, #e -eg"n to incor$or"te "ffirm"tions. /e1er"l times " '",, /us"n re$e"te' $hr"ses such "s KI "m #ell,K "n' KI "m $"rt of "ll th"t is "roun' me.K The other ne# "s$ect of her $rogr"m #"s " '",.long f"st once e1er, three #ee*s. E1en though she loo*e' $uHHle' #hen I first $ro$ose' this, I e2$l"ine' -oth the current science th"t 1"li'"tes the effects of f"sting on mitochon'ri"l function "n' the rich histor, of this $r"ctice in 1irtu"ll, e1er, one of the #orl'8s religions. T#o #ee*s into the $rogr"m, /us"n #"s #"l*ing C6 minutes e"ch '",, #"s cle"r.min'e' enough to *ee$ " Aourn"l of her thoughts "n' "cti1ities, "n', rem"r*"-l,, #"s no longer sensiti1e to chemic"ls. /he returne' to her home "n' "rr"nge' to recei1e inAections of glut"thione three times " #ee*, first "t her 'octor8s office "n' su-seGuentl, #ith " 1isiting nurse. /he continue' the su$$lement $rogr"m "n' f"ste' e1er, three #ee*s, "s #e h"' 'iscusse'. Me'it"tion "n' "ffirm"tions h"' -ecome " regul"r $"rt of her '",, "n' she h"$$il, re$orte', KE1en m, hus-"n' is 'oing them.K (e consulte' -, tele$hone three #ee*s "fter she left our clinic, "n' she re$orte' th"t she #"s "-le to "ccom$"n, her hus-"n' "n' t#o chil'ren on -ic,cle ri'es. /he no longer e2$erience' $"in in her muscles, "n' the he"'"ches "n' chemic"l sensiti1ities h"' 'is"$$e"re'. I recommen'e' th"t she re'uce the glut"thione inAections to once " #ee* for the follo#ing month. During our tele$hone follo#.u$ one month l"ter, /us"n re$orte' th"t "ll #"s #ell. /he #"s continuing #ith "ll com$onents of her $rogr"m "n' h"' returne' to $"rt.time #or*. (e sto$$e' the intr"1enous glut"thione "t th"t $oint "n' m"'e $l"ns to s$e"* se1er"l months l"ter. !ur ne2t cont"ct, ho#e1er, c"me sooner th"n th"t #hen our office recei1e' " Christm"s c"r' from /us"n "n' her f"mil, th"t inclu'e' " $hotogr"$h of " no#.he"lth,, ,oung.loo*ing #om"n #ith her hus-"n' "n' t#o chil'ren.



Neur"l net#or*s "re uniGue $"tterns cre"te' -, millions of interconnecte' neurons. In'i1i'u"l neurons e2ten' ner1e fi-ers th"t re"ch out to other neurons li*e the -r"nches on " tree. The lin*s the, cre"te c"n 'irect tr"ffic "long m"n, routes of "n e2tr"or'in"ril, intric"te #e-. The neur"l $"th#",s c"n Aoin to form net#or*s through #hich $"rticul"r $"tterns of thought, "ction, "n' re"ction occur. In other #or's, the neur"l net#or*s in ,our -r"in "re m"'e u$ of " te"m of ner1e cells th"t h"1e le"rne' to fire together "n' h"1e su-seGuentl, #ire' together to $erform " s$ecific, re$ro'uci-le function. It is -ec"use of neur"l net#or*s th"t ,ou "re "-le to "ccom$lish such t"s*s "s che#ing gum, sn"$$ing ,our fingers, or rec"lling the l,rics to K+e, 7u'e.K C#EAT!ON O% YOU# BAS!C NEU#A NET&O#7S For the s"*e of sur1i1"l, " chil' nee's to 'e1elo$ "n instincti1e /ense for $otenti"ll, thre"tening situ"tions. This is #h,, e"rl, in life, #e 'e1elo$ "1ersions "n' fe"rs in "ssoci"tion #ith e1ents "n' e2$eriences th"t, rightl, or #rongl,, #e $ercei1e "s '"ngerous. M gre"t m"n, of these "1ersions 'e1elo$e' #hile #e #ere still insi'e our mother8s #om-. A floo' of stress hormones crosses the $l"cent"l -"rrier "n' informs the fetus of e2"ctl, the moo' "n' feeling st"te th"t its mother is in. If the mother is h"$$,, the fetus is Ao,ous. If the mother feels s"fe "n' lo1e', this mess"ge is registere' -, the fetus, #ho "lso feels s"fe "n' lo1e'. If the mother consi'ers termin"ting the $regn"nc,, neur"l net#or*s in the fet"l -r"in "re co'e' for fe"r "s it m", intuiti1el, $ercei1e th"t its life is in '"nger. It is in this form"ti1e $ren"t"l time th"t " l"rge $ercent"ge of the neur"l $"th#",s in our lim-ic -r"in 'e1elo$, -i"sing the #", #e see "n' feel the #orl', "n' 'etermining our $erson"lit,. These -i"ses "re l"ter reinforce' -, the co'es of con'uct "n' the emotion"l re$ertoire th"t #e le"rne' from our $"rents. Until "-out "ge se1en, the hum"n -r"in is " fertile fiel', "-sor-ing inform"tion, first from the mother8s $l"cent", then from " host of e2tern"l $ost.-irth influences. /ome of these, such "s the mother8s "n' f"ther8s lo1ing touch "n' the soun' of f"mil, l"ughter, enrich the inf"nt8s -r"in #ith $ositi1e e2$eriences. !ther e2$eriences, inclu'ing th"t initi"l inh"l"tion of the first -re"th, infuse " sense of ch"nge, if not '"nger, in this #orl' outsi'e the mother8s #"rm, #"ter, #om-. During those e"rl, ,e"rs of life, the chil'8s -r"in is li*e " 'igit"l recor'er set on const"nt recor'. !r, me"sure' #ith "n electroence$h"logr"m >EEC?, the -r"in.#"1e freGuenc, of " chil' from -irth to "ge t#o is in the 'elt" r"nge, #hich is "lso the freGuenc, of the -r"in #"1es in " slee$ing "'ult. The -r"in.#"1e freGuenc, for " chil' from t#o to si2 is in the thet" r"nge, #hich is #h"t "n "'ult e2$eriences in " st"te of im"gin"tion or re1erie or #hile 're"ming. !nl, into ,oung "'ulthoo' 'oes " chil'8s -r"in -ecome full, "'ult.function"l, o$er"ting in the higher freGuencies of the "l$h" or -et" #"1e r"nges. In other #or's, " chil' un'er se1en ,e"rs of "ge -"sic"ll, functions in " h,$notic tr"nce or 're"m st"te, #hich "llo#s th"t 'igit"l recor'er in the -r"in to g"ther inform"tion&"n' form neur"l $"th#",s& "$$ro$ri"te for the ,oungster8s en1ironment #ithout the filtering "n' interference of logic "n' re"soning from the neocorte2. Then, -et#een the "ges of D "n' 95, something Guite the o$$osite h"$$ens. (e t"*e oursel1es out of the recor' mo'e "n' st"rt $l",ing "roun' #ith 'eletePer"se mo'e inste"'. During the ,e"rs of "'olescence, our -r"ins elimin"te o1er )= $ercent of the interconnections -et#een neurons, in " $rocess *no#n "s s,n"$tic $runing.


(h,F ec"use #e h"1e le"rne' #h"t8s h"$$ening in the en1ironment "roun' us. (e h"1e " $rett, goo' i'e" of #hom to trust "n' #hom not to trust, #ho $ro1i'es foo' "n' hugs, "n' #ho inflicts $"in "n' $unishment. An' so #e no longer nee' to g"ther '"t" from "ll $ossi-le sources, e2$lore -eh"1ior"l o$tions, "n' see* "ltern"ti1e #",s of e2$eriencing the #orl'. /hortl, "fter our l"te teens, #e -ecome -oun' -, tr"'ition, "nchore' -, the #", things h"1e "l#",s -een, "n' entrenche' in the -elief th"t e1er,thing #ill rem"in the s"me e1en "s the #orl' ch"nges "roun' us. !ur #orl'1ie# is set&not in stone, -ut in the neur"l net#or*s of the -r"in. An' #hile these neur"l net#or*s communic"te chemic"ll, "n' electric"ll,, #e e2$erience them "s emotions. T"E TY#ANNY O% E.OT!ONS There "re m"n, schools of thought "-out emotions, "n' there is no uni1ers"ll, "cce$te' theor, or t"2onom, of the emotions. /ome -iologists s$e"* "-out one set of emotions -eing instinctu"l "n' gener"te' -, the "m,g'"l" >#hich is in1ol1e' in $rocessing the memor, of emotion"l re"ctions?, "n' "nother *in' "s -eing gener"te' -, the $refront"l corte2, "n' -eing conscious, cogniti1e e2$eriences. For the $ur$oses of this -oo*, #e #ill em$lo, these 'escri$tions. The cogniti1e emotions "re conscious, origin"l, "n' of the moment. It8s n"tur"l for ,ou to feel h"$$,, "ngr,, or s"' "t 'ifferent times in ,our life, "n' often for no re"son #h"tsoe1er, o "mount of $ositi1e thin*ing #ill *ee$ us from occ"sion"l un$le"s"nt feelings. Fortun"tel,, these feelings 'o not l"st for long. E1en though ,ou c"n h"1e feelings "-out someone for "n entire lifetime, these cogniti1e emotions "re not -ur'ensome, nor 'o the, t"*e u$ "n, s$"ce in ,our "#"reness, "n' the 1er, "ct of recollecting them offers ,ou " -rief "n' $"ssing sens"tion. %ou might remem-er ,our -elo1e' #"rml,, ,our chil'hoo' s#eethe"rt lo1ingl,, or the school -ull, fe"rfull,. These emotions "re re"sone' "n' m"*e sense #ith the situ"tion to #hich the, $ert"in. Instinctu"l emotions "re to2ic. (hen ,ou -ecome u$set 'uring "n "rgument "n' rem"in so long "fter the e2ch"nge is o1er, it8s " sure sign th"t ,ou8re e2$eriencing "n instinctu"l emotion. (hen o1ercome #ith this *in' of emotion, ,ou #"l* "roun' "ngr, #ithout *no#ing #h,I ,our s$ouse "s*s ,ou #h, ,ou #ere ru'e to the #"iter, "n' ,ou 'o not rec"ll -eing ru'eI someone sto$s ,ou to "s* ,ou " Guestion "n' ,ou ne"rl, -ite off their he"' for no re"son "t "ll. (hen the higher -r"in functions tr, to interce'e, the, "re inste"' hiA"c*e', "n' ,ou fin' ,ourself relentlessl, "ttem$ting to con1ince ,ourself th"t ,ou #ere right "n' the other $erson #"s #rong, e1en ,e"rs "fter the e1ent. This results in " refus"l to forgi1e, so th"t #ith e1er, recollection of the offen'ing inci'ent, ,our "'ren"line $um$s into ,our ner1ous s,stem "n' ,our -o', reli1es the e1ent o1er "n' o1er Aust "s if it #ere h"$$ening "g"in, "n' ,ou 'e-"te ho# ,ou #oul' h"1e res$on'e' 'ifferentl,. !nl, #ith 'ifficult,&sometimes e2treme 'ifficult,&#ill ,our ner1ous s,stem settle 'o#n. Instinctu"l emotions "re $ro'uce' -, "ncient sur1i1"l instincts&often cou$le' #ith smol'ering memories of tr"um"& th"t "re #ire' into our -r"in. To2ic emotions of fe"r, sorro#, en1,, "n' "nger, #hich "re often $"ssion"te, sometimes 1iolent, "n' "l#",s 'r"ining, "re ne1er e2$eriences of the $resent moment onl,. In f"ct, #e c"n thin* of them "s eru$tions c"use' -, tr"um" th"t #"s im$rinte' into the 1er, f"-ric of ,our -eing. These emotions 're'ge u$ stories from ,our chil'hoo' th"t "re su$erim$ose' onto the current moment. The, $re1ent ,ou from e2$eriencing "uthentic feelings, here in the no#. E1er,one ,ou meet remin's ,ou of someone ,ou h"1e *no#n -efore, "n' e1er, ne# situ"tion seems li*e " 'eA" 1u. In th"t #",, instinctu"l emotions "re li*e "ncient 1ir"l $rogr"ms th"t hiA"c* the -r"in8s m"infr"me "n' clou' ,our Au'gment. An' the, "re the nemesis of true s$iritu"l e2$erience. ec"use these emotions "re "ssoci"te' #ith the Four F8s&fe"r, fee'ing, fighting, "n' fornic"ting&the, "re $rimiti1e "n' instinctu"l, origin"ting from " $rehistoric neurocom$uter


th"t #e sh"re in common #ith "ll m"mm"ls. If ,ou e2$erience' $h,sic"l or 1er-"l "-use in ,our chil'hoo', ,ou "re "t ris* of "ssoci"ting intim"c, #ith '"nger in the f"mil, ,ou cre"te #ith ,our s$ouse. !ne terrif,ing e2$erience 'uring " #"l* in " -ig cit, "fter nightf"ll c"n c"use ,ou to lin* l"rge ur-"n communities #ith $eril. In this #",, ,ou re*in'le the em-ers of ol' memories "n' -ring them into the moment, #here the, -urn #ith gre"t intensit,. Instinctu"l emotions linger. If ,ou "re "ngr, "n' it $"sses "fter " fe# minutes, this is " cogniti1e emotion. If ,ou "re "ngr, for B= '",s or B= ,e"rs, this is "n instinctu"l emotion. Instinctu"l emotions -ecome li*e to2ic $rogr"ms th"t t"*e o1er our entire neurocom$uter. These neur"l net#or*s c"use us to #"ste $recious ,e"rs in "n "ngr, m"rri"ge or fettere' to "n unfulfilling "n' frustr"ting Ao-. E1entu"ll,, #hen #e thin* #e h"1e fin"ll, h"' enough, #e might Guit the Ao- or storm out of the m"rri"ge, not re"liHing th"t #h"t #e nee' to ch"nge is our neur"l net#or*s through #hich #e eng"ge in our current en1ironment "n' situ"tions. #E!N%O#C!N/ TO1!C NEU#A PAT"&AYS AND SUBCONSC!OUS BE !E%S Neur"l net#or*s "re " $l"stic, ',n"mic "rchitecture, " constell"tion of neurons th"t light u$ moment"ril, to $erform " s$ecific t"s*. This is #h,, "s ,ou mull o1er " $"rticul"r thought >goo' or -"'? or $r"ctice " $"rticul"r "cti1it, >-enefici"l or 'etriment"l?, ,ou reinforce the neur"l net#or*s th"t correl"te #ith those thoughts "n' s*ills. E"ch time " situ"tion remin's ,ou of "n "ctu"l fe"rful or '"ngerous e2$erience from ,our $"st "n' instinctu"l emotions "re -rought u$, th"t s$ecific neur"l net#or* is reinforce'. (e strengthen the to2ic emotions "n' neur"l net#or*s in our lim-ic r"m "n' -egin to cre"te su-conscious -eliefs "-out life. These -eliefs 'ri1e our "ctions "n' re"ctions in "ll e2$eriences.
PTSD) Emotional Stress) and Su,,erin(hen #e "re e2$ose' to se1ere tr"um", #e c"n 'e1elo$ " con'ition *no#n "s $"um"tic stress 'isor'er >PT/D?. /tu'ies sho# th"t most $eo$le "re li*el, to e2$erience "t le"st one life. thre"tening or 1iolent e1ent in their lifetime.9 The stu'ies in'ic"te th"t e1en if " $erson reco1ers from PT/D, he or she m", continue to sho# mil' s,m$toms.B (ith PT/D m"n, of life8s t,$ic"l e1ents "re in"$$ro$ri"tel, route' through the lim-ic -r"in, #here #e reli1e, "t le"st from "n emotion"l $ers$ecti1e, the he"rt.#renching tr"um" of e1ents th"t m", h"1e occurre' 'ec"'es "go. PT/D is com$oun'e' -ec"use the lim-ic -r"in, $rim"l "s it is, c"n8t tell time "n' therefore c"n8t 'istinguish the 'ifference -et#een " $"inful e1ent th"t occurre' B= ,e"rs "go "n' the memor, of th"t e1ent triggere' -, " simil"r situ"tion to'",.4 As "n e2"m$le, it #"s common for sol'iers #ho returne' from the 0ulf ("r "n' the #"rs in Ir"G "n' Afgh"nist"n to -ecome "n2ious or 'istresse' #hen the, he"r' fire#or*s or other su''en lou' noises -ec"use their lim-ic -r"in 'i' not un'erst"n' it #"s no longer in the the"ter of #"r. /imil"rl,, cou$les #ho go through " -itter 'i1orce m", recoil in shoc* #hen the, he"r e"ch other8s 1oice m"n, ,e"rs "fter the m"rri"ge h"s en'e'. ut ,ou 'o not h"1e to -e 'i"gnose' #ith PT/D to h"1e e1en seemingl, -enign e1ents trigger intense emotion"l re"ctions.

This reinforcement c"n -e 'one #ithout our *no#le'ge or #hen #e "re mil*ing "n emotion"l tr"um" for s,m$"th,, #hether from others or from oursel1es. (e might s",, for e2"m$le, KI 'on8t h"1e to "ct m"turel,I "fter "ll, I h"' " terri-le chil'hoo'.K , cre"ting "n' re$e"ting such " st"tement, #e reinforce neur"l net#or*s "n' emotion"l h"-its th"t "re "s 'istinct "s the $ostur"l h"-its from "n ol' #hi$l"sh inAur, th"t h"s "ffecte' the 1erte-r" "n' muscles of the s$ine. These net#or*s gi1e rise to emotions, then -eliefs th"t *ee$ us f"1oring $"st $"in, "s #ell "s -eh"1iors th"t continu"ll, reinforce the tr"um" "s #ell "s the $it, #e h"1e le"rne' to so successfull, mil*.


Di"gr"mme', the $"ttern loo*s li*e this;

(hile such " re$etiti1e, circul"r $"ttern once ser1e' to ensure our sur1i1"l, it h"s -ecome to2ic "n' h"s gi1en rise to erroneous -eliefs "-out the #orl' "n' "cGu"int"nces, frien's, "n' e1en f"mil,. ec"use -eliefs c"n -e unconscious, the, m", $resent themsel1es in #",s th"t sur$rise us. (e m", st"rt "n intim"te rel"tionshi$ th"t f"lls "$"rt #hen #e 'isco1er the $erson is not re"ll, #ho #e thought he or she #"s, -ut the situ"tion might "ctu"ll, -e the $ro'uct of our o#n unconscious -elief th"t #e #ill ne1er fin' " $"rtner. Li*e#ise, #e m", h"1e " terrific c"reer o$$ortunit, th"t coll"$ses -ec"use 'ee$ 'o#n #e -elie1e th"t #e "re not #orth,. !''l, enough, ,ou c"n "ctu"ll, reinforce the to2ic net#or*s est"-lishe' -, tr"um"s -, re"cting #ith fe"r to " $ercei1e' thre"t. Unfortun"tel,, #hene1er " situ"tion is e1en f"intl, simil"r to some $"inful e1ent from ,our $"st, " re' fl"g goes u$ in ,our m"mm"li"n -r"in "n' ,ou $ercei1e it "s " $ossi-le thre"t. This is -ec"use tr"um" is not #h"t "ctu"ll, h"$$ene' -ut ho# ,ou store' it "s " stor, in ,our min'. Th"t is to s",, ,ou "re im$"cte' -, #h"t ,ou beliece occurre'. An' this stor, is *e$t "li1e -elo# the threshol' of consciousness, #ithout ,our thin*ing or -eing "#"re. Alberto' Soul #etrieval !ne of m, $"tients #"s h"unte' -, " recurring im"ge of herself "s " si2.,e"r.ol' chil' #hen she #"s hit -, "n "utomo-ile #hile ri'ing her -ic,cle. Although KC"rolK #"s unhurt, she remem-ers l,ing un'erne"th the sto$$e' 1ehicle, seeing the un'ersi'e of the engine, "n' smelling the o1er$o#ering o'or of oil "n' gre"se. (hen she rec"lle' this inci'ent, she remem-ere' c"lling for her mother "n' f"ther, neither of #hom res$on'e'. The onl, one to hel$ her #"s the str"nger #ho h"' -een 'ri1ing the "utomo-ile. %e"rs l"ter, C"rol continue' to -e h"unte' -, this feeling of "-"n'onment. /he felt th"t her mother "n' f"ther h"' ne1er re"ll, -een there for her #hen she nee'e' them "n' th"t she coul' onl, rel, on str"ngers, #ho #ere the 1er, s"me $eo$le #ho #oul' hurt her. (or*ing #ith th"t $erce$tion, the neur"l net#or*s in her lim-ic -r"in cre"te' erroneous -eliefs "-out frien'shi$s "n' su$$ort s,stems th"t le' her to in"$$ro$ri"te rel"tionshi$s "n' -eh"1iors. C"rol com$letel, truste' $eo$le she met in "ir$l"nes "n' "t $"rties, ,et she 'istruste' her f"mil, "n' frien's #ho genuinel, trie' to "'1ise "n' hel$ her. /he felt tremen'ous "nger to#"r' her $"rents -ut #oul' forgi1e str"ngers for the most heinous "cts. C"rol onl, -eg"n to he"l #hen I hel$e' her re1isit th"t e1ent 'uring " gui'e' me'it"tion. (e co"2e' th"t $"rt of her $erson"lit, th"t h"' Ks$lit offK or 'is"ssoci"te' 'uring the "cci'ent to


come -"c*. In 'oing so, #e h"' to re"ssure Little C"rol th"t ig C"rol #oul' loo* "fter her "n' $rotect her "n' #elcome her #ith gifts "n' -e"ut,. /h"m"ns refer to this $rocess "s soul retrie1"l, "n', in effect, I 'i' hel$ C"rol reco1er lost Gu"lities of her soul; trust, curiosit,, securit,, confi'ence, "n' s$ont"neit,. As she em-r"ce' these Gu"lities, she o$ene' the #", for ne# neur"l $"th#",s th"t #oul' "llo# her to e2$erience the #orl' more cre"ti1el,. /he -eg"n to $ercei1e $eo$le "n' situ"tions in " ne# #",, seeing o$$ortunities #here -efore she h"' onl, seen "'1ersit,. END!N/ T"E P#OPENS!TY %O# SU%%E#!N/ For m"n, ,e"rs, $s,cholog, em-r"ce' the i'e" th"t 'estructi1e emotions coul' -e re$"ire' #ith ther"$,, " 1ie# th"t is Guestione' to'", -, some $r"ctitioners, #ho "re e1en 'e-"ting the legitim"c, of $s,cholog, itself. The $s,cho"n"l,st 7"mes +illm"n, for e2"m$le #rites, KThe f"ilure of $s,chother"$, to m"*e cle"r its legitim"c, h"s resulte' in $s,chologies #hich "re -"st"r' sciences "n' 'egener"te $hiloso$hies. Ps,chother"$, h"s "ttem$te' to su$$ort its $e'igree -, "$$ro$ri"ting logics unsuite' for in1estig"ting its "re". As these -orro#e' metho's f"il one -, one, $s,chother"$, seems more "n' more 'u-ious&neither goo' $h,sics, goo' $hiloso$h,, nor goo' religion.KC In our res$ecti1e $rofessions, #e >the "uthors? h"1e come to *no# m"n, 'e'ic"te' $s,chother"$ists #ho "re #or*ing in schools, $risons, "n' neigh-orhoo' he"lth centers. These $r"ctitioners "re fiercel, committe' to hel$ing their $"tients "lle1i"te their suffering "n' fit -etter into societ,. %et, #e "gree th"t $o$ul"r $s,chologic"l $l"titu'es "n' $o$ s$iritu"lit, h"1e ser1e' little $ur$ose -e,on' miring us further in our $"inful stories. (hile the me'i" h"1e $o$ul"riHe' issues reg"r'ing in"'eGu"te $"rents, "-"n'onment, "n' lo# self.esteem, comment"tors "n' critics h"1e f"llen f"r short of $ro1i'ing s"tisf,ing e2$l"n"tions th"t #ill console our com$le2 $erson"lities. At -est, me'i" "ttention "n' o$en 'i"logue h"1e hel$e' m"n, of us un'erst"n' ho# the $"inful e1ents "n' tr"um" #e e2$erience' in chil'hoo' h"1e sh"$e' our rel"tionshi$s. %et, this un'erst"n'ing h"s 'one little to re#ire the neur"l net#or*s in our -r"in th"t *ee$ us tr"$$e' in these stories, #hich is the onl, thing th"t coul' re"ll, hel$ us feel -etter "-out oursel1es or free us to le"' more fulfilling li1es. Inste"', #e go "roun' e2$l"ining to oursel1es "n' others #h, #e re inc"$"-le of lo1ing or trusting, or #h, #e "re reluct"nt M -elie1e in our self.#orth. (e cl"im it is -ec"use our mothers 'i'n8t nurture us or our f"thers mistre"te' us. In other #or's, #e continue to su-scri-e to 'e-ilit"ting n"rr"ti1es&m"n, of them of our o#n cre"tion&"-out #ho #e "re "n' #h"t #e "re c"$"-le of "ccom$lishing. An' #e *ee$ -u,ing self.hel$ titles th"t $erenni"ll, to$ the -est.seller listsJ /o, #h, 'on8t #e get -etterF ec"use #e "re loo*ing for "ns#ers in "ll the #rong $l"ces. Alberto' /ainin- #espe3t ,or Sel, A $"tient, KChris,K once s"i' to me, KE1er, Ao- I81e h"' h"s -een stressful -ec"use I ine1it"-l, en' u$ #ith " t,r"nnic"l -oss #ho 'oesn8t res$ect m, t"lent or contri-utions.K This m"n h"' -een in $s,chother"$, for m"n, ,e"rs, tr,ing to un'erst"n' #h, he Kgot no res$ect.K +e h"' e2h"usti1el, 'issecte' his f"mil, ',n"mics "n' h"' #or*e' 1er, h"r' to unco1er the re"sons #h, he *e$t re$e"ting this self.'efe"ting $"ttern in his $rofession"l life. I c"refull, $ointe' out to him th"t the "ns#er l", in the neur"l net#or*s of his -r"in th"t m"'e sure f"mili"r Kre"lit,K *e$t re$e"ting itself. Ps,cholog, h"' hel$e' him un'erst"n' the chil'hoo' tr"um" th"t h"' est"-lishe' these net#or*s in the first $l"ce& the f"ct th"t he #"s the el'est chil' of "n el'erl, f"ther, th"t he #"s sel'om inclu'e' -, $l",m"tes #hen the, chose te"ms, th"t he #"s 'ri1en to -ecome "n o1er"chie1er in school, "n' th"t he l"ter


'ro$$e' out of school "ltogether. ut his un'erst"n'ing of the origins of his conflict #ith his -osses 'i' not result in -etter e1er,'", rel"tionshi$s, Aust "s un'erst"n'ing ho# " 1irus "ffects the immune s,stem 'oes not cure the flu. I recommen'e' -r"in.enriching nutrients, *no#ing these #oul' hel$ regions in his lim-ic -r"in he"l, #hich #oul' "llo# ne#, higher cortic"l $"th#",s to -e est"-lishe' through other metho's I #oul' $ro1i'e. I "lso "ssigne' Chris the contem$l"ti1e $r"ctice of sitting Guietl, for ten minutes e1er, morning "n' counting his -re"ths. I tol' him to "s* himself, K(ho "m IFK "n' to 'isc"r' e1er, "ns#er th"t c"me to him. !ne morning, in " su''en moment of insight, Chris re"liHe' th"t the $eo$le he #or*e' for #ere not K'em"n'ingK of him or K'eme"ningK him "s he h"' thoughtI r"ther, the, sim$l, e2$ecte' the -est from him -ec"use the, s"# " $otenti"l th"t he himself h"' not ,et -een "-le&or re"',&to recogniHe. M, #or* #ith Chris then consiste' of cr"fting " m"$ for his future th"t #oul' gui'e him to ne# -eliefs, ne# -eh"1iors, "n' " ne# 'irection in life foun'e' on " 'ee$ "n' trusting rel"tionshi$ #ith the #orl'. T*e Seven Deadly Sins In e"rl, Christi"n times, m"n, $eo$le fe"re' -eing consume' -, the /e1en De"'l, /ins; #r"th, gree', lust, sloth, en1,, glutton,, "n' $ri'e. These instinctu"l emotions #ere recogniHe' "s -eing so $o#erful th"t Peter insfel', " 95th.centur, 0erm"n theologi"n "n' -isho$, "ttri-ute' e"ch one of these sins to " $"rticul"r 'emon; /"t"n >#r"th?, M"mmon >gree'?, Asmo'eus >lust?, el$hegor >sloth?, Le1i"th"n >en1,?, eelHe-u>glutton,?, "n' Lucifer >$ri'e?. +e e2$l"ine' his theor, in his influenti"l -oo*, De confessioni-us m"lefic"rum et s"g"rum >!f the Confessions of ("rloc*s "n' (itches?. +"' isho$ insfel' -een not so incline' to#"r' " $urel, 'emonic "n"l,sis of hum"n error "n' more 1erse' in the "n"tom, of the -r"in, he might h"1e come u$ #ith " more scientific mess"ge inste"' of -l"ming hum"n KsinsK on such " hellishl, colorful c"st of ch"r"cters. Al"s, the stu', of the -r"in8s $h,sic"l "n"tom, through 'issection #"s not $ossi-le "t th"t time -ec"use, #ithout $reser1"tion, the -r"in turns to the consistenc, of " mil*sh"*e " fe# hours "fter 'e"th. %et, isho$ insfel', " rel"ti1e mo'er"te #ho, unli*e other inGuisitors, -elie1e' chil'ren shoul' not -e -urne' "t the st"*e, #"s not f"r off the m"r* #hen he cl"ime' th"t 'emons c"n tem$t hum"ns "#", from " life of gr"ce "n' into etern"l '"mn"tion. %ou see, #hile inGuisition"l #is'om, such "s it #"s, -elie1e' th"t 'emons se'uce' hum"ns #ith lust, gree', glutton,, #r"th, en1,, sloth, "n' $ri'e, these hum"n K#e"*nessesK "ctu"ll, "rise from "ncient "n' out'"te' $rogr"ms in the lim-ic -r"in.


C"APTE# ; "O& ST#ESS "A#.S T"E B#A!N

From "n engineering st"n'$oint, stress c"n -e 'efine' "s the "mount of resist"nce " m"teri"l offers to -eing resh"$e' "n' reforme'. (hen ,ou $l"ce " lo"' on " steel -e"m, the -e"m resists, *ee$ing the -uil'ing from coll"$sing. If the lo"' is gre"t enough, the -e"m gi1es #", "n' the structure suffers '"m"ge or coll"$ses. Ps,chologic"l stress is simil"r. (hen #e c"n no longer resist forces th"t "re tr,ing to sh"$e "n' mol' us, #hether the, "re our s$ouse8s -eh"1ior or our n"tion8s economic 'ecline, #e -re"* 'o#n, -ecoming "n2ious "n' 'e$resse', un"-le to co$e. SOC!ETA AND ENV!#ON.ENTA ST#ESS /ources of stress "re e1er,#here. The r"te of technologic"l ch"nge h"s ne1er -een "s "cceler"te' "s it is to'",. College stu'ents "re tr"ining for Ao-s th"t 'on8t ,et e2ist. Americ"ns in the #or*.force to'", c"n e2$ect to go through "t le"st three c"reer ch"nges in the course of their $rofession"l li1es. E1en thin*ing "-out this is stressful. An' #hile societ"l stressors "ffect our emotion"l he"lth, -iochemic"l stressors "re "lso #re"*ing h"1oc insi'e our -o'ies. For e2"m$le, m"n, $estici'es *ill insects -, 'estro,ing mitochon'ri"l function, thus r"ising the o-1ious Guestion; coul' $estici'es contri-ute to the 'e1elo$ment of P"r*inson8s in the gener"l $o$ul"tionF The "ns#er h"s $ro1e' to -e " resoun'ing ,es, #ith stu'ies, -eginning in B===, sho#ing " signific"nt incre"se in the ris* of 'e1elo$ing P"r*inson8s from e1en c"su"l use of $estici'es such "s rotenone. 7o"n /te$henson, Ph.D., re$orte' in the #i'el, res$ecte' 7ourn"l of the Americ"n Me'ic"l Associ"tion, K+"n'ling or "$$l,ing insectici'es "lso #"s lin*e' #ith signific"ntl, ele1"te' r"tes of P"r*inson8s 'ise"se. Those #ho use' insectici'es in the g"r'en sho#e' " 6= $ercent incre"se' ris* of the 'isor'er com$"re' #ith those #ho h"' ne1er -een e2$ose' to home $estici'es of "n, t,$e. In.home use of insect.*illing chemic"ls #"s "ssoci"te' #ith " D= $ercent incre"se' ris* of P"r*inson8s 'ise"se, com$"re' #ith no use of $estici'e.K9 An' since $estici'es 'irectl, t"rget mitochon'ri"l function, there8s re"son for much -ro"'er concern "s mitochon'ri"l function is im$"ire' in "ll m"nner of neuro'egener"ti1e 'ise"ses, inclu'ing AlHheimer8s, multi$le sclerosis, "utism, "n' e$ile$s,. An' ne# rese"rch is focusing on the '"m"ging effects on mitochon'ri"l function "s "n e2$l"n"tion of the signific"nt incre"se in ris* for 'i"-etes in $eo$le e2$ose' to $estici'es. An' en1ironment"l to2ins 'on8t Aust "ffect in'i1i'u"ls 'irectl,I their effects "re tr"nsmitte' to the ne2t gener"tion. Recent -loo' tests t"*en from the um-ilic"l cor's of ne#-orns in the Unite' /t"tes "n' Euro$e sho#e' cont"min"tion -, more th"n B== to2ic chemic"ls, inclu'ing $l"stics.B These -"-ies "re -eing -orn #ith " tremen'ous to2ic -ur'en th"t m", gre"tl, incre"se their ch"nces of 'e1elo$ing serious illnesses "n' 'egener"ti1e -r"in 'isor'ers l"ter in life. An' #hile these inf"nts h"1e no s", in #h"t to2ins their mothers m", h"1e consume', #illingl, or in"'1ertentl,, consenting "'ults "re choosing to "llo# *no#n to2ins to enter their -o'ies. For e2"m$le, it8s common *no#le'ge th"t mercur, fillings use' -, 'entists rele"se to2ic g"ses th"t "re re"'il, "-sor-e' -, f"t in the -r"in, #here the, interfere #ith the functioning of the ner1ous s,stem. Unfortun"tel,, it8s 1er, 'ifficult to get this mercur, $oisoning out of the -o', (hether tr"nsmitte' in utero, ingeste', inh"le', "-sor-e' through the s*in, or 'rille' into our teeth, such to2ins im$"ct our cells, #hich #ere not 'esigne' to elimin"te l"rge Gu"ntities of h"rmful en1ironment"l $oisons.


ACUTE AND C"#ON!C ST#ESS Ps,chologists i'entif, t#o *in's of stress; "cute "n' chronic. oth "ffect the he"lth of mitochon'ri" in our cells "n' our gener"l #ell.-eing. Acute stress is rel"ti1el, short.li1e'. It8s #h"t ,ou encounter #hen f"ce' #ith " no1el le"rning situ"tion, "n' it is "ctu"ll, goo' for ,ou in the sense th"t it "llo#s ,ou to remem-er the e1ent, -e it $ositi1e or neg"ti1e. This is the t,$e of stress ,ou e2$erience #hen ,ou8re ch"llenge' to -e ,our -est, #hether "s " chil' "-out to m"*e ,our first solo music"l $erform"nce "t school or "s "n "'ult #hen f"ce' #ith " 'em"n'ing intellectu"l situ"tion or " $h,sic"l ch"llenge such "s running " m"r"thon. I >Al-erto? #"s in Chile 'uring the 'e1"st"ting ).) m"gnitu'e e"rthGu"*e of B=9=. (hile it #"s " terrif,ing e2$erience to h"1e the e"rth mo1e un'er m, feet for se1er"l minutes, this c"t"stro$he -rought out the -est in $eo$le, "s neigh-ors r"llie' to hel$ e"ch other ten' to those #ho #ere hurt "n' to hel$ re-uil' their homes "n' their li1es. Chronic stress is long.l"sting. It occurs #hen ,ou #orr, "ll month "-out ho# ,ou8re going to m"*e ,our mortg"ge $",ment, or #hen ,ou 're"' e1er, '", #"*ing u$ ne2t to the $erson ,ou m"rrie' m"n, ,e"rs e"rlier, or #hen ,our cells "re continuousl, -ur'ene' #ith elimin"ting to2ic #"stes "n' he"1, met"ls "cGuire' from " $ollute' en1ironment "n' no# store' #ithin the cell #"ll. The gre"t e"rthGu"*e in Chile #"s follo#e' -, " month of "ftershoc*s&more th"n 4== gre"ter th"n 6.= in m"gnitu'e in tot"l. During this month, e1er,one sle$t fitfull,, "s the, 'i' not *no# #hen the e"rth #oul' st"rt sh"*ing "g"in. After t#o #ee*s, the entire $o$ul"tion #"s slee$.'e$ri1e' "n' e2h"uste', #ith their fight.or.flight s,stems stuc* in the on $osition -ec"use there #"s no one to fight "n' no#here to flee. !ur -o'ies h"1e " s,stem in $l"ce to 'e"l #ith stress. The +PA "2is&#hich refers to three org"ns, the h,$oth"l"mus, the $ituit"r,, "n' the "'ren"l gl"n's&regul"tes our fight.or.flight s,stem. The $ituit"r, gl"n' "n' h,$oth"l"mus "re -oth loc"te' #ithin the lim-ic -r"in, "n' the "'ren"l gl"n's "re loc"te' "-o1e the *i'ne,s. If the "m,g'"l" $ercei1es "n imminent thre"t, the +PA "2is, r"ther th"n $"ssing the sign"l "long to the neocorte2 for logic"l $rocessing, rele"ses stress hormones&Cortisol "n' "'ren"line& into the -loo'stre"m. These steroi's gi1e us Guic* energ,, incre"se our he"rt r"te, 'irect -loo' "#", from 'igestion "n' other nonemergenc, -o', functions, "n' reroute -loo' to our e2tremities "n' muscles so #e c"n fight or flee. The "'1"nt"ges offere' -, the r"$i' res$onse of our +PA "2is "re cle"r. 7ust "s $rimiti1e m"n #"s "-le to "1oi' -eing "tt"c*e' -, "n "nim"l 'uring " hunt, #e to'", c"n Guic*l, mo1e out of the #", of "n oncoming c"r or "n "ngr, colle"gue. In times of '"nger, this chemic"l influ2 is necess"r, to hel$ us fight or flee, -ut #e c"n get loc*e' into " st"te of chronic stress #hen the "'ren"l gl"n's 'on8t recei1e " sign"l to sto$ $ro'ucing these hormones. Unli*e "cute stress, #hich ser1es " $ositi1e $ur$ose, chronic stress is 1er, 'estructi1e. In Coloni"l times the legen'"r, $ir"tes of the C"ri--e"n le"rne' th"t citiHens in " cit, un'er siege #ere more effecti1el, #orn 'o#n -, the soun' of c"nnons firing th"n -, the "ctu"l '"m"ge 'one to their to#n -, the c"nnon-"lls. This #"s -ec"use the soun's of the guns *e$t the to#ns$eo$le in " st"te of chronic stress, un"-le to fight or flee, or get " goo' night8s rest. Long.term e2$osure to stress h"s 1er, $rofoun' conseGuences. T"E DET#!.ENTA E%%ECTS O% C"#ON!C ST#ESS Rel"ting this inform"tion -"c* to #h"t #e h"1e "lre"', le"rne' "-out the e1olution of the -r"in, it8s im$ort"nt to note th"t the stress hormone Cortisol, #hich is $ro'uce' in e2cessi1e "mounts #hen the +PA "2is is loc*e' in " st"te of chronic stress, incre"ses the '"m"ging effects of free r"'ic"ls in the neurons of the hi$$oc"m$us. This c"uses '"m"ge to the mitochon'ri", #hich in turn c"uses e1en more free r"'ic"l $ro'uction. The fin"l "ct in this tr"gic $l", is th"t the hi$$oc"m$"l neurons themsel1es $erish through the $rocess of "$o$tosis. An' #hen hi$$oc"m$"l neurons 'ie, le"rning "n' cre"ti1it, -ecome "lmost


im$ossi-le. An' -r"in s,nerg, is out of the Guestion. The "1oi'"nce of $"in o1ersh"'o#s n"tur"l curiosit,I #e hesit"te to roc* the -o"tI #e ho"r' nee'lessl, "n' ris* foolishl,. (e -ecome $"r"l,He' -, "n in"-ilit, to 'isco1er no1el solutions "n' "re un"-le to thin* or feel origin"ll, "n,more. If #e rem"in un'er "cute stress long enough, our "'ren"ls e1entu"ll, gi1e out "n' #e -ecome 'r"ine' "n' e2h"uste'. In " recent stu',, E'u"r'o Di"s.Ferreir" "n' his colle"gues "t the Uni1ersit, of Minho in r"g", Portug"l, 'emonstr"te' th"t chronic"ll, stresse' r"ts lose their "-ilit, to -re"* out of re$etiti1e -eh"1ior $"tterns "n' -ecome less cre"ti1e "n' less cunning.4 Essenti"ll,, stress ch"nges the ro'ents8 -eh"1ior, $re'is$osing the "nim"ls to 'oing the s"me things o1er "n' o1er. In commenting on the stu',, Ro-ert /"$ols*, " neuro-iologist #ho stu'ies stress "t /t"nfor' Uni1ersit, /chool of Me'icine, rem"r*e', KThis is " gre"t mo'el for un'erst"n'ing #h, #e en' u$ in " rut, "n' then 'ig oursel1es 'ee$er "n' 'ee$er into th"t rut... #e8re lous, "t recogniHing #hen our norm"l co$ing mech"nisms "ren8t #or*ing.KC Chronic stress c"n le"' to " rut in #hich the #iring of our neur"l net#or*s *ee$s us re$e"ting the s"me ',sfunction"l -eh"1ior "n' ho$ing for " 'ifferent outcome. As #e e2$erience 'e$ression "n' re$etiti1e -eh"1iors th"t stem from chronic stress, #e8re less c"$"-le of "n"l,tic thought. The stress hormones rele"se' into the -loo'stre"m *ee$ us "t " lo#er or'er of -r"in function, un"-le to "tt"in s,nerg,. Li*e iron "n' c"r-on, #e rem"in -rittle "n' e"sil, "fflicte', un"-le to fin' the strength of steel. (e fin' it incre"singl, 'ifficult to le"rn from P"st e2$eriences, to "lter the -eliefs th"t c"use us to re.cre"te those e2$eriences "g"in "n' "g"in, "n' -re"* out of our -eh"1ior"l ruts. ec"use of the #", our -r"ins h"1e -een #ire' -, stress "n' tr"um", #e8re un"-le to thin* or feel our #", out of $erson"l crises. Dr. /"$ols*,, in his -oo* /tress, the Aging r"in, "n' the Mech"nisms of Neuron De"th, eloGuentl, 'escri-es the science th"t correl"tes stress, e2$osure to Cortisol, "n' the ultim"te 'estruction of the hi$$oc"m$us. +is e2tensi1e rese"rch #ith ro'ents "n' $rim"tes cle"rl, su$$orts the contention th"t this'uce' neuro'egener"ti1e $rocess "lso occurs in hum"ns. Interestingl,, /"$ols*, $oints out th"t ele1"te' Cortisol le1els "re foun' in "t le"st 6= $ercent of AlHheimer8s $"tients.6 Fortun"tel,, in the l"st se1er"l ,e"rs, rese"rchers h"1e 'isco1ere' th"t #e c"n sto$ this c"sc"'e of 'estructi1e chemic"l e1ents. Rese"rch using "nim"ls h"s sho#n th"t "n ele1"te' le1el of -r"in.'eri1e' neurotro$hic f"ctor > DNF?, #hich is " $rotecti1e -r"in hormone incre"se' -, such "cti1ities "s c"lorie re'uction, f"sting, "n' ment"l "n' $h,sic"l e2ercise, im$"rts " high le1el of $rotection for the hi$$oc"m$us, m"*ing it resist"nt to '"m"ge from ele1"te' CortisolI "n' #e no# un'erst"n' th"t in hum"ns, DNF $l",s the i'entic"l role. Alberto' i,tin- t*e Dar5 Cloud KN"t"sh"K c"me to see me com$l"ining th"t she #"s 1er, unh"$$, #ith her life "n' her m"rri"ge. /he "n' her hus-"n' h"' three ,oung chil'ren, "n' she felt her life h"' -een re'uce' to, -eing " soccer mom. efore h"1ing her chil'ren, she h"' -een " 'esigner for " $o$ul"r m"g"Hine, -ut no# felt her life #"s 'irectionless. /he thought herself to -e mil'l, 'e$resse' "n' #"s consi'ering going on me'ic"tion to tre"t her ch"nging moo's. !ne of the tenets of sh"m"nic energ, me'icine is th"t nothing is onl, #h"t it seems to -e. I "s*e' N"t"sh" if she #"s t"*ing me'ic"tion, "n' she e2$l"ine' th"t she #"s t"*ing me'icine for her th,roi'. I entere' the Guiet st"te of "#"reness th"t f"cilit"tes the sh"m"n8s KseeingK "n' -eg"n to sc"n N"t"sh"8s Luminous Energ, Fiel', loo*ing for $ools of st"gn"nt energ, th"t might in'ic"te $"tholog,. I "lso chec*e' her ch"*r"s, the energ, centers "long the s$ine. The ch"*r"s "re s#irling 1orte2es of energ,, sh"$e' li*e " funnel. The l"rge en' of the funnel e2ten's " cou$le of inches outsi'e the s*in, #hile the n"rro# en' connects to the s$in"l cor' "n' the en'ocrine gl"n's th"t $ro'uce hormones "n' rele"se them into the -loo'stre"m. +in'u te2ts 'escri-e ch"*r"s "s s$inning 1orte2es of energ,, "n' s"ges in the Americ"s


i'entif, them "s K#ells of light.K M, o#n in1estig"tion sho#e' me th"t the ch"*r"s coinci'e #ith the ner1e $le2uses, th"t is, net#or*s of intersecting ner1es. I notice' th"t N"t"sh"8s thro"t ch"*r" #"s s$inning sluggishl,, #hich #"s not sur$rising, since her th,roi' #"s h,$o"cti1e. Then I notice' th"t her si2th ch"*r", loc"te' "t the forehe"', #"s #ithere' "n' com$letel, shut 'o#n li*e some flo#er th"t h"' close' its $et"ls " long time "go. The si2th ch"*r" is connecte' to the $ituit"r, gl"n', the P in the +PA "2is. As I continue' to sc"n N"t"sh"8s Luminous Energ, Fiel', I o-ser1e' th"t there #"s no $h,sic"l $"tholog,, #hich gener"ll, "$$e"rs "s $ools of '"r*, st"gn"nt energ, th"t settle o1er "n org"n or tissue. Inste"', I s"# the m"r*ings of emotion"l tr"um", #hich "$$e"r "s ri--ons of 1"rious luminous colors s#irling "roun' the fiel' "n' interfering #ith the ch"*r"s. These "re m"nifest"tions of to2ic neur"l net#or*s "n' "re "l#",s "n in'ic"tion of e"rl, life tr"um". I "s*e' N"t"sh" #h"t h"$$ene' to her #hen she #"s si2 or se1en ,e"rs of "ge, "n' she e2$l"ine' th"t she "n' her f"mil, #ere li1ing in the r,"ns* region of Russi", close to the Cherno-,l nucle"r $o#er $l"nt, #hen re"ctor num-er four e2$lo'e' in 9E)5. This e2$losion 'e$osite' r"'io"cti1e io'ine in the fiel's "n' P"stures surroun'ing Cherno-,l, #hich c"use' the e1"cu"tion of more th"n B==,=== $eo$le, inclu'ing N"t"sh"8s f"mil,. This force' m"ss e2o'us $ro1e' to -e " 1er, tr"um"tic "n' 'isru$ti1e e1ent in their li1es -ec"use the, *ne# the, #oul' ne1er return to their homes. ec"use io'ine -in's to the th,roi', N"t"sh"8s stor, might e2$l"in her th,roi' con'ition. ut e1en though she h"' not suffere' "n, further r"'i"tion e2$osure "n' li1e' in C"n"'", #here her 'octors monitore' her closel,, she still suffere' from tr"um" "n' fe"r c"use' -, this nucle"r e2$losion. In m, tr"ining "s " sh"m"n, I h"' le"rne' to tr"c* "n' inter1ene "t the le1el of m, client8s energetic m"tri2, " $r"ctice th"t #e "t the +e"ling the Light o', /chool te"ch our stu'ents to 'o #ith gre"t success. I #"s "-le to cle"r these ri--ons of no2ious energ,, -re"*ing u$ the h"-itu"l $"tterns through #hich N"t"sh" $ercei1e' the #orl' "n' "llo#ing her to gro# ne# neur"l net#or*s in her -r"in. I "lso Ktune' u$K her secon' ch"*r", #hich is connecte' to the "'ren"ls, getting it to s$in in h"rmon, #ith the rest of her energ, s,stem. An' I reset her fight.or.flight s,stem using "n energ, inter1ention $r"ctice' -, sh"m"ns "n' 'escri-e' in m, -oo* /h"m"n, +e"ler, /"ge. This #"s necess"r, -ec"use her +PA "2is h"' -een on high "lert since she #"s si2, e2h"usting her "'ren"ls "n' thro#ing off her entire hormon"l s,stem. ut I "lso *ne# th"t, until N"t"sh" re$"ire' her hi$$oc"m$us, she #oul' not -e "-le to he"l from the memor, of tr"um" "n' loss she suffere' "s " chil'. I "s*e' N"t"sh" to st"rt t"*ing D+A '"il, "n' to elimin"te "ll stimul"nts such "s coffee from her 'iet. An' I "'1ise' her to $r"ctice the sh"m"nic me'it"tions. Three months l"ter, the '"r* clou' -eg"n to lift from N"t"sh"8s -o',. /he h"' foun' " $"rt. time Ao- #ith " loc"l m"g"Hine, "n' her f"mil, life h"' im$ro1e' 'r"m"tic"ll,. C"AN/!N/ T"E "!PPOCA.PUS SET PO!NT To $rotect "g"inst the '"m"ge of chronic stress is to ch"nge the hi$$oc"m$us set $oint. As rese"rch continue' to e2$ose the connection -et#een Cortisol $ro'uction "n' hi$$oc"m$"l '"m"ge, scientists -eg"n to #on'er #h"t "ctu"ll, controlle' the "mount of Cortisol $ro'uce' -, the "'ren"l gl"n's 'uring " stressful e1ent. It h"s long -een recogniHe', for e2"m$le, th"t not onl, 'o ol'er hum"ns "n' "nim"ls "li*e gener"ll, h"1e higher le1els of Cortisol, -ut the 'egree of Cortisol $ro'uction follo#ing stress "lso seems to incre"se #ith "ge. 0re"t efforts h"1e -een m"'e to fin' the K$"cem"*erK for the "'ren"l gl"n'. /cientists re"sone' th"t if such " structure in'ee' e2iste' in the hum"n -o',, $erh"$s there is "lso " #", to control e2cess Cortisol $ro'uction. In this #",, the '"m"ge to the hi$$oc"m$us th"t occurs 'uring norm"l "ging&"n' "t " much f"ster r"te in AlHheimer8s $"tients&coul' -e re'uce'.


Much to the sur$rise of m"n,, the ultim"te go1ernor of "'ren"l "cti1it, is none other th"n the hi$$oc"m$us itself. Th"t8s rightI the hi$$oc"m$us "ctu"ll, regul"tes the "'ren"l8s $ro'uction of Cortisol, in effect controlling its o#n f"teJ (hen functioning o$tim"ll,, the hi$$oc"m$us is "-le to m"int"in Cortisol $ro'uction in res$onse to stress "t " norm"l le1el. +o#e1er, #hen the hi$$oc"m$us is '"m"ge', it loses this "-ilit, "n' c"lls for e2cessi1e Cortisol $ro'uction. To un'erst"n' #h"t it me"ns to reset ,our hi$$oc"m$"l set $oint, thin* of the hi$$oc"m$us "s -eing li*e the thermost"t in ,our home. (ith stress "n' tr"um", the set $oint of the hi$$oc"m$us ch"nges, much "s #hen ,ou "'Aust the tem$er"ture on ,our "ir con'itioner. Lo#ering the thermost"t m"*es the "ir con'itioner run longer; lo#ering the set $oint of the hi$$oc"m$us h"s the s"me effect on the "'ren"ls. (e no# un'erst"n' th"t the hi$$oc"m$us set $oint th"t mo'ul"tes the "'ren"l8s $ro'uction of Cortisol is $rogr"mme' 1er, e"rl, in life. Thus, tr"um" "t " ,oung "ge incre"ses the hi$$o. c"m$us8s sensiti1it, to Cortisol. An' this sets the st"ge for "n e1er.incre"sing 'ecline in hi$$oc"m$"l function in "'ulthoo', #hich inhi-its our "-ilit, to res$on' to situ"tions in no1el #",s. Rese"rchers h"1e #on'ere' if inter1ention coul' $erh"$s $o#er Cortisol le1els. If stress r"ise' Cortisol, the, re"sone', then $erh"$s li1ing " nonstressful life coul' lo#er it. The $ioneering #or* in this "re" #"s c"rrie' out -, the l"te $s,choneuroen'o.cnnologist /e,mour K0igK Le1ine, -eginning in 9E5B. +is groun'.-re"*ing rese"rch 'emonstr"te' th"t #hen l"-or"tor, guine" $igs #ere lo1ingl, h"n'le' "s $u$s, their Cortisol secretion #"s 'imme' "n' this re'uction $ersiste' into "'ulthoo'. Le1ine8s e"rl, e2$eriments $"1e' the #", for countless other rese"rchers #ho teste' " 1"riet, of "nim"ls, inclu'ing $rim"tes, to re"ffirm th"t $ositi1e emotion"l e2$eriences c"n $ro1i'e $rotection to the 'elic"te hi$$oc"m$us -, re'ucing Cortisol $ro'uction. (hile the set $oint of hi$$oc"m$"l control of "'ren"l Cortisol $ro'uction m", -e genetic"ll, 'etermine', #e no# un'erst"n' th"t "ll $ositi1e "n' neg"ti1e life e2$eriences, #hether in chil'hoo' or "'ulthoo', c"n reset th"t sensiti1it,. /o #e nee' not run off to " seclu'e' c"-in in the #oo's to ensure " life, "$$e"ling "s this m", -e. For, "s m"n, of us h"1e 'isco1ere', #e t"*e our ghosts "n' 'emons #ith us #here1er #e go, "n' our 'r"m"s -ecome li*e the stor, of the tr"1eler #ho meets " fello# tr"1eler on the ro"', going the o$$osite 'irection, "n' "s*s him #h"t the $eo$le #ere li*e in the cit, he is going to. The first tr"1eler res$on's -, "s*ing him #h"t the $eo$le #ere li*e in the cit, he Aust left. KIt #"s full of thie1es "n' li"rs. There #"s not " 'ecent $erson in the to#n,K he st"tes. To #hich the other tr"1eler re$lies, KIt #ill -e e2"ctl, the s"me in the ne2t to#n.K The ongoing -iochemic"l "ss"ult from stress hormones on our hi$$oc"m$us m"*es it im$ossi-le to he"l from emotion"l tr"um". Li*e the secon' tr"1eler "-o1e, e1er,#here #e go seems to -e $o$ul"te' -, li"rs "n' thie1es. ut this c"n "lso -e " -enefici"l sign"l. (hen #e feel im$risone' -, our to2ic emotions, #e *no# "t some core le1el th"t #e must he"l our lifelong tr"um". (e *no# th"t in or'er to reg"in our s"nit, "n' 'isco1er ne# -eh"1iors, #e must ch"nge. (hile the 'estructi1e emotions "ssoci"te' #ith $"st tr"um"s, #hether re"l or im"gine', m", ten' to 'omin"te ,our moo's, ,ou "re ne1ertheless c"$"-le of 'e1elo$ing neur"l net#or*s th"t "llo# ,ou to thin* "n' feel 'ifferentl,. %ou h"1e the "-ilit, to e2$erience e1ents #ithout letting the $"st c"st them in " neg"ti1e light. !nce the lim-ic -r"in is enliste' to ser1e the gre"ter -r"in s,nerg,, ,ou -egin to est"-lish ne# neur"l net#or*s for Ao,, #ell.-eing, "n' cre"ti1it,. David' T*e /reatest T*in-


In the s$ring of B==9, I h"' the o$$ortunit, to $resent " lecture title' K/tress, Aging, "n' Neuro'egener"ti1e Disor'ersK "t the Intern"tion"l /,m$osium on Function"l Me'icine in V"ncou1er, ritish Colum-i". During m, $resent"tion, I e2$l"ine' to the $h,sici"ns "n' rese"rchers the conce$ts of stress, the hi$$oc"m$us, "n' resetting the hi$$oc"m$us set $oint, "s 'escri-e' "-o1e, using 1"rious technic"l sli'es "n' "nim"tions to hel$ cl"rif, the rel"tionshi$ -et#een stress "n' "ctu"l function"l loss in the -r"in. As I #"s 'oing so, it -ec"me cle"r to me th"t most of the rese"rch, "n' e1en most of m, sli'es, focuse' on the neg"ti1e& th"t stress is -"' ne#s. ut I #"nte' to sh"re the goo' ne#s, too& th"t $ositi1e emotion c"n he"l the -r"in. /o I chose to en' the $resent"tion #ith " sli'e th"t sho#e' " $hotogr"$h of m, '"ughter, $erh"$s four months ol' "t the time, slee$ing $e"cefull, on m, #ife8s chest. I inclu'e' "n "u'io cli$ of N"t :ing Cole8s song KN"ture o,,K in #hich he sings "-out the im$ort"nce of le"rning ho# to lo1e "n' "cce$t lo1e in return. T"E POS!T!VES O% ST#ESS ut #e must remem-er th"t stress isn8t "ll -"'. In f"ct, it is essenti"l for "ll hum"n $rogress, Aust "s necessit, is the mother of in1ention. (hen #e "re un"-le to res$on' #ith cre"ti1it, to " ch"llenging situ"tion, it is -ec"use #e "re c"ught in " neur"l rut. !ur -r"in8s #iring #on8t $ermit it. (hen ,ou go to the g,m for strength tr"ining, ,ou $ut stress on ,our muscles, "n' "t the en' of the #or*out, ,ou le"1e #ith " tone' -o', "n' " feeling of "ccom$lishment. iologic"l stress on " s$ecies, such "s th"t use' -, " ch"nge in foo' "1"il"-ilit, 'ue to long. term 'rought, resol1e' through cre"ti1e co$ing or "'"$ting. (ithout the stress " ch"nging ecos,stem, our "$eli*e "ncestors #oul' ne1er h"1e left the s"1"nn"s of Afric" for more fertile "re"s in Asi" "n' Euro$eI the, #oul' not h"1e st"rte' #"l*ing on t#o legs inste"' of four. In those c"ses, stress #"s n"ture8s #", of in1iting the #isest "n' most "'"$t"-le to sur1i1e. At our $resent $oint in hum"n histor,, #ith " ch"nging ecos,stem "n' "n incre"se' to2ic lo"' from $oisons in our foo' "n' #"ter, our s$ecies is once "g"in f"ce' #ith the ch"llenge of long.term sur1i1"l. An' the enlightenment reGuire' of us m", -e no less '"unting th"n h"1ing to le"rn to #"l* u$right on t#o legs.



Although #e origin"ll, 'e1elo$e' our "m,g'"l".-"se' fight.or.flight res$onse "n' our instinctu"l emotions in or'er to ensure our sur1i1"l "s " s$ecies, "llo#ing the "m,g'"l" to control our -r"in c"n result, "s #e81e seen, in " 1irtu"ll, cri$$ling situ"tion in #hich our sur1i1"l is "ctu"ll, com$romise'. Luc*il,, the hum"n -r"in h"s the "-ilit, to re#ire itself "n' form ne# connections -et#een neurons so th"t #e 'o not continue $l",ing o1er "g"in the tire' $rimiti1e $rogr"ms of "ggression "n' fe"r. !nl, recentl, h"1e rese"rchers 'isco1ere' the $otenti"l of the hum"n -r"in "n' come to trul, "$$reci"te the $ositi1e im$lic"tions of neuro$l"sticit,&the -r"in8s "-ilit, to cre"te ne# neur"l net#or*s&for -oth our in'i1i'u"l he"lth "s #ell "s for societ, in gener"l. (e no# un'erst"n' ho# to h"rness our -r"in8s neuro$l"sticit, to enh"nce cert"in neur"l $"th#",s. In essence, #e c"n "lter our -r"in function so th"t #e c"n more full, "ccess those "re"s th"t $"1e the #", for free'om from tr"um" "n' 'estructi1e emotionsI this "lso "llo#s us to e2$ress the genes for he"lth "n' longe1it, "n' e1en enlightenment. Neuroscientists h"1e come " long #", o1er the $"st B6 ,e"rs. The, h"1e re$l"ce' the once. "cce$te' $"r"'igm of the -r"in "s " h"r'#ire', fi2e', "n' immut"-le org"n #ith the -elief in neuro.$l"sticit,, #hich cele-r"tes its ',n"mic "-ilit, to le"rn, "'"$t, "n' ch"nge. David' A S*i,t in .y Understandin(hen I #"s ,oung, I 'i'n8t h"1e the o$$ortunit, to s$en' much time #ith m, f"ther -ec"use he m"int"ine' " 1er, -us, $r"ctice in neurosurger, in south Flori'". Cle"rl,, he too recogniHe' this shortcoming in our rel"tionshi$, "n' one '", he c"me u$ #ith " solution; he in1ite' me to the o$er"ting room to #"tch him remo1e " tumor from the -"se of " $"tient8s -r"in. (h"t " #", to s$en' " /"tur'", "fternoon, es$eci"ll, consi'ering th"t I #"s " ,oung teen"ger "t the timeJ I soon m"'e these 1isits to the o$er"ting room " regul"r $"rt of m, #ee*en's. In retros$ect, I -elie1e m, '"' e1en m"'e the effort to sche'ule surger, on /"tur'",s so I coul' Aoin him. An', of course, he t"ught me the $ro$er $roce'ures to m"int"in " sterile o$er"ting room. These $roce'ures #oul' t"*e m"n, hours, so, to $"ss the time, m, f"ther #oul' e2$l"in the s$ecific function of th"t $"rt of the -r"in u$on #hich #e #ere o$er"ting. KThis "re",K he #oul' s",, for e2"m$le, Kis c"lle' roc"8s Are", n"me' for Pierre. P"ul roc", " French fello# #ho, -"c* in 9)59, 'etermine' th"t this "re" controlle' s$eech.K !1er time, he 'escri-e' the entire -r"in in 'et"il, "l#",s #e"1ing some -it of historic"l color into the 'escri$tion. These e2$eriences "t " 1er, im$ression"-le "ge $ro1i'e' me #ith " rich "n' e2$"nsi1e un'erst"n'ing of neuroscience. L"ter, the i'e" th"t s$ecific $"rts of the -r"in #ere 'e'ic"te' to s$ecific functions #"s reinforce' -, the -r"in rese"rch I $ursue' in college, "n' it #"s "lso one of the *e, themes in m, e"rl, $u-lic"tions in the 7ourn"l of Neurosurger,. Me'ic"l school further stresse' this connection -et#een $"rticul"r functions "n' s$ecific $"rts of the -r"in. +e"ring of this rel"tionshi$ from so m"n, sources, inclu'ing m, '"', cert"inl, 'emonstr"te' th"t this ment"lit, #"s $er1"si1e throughout the me'ic"l fiel'. An' this conce$t #"s further reinforce' 'uring m, ,e"rs of neurolog, tr"ining. In'ee', it #"s often s"i' th"t neurologists le"rne' function"l -r"in "n"tom, Kstro*e -, stro*e.K Th"t is to s",, #hene1er " $"tient #"s "'mitte' to the hos$it"l #ith " stro*e in " $"rticul"r "re" of the -r"in, neurologists #oul' note the $h,sic"l 'is"-ilit, th"t correl"te' #ith it "n' there-, i'entifie' #hich function the '"m"ge' -r"in "re" ser1e'.


This sim$le mech"nic"l structurePfunction rel"tionshi$ -eg"n to unr"1el, "t le"st for me, in the l"te 9E)=s, #hen I -eg"n to note th"t some $"tients #oul' reg"in consi'er"-le function of " $"rticul"r "re" of the -o', follo#ing " stro*e, e1en though there h"' -een no o-ser1"-le ch"nge in their -r"in im"ging stu'ies. /o, #hile " $"tient8s MRI continue' to sho# '"m"ge in, for e2"m$le, the $"rt of the -r"in th"t controls the left h"n', not infreGuentl, the -r"in #oul' someho# Khe"lK "n' function"lit, of the left h"n' #oul' return. As more "n' more neurologists, ther"$ists, "n' $"tients o-ser1e' this unusu"l $henomenon, neuroscientists -eg"n to offer e2$l"n"tions th"t contr"'icte' the $re1"iling 1ie# of the -r"in8s "-ilities. To this '",, I 1i1i'l, rec"ll #h"t #oul' l"ter -ecome " turning $oint for me in m, un'erst"n'ing of the -r"in. KMich"el,K " 6).,e"r.ol' gr"$hic 'esigner from North C"rolin", c"me to see me m 9E)). +e re$orte' th"t 9C months $rior to his 1isit he su''enl, -ec"me un"-le to s$e"*. KI *ne# #h"t I #"nte' to s",, -ut I Aust coul'n8t $ro'uce the #or's,K he recounte' #ith $erfect fluenc,. M, first thought #"s th"t he h"' e2$erience' " tr"nsient ischemic "tt"c* >TIA?, ch"r"cteriHe' -, " -rief 'ecline in -loo' su$$l, to " P"rticul"r region of the -r"in&in this c"se, "n "re" "ssoci"te' #ith l"ngu"ge e2$ression. ut, "s he continue', he re1e"le' th"t his s$eech h"' -een com$romise' for "t le"st si2 months follo#ing e "tt"c*. There #"s nothing Ktr"nsientK "-out it. An' #hile his 'isco1er, h"' -een $rofoun', cle"rl, he #"nte' to 'o e1er,thing coul' to $re1ent "n, further -r"in e1ents. (e re1ie#e' "n MRI sc"n of his -r"in th"t h"' -een t"*en Aust t#o months $rior to his 1isit "t our clinic, "n' there, for "ll to see, #"s e1i'ence of se1ere '"m"ge "n' loss of tissue, not onl, in the "re" "ssoci"te' #ith s$eech, -ut "lso in the "'A"cent "re"s "ssoci"te' #ith f"ci"l mo1ement "n' control of the right "rm. Nonetheless, his e2"min"tion re1e"le' no 'eficits #h"tsoe1er. (h"t h"' h"$$ene'F Cle"rl,, his -r"in h"'n8t Khe"le'K&"t le"st not $h,sic"ll,& -ec"use the "re" of his initi"l stro*e #"s still '"m"ge', "ccor'ing to the MRI. %et, his -r"in h"' "'"$te'I th"t is, it h"' -egun to use "ltern"ti1e $"th#",s to reg"in function"lit, of the rel"te' "ffecte' $"rt of his -o',. !f course, the "cce$te' $"r"'igm "t the time consi'ere' this conce$t f"nciful. No#, ho#e1er, #e *no# th"t the -r"in 'oes h"1e the "-ilit, to ch"nge "n' reorg"niHe itself in reg"r' to the functions it $erforms. This $rocess is c"lle' neuro$l"sticit,, "n' it is " gift on $"r #ith neurogenesis, the -r"in8s "-ilit, to gener"te ne# cells throughout our lifetimes. C"AN/!N/ OU# NEU#A NET&O#7S Through neuro$l"sticit, the -r"in is "-le to re#ire neur"l $"th#",s, "n' e1en est"-lish ne# neur"l su$erhigh#",s. (hen " $erson suffers " stro*e "n' loses function in the right h"n', for e2"m$le, the -r"in c"n cre"te ne# $"th#",s th"t m", "llo# the left h"n' to $erform some of the functions $re1iousl, 'one onl, -, the right. Neur"l net#or*s "re cre"te' -, focuse', eng"ge' stimul"tion. It t"*es more th"n sim$le re$etition to cre"te neur"l net#or*s. Profession"l "thletes h"1e long *no#n th"t $r"ctice 'oes not necess"ril, m"*e $erfect, -ec"use -"' $r"ctice sim$l, reinforces " less th"n i'e"l $"th#", in the -r"in. Li*e#ise, re$e"ting " $r",er o1er "n' o1er #ithout $ositi1e focuse' intention m"*es enlightenment less li*el,. If ,ou #"nt to e2$eriment, tr, -rushing ,our teeth or hol'ing ,our for* #ith ,our non'omin"nt h"n' "n' notice ho# much concentr"tion is reGuire' to $erform this sim$le t"s*. Li*e#ise, the $r"ctice of Ao,, *in'ness, "n' forgi1eness t"*e focuse' "ttention to 'e1elo$, -ut the more ,ou e2ercise them, the more e"sil, "n' n"tur"ll, the, come. Mich"el MerHenich, $rofessor emeritus "t the Uni1ersit, of C"liforni", /"n Fr"ncisco, $erforme' " series of e2$eriments in the mi'.9EE=s th"t 'emonstr"te the nee' for focuse' "ttention in or'er to le"rn ne# s*ills "n' -eh"1iors. In one e2$eriment, he "$$lie' " t"$$ing stimulus to the fingers of t#o grou$s of mon*e,s. (hen the rh,thm of the t"$$ing occ"sion"ll, ch"nge', mon*e,s in one grou$ recei1e' " re#"r' of Auice for res$on'ing to the


ch"nge. The other grou$ of mon*e,s #"s not re#"r'e' for res$on'ing. After si2 #ee*s, MerHenich e2"mine' the mon*e,s8 -r"ins. The "nim"ls #ho h"' $"i' close "ttention to the stimulus, #"iting for the ch"nge in rh,thm so the, coul' collect their re#"r', e2hi-ite' $rofoun' 'ifferences in the "re"s of the -r"in "ssoci"te' #ith $rocessing t"ctile stimuli. No such ch"nges #ere seen in the -r"ins of the mon*e,s #ho #ere not re#"r'e' for $",ing "ttention to the stimulus e1en though the stimulus, the t"$$ing on their fingers, #"s e2"ctl, the s"me for -oth grou$s.9 This is "nother re"son #h, "ll those $"ts on the -"c*, gol' st"rs, recognition ri--ons, "n' colorful merit -"'ges #e e"rne' "s chil'ren "re so im$ort"nt to the -r"inJ E1en if those once. cherishe' $riHes "re no# collecting 'ust on " shelf or store' in " forgotten -o2 in the closet, the -r"in still remem-ers "n' "$$reci"tes the $ositi1e reinforcement from th"t im$ression"-le time. As MerHenich $ointe' out, the choices ,ou m"*e "ctu"ll, 'o influence the $h,sic"l structures, the neur"l net#or*s, in ,our -r"in. +e rem"r*e', KE2$erience cou$le' #ith "ttention le"'s to Ph,sic"l ch"nges in the structure "n' future functioning of the ner1ous s,stem. This le"1es us #ith " cle"r $h,siologic"l f"ct . . . moment -, moment #e choose "n' scul$t ho# our e1er. ch"nging min's #ill #or*, #e choose #ho #e #ill -e the ne2t moment in 1er, re"l sense, "n' these choices "re left em-osse' in $h,sic"l form on our m"teri"l sel1es.KB The nee' for focuse' "ttention is further "ffirme' -, 7oe Dis$enH" in his -oo* E1ol1e %our r"in; KThe *e, ingre'ient in m"*ing these neur"l connections ... is focuse' "ttention. (hen #e ment"ll, "tten' to #h"te1er #e "re le"rning, the -r"in c"n m"$ the inform"tion on #hich #e "re focusing. !n the other h"n', #hen #e 'on8t $", com$lete "ttention to #h"t #e "re 'oing in the $resent moment, our -r"in "cti1"tes " host of other s,n"$tic net#or*s th"t c"n 'istr"ct it from its origin"l intention. (ithout focuse' concentr"tion, -r"in connections "re not m"'e, "n' memor, is not store'.K4 /o, "ttention m"tters, #hether it is gentle me'it"tion or the intense concentr"tion of "n "thlete "t " critic"l com$etiti1e moment. As /h"ron egle,, "n "#"r'.#inning science #riter summ"riHe' in " ("ll /treet 7ourn"l "rticle in B==D; KThe 'isco1er, th"t neuro$l"sticit, c"nnot occur #ithout "ttention h"s im$ort"nt im$lic"tions. If " s*ill -ecomes so routine ,ou c"n 'o it on "uto$ilot, $r"cticing it #ill no longer ch"nge the -r"in. An' if ,ou t"*e u$ ment"l e2ercises to *ee$ ,our -r"in ,oung, the, #ill not -e "s effecti1e if ,ou -ecome "-le to 'o them #ithout $",ing much "ttention.KC OVE#CO.!N/ TO1!C E.OT!ONS /ensing "n' res$on'ing to thre"ts instincti1el, through our emotions is one role of the lim-ic -r"in, #hich en"-les us to 'e1elo$ -eh"1iors th"t *ee$ us out of h"rm8s #",. 7ust "s our "ncestors le"rne' 'uring our hunter.g"therer $"st th"t '"nger lur*e' in " $"rticul"r $"rt of the forest "n' th"t it #"sn8t s"fe to str", "#", from our cl"n, so #e too "re t"ught to Ksto$, loo*, listenK -efore crossing " street, through #hich #e g"in " 'ee$ res$ect for '"nger from oncoming 1ehicles. The $ro-lem in res$on'ing instincti1el, to "ll $ercei1e' thre"ts is th"t #e turn o1er to our "m,g'"l" control of our res$onses r"ther th"n using the logic or the $refront"l corte2. (ith our ne# un'erst"n'ing of neuro$l"sticit,, #e *no# th"t our -r"in c"n "'"$t not onl, to inAuries -ut, more im$ort"ntl,, in res$onse to "n, "n' "ll e2$eriences #e m", encounter. This frees us from merel, res$on'ing refle2i1el, "s " conseGuence of genetic"ll, 'etermine' h"r'#iring. Al1"ro P"scu"l.Leone, " neurolog, rese"rcher "t +"r1"r' Me'ic"l /chool, recentl, st"te' th"t neuro$l"sticit, Kis "n intrinsic $ro$ert, of the hum"n -r"in "n' re$resents e1olution8s in1ention to en"-le the ner1ous s,stem to esc"$e the restrictions of its o#n genome "n' thus "'"$t to en1ironment"l $ressures, $h,siologic ch"nges, "n' e2$eriences.K6


Rese"rchers h"1e 'isco1ere' th"t not onl, c"n #e cre"te ne# neur"l net#or*s, -ut "lso #e c"n cre"te them to -e $o#erful enough to o1ercome our instincti1e emotion"l re"ctions. In "n e2$eriment, in'i1i'u"ls #ere "s*e' to 'o t#o t"s*s&one $erce$tu"l "n' one intellectu"l. The first t"s* #"s to m"tch the emotion of "nger or fe"r th"t #"s "$$"rent in im"ges of f"ces $roAecte' onto " screen&" $erce$tu"l t"s* in1ol1ing im"ges. The, #ere then "s*e' to loo* "t the f"ces "n' "ssoci"te them #ith the #or's "nger or fe"r&"n intellectu"l t"s* in1ol1ing #or's. (hen m"tching the "ngr, or frightene' e2$ression, $"rtici$"nts e2$erience' incre"se' -loo' flo# to the "m,g'"l", the $rim"r, fe"r center of the -r"in. In contr"st, #hen the $"rtici$"nts "ssigne' the #or' l"-els to the im"ge, -loo' flo# to the "m,g'"l" 'iminishe' #hile circul"tion to the right $refront"l corte2 incre"se'. ec"use the $refront"l region is "ssoci"te' #ith o1erri'ing our $rimiti1e emotion"l res$onses, the rese"rchers conclu'e' th"t #e c"n 'e1elo$ ne# neur"l net#or*s in higher regions of the -r"in "n' re'uce these res$onses. The neur"l net#or*s forme' #hile in our mother8s #om- "n' 'uring chil'hoo' "re the foun'"tion for our l"ter -eliefs. The, "re the -eliefs #e c"rr, into "'ulthoo' "n' through #hich #e un'erst"n' "n' inter$ret our e2$eriences. An' #hile the first lessons from our inf"nc, gener"ll, ser1e us #ell, the, c"n neg"ti1el, color future e2$eriences th"t #oul' other#ise h"1e -een $ercei1e' "s -enign or e1en $ositi1e. The science of neuro$l"sticit, suggests th"t ,ou c"n re#ire e circuits of the -r"in "n' cre"te ne#, more $ositi1e "ssoci"tions #ithin ,our '",.to.'", e2$eriences. /h"m"ns le"rne' th"t e instinctu"l sur1i1"l emotions of fe"r, lust, "n' "nger th"t color e #", ,ou res$on' to the e1ents of ,our life "re "ctu"ll, the C"uses of illness. %ou no longer h"1e to succum- to the t,r"nn, of the emotion"l lim-ic -r"in #ith its self.cre"te' nightm"res th"t $re1ent ,ou from e2$eriencing Ao,. %ou 'on8t h"1e to e2$erience fe"rful res$onses #hen f"ce' #ith ne# situ"tions. Inste"', ,ou c"n come to them fresh, o$en to the $ossi-ilities the, $resent. %ou c"n ch"nge the soun'ing -o"r' -, #hich ,ou Au'ge ,our $resent e2$erience "n' "llo# ,ourself to see the #orl', Guite liter"ll,, in " ne# light. %ou c"n set "si'e the ol' tr"um" "n' 'r"m", "n' -ecome enlightene' to #h"t -lin'e' ,ou -efore, "#"*ene' to #h"t is ne#, e2citing, rich, $ros$erous, he"lth,, "n' Ao,ful. To free ,ourself from the imme'i"te emotion"l res$onses of the lim-ic -r"in, ,ou must "ccom$lish t#o t"s*s. First, ,ou h"1e to enh"nce ,our -r"in8s $h,siolog,, #hich ,ou c"n "chie1e -, m"*ing s$ecific 'iet"r, "n' lifest,le mo'ific"tions. /econ', once ,our -r"in h"s -een o$timiHe', ,ou c"n t"*e full "'1"nt"ge of its $o#erful "-ilit, to 'e1elo$ $"th#",s th"t #ill en"-le ,ou to e2$erience $eo$le "n' e1ents ,ou once $ercei1e' "s neg"ti1e, inste"', "s enriching, fulfilling, "n' $ositi1e. Alberto' .en wit* Beards I gre# u$ in Cu-" 'uring the Communist re1olution "n' #itnesse' the "fterm"th of tremen'ous 1iolence; An ol' #om"n hosing off #h"t loo*e' li*e fresh -loo' on her 'ri1e#",. Militi"men storming through our front 'oor, 'em"n'ing to *no# #here m, f"ther #"s, thre"tening to hurt m, mother. For ,e"rs, I #"s un"-le to trust $eo$le, es$eci"ll, "n,one #ho s$orte' " -e"r', -ec"use "ll the militi"men, "fter ,e"rs of fighting in the mount"ins, #ere -e"r'e'. /hortl, "fter #e "rri1e' in the Unite' /t"tes, (oo'stoc*, the /ummer of Lo1e, "n' the hi$$ie er" st"rte', "n' "ll m, m"le frien's let their h"ir 'o#n "n' gre# " -e"r'J Imme'i"tel,, "fter the first h"irs "$$e"re' on their f"ces, I foun' m,self sh,ing "#", from their frien'shi$ e1en though I h"' "lso let m, h"ir gro# long. All m, frien's #oul' "s* me #h, I #"s cle"n. sh"1en. I un'erstoo' $erfectl, #ell #h, I #"s re"cting in this m"nner, ,et I #"s not "-le to


ch"nge m, re"ction. The neur"l net#or*s in m, lim-ic -r"in *e$t su$erim$osing the im"ges of 1iolence from m, chil'hoo' onto the $e"ceni*s "n' flo#er chil'renJ T"E .EC"AN!CS O% NEU#OP AST!C!TY Mich"el #"s "-le to reg"in the use of his s$eech -ec"use his -r"in est"-lishe' ne# neur"l $"th#",s th"t, fortun"tel, for him, "llo#e' for the 'r"m"tic return of function. ut ho# 'o in'i1i'u"l neurons "ctu"ll, connectF (h"t initi"tes the connection "n' *ee$s them connecte'F (hile the in'i1i'u"l #or*ing unit of the -r"in is the single neuron, e1en sim$le t"s*s reGuire th"t 1"st num-ers of interconnecte' neurons function "s " unit or net#or* 'e1ote' to "ccom$lishing e1en the sim$lest "cti1it,. 7oe Dis$enH", in his -oo* E1ol1e %our r"in, eloGuentl, 'escri-e' " neur"l net#or* "s Kliter"ll, millions of neurons firing together in 'i1erse com$"rtments, mo'ules, sections, "n' su- regions throughout the entire -r"in. The, te"m u$ to form communities of ner1e cells th"t "ct in unison "s " grou$, clustere' together in rel"tion to " $"rticul"r conce$t, i'e", memor,, s*ill, or h"-it. (hole $"tterns of neurons throughout the -r"in -ecome connecte' through the $rocess of le"rning, to $ro'uce " uniGue le1el of min'.K5 Pioneering rese"rch into neuro$l"sticit, '"tes -"c* to the #or* Mf C"n"'i"n $s,chologist Don"l' +e--, #ho $ro$ose' " theor, of #h"t he c"lle' Kcell "ssem-l,K to e2$l"in ho# neurons 'e1elo$ " rel"tionshi$ #ith one "nother. In his l"n'm"r* -oo*, The !rg"niH"tion of eh"1ior, $u-lishe' in 9ECE, Dr. +e-- h,$othesiHe' th"t Kneurons th"t fire together, #ire together,K #hich is commonl, referre' to "s +e--8s l"#. (hile the $recise -iochemic"l ch"nges th"t t"*e $l"ce to f"cilit"te this gro#th $rocess #hen neurons connect to form neur"l net#or*s is Guite com$le2, rese"rchers gener"ll, "gree th"t -r"in.'eri1e' neurotro$hic f"ctor > DNF? cre"tes the fertile groun' for this union to t"*e $l"ce, hel$ing tr"nsform " mere em-r"ce of t#o neurons into "n etern"l '"nce. The coroll"r, of Dr. +e--8s Kneurons th"t fire together, #ire togetherK h,$othesis is th"t $"tterne' thoughts "n' "cti1ities must -e m"int"ine' if the neur"l net#or*s "ssoci"te' #ith those "cti1ities "re to rem"in function"l. !r, in com$lement"r, terms; neurons th"t 'on8t fire together 'on8t rem"in #ire' together. /o, is the gl"ss h"lf full or is it h"lf em$t,F It8s -oth. An' is th"t goo' ne#s or -"' ne#sF Th"n*full,, it8s "ll goo' ne#s. The goo' ne#s is th"t, #ith focuse' "ttention, "s st"te' e"rlier, ,ou c"n ch"nge ,our thoughts, ch"nge ,our "cti1ities, "n' ch"nge ,our -eh"1iors to m"*e " $ositi1e im$ro1ement in ,our life. The other goo' ne#s is th"t if ,ou 'on8t reinforce the neur"l net#or*s currentl, use' for neg"ti1e thoughts, "cti1ities, "n' -eh"1iors, such "s for emotion"l suffering, ,our -r"in #ill sto$ using those net#or*s "n' the, #ill f"ll -, the #",si'e of un#"nte' $"st e2$eriences li*e so much h"r1est ch"ff. %our Ao-, then, is to sto$ fee'ing the ol' circuitr, th"t reinforces ,our fe"rs "n' "nger "n', inste"', 'irect ,our "ttention to#"r' ne#, $ositi1e neur"l connections. Fortun"tel,, ,ou h"1e the c"$"cit, to 'o th"t. /o, "s #e st"te' e"rlier&"n' it8s #orth re$e"ting "n' reinforcing hereI "fter "ll, th"t8s ho# #e -uil' ne# neur"l $"th#",s, isn8t itF&-ecoming ment"ll, eng"ge' #ith "n "cti1it, is reGuisite for le"rning th"t "cti1it, "n' strengthening the $"th#",s th"t ser1e ,ou in $ositi1e #",s. Th"t is true in the $h,sic"l #orl', "n', "s #e #ill see l"ter on, it8s "lso the science th"t un'erlies ,our "-ilit, to connect #ith the 'i1ine energ, fiel' th"t $erme"tes ,our e2istence. ut #"itJ The gl"ss gets more full "n' the stor, gets e1en more e2citing. Rese"rch no# 'emonstr"tes th"t if ,ou merel, im"gine ,ourself eng"ging in "n "cti1it,, ,ou c"n cre"te the neur"l connections "ssoci"te' #ith le"rning it&#ithout "ctu"ll, $erforming it.


In 9EE6P Dr. P"scu"l.Leone con'ucte' e2$eriments th"t com$"re' ch"nges in the -r"ins of in'i1i'u"ls #ho h"' $r"ctice' $l",ing the $i"no, $h,sic"ll,, #ith $ersons #ho h"' ment"ll, en1isione' their fingers mo1ing "cross the *e,-o"r'. The -r"in ch"nges in -oth grou$s #ere 1irtu"ll, i'entic"l.D The motor "re"s of the -r"in in1ol1e' in $l",ing the $i"no e2$"n'e' in siHe in the grou$ contem$l"ting the "cti1it,, Aust "s it 'i' in those #ho "ctu"ll, $erforme' the e2ercise. These su-Aects, therefore, 'emonstr"te' th"t the mere "ct of thin*ing "-out "n "cti1it, im$"rte' $h,sic"l ch"nges in the -r"in. This me"ns th"t ,ou 'on8t h"1e to use ol' "n' #ell.#orn neur"l net#or*s of 'istrust, struggle, or 1ictimiH"tion. Inste"', ,ou c"n 'irect ,our focuse' "ttention to cre"ting function"l neur"l net#or*s for #ell.-eing, h"$$iness, $"tience, trust, com$"ssion, "n' "ll of the other $ositi1e emotions&-ut this reGuires " still min' #hich c"n -e "tt"ine' through me'it"tion $r"ctice "n' the enlightenment techniGues $resente' in this -oo*. %ou no longer h"1e to li1e ,our life o$er"ting from the '"r* recesses of ,our lim-ic -r"in8s fl"#e' $erce$tion th"t the #orl' is " hostile "n' fore-o'ing $l"ce. R"ther, ,ou c"n est"-lish ne# neur"l circuitr, th"t #ill let ,ou -re"* free of " self.$ercei1e' 'estin, cr"fte' -, ,our f"mil, of origin, -, e"rl, life tr"um", "n' e1en -, the st"tes of he"lth or 'ise"se th"t, "ccor'ing to the ol', f"ult, me'ic"l $"r"'igm, "re $reor'"ine' -, ,our genes. The 'isco1er, of neuro$l"sticit, h"s -ecome " foc"l $oint of unifie' interest in 'iscourse "mong $hiloso$hers, scientists, "n' theologi"ns "li*e. As 7effre, /ch#"rtH "n' /h"ron egle, $ro$ose in their -oo*, The Min' "n' the r"in, KThe time h"s come for science to confront the serious im$lic"tions of the f"ct th"t 'irecte', #ille' ment"l "cti1it, c"n cle"rl, "n' s,stem"tic"ll, "lter -r"in functionI th"t the e2ertion of #illful effort gener"tes $h,sic"l force th"t h"s the $o#er to ch"nge ho# the -r"in #or*s "n' e1en its Ph,sic"l structure. The result is 'irecte' neuro$l"sticit,.K) %! !N/ T"E / ASS This is #here #e e2$lore the effect of ment"l "ttention nor "ssoci"te' #ith "n, $h,sic"l "cti1it, or 'e'ic"te' to memor,& th"t is, ment"l "ttention 'irecte' onto itself in such " #", th"t #e f"cilit"te the e2$erience of gr"ce or enlightenment. An're# Ne#-erg, M.D., 'irector of the Center for /$iritu"lit, "n' the Min' "t the Uni1ersit, of Penns,l1"ni", uses so$histic"te' -r"in m"$$ing "n' im"ging techniGues to e2"mine ho# me'it"tion ch"nges -oth the structure "n' function of the -r"in. In his -oo* +o# 0o' Ch"nges %our r"in, Ne#-erg st"tes th"t me'it"tion not onl, mo'ifies s$ecific "re"s of the -r"in -ut hel$s the me'it"tion $r"ctitioner -eh"1e "n' e2$ress emotions in " more $ositi1e m"nner. Ne#-erg8s #or* sho#s th"t me'it"tion enh"nces -loo' flo# "s #ell "s function in "n "re" of the -r"in c"lle' the "nterior cingul"te, "n e1olution"r, ne#comer th"t me'i"tes em$"th,, soci"l "#"reness, intuition, com$"ssion, "n' the "-ilit, to regul"te emotion. This structure sits in the front of the -r"in "n' #r"$s "roun' the "nterior of the cor$us c"llosum, #hich is the thic* net#or* of neurons th"t -ri'ges the t#o hemis$heres. In "''ition to these functions, the "nterior cingul"te "cts "s communic"tions con'uit -et#een the "m,g'"l", #hich, "s #e81e "lre"', st"te', is one of the most $rimiti1e -r"in structures, "n' the $refront"l corte2. The "nterior cingul"te thus st"n's "t the crossro"'s. Its function"lit,, or l"c* thereof, hel$s 'etermine #hether our '",.to.'", -eh"1ior is refle2i1e "n' fe"r.moti1"te' or is " m"nifest"tion of our uniGuel, hum"n "-ilit, to recogniHe " #i'e "rr", of choices, im$lic"tions, "n' conseGuences. Ne#-erg h"s Guite gr"$hic"ll, sho#n th"t me'it"tion "n' other s$iritu"l $r"ctices strengthen the "nterior cingul"te #hile "lso c"lming the $rimiti1e "m,g'"l".


As might -e e2$ecte', "nger $ro'uces "n effect Guite the o$$osite from me'it"tion. Anger shuts 'o#n communic"tion to the $refront"l corte2. Emotion "n' fe"r 'etermine "n' 'omin"te -eh"1ior. As Ne#-erg st"tes, KAnger interru$ts the functioning of ,our front"l lo-es. Not onl, 'o ,ou lose the "-ilit, to -e r"tion"l, ,ou lose the "#"reness th"t ,ou8re "cting in "n irr"tion"l #", #hen ,our front"l lo-es shut 'o#n, it8s im$ossi-le to listen to the other $erson, let "lone feel em$"th, or com$"ssion. . . . (hen ,ou intensel, "n' consistentl, focus on ,our s$iritu"l 1"lues "n' go"ls, ,ou incre"se the -loo' flo# to ,our front"l lo-es "n' "nterior cingul"te, #hich c"use the "cti1it, in emotion"l centers of the -r"in to 'ecre"se.KE ri'ging our $rimiti1e emotion"l res$onse "re", the "m,g'"l", #ith our highl, e1ol1e' contem$l"ti1e $refront"l corte2 "llo#s the "nterior cingul"te to me'i"te ho# #e $ercei1e oursel1es "n' our "ctions in rel"tion to others "n' the rest of the #orl'. "se' on the f"ct th"t me'it"tion enh"nces the function"lit, "n' c"$"-ilit, of this circuitr,, Dr. Ne#-erg est"-lishes " 1er, im$ort"nt lin* -et#een the $h,sic"l -r"in "n' s$iritu"lit,. +e s",s, K(e -elie1e th"t there is " co.e1olution of s$iritu"lit, "n' consciousness, eng"ging circuits th"t "llo# us to en1ision " -ene1olent, interconnecting rel"tionshi$ -et#een the uni1erse, 0o', "n' oursel1es.K9= Neuro$l"sticit, is the lin* -et#een contem$l"ti1e $r"ctices "n' enlightenment. %ou tr"in ,our -r"in to o$en the $ort"l to #is'om #hen ,ou turn ,our "ttention "#", from the e1er,'", #orl' "n' g"He #ithin. In the $"st, it #"s thought th"t this "-ilit, -elonge' onl, to " fe# enlightene' in'i1i'u"ls, " -elief s,stem $er$etu"te' -, $riests "n' religious hier"rchies #ho h"' " 1este' #orl'l, interest in $rotecting their $ri1ilege' st"tus. In truth, e1er, hum"n -eing h"s the -r"in h"r'#"re nee'e' to t"*e this gi"nt le"$ in consciousness. !ur -r"ins e1ol1e' to $ro1i'e us #ith this eGui$ment long "go. An' if #e loo* to the $"st, #e c"n see the e2tr"or'in"r, fe"ts of cre"ti1it, "n' inno1"tion th"t hum"n*in' h"s "chie1e' -, rel,ing on the soft#"re th"t c"me $relo"'e' in the $refront"l corte2. Alberto' .adre de Dios M"'re 'e Dios, the KMother of 0o'K Ri1er, fe' -, An'e"n Melt#"ters, l"Hil, sn"*es its #", to the Atl"ntic, C,=== miles "#", to the e"st. The ol' m"n "n' I "re lounging -, the mu'', -"n*, t"*ing in the $in* "n' or"nge sunset, the sGu"#*ing of $"rrots " -"c*'ro$ to our con1ers"tion. !ur $"ssion for the stu', of the -r"in h"s cemente' our frien'shi$, "n' our f"scin"tion #ith the hum"n min' h"s -rought us to the he"'#"ters of this tri-ut"r, in the gre"t Am"Hon Ri1er s,stem to meet the Aungle sh"m"ns. KIt8s -"ffling to me th"t n"ture com$romise' so much in the $ursuit of consciousness,K I s",. KThin* "-out ho# s"l"m"n'ers c"n gro# -"c* "n entire leg "fter it h"s -een cut off. It seems th"t n"ture h"s fors"*en this "-ilit, in e2ch"nge for " -r"in th"t c"n -ecome "#"re of itself.K As I finish, I turn to loo* "t the Aungle sh"m"n sitting ne2t to me "n' see " smile come o1er his f"ce. KAn' #h"t m"*es ,ou thin* th"t the -r"in cre"te' "#"renessFK the ol' m"n "s*s. KIf "n,thing, it is consciousness, or #h"t #e c"ll espiritu, th"t cre"tes the -r"in.K



!n to$ of the fin'ing th"t #e c"n cre"te ne# neur"l $"th#",s into "'ulthoo', " 1irtu"l re1olution in neuroscience h"s -een l"unche' -, the recent 'isco1er, of the $rocess of neurogenesis, the "-ilit, of the -r"in to "ctu"ll, gro# ne# neurons. /tem cell ther"$,, " hot -utton of $olitic"l 'e-"te "n' the focus of le"'ing.e'ge rese"rch, hol's the $romise of offering " $o#erful tool in neuro'egener"ti1e con'itions. (e no# un'erst"n' th"t the hum"n -r"in is const"ntl, un'ergoing its o#n Kstem cell ther"$,K through the $rocess of neurogenesis. E1er, moment of our li1es, se1er"l critic"ll, im$ort"nt "re"s of our -r"ins "re -eing re$lenishe' #ith stem cells th"t "re 'estine' to -ecome full, function"l -r"in cells, "n' there8s " lot #e c"n 'o to enh"nce this $rocess. NEU#O/ENES!S !N AN!.A S AND "U.ANS ec"use neurogenesis h"' -een note' in 1"rious other "nim"ls, /cientists in the 9EE=s #ere h"r' "t it, tr,ing to 'emonstr"te th"t hum"ns in'ee' ret"ine' the "-ilit, to gro# ne# -r"in neurons. In 9EE), the Aourn"l N"ture Me'icine $u-lishe' " re$ort -, /#e'ish neurologist Peter Eri*sson title' KNeurogenesis in the A'ult +um"n +i$$oc"m$us.K Dr. Eri*sson h"' fin"ll, succee'e' in l"unching #h"t #"s to -ecome " re1olution"r, $"r"'igm shift. As /h"ron egle, rem"r*e' in Tr"in %our Min', Ch"nge %our r"in, KThe 'isco1er, Nof neurogenesis in the "'ult hum"n -r"inO o1erturne' gener"tions of con1ention"l #is'om in neuroscience. The hum"n -r"in is not limite' to the neurons it is -orn #ith, or e1en the neurons th"t fill it "fter the e2$losion of -r"in 'e1elo$ment in e"rl, chil'hoo'. Ne# neurons "re -orn #ell into the eighth 'ec"'e of life. The, migr"te to structures #here the, #e"1e themsel1es into e2isting -r"in circuitr, "n' $erh"$s form the -"sis of ne# circuitr,.K9 Dr. Eri*sson 'isco1ere' th"t #ithin e"ch of our -r"ins there e2ists " $o$ul"tion of neur"l stem cells th"t "re continu"ll, re$lenishe' "n' c"n 'ifferenti"te into -r"in neurons. /im$l, st"te', #e "re "ll e2$eriencing -r"in stem cell ther"$, e1er, moment of our li1es, " conce$t th"t rem"ins iconocl"stic in " num-er of scientific circles. +is +oliness the D"l"i L"m" h"s st"te', KIt is " fun'"ment"l u''hist $rinci$le th"t the hum"n min' h"s tremen'ous $otenti"l for tr"nsform"tion. /cience, on the other h"n', h"s, until recentl,, hel' to the con1ention not onl, th"t the -r"in is the se"t "n' source of the min' -ut "lso th"t the -r"in "n' its structures "re forme' 'uring inf"nc, "n' ch"nge little there"fter.KB The re1el"tion th"t neurogenesis #"s occurring in hum"ns "n' th"t #e ret"in this "-ilit, throughout our lifetimes $ro1i'e' neuroscientists "roun' the #orl' #ith " fresh "n' e2citing ne# reference $oint #ith im$lic"tions s$"nning 1irtu"ll, the entire "rr", of -r"in 'isor'ers. AlHheimer8s 'ise"se, ch"r"cteriHe' -, " $rogressi1e loss of -r"in neurons, h"' long elu'e' rese"rchers see*ing to 'e1elo$ #",s to slo# the ine2or"-le 'ecline in cogniti1e function th"t so 'e1"st"tes $"tients "n' f"milies. ut #ith the i'e" of "ctu"ll, regener"ting -r"in neurons, " ne# le1el of e2citement "n' ho$e #"s r"ise' in scientists #ho #ere 'e'ic"te' to stu',ing this "n' other neuro'egener"ti1e 'isor'ers. /o, no# th"t neurogenesis #"s $ro1en to -e ongoing in hum"ns throughout our lifetimes, the Guestion -ec"me cle"r; (h"t influence' this "cti1it,F Moreo1er, #h"t coul' -e 'one to "ctu"ll, enh"nce this $rocessF An' the fun'"ment"ll, im$ort"nt Guestion; (h"t c"n #e 'o to gro# ne# -r"in neuronsF


David' +ourney into Neuro-enesis During m, college ,e"rs, I h"' the o$$ortunit, to e2$lore the -r"in using technolog, th"t #"s Aust in its inf"nc,. It #"s in the e"rl, 9ED=s #hen the /#iss -eg"n to 'e1elo$ microsco$es th"t coul' -e use' -, neurosurgeons to $erform 'elic"te -r"in $roce'ures. (hile this technolog, #"s e1ol1ing "n' e"ger surgeons in the Unite' /t"tes #ere "n2ious to "'o$t this ne# "$$ro"ch to -r"in surger,, " $ro-lem soon -ec"me e1i'ent. Although le"rning to "ctu"ll, use the o$er"ting microsco$e #"s rel"ti1el, e"s,, the neurosurgeons soon foun' the, #ere -ecoming some#h"t lost #hen it c"me to un'erst"n'ing the "n"tom, of the -r"in from this ne# microsco$ic $ers$ecti1e. I #"s 9E "n' Aust st"rting m, Aunior ,e"r in college #hen I recei1e' " $hone c"ll from Al-ert Rhoton, ch"irm"n of the De$"rtment of Neurologic"l /urger, "t /h"n's Te"ching +os$it"l in 0"ines1ille, Flori'". Dr. Rhoton #"s le"'ing the #", for the e2$"nsion of the use of the o$er"ting microsco$e in the Unite' /t"tes "n' #"nte' to cre"te the first "n"tom, te2t of the -r"in, "s seen through the microsco$e, to -etter "i' surgeons "s the, -eg"n to em-r"ce this ne# technolog,. I h"' "$$lie' for the $osition of stu'ent rese"rcher "n' #"s sur$rise' "n' gr"tifie' #hen he in1ite' me to s$en' the follo#ing summer stu',ing "n' m"$$ing the -r"in. It #"s from this rese"rch th"t #e e1entu"ll, $u-lishe' " series of rese"rch $"$ers "n' -oo* ch"$ters th"t g"1e neuro.surgeons the nee'e' ro"'m"$ to more c"refull, o$er"te on the -r"in, in "''ition to "n"tom,, #e "lso h"' the o$$ortunit, to e2$lore "n' 'e1elo$ other "s$ects of microneurosurger,, inclu'ing 'e1elo$ing inno1"ti1e instruments "n' $roce'ures. /$en'ing so much time -ehin' the microsco$e, I h"' -ecome Guite "'e$t "t m"ni$ul"ting "n' re$"iring e2tremel, sm"ll -loo' 1essels th"t, $rior to the use of the microsco$e, #oul' h"1e -een 'estro,e' 'uring -r"in o$er"tions, often #ith 'ire conseGuences. !ur l"- h"' g"ine' intern"tion"l recognition for its "chie1ements in this ne# "n' e2citing fiel' "n' often "ttr"cte' 1isiting $rofessors from "roun' the #orl'. It #"s soon "fter " 'eleg"tion of /$"nish neurosurgeons h"' 1isite' th"t I foun' m,self "cce$ting "n in1it"tion to continue m, rese"rch "t " $restigious hos$it"l in M"'ri', the R"mon , C"A"l Center. Their microneurosurger, $rogr"m #"s in its inf"nc,, -ut their te"m #"s 'e'ic"te', "n' I felt honore' to -e "ssisting them in their groun'#or* efforts, es$eci"ll, in the #or* 'e"ling #ith un'erst"n'ing the -r"in8s -loo' su$$l,. The /$"nish hos$it"l #"s n"me' to honor No-el L"ure"te /"nti"go R"mon , C"A"l >9)6B. 9E4C?, " gre"t $ioneer of neuroscience. Im"ges of Dr. R"mon , C"A"l #ere numerous in the hos$it"l, "n' there #"s cle"rl, " 'ee$ sense of $ri'e "mong m, /$"nish colle"gues th"t the, coul' cl"im such "n influenti"l scientist "s one of their o#n. During m, 1isit to M"'ri', I felt com$elle' to le"rn more "-out Dr. R"mon , C"A"l "n' c"me to 'ee$l, res$ect his e2$lor"tions of hum"n -r"in "n"tom, "n' function. !ne of his m"Aor tenets hel' th"t -r"in neurons #ere uniGue com$"re' to other cells of the -o',, not onl, -ec"use of their function -ut "lso -ec"use the, l"c*e' the "-ilit, to regener"te. Thus, the li1er, for e2"m$le, $er$etu"ll, regener"tes itself -, gro#ing ne# li1er cells, "n' there is simil"r regener"tion of cells in 1irtu"ll, "ll other tissues inclu'ing s*in, -loo', -one, intestines, "n' so on. ut not so #ith neurons in the -r"in&or so st"te' Dr. R"mon , C"A"l. I "'mit th"t I #"s $rett, #ell sol' on his theor, "t the time, -ut I 'i' #on'er #h, it #oul'n8t m"*e sense for the -r"in to ret"in the "-ilit, to regener"te itself, to h"1e the "-ilit, gro# ne# -r"in neurons. After "ll, rese"rchers "t the M"ss"chusetts Institute of Technolog, h"' sho#n " 'ec"'e -efore th"t neurogenesis, the gro#th of ne# -r"in neurons, occurre' throughout the entire lifetime in r"ts. /oon "fter I conclu'e' m, rese"rch in /$"in, I #"s off to me'ic"l school "t the Uni1ersit, of Mi"mi. An' it #"s #hile le"rning histolog,, the microsco$ic stu', of tissues, th"t I re"liHe' ho# 'ee$l, entrenche' in science #"s this notion th"t neurogenesis, #hile cle"rl, 'efine' in some "nim"ls, #"s not something th"t occurre' in hum"ns.


This te"ching ne1er s"t #ell #ith me, es$eci"ll, #hen I thought -"c* to m, college ,e"rs #hen the i'e" th"t Ke1er, -eer ,ou 'rin* 'estro,s B=,=== -r"in cellsK #"s often *ic*e' "roun' l"te on " Fri'", night #hen surel, more th"n th"t num-er h"' met their 'emise. B#A!N8DE#!VED NEU#OT#OP"!C %ACTO# >BDN%? A m"Aor com$onent in this gift of neurogenesis&"n' it is " gift to -e re1ere'&is " $rotein c"lle' -r"in.'eri1e' neurotro$hic f"ctor > DNF?, #hich, "s #e re"' in $re1ious ch"$ters, $l",s " *e, role in cre"ting ne# neurons. An' it "lso $rotects e2isting neurons, hel$ing to ensure their sur1i1"-ilit, #hile encour"ging s,n"$se form"tion&th"t is, the connection of one neuron to "nother& #hich is 1it"l for thin*ing, le"rning, "n' higher le1els of -r"in function. /tu'ies h"1e in f"ct 'emonstr"te' th"t DNF le1els "re lo#er in AlHheimer8s $"tients, #hich is no sur$rise, gi1en our current un'erst"n'ing of ho# DNF #or*s. ut #e g"in "n e1en gre"ter "$$reci"tion for the he"lth -enefits of DNF #hen #e consi'er its "ssoci"tion #ith other neurologic"l con'itions, inclu'ing e$ile$s,, "nore2i" ner1os", 'e$ression, schiHo$hreni", "n'$ulsi1e 'isor'er. BDN% A3tivation (e no# h"1e " 1er, firm un'erst"n'ing of the f"ctors th"t influence our DNA to $ro'uce DNF. Fortun"tel,, these f"ctors "re -, "n' l"rge un'er our 'irect control. Incre"sing ,our $ro'uction of DNF "n' thus incre"sing neurogenesis #hile "''ing $rotection to ,our e2isting -r"in neurons 'oesn8t reGuire th"t ,ou enroll in " rese"rch stu', to 'etermine if some ne# l"-or"tor,.cre"te' com$oun' #ill enh"nce DNF $ro'uction. The gene th"t turns on DNF is "cti1"te' -, " 1"riet, of f"ctors, inclu'ing 1olunt"r, $h,sic"l e2ercise&"nim"ls force' to e2ercise 'o not 'emonstr"te this ch"nge&c"lorie re'uction, intellectu"l stimul"tion, curcumin, "n' the omeg".4 f"t *no#n "s 'ocos"he2"enoic "ci'. This is " $o#erful mess"ge -ec"use "ll of these f"ctors "re #ithin our gr"s$I the, re$resent choices #e c"n m"*e to turn on the gene for neurogenesis. /o let8s e2$lore them in'i1i'u"ll,. Ph,sic"l E2ercise; L"-or"tor, r"ts th"t e2ercise h"1e -een sho#n to $ro'uce f"r more DNF th"n se'ent"r, "nim"ls. ut, interestingl,, "nim"ls force' to e2ercise $ro'uce consi'er"-l, less DNF th"n those #ho 1olunt"ril, choose to s$en' time on the running #heel. Rese"rchers h"1e sho#n th"t there is " 'irect rel"tionshi$ -et#een ele1"tion of DNF le1els in the 1olunt"ril, e2ercising "nim"ls "n' their "-ilit, to le"rn. (ith the un'erst"n'ing of the rel"tionshi$ of DNF to e2ercise, rese"rchers h"1e e2"mine' the effect of $h,sic"l e2ercise in hum"ns, -oth "$$"rentl, he"lth, in'i1i'u"ls "s #ell "s $ersons "t ris* or "lre"', 'i"gnose' #ith AlHheimer8s. The fin'ings h"1e -een f"irl, rem"r*"-le. In " recent $"$er, Nicol" L"utenschl"ger of the Uni1ersit, of (estern Austr"li" foun' th"t el'erl, in'i1i'u"ls #ho eng"ge' in regul"r $h,sic"l e2ercise for " BC.#ee* $erio' 'emonstr"te' "n "stoun'ing im$ro1ement of 9,)== $ercent in memor,, l"ngu"ge "-ilit,, "ttention, "n' other im$ort"nt cogniti1e functions, com$"re' #ith "n "ge.m"tche' grou$ not in1ol1e' in the e2ercise $rogr"m. The e2ercise grou$ s$ent "-out 9CB minutes e2ercising e"ch #ee*&"-out B= minutes " '",.4 In " simil"r stu',, +"r1"r' rese"rchers foun' " strong "ssoci"tion -et#een e2ercise "n' cogniti1e function in el'erl, #omen "n' conclu'e', KIn this l"rge, $ros$ecti1e stu', of ol'er #omen, higher le1els of long.term regul"r $h,sic"l "cti1it, #ere strongl, "ssoci"te' #ith higher le1els of cogniti1e function "n' less cogniti1e 'ecline. /$ecific"ll,, the "$$"rent cogniti1e -enefits of gre"ter $h,sic"l "cti1it, #ere simil"r in e2tent to -eing "-out three ,e"rs ,ounger in "ge "n' #ere "ssoci"te' #ith " B=Q lo#er ris* of cogniti1e im$"irment.KC These "n' other stu'ies cle"rl, in'ic"te th"t e2ercise enh"nces -r"in $erform"nce "n' is 'irectl, "ssoci"te' #ith incre"se' $ro'uction of DNF. /im$l, -, 1olunt"ril, eng"ging in


regul"r $h,sic"l e2ercise, e1en to " rel"ti1el, mo'er"te 'egree, ,ou c"n "cti1el, t"*e control of ,our ment"l 'estin,. Calorie #edu3tion; Another f"ctor th"t turns on the gene for DNF $ro'uction is c"lorie re'uction. E2tensi1e stu'ies h"1e cle"rl, 'emonstr"te' th"t #hen "nim"ls "re fe' " 'iet #ith re'uce' c"lories, t,$ic"ll, -, "roun' 4= $ercent, their -r"in $ro'uction of DNF so"rs, "long #ith " 'r"m"tic enh"ncement in memor, "n' other cogniti1e functions. ut it8s one thing to re"' rese"rch stu'ies in1ol1ing r"ts in "n e2$eriment"l l"-or"tor, "n' Guite "nother to m"*e recommen'"tions to hum"n $"tients -"se' on "nim"l rese"rch. Fortun"tel,, stu'ies th"t sho# the $o#erful effect of re'ucing c"loric int"*e on -r"in function in hum"ns "re no# "$$e"ring in some of the most #ell.res$ecte' me'ic"l Aourn"ls. In " B==E stu',, 0erm"n rese"rchers im$ose' " 4= $ercent c"lorie re'uction on the 'iets of el'erl, in'i1i'u"ls "n' com$"re' their memor, function #ith " grou$ of " simil"r "ge #ho "te #h"te1er the, #"nte'. At the conclusion of the three.month stu',, those #ho "te #ithout restriction e2$erience' " sm"ll -ut cle"rl, 'efine' 'ecline in memor, function, #hile memor, function in the grou$ #ho consume' the c"'uce' 'iet "ctu"ll, 8Kcre"se' $rofoun'l,. In recognition of the o-1ious limit"tions of current $h"rm"ceutic"l "$$ro"ches to -r"in he"lth, the "uthors inclu'e', KThe $resent fin'ings m", hel$ to 'e1elo$ ne# $re1ention "n' tre"tment str"tegies for m"int"ining cogniti1e he"lth into ol' "ge.K6 (h"t " conce$t. Pre1enti1e me'icine for the -r"in. (hile the tenets of $re1enti1e me'icine h"1e seemingl, t"*en hol' in so m"n, other "re"s of he"lth c"re, from he"rt 'ise"se to -re"st c"ncer, for some re"son the -r"in h"s "l#",s -een left out. 0r"tefull,, #ith these ne# rese"rch fin'ings, th"t is ch"nging. Further e1i'ence su$$orting the role of c"lorie re'uction to strengthen the -r"in "n' $ro1i'e more resist"nce to 'egener"ti1e 'ise"se comes from M"r* P. M"ttson "t the N"tion"l Institute on Aging 0erontolog, Rese"rch Center, #ho re$orts, KE$i'emiologic"l '"t" suggest th"t in'i1i'u"ls #ith " lo# c"lorie int"*e m", h"1e " re'uce' ris* of stro*e "n' neuro'egener"ti1e 'isor'ers. There is " strong correl"tion -et#een $er c"$it" foo' consum$tion "n' ris* for AlHheimer8s 'ise"se "n' stro*e. D"t" from $o$ul"tion.-"se' c"se control stu'ies sho#e' th"t in'i1i'u"ls #ith the lo#est '"il, c"lorie int"*es h"' the lo#est ris* of AlHheimer8s 'ise"se "n' P"r*inson8s 'ise"se. In " $o$ul"tion.-"se' longitu'in"l $ros$ecti1e stu', of Nigeri"n f"milies in #hich some mem-ers mo1e' to the Unite' /t"tes, it #"s sho#n th"t the inci'ence of AlHheimer8s 'ise"se "mong in'i1i'u"ls li1ing in the Unite' /t"tes #"s incre"se' com$"re' to their rel"ti1es #ho rem"ine' in Nigeri".K5 The Nigeri"ns #ho mo1e' to the Unite' /t"tes #ere o-1iousl, genetic"ll, the s"me "s their rel"ti1es #ho rem"ine' in Nigeri". !nl, their en1ironment ch"nge'. An' this rese"rch cle"rl, focuse' on the 'etriment"l effects on -r"in he"lth "s " conseGuence of the incre"se in c"lorie consum$tion. (hile the $ros$ect of re'ucing c"lorie int"*e -, 4= $ercent m", seem '"unting, consi'er th"t Americ"ns no# consume "n "1er"ge of 6B4 more c"lories '"il, th"n in 9ED=. Current Unite' N"tions estim"tes sho# th"t the "1er"ge Americ"n "'ult consumes 4,DD= c"lories e"ch '",. In contr"st, most he"lth.c"re $rofession"ls consi'er norm"l c"lorie consum$tion >i.e., the "mount of c"lories nee'e' to m"int"in -o', #eight? to -e "roun' B,=== c"lories '"il, for #omen "n' B,66= for men, o-1iousl, #ith higher or lo#er reGuirements 'e$en'ing on le1el of e2ercise. A 4= $ercent re'uction of c"lories from "n "1er"ge of 4,DD= $er '", $ro1i'es B,5C= c"lories, still more th"n " norm"l minimum reGuirement. Much of the c"lorie incre"se in Americ"ns comes from our o1er#helming incre"se in sug"r consum$tion. The "1er"ge Americ"n no# e"ts "n' 'rin*s "n incre'i-le 95= $oun's of refine' sug"r e"ch ,e"r, #hich re$resents " B6 $ercent incre"se in Aust the l"st three 'ec"'es. This -ecomes $"rticul"rl, trou-ling in light of "nim"l rese"rch 'one "t UCLA sho#ing " strong


lin* -et#een Kthe t,$ic"l 'iet of most in'ustri"liHe' (estern societies rich in s"tur"te' f"t "n' refine' sug"rK "n' re'uce' DNF le1els "n', "s e2$ecte', corres$on'ingl, re'uce' memor, function. Lo#ering sug"r int"*e "lone might go " long #", to#"r' "chie1ing " me"ningful re'uction in c"lorie consum$tionI #eight loss #oul' li*el, -e " si'e -enefit. In'ee', o-esit,, in "n' of itself, is "ssoci"te' #ith re'uce' le1els of DNF, "s is ele1"te' -loo' sug"r, " common conseGuence of o-esit,. Furthermore, incre"sing DNF $ro1i'es the "''e' -enefit of "ctu"ll, re'ucing the "$$etite. (e ho$e th"t this '"t" "n' the 'esire to hel$ ,our -r"in turn on DNF $ro'uction #ill moti1"te ,ou to follo# " re'uce'.c"lorie 'iet. ut, if ,ou #"nt to 'o more, ,ou c"n im$lement " $rogr"m of intermittent f"sting, #hich #e #ill 'escri-e in Ch"$ter 9C. !ntelle3tual Stimulation; DNF is 'escri-e' "s " neuron"l tro$hic f"ctor, #hich me"ns th"t it is " chemic"l th"t in'uces $ositi1e gro#th, he"lth, "n' function"lit, in the t"rget tissue&in this c"se, -r"in neurons. /o it #oul' onl, m"*e sense to e2$ect DNF to incre"se #hen the -r"in is ch"llenge'. 7ust "s muscles #ill g"in strength "n' thus function"lit, #hen e2ercise', the -r"in "lso rises to the ch"llenges of intellectu"ll, stimul"ting circumst"nces -, -ecoming f"ster "n' more efficient "s #ell "s h"1ing " gre"ter c"$"cit, for inform"tion stor"ge. These $ositi1e fe"tures "re "ll f"cilit"te' -, the incre"se in DNF c"use' -, stimul"ting "cti1ities. In1ersel,, it is li*el, th"t DNF le1els "re lo# in in'i1i'u"ls #ho s$en' se1er"l hours e"ch '", #"tching tele1ision, $l",ing rote com$uter g"mes, or other#ise eng"ge' in min'less "n' $"ssi1e "cti1ities. An "gile min' is "lso " goo' 'eterrent to hel$ us "1oi' 'e-ilit"ting 'ise"ses "ssoci"te' #ith ol' "ge. M"r* M"ttson suggests th"t "gilit, e'uc"tion "n' linguistics "re t#o #",s to *ee$ "n "cti1e, function"l min'. +e st"tes, KIn reg"r's to "ging "n' "ge.rel"te' neuro'egener"ti1e 'isor'ers, the "1"il"-le '"t" suggest th"t those -eh"1iors th"t enh"nce 'en'ritic com$le2it, "n' s,n"$tic $l"sticit, "lso $romote successful "ging "n' 'ecre"se ris* of neuro'egener"ti1e 'isor'ers. For e2"m$le, there is "n in1erse rel"tionshi$ -et#een e'uc"tion"l le1el "n' ris* for AlHheimer8s 'ise"seI $eo$le #ith more e'uc"tion h"1e " lo#er ris*. Protection "g"inst AlHheimer8s 'ise"se, "n' $erh"$s other "ge.rel"te' neuro'egener"ti1e 'isor'ers, li*el, -egins 'uring the first se1er"l 'ec"'es of life, "s is suggeste' -, stu'ies sho#ing th"t in'i1i'u"ls #ith the -est linguistic "-ilities "s ,oung "'ults h"1e " re'uce' ris* for AlHheimer8s 'ise"se. D"t" from "nim"l stu'ies suggest th"t incre"se' "cti1it, in neur"l circuits th"t results from intellectu"l "cti1it, stimul"tes the e2$ression of genes th"t $l", " role in its neuro$rotecti1e effects. Le1els of se1er"l 'ifferent neurotro$hic f"ctors, inclu'ing DNF, "re incre"se' in the -r"ins of "nim"ls m"int"ine' in com$le2 en1ironments, com$"re' to "nim"ls m"int"ine' un'er usu"l housing con'itions.KD eing in1ol1e' in stimul"ting ment"l "cti1ities&such "s $ro-lem sol1ing, e2$loring no1el en1ironments, "n', $erh"$s most im$ort"nt, me'it"ting regul"rl,&enh"nces DNF $ro'uction "n' cre"tes " -r"in th"t is not onl, more resist"nt to 'eterior"tion -ut one th"t en"-les ,ou to $ush the limits of '",.to.'", function"lit,. In this conte2t, it is im$ort"nt to 1ie# me'it"tion not "s " $"ssi1e "cti1it, -ut "s "n "cti1e, -r"in.stimul"ting e2ercise. E1en "mong AlHheimer8s $"tients, the r"te of 'ise"se $rogression is 'r"m"tic"ll, slo#e' in those #ho eng"ge in s$iritu"l $r"ctices, #hich, "g"in, is li*el, " conseGuence of incre"se' DNF.) Me'it"tion hel$s us 1isit the com$le2 en1ironment of the inner min' "s #ell "s the uni1ers"l energ, fiel'. An', not sur$risingl,, this might #ell -e the most $o#erful stimul"nt for DNF $ro'uction. Me'it"'uce' $ro'uction of DNF shoul' -e loo*e' u$on "s the fertile groun' into #hich see's of s$iritu"lit,.in'uce' enlightenment "re $l"nte' "n' flourish.


Cur3umin; Curcumin, the m"in "cti1e ingre'ient in the s$ice turmeric, is currentl, the su-Aect of intense scientific inGuir,, es$eci"ll, "s it rel"tes to the -r"in. ut curcumin isn8t ne# to the me'ic"l rese"rch. In f"ct, $r"ctitioners of tr"'ition"l Chinese "n' In'i"n >A,ur1e'ic? me'icine h"1e use' it for thous"n's of ,e"rs. Curcumin is *no#n to $ossess " 1"riet, of -iochemic"l $ro$erties th"t inclu'e "ntio2i'"nt, "nti.infl"mm"tor,, "ntifung"l, "n' "nti-"cteri"l "cti1ities. ut it is curcumin8s "-ilit, to incre"se DNF th"t h"s "ttr"cte' the interest of neuroscientists "roun' the #orl'. Interestingl,, in e1"lu"ting 1ill"ges in In'i", #here turmeric is use' in "-un'"nce in currie' reci$es, e$i'emiologic"l stu'ies h"1e foun' th"t AlHheimer8s 'ise"se is onl, "-out B6 $ercent "s common "s in the Unite' /t"tes. There is little 'ou-t th"t the $ositi1e effects of enh"nce' DNF $ro'uction on -r"in neurons is "t le"st $"rt of the re"son #h, those consuming curcumin "re so resist"nt to this -r"in 'isor'er. Curcumin "cti1"tes the NrfB $"th#",, " recentl, 'isco1ere' Kgenetic s#itchK th"t #or*s -, turning on the genes to $ro'uce " 1"st "rr", of "ntio2i'"nts th"t $rotect mitochon'ri". (e #ill 'iscuss this more in 'e$th in the ne2t ch"$ter. This ultim"tel, $rotects the source of 'i1ine feminine energ, th"t $erme"tes our $h,siolog, "n' fosters #ell.-eing. ut cre'it for this *no#le'ge is -est gi1en to the "ncients #ho 'escri-e in the Ve'ic te2ts turmeric8s *e, role in culti1"ting rel"tionshi$s #ith the feminine form of 'i1init,. In contr"st, (estern ci1iliH"tion is onl, no# recogniHing th"t the feminine life force, in the form of life.sust"ining mitochon'ri", "re the con'uits through #hich the he"ling, nurturing, lo1ing energies of the -ios$here flo#. Interestingl,, onl, recentl, h"1e (e -egun to sus$ect th"t these seemingl, sim$le intr"cellul"r P"rticles m", "ctu"ll, -e thought of "s cellul"r m"nifest"tions of Gu"lities th"t #ere once "scri-e' to the 0ree* go''ess A$hro'ite, e +in'u go''ess /h"*ti, the u''hist go''ess :u"n %in, "n' Christi"nit,Rs Mother M"r,. (ith this *no#le'ge, #e -ecome intim"tel, connecte' #ith our histor, "n' re*in'le our res$ect for the grit of feminine energ,. Do3osa*e(aenoi3 A3id >D"A?; Perh"$s no other -r"in nutrient is recei1ing "s much "ttention l"tel, "s D+A. /cientists h"1e -een "ggressi1el, stu',ing this critic"l -r"in f"t for the $"st se1er"l 'ec"'es for "t le"st three re"sons. First, more th"n t#o.thir's of the 'r, #eight of the hum"n -r"in is f"t, "n' one Gu"rter of th"t f"t is D+A. From " structur"l $oint of 1ie#, D+A is "n im$ort"nt -uil'ing -loc* for the mem-r"nes th"t surroun' -r"in cells. These mem-r"nes inclu'e the "re"s #here one -r"in cell connects to "nother, the s,n"$ses. This me"ns th"t D+A is in1ol1e' in the tr"nsmission of inform"tion from one neuron to the ne2t "n' thus is fun'"ment"l for efficient -r"in function. /econ', D+A is one of n"ture8s im$ort"nt regul"tors of infl"mm"tion. Infl"mm"tion is res$onsi-le for " l"rge num-er of -r"in m"l"'ies, inclu'ing AlHheimer8s, P"r*inson8s, "ttention 'eficit h,$er"cti1it, 'isor'er >AD+D?, "n' multi$le sclerosis. D+A n"tur"ll, re'uces the "cti1it, of the C!S.B enH,me, #hich turns on the $ro'uction of '"m"ging chemic"l me'i"tors of infl"mm"tion. This inhi-its the enH,me "n' hel$s $ut out the fire in our -r"ins. The thir' "n' $erh"$s most com$elling re"son for stu',ing D+A is its role in mo'ul"ting gene e2$ression for the $ro'uction of DNF. Thus D+A hel$s orchestr"te the $ro'uction, s,n"$tic connection, "n' 1i"-ilit, of -r"in cells #hile enh"ncing function"lit,. In " recentl, com$lete' 'ou-le.-lin' inter1ention"l tri"l c"lle' the Memor, Im$ro1ement #ith D+A /tu', >MIDA/?, some mem-ers of " grou$ of C)6 he"lth, in'i1i'u"ls #ith "n "1er"ge "ge D= "n' mil' memor, $ro-lems #ere gi1en " su$$lement th"t cont"ine' D+A m"'e from m"rine "lg"e "n' some #ere gi1en " $l"ce-o. After si2 months, not onl, 'i' -loo' D+A le1els 'ou-le in the grou$ #ho recei1e' the D+A -ut the effects on -r"in function, com$"re' #ith those #ho recei1e' the $l"ce-o, #ere outst"n'ing. The le"' $roAect rese"rcher,


:"rin %ur*o.M"uro, commente', KIn our stu',, he"lth, $eo$le #ith memor, com$l"ints #ho too* "lg"l D+A c"$sules for si2 months h"' "lmost 'ou-le the re'uction in errors on " test th"t me"sures le"rning "n' memor, $erform"nce 1ersus those #ho too* " $l"ce-o. . . . The -enefit is roughl, eGui1"lent to h"1ing the le"rning "n' memor, s*ills of someone three ,e"rs ,ounger.KE +um"ns "re "-le to s,nthesiHe D+A from " common 'iet"r, omeg".4 f"t, "l$h".linolenic "ci'. ut so little D+A is $ro'uce' -, this chemic"l $"th#", th"t m"n, rese"rchers in hum"n nutrition no# consi'er D+A to -e "n essenti"l f"tt, "ci', me"ning th"t he"lth m"inten"nce reGuires " 'iet"r, source of this *e, nutrient. D"t" "lso sho# th"t most Americ"ns t,$ic"ll, consume "n "1er"ge of onl, 5= to )= milligr"ms of D+A '"il,, less th"n B6 $ercent of #h"t rese"rchers consi'er to -e "n "'eGu"te int"*e of B== to 4== milligr"ms e"ch '",. BDN% and Brain Prote3tion DNF is im$ort"nt not onl, in neurogenesis "n' neuro$l"sticit, -ut "lso in $rotecting 'elic"te neurons from -eing '"m"ge' -, " 1"riet, of insults, inclu'ing tr"um", tr"nsient re'uction in -loo' su$$l,, "n', $erh"$s most im$ort"nt, en1ironment"l to2ins. In'ee', in l"-or"tor, stu'ies, r"ts "n' e1en $rim"tes #ith higher le1els of DNF "re f"r more resist"nt to -r"in. '"m"ging to2ins th"n "nim"ls #ith lo# or norm"l le1els. !ne im$ort"nt neuroto2in often use' in l"-or"tor, "nim"l e2$eriments, es$eci"ll, those 'esigne' to e1"lu"te the $rotecti1e effecti1eness of DNF, goes -, the "--re1i"tion MPTP >#hich st"n's for its chemic"l 'esign"tion?. This neuroto2in h"s the rel"ti1el, uniGue "-ilit, to s$ecific"ll, '"m"ge " $"rt of the -r"in in hum"ns, "s #ell "s in se1er"l "nim"ls th"t is "ssoci"te' #ith P"r*inson8s 'ise"se. Therefore, MPTP is often use' to me"sure the $ossi-le -enefits of $h"rm"ceutic"l $re$"r"tions to 'efen' the -r"in "g"inst neuroto2ins. ut, unli*e m"n, other in1estig"tions th"t "re 'e1elo$e' in l"-or"tories, the MPTP street stor, is f"r more intriguing. In the e"rl, 9E)=s, se1en in'i1i'u"ls ingeste' " street 'rug the, thought #"s simil"r to heroin. Inste"', 'ue to "n error in the illicit $ro'uction of the*e 'rug, the su-st"nce the, too* #"s cont"min"te' #ith MPTP. /hortl, there"fter, the, #ere 'i"gnose' #ith P"r*inson8s. (hile this #"s 'e1"st"ting to these $eo$le, it o$ene' the 'oor for rese"rchers to 'e1elo$ " $o#erful e2$eriment"l mo'el for the 'ise"se "s 'escri-e' -, neurologist 7. (illi"m L"ngston in his -oo*, The C"se of the FroHen A''icts; (or*ing "t the E'ge of the M,steries of the +um"n r"in >9EED?, #hich l"ter -ec"me the su-Aect of t#o N!VA $ro'uctions -, the Pu-lic ro"'c"sting /er1ice >P /?. L"ngston foun' th"t tre"ting sGuirrel mon*e,s #ith MPTP c"use' "lmost imme'i"te 'e1elo$ment of P"r*inson8s, #ith '"m"ge to the "nim"ls8 -r"ins occurring e2"ctl, in the s"me "re" "s in hum"ns #ith the 'ise"se. /u-seGuent e2$eriments #ith other "nim"ls gener"te' the s"me results. L"ngston "n' others ultim"tel, conclu'e' th"t MPTP 'estro,e' neurons -, 'estro,ing their s$ecific source of energ, $ro'uction, the mitochon'ri". Thus, MPTP $ro1e' to -e " mitochon'ri"l to2in s$ecific for the "re" of the -r"in "ssoci"te' #ith P"r*inson8s. !nce it #"s 'isco1ere' th"t MPTP selecti1el, '"m"ge' mitochon'ri"l function "n' $ro'uce' P"r*inson8s, rese"rchers focuse' their efforts to le"rn ho# the, coul' -loc* the '"m"ging effects of this neuroto2in "n', $resum"-l,, -, e2tension, re'uce the '"m"ging effects of $estici'es in gener"l. V"rious 'rugs #ere 'e1elo$e', inclu'ing De$ren,l th"t, "t le"st in "nim"ls, hel' $romise of $ro1i'ing some $rotection for mitochon'ri"l function "g"inst to2ins li*e MPTP. (hile hum"n tri"ls sho#e' onl, mo'est -enefit, the most 'r"m"tic neuron"l $rotection "g"inst MPTP #"s not foun' in some e2trinsic l"-or"tor,.$ro'uce', $"tent"-le 'rug, -ut #ith DNF, " su-st"nce "lre"', #ithin our $h,siolog,, enco'e' in our o#n DNA, " gift not $ur1e,e' on " $rescri$tion $"' -ut from n"ture.


/tu', "fter stu', h"s since confirme' th"t DNF $ro1i'es "lmost com$lete $rotection of -r"in cells not onl, from MPTP -ut from " 1"riet, of other mitochon'ri"l neuroto2ins. An' in m"n, of the re$orts, the metho's -, #hich DNF is incre"se' "lso come n"tur"ll,; incre"se' $h,sic"l e2ercise "n' c"lorie re'uction. Thus, turning on DNF $ro'uction, through n"tur"l me"ns "n' lifest,le 'ecisions, $ro1i'es our -r"ins #ith $o#erful $rotection "g"inst the u-iGuitous onsl"ught of mitochon'ri"l to2ins, such "s commonl, use' $estici'es, to #hich #e "re e2$ose' on " '"il, -"sis. !-1iousl,, choosing to e"t org"nic foo's is hel$ful, -ut #e c"nnot tot"ll, elimin"te our e2$osure to these '"ngerous "n', ,es, -r"in.'"m"ging chemic"ls.



!2i'"tion, infl"mm"tion, "n' to2icit, "re not $rett,.soun'ing #or's. E1en if ,ou 'on8t *no# their e2"ct me"ning in rel"tion to hum"n $h,siolog,, ,ou get the i'e" th"t the, h"1e something to 'o #ith $ro'ucing " st"te of less th"n o$tim"l he"lth. (ell, th"t8s trueI the, "re con'itions th"t ,ou 'on8t #"nt in ,our -o',&"t le"st not to the le1el of -eing out of control "n' h"rmful. !2i'"tion is -"sic"ll, the chemic"l com-in"tion of "nother su-st"nce #ith o2,gen in " $rocess th"t t,$ic"ll, c"uses some $rett, 'r"m"tic ch"nges in the o2i'iHe' su-st"nce. As "n e2"m$le, rusting of iron left out in the elements is o2i'"tion "t #or*. An' #h"t h"$$ens #hen met"l rustsF Essenti"ll,, it -ecomes '"m"ge' to the e2tent th"t it loses its integrit,, s$ee'ing its 'eterior"tion. Infl"mm"tion is one of the first res$onses of the immune s,stem to infection or irrit"tion. %ou81e $ro-"-l, e2$erience' this con'ition, too, $erh"$s "s " s$r"ine' "n*le. It loo*s li*e s#elling "n' re'nessI it feels li*e he"t "n' $"in. Infl"mm"tion is ,our -o',8s #", of he"ling -ec"use, $h,siologic"ll,, it8s c"use' -, "n incre"se in -loo' flo# #ith "n influ2 of #hite -loo' cells "n' other -enefici"l chemic"l su-st"nces rushing to the rescue of the infl"me' "re". Infl"mm"tion c"n "lso -e "ssoci"te' #ith chronic "rthritis, "sthm", "n' neuro'egener"ti1e 'isor'ers such "s AlHheimer8s, P"r*inson8s, "n' multi$le sclerosis. Me'ic"ll,, infl"mm"tion c"n -e tre"te' #ith to$ic"l cre"ms "n' re'uce' through ingestion of nonsteroi'"l, "nti.infl"mm"tor, me'ic"tions >N/AIDs?. To2icit, is the st"te of -eing $oisonous. Poisons, or to2ins, "re foun' in n"ture, inclu'ing foo', "n' in m"nuf"cture' commo'ities such "s househol' cle"ners, sol1ents, "n' chemic"l com$oun's. (e "re e1en e2$ose' to to2ins $ro'uce' #ithin our o#n -o'ies. These en'oto2ins "re 'e"lt #ith -, the multitu'e of 'eto2ific"tion s,stems th"t "re concentr"te' in the li1er -ut "re foun' throughout the -o', "s #ell. To2ins, "s ,ou might e2$ect, c"n c"use 'ise"se #hen intro'uce' into -o', tissue, ,et, interestingl,, org"nisms, inclu'ing hum"ns, $ro'uce to2ins. In f"ct, some cre"tures 'e$en' on to2ins for sur1i1"l. Poisonous sn"*es, for e2"m$le, use their 1enom to *ill or immo-iliHe $re,, "n' some $l"nts $ro'uce c,"ni'e "s " $rotection from -eing e"ten. ec"use "n org"nism, inclu'ing ,ou, $ro'uces to2ins "s $ro'ucts or -,.$ro'ucts of or'in"r, met"-olism, ,our -o', must -re"* 'o#n or e2crete them -efore the, -uil' u$ to " '"ngerous le1el. !2i'"tion, infl"mm"tion, "n' to2icit,&met"$horic"ll, s$e"*ing&"lso occur #ithin societ,. !ur thin*ing "n' memor, c"n -ecome Krust,K "n' #e lose our "-ilit, to thin* origin"ll,. The "ngr,, he"te', $"ine' ol' -r"in -ecomes emotion"ll, infl"me'I it festers "n' s#ells "n' gener"tes r"ge. Potenti"ll,, the ol' -r"in8s no2ious -eliefs "n' to2ic emotion"l res$onses m", c"use it to stri*e out #ith 1iolence th"t societ, fin's un"ttr"cti1e, if not un"cce$t"-le. Fortun"tel,, there is " $h,sic"l reme', for this met"$horic"l situ"tion; "ntio2i'"nts, infl"mm"tion re'ucers, "n' 'eto2ifiers th"t hel$ our -o'ies he"l "n' f"cilit"te our $s,che8s "'1"ncement from " st"te of $rimor'i"l re"cti1it, to e1olution"r,, "n' enlightene', re"soning. Three Con'itions %ou Don8t ("nt to +"1e ANT!O1!DANTS Turn on the tele1ision, o$en " m"g"Hine, or listen to the r"'io, "n' ,ou #ill no 'ou-t -e e2$ose' to "n "'1ertisement e2tolling the 1irtues of some ne#l, 'isco1ere' e2otic fruit Auice th"t h"s the highest "ntio2i'"nt content on the f"ce of the e"rth. %ou m", #on'er; (h, "ll the h,$eF (h"t is the -enefit of "n "ntio2i'"ntF


Antio2i'"nts "re "n, of 1"rious chemic"l su-st"nces, inclu'ing -et".c"rotene, 1it"min C, "n' 1it"min E, th"t inhi-its o2i'"tion. In effect, "ntio2i'"nts $rotect cells -, neutr"liHing '"m"ge c"use' -, re"cti1e o2,gen s$ecies >R!/?, or free r"'ic"ls. As mentione' -efore, free r"'ic"ls "re " -,.$ro'uct of the norm"l $rocess of mitochon'ri"l energ, $ro'uction. Un'er norm"l or he"lth, circumst"nces, "ntio2i'"nts m"int"in " -"l"nce -et#een the r"te "t #hich free r"'ic"ls "re $ro'uce' "n' the r"te "t #hich the, "re elimin"te'. +o#e1er, free r"'ic"ls c"use o2i'"ti1e '"m"ge to tissues, $roteins, f"t, "n' e1en nucle"r DNA. In f"ct, tissue '"m"ge -, free r"'ic"ls is thought to un'erlie the $rocess of "ging. As #e s"# in Ch"$ter C, Denh"m +"rm"n l"i' the groun'#or* for the "ntio2i'"nt in'ustr, #hen he 'emonstr"te' th"t "ntio2i'"nts KGuenchK free r"'ic"ls in 9E65. Then, in 9EDB, +"rm"n recogniHe' th"t mitochon'ri", #hich, ironic"ll,, "re the "ctu"l source of free r"'ic"ls, "re "lso most "t ris* of '"m"ge from free r"'ic"ls. ec"use the -r"in $ro'uces " $ro'igious "mount of free r"'ic"ls, it is their $rim"r, t"rget, ,et the -r"in l"c*s the le1el of "ntio2i'"nt $rotection gener"te' -, other cells else#here in the -o',. %#EE #AD!CA S ec"use of the $o#erfull, '"m"ging effects of free r"'ic"ls, es$eci"ll, in reg"r' to the -r"in, rese"rchers "re see*ing -etter "ntio2i'"nts th"t #ill $ro1i'e -r"in cells #ith " me"sure of $rotection to st"1e off mitochon'ri"l -re"*'o#n "n', $erh"$s, enh"nce -r"in function "s #ell. /tu'ies "re no# "$$e"ring th"t cle"rl, $oint "n "ccus"tor, finger "t free r"'ic"ls for $l",ing " $i1ot"l role in -r"in "ging. These stu'ies sho# th"t, essenti"ll,, #hen " $erson -egins to h"1e too m"n, Ksenior moments,K clinici"ns "$$l, " more scientific term, mil' cogniti1e im$"irment >MCI?. This $henomenon is gener"ting consi'er"-le interest -ec"use MCI gener"ll, $res"ges " more sinister $"tholog,, AlHheimer8s 'ise"se. The rel"tionshi$ -et#een MCI "n' free r"'ic"ls #"s #ell 'escri-e' in " B==D re$ort -, (illi"m M"r*es-er,, " neurologist "t the Uni1ersit, of :entuc*,, #hich 'emonstr"te' th"t cogniti1e function -egins to 'ecline #ell -efore the AlHheimer8s st"ge "n' th"t the gre"ter the o2i'"ti1e '"m"ge to f"t, $rotein, "n' e1en nucle"r DNA, the gre"ter the 'egree of ment"l im$"irment. M"r*es-er, cle"rl, i'entifies o2i'"ti1e '"m"ge "s " Kther"$eutic t"rget to slo# the $rogression or $erh"$s the onset of the 'ise"se.K9 (h"t " conce$t; to ther"$eutic"ll, t"rget free r"'ic"ls in "n "ttem$t to $re1ent AlHheimer8sJ (h"t " refreshing "$$ro"ch $u-lishe' -, the Americ"n Me'ic"l Associ"tion. R"ther th"n sim$l, 'escri-e some ne# 'rug ther"$, for " 'ise"se th"t8s "lre"', #ell un'er #",, here is " $re1enti1e me'icine mo'el, "$$lie' to -r"in he"lth. M"r*es-er, goes on to st"te, K etter "ntio2i'"nts "n' "gents use' in com-in"tion to u$regul"te 'efense mech"nisms "g"inst o2i'"tion #ill -e reGuire' to neutr"liHe the o2i'"ti1e com$onent of the $"thogenesis of AlHheimer8s 'ise"se. It is most li*el, th"t to o$timiHe these neuro$rotecti1e "gents, the, #ill h"1e to -e use' in the $res,m$tom"tic $h"se of the 'ise"se.KB Th"t l"st $hr"se me"ns 'uring the time of mil' cogniti1e im$"irment or e1en -efore the "$$e"r"nce of s,m$toms. In other #or's, ,ou "re ne1er too ,oung to -egin s"1ing ,our min' for " he"lthier, longer Kol' "ge.K An' #hen #e recogniHe th"t the ris* of contr"cting AlHheimer8s -, li1ing to -e )6 ,e"rs or longer is "n "stoun'ing 6= $ercent, there "re " lot of $eo$le #ho #oul' -e #ise to consi'er th"t the, "re K$res,m$tom"ticK right no#. O#A ANT!O1!DANTS /o, if in f"ct our -r"in tissue is -eing "ss"ulte' -, free r"'ic"ls, 'oes it m"*e sense to lo"' u$ #ith "ntio2i'"ntsF To "ns#er the Guestion, let8s go -"c* to the mitochon'ri". In the norm"l $rocess of $ro'ucing energ,, e"ch mitochon'rion $ro'uces hun're's, if not thous"n's, of free r"'ic"l molecules e"ch '",. Multi$le th"t -, the ten million -illion mitochon'ri" in ,our -r"in "n' ,ou come u$ #ith "n unf"thom"-le num-er&9= follo#e' -, 9) Heroes. /o, ,ou might


"s*; 7ust ho# effecti1e is " 1it"min E c"$sule or " t"-let of 1it"min C #hen confronte' -, this onsl"ught of free r"'ic"lsF Are one or t#o little $ills once or t#ice " '", u$ to the t"s*F (hen confronte' -, " free r"'ic"l, "n "ntio2i'"nt s"crifices itself to o2i'"tion in " re"ction. Thus, one molecule of 1it"min C -ecomes o2i'iHe' -, one free r"'ic"l. %es, this neutr"liHes the free r"'ic"l, -ut it "lso termin"tes the 1it"min C molecule. C"n ,ou im"gine ho# much 1it"min C or other or"l "ntio2i'"nt ,ou #oul' nee' to t"*e in or'er to neutr"liHe the "stronomic"l num-er of R!/ molecules gener"te' -, the -o', on " '"il, -"sisF As ,ou might e2$ect, hum"n $h,siolog, h"s 'e1elo$e' its o#n -iochemistr, to 'e"l #ith the free r"'ic"l fire. F"r from -eing entirel, 'e$en'ent on "ntio2i'"nts from e2tern"ll, 'eri1e' foo' sources, ,our cells h"1e their o#n inn"te "-ilit, to gener"te "ntio2i'"nt enH,mes u$on 'em"n' #hen en1ironment"l sign"ls to the cell tell the nucle"r DNA to 'o so. Fortun"tel,, this inn"te "n' intern"l "ntio2i'"nt s,stem is f"r more $o#erful th"n "n, nutrition"l su$$lement. (hether the Auice of some e2otic -err, or "n e2tr"ct from " $re1iousl, un*no#n Aungle $l"nt, "ntio2i'"nt su$$lements "re limite' -, stoichiometric chemistr,. The gol'en *e, to "ntio2i'"nt $rotection lies in ,our nucle"r DNA. No# let8s le"rn ho# to "cti1"te the s#itch.

N#%2 P#OTE!N
Nr,2 Protein and Antio(idants (hen the -o', e2$eriences high o2i'"ti1e stress "n' $ro'uces "n e2cess num-er of free r"'ic"ls, it "lso "cti1"tes " s$ecific $rotein in the nucleus c"lle' NrfB. This is " 1er, im$ort"nt $rotein, -ec"use it o$ens the 'oor for $ro'uction of " 1"st "rr", of ,our -o',8s most im$ort"nt "ntio2i'"nts "s #ell "s 'eto2ific"tion enH,mes. ut #h"t "cti1"tes NrfBF This is #here the stor, gets re"ll, e2citing -ec"use the "ns#er is; " 1"riet, of mo'ifi"-le f"ctors. V"n'er-ilt Uni1ersit,8s Dr. Ling 0"o h"s foun' th"t o2i'"tion of the omeg".4 f"ts eicos"$ent"enoic "ci' >EPA? "n' 'ocos"he2"e.noic "ci' >D+A? "cti1"tes the NrfB $"th#", in 'r"m"tic f"shion. For ,e"rs, rese"rchers h"1e note' 'ecre"se' le1els of free r"'ic"l '"m"ge in in'i1i'u"ls #ho consume' fish oils, the source of EPA "n' D+A, -ut this ne# rese"rch cl"rifies the rel"tionshi$ -et#een fish oil "n' "ntio2i'"nt $rotection. As Dr. 0"o re$orte', K!ur '"t" su$$ort the h,$othesis th"t the form"tion of. . . com$oun's gener"te' from o2i'"tion of EPA "n' D+A in 1i1o c"n re"ch concentr"tions high enough to in'uce NrfB. -"se' "ntio2i'"nt "n' . . . 'eto2ific"tion 'efense s,stems.K4 C"lorie re'uction, "s 'emonstr"te' in " 1"riet, of l"-or"tor, mo'els, "lso in'uces NrfB "cti1"tion. (hen c"lories "re re'uce' in the 'iets of l"-or"tor, "nim"ls, not onl, 'o the, li1e longer, li*el, "s " result of incre"se' "ntio2i'"nt $rotection, -ut the, -ecome rem"r*"-l, resist"nt to " 1"riet, of forms of c"ncer. This "ttri-ute of NrfB further su$$orts the f"sting $rogr"m th"t ,ou #ill le"rn "-out in Ch"$ter 9C, KThe Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m.K !1er the $"st se1er"l ,e"rs, NrfB chemistr, h"s -ecome " glo-"l foc"l $oint for me'ic"l rese"rch. This h"s le' to the 'isco1er, th"t " 1"riet, of n"tur"l com$oun's "cti1"tes "n' "m$lifies the genes res$onsi-le for the $ro'uction of " 1"st com$le2 of $rotecti1e "n' life. sust"ining 'eto2ific"tion enH,mes "n' "ntio2i'"nts. Among these "re curcumin, #hich comes from turmericI green te" e2tr"ctI res1er"trolI sul$hor"$h"ne, 'eri1e' from -roccoliI "n' the omeg".4 f"t, D+A. In "cti1"ting the NrfB $"th#",, these n"tur"l su-st"nces enh"nce the -o',8s $ro'uction of glut"thione, #h"t m", -e the most im$ort"nt -r"in "ntio2i'"nt in hum"n $h,siolog,.


/o $o#erful is the "ntio2i'"nt $rotection offere' -,'uce' glut"thione th"t it #"s "-le to $re1ent "m,otro$hic l"ter"l sclerosis >AL/, or Lou 0ehrig8s 'ise"se? in the l"-or"tor, "nim"l mo'el of this 'ise"se.C Nr,2 Protein and !n,lammation In "''ition to its "ntio2i'"nt function"lit,, "cti1"tion of the NrfB $"th#", turns on the genes th"t $ro'uce " 1"st "rr", of $rotecti1e chemic"ls in t#o other critic"ll, im$ort"nt "re"s; infl"mm"tion re'uction "n' 'eto2ific"tion, #hich "re "lso su-Aects of this ch"$ter. At first -lush, the su-Aect of infl"mm"tion might seem out of $l"ce in " 'iscussion reg"r'ing enh"nce' -r"in he"lth "n' function"lit,. ut, #hile #e "re "ll f"mili"r #ith infl"mm"tion "s it rel"tes to such 'ise"se st"tes "s "rthritis "n' "sthm", the $"st 'ec"'e h"s $ro'uce' "n e2tensi1e -o', of rese"rch th"t connects infl"mm"tion #ith " 1"riet, of neuro'egener"ti1e con'itions. In'ee', rese"rch cle"rl, 'emonstr"tes " rem"r*"-le re'uction in inci'ence of -oth P"r*inson8s "n' AlHheimer8s in in'i1i'u"ls #ho h"1e t"*en N/AIDs for " num-er of ,e"rs.6 !ther stu'ies "lso sho# 'r"m"tic ele1"tion of c,to*ines, #hich "re the cellul"r me'i"tors of infl"mm"tion, in the -r"ins of in'i1i'u"ls #ith these "n' other 'egener"ti1e -r"in 'isor'ers. Ne# technolog, no# "llo#s MRI "n' PET sc"n im"ging of cells th"t "cti1el, $ro'uce infl"mm"tor, c,to*ines in the -r"ins of AlHheimer8s $"tients.5

(ith this *no#le'ge, #e "re no# force' to reg"r' infl"mm"tion in " #hole ne# light. F"r more th"n Aust the c"use of ,our $"inful *nee or s$r"ine' "n*le, infl"mm"tion un'er$ins the 1er, $rocess of -r"in 'egener"tion. Ultim"tel,, the *e, 'o#nstre"m effect of infl"mm"tion in the -r"in is th"t it is res$onsi-le for the '"m"ge th"t $re1ents "cti1"tion of NrfB chemic"l $"th#",s "n' the conseGuenti"l incre"se of free r"'ic"l $ro'uction. !n the $ositi1e si'e, turning on the NrfB $"th#", not onl, re'uces free r"'ic"ls 'irectl, -ut, "s " -onus, re'uces infl"mm"tion, #hich in turn $rotects the -r"in from e2cess free r"'ic"ls "s " result of infl"mm"tion. Do ,ou see " $ositi1e c,cle hereF Inter1entions 'esigne' to re'uce infl"mm"tion through the use of n"tur"l su-st"nces, such "s turmeric, h"1e -een 'escri-e' in me'ic"l liter"ture for more th"n B,=== ,e"rs. ut onl, in the $"st 'ec"'e h"1e #e -egun to un'erst"n' the intric"te "n' eloGuent -iochemistr, th"t e2$l"ins #h"t tr"'ition"l he"lth.c"re $r"ctitioners h"1e *no#n "n' utiliHe' for millenni". In'ee', foo' choices h"1e controlle' hum"nit,8s DNA e2$ression for "s long "s our s$ecies h"s #"l*e' the $l"net. Nr,2 Protein and Deto(i,i3ation The thir' "n' no less im$ort"nt -enefit of the NrfB $"th#", is th"t it "cti1"tes s$ecific genes th"t $ro'uce enH,mes "n' other chemic"ls th"t -re"* 'o#n "n' elimin"te to2ins. %ou might #on'er #h, ,our DNA #oul' cont"in co'es for the $ro'uction of 'eto2ific"tion chemic"ls.


After "ll, 'i'n8t hum"nit,8s first re"l e2$osure to to2ins -egin l"te in the histor, of hum"nit,, #ith the in'ustri"l er"F (ell, no. /ome of the most '"ngerous to2ins, such "s le"', "rsenic, "n' "luminum, e2ist n"tur"ll, in the en1ironment. Pl"nts "n' "nim"ls "lso gener"te $o#erful to2ins "s " form of $rotection. !ur hum"n -o'ies "lso $ro'uce to2ins 'uring met"-olismI e1en the c"r-on 'io2i'e th"t #e e2h"le is " $oison to our s,stems, -ut, fortun"tel,, it is essenti"l for $l"nts, #hich con1ert it, through $hotos,nthesis, -"c* into o2,gen th"t #e c"n -re"the. For these re"sons, our 'eto2ific"tion s,stem h"s ser1e' us for " 1er, long time. Li*e#ise, to'",, #e "re Aust -eginning to un'erst"n' ho# n"tur"l su-st"nces, such "s turmeric, h"1e "lso ser1e' "s 'eto2ific"tion "gents through their "-ilit, to enh"nce genetic e2$ression. In f"ct, turmeric8s "-ilit, to "cti1"te 'eto2ific"tion genes e2$l"ins #h, it8s "lso "-le to com$letel, elimin"te the '"m"ging effects of r"'i"tion chemother"$ies in l"-or"tor, "nim"ls.D The hum"n -o', $ro'uces "n im$ressi1e "rr", of enH,mes th"t 'eto2if, $oisons to #hich #e "re e2$ose' -oth e2tern"ll, "n' intern"ll,. !ur DNA $ro'uces these 'eto2ific"tion enH,mes, #hich h"1e e1ol1e' o1er hun're's of thous"n's of ,e"rs in res$onse to our intrinsic reGuirements "n' "s $rotection mech"nisms for our "ncestors "s the, migr"te' to ne# surroun'ings. For millenni", these intern"l 'efense mech"nisms e1ol1e', for the most $"rt, some#h"t slo#l,. +o#e1er, o1er the $"st centur,, hum"n $h,siolog, h"s -een ch"llenge' -, "n incom$rehensi-le "rr", of no1el chemic"l to2ins for #hich our genetic 'eto2ific"tion en'o#ment #"s un$re$"re'. It is "s if #e "re functioning #ith out'"te' m"chiner,, ho$ing "g"inst "ll o''s th"t, someho#, our $h,siolog, #ill -e "-le to 'e"l #ith "n un$rece'ente' onsl"ught of to2ins. An' #e "re "s*ing " lot of our -o',. ut the goo' ne#s is th"t #e "re en'o#e' #ith " 'eto2ific"tion s,stem #ith f""ching $otenti"l. This is "n im$ort"nt consi'er"tion -ec"use so m"n, of the to2ins to #hich #e "re e2$ose' e1er, single '", "re 'irectl, to2ic to the -r"in. / UTAT"!ONE AND DETO1!%!CAT!ON A signific"nt $l",er in 'eto2ific"tion chemistr, is glut"thione. It -in's to 1"rious to2ins "n' ren'ers them less no2ious. Most im$ort"nt, glut"thione is " su-str"te for the enH,me glut"thione /.tr"nsfer"se, #hich hel$s tr"nsform " multitu'e of to2ins into forms th"t "re more #"ter solu-le "n' thus more e"sil, e2crete'. Deficiencies in the function of this enH,me "re lin*e' to me'ic"l $ro-lems th"t inclu'e mel"nom", 'i"-etes, "sthm", -re"st c"ncer, AlHheimer8s, gl"ucom", lung c"ncer, Lou 0ehrig8s 'ise"se, P"r*inson8s, "n' migr"ine he"'"ches, to n"me " fe#. These 'eficiencies "re inherite' "s su-tle 1"ri"tions of DNA c"lle' single nucleoti'e $ol,mor$hisms >/NPs, $ronounce' Ksni$sK?. V"rious l"-or"tories no# offer " sim$le -loo' test to 'etermine "n in'i1i'u"l8s /NPs st"tus for glut"thione /.tr"nsfer"se "n' for other gene 1"ri"tions th"t m", in'ic"te "n incre"se' ris* to 'ise"se. Thirt, ,e"rs "go, Thom"s L. Perr, $u-lishe' " $ostmortem "n"l,sis of the -r"ins of P"r*inson8s $"tients th"t 'emonstr"te' " signific"nt re'uction of glut"thione.) Multi$le other stu'ies h"1e since confirme' this 'eficienc,, #hich further len's su$$ort to the i'e" th"t -r"in 'egener"tion is " conseGuence of im$"ire' "ntio2i'"nt function. More recent stu'ies sho# " strong rel"tionshi$ -et#een P"r*inson8s "n' $estici'e e2$osure, " situ"tion th"t is e2"cer-"te' "mong in'i1i'u"ls #ho "re genetic"ll, 'is"'1"nt"ge' 'ue to re'uce' -r"in glut"thione "cti1it,. (ith this un'erst"n'ing of the roles of glut"thione in 'eto2ific"tion "n' "s " 1er, $o#erful "ntio2i'"nt, "s #e #ill e2$lore in the ne2t ch"$ter, it m"*es sense to 'o e1er,thing $ossi-le to m"int"in "n' e1en enh"nce glut"thione le1els.


David' Outdated .a3*inery (hen I #"s 95 ,e"rs ol', I -ec"me concerne' "-out the mism"tch -et#een our inherite' genetic en'o#ment "n' the to2ic en1ironment th"t so ch"r"cteriHes our mo'ern #orl', "n' I #rote the follo#ing letter, #hich The Mi"mi Ne#s $u-lishe' C= ,e"rs "go; KAfter s$en'ing three '",s "n' t#o nights "t the /e-ring c"r r"ces, I foun' m,self to -e in Guestion; C"n #e "'"$t oursel1es to this future en1ironmentF Perh"$s our -o'ies "re more suite' to the lush forest -e' or soft s"n', -e"ches #here former hum"ns li1e' in 'ur"tion. I 'on8t -elie1e th"t the t#o #ee*s in the mount"ins or " /"tur'", "t the -e"ch #ill -e enough to *ee$ this -o',, #hich h"s e1ol1e' un'er less strenuous con'itions, content. Perh"$s the hum"n #ill ch"nge r"$i'l, in the ne2t centuries to "'"$t himself to -eer c"ns, concrete, "n' sh"ttering noise. !ur gener"tions "re e"ch contri-uting to $ollution.resist"nt lungs. ut #h"t "-out the $eo$le of to'", #ho "re stuc* #ith the out'"te' m"chiner,FK (hen I loo* "t m, #riting since, I see th"t I "m still ch"llenge' -, this i'e" of hel$ing $eo$le not -e stuc* #ith Kout'"te' m"chiner,.K T"*e, for e2"m$le, this short $"ss"ge from the To#nsen' Letter for Doctors 3 P"tients title' KP"r*inson8s Dise"se&Ne# Pers$ecti1es,K in #hich I e2$resse' m, concern for P"r*insoni"ns #hose $h,sic"l m"chiner, #"s not "-le to $rocess "n' e2crete en1ironment"l to2ins; K... in'i1i'u"ls #ith s$ecific genetic 'efects c"using he$"tic 'eto2ific"tion enH,me ',sfunction m", 'e1elo$ P"r*inson8s 'ise"se "s " result of e2$osure to cert"in en1ironment"l 2eno-iotic chemic"ls $ro1ing neuroto2ic.KE Fortun"tel,, #e no# h"1e the tools to o1erri'e our genetic in"'eGu"cies "n' $o#erfull, enh"nce our "-ilit, to 'e"l #ith the m"n, to2ins to #hich #e "re e2$ose'.



It is the unfortun"te "cti1"tion of the $rocess of "$o$tosis, or cell suici'e, 'ue to f"ult, mitochon'ri"l function th"t ultim"tel, le"'s to the loss of -r"in neurons in such common 'ise"ses "s AlHheimer8s "n' P"r*inson8s. Ultim"tel,, these "n' e1er, other Kneuro'egener"ti1e 'ise"seK "re re"ll, Aust 1"ri"tions on " theme. All of these con'itions "re m"nifest"tions of 'eficiencies of mitochon'ri"l function, #hich le"'s to incre"se' free r"'ic"l $ro'uction, #hich in turn "cti1"tes the $rocess of "$o$tosis. This is #h, so m"n, le"'ing.e'ge neuroscience institutions "re so in1ol1e' in stu',ing ho# to $rotect "n' e1en enh"nce the function of mitochon'ri". /tu'ies e1"lu"ting the clinic"l effecti1eness of 1"rious inter1entions li*e turmeric "n' D+A, #hich enh"nce mitochon'ri"l function, "re no# "$$e"ring regul"rl, in m"instre"m me'ic"l Aourn"ls. ec"use mitochon'ri" "re in1ol1e' in energ, $ro'uction, the science of enh"ncing the life. su$$orting energ, $ro'uction of mitochon'ri" h"s -een terme' -ioenergetic ther"$eutics. It8s cert"inl, " $le"s"nt $"r"'o2 th"t, "fter so m"n, ,e"rs, the seemingl, infinite ch"sm -et#een m"instre"m "n' so.c"lle' "ltern"ti1e me'icine is "t le"st $"rti"ll, -ri'ge' -, the unif,ing conce$t th"t -oth recogniHe the fun'"ment"l role of energ, in the eGu"tion of he"lth "n' longe1it,. "YPE#BA#!C O1Y/EN' A 7EY TO .!TOC"OND#!A %UNCT!ON In Ch"$ter C #e 'escri-e' the chemic"l $rocess through #hich mitochon'ri" e2tr"ct energ, from foo' sources "n' store it in "'enosine tri$hos$h"te >ATP?. !2,gen is " *e, com$onent in this function th"t $o#ers e"ch cell, e1er, tissue, e1er, org"n, "n' e1er, s,stem in ,our -o',. ec"use of o2,gen8s life.sust"ining role for cells "n' in'ee' "ll life, scientists -eg"n to e2$lore the use of o2,gen "s " ther"$eutic tool in the l"te 9D==s. In 9DE), Thom"s e''oes, "n English $h,sici"n, foun'e' the Pneum"tic Institution, #here inh"le' o2,gen #"s offere' "s " tre"tment for " 1"riet, of 'ise"ses. ut not until 96= ,e"rs l"ter 'i' rese"rchers re"liHe th"t the re"l gift of o2,gen ther"$, occurs #hen it is "'ministere' in " close' en1ironment in #hich the $ressure c"n -e incre"se'. A'ministering o2,gen in this f"shion is c"lle' h,$er-"ric o2,gen, "n' it first foun' its #", into clinic"l me'icine in 9E65 #hen h,$er-"ric o2,gen ther"$, >+ !T? -eg"n to -e use' Guite effecti1el, "fter he"rt surger,. /oon there"fter, the (estern me'ic"l communit, e2$lore' the "$$lic"tion of + !T in " #i'e 1"riet, of clinic"l "re"s. The, e2tolle' the 1irtues of this ne# ther"$,, st"ting th"t it #or*e', fun'"ment"ll,, -, enh"ncing mitochon'ri"l function. !rg"niH"tions forme' to hel$ clinici"ns stu', the ne# technolog, "n' sh"re e2$eriences. Di1ers -enefitte' su-st"nti"ll, from + !T -ec"use it "lle1i"tes inAuries c"use' -, " -uil'u$ of nitrogen in the -loo' "fter "scen'ing from 'ee$ #"ter too Guic*l,. /oon, Cutting.E'ge clinici"ns foun'e' the Un'erse" "n' +,$er-"ric Me'ic"l /ociet,, #hich, in 9E5D, 'e1elo$e' + !T $rotocols for the tre"tment of numerous 'ise"ses from r"'i"tion inAur, to infecte' -ones to 'i"-etic s*in ulcers. ut it h"s onl, -een in the l"st 'ec"'e th"t the 'e$th of the $otenti"l for + !T in enh"ncing -r"in function h"s st"rte' to -ecome "$$"rent. (ith the un'erst"n'ing th"t -r"in function is so highl, 'e$en'ent u$on o$tim"l mitochon'ri"l function, the i'e" of im$lementing + !T in


$rotocols h"s -een seiHe' u$on -, m"n, for#"r'.loo*ing neuroscientists. Deli1ering life. sust"ining "n' energ,.$ro'ucing o2,gen un'er $ressure h"s -een 'escri-e' "s K$otenti"ll, the most $o#erful -r"in enh"ncing technolog, of the B9st centur,.K99 rec"ll the l"te Rich"r' Neu-"uer, #ho $ioneere' the use of h,$er-"ric me'icine in -r"in 'isor'ers, st"ting on m"n, occ"sions th"t the future of neurolog, is h,$er-"ric me'icine, "n' the future of h,$er-"ric me'icine is neurolog,. Cle"rl,, Dr. Neu-"uer #"s $rescient. /tu'ies from "roun' the glo-e 'emonstr"te th"t in'ee' the -r"in res$on's f"1or"-l, to + !T; -enefits "re no# 'ocumente' for $"tients #ith P"r*inson8s, stro*e, cere-r"l $"ls,, multi$le sclerosis, c"r-on mono2i'e $oisoning, tr"um"tic -r"in inAuries, "n' m"n, more -r"in 'isor'ers. + !T is on the le"'ing e'ge of B9st.centur, me'ic"l technolog,. An', ,et, it $ro1i'es the $erfect com$lement to "ncient s$iritu"l $r"ctices 'e1elo$e' -, sh"m"ns centuries "go. To em$h"siHe "g"in, h,$er-"ric o2,gen ther"$, em$o#ers mitochon'ri" to energiHe the -r"in. It is "s if " light s#itch insi'e the -r"in is su''enl, fli$$e' to the on $osition. This is #h, #e em$lo, + !T, "long #ith s$ecific neuronutrients "n' f"sting, "s "n integr"l $"rt of our intensi1e $re1ention "n' reco1er, $rogr"ms&#ith gre"t success. (hen mitochon'ri"l function is enh"nce', the -r"in imme'i"tel, tr"nsforms itself into " f"r more $erce$ti1e s,stem, o$ening the 'oor for ,ou to -enefit from " f"r 'ee$er e2$erience #hen ,ou immerse ,ourself in s$iritu"l $r"ctices. Alberto' 2A %eet Under (hen I #"s ,oung, I use' to go 'i1ing freGuentl,. +"1ing -een -orn "n' r"ise' on " C"ri--e"n isl"n' >Cu-"?, I #"s often in the oce"n "n' felt "s comfort"-le in the #eightless un'er#"ter en1ironment "s I 'i' on 'r, l"n'. /o #hen D"1i' first in1ite' me to tr, out the + !T ch"m-er, I #"s cert"in I #oul' feel "t e"se in the $ressuriHe' en1ironment. I *ne# th"t un'er 9.6 "tmos$heres of $ressure >eGui1"lent to -eing 9D feet un'er #"ter? cells recei1e "s much "s B= times more o2,gen th"n is norm"ll, "1"il"-le to them. This is -ec"use the norm"l o2,gen tr"ns$ort s,stem in the -loo', hemoglo-in, is e"sil, s"tur"te'. ut un'er 9.6 "tmos$heres, -loo' $l"sm" -ecomes "n o2,gen tr"ns$orter. D"1i'8s in1it"tion c"me "t " $erfect time -ec"use I h"' -een un'er " tremen'ous "mount of stress. In the l"st se1en #ee*s, I h"' -een lecturing in Austr"li", 0erm"n,, "n' se1er"l U./. cities. M, -o', #"sn8t sure "n,more #hether it #"nte' to e"t or slee$, "n' I coul' liter"ll, use " K-re"th of fresh "ir.K The + !T ch"m-er is "n "cr,lic $l"stic tu-e #ith " n"rro# -e' insi'e. As the nurse hel$e' me onto the gurne, "n' $ushe' me into the ch"m-er, the thought crosse' m, min' th"t I #"s entering " fish-o#l. /oon, #ith " #hoosh, o2,gen fille' the ch"m-er, "n' "long #ith it c"me the f"mili"r feeling of 'escen'ing into the 'e$ths. %et unli*e scu-" 'i1ing, #here ,ou -re"the com$resse' "ir, I #oul' -e -re"thing 9== $ercent o2,gen for the ne2t hour. I focuse' on t"*ing 'ee$, rh,thmic -re"ths, e1en though m, s,stem 'em"n'e' 1er, little o2,gen -ec"use I #"s "t rest. I #"nte' to m"*e sure to get "s much o2,gen into e1er, one of m, -r"in cells "s I coul'J (hile D"1i' h"' " thri1ing $r"ctice "n' "n intern"tion"l re$ut"tion for his #or* #ith $"tients suffering from 'egener"ti1e -r"in 'isor'ers, I #"s intereste' in e2$loring o$tim"l -r"in function. I *ne# th"t D"1i' h"' " strong interest in $re1ention "n' th"t " num-er of his $"tients #ith AlHheimer8s or P"r*inson8s in their f"milies "ctu"ll, c"me once or t#ice ,e"rl, for + !T "s " $re1enti1e me"sure. After " fe# minutes, I -eg"n to $r"ctice ment"l g,mn"stics. I h"1e ne1er -een 1er, goo' "t m"th "n' trie' to 'o some com$le2 "rithmetic, to no "1"il. Definitel, the Km"th centersK in m, -r"in #ere not getting "n, -enefit from the enriche' "tmos$here. ut "fter " fe# more


minutes, I notice' th"t I #"s "-le to rec"ll the tele$hone num-ers m, f"mil, h"' #hen I #"s si2 ,e"rs ol', "s #ell "s our street "''ress, e1en though I h"' not thought of these f"cts in m"n, ,e"rs. Long.term memor, rec"ll seeme' gre"t. I coul' im"gine neurons th"t h"' l"in 'orm"nt for 'ec"'es -eginning to fire, "#"sh in life.sust"ining o2,gen. %et, long.term memor, is not lost "s " result of "ging. (h"t is lost most commonl, is short.term rec"ll. I h"1e " notoriousl, -"' memor, for n"mes, -ut I ne1er forget " f"ce or the stories th"t $eo$le tell me. %et, #ith "ll m, recent tr"1eling, I #"s h"1ing " 'ifficult time sorting out #hom I h"' met in #hich of the cities I h"' -een in o1er the l"st fe# #ee*s. /o I -eg"n to reconstruct m, itiner"r, cit, -, cit,, meeting -, meeting, t"l* -, t"l*, "n' I foun' th"t I rec"lle' them effortlessl,, $icturing them in gre"t 'et"il th"t e1en inclu'e' the smell of r"in in Lon'on. This #"s -eginning to get interesting. I h"' to consciousl, focus on t"*ing 'ee$, regul"r -re"ths -ec"use m, o2,gen.s"tur"te' -o', h"r'l, nee'e' "n, of this stuff to $erform its sur1i1"l functions. Ne2t, I #"nte' to test e$iso'ic memor, rec"ll. E$iso'ic memor, refers to rec"lling " time, " $l"ce, "n' the feelings e2$erience'I it is, in " sense, li*e tr"1eling -"c* in time "n' ree2$eriencing e1ents. I *ne# th"t it #"s e"s, to 'o this #ith emotion"ll, ch"rge' memories, "s I remem-ere' m"n, of m, $"tients reminiscing "-out "ll the times #hen the, #ishe' the, h"' 'one things 'ifferentl, in the $"st, "s #ell "s " fe# times I #oul' li*e to h"1e 'one things 'ifferentl, m,self. (hile "ll of these emotion"ll, ch"rge' memories #ere re"'il, "1"il"-le to me, I chose to focus on m, chil'hoo'. I coul' e"sil, re1isit e1ents of m, $"st "n' rec"ll feelings of th"t moment&#hen m, 'og #"s hit -, " c"r, or #hen I #ent s#imming in the oce"n "t the "ge of fi1e "n' m, cousin crie', K/h"r*JK "n' I -re"thlessl, got out of the #"ter. %et, there #"s " $erio' of m, chil'hoo', -et#een the ,e"rs of eight "n' ten, of #hich I h"' 1er, little rec"ll. ec"use I h"' luci' rec"ll of most other times, I sus$ecte' th"t I must h"1e suffere' some *in' of tr"um" for m, min' to -loc* out these ,e"rs. I coul' feel m, he"rt r"cing "s I 'eci'e' to tr, to $r, o$en these g"tes of memor, th"t l", loc*e' in m, su-conscious. I rec"lle' m, gr"n'mother "n' im"gine' m,self #ith her. M, gr"n'mother h"' "l#",s -een " soli' $resence in our home, e1en 'uring the tumultuous times of the Cu-"n Re1olution, #hen there #"s fighting in the streets "n' " gre"t 'e"l of f"mil, -loo'she'. /oon, to m, sur$rise, I felt te"rs running 'o#n m, chee*. I rec"lle' the fe"r I h"' felt "s " chil', *no#ing th"t militi"men coul' come "t "n, time "n' t"*e m, $"rents "#",. %et, I #"s #itnessing th"t time "s " gro#n m"n, o-ser1ing the frightene' chil' sitting on his gr"n'mother8s l"$. oth of us #ere there, "n' I s$o*e softl, to the -o, "n' tol' him th"t he #oul' -e o*",, th"t nothing #oul' h"$$en to him or his lo1e' ones. At the en' of m, + !T session, I mentione' to D"1i' ho# im$ort"nt it #"s for me to rem"in "lert "n' -re"thing 'ee$l, in th"t o2, "tmos$here, inste"' of #"tching " mo1ie or going to slee$, "s m"n, other $"tients 'i', #hich #oul' re'uce the "mount of o2,gen int"*e into the s,stem. An' I 'eci'e' th"t, for the ne2t session, I #oul' "ttem$t e1en more com$le2 t"s*s un'er the influence of $ure o2,gen. / UTAT"!ONE' .ANNA %O# .!TOC"OND#!A +ere "g"in #e shout the $r"ises of glut"thione, #hich, in "''ition to $l",ing " critic"l role in 'eto2ific"tion, h"s "lso -een terme' Kthe m"ster "ntio2i'"ntK in hum"n $h,siolog,. It is so im$ort"nt th"t scientists often me"sure cellul"r glut"thione le1els "s "n o1er"ll in'ic"tor of cellul"r he"lth. An' no#here is its $o#er more im$ort"nt th"n in the $rotection of the -r"in. (hile the -r"in re$resents onl, B $ercent of hum"n -o', #eight, it consumes u$ to B= $ercent of its energ, c"lories #hen "t rest. This 'is$ro$ortion"tel, high le1el of met"-olism "n' $ro'uction of free r"'ic"l -,.$ro'ucts $uts the -r"in "t gre"t ris*.


No tissue, inclu'ing $rotein, DNA, "n' f"t, is immune to ris* from free r"'ic"l '"m"ge, "n' f"t is of s$eci"l concern -ec"use it com$rises D= $ercent the hum"n -r"in8s 'r, #eight "n' -ec"use it is one of the most 'ifficult tissues to $rotect from free r"'ic"l '"m"ge. F"t is "ctu"ll, " 'elic"te chemic"l, "n', #hen it is '"m"ge' -, free r"'ic"ls, it -"sic"ll, -ecomes r"nci'. In the -r"in, this tr"nsl"tes into com$romise' function, #hich limits the "-ilit, of neurons to communic"te #ith e"ch other. As #e81e mentione' -efore, free r"'ic"l '"m"ge un'erlies "ll 'egener"ti1e con'itions of the -r"in, inclu'ing AlHheimer8s, P"r*inson8s, "m,otro$hic l"ter"l sclerosis >AL/, or Lou 0ehrig8s 'ise"se?, multi$le sclerosis, "n' e1en generic -r"in "ging. In "''ition, the '"nger of free r"'ic"ls is t#ofol'. First, "s mentione', these re"cti1e chemic"ls 'irectl, mo'if, the 1"rious tissues th"t the, "tt"c*, ren'ering them un"-le to function $ro$erl,. /econ', free r"'ic"l "ction initi"tes "$o$tosis, through #hich the cell unloc*s DNA.enco'e' instructions to commit suici'e. /o the "ntio2i'"nt $rotection offere' -, glut"thione 'eser1es center st"ge. Not onl, is glut"thione " $o#erful "ntio2i'"nt in its o#n right, -ut it "lso regener"tes "nother im$ort"nt -r"in "ntio2i'"nt; 1it"min C, #hich rech"rges the -r"in8s "llotment of the $o#erful f"t.solu-le "l$h".toco$herol, " mem-er of the 1it"min E f"mil,. (ith its connections to so m"n, other he"lth.rel"te' chemic"ls "n' 1it"mins, glut"thione is " $rime focus for -r"in rese"rchers "roun' the #orl'. David' .y !ntrodu3tion to /lutat*ione KFi-rom,"lgi",K the lecturer cl"ime', Kis essenti"ll, " 'isor'er mitochon'ri"l function. This e2$l"ins #h, these $"tients "re f"tigue' "n' #h, the, "re ment"ll, fogge'. ec"use the mitochon'ri" "ren8t #or*ing u$ to s$ee', there is "n "ccumul"tion of to2ic -,.$ro'ucts of met"-olism in the soft tissues, "n' this e2$l"ins the $"in.K It #"s #", -"c* in 9EED #hen I "tten'e' this lecture offering "n "ltern"ti1e me'icine "$$ro"ch to #h"t #"s -ecoming " f"irl, #i'es$re"' me'ic"l con'ition. Unfortun"tel, for m"n, $"tients suffering from this 'ise"se "t th"t time, m"instre"m me'icine fl"t.out 'enie' its e2istence. (hen st"n'"r' l"-or"tor, tests f"ile' to sho# "n, e1i'ence of "-norm"lit,, $rim"r, c"re 'octors ten'e' to conclu'e th"t the $ro-lem #"s K"ll in the he"'.K As is so often the c"se #ith Kmo'ern me'icine,K fi-rom,"lgi" -ec"me 1"li'"te' "s " true me'ic"l con'ition onl, #hen $h"rm"ceutic"l m"nuf"cturers 'e1elo$e' " 'rug to tre"t it. These '",s, 'octors sim$l, #rite " $rescri$tion, "n' the 'rugs "re fl,ing off the shel1es. ut the i'e" th"t $ro-lems #ith mitochon'ri"l function $l", "n im$ort"nt role in this 'isor'er h"s m"int"ine' tr"ction o1er the ,e"rs, "t le"st #ith more enlightene' $h,sici"ns #ho "re concerne' #ith tre"ting the un'erl,ing c"uses of 'ise"se, r"ther th"n sim$l, focusing on s,m$tom m"n"gement. /hortl, "fter the lecture, I returne' to m, office in N"$les "n' -eg"n to re"ssess m, "$$ro"ch to fi-rom,"lgi". Coinci'ent"ll,, "t th"t time I #"s in1estig"ting " 1"riet, of techniGues 'esigne' to enh"nce mitochon'ri"l function "n' turne' m, "ttention to glut"thione, " chemic"l norm"ll, $ro'uce' in the -o', th"t $rotects mitochon'ri" "n' m"int"ins their function. M, rese"rch re1e"le' th"t glut"thione coul' -e "'ministere' intr"1enousl, "n' #"s "$$ro1e' "s "n emergenc, tre"tment for "cet"mino$hen o1er'ose. I #"s soon "-le to fin' " su$$lier "n', -efore long, -eg"n to tre"t our e1er.gro#ing num-er of fi-rom,"lgi" $"tients #ith inAections of glut"thione, often #ith imme'i"te "n' 'r"m"tic success.B !ne /e$tem-er "fternoon, I h"' the o$$ortunit, to e1"lu"te " $"tient #ho, unfortun"tel,, not onl, h"' f"irl, "'1"nce' fi-rom,"lgi" -ut P"r*inson8s 'ise"se "s #ell. The l"tter h"' com$romise' his "-ilit, to #"l* to the e2tent th"t he #"s #heelch"ir.-oun'. (e mo1e' "he"'


#ith our ne#l, 'isco1ere' tre"tment for fi-rom,"lgi" "n' "'ministere' glut"thione into his 1ein. (h"t h"' h"$$ene' ne2t fore1er ch"nge' m, $r"ctice of me'icine. A-out B= minutes "fter the inAection, this $"tient got out of the #heelch"ir "n' -eg"n to #"l* "roun' the office. I, "long #ith m, entire office st"ff, st"re' in "m"Hement until #e notice' te"rs floo'ing his #ife8s f"ce, "t #hich $oint #e "ll st"rte' cr,ing, too. M, min' #"s r"cing. (h"t h"' h"$$ene'F Then it c"me to me; it #"s "lre"', #ell *no#n th"t P"r*inson8s is -"sic"ll, " mitochon'ri"l 'isor'er, so tre"ting him #ith glut"thione #"s "ctu"ll, t"rgeting the root c"use of the 'ise"se. As I #oul' come to s", in m"n, lectures o1er the ,e"rs since, K(e tre"te' the fire, not Aust the smo*e.K Louis P"steur once o-ser1e', KCh"nce f"1ors the $re$"re' min',K "n' I #"s, "n' rem"in, gr"teful for this ch"nce e1ent #ith this $"tient "s m, min', 'ee$l, in1ol1e' in the science of mitochon'ri"l -iochemistr,, #"s K$re$"re'K to connect these t#o seemingl, 'is$"r"te $uHHle $"rts. I soon unco1ere' rese"rch th"t 'emonstr"te' th"t, in "''ition to the f"ct th"t P"r*inson8s is " mitochon'ri"l 'isor'er, $ostmortem "n"l,sis h"' $ro1en th"t the -r"ins of P"r*insoni"ns #ere "ctu"ll, 'eficient in glut"thioneJ Furthermore, It"li"n rese"rchers h"', Aust one ,e"r e"rlier, 'emonstr"te' 'r"m"tic "n' long.l"sting im$ro1ements in P"r*inson8s $"tients #ho recei1e' intr"1enous glut"thione. The rese"rchers re$orte', KAll $"tients im$ro1e' signific"ntl, "fter glut"thione ther"$,, #ith " CBQ 'ecline in 'is"-ilit,. ... the ther"$eutic effect l"ste' B.C months. . . . 0lut"thione h"s s,m$tom"tic effic"c, "n' $ossi-l, ret"r's the $rogression of the 'ise"se.K An' ,et, $erh"$s -ec"use it #"s not " $"tent"-le 'rug, no one h"' gotten the #or' out to the tens of thous"n's of neurologists #ho tre"t P"r*inson8s $"tients e1er, '",.4 After this origin"l e$i$h"n,, I -eg"n to tre"t m, P"r*inson8s $"tients "ggressi1el, #ith this ne# "$$ro"ch&#ith continue' success. I incor$or"te' com$elling 1i'eot"$e' e2"m$les of P"r*inson8s $"tients -efore "n' "fter glut"thione ther"$, into 1"rious lectures I #"s $resenting to m, colle"gues "roun' the countr,& $rim"ril, com$lement"r,.min'e' grou$s, #ho res$on'e' #on'erfull,, #ith "cce$t"nce. Interestingl,, se1er"l times o1er the ,e"rs, m"instre"m neurologists "ccuse' me of hiring "ctors to st"n' in for "ctu"l $"tients in these glut"thione 1i'eos. These ch"llenges "l#",s -rought to min' these #ise #or's of the elgi"n No-el l"ure"te in liter"ture, M"urice M"eterlinc*; KAt e1er, cross#", on the ro"' th"t le"'s to the future, e"ch $rogressi1e s$irit is o$$ose' -, " thous"n' men "$$ointe' to gu"r' the $"st.K !1er the ensuing ,e"rs, the science surroun'ing glut"thione e2$lo'e', "n' #e -eg"n to incor$or"te this $o#erful n"tur"l su-st"nce into " l"rge num-er of our $rotocols, from com-"ting the common col', to tre"ting multi$le sclerosis, to $re1enting ner1e '"m"ge in c"ncer $"tients recei1ing chemother"$,. An', "s of this #riting, I h"1e tr"ine' se1er"l thous"n' 'octors in the Unite' /t"tes in our sim$le $rotocols of glut"thione "'ministr"tion. / UTAT"!ONE' .O#E T"AN AN ANT!O1!DANT 0lut"thione, in "''ition to its critic"l "ntio2i'"nt function, $erforms " #i'e 1"riet, of other$$orting functions. Christo$her /h"#, " neuro-iologist "t the Uni1ersit, of ritish Colum-i", st"te' in his "ntholog, 0lut"thione in the Ner1ous /,stem, KM"n, of these re"ctions "re cruci"l to cell sur1i1"l. . . . !ne h,$othesis Nth"t of r"'iother"$ist Dr. 7ohn A. +oltO h"s e1en suggeste' th"t glut"thione is res$onsi-le for the origin of life. (hile this l"tter 1ie# seems li*el, to reflect scientific h,$er-ole, it m", -e 'ifficult to o1erestim"te the centr"l im$ort"nce of this molecule in the -iochemistr, of li1ing cells.KC These functions inclu'e the s,nthesis, $rotection, "n' re$"ir of DNAI the s,nthesis of $roteinI the tr"ns$ort of "mino "ci'sI the met"-olism of to2ins "n' c"rcinogensI immune enh"ncementI the "cti1"tion of enH,mesI "n' the elimin"tion of '"m"ging he"1, met"ls.


/o $o#erful "re the im$lic"tions of glut"thione for -r"in he"lth "n' function th"t it is not sur$rising th"t mitochon'ri", the source of cellul"r energ, "s #ell "s free r"'ic"ls, 'e$en' he"1il, on glut"thione for their #ell.-eing. In f"ct, scientists me"sure the le1els of glut"thione #ithin mitochon'ri" "s "n in'ic"tor of their 1it"lit,. ut e1en though mitochon'ri" 'e$en' u$on glut"thione, the, l"c* the "-ilit, to m"nuf"cture this life.sust"ining molecule "n' must therefore im$ort it from the cells in #hich the, resi'e. M"n, t,$es of cells in the hum"n -o', "re "-le to $ro'uce glut"thione, -ut most is $ro'uce' in the li1er "n' tr"ns$orte' throughout the -o',, e1en into the -r"in "cross #h"t h"s is *no#n "s the -loo'.-r"in -"rrier. The -loo'.-r"in -"rrier is the -r"in8s securit, chec*$oint. It "llo#s nutrients "n' other $ositi1e f"ctors to $"ss into the s"nctu"r, of the -r"in #hile $re1enting the entr, of $otenti"ll, '"m"ging chemic"ls "n' infectious "gents. Not une2$ecte'l,, #hen li1er.$ro'uce' glut"thione "$$ro"ches the -loo'.-r"in -"rrier, it recei1es " #"rm #elcome. Ne# rese"rch no# sho#s th"t " s$ecific $o$ul"tion of -r"in cells, c"lle' "stroc,tes&so n"me' -ec"use of their st"r li*e "$$e"r"nce&"ctu"ll, $ro'uce glut"thione #ithin the -r"in itself. !NC#EAS!N/ / UTAT"!ONE EVE S Unli*e $roteins, #hich "re constructe' from hun're's or e1en thous"n's of "mino "ci' -uil'ing -loc*s, glut"thione, " m"nifest"tion of eleg"nt sim$licit,, is m"'e from Aust three& c,steine, glut"mic "ci', "n' gl,cine&#hich me"ns th"t it is " tri$e$ti'e. (ith the ho$e of enh"ncing the -o',8s "-ilit, to m"*e more glut"thione, rese"rchers h"1e e2$lore' no1el #",s of su$$l,ing these "mino "ci' glut"thione $recursors or"ll,. Unfortun"tel,, most h"1e not succee'e' -ec"use "-sor$tion from the gut is $rofoun'l, limite', "n' most of the glut"thione -re"*s 'o#n in the stom"ch long -efore it h"s " ch"nce to -e "-sor-e'. +o#e1er, one form of c,steine, N."cet,lc,steine >NAC?, "s #ell "s the "ntio2i'"nt "l$h". li$oic "ci', 'oes sho# $romise. oth of these su$$lements "re "1"il"-le #ithout $rescri$tion "t he"' stores. F"ce' #ith the rel"ti1e in"'eGu"c, of or"l "mino "ci' $recursors, or e1en or"l glut"thione, to incre"se glut"thione "t the cellul"r le1el, scientists h"1e e2$lore' other "1enues to "ccom$lish this t"s*. In B==B, rese"rchers "t the 7ohns +o$*ins loom-erg /chool of Pu-lic +e"lth, le' -, /h,"m is#"l, 'isco1ere' #h"t the, terme' the Km"ster regul"torK of genes in1ol1e' in 'eto2ific"tion, the NrfB s,stem. The, foun' th"t turning on this genetic f"ctor gre"tl, enh"nce' the -o',8s $ro'uction of "ntio2i'"nts "s #ell "s "nti.infl"mm"tor, "n' 'eto2if,ing chemic"ls. 0lut"thione #"s "mong the chemic"ls most $rofoun'l, enh"nce' -, stimul"tion of the NrfB $"th#",. In his #or*, Dr. is#"l 'isco1ere' " tot"ll, 'ifferent "$$ro"ch for incre"sing glut"thione. +e foun' the gol'en *e,, the s#itch th"t turns on the gene8s "-ilit, to m"*e glut"thione. Mo1ing further -"c* in this cellul"r function, rese"rchers "lso le"rne' #h"t regul"tes the NrfB $"th#", "n' i'entifie' the s$ecific n"tur"l su-st"nces th"t "cti1"te it. /oon, the, i'entifie' $l"nt.-"se' nutrients, c"lle' $h,tonutrients, th"t "cti1"te the NrfB $"th#",, #hich in turn gener"tes glut"thione $ro'uction "t the cellul"r le1el. These $h,tonutrients inclu'e the s$ice turmeric >curcumin?, green te" e2tr"ct, $terostil-ene, "n' sulfor"$h"ne, " chemic"l foun' in -roccoli "n' one of the most $otent "cti1"tors. This fin'ing e2$l"ins the so.c"lle' -roccoli effect, " stimul"tion of the NrfB $"th#", -, e"ting -roccoli, th"t hel$s $rotect the -o', #hen it is e2$ose' to c"ncer.c"using "gents. /ulfor"$h"ne, " *e, ingre'ient in the $ro'uct NrfB Acti1"tor, is one of the most #i'el, stu'ie' "cti1"tors of the NrfB $"th#", "n' c"n -e t"*en or"ll, "s " nutrition"l su$$lement. Pterostil-ene, foun' in -lue-erries, is one goo' re"son #h, -lue-erries h"1e long -een toute' "s "n im$ort"nt "''ition to the 'iet for their $o#erful "ntio2i'"nt $ro$erties.


Pterostil-ene is chemic"ll, rel"te' to the more f"mili"r "n' $o$ul"r su$$lement res1er"trol. ut in m"n, *e, #",s, $terostil-ene is f"r more $otent th"n res1er"trol. Pterostil-ene, li*e sulfor"$h"ne "n' turmeric, enh"nces the $ro'uction of *e, "ntio2i'"nts th"t "re critic"l for $rotecting cells "g"inst the '"m"ging effects of free r"'ic"ls, most im$ort"ntl, glut"thione. In "''ition, $terostil-ene h"s 'emonstr"te' $o#erful "ntic"ncer "cti1it, in " 1"riet, of "nim"l e2$eriment"l mo'els. The "cti1"tion of the NrfB $"th#", -, $h,tonutrients is $o#erful "n' h"s im$ort"nt im$lic"tions for hum"n he"lth. /tu'ies sho# th"t the s#itches th"t control the 1"rious he"lth. $romoting genes th"t "re t"rgete' -, this $"th#", m", rem"in in the KonK $osition for "s long "s BC hours "fter -eing stimul"te' -, "n "$$ro$ri"te $h,tonutrient.6 This me"ns th"t s$ecific $h,tonutrients th"t t"rget the NrfB $"th#", "re " $o#erful me"ns through #hich ,ou c"n $erson"ll, 'irect the e2$ression of life.sust"ining genes in ,our -o',. An' -ec"use these genes co'e for incre"sing glut"thione, their "cti1"tion hel$s $reser1e "n' $rotect ,our -r"in "n' e1en enh"nce its function. Alberto' Deep Dive Two For m, secon' + !T session, I 'eci'e' to t"*e m, -r"in for " test 'ri1e "g"in insi'e the o2, "tmos$here. I h"' Aust recei1e' "n intr"1enous inAection of t#o gr"ms of glut"thione. As I felt the $ressure -uil'ing insi'e the ch"m-er, I remin'e' m,self to -re"the 'ee$l,. I *ne# th"t res$ir"tion is regul"te' -, c"r-on 'io2i'e concentr"tions in the -loo' "n' th"t, in the o2, en1ironment of the ch"m-er, m, -o', #oul' feel little nee' to inh"le 'ee$l,. I #"nte' to get "s much o2,gen into m, s,stem "s $ossi-le. The t"s* I h"' set for m,self #"s to come u$ #ith the outline for " ne# -oo* I #"s #or*ing on c"lle' Cour"geous Dre"ming. I h"' committe' m,self to #rite this -oo* o1er " gl"ss of #ine #ith the $resi'ent of +", +ouse, "n' he h"' sent me " contr"ct #ithout either one of us *no#ing #h"t I #oul' -e #riting "-out. The onl, i'e" #"s the notion th"t sh"m"ns "re "-le to 're"m their #orl' into -eing "s the result of the $r"ctice of cour"ge. It8s essenti"l to h"1e "n outline -efore st"rting on " -oo*, or else ,ou 'isco1er #h"t ,ou "re tr,ing to s", -, e'iting "n' re#ritingI it is simil"r to the #ise i'e" of h"1ing "n "rchitectur"l $l"n for " house -efore ,ou -egin construction. (hile I h"' " feeling "-out #h"t I #"nte' to s",, I h"' no i'e" ho# to go "-out 'oing it. I h"' "lre"', trie' out the tri"l."n'.error "$$ro"ch to #riting ,e"rs -efore #ith " -oo* c"lle' Futuremin', #hich " frien' 'u--e' Ne1ermin' -ec"use the $roAect ne1er seeme' to en', "n' #"s ne1er $u-lishe'. A-out B6 minutes into m, + !T session, I -eg"n to feel " gre"t sense of cl"rit,, "n' I c"lle' forth m, "ssignment. (ithin inst"nts, I -eg"n to liter"ll, see the ch"$ters of the -oo* t"*ing sh"$e in front of me, "ll the #hile #ith m, e,es close'. I coul' re"' the title of e"ch ch"$ter "n' sc"n its contents. Then I remem-ere' the onl, other time in m, life #hen I h"' " 1isu"l e2$erience li*e thisI it #"s in high school #hen " fe# frien's "n' I smo*e' m"riAu"n" "n' I #"s "-le to see the notes of the music #e #ere listening to in front of me. %et this time I #"s in tot"l "n' com$lete control, "n' there #"s onl, the $erce$tion of seeing the ch"$ter he"'ings -efore me, "ll of them "$$e"ring "t once. I rec"lle' re"'ing "-out ho# MoH"rt #oul' com$ose "n entire $i"no son"t" "t once, "n' ho# he com$l"ine' #hen he coul' not #rite the notes Guic*l, enough. In f"ct, e1er, ,e"r of his "'ult life, MoH"rt com$ose' more music th"n the e"tles 'i' in their entire c"reers. I cle"rl, *ne# I #"s no MoH"rt, ,et "ll of these thoughts r"n through m, min', e1en "s I $"ge' through the m"nuscri$t of the finishe' -oo* "n' smile' to m,self "t the f"mili"rit, of the m"teri"l. !-1iousl,, I h"' -een gi1ing " gre"t 'e"l of thought to #h"t I #oul' #rite "-out, "n' $ro-"-l, m, min' #"s "ccessing inform"tion I h"' "lre"', org"niHe' in m, su-conscious. ut $"rt of me coul' not hel$ #on'ering if I might not h"1e -een Kste$$ing outsi'e of


or'in"r, time,K "s m"n, sh"m"ns cl"im the, "re "-le to 'o, to fin' the com$lete' -oo* "n' -ring it -"c* from the future. Coul' I h"1e -een "ccessing some rel"ti1istic time.s$"ce #here m, 'estin, #"s "1"il"-le to meF An' if so, might I "lso -e "-le to 'o this to fin' " future he"le' st"te for m,self, or $erh"$s e1en for m, clients, one in #hich the, li1e' long "n' 'ise" li1esF I #"s tem$te' to t"$ on the $l"stic tu-e "n' "s* the nurse to -ring me $en "n' $"$er so I #oul' not forget "n, of the 'et"ils of the outline of the -oo*. %et, this #"s unnecess"r, -ec"use I coul' summon the entire -oo* into m, "#"reness "t "n, time. An' it #"s not sim$l, #ritten te2t. It #"s l"ce' #ith feeling, te2ture, color, "n' fr"gr"nce, "s "ll of m, senses c"me forth #hen I #itnesse' the te2t. As #e s"# in Ch"$ter B, this is *no#n "s s,nesthesi", or the crossing o1er of the senses, "n' is commonl, e2hi-ite' -, in'i1i'u"ls #ho "re s"1"nts. The 'ee$ cle"nsing of free r"'ic"l Kslu'geK $ro1i'e' -, the glut"thione, together #ith the "-un'"nt o2,gen, must h"1e "llo#e' m, -r"in to "tt"in " le1el of s,nerg, I h"' ne1er *no#n -efore. As soon "s I c"me out of the + !T ch"m-er, I outline' the entire -oo*, Aust in c"se. Four months l"ter, I h"n'e' the finishe' -oo* to m, $u-lisher in " slightl, -etter "n' more im$ro1e' 1ersion of the m"nuscri$t th"n I h"' KseenK th"t '", in the + !T ch"m-er. To'",, I t"*e intr"1enous >IV? glut"thione regul"rl,, "s I h"1e single nucleoti'e $ol,mor$hisms, or /NPs, th"t in'ic"te f"ult, $ro'uction of "n enH,me >su$ero2i'e 'ismut"se, or /!D? th"t $rotects mitochon'ri", DNA, "n' $roteins from free r"'ic"l '"m"ge. ut e1en more im$ort"nt th"n KseeingK the contents of " -oo*, the IV glut"thione relie1e' me of " tremen'ous "mount of stress. M, min' #"s no longer t"2e' or "ggr"1"te' -, "cti1ities th"t use' to m"*e me u$set. If the #"iter #ho ser1e' me in " rest"ur"nt seeme' to -e ru'e, it no longer s$oile' m, lunchI if the 'ri1er in front of me #"s -eh"1ing rec*lessl,, I no longer let it u$set me. I foun' th"t I #"s -ecoming less re"cti1e to situ"tions th"t, -efore, #oul' h"1e 'ulle' m, "#"reness "n' elicite' "n emotion.l"'en re"ction. David' /lutat*ione$s E(tensive #ole in "ealt* 0lut"thione8s functions "s "n "ntio2i'"nt, 'eto2ific"tion "gent, "n' he"1,.met"l chel"tor "s #ell "s its "-ilit, to regener"te im$ort"nt 1it"mins li*e C "n' E h"1e Austifie' our intr"1enous $rotocols for its "'ministr"tion "t the Perlmutter +e"lth Center for more th"n " 'ec"'e. 0lut"thione is li*e m"nn" for mitochon'ri", enh"ncing their function #hile $rotecting them from the '"m"ging -,.$ro'ucts of energ, $ro'uction. An' -ec"use so m"n, 'ise"ses "re ch"r"cteriHe' -, mitochon'ri"l f"ilure, it8s h"r' to *no# #here to 'r"# the line in terms of limiting the use of this n"tur"l su-st"nce. As mentione' "-o1e, I h"1e tr"ine' thous"n's to "'minister glut"thione intr"1enousl,. M"n, "re mem-ers of the Americ"n College for A'1"ncement in Me'icine >ACAM?, #hose 'octors "re liste' "t ###."c" "n' c"n -e se"rche' -, Hi$ co'e. Intr"1enous glut"thione le"'s to "n imme'i"te im$ro1ement in mitochon'ri"l function, "n' the s,m$tom"tic -enefits of turning on the mitochon'ri" "re often mir"culous, not onl, in $"tients suffering from 'ise"ses -ut e1en in he"lth, in'i1i'u"ls #ho utiliHe this ther"$, in conAunction #ith me'it"tion $r"ctices. Com-ining -oth or"l su$$lement"tion, to enh"nce glut"thione $ro'uction, "n' glut"thione "'ministere' intr"1enousl, -, inAection "long #ith h,$er-"ric o2,gen, $ro1i'es "n un$"r"llele' le1el of ther"$eutic inter1ention 'esigne' to enh"nce the life energ,.gener"ting $otenti"l of mitochon'ri". In the first Po#er U$ %our r"in Intensi1e, #hich #e 'e1elo$e' in B==), $"rtici$"nts eng"ge' in " #ee*long $rogr"m of intensi1e sh"m"nic energ, me'it"tion $r"ctices. In "''ition to these techniGues, e"ch of the $"rtici$"nts recei1e' '"il, h,$er-"ric


o2,gen ther"$, "long #ith inAections of glut"thione. (e #ere not full, $re$"re' for the results th"t #e e2$erience'. /ETT!N/ OUT O% A DEP#ESS!VE SP!#A K ,ron,K " successful entre$reneur "n' o#ner of " ch"in of foo' stores, c"me to our Po#er U$ %our r"in Intensi1e -ec"use he felt e2h"uste'. An' no #on'er; he h"' -een m"n"ging to m"*e it through e"ch '", on " 'oHen cu$s of coffee, #ith the hel$ of "m$het"mines, "n' then *noc*ing himself out "t night #ith V"lium "n' occ"sion"l recre"tion"l 'oses of o2,co'one, #hich is 'eri1e' from o$ium. In other #or's, ,ron h"' his foot on the -r"*e "n' the "cceler"tor "t the s"me time. +is '"il, coc*t"il of u$$ers "n' 'o#ners tem$or"ril, *e$t him going "t his grueling sche'ule -ut e1entu"ll, sent his ner1ous s,stem into " 'e$ressi1e s$ir"l. Li*e m"n, $eo$le #e h"1e #or*e' #ith, ,ron #"s'ic"ting #ith $rescri$tion "n' street 'rugs to tr, to correct "n im-"l"nce in his -r"in "n' m"*e u$ for ',sfunction"l mitochon'ri" th"t #ere not $ro'ucing 1it"l life energ,. The first thing #e h"' to 'o #"s to hel$ ,ron 'eto2if, his -r"in "n' ner1ous s,stem. The 'rugs he #"s t"*ing "re "ll -ro*en 'o#n in the li1er, "n' glut"thione is not onl, l"rgel, $ro'uce' in the li1er, -ut is "lso " m"Aor he$"tic 'eto2ifier. (e *ne# #e #oul' h"1e to get his li1er to come -"c* online so th"t it #oul' -e "-le to hel$ the rest of his -o', elimin"te the to2ins. Al-erto "n' his st"ff -eg"n the energ, me'icine tre"tments, cle"ring the energ, centers in the -o', "n' restoring coherence to ,ron8s energ, s,stem. +e #"s recei1ing u$ to four sessions '"il,, inclu'ing m"ss"ge, "cu$uncture, "n' sh"m"nic he"ling. >For " more 'et"ile' 'escri$tion of sh"m"nic he"ling $r"ctices, see Al-erto Villol'o8s -oo* /h"m"n, +e"ler, /"ge.? The initi"l focus of Al-erto8s st"ff #"s to hel$ Guiet ,ron8s +PA "2is -, utiliHing sh"m"nic energ, me'icine techniGues, to ensure th"t he 'i' not function in const"nt fight.or.flight mo'e. ,ron8s +PA "2is #"s so com$romise' th"t he li1e' in " st"te of $"r"l,sis, #hich is the custom"r, res$onse #hen " $erson is un"-le to either fight or flee. After the thir' '", in the $rogr"m, ,ron re$orte' th"t he #"s feeling #e"*er th"n e1er "n' coul' h"r'l, m"*e it out of -e'I he misse' t#o of his morning sessions. oth of us, Al-erto "n' D"1i', recogniHe' th"t he #"s 'eto2if,ing too r"$i'l,, thus o1er#helming his s,stem. ec"use the -o',8s o#n 'eto2ific"tion $"th#",s "n' s,stems "re "lre"', o1erlo"'e', re'ucing the to2ic lo"' on the -r"in "n' ner1ous s,stem h"s to -e 'one #ith su$$ort. (e or'ere' " l,m$h"tic m"ss"ge, #hich #oul' hel$ cle"nse his s,stem, g"1e him fresh org"nic 1eget"-le Auice, "n' "s*e' him to rest for the rem"in'er of the '",. The follo#ing morning, he -oun'e' into our offices to tell us th"t, for the first time in m"n, ,e"rs, he h"' -een "-le to slee$ #ithout me'ic"tion. +e loo*e' cheerful "n' reste', "n' the -l"c* clou' th"t h"' -een h"nging o1er him since #e met him seeme' to h"1e lifte'. No# th"t ,ron h"' g"ine' some strength "n' his -o', #"s 'eto2if,ing n"tur"ll,, Al-erto "n' his st"ff coul' re"ll, get to the 'ee$er energ, me'icine. !ur intention #"s to cle"r the tr"um" from his energ, fiel' th"t h"' le' him to "-use 'rugs. (e #or*e' #ith ,ron right "fter his + !T sessions, #hen his energ, #"s strong "n' e2$"nsi1e. After one of his sessions, he tol' us the stor, of his "lcoholic "n' emotion"ll, "-usi1e f"ther "n' ho# '"il, inci'ents of ill.tre"tment from the "ge of 9= to 9B h"' m"r*e' him. As #e cle"re' this im$rint from his fiel'&#hich #e 'o #ithout eng"ging in the 'r"m" of the stor,, -ec"use th"t is not im$ort"nt in sh"m"nic he"ling&he st"rte' to e2$erience inner $e"ce. !n the l"st '", of the intensi1e, he tol' Al-erto th"t he h"' 'isco1ere' his life c"lling; th"t he h"' come here not merel, to o#n foo' stores, -ut to fee' $eo$le re"l, li1ing foo'. (ith th"t, he left the Po#er U$ %our r"in Intensi1e #ith " ne# sense of 'irection "n' me"ning.


Three ,e"rs l"ter, ,ron is free from "n, 'rug use. +e re$orts th"t his min' is cle"r, the -r"in fog h"s lifte', "n' he is "-le to slee$ #ithout the "i' of me'ic"tion. Furthermore, he is using the contem$l"tion $r"ctices 'escri-e' in Ch"$ter 94, K/h"m"nic E2ercises,K to m"int"in "n' su$$ort his ne#, enlightene' life. Profession"ll,, he no# o#ns " 1er, $o$ul"r rest"ur"nt th"t ser1es he"lth,, #holesome me"ls.


C"APTE# 00 T"E S"A.AN$S /!%T

/h"m"ns -elie1e th"t the #orl' seems re"l onl, -ec"use #e $ercei1e it "s such "n' th"t e1er,thing #e $ercei1e is " reflection of "n intern"l m"$ th"t #e oursel1es, "long #ith our culture, h"1e constructe' "-out the n"ture of re"lit,. These m"$s "re store' in #h"t sh"m"ns *no# "s the Light o',, "n' #h"t scientists c"ll neur"l net#or*s in our -r"in. /h"m"ns *no# th"t if the, #ish to ch"nge the outer #orl', the, must -egin -, ch"nging the inner m"$s, -, he"ling the im$rints of 'ise"se "n' tr"um" from the Light o',. The, -elie1e th"t the Light o', is the -lue$rint th"t cre"tes he"lth or 'ise"se. ut ho# f"r 'oes this met"$hor of " -lue$rint goF iologists no# recogniHe th"t onl, 6 $ercent of n.DNA co'es for $roteins to -uil' the hum"n -o',. The other E6 $ercent is consi'ere' KAun* DNAK -ec"use it is nonco'ing. ut #h"t if this other E6 $ercent re$resents the Kli-r"r, shelfK of genetic $ossi-ilities th"t #e "re not currentl, selecting fromF Coul' #e cure illnesses "n' m"int"in he"lth -, mo'if,ing our gene e2$ressionF An' #h"t if #e coul' 'o this -, he"ling our Light o',F (hen #e he"l our Light o',, #e c"n "ccess " *no#le'ge th"t is "1"il"-le to "ll hum"n -eings. In 'oing so, #e coul' interf"ce #ith the -ios$here in #",s #e81e ne1er im"gine', to u$gr"'e the Gu"lit, of n"tur"l inform"tion "1"il"-le to us "n' inst"ll it in the h"r'#"re th"t8s -een in our -r"ins "ll "long. T"E /#EAT PE#%ECT!ON on is the "ncient in'igenous s$iritu"l tr"'ition of Ti-et. The line"ge of on te"chers is s"i' to h"1e -een foun'e' -, Ton$" /henr"- ne"rl, 9),=== ,e"rs "go, $re'"ting u''hism -, m"n, thous"n's of ,e"rs. Ton$" /henr"- #"s -orn into " ro,"l f"mil, "n', "ccor'ing to legen', left the comfort of the $"l"ce "n' tr"1ele' to Mount :"il"sh, #here he me'it"te' "n' "tt"ine' enlightenment. E1en to'",, follo#ers of the on religion 1enture into n"ture to f"st "n' $r", so the, c"n he"l their Light o', "n' "tt"in " gre"ter un'erst"n'ing of the #or*ings of the min' "n' of consciousness. An essenti"l te"ching of on, *no#n "s DHogchen >or the 0re"t Perfection?, suggests th"t once ,ou he"l ,our Light o', #ith s$ecific $r"ctices, ,ou "re e1en "-le to sur1i1e $h,sic"l 'e"th. After the intro'uction of u''hism to Ti-et 'uring the Dth centur,, the on tr"'itions, #hich to this '", rem"in sh"m"nistic, lost f"1or "mong the ro,"l f"milies. In 9E)D, ho#e1er, the D"l"i L"m", #ho is " m"ster of DHogchen, recogniHe' on "s one of the fi1e schools of Ti-et"n u''hism "n' for-"'e 'iscrimin"tion "g"inst on $r"ctitioners. DHogchen $r"ctice culti1"tes " Light o', th"t is free from the im$rints of tr"um" "n' 'ise"se. This is *no#n "s the n"tur"l, $rimor'i"l st"te of "n uncon'itione' min'. In this st"te, me'it"tion comes e"sil, "n' infuses e1er,'", "cti1ities. %ou no longer nee' to retire to " $rimor'i"l c"1e or mon"ster, to "tt"in inner $e"ce "n' Ao,. As ,our Light o', he"ls "n' ,our n"tur"l min' est"-lishes itself, ,ou #ill st"rt to "tt"in "n inner $e"ce "n' eGu"nimit, th"t #ill r"'i"te "ll "roun' ,ou. As ,ou -ecome incre"singl, enlightene', ,our -o', #ill -ecome more luminous. Peo$le #ill notice there is no longer " figur"ti1e '"r* clou' h"nging o1er ,ou or " liter"l '"r* moo' "-out ,ou. Inste"', there is " ne# r"'i"nce to ,our -eing. T"E EA# !EST S"A.AN!C T#AD!T!ONS


Ti-et is nestle' in the formi'"-le +im"l","n mount"in r"nge "n' #"s l"rgel, $rotecte' from the m"r"u'ing "rmies th"t -esiege' most of Asi" o1er the centuries. %et it is outsi'e of Ti-et, "t the ceremoni"l -uri"l sites "t the c"1es of /h"ni'"r, in the :ur'ist"n, Ir"G, th"t #e fin' the e"rliest e1i'ence of " '"#ning sh"m"nic "#"reness. Archeologist R"l$h /olec*i "n' his te"m from Colum-i" Uni1ersit, unco1ere' "n el"-or"te Ne"n'erth"l -uri"l site there, #hich the, '"te' to "roun' )=,=== ,e"rs -.c.e. The rem"ins 'isco1ere' seem to suggest th"t, contr"r, to the gener"l $erce$tion of Ne"n'erth"ls "s $rimiti1e, -rutish cre"tures, the, "ctu"ll, constructe' el"-or"te -uri"ls, in'ic"ting "n "#"reness of "n "fterlife. It is "lso -elie1e' th"t sh"m"ns "t this site c"re' for the sic* "n' inAure', nursing them #ith flo#er "n' her-"l reme'ies. Pollen s"m$les suggest the, use' me'icin"l $l"nts, inclu'ing ,"rro#, r"g#ort, gr"$e h,"cinth, "n' holl,hoc*. M"n, s*ills th"t #e t"*e for gr"nte' to'", #ere once consi'ere' m,stic"l "n' hel' the gener"l $o$ul"tion in "#e. If ,ou #ere "-le to count $"st B= #ithout using ,our fingers "n' toes or #ere "-le to 'i1i'e or multi$l,, ,ou #ere consi'ere' gifte'. The e"rliest e1i'ence of counting comes from " #olf leg -one '"te' to "-out 4=,=== ,e"rs "go foun' -, "nthro$ologist :"rel A-solon in CHechoslo1"*i" in 9E4D.9 It #"s notche' #ith 66 scr"tches, #ith 'ee$er groo1es for the B6th "n' B5th, $erh"$s m"r*ing the time -et#een the -lee'ing c,cles of " #om"n of the 1ill"ge. The sh"m"ns #ere not onl, he"lers "n' ceremoni"lists #ho ten'e' to -irths "n' 'e"ths, -ut "lso the e"rliest "stronomers "n' m"them"tici"ns. The ol'est e1i'ence #e h"1e of " societ, th"t un'erstoo' the 1"lue of $i >4.9C95? comes from the 0re"t P,r"mi' "t 0iH", constructe' "roun' B6== -.c.e. The $,r"mi' h"s " $erimeter of 9,D5= cu-its "n' " height of B)= cu-its, #hich gi1es us the r"tio 9D5=;B)=, #hich is e2"ctl, eGu"l to t#o times $i. This coinci'es #ith other historic"l m"r*ers of the "#"*ening of the $refront"l corte2, inclu'ing the 'isco1er, of the "l$h"-et. The first #ritten te2ts refer to the 1"lue of $i, #hich #oul' not h"$$en for "nother 5== ,e"rs "fter the 0re"t P,r"mi' #"s com$lete'. The $refront"l corte2 "llo#e' cert"in in'i1i'u"ls to un'erst"n' the n"ture of time "n' $re'ict ecli$ses "n' eGuino2es, #hich #oul' "lso h"1e -een im$ressi1e 'is$l",s of $recogniti1e s*ills to the less enlightene'. E"rl, "stronomers, such "s the Dogon sh"m"ns, #ere mem-ers of religious societies #ho "ssoci"te' the he"1enl, -o'ies #ith go's or e1en i'entifie' them "s go's. The M"," co'ices, #hich "re #ritten in hierogl,$hic scri$t, inclu'e' 'et"ile' t"-les for c"lcul"ting the $h"ses of the moon "n' the $rogression of the eGuino2es. /o "ccur"te #ere the "ncient M","n "stronomers th"t the, $re'icte' th"t the sun8s elli$tic"l $"th through the Mil*, (", #ill "lign #ith the g"l"ctic eGu"tor on the #inter solstice on Decem-er B9, B=9B, "n e1ent th"t mo'ern "stronomers h"1e confirme' h"$$ens onl, once e1er, B5,=== ,e"rs. >The M"," -elie1e' th"t this cosmic e1ent #oul' me"n the tr"nsform"tion -ut not the 'estruction of the #orl'.? %et, #hile (estern science turne' its g"He "lmost e2clusi1el, to the outer #orl', stu',ing the motions of the $l"nets, the origin of the uni1erse, "n' the e1olution of the s$ecies, s"ges "lso turne' their g"He in#"r' "n' stu'ie' the n"ture of the min' "n' consciousness itself. T!.E ESS A&A#ENESS /h"m"ns 'isco1ere' th"t once our Light o', #"s free of tr"um", our "#"reness coul' -e refine' to i'entif, -oth f"1or"-le "n' '"ngerous e1ents in the future. Those #ho 'e1elo$e' these 'orm"nt s*ills #ere "-le to gui'e hunters to #here -uff"lo #oul' -e gr"Hing the follo#ing '",, fore#"rn their 1ill"gers "-out "n "$$ro"ching tsun"mi, "n' le"' fishermen to their c"tch&#hich g"1e them "n ele1"te' st"tus of s"ges "mong their $eers. /*e$tics h"1e gone to gre"t length to 'e-un* these $ro$hetic "-ilities, -ut "m$le e1i'ence e2ists th"t the, #ere re"l. !ne of the most reno#ne' e2"m$les of sh"m"ns foreseeing -enefici"l o$$ortunities for their $eo$le occurre' in the 9)==s #hen the Unite' /t"tes go1ernment 'is$l"ce' the !s"ge n"tion


from its tr"'ition"l hunting groun' in Missouri. The hol, men of the !s"ge le' them to settle on l"n' in !*l"hom" th"t consiste' $rim"ril, of roc*, me"'o#s "n' -"rren hills, h"-it"t un'esir"-le to Euro$e"n settlers. %et the !s"ge s"ges "ssure' their $eo$le th"t the e"rth #oul' loo* "fter them for m"n, gener"tions if the, #ere to settle there. !ne of the f"ctors th"t m"'e the l"n' $"rticul"rl, un"$$e"ling #"s " -l"c* stic*, su-st"nce th"t ooHe' from -et#een the roc*s "n' $oisone' s$rings. !nl, l"ter #"s it 'isco1ere' th"t the !s"ge h"' settle' on one of the richest oil "n' g"s 'e$osits in North Americ". In his -oo* !il M"n; The /tor, of Fr"n* Philli$s "n' the irth of Philli$s Petroleum, Mich"el ("llis tells the legen'; K!ne 1ision"r, s"i' th"t he s"#, cle"r "s the summer s*,, the 'e"th of the ol' #",s. +e s"# 1isions of more #hite men coming, "n' he coul' e1en $icture their str"nge m"chines, snorting "n' -ello#ing "s if the, #ere iron -uff"loes.K The 1isions of their s"ges m"'e the !s"ge $eo$le of !s"ge Count,, !*l"hom", one of the #e"lthiest communities in Americ". As the e2$erience of the !s"ge N"tion $ro1es, some of our finest 'isco1eries come "-out #hen #e trust our hunches "n' correctl, re"' the signs th"t n"ture sho#s us. The sh"m"nic $r"ctices >"long #ith o$tim"l -r"in function? contri-ute to the 'e1elo$ment of intuition, #hich in the c"se of the !s"ge, tr"nsl"te' into gre"t fortune. T"E !/"T BODY There "re m"n, #",s to e2ch"nge inform"tion #ith the en1ironment. /ome of these #",s reGuire nothing more th"n e"ting "n e'i-le $l"nt or 'rin*ing #"ter from " s$ring, t"*ing " 'ee$ -re"th of fresh "ir, or -"s*ing in the sunlight. (e no# un'erst"n' th"t e"ting ri$e fresh fruit $ro1i'es fuel to tissues "n' cells "s #ell "s inform"tion "-out the loc"l en1ironment "n' th"t 'rin*ing from " $ure stre"m Guenches thirst "n' tells our -o'ies "-out the ecos,stem. This communic"tion #ith the -ios$here "lso h"$$ens #hen ,ou met"-oliHe the foo's ,ou e"t. In the (est, #e m", thin* of -re"', for e2"m$le, "s merel, " source of c"lories -ut, in "ctu"lit,, th"t foo' -rings cert"in inform"tion to ,our -o', "s #ell. Th"t st"l* of #he"t th"t #"s *ne"'e' "n' -"*e' into -re"' th"t ,ou consume h"s " -iologic"l memor, th"t #"s informe' -, the "mount of r"inf"ll it recei1e', -, ho# #ell it #"s nurture', "n' e1en -, the h"n's th"t h"r1este' it. Pl"nt "n' "nim"l foo's "re not onl, c"lories or fuel -ut the, "lso communic"te inform"tion to ,our genes. The ne# fiel' of nutrigenomics e2"mines ho# foo's con1e, inform"tion "-out ,our en1ironment to ,our cells. The e"rl, foun'"tions for this ne# science c"me from the un'erst"n'ing th"t, #hile our genes h"1e not ch"nge' much o1er the l"st 9=,=== ,e"rs, our 'iets h"1e "ltere' 'r"m"tic"ll,. Thus, 'ifferent 'iets le"' to 'ifferent $"tterns of genetic e2$ression, #hich result in 'ifferent $roteins -eing m"nuf"cture' "s #ell "s ch"nges in energ, met"-olism. For e2"m$le, " form of light -eer #"s the onl, fermente' 'rin* in the Americ"s $rior to the Euro$e"n conGuest, "n' "lcohol in the form of #his*e, #"s com$letel, un*no#n. This e2$l"ins #h, m"n, in'igenous $eo$les "re 'eficient in the enH,me "l'eh,'e 'eh,'rogen"se, #hich is res$onsi-le for met"-oliHing "lcohol "n' #hich e2$l"ins the 1er, lo# toler"nce for "lcohol "mong N"ti1e Americ"n communities. /imil"rl,, " l"rge $ercent"ge of Euro$e"ns #ho li1e' #here '"ir, f"rming #"s common 'e1elo$e' the gene th"t en"-le' them to 'igest l"ctose, #here"s m"n, $eo$le from other $"rts of the #orl' rem"in l"ctose intoler"nt. !1er the course of millenni", sign"ls from the -ios$here& from "ir, #"ter, sunlight, "n' foo' &en"-le' s$ecies to "'"$t to rel"ti1el, slo# ch"nges in the en1ironment. Loo*ing "t 'uc*s s#imming in #"ter, #e c"n see #h, the, h"1e #e--e' feet. !-ser1ing gir"ffes e"ting le"1es from t"ll trees e2$l"ins #h, th"t s$ecies h"s long nec*s. ut #h, 'o hum"ns h"1e such l"rge -r"insF (h, #oul' n"ture select for intelligence "n' consciousness #hen -rute force, l"rge muscles, s$ee', "n' sh"r$ teeth 'o so #ell for so m"n, s$eciesF Dinos"urs 'i' not 'is"$$e"r -ec"use of


their sm"ll -r"ins. The, #ere 'oing e2tremel, #ell "n' sho#ing no signs of ce'ing their 'omin"nt $l"ce in the l"n' "n' "ir to "n, other s$ecies. It is #i'el, "ssume' th"t 'inos"urs 1"nishe' -ec"use of "n e2tr"terrestri"l c"t"stro$he&" l"rge meteorite stri*ing $l"net E"rth&th"t occurre' "t the en' of the Cret"ceous $erio' 56 million ,e"rs "go "n' #i$e' e1er, l"rge cre"ture off the f"ce of the e"rth. The m"mm"ls th"t sur1i1e' 'i' so -ec"use of their 'iminuti1e siHe, not -ec"use of their intelligence or gre"ter -r"',.#eight r"tios. In f"ct, for the more th"n 9== million ,e"rs th"t 'inos"urs rule', tin, m"mm"ls, most of them no l"rger th"n " mouse, li1e' si'e -, si'e #ith the gre"t re$tiles. M"mm"ls #ere not " su$erior form of life th"t c"me to re$l"ce the gi"nts. The, #ere sim$l, the luc*, -enefici"ries of " 'e1"st"ting e2tr"terrestri"l e1ent. (ith the 'is"$$e"r"nce of the 'inos"urs, the sm"ll m"mm"ls too* o1er the e"rth "n' -ec"me n"ture8s $referre' form of e2$ression for intelligence. /uggesting " ne"rl, m,stic"l inter$ret"tion of D"r#ini"n selection, #e -elie1e th"t n"ture selecte' hum"ns -"se' on the $rece$t of Ksur1i1"l of the #isestK "n' not onl, of the fiercest "n' f"stest. (h, else #oul' n"ture -ur'en hum"ns #ith " -r"in so l"rge th"t it onl, $"sses through the -irth c"n"l #ith immense 'ifficult,F (h, "re hum"n inf"nts -orn hel$less "n' un"-le to fen' for themsel1es, #hile " ne#-orn fo"l is "-le to run "fter its mother "n hour "fter -irthF The inform"tion #e $rocess from the en1ironment is, first "n' foremost, concerne' #ith e"ting, fee'ing, "n' self.$reser1"tion. ut it t"*es " 1er, sm"ll "mount of -r"in c"$"cit, to 'e"l #ith this inform"tion. Perh"$s our $refront"l corte2 #ill "llo# us to 'eco'e "n' 'o#nlo"' "n entirel, ne# set of instructions from n"ture. The s"ges of ol' -elie1e' this #"s the c"se. The, -elie1e' their $r"ctices "llo#e' them to u$lo"' ne# -iologic"l instructions into their Light o', th"t #oul' "llo# them to he"l themsel1es "n' li1e long li1es. These ne# instructions u$gr"'e' the Gu"lit, of their Light o', "n' hel$e' them to he"l from 'ise"se. The instructions "lso h"' to 'o #ith "ntici$"ting future -iologic"l e1olution, #ith -re"*ing free from or'in"r,, line"r time, "n' #ith le"rning to m"neu1er in timelessness or infinit,. It is these $r"ctices th"t "llo#e' Am"Hon s"ges to 'isco1er the formul" for cur"re #ithout en'less tri"l "n' error, "n' !s"ge seers to le"' their $eo$le to " l"n' of o$$ortunit, th"t seeme' -"rren "n' lifeless to e1er,one else. Alberto' Claire$s i-*t Body KCl"ireK #"s " $hotogr"$her "n' #riter. (hen she #ent to her 'octor for her "nnu"l chec*u$, her $h,sici"n 'isco1ere' " lum$ in her -re"st, 'ee$ un'erne"th muscle tissue, "n' "s*e' Cl"ire to return the follo#ing #ee* for " -io$s,. +"1ing gone through our tr"ining $rogr"m in energ, me'icine "t the +e"ling the Light o', /chool, Cl"ire imme'i"tel, c"lle' m, office to sche'ule "n "$$ointment. Although I h"' no o$enings for se1er"l #ee*s, I m"'e time to see her on " /"tur'", -ec"use I un'erstoo' ho# im$ort"nt it #"s to inter1ene -efore she #"s 'i"gnose' "n' $ossi-l, l"-ele' " c"ncer $"tient. (e h"1e numerous c"ncer cells th"t "$$e"r m"n, times throughout the ,e"r in our -o'ies "n' th"t "re "lmost "l#",s elimin"te' n"tur"ll, -, our immune s,stem. If #e h"$$en to -e 'i"gnose' 'uring one of these inst"nces, #e c"n -ecome r"ilro"'e' onto " c"ncer $"tient tr"c*. To em$h"siHe, I 'o not suggest th"t ,ou not go for me'ic"l chec*u$s, -ut I #"nt ,ou "lso to remem-er th"t ,our -o', h"s " tremen'ous "-ilit, to he"l itself n"tur"ll,. (hen I s"# Cl"ire, "fter " fe# minutes of listening to her stor, I entere' th"t 'ee$ st"te of me'it"tion in #hich I c"n tr"c* "nother $erson8s Light o',. I notice' " '"r*, clou', m"ss of energ, "-o1e Cl"ire8s left -re"st th"t h"' -egun to sin* KrootsK into her tissues. These '"r* m"sses "l#",s in'ic"te some form of $"tholog,, "n' I #"s n"tur"ll, concerne' "-out Cl"ire.


(e $erforme' "n illumin"tion, #hich is the core he"ling $rocess in sh"m"nic energ, me'icine. After " fe# minutes, the m"ss of energ,, #hich #e c"ll "n Kim$rintK or Ksign"tureK left -, "n e"rlier life tr"um", -eg"n to 'issi$"te "s I e2tr"cte' it from her fiel'. I notice', 'uring the time I #"s #or*ing on Light o',, th"t Cl"ire #"s so--ing softl, "n' te"rs #ere running 'o#n her chee*s. At the en' of the session, I "s*e' Cl"ire #h"t she #"s e2$eriencing. /he tol' me she #"s rec"lling the numerous times #hen her ol'er ste$-rother h"' sli$$e' into her -e' #hen she #"s " chil', hel' her 'o#n, "n' fon'le' her "s she l", there froHen, un"-le to c"ll for hel$. It8s not unusu"l 'uring "n illumin"tion for feelings "n' im"ges of "n e"rlier tr"um" to -u--le to the surf"ce. These tr"um"s le"1e im$rints in the Light o', th"t l"ter tr"nsl"te into $h,sic"l 'ise"se. The follo#ing Tues'", #hen Cl"ire #ent in for her -io$s,, the $h,sici"n e2"mine' the ne# ultr"soun' "n' 'isco1ere' th"t the lum$ in her -re"st #"s gone. +e #"s stunne' "n' l"ter e2$l"ine' th"t these things 'on8t Aust sim$l, 'is"$$e"r. Cl"ire sim$l, smile' "n' s"i', K%es, the, 'o.K +e "s*e' Cl"ire to come -"c* for " follo#.u$ e2"m the ne2t '",. /he h"s h"' $h,sic"l e2"ms e1er, si2 months for the l"st fe# ,e"rs, "n' "ll of her tests sho# no foreign m"ss of "n, *in' in her -re"st. I tell m, stu'ents "t the +e"ling the Light o', /chool th"t there is " 'ifference -et#een " he"ling "n' " cure. +e"ling is the -usiness of the sh"m"n. Curing is the -usiness of me'icine "n' consists of tre"ting 'ise"se. +e"ling "''resses the c"use of 'ise"se, #hich is gener"ll, " tr"um" "n' the to2ic emotions th"t se$"r"te the $erson from his or her Ao, "n' he"lth. These im$rints "re store' in the Light o',, #hich I -elie1e is " luminous KmirrorK for the neur"l net#or*s in our -r"in. An' #hile m"n, in1estig"tors -elie1e th"t the Light o', is sim$l, "n "ur" $ro'uce' -, electric "cti1it, in the -r"in "n' ner1ous s,stem, sh"m"ns -elie1e th"t the Light o', is #h"t cre"tes the -o',, the -r"in, "n' the ner1ous s,stem. The Light o', informs "n' org"niHes the -o', in the s"me #", th"t the energ, fiel's of " m"gnet org"niHe iron fillings on " $iece of gl"ss. +e"ling h"$$ens #hen #e cle"r the sign"tures left -, tr"um" from the luminous m"tri2 th"t en1elo$s "n' informs "ll life.


C"APTE# 02 P#!.!N/ YOU# B#A!N %O# EN !/"TEN.ENT

(hile the im$ort"nt roles of 'iet "n' e2ercise "re #ell "cce$te' in rel"tion to he"rt 'ise"se, for re"sons th"t "re not re"'il, "$$"rent these consi'er"tions "re 1irtu"ll, ignore' in rel"tion to -r"in he"lth. An' ,et, the scientific e1i'ence confirming the im$ort"nce of 'iet "n' e2ercise "s lifest,le f"ctors th"t c"n -e mo'ifie' to su$$ort -r"in he"lth "n' function is -oth "-un'"nt "n' soun'. M"int"ining "n' enh"ncing -r"in he"lth "re o-1iousl, im$ort"nt go"ls, -ut *ee$ in min' th"t these s"me 'iet"r, "n' lifest,le "cti1ities "re ,our *e,s to 'irectl, influence the e2$ression of ,our genes. The, "llo# ,ou to re'irect the course of ,our genetic 'estin,, $re$"ring ,our -r"in to recei1e "n' incor$or"te the -enefits of me'it"tion. EAT!N/ ESS %O# BETTE# "EA T" Perh"$s the most im$ort"nt 'iet"r, consi'er"tion rel"te' to o$timiHing the -r"in, enh"ncing neurogenesis, "n' $ro1i'ing " fertile en1ironment for the $rocess of neuro$l"sticit,, so necess"r, for -uil'ing ne# neur"l net#or*s, is c"lorie re'uction. The -iologic"l -enefits of -oth f"sting "n' o1er"ll c"lorie re'uction "re e2$l"ine' -,; T Re'uction in free r"'ic"l $ro'uction T Enh"ncement of mitochon'ri"l "-ilit, to gener"te "'enosine tri$hos$h"te >ATP? energ, T Incre"se in the num-er of mitochon'ri" through mitochon'ri"l -iogenesis T Incre"se in the $ro'uction of -r"in.'eri1e' neuro.tro$hic f"ctor > DNF? T Re'uction of "$o$tosis, or -r"in cell suici'e T Acti1"tion of the NrfB $"th#",, #hich le"'s to re'uce' -r"in infl"mm"tion, enh"nce' 'eto2ific"tion, "n' incre"se' "ntio2i'"nt $rotection Cle"rl,, f"sting "n' c"lorie re'uction h"1e 1"st "n' $rofoun' im$lic"tions for -r"in he"lth. 7ust loo* "t the list of -enefits. It is so encom$"ssing th"t it8s h"r' to im"gine th"t mo'ern $h"rm"ceutic"l inter1ention coul' e1en -egin to "''ress these issues. %et, the effecti1eness of these sim$le 'iet"r, mo'ific"tions for enh"ncing -r"in function "n' $"1ing the #", for cl"rit, of thought h"1e -een recogniHe' for liter"ll, thous"n's of ,e"rs. (e "re Aust -eginning to gr"s$ the enormit, of the -r"in8s $otenti"l. +o# often h"1e #e he"r' the m,th th"t hum"ns onl, use 9= to B= $ercent of their -r"insF Reg"r'less of the e2"ct $ercent"ge, the $oint is th"t -et#een our e"rs is " tremen'ous unt"$$e' resource th"t #e "re Aust no# -eginning to le"rn ho# to "ccess from -oth " s$iritu"l "n' " scientific $ers$ecti1e. Let8s e2$lore ho# ,ou c"n g"in "ccess to ,our -r"in8s fullest $otenti"l. YOU# B#A!N$S EVO UT!ONA#Y ADVANTA/E !ne of the most im$ort"nt fe"tures 'istinguishing hum"ns from "ll other m"mm"ls is the siHe of our -r"in in $ro$ortion to the rest of our -o',. (hile it is cert"inl, true th"t other m"mm"ls h"1e l"rger -r"ins, scientists recogniHe th"t l"rger "nim"ls must h"1e l"rger -r"ins sim$l, to control their l"rger -o'ies. An ele$h"nt, for e2"m$le, h"s " -r"in th"t #eighs D,6== gr"ms, f"r l"rger th"n our 9,"m -r"in. /o m"*ing com$"risons "-out K-r"in $o#erK or intelligence Aust -"se' on -r"in siHe is o-1iousl, futile. Ag"in, it8s the r"tio of the -r"in siHe to tot"l -o', siHe th"t "ttr"cts scientist8s interest #hen consi'ering the -r"in8s function"l c"$"cit,. An ele$h"nt8s -r"in re$resents 9P66= of its -o', #eight, #hile the hum"n -r"in #eighs 9PC= of the tot"l -o', #eight. /o our -r"in re$resents "-out B.6 $ercent of our tot"l -o', #eight "s o$$ose' to the l"rge.-r"ine' ele$h"nt #hose -r"in is Aust =.9) $ercent of its tot"l -o', #eight.


ut e1en more im$ort"nt th"n the f"ct th"t #e "re -lesse' #ith " lot of -r"in m"tter is the intriguing f"ct th"t, gr"m for gr"m, the hum"n -r"in consumes " 'is$ro$ortion"tel, huge "mount of energ,. (hile onl, re$resenting B.6 $ercent of our tot"l -o', #eight, the hum"n -r"in consumes "n incre'i-le BB $ercent of our -o',8s energ, e2$en'iture #hen "t rest. This re$resents "-out 46= $ercent more energ, consum$tion in rel"tion to -o', #eight com$"re' #ith other "nthro$oi's li*e gorill"s, or"ngut"ns, "n' chim$"nHees. /o it t"*es " lot of 'iet"r, c"lories to *ee$ the hum"n -r"in functioning. Fortun"tel,, the 1er, f"ct th"t #e81e 'e1elo$e' such " l"rge "n' $o#erful -r"in h"s $ro1i'e' us #ith the s*ills "n' intelligence to m"int"in "'eGu"te susten"nce 'uring times of sc"rcit, "n' to m"*e $ro1isions for nee'e' foo' su$$lies in the future. In'ee', the "-ilit, to concei1e of "n' $l"n for the future is highl, 'e$en'ent u$on the e1olution not onl, of -r"in siHe -ut other uniGue "s$ects of the hum"n -r"in. It is " colorful im"ge to conce$tu"liHe e"rl, +omo s"$iens migr"ting "cross "n "ri' $l"in "n' com$eting for sur1i1"l "mong "nim"ls #ith sm"ller -r"ins ,et -igger cl"#s "n' gre"ter s$ee'. ut our e"rliest "ncestors h"' one other $o#erful "'1"nt"ge com$"re' to e1en our closest $rim"te rel"ti1es. The hum"n -r"in h"s 'e1elo$e' " uniGue -iochemic"l $"th#", th"t $ro1es hugel, "'1"nt"geous 'uring times of foo' sc"rcit,. Unli*e other m"mm"ls, our -r"in is "-le to utiliHe "n "ltern"ti1e source of c"lories 'uring times of st"r1"tion. T,$ic"ll,, #e su$$l, our -r"in #ith glucose from our '"il, foo' consum$tion. (e continue to su$$l, our -r"ins #ith " ste"', stre"m of glucose >-loo' sug"r? -et#een me"ls -, -re"*ing 'o#n gl,cogen, " stor"ge form of glucose $rim"ril, foun' in the li1er "n' muscles. ut rel,ing on gl,cogen stores $ro1i'es onl, short.term "1"il"-ilit, of glucose. As gl,cogen stores "re 'e$lete', our met"-olism shifts "n' #e "re "ctu"ll, "-le to cre"te ne# molecules of glucose, " $rocess "$tl, terme' gluconeogenesis. This $rocess in1ol1es the construction of ne# glucose molecules from "mino "ci's h"r1este' from the -re"*'o#n of $rotein $rim"ril, foun' in muscle. (hile gluconeogenesis "''s nee'e' glucose to the s,stem, it 'oes so "t the cost of muscle -re"*'o#n, something less th"n f"1or"-le for " st"r1ing hunter.g"therer. ut hum"n $h,siolog, offers one more $"th#", to $ro1i'e 1it"l fuel to the 'em"n'ing -r"in 'uring times of sc"rcit,. (hen foo' is un"1"il"-le, "fter "-out three '",s the li1er -egins to use -o', f"t to cre"te chemic"ls c"lle' *etones. !ne *etone in $"rticul"r, -et" h,'ro2,-ut,r"te >-et".+ A?, "ctu"ll, ser1es "s " highl, efficient fuel source for the -r"in, "llo#ing hum"ns to function cogniti1el, for e2ten'e' $erio's 'uring foo' sc"rcit,. !ur uniGue "-ilit, to $o#er our -r"ins using this "ltern"ti1e fuel source hel$s re'uce our 'e$en'ence on gluconeogenesis "n' therefore s$"res "mino "ci's "n' the muscles the, -uil' "n' m"int"in. Re'ucing muscle -re"*'o#n $ro1i'es o-1ious "'1"nt"ges for the hungr, +omo s"$iens in se"rch of foo'. It is this uniGue "-ilit, to utiliHe -et".+ A "s " -r"in fuel th"t sets us "$"rt from our ne"rest "nim"l rel"ti1es "n' h"s "llo#e' hum"ns to rem"in cogniti1el, eng"ge' "n', therefore, more li*el, to sur1i1e the f"mines e1er.$resent in our histor,. This met"-olic $"th#",, uniGue to +omo s"$iens, m", "ctu"ll, ser1e "s "n e2$l"n"tion for one of the most hotl, 'e-"te' Guestions in "nthro$olog,; #h"t c"use' the 'is"$$e"r"nce of our Ne"n'erth"l rel"ti1esF Cle"rl,, #hen it comes to -r"ins, siHe 'oes m"tter. (h, then, #ith " -r"in some B= $ercent l"rger th"n our o#n, 'i' Ne"n'erth"ls su''enl, 'is"$$e"r in Aust " fe# thous"n' ,e"rs -et#een C=,=== "n' 4=,=== ,e"rs "goF The $"rt, line "mong scientists rem"ins fi2"te' on the notion th"t the 'emise of Ne"n'erth"ls #"s " conseGuence of their he-etu'e, or ment"l leth"rg,. The neuro-iologist (illi"m C"l1in 'escri-e' Ne"n'erth"ls in his -oo*, A r"in for All /e"sons; KTheir #", of life su-Aecte' them to more -one fr"cturesI the, sel'om sur1i1e' until fort, ,e"rs of "geI "n' #hile m"*ing tools simil"r to Nthose ofO o1erl"$$ing s$ecies, there #"s little Nof theO in1enti1eness th"t ch"r"cteriHes -eh"1ior."ll, mo'ern +omo s"$iens.K9


(hile it is con1enient "n' "lmost 'ogm"tic to "cce$t th"t Ne"n'erth"ls #ere K#i$e' outK -, cle1er +omo s"$iens, m"n, scientists no# -elie1e th"t foo' sc"rcit, m", h"1e $l",e' " more $rominent role in their 'is"$$e"r"nce. Perh"$s the sim$le f"ct th"t Ne"n'erth"ls, l"c*ing the -iochemic"l $"th#", to utiliHe -et".+ A "s " fuel source for -r"in met"-olism, l"c*e' the Kment"l en'ur"nceK to $erse1ere. Rel,ing on gluconeogenesis to $o#er their -r"ins #oul' h"1e le' to more r"$i' -re"*'o#n of muscle tissue, ultim"tel, com$romising their "-ilit, to st"l* $re, or migr"te to "re"s #here $l"nt foo' sources #ere more re"'il, "1"il"-le. Their e2tinction m", not h"1e $l",e' out in 'irect com-"t #ith +omo s"$iens -ut r"ther m"nifeste' "s " conseGuence of " sim$le -iochemic"l in"'eGu"c,. !ur "-ilit, to utiliHe -et".+ A "s " -r"in fuel is f"r more im$ort"nt th"n sim$l, " $rotecti1e leg"c, of our hunter.g"therer herit"ge. 0eorge F. C"hill of +"r1"r' Me'ic"l /chool st"te', KRecent stu'ies h"1e sho#n th"t -et".h,'ro2,-ut,r"te, the $rinci$"l 8*etone8 is not Aust " fuel, -ut " 8su$er fuel8 more efficientl, $ro'ucing ATP energ, th"n glucose. ... It h"s "lso $rotecte' neuron"l cells in tissue culture "g"inst e2$osure to to2ins "ssoci"te' #ith AlHheimer8s or P"r*inson8s.KB In'ee', #ell -e,on' ser1ing "s " -r"in su$erfuel, Dr. C"hill "n' other rese"rchers h"1e 'etermine' th"t -et".+ A h"s other $rofoun'l, $ositi1e effects on -r"in he"lth "n' function. Essenti"ll,, -et".+ A is thought to me'i"te m"n, of the $ositi1e effects of c"lorie re'uction "n' f"sting on the -r"in, inclu'ing im$ro1e' "ntio2i'"nt function, incre"se' mitochon'ri"l energ, $ro'uction #ith "n incre"se in mitochon'ri"l $o$ul"tion, incre"se' cellul"r sur1i1"l, "n' incre"se' le1els of DNF le"'ing to enh"nce' gro#th of ne# -r"in cells >neurogenesis?. E"rlier, #e e2$lore' the nee' to re'uce c"loric int"*e in or'er to incre"se DNF "s " me"ns to stimul"te the gro#th of ne# -r"in cells "s #ell "s to enh"nce the function of e2isting neurons. The i'e" of su-st"nti"ll, re'ucing '"il, c"lorie int"*e #ill not "$$e"l to m"n, $eo$le 'es$ite the f"ct th"t it is " $o#erful "$$ro"ch to -r"in enh"ncement "s #ell "s o1er"ll he"lth. Interestingl,, ho#e1er, m"n, $eo$le fin' the i'e" of intermittent f"sting to -e more "$$e"ling. F"sting is 'efine' here "s " com$lete "-stinence from foo' for " 'efine' $erio' of time "t regul"r inter1"ls&our f"sting $rogr"m $ermits the 'rin*ing of #"ter. Rese"rch 'emonstr"tes th"t m"n, of the s"me he"lth.$ro1i'ing "n' -r"in.enh"ncing genetic $"th#",s "cti1"te' -, c"lorie re'uction "re simil"rl, eng"ge' -, f"sting&e1en for rel"ti1el, short $erio's of time. F"sting "ctu"ll, s$e"*s to ,our DNA, 'irecting ,our genes to $ro'uce "n "stoun'ing "rr", of -r"in.enh"ncement f"ctors. Not onl, 'oes f"sting turn on the genetic m"chiner, for the $ro'uction of DNF, -ut it "lso $o#ers u$ the NrfB $"th#",, le"'ing to enh"nce' 'eto2ific"tion, re'uce' infl"mm"tion, "n' incre"se' $ro'uction of -r"in.$rotecti1e "ntio2i'"nts. F"sting c"uses the -r"in to shift "#", from using glucose "s " fuel to " met"-olism th"t consumes *etones. (hen the -r"in met"-oliHes *etones for fuel, e1en the $rocess of "$o$tosis is re'uce', #hile mitochon'ri"l genes turn their "ttention to mitochon'ri"l re$lic"tion. In this #",, f"sting shifts the -r"in8s -"sic met"-olism "n' s$ecific"ll, t"rgets the DNA of mitochon'ri", thus enh"ncing energ, $ro'uction "n' $"1ing the #", for -etter -r"in function "n' cl"rit, "s #ell "s " 'ee$er connection #ith the 'i1ine feminine energ,. 0i1en th"t -et".+ A enh"nces -r"in function, AlHheimer8s rese"rchers "re e1"lu"ting #",s to incre"se the 'eli1er, of the 1"lu"-le *etone f"t to the -r"in #ithout f"sting. In " recent re$ort in the Aourn"l Neuro-iolog, of Aging, rese"rchers st"te' th"t "'ministering sim$le f"ts c"lle' me'"in trigl,ceri'es >MCTs? "s $"rt of MCT oil signific"ntl, r"ise' le1els of -et". + A in "s little "s E= minutes "fter consum$tion. More im$ort"nt, the, o-ser1e' m"r*e'l, im$ro1e' cogniti1e function in $"tients #ho recei1e' MCT oil in com$"rison #ith those #ho recei1e' " $l"ce-o.4 MCTs "re uniGue "mong 'iet"r, f"ts -ec"use the, 'o not reGuire -ile s"lts for 'igestion "n' "-sor$tion, "n' "re re"'il, "-sor-e' from the g"strointestin"l tr"ct #ithout h"1ing to un'ergo


mo'ific"tion, "s is the c"se #ith"in f"ts. Most commerci"ll, "1"il"-le MCT oil is 'eri1e' from coconut oil, #hich is n"ture8s richest source of this im$ort"nt $recursor to -et". + A. Coconut oil cont"ins "-out 55 $ercent MCTs. +e"' stores "cross the countr, c"rr, high.Gu"lit, org"nic, 1irgin coconut oil. The 'esign"tion K1irginK is im$ort"nt "s it me"ns the oil h"sn8t -een he"te' 'uring its e2tr"ction $rocess "n' this $re1ents '"m"ging the oil "n' m"*ing it less he"lthful. Coconut oil, #ith its rich content of MCTs, $ro1i'es "nother "$$ro"ch to mo'if, gene e2$ression "n' enh"nce -r"in function -, im$ro1ing mitochon'ri"l function "n' enh"ncing DNF $ro'uction. These mech"nisms $ro1i'e fertile groun' in #hich the see's of enlightenment c"n germin"te. +o# fitting it is th"t in tr"'ition"l +in'u #orshi$ the coconut is offere' to the Lor' "s " s,m-ol of 'i1ine consciousness. F"sting is $o#erful me'icine #ell -e,on' "n,thing e1en remotel, consi'ere' -, mo'ern $h"rm"ceutic"l science. In'ee', the conce$t th"t 'iet"r, choices "re he"ling is em-o'ie' in this f"mous Guot"tion from the f"ther of (estern me'icine, the "ncient 0ree* $h,sici"n +i$$ocr"tes; KLet foo' -e ,our me'icine "n' me'icine -e ,our foo'.K The Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m inclu'es tot"l foo' restriction for one com$lete '", >BC hours? e1er, four #ee*s. During this f"st, ,ou shoul' 'rin* "'eGu"te "mounts of #"ter in or'er to rem"in 1er, #ell h,'r"te'. F"st onl, "fter consult"tion #ith, "n' "$$ro1"l from, ,our $h,sici"n. As* "lso for his or her 'irection reg"r'ing #hether or not to t"*e me'ic"tions 'uring ,our f"st. In gener"l, ho#e1er, remem-er th"t the $ur$ose of ,our f"st is to elimin"te c"lories. Therefore, su$$lement"tion 'uring the f"st shoul' "1oi' $o#'ere' me"l re$l"cements, $rotein su$$lements, or "n, $ro'uct th"t cont"ins sug"r. As 'escri-e' in the $rogr"m -elo#, ,ou #ill incre"se ,our int"*e of D+A "n' continue #ith turmeric on the '", of f"sting. (hile "n, '", of the month #oul' -e fine for f"sting, the Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m recommen's th"t ,ou f"st on the 99th '", "fter the full moon, #hich is the '", consi'ere' "us$icious for f"sting in A,ur1e'ic te2ts. (e -elie1e there is " s$eci"l "'1"nt"ge to f"sting on the s"me '", "s the m"n, other $eo$le #ho $"rtici$"te in the Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m. (hen ,ou f"st #ith others, #hether the, "re $h,sic"ll, $resent #ith ,ou or h"lf#", "roun' the glo-e, ,ou enter into intention"l reson"nce #ith those $ersons. This #ill m"*e it e"sier for ,ou to "tt"in -r"in s,nerg, "s ,ou, "long #ith others, collecti1el, "#"*en the c"$"-ilities of the $refront"l corte2. Ple"se chec* our #e-site, ###.Po#erU$%our r", for recommen'e' '",s of f"sting "ccor'ing to A,ur1e'ic "n' sh"m"nic c"len'"rs.
T*e Spiritual Side o, %astin0"-riel Cousens, " $h,sici"n #ho foun'e' the Tree of Life ReAu1en"tion Center in P"t"goni", AriHon", "ttests; KI often o-ser1e in f"sting $"rtici$"nts th"t concentr"tion im$ro1es, cre"ti1e thin*ing e2$"n's, 'e$ression lifts, insomni" sto$s, "n2ieties f"'e, the min' -ecomes more tr"nGuil, "n' " n"tur"l Ao, -egins to "$$e"r. It is m, h,$othesis th"t #hen the $h,sic"l to2ins "re cle"re' from the -r"in cells, min'.-r"in function "utom"tic"ll, "n' signific"ntl, im$ro1es, "n' s$iritu"l c"$"cities e2$"n'.KC The e2$"nsion of s$iritu"l c"$"cities to #hich Cousens refers c"n -e the result of incre"sing the num-er of mitochon'ri" "n' their function 'ue to the shift in -r"in met"-olism. This function"ll, enh"nce' "n' incre"se' $o$ul"tion of mitochon'ri" $ro1i'es the energ, to fuel "cti1it, in the $refront"l corte2 of the -r"in. As the reno#ne' ,og" m"ster P"r"m"h"ns" %og"n"n'" eloGuentl, $ut it, KThrough f"sting, let ,our min' 'e$en' on its o#n $o#er. (hen th"t $o#er m"nifests, the life force in the -o', -ecomes incre"singl, reinforce' #ith the etern"l energ, continu"ll, flo#ing into the -r"in "n' s$ine from the cosmic energ, "roun' the -o',.K6 In'ee', f"sting 'uring s$iritu"l Guests is "n integr"l $"rt of the hum"n religious histor,. All m"Aor religions consi'er f"sting "s f"r more th"n " tr"'ition"l ceremoni"l "ct -ut "s " fun'"ment"l


$"rt of the s$iritu"l $r"ctice, "s e1i'ence' in the Muslim f"st of R"m"'"n "n' the 7e#ish f"st of %om :i$$ur. %ogis "lso $r"ctice "usterit, #ith their 'iets, "n' sh"m"ns f"st 'uring 1ision Guests. Thom"s R,"n, " Rom"n C"tholic $riest #ho 'irects the P"ulist !ffice for Ecumenic"l "n' Interf"ith Rel"tions of North Americ", summ"riHe' the s"cre' 'imension of f"sting #hen he st"te', KF"sting "s " religious "ct incre"ses our sensiti1it, to th"t m,ster, "l#",s "n' e1er,#here $resent to us. It is "n in1it"tion to "#"reness, " c"ll to com$"ssion for the nee',, " cr, of 'istress, "n' " song of Ao,. It is " 'isci$line of self.restr"int, " ritu"l of $urific"tion, "n' " s"nctu"r, for offerings of "tonement. It is " #ells$ring for the s$iritu"ll, 'r,, " com$"ss for the s$iritu"ll, lost, "n' inner nourishment for the s$iritu"ll, hungr,.K5

P"YS!CA E1E#C!SE TO UN OC7 YOU# B#A!N$S POTENT!A Li*e c"lorie re'uction "n' f"sting, $h,sic"l e2ercise "lso turns on the genetic m"chiner, to m"*e DNF. /cientific rese"rch rel"ting e2ercise "s "n enh"ncement for DNF $ro'uction '"tes onl, to the l"te 9EE=s #hen rese"rchers "ttem$te' to i'entif, the lin* -et#een e2ercise "n' im$ro1e' -r"in function in l"-or"tor, "nim"ls. The, foun' th"t #hen DNF #"s -loc*e', e2ercise "lone h"' "lmost no effect on -r"in $erform"nce. More recentl,, hum"n stu'ies h"1e confirme' th"t "ero-ic e2ercise im$"rts " $o#erful "'1"nt"ge in terms of -r"in function. In " recent Austr"li"n stu', re$orte' in the 7ourn"l of the Americ"n Me'ic"l Associ"tion >7AMA?, "'ults "t ris* for AlHheimer8s #ho eng"ge' in " mo'est $h,sic"l "cti1it, $rogr"m for si2 months&96= minutes of e2ercise #ee*l,& 'emonstr"te' much gre"ter -r"in function"lit, th"n " simil"r $o$ul"tion th"t #"s not in1ol1e' in the e2ercise $rogr"m. The e2ercise grou$, e1en "fter 9) months, sho#e' im$ro1ements in 'el",e' rec"ll of " #or' list, " memor, function, contr"ste' #ith the se'ent"r, grou$8s 'ecline on this e1"lu"tion. The "cti1e grou$ "lso 'emonstr"te' 'r"m"tic "'1"nt"ges in 1er-"l fluenc, "n' 'ementi" sc"les. Interestingl,, the "uthors of the stu', re$orte' th"t e2ercise "lone 'ecre"se' the $ro-"-ilit, of 'ementi" -, B5= $ercent com$"re' #ith the most commonl, $rescri-e' AlHheimer8s 'rug in Americ".D In "nother 7AMA re$ort, rese"rchers "g"in 'emonstr"te' " much higher le1el of cogniti1e function in ol'er #omen #ho e2ercise' com$"re' #ith more se'ent"r, in'i1i'u"ls. The rese"rchers conclu'e', KIn this l"rge, $ros$ecti1e stu', of ol'er #omen, higher le1els of long. term regul"r $h,sic"l "cti1it, #ere strongl, "ssoci"te' #ith higher le1els of cogniti1e function "n' less cogniti1e 'ecline.K) The s"me issue of 7AMA "lso c"rrie' "n "rticle title' K("l*ing "n' Dementi" in Ph,sic"ll, C"$"-le El'erl, MenK th"t conclu'e' $h,sic"l "cti1it, im$ro1e' -r"in $rotection in men "s #ell.E !%ESTY E C"O!CES The 'iet"r, $r"ctices of f"sting "n' c"lorie re'uction, cou$le' #ith regul"r "ero-ic e2ercise, "re $o#erful e$igenetic f"ctors th"t mo'if, the e2$ression of ,our DNA. Choosing to incor$or"te these lifest,le 'ecisions into ,our $erson"l $l"n for #ell.-eing me"ns th"t ,ou "re 'irectl, influencing the "cti1it, of genes th"t co'e for im$ro1e' "ntio2i'"nt $rotection, 'eto2ific"tion, "n' re'uce' infl"mm"tion "s #ell "s the $ro'uction of DNF. These lifest,le choices h"1e $"1e' the #", for enlightenment for thous"n's of ,e"rs.



In "''ition to the $h,sic"l $rogr"m of c"lorie re'uction "n' e2ercise, the Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m inclu'es eight e2ercises th"t #ill hel$ ,ou re'efine ,our life "n' "'1"nce ,ou "long ,our $"th to enlightenment. These e2ercises "re no# $"rt of the curriculum of the +e"ling the Light o', /chool. These "re " -len' of the sh"m"nic "n' the scientific, #ith the sh"m"nic -eing the -"se "n' science $ro1i'ing su$$orting e1i'ence. Follo#ing "re the eight e2ercises in the Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m. 9. Cre"ting /"cre' /$"ce is " $r",er th"t cont"ins "n in1oc"tion to the four 'irections, Mother E"rth, "n' F"ther /*,I #e recommen' th"t ,ou $erform this e2ercise $rior to "n' "fter "ll of the other e2ercises. B. <uieting %our +PA A2is #ill hel$ ,ou rel"2 the $"rts of ,our -o', "n' -r"in th"t $ro'uce '"m"ging stress hormones. 4. Reselecting %our 0enetic Destin, is " me'it"tion through #hich ,ou c"n "lter the course of ,our life, -eginning #ith the genes ,ou "cGuire' from ,our mother "n' f"ther. C. /*, 0"Hing is "n "ncient e2ercise th"t #ill c"lm ,our min' "n' turn on higher cortic"l functions. 6. R"'ic"l Forgi1eness "llo#s ,ou to forgi1e ,ourself "n' others #ho, ,ou m", feel, hurt ,ou in some #",. 5. Dr"#ing Life from %our Dre"ms in1ol1es t#o e2ercises; one #ill hel$ ,ou rec"ll ,our 're"ms -etter, "n' the secon' #ill te"ch ,ou ho# to 're"m luci'l, "n' 'irect ,our 're"ms. D. (e Are !ur /tories is "n e2ercise in #hich ,ou #rite ,our life stor, then ch"nge it to $ro1i'e ,ou #ith " more $ositi1e outloo* on life. ). The /h"m"n8s "th is " $r"ctice th"t cle"nses ,our Luminous Energ, Fiel'. !nce " #ee* ,ou so"* in " hot -"th of he"ling "n' energiHing su-st"nces $rior to going to -e'. These sh"m"nic e2ercises "re e2$l"ine' in 'e$th hereI the ne2t ch"$ter outlines the entire Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m, #hich incor$or"tes the e2ercises into " structure' $r"ctice "lso in1ol1ing neuronutrients, f"sting, "n' $h,sic"l e2ercise. C#EAT!N/ SAC#ED SPACE Peo$le in the (est thin* of s"cre' s$"ces "s 'esign"te' hol, $l"ces&churches or tem$les, or $erh"$s " -e"utiful s$ot in n"ture. ut the sh"m"n un'erst"n's th"t he or she c"n cre"te " s"cre' s$"ce "n,#here "n' "t "n, time -, focusing "ttention "n' summoning the $o#er of the four c"r'in"l 'irections "n' Mother E"rth "n' F"ther /un. In 'oing so, the s"ge is "-le to come into rel"tionshi$ #ith the four sh"m"nic org"niHing $rinci$les of the #orl'; /outh "s the $l"ce of the ser$entI (est "s the $l"ce of the A"gu"rI North "s the $l"ce of the humming-ir'I "n' E"st "s the $l"ce of the e"gle. The s"ges -elie1e th"t these "nim"l "rchet,$es "re more th"n s,m-olsI the, "re $rimor'i"l energies #ith Gu"lities "n' $o#ers of their o#n. E"ch of these "nim"ls c"n -e seen "s re$resenting one of the four fun'"ment"l forces of n"ture, 'escri-e' -, $h,sics "s the forces of gr"1it,, electrom"gnetism, "n' the strong "n' the #e"* nucle"r force. iologists "lso recogniHe th"t "ll of the $oetr, of life is #ritten #ith "n "l$h"-et cont"ining onl, four letters; the four letters, or -"se $"irs, of DNA. The onl, 'ifference -et#een the sh"m"nistic 1ie# "n' the $h,sics 1ie# "n' the -iologic"l 1ie# is th"t the s"ges -elie1e' the, coul' summon "n' inter"ct #ith these forces of n"ture, effecti1el, communing #ith the -ios$here. For this re"son, sh"m"ns "l#",s -egin their me'it"tions "n' ceremonies -, cre"ting s"cre' s$"ce. E1en if ,ou 'o not use the #or's in the $r",er -elo#, turn to e"ch of the four 'irections "n' feel " connection to e"ch of the "nim"l "rchet,$es. +el$


,our e'uc"te', logic"l -r"in un'erst"n' th"t these "re "ncient $ersonific"tions of the forces of n"ture. As ,ou gi1e ,ourself $ermission to connect #ith the four c"r'in"l 'irections "n' he"1en "n' e"rth, im"gine the luminous #e- th"t connects ,ou #ith n"ture "n' "ll of life. /"cre' s$"ce is hol, "n' s"fe. %ou might im"gine it "s " shimmering cu$ol" "-o1e the room ,ou "re in. This is " $"l$"-le s$"ce #here ,ou c"n lo#er the 'efenses of ,our ol'er -r"in, " $l"ce #here ,ou c"n rise "-o1e its $re'"tor, consciousness. %ou might notice th"t others feel the c"lm "n' -e"ut, of this s$"ce, too, "s it 'efuses conflict "n' m"*es con1ers"tion e"s, "n' signific"nt. Cre"ting /"cre' /$"ce is "n e2$eriment in the $o#er of intention th"t en"-les ,ou to summon the he"ling f"culties of n"ture "n' come into right rel"tionshi$ #ith "ll the forces of cre"tion. E2ercise; In1oc"tion to Cre"te /"cre' /$"ce The o$ening of s"cre' s$"ce consists of "n in1oc"tion, c"lling on the four c"r'in"l 'irections of /outh, (est, North, "n' E"st, "n' on Mother E"rth "n' F"ther /*,. An in1oc"tion such "s this is use' -, sh"m"ns "roun' the #orl' to connect #ith the li1ing energies of the -ios$here. Use this in1oc"tion until ,our o#n $r",er re1e"ls itself to ,ou. (hen ,ou h"1e finishe' ,our o$ening in1oc"tion, -e sure to close the s"cre' s$"ce, "s suggeste' -elo#. This is the one #e te"ch our stu'ents "t the +e"ling the Light o', /chool. Openin- t*e Sa3red Spa3e %ace 2outh and say softly6 To the inds of the 2outh, 7reat 2erpent, Teach us to shed the past the ay you shed your skin, To alk softly on the 8arth. %ace ,est and say softly6 To the inds of the ,est, 4other 9aguar, Teach us the ay of peace, to live impeccably. 2ho us the ay beyond death. %ace #orth and say softly6 To the inds of the #orth, :ummingbird, -ncient ;nes, ,e honor you ho have come before us -nd you ho ill come after us, our children*s children. %ace 8ast and say softly6 To the inds of the 8ast, 7reat 8agle, 2ho us the mountains e only dare to dream of. Teach us to fly ing to ing ith the 7reat 2pirit. Touch the ground here you stand and say softly6 4other 8arth, ,e*ve gathered for the healing of all of your children. The 2tone People, the Plant People, The four-legged, the t o-legged, the ones that cra l on the 8arth, The ones that fly and s im through the aters, -ll our relations. <each to the heavens and say softly6 %ather 2un, 7randmother 4oon, to the 2tar #ations. 7reat 2pirit, you ho are the unnameable ;ne. Thank you for allo ing us to sing the 2ong of 5ife. Closin- t*e Sa3red Spa3e Re$e"t the in1oc"tion for o$ening the s"cre' s$"ce in the s"me or'er&-riefl, "''ressing the /outh, (est, North, E"st, then Mother E"rth "n' F"ther /*,. Th"n* the "rchet,$es&/er$ent, 7"gu"r, +umming-ir', "n' E"gle&for -eing #ith ,ou "n' rele"se their energies to the four corners of the e"rth. BU!ET!N/ YOU# "PA A1!S


The -o', h"s t#o 'efense s,stems; one to 'etect "n' res$on' to $ercei1e' thre"ts in the e2tern"l en1ironment, "n' the other to 'etect "n' res$on' to intern"l thre"ts. The first is the fight.or.flight res$onse. The secon' is the immune s,stem. As #e 'iscusse' e"rlier, the fight.or.flight res$onse #or*s through the +PA "2is. (hen there "re no $ercei1e' e2tern"l thre"ts, the +PA "2is is "t rest "n' "ll the -o',8s resources "re 'e'ic"te' to the rene#"l of its s,stems "n' the gro#th of ne# cells. (hen the -o', $ercei1es "n e2tern"l thre"t, such "s the su''en ro"r of " lion or the -l"re of "n "utomo-ile horn, the +PA "2is *ic*s in "n' sign"ls the rele"se of Cortisol "n' "'ren"line, #hich constrict -loo' 1essels in the 'igesti1e tr"ct "n' re'irect -loo' flo# "#", from the intern"l org"ns to the e2tremities, $re$"ring us to fight or flee. These hormones "lso constrict -loo' 1essels in the $refront"l corte2, #here our logic "n' re"soning centers "re loc"te', "n' re'irect -loo' to the ol' -r"in, #here refle2, instincti1e "ction origin"tes. As " result, our thin*ing -ecomes mu''le' "n' #e o$er"te li*e " cornere' "nim"l. This is "n "ncient sur1i1"l mech"nism th"t continues to ser1e us #ell. The $ro-lem is th"t the ol' -r"in 'oes not 'ifferenti"te -et#een $ercei1e' '"nger "n' "ctu"l '"nger. In our mo'ern (estern #orl', #hile #e "re not f"ce' #ith m"n, ro"ring lions, #e "re, inste"', c"ught in frustr"ting tr"ffic A"ms "n' to2ic emotion"l "ss"ults "t the office or "t home. Tele1ision su$$lies " const"nt fee' of 1iolence, "n' #e rem"in in " h,$er1igil"nt st"te, our "m,g'"le *ee$ing us in high "lert. D",.to.'", life in the B9st centur, *ee$s us "#"sh in " torrent of stress hormones, the most '"m"ging of #hich, "t le"st from the -r"in8s $ers$ecti1e, is Cortisol. In chronic"ll, stresse' $"tients "s #ell "s 'e$resse' in'i1i'u"ls, -oth the hi$$oc"m$us "n' the $refront"l corte2 "re $h,sic"ll, shri1ele' "n' shrun*en&the, #ere e2$eriencing much more r"$i' -re"*'o#n of the -r"in th"n the their nonstresse' counter$"rts. The sh"m"nic $r"ctice of Guieting ,our +PA "2is is " form of sh"m"nic me'it"tion, "n' c"n -e li*ene' to " form of rel"2"tion em$lo,e' in " recent stu', to 'etermine if me'it"tion coul' slo# 'o#n cellul"r "ging. This stu', e2"mine' the length of telomeres, #hich "re the $rotecti1e en' c"$s of chromosomes "n' " re$resent"ti1e me"sure of cellul"r "ging, in t#o grou$s of mothers. !ne grou$ #"s e2$eriencing high le1els of stress 'ue to co$ing #ith " chronic"ll, ill chil', #hile the other #omen h"' he"lth, chil'ren "n' e2$erience' onl, lo# or #h"t might -e consi'ere' norm"l le1els of stress.9 The "uthors 'isco1ere' th"t the mothers #ho h"' -een c"ring for their chronic"ll, ill chil'ren h"' shorter telomeres, #hich is "n in'ic"tion th"t these #omen h"' " more "'1"nce' 'egree of cellul"r "ging "s #ell "s h"1ing DNA "t higher ris* for '"m"ge. The stresse' mothers #ere "ging much more r"$i'l, th"n the mothers #hose li1es #ere less emotion"ll, ch"llenging. The stresse' mothers "lso sho#e' lo# le1els of telomer"se, #hich "re enH,mes th"t restore "n' re$"ir the length of fr",e' telomeres. Lo# telomer"se is in'ic"ti1e of 'ecre"se' $rotection of DNA "n' is "ssoci"te' #ith "ll the stress.rel"te' 'ise"ses "s #ell "s #ith c"r'io1"scul"r 'ise"se, 'i"-etes, c"ncer, "n' o-esit,. The "uthors conclu'e', K(e $ro$ose th"t some forms of me'it"tion m", h"1e s"lut"r, effects on telomere length -, re'ucing cogniti1e stress "n' stress "rous"l "n' incre"sing $ositi1e st"tes of min'.K Th"t, of course, is the $h,sic"l or scientific $"rt of this stor,. From " sh"m"nic $ers$ecti1e, #e *no# th"t the ch"*r"s or energ, centers "re $"rt of our luminous "n"tom,. In the s"me #", th"t #e h"1e $h,sic"l org"ns in the -o',, the ch"*r"s "re the org"ns of the Light o', th"t surroun's the $h,sic"l -o',. The, "re $ossi-l, cre"te' -, electric"l "cti1it, in ner1e $le2uses "long the s$ine #here m"n, s$in"l ner1es com-ine into l"rge ner1e clusters. The ch"*r"s roughl, corres$on' to the loc"tion of the -o',8s en'ocrine gl"n's, #hich $ro'uce hormones. There "re fi1e m"Aor $le2uses "long the s$ine. The sh"m"ns "n' m,stics "roun' the #orl' #ho #ere "-le to sense the electric"l "cti1it, of these $le2uses i'entifie' them "s the lo#er fi1e ch"*r"s. The si2th is the legen'"r, Kthir' e,e,K loc"te' "t the forehe"', "n' is lin*e' #ith


the $ituit"r, gl"n'. The se1enth is the Kcro#nK ch"*r" loc"te' "t the to$ of the he"' "n' is "ssoci"te' #ith the $ine"l gl"n'. oth of these gl"n's resi'e 'ee$ insi'e the -r"in. The follo#ing e2ercise #ill hel$ ,ou rel"2 'ee$l, "n' reset the fight.or.flight res$onse th"t might h"1e -een triggere' -, stress or tr"um". %ou "ccom$lish this -, KtuningK ,our ch"*r" s,stem. E(er3ise' Buietin- Your "PA A(is Do this e2ercise in " -"thtu- #hile t"*ing " /h"m"n8s "th, or in -e' -efore going to slee$. Lie -"c* comfort"-l, "n' close ,our e,es, -re"thing in through ,our nose "n' e2h"ling through ,our mouth. Inh"le for " slo# count of four. E2h"le for " slo# count of four, 'r"#ing out the -re"th "n' m"*ing " slight #hooshing soun'. After " fe# minutes of this rh,thmic -re"thing, $l"ce ,our left h"n' on the center of ,our chest, "t the le1el of ,our he"rt. Tr, to fin' ,our he"rt-e"t, "n' -ring ,our "ttention to this m"ster 'rummer th"t sets the rh,thm for ,our entire -o',. Notice ho# ,our he"rt r"te Guiets "s ,ou m"*e ,our -re"ths softer "n' longer. After " cou$le of minutes, -ring ,our right h"n' to ,our secon' ch"*r", right -elo# ,our -ell, -utton. Tr, to feel ,our he"rt-e"t here "s #ell, through ,our right h"n', e1en though it is no#here ne"r ,our he"rt. Re"liHe th"t the secon' ch"*r" is lin*e' to the "'ren"l gl"n's, #hich $ro'uce "'ren"line "n' *ee$ the fight.or.flight s,stem turne' to the on $osition. Im"gine th"t ,our he"rt-e"t is setting the tem$o for ,our "'ren"ls, hel$ing them to slo# 'o#n "n' rel"2. T"$ the fingers of ,our right h"n' softl, on ,our lo#er -ell, to -ring ,our "#"reness to this "re" of ,our -o',. Pr"ctice for ten minutes. #ESE ECT!N/ YOU# /ENET!C DEST!NY Mo'ern $h,sics e2$l"ins th"t inter"ctions "cross time "n' s$"ce "re $ossi-le. /h"m"ns le"rne' to $ut this into $r"ctice "n' em$lo,e' im"ger, to $rogr"m their genetic -iocom$uter, selecting genes from the gene $ool for he"lth "n' longe1it,. /o im"gine th"t ,ou coul' go -"c* in time to the moment of ,our conce$tion "n' select the -iologic"l tr"its th"t ,ou #ish ,ou h"' inherite' from ,our mother "n' ,our f"ther. Perh"$s ,ou #oul' choose ,our f"ther8s he"rt -ec"use there #"s no inci'ence of he"rt 'ise"se in his si'e of the f"mil,. !r ,ou might select ,our mother8s -r"in -ec"use there #"s no AlHheimer8s in her -r"nch of the f"mil, tree. %ou li*el, #oul' #"nt the tr"it of longe1it, from either of them. The Austri"n mon* "n' -ot"nist 0regor Men'el 'isco1ere' in the mi'.9))=s th"t $l"nts inherit s$ecific -iologic"l inform"tion from e"ch $"rent. +is o-ser1"tions le' him to 'ifferenti"te -et#een the genot,$e, #hich is the sum of "ll genetic 'i1ersit, in " mem-er of " $"rticul"r s$ecies, "n' $henot,$e, #hich com$rises the "ctu"l $ro$erties "n' tr"its th"t in'i1i'u"l mem-ers of the s$ecies e2$ress. E1en though Men'el8s theories #ere met #ith 'is-elief "n' he 'ie' in o-scurit,, his st"ture #"s l"ter 1in'ic"te', "n' his 'isco1eries "re still rele1"nt to'",. %ou recei1e' the entiret, of ,our genetic m"*eu$ "t the moment of ,our conce$tion. %ou "lso recei1e' one h"lf of e"ch of ,our $"rents8 genetic co'e. This me"ns th"t, #hile ,ou recei1e' 6= $ercent of e"ch of ,our $"rents8 here'it"r, inform"tion, their genot,$e, ,ou "lso e2$ress onl, some of those select tr"its, ,our $henot,$e. ut th"t is onl, $"rt of the stor,. (hile ,ou m", h"1e inherite' " $re'is$osition for either he"rt he"lth or 'ise"se, ,our -eliefs, 'iet, "n' choice of lifest,le #ill influence ,our inherite' ris* f"ctors. As the $h"rm"ceutic"l in'ustr, *no#s, lifest,le mo'ific"tions "re often not


enough, "n' seemingl, he"lth, men "n' #omen c"n "n' 'o suffer he"rt "tt"c*s "t " rel"ti1el, ,oung "ge. /o, #h"t else c"n ,ou 'oF %ou c"n loo* -e,on' ,our $h,sic"l or genetic si'e to ,our s$iritu"l si'e. Ancient s"ges 'e1elo$e' techniGues th"t the, -elie1e' "llo#e' them to KAourne, -"c* in timeK to influence the effects of their "ncestr"l herit"ge. The effecti1eness of this e2ercise 'eri1e', "t le"st in $"rt, from their "-ilit, to influence the e2$ression of their DNA. In other #or's, the, use' 1isu"liH"tion techniGues to mo'if, genetic e2$ressionJ (hen s*ille' $r"ctitioners Aourne, -"c* to the moment of conce$tion to consciousl, select the tr"its the, #"nt to e2$ress, the, loo* "t other f"ctors&-e,on' genot,$es "n' $henot,$es&th"t m", h"1e influence' their genetic m"*eu$. The f"ther m", h"1e consume' too much "lcohol. The mother m", h"1e -een "fr"i' of getting $regn"nt. The en1ironment m", not h"1e -een infuse' #ith lo1e, $e"ce, "n' tr"nGuilit,. /tress hormones e"sil, cross the $l"cent"l -"rrier "n' inform the chil' of e1er, moo' the mother is feeling. ut no#, from ,our current #is'om $ers$ecti1e, ,ou c"n go -"c* "n' 1isit the moment of ,our conce$tion. %ou c"n -ring " me'it"ti1e "n' s"cre' feeling to the moment of the comingling of ,our genes. /o, 'uring this e2ercise, ,ou c"n forgi1e ,our $"rents for "n, tr"nsgressions ,ou -elie1e the, committe' to#"r' ,ou, "n, hurt ,ou feel the, might h"1e im$ose' on ,ou. This is necess"r, for ,our Aourne, into enlightenment -ec"use hol'ing on to "n, resi'u"l "nger or resentment to#"r' ,our $"rents onl, $er$etu"tes ,our role "s " 1ictim of their genetic sign"tures. E(er3ise' T*e .oment o, Your Con3eption (ith ,our e,es close', t"*e " fe# 'ee$, rel"2ing -re"ths. Count r -re"ths from one to ten, then -"c* to one "g"in, until ,ou ,ourself entering " 'ee$ st"te of rel"2"tion. %ou #ill notice th"t, "t first, ,our min' #ill #"n'er. %ou m", fin' ,ourself counting $"st ten or ch"sing " thought "-out #h"t ,ou forgot to 'o ,ester'", or #hom ,ou must c"ll still to'",. Let "ll of these thoughts go -, li*e clou's th"t "$$e"r, then 'is"$$e"r, in the s*,. No# im"gine ,our timeline, the chronologic"l series of e1ents in ,our life, $oise' in front of ,ou. Perh"$s ,ou im"gine " gol'en thre"' or " string #ith m"n, -e"'s or moments of time. Perh"$s ,ou sim$l, see " ro"' th"t le"'s in one 'irection to the $"st "n' "nother 'irection for#"r' into the future. egin tr"1eling -"c*#"r' "long ,our timeline, -riefl, re1isiting e1ents of the $"st fe# '",s. Then go f"rther into the $"st, to ,our chil'hoo', "n' to ,our e"rliest memories "s " to''ler. /ee the im"ges "s though the, "re in " mo1ie th"t ,ou c"n f"st.for#"r' or re1erse "t #ill. (hen ,ou "re no longer "-le to rec"ll e1ents or situ"tions, use ,our im"gin"tion. Im"gine ,ourself "s " -"-, in ,our mother8s "rms. Im"gine -eing insi'e her #om-. Im"gine the inst"nt of ,our conce$tion, #hen ,our mother8s egg is surroun'e' -, ,our f"ther8s numerous s$erm, "ll tr,ing to fertiliHe it. Im"gine ,ourself sitting insi'e th"t luminous egg. It is " $e"ceful -u--le. ring ,our stillness "n' gr"ce into th"t s$"ce. :no# th"t ,ou "re filling it #ith ,our $e"ce "n' luminosit,. No# sense the egg selecting "n' in1iting the finest s$erm to fertiliHe it. Im"gine th"t "s it enters into the o1um, ,ou #itness the most e2tr"or'in"r, "lchem, th"t is the conce$tion of ,ou. %ou see $roteins cross.lin* #ith e"ch other, m"*ing the m"tri2 of the egg h"r' "n' im$erme"-le to other s$erm. The nuclei of the s$erm "n' the egg 'issol1e, "n' the f"ther8s DNA "n' the mother8s DNA fuse. The egg 'i1i'es "n' forms t#o tin,, i'entic"l cells. The, -egin to re$lic"te, 'ou-ling, Gu"'ru$ling, "n' e2$onenti"ll, "''ing to their num-ers "t "n e2tr"or'in"r, r"te.


As ,ou #"tch this "m"Hing $rocess, ,ou hol' ste"'f"st to ,our intention of forming "n' sh"$ing ,ourself into ,our 'esire' -eing.%ou -"the these n"scent cells #ith ,our gre"t $e"ce, ,our serenit,, ,our light. %ou -less this hol, union th"t is ,ou reg"r'less of #h"t the Kf"ctsK of ,our conce$tion m", h"1e -een. /h"m"nic E2ercises An' there, then, "s the gro#ing, forming ,ou, ,ou forgi1e ,our $"rents. %ou see them "s the hol,, glorious, innocent -eings the, "re. %ou -"the them #ith ,our lo1e, *no#ing th"t "ll is #ell. %ou sigh. An' smile. Then, ,ou return "long ,our timeline to the $resent, -ringing #ith ,ou&into the here "n' no# &,our feelings of $e"ce "n' luminosit,, ,our Ao, "n' e2hil"r"tion, th"t ,ou e2$erience' "t th"t moment of ,our conce$tion. S7Y /AC!N/ The $r"ctice of /*, 0"Hing is "t the he"rt of s$iritu"l $r"ctice in the Ti-et"n DHogchen "n' other "ncient sh"m"nic tr"'itions. During this e2ercise ,ou le"1e -ehin' ,our mun'"ne "ff"irs "n' ,our seemingl, "$ort"nt to.'o lists, "n' enter the silent inner #orl' #here "ll he"ling t"*es $l"ce, #here ,our -o',8s n"tur"l rh,thms&$ulse, res$ir"tion, -r"in #"1es, "n' energ, s,stems& s,nchroniHe #ith e"ch other. E(er3ise' S5y /aDin/it in " comfort"-le ch"ir #ith ,our h"n's resting gentl, on ,our *nees, e,es o$en, g"Hing str"ight "he"' into the horiHon, "t the s*,. Rel"2 ,our A"# "n' "llo# ,our e,es to loo* #ith " soft g"He. T"*e 'ee$, gentle -re"ths. Rel"2 ,our -ell,, *ee$ing it soft. As ,ou follo# ,our -re"thing, o-ser1e ,our feelings, thoughts, "n' moo's. /im$l, #itness e1er,thing th"t surf"ces in ,our "#"reness "s if it #ere " clou' in the s*, th"t "$$e"rs "n' 'is"$$e"rs of its o#n "ccor'. As ,ou inh"le, note ho# ,ou "re the o-ser1er. As ,ou e2h"le, notice ho# e"s, it is to get lost in thought. (ith time, ,ou #ill st"rt to re"liHe th"t ,ou "re none of ,our feelings or ,our thoughts -ut th"t ,ou "re the /eer #ho o-ser1es "ll. Notice #here ,our min' #"n'ers off to, "n' then -ring it -"c* gentl, to focus on ,our -re"th "s ,ou g"He "t the morning s*,. Rest c"lml, in this "#"reness "n' notice the 1"st s$"ciousness th"t o$ens u$ -efore ,ou. !-ser1e ,our min', n"ture, ,our -o',, "n' e1en the s*, flo"ting -,. Clou's come "n' go, thoughts come "n' go, sens"tions come "n' go. (ith $r"ctice, "s ,ou in1est the /eer #ith "ttention "n' "#"reness, "ll of the -us,ness "n' #orries of the min' 'issol1e "n' ,ou #itness e1er, o-Aect, feeling, "n' thought #ith " smile on ,our f"ce. To succee', ,ou must $r"ctice this e2ercise '"il,, the first thing in the morning, for 96 minutes. 2till your mind -nd all clouds disappear. 3ontemplate a single truth -nd clear sky appears. & P"t"nA"liB


#AD!CA %O#/!VENESS E1er, religion te"ches the im$ort"nce of forgi1eness, #hether in the form of turning the other chee* in Christi"nit, or the u''hist $r"ctice of sen'ing lo1ing.*in'ness to "ll -eings. %et it is 1er, 'ifficult to sim$l, 'eci'e to forgi1e someone #ho h"s #ronge' ,ou, "n' m"*e the emotions of "nger or the feeling of -etr","l sim$l, go "#",. It is eGu"ll, 'ifficult to forgi1e ,ourself "n' m"*e the sense of sh"me or 'is"$$ointment 'issol1e "n' no longer "fflict ,ou. /ometimes #e hol' on so firml, to our resentments th"t #e c"rr, them #ith us to our 'e"th-e'. (hen #e forgi1e oursel1es "n' others, #e c"n re$rogr"m the to2ic neur"l net#or*s of our lim-ic -r"in. In or'er to trul, forgi1e oursel1es "n' others, #e must u$gr"'e the $rogr"mming th"t is the source of our limiting -eliefs. ut #e 'isco1er th"t there8s " neurologic"l c"tch.BB; it is 1er, 'ifficult to cre"te ne# neur"l net#or*s until #e $r"ctice forgi1eness. The follo#ing e2ercise #"s es$eci"ll, hel$ful to sh"m"ns "fter the /$"nish ConGuest of the Americ"s in the 96th to 95th centuries. (ith it, the, #ere "-le to forgi1e the ConGuist"'ors #ho #re"*e' h"1oc on their tr"'itions "n' ensl"1e' their $eo$le. In some $"rts of the An'es, this $r"ctice is *no#n "s K ur,ing the /#or' of the ConGuest.K It #or*s -,$rinting the im"ge of " lo1e' one o1er the im"ge of someone #ho h"s #ronge' ,ou. This c"n hel$ ,ou o1erri'e the $rogr"mming of ,our $rehistoric -r"in. It is not "n e"s, $r"ctice, -ec"use the min' #ill resist hol'ing the im"ge of " lo1e' one together #ith th"t of "n enem,. E(er3ise' #adi3al %or-iveness This $r"ctice #or*s -est #hen ,ou "re rel"2e'. /it 'o#n comfort"-l, "n' t"*e " fe# 'ee$, rel"2ing -re"ths. C"ll to ,our min' the im"ge of " lo1e' one, "n' feel the feelings of c"ring "n' "ffection. +ol' this im"ge for " count of three -re"ths. No# c"ll to ,our min' the im"ge of someone ,ou feel h"s #ronge' ,ou&" former lo1er or -usiness $"rtner, or someone #ho "-use' ,ou $h,sic"ll, or emotion"ll,. For one long -re"th, feel the "nger or resentment ,ou h"1e to#"r' this $erson s#elling u$ insi'e ,ou. No#, for fi1e long -re"ths, su$erim$ose the im"ge of ,our lo1e' one o1er this $erson, "n' im"gine ho# the, -len' "n' merge until onl, the im"ge of ,our lo1e' one rem"ins, "n' onl, the feelings of lo1e "n' c"ring en'ure. This e2ercise must -e re$e"te' freGuentl, for it to cle"r the to2ic emotions "n' er"se the neur"l net#or*s in the lim-ic -r"in. %ou #ill notice th"t the intensit, of ,our feelings of "nger or resentment #ill gr"'u"ll, 'iminish, until one '", ,ou 'isco1er th"t the, "re e2tinguishe'. Then ,ou #ill -e "-le to 'r"# the lesson th"t ,ou still h"1e to le"rn from th"t rel"tionshi$ "n' not h"1e to #"ste time "n' energ, on to2ic emotions. !nce #e le"rn the lessons th"t our enemies h"1e to te"ch us, #e 'on8t nee' to continue le"rning th"t #", "n, longer. D#A&!N/ !%E %#O. YOU# D#EA.S /h"m"ns -elie1e th"t "n enlightene' $erson is one #ho not onl, recogniHes truth -ut is "-le to -ring forth truth in e1er, situ"tion he encounters. The enlightene' $erson not onl, s$e"*s truth -ut recogniHes "n' un'erst"n's the true n"ture of re"lit, -oth #hen "#"*e "n' #hen "slee$. /h"m"ns -elie1e th"t our #"*ing re"lit, is 1er, simil"r to the #orl' #e e2$erience 'uring our slee$ing 're"ms. This 'oes not me"n th"t the #orl' is not re"l, th"t those "re not re"l -ir's singing outsi'e ,our #in'o# or re"l chil'ren $l",ing "t ,our feet or re"l neigh-ors -ic*ering ne2t 'oor. The #orl' is re"l, -ut our $erce$tion of th"t #orl' is fl"#e'. !ur min' onl, ruffles the surf"ce of the re"lit, it o-ser1es, "n' thus $ercei1es onl, its o#n 'istorte' reflection. It therefore o-scures the truth of " gre"ter Re"lit,. Am"Hon s"ges s$e"* of le"rning to 're"m #ith o$en e,es. The, feel it is unfortun"te th"t $eo$le in the (est h"1e stuffe' 're"ming time into the 'om"in of slee$, #here clou'e'


consciousness inhi-its recollections "n' -lurs the im"ges "n' insights th"t 're"ms "re me"nt to re1e"l. E1en #hen #e rec"ll 're"ms, the #"*ing min' c"nnot gr"s$ the fe# im"ges th"t linger "fter m"n, long hours of "'1enturing #hile "slee$. The s"ges $oint out th"t the enlightene' $erson is full, "#"*e e1en #hile "slee$, #hile the unenlightene' hum"n is full, "slee$ e1en #hile "#"*e. These s"ges -elie1e th"t if #e -ecome luci' in our 're"ms, #e c"n -egin to ch"nge their tone "n' 'irection. !nce #e le"rn to ch"nge our slee$ing 're"ms, #e c"n -egin to ch"nge our #"*ing 're"ms. Then #e -egin to 're"m&"#"*e "n' "slee$&of our #orl' #ith gre"ter origin"lit, "n' luci'it,. (e gui'e our 're"ms to e2tr"or'in"r, 'om"ins #here #e le"rn from gre"t te"chers, 1isit 'ist"nt l"n's, communic"te >#ithout electronic 'e1ices? #ith frien's "cross the #orl', "n' meet #ith 'ece"se' "ncestors. Dre"ms "re " $"rt of our life, coming to us nightl,, #hether #e "re "#"re of them or not. The, "lso come to us in the form of '",'re"ms, " $"stime for #hich m"n, of us h"1e -een criticiHe' for sGu"n'ering time. ut sh"m"ns res$ect their 're"ms&-oth of the nighttime "n' the '",time&-ec"use the, cont"in mess"ges from the s$irit "n' the -ios$here. To 'r"# life from ,our 're"ms, #e recommen' t#o e2ercises; Dre"m %og" "n' Luci' Dre"ming. Through this Dre"m %og" e2ercise, ,ou #ill -e "-le to -etter rec"ll ,our 're"ms "n' #ill $re$"re ,ourself for the ne2t e2ercise, Luci' Dre"ming. E(er3ise' Dream Yo-a /et ,our cloc* to "#"*en ,ou fi1e or ten minutes e"rlier th"n usu"l, i'e"ll, #ith gentle music r"ther th"n " r"'io t"l* sho# host or "n "l"rming -uHHer. If ,ou 'o not rec"ll ,our 're"ms e"sil,, tr, the follo#ing techniGue. Drin* one h"lf " gl"ss of #"ter -efore ,ou go to -e' "n' tell ,ourself, K(hen I #"*e u$, I #ill 'rin* the other h"lf gl"ss "n' remem-er m, 're"ms.K :ee$ " note-oo* -, the si'e of ,our -e', "n' #hen ,ou #"*e u$ in the morning t"*e " fe# moments to Aot 'o#n *e,#or's th"t #ill remin' ,ou of ,our 're"ms. (hen ,ou "#"*en, come out of ,our slee$ slo#l, "n' lu2uriousl,, -"s*ing in the "fterglo# of ,our 're"ms, relishing the fl"1ors, scents, "n' im"ges th"t linger in the e"rl, morning from ,our 're"mtime "'1entures. (ith ,our e,es close', rec"ll ,our 're"ms, "n' notice the urgenc, #ith #hich the #"*ing min' #"nts to get on #ith the '",8s #or*, #hether chec*ing ,our e.m"il, listening to the morning ne#s, or getting re"', for #or*. (hen ,ou 'o o$en ,our e,es, 'o so gentl,. (rite #h"t ,ou rec"ll in ,our 're"m Aourn"l, "l#",s using the $resent tense, "s if ,ou #ere still 're"ming "s ,ou #rite, e1en if ,our 're"ms seem fuHH, or -lurr, "t first. As ,ou 'o this e2ercise, ,ou might -e "m"He' "t ho# much more ,ou rec"ll "s ,ou #rite. As soon "s ,ou #"*e u$ in the morning, 'rin* the rest of the #"ter "n' lie in -e' #ith ,our e,es close', "llo#ing ,our 're"m im"ges to flo# -"c* into "#"reness. If ,ou "re li*el, to get u$ 'uring the night to go to the -"throom, *ee$ " recor'er ne2t to ,our -e' "n' 'ict"te the essenti"ls of "n, interru$te' 're"m. Luci' 're"ming is im$ort"nt -ec"use it hel$s us -ring consciousness "n' "#"reness into our 're"ms. !nce #e le"rn luci' 're"ming, 're"ms no longer Aust Kh"$$enK to us. As #e re"liHe #e "re 're"ming, #e "re "-le to gui'e "n' 'irect our 're"ms. Luci' 're"ming is the first of three ste$s in the sh"m"n8s 're"m $r"ctices. The secon' is to -ring "#"reness into ,our 're"mless slee$, #hen ,ou h"1e no 're"m im"ges in ,our "#"reness. The thir' is to -ring ,our 're"ming $r"ctice >not ,our 're"ms -ut the s*ill of 're"ming? into ,our #"*ing st"te, to un'erst"n' th"t ,ou "re 're"ming the #orl' into -eing "t "ll times.


Through luci' 're"ming, sh"m"ns c"n "gree to con1ene on " cert"in night "t " $l"ce of $o#er in n"ture. The, m", use " cr,st"l or some other -e"utiful stone to f"cilit"te their 're"m meeting. (hen the, com$"re notes in the follo#ing '",s or #ee*s, the, recogniHe th"t the, h"' in'ee' sh"re' the s"me $s,chic s$"ce "n' #ere "-le to rec"ll #h"t the others h"' s"i' or 'one. E(er3ise' u3id Dreamin/elect " stone&$erh"$s " -e"utiful cr,st"l&#ith no sh"r$ e'ges "n' th"t fits nicel, in the $"lm of ,our h"n's so th"t ,ou c"n ru- ,our h"n's together #hile hol'ing it. (hen ,ou go to -e', set ,our intention to 're"m luci'l,. For e2"m$le, ,ou might 'eci'e to 're"m "-out -eing in " mount"in in the +im"l","s, or $erh"$s " home ,ou li1e' in 'uring ,our chil'hoo', or "-out 1isiting #ith rel"ti1es #ho "re no longer li1ing. %ou c"n "lso 'etermine to 1isit " Kuni1ersit,K #here ,ou #ill go to recei1e te"ching "n' tr"ining. As ,ou concentr"te, -lo# into ,our stone #ith " soft -re"th "n' "s* ,our su-conscious min' to -ring the im"ge of the stone into ,our 're"ms. +ol' the stone in ,our h"n' #hile ,ou go to slee$. During the night, the stone #ill f"ll out of ,our h"n' "n' en' u$ some#here in the -e'. If ,ou turn o1er "n' lie on it, ,ou #ill li*el, surf"ce from ,our 'ee$ slee$ moment"ril,. T"*e the stone into ,our h"n's. Im"gine th"t ,ou "re -ringing it #ith ,ou into ,our 're"ms, "n' re"ssert ,our intention to 're"m luci'l,. After " fe# tries, ,ou #ill fin' th"t the stone #ill -egin to "$$e"r in ,our 're"ms. %ou #ill re"liHe th"t ,ou "re 're"ming #hile ,ou "re in the 're"m. An', #ith time, ,ou #ill -ecome "-le to steer ,our 're"ms in ,our inten'e' 'irection. To succee', ,ou must $r"ctice this e2ercise '"il,. &E A#E OU# STO#!ES /h"m"ns come from cultures #here the #ritten #or' h"s not ,et re$l"ce' the stor,telling tr"'ition "n' #here Kf"ctsK h"1e not ,et o1erthro#n the m,ths "n' legen's th"t e2$ress the soul of " $eo$le. As n"tions "n' "s in'i1i'u"ls, #e "re the $ro'uct of the stories #e tell oursel1es "-out our origins, our chil'hoo', our life, "n' our close -rushes #ith 'e"th. For e2"m$le, for " long time, Christi"ns -elie1e' th"t the stor, of Cre"tion "s tol' in the i-le #"s the onl, "1"il"-le e2$l"n"tion of ho# hum"ns c"me to "$$e"r on the E"rth. Then scientists 'isco1ere' th"t there #"s "nother $ers$ecti1e, "nother stor,, "n' D"r#ini"n e1olution -eg"n to influence our culture8s #orl'1ie#. (hen #e 'o not gener"te origin"l stories of our o#n, #e c"n e"sil, "'o$t iter"tions of the gener"ll, "cce$te' 1ersion of re"lit, or the $o$ $s,cholog, themes of the time. In our $erson"l stories, #e might feel hurt -, reAection, for e2"m$le #hen our first lo1e #"s not reci$roc"te', or #hen #e #ere tol' -, our element"r, school te"cher th"t our 'r"#ing #"s Knot #orth s"1ingK "s she crum$le' it u$. Then, #e h"1e "ll e2$erience' the loss of " lo1e' one "n' feelings of -eing left "lone to fen' for oursel1es in the #orl'. (hen #e see oursel1es "s 1ictims in those tr"gic t"les, #e might turn th"t hurt or th"t loss into "n "$olog, for not -eing cre"ti1e, or into "n e2cuse for not Ksho#ing UPK in our m"rri"ges "n' f"milies. ut #hen #e "re "-le to sur1i1e loss, 'efe"t, "-"n'onment, reAection, "n' f"ilure "n', inste"', 'r"# im$ort"nt lessons from those intense encounters #ith f"te, then our stories -ecome e$ics of gre"t heroism in #hich #e "re the Prot"gonist. E1er,one li*es to thin* their t"le is unli*e "n,one else8s. (e ten' to in1est hugel, in the 'r"m" of our stor,, "-solutel, con1ince' not onl, th"t it is true -ut "lso th"t #e oursel1es "re the $ro'uct of our circumst"nces, -ut this is not the c"se.


Alberto' ! am M, $"tients8 stories "re true. I *no# this -ec"use the, h"1e tol' me. The, h"1e in1este' their t"le #ith soun' "n' fur, in "n "ttem$t to -etter un'erst"n' their $"st. An' e"ch time, the, rec"st the e1ents of their $"st in " more con1enient light, im$osing B=PB= hin'sight. The long. hel' stor, of -eing "-use' "s " chil', for e2"m$le, e2$l"ine' timi' "n' #ith'r"#n "'ult -eh"1ior. The re$l",e' stor, of " struggle #ith "''iction e2$l"ine' not li1ing u$ to full $otenti"l. These stories often ser1e' "s "n "$olog, to life for #h"t " $erson h"' -ecome. An' I le"rne' this lesson "g"in "s "n "nthro$ologist #or*ing #ith Am"Hon s"ges. The sh"m"ns -elie1e' th"t e1er,thing " $erson rec"lls "-out their $"st is " $roAection of "n intern"l m"$ hel' in their $s,che. KAm"n'"K #"s con1ince' she h"' -een "-"n'one' emotion"ll, -, her mother "n' f"ther #hen she #"s 1er, ,oung. After m"n, ,e"rs in ther"$,, struggling #ith her "-"n'onment issues, she #ent to " h,$nother"$ist #ho $erforme' " h,$notic regression 'uring #hich she s"# 1i1i'l, ho# her $"rents h"' "-"n'one' her #hen she #"s 9) months ol'. After her session, Am"n'" confronte' her mother&her f"ther h"' "lre"', $"sse' "#", -, then. The mother e2$l"ine' th"t Am"n'" h"' -een 1er, colic*, "s " -"-, "n', "t th"t e"rl, "ge, -oth $"rents h"' gone on " #ee*long holi'",, le"1ing Am"n'" #ith her gr"n'mother, #ho hel' her "n' cu''le' her. The -r"in of the chil', of course, 'i' not recogniHe the $"rents8 nee' for " little slee$ -ut onl, re"liHe' th"t Momm, "n' D"'', h"' gone, $erh"$s ne1er to come -"c*. Am"n'" t"ught me #h"t the Am"Hon s"ges *ne#; n"mel,, th"t tr"um" is not #h"t "ctu"ll, h"$$ens -ut the #", it is remem-ere'&ho# it continues to li1e "s " $erson"l m,th in the $s,che. KA t"le tol' -, "n i'iot, full of soun' "n' fur,, signif,ing nothing,K "s /h"*es$e"re s"i'. !nl, l"ter #oul' I un'erst"n' the lesson of the sh"m"ns&"n' one of the $rim"r, lessons of this -oo*; (hen ,ou ch"nge the stor,, the #orl' ch"nges. ut, "s ,ou h"1e he"r'&"n' it is #ell #orth re$e"ting&,our stor, c"nnot -e ch"nge' su$erfici"ll, -, merel, ch"nging ,our min' or ment"ll, "ltering the e1ents of ,our chil'hoo'. For e2"m$le, e1en "fter Euro$e"n m"ritime e2$lorers s"ile' off the su$$ose' Ke'ge of the #orl'K "n' c"me -"c* to tell "-out it, $ro1ing th"t the #orl' is roun', m"n, $eo$le continue' to -elie1e th"t th"t coul' not $ossi-l, -e true, "n' the, #ent on li1ing "s if the #orl' #ere fl"t. The s"me s*e$ticism occurre', e1en "mong the -rightest min's of the time, "fter the 'isco1er, th"t the E"rth or-its the sun. %ou might #on'er, then, #h"t h"$$ene' to Am"n'" u$on he"ring her mother8s si'e of the stor,. Di' th"t truth ch"nge the f"lse -elief th"t Am"n'" h"' cre"te' "n' fostere' for so m"n, ,e"rsF The sh"m"ns hel$ clients ch"nge their stories "t 1er, 'ee$ l",ers of the $s,che. There, it is $ossi-le to "ccess "n' re$rogr"m neur"l net#or*s, -ut onl, "fter " close -rush #ith illness or 'e"th or "fter " $erio' of f"sting, $r",er, "n' $re$"r"tion. Then, their clients c"n cre"te " -etter t"le, one in #hich the, "re c"st "s hero "n' not "s 1ictim. I'e"ll,, clients "lso 'isco1er the, "re the stor,tellers "n' not their stories, th"t the, "re the m,thm"*ers "n' not the m,ths. This re"liH"tion in1ol1es the $refront"l corte2, the onl, $"rt of the -r"in th"t is "-le to "tt"in this le1el of enlightene' un'erst"n'.mg "n' #iel' the -rush to $"int "n entirel, ne# l"n'sc"$e of our 7i1es. An', ,es, this is #h"t Am"n'" 'i'. ut it too* gre"t effort on her $"rt, "s she #ent from -eing "ngr, "t her mother for "-"n'oning her, to -eing "ngr, "t her mother for not "-"n'oning her, to -eing "ngr, "t herself, to forgi1ing herself "n' em-r"cing the gre"t lessons she h"' recei1e' "-out -eing "-le to rel, on herself "l#",s. An' no# I #"nt to tell ,ou ho# I ch"nge' m, stor,. !ne time, I #"s in C"n,on 'e Chell, in the Americ"n /outh#est #here I -efrien'e' "n el'erl, me'icine #om"n of the N"1"Ao N"tion. In the course of our con1ers"tion, this #om"n,


KCh"rlotte,K "s*e' me #ho I #"s "n' "-out m, f"mil,. I res$on'e' th"t I #"s -orn in Cu-"I th"t, 'uring m, chil'hoo', there #"s " terri-le re1olution #here I s"# much sufferingI th"t, for $olitic"l re"sons, m, f"ther often h"' to le"1e us #hen I #"s " ,oung -o,I "n' th"t I h"' -een r"ise' #ithout " $ositi1e role mo'el for -eing " m"n. The ol' #om"n smile' "t me, "n' I felt it #"s m, turn to "s* her #ho she #"s "n' #h"t she 'i'. +er res$onse too* me -"c*. /he s"i', KThe re'.roc* c"n,on #"lls "m I, the 'esert #in' "m I, th"t chil' #ho 'i' not e"t to'", "t the reser1"tion "m I.K An' I thought to m,self, #h"t "n interesting stor,, so much more interesting th"n mine, #hich I l"ter un'erstoo' h"' -een sh"$e' "s much -, m, e2$erience "s -, the $o$ $s,cholog, of the time. Th"t 1er, '", I 'etermine' to ch"nge m, stor,. I #oul' no longer -e the chil' #ho 'i' not -elong "n,#here, #oun'e' -, " re1olution th"t I #"s too ,oung to fight in or flee from, "n' #ho reGuire' "n ol'er role mo'el in or'er to -ecome " m"n. ut I 'isco1ere' th"t I coul' not ch"nge m, life stor, onl, -, ch"nging m, min' "-out it, onl, -, r"tion"ll, 'etermining to -ecome someone 'ifferent. No, I #oul' nee' to tr"nsition from ol'.-r"in thin*ing to the #is'om of the $refront"l corte2, #hich me"ns I #oul' nee' to l", "si'e&e1en sl",&m, ol' m,thologies "n' cre"te ne# m"$s for the rem"in'er of m, Aourne,. Li*e#ise, ,ou c"n e2ch"nge ,our stories of sc"rcit,, -ere"1ement, loss, "n' suffering for " gr"n'er, more no-le e$ic. %ou c"n -e li*e /i''h"rth", the ,oung $rince #ho left "n e"s, -ut unfulfilling life in the $"l"ce to 'isco1er enlightenment "n' -ecome the u''h". ut, to ch"nge ,our stor, "n' re#ire ,our -r"in, ,ou h"1e to Guiet ,our +PA "2is so th"t ,ou c"n get out of fight.or.flight $"r"l,sis, sto$ res$on'ing to $eo$le "n' situ"tions #ith "nger "n' 1iolence, "n' ce"se running "#", or hi'ing. The s"ges of ol' *ne# th"t for " $erson to he"l from tr"um", th"t $erson h"' to 'isco1er " ne# $erson"l m,tholog, in #hich he or she ce"se' -eing the 1ictim of " terri-le chil'hoo', " f"ile' m"rri"ge, "n illness, or of histor, itself. The sh"m"ns *ne# th"t $erson #oul' nee' to $"int " gr"n' c"n1"s "n' 'e$ict him. or herself "s " heroic tr"1eler "n' e2$lorer. (hen #e un'erst"n' th"t the stories of our li1es -oth sh"$e our neurolog, "n' "re the $ro'uct of neur"l net#or*s, #e c"n choose to ch"nge our stories in or'er to ch"nge our -r"ins. !nce #e ch"nge our -r"ins, #e c"n st"rt to h"1e ne# "n' origin"l e2$eriences "n' cr"ft more origin"l stories from these. In this m"nner, li*e one h"n' #"shing the other, our e2$eriences sh"$e "n' mol' our -r"in, "n' our -r"in sh"$es "n' informs our stories. (e h"1e t#o $rinci$"l stories in our life; !ne is #ritten in our genetic co'e, #hich m"n, -elie1e is fi2e' "n' immut"-le. The other is the $s,chologic"l stor, >or stories? #e consciousl, tell&"n' retell "n' retell "n' retell&oursel1es. These stories "re lin*e' -ec"use often the ch"$ters "n' 1erses of the l"tter "re $oorl, e'ite' 1ersions of our $"rents8 life "n' struggles. The e"rlier e2ercise Reselecting %our 0enetic Destin, #ill hel$ ,ou to re#rite ,our genetic t"le. The follo#ing e2ercise #ill sho# ,ou ho# to e'it the stor, th"t 'efines ,our life Aourne,. E(er3ise' &e Are Our Stories T"*e " $en "n' $"$er "n' #rite " one.$"ge f"ir, t"le th"t st"rts #ith K!nce u$on " time ...K Inclu'e " $rincess or $rince, " #"rrior, "n' " 'r"gon, -ut "llo# the stor, to unfol' "n' g"in in com$le2it, "s ,ou #e"1e in other ch"r"cters "n' "'1entures. If ,ou thin* this soun's chil'ish, gi1e ,ourself $ermission to -e chil'li*e for " fe# moments. No# $ut this -oo* 'o#n "n' tr, this e2ercise -efore ,ou re"' further "-out the outcome of the $r"ctice. L"ter to'", or tomorro#, select someone #ho #ill hel$ ,ou un'erst"n' the signific"nce of this f"ir, t"le. Re"' ,our stor, "lou' to " frien' or $"rtner "n' loo* for themes. (h"t genre is it; "'1enture, rom"nce, " t"le of 'es$"ir, or " Guest for lo1e or fortuneF (ho is the m"in ch"r"cter; the $rincess, the 'r"gon, the #"rrior, or "nother ch"r"cterF


No# ch"nge the tense from $"st to $resent "n' cl"im, for ,ourself, "ll "ctions of the $rim"r, ch"r"cter. For e2"m$le, ,ou might ch"nge K"n' then the *ing left the $rincess #hile her c"stle #"s -eing storme'K to K"n' then the *ing left me #hile m, c"stle #"s -eing storme'.K Notice ho# the tone "n' signific"nce of the stor, ch"nges. This #ill re1e"l some of the -eliefs inscri-e' in the $rimiti1e neur"l net#or*s of ,our -r"in. No# re#rite the stor,, c"sting ,our ch"r"cter "s " hero or heroine #ho em-"r*s u$on " Aourne, in se"rch of me"ning. For e2"m$le, ,ou ch"nge from K" $rincess #ho is "-"n'one' -, her f"mil, #hen her c"stle is un'er siegeK to K" cour"geous m"i'en #ho follo#s her he"rt8s c"lling to e2$lore the #orl' "n' 'isco1er her $ur$ose in life, her re"son for -eing, 'es$ite "ll the "'1ersit, she h"' to f"ce.K As ,ou re#rite ,our $erson"l stor,, ,ou m", 'isco1er, for e2"m$le, th"t ,our $"rents8 'i1orce is not ,our stor, of "-"n'onment -ut ,our o$$ortunit, to le"rn resilience "n' -r"1er, e"rl, in lifeI th"t -eing unm"rrie' is not ,our f"ilure "t lo1e -ut "n o$$ortunit, to 'e1elo$ ,our c"re "n' generosit, to#"r' othersI th"t -eing hum-le' -, life8s circumst"nces is " ch"nce to set "si'e $ri'e "n' $r"ctice humilit,. Then re"' ,our re#ritten stor, "s the $"r"-le it is. I'entif, #ith the lessons "n' gifts ,ou e2$erience in ,our life stories&"n' in ,our life. An' "s ,ou re"', remem-er th"t ,our $refront"l corte2 is l",ing $"th#",s for ,our ne# neur"l net#or*s of Ao,, inner $e"ce, "n' enlightenment. T"E S"A.AN$S BAT" This is " 1er, cle"nsing "n' he"ling -"th formul". Re$e"t this -"th "s often "s ,ou li*e, es$eci"ll, on ,our '", of f"sting. /"ge is use' -, sh"m"ns throughout the Americ"s to Ksmu'ge,K or cle"nse, the energ, of " $erson or " $l"ce. Reci$e; The /h"m"n8s "th U cu$ -"*ing so'" 9PB cu$ se" s"lt 9= 'ro$s of s"ge oil >essenti"l oil? Pour ingre'ients into " tu- "s ,ou "re filling it #ith #"rm #"ter "n' so"* ,our -o', for B= minutes. Rinse off. 0o str"ight to -e'.


C"APTE# 09 T"E PO&E# UP YOU# B#A!N P#O/#A.

(h"t ,ou81e re"' in Po#er U$ %our r"in so f"r is the m"rri"ge of science "n' s$iritu"lit,, of f"ct "n' tr"'ition, of histor, "n' $rehistor,. In the follo#ing $"ges, ,ou #ill recei1e instructions reg"r'ing 'iet, f"sting, 'iet"r, su$$lements, e2ercise, sh"m"nic e2ercises, me'it"tion, "n' im"ging $r"ctices. The $rogr"m ent"ils fi1e #ee*s of intensi1e $r"ctice, follo#e' -, " more mo'er"te regul"r $r"ctice for m"inten"nce. %ou "re "-out to em-"r* on " Aourne, to#"r' enlightenment. %ou #ill e2$erience the -enefits 'escri-e' throughout the e"rlier ch"$ters in this -oo*, s$ecific"ll, the cre"tion of ne# neur"l $"th#",s th"t #ill hel$ ,ou to he"l from tr"um" "n' e2$erience inner $e"ce "n' enlightenment. If $ossi-le, -egin the Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m on the '", of the full moon. !mportant reminder' This Progr"m in1ol1es f"sting. Consult #ith ,our $h,sici"n -efore eng"ging in this or "n, f"sting $rogr"m, es$eci"ll, if ,ou "re 'i"-etic, h"1e lo# -loo' sug"r, t"*e $h"rm"ceutic"l me'ic"tions, or "re e2$eriencing "n, $h,sic"l con'ition th"t ,ou -elie1e ,ou shoul' 'iscuss #ith ,our 'octor or " $rofession"l he"lth $r"ctitioner.

&EE7 0
During this #ee*, ,ou #ill -egin " Aourne, th"t #ill le"' to signific"nt ch"nges in ,our -o', "n' $rofoun' e2$eriences for ,our -eing. De$en'ing on ,our lifest,le, ,ou m", not -e "#"re of those ch"nges, "n' ,ou m", e1en e2$erience " cert"in "mount of 'iscomfort "s ,our -o', -egins to elimin"te to2ins. D!ET Or-ani3s; Choose "s m"n, org"nic foo's "s "re "1"il"-le. If fin"nces "re "n issue, m"*e sure to choose org"nic 1"rieties of the follo#ing foo's -ec"use the,8re most li*el, to -e cont"min"te'; "$$les, $e"ches, nect"rines, $e"rs, str"#-erries, cherries, im$orte' gr"$es, celer,, s#eet -ell $e$$ers, s$in"ch, lettuce, "n' $ot"toes. Aller-ens; During this first #ee*, mo'if, ,our 'iet to re'uce ,our consum$tion of foo's th"t m", cont"in "llergens. The most common of these "re foo's th"t cont"in gluten&#he"t, -"rle,, "n' r,e&"s #ell "s '"ir, $ro'ucts. Tot"ll, elimin"ting gluten from ,our 'iet m", -e ch"llenging, so ,ou m", #ish to "s* ,our 'octor to $erform " sim$le -loo' test to 'etermine in "'1"nce if ,ou "re gluten sensiti1e. If the test is neg"ti1e, me"ning th"t ,ou "re not gluten sensiti1e, then there8s no nee' to "1oi' gluten.cont"ining foo's.9 An e1en -etter i'e", #hich #ill ser1e ,ou long "fter the Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m is com$lete', is to consi'er h"1ing " com$rehensi1e -loo' e1"lu"tion for foo' "llergies such "s the Com$rehensi1e Foo' Allerg, Profile offere' -, 0eno1" Di"gnostics L"-or"tor,. This sim$le -loo' e1"lu"tion #ill 'etermine ,our uniGue le1el of sensiti1it, to )) common foo's.B The test $ro1i'es " r"n*ing of foo's in terms of ,our sensiti1it,. (e gener"ll, recommen' th"t $"tients $erm"nentl, remo1e "ll foo's r"n*e' "t BV or 4V from their 'iets "n' cert"inl, throughout the rest of the Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m.


As much "s $ossi-le, elimin"te sug"rs "n' other sim$le c"r-oh,'r"tes such "s highl, refine' flour. This me"ns no $"st" "n' -re"'s m"'e from $rocesse' flour. Inste"' choose $ro'ucts m"'e from"in flour, #hich ,ou c"n $urch"se from he"' stores. %ats; This is "lso the time to st"rt focusing on the f"ts in ,our 'iet. (hile it m", soun' counterintuiti1e, 'iet"r, f"ts "re goo' for the -r"in. This m"*es sense #hen ,ou remem-er th"t some D= $ercent of the -r"in is m"'e of f"t "n' th"t the source of this f"t is ,our 'iet. /o it8s not so much the "mount of f"t th"t8s in ,our 'iet, -ut the t,$e of f"t ,ou consume th"t m"*es "ll the 'ifference. Consuming foo's m"'e #ith h,'rogen"te', s"tur"te' f"ts not onl, -uil's " less function"l -r"in th"t8s "t incre"se' ris* for 'ise"ses li*e AlHheimer8s "n' P"r*inson8s, -ut #ill "lso com$romise function '", -, '", #hile incre"sing ,our ris* for so m"n, s,stemic 'ise"ses th"t "re no# e$i'emic in our societ,, li*e 'i"-etes, 'e$ression, high -loo' $ressure, "n' coron"r, "rter, 'ise"se. No# is the time to infuse ,our 'iet #ith sources of D+A "n' goo' f"ts li*e 1irgin org"nic oli1e oil, #hich m", hel$ $rotect the -r"in from AlHheimer8s 'ise"se. Ne# rese"rch no# fin's th"t oleoc"nth"l, " com$oun' foun' in 1irgin oli1e oil, mo'ifies s$ecific $roteins c"lle' ADDLs th"t interfere #ith norm"l ner1e function "n' m", trigger memor, loss. These mo'ific"tions ren'er the ADDLs less '"m"ging to the -r"in. Al3o*ol; (hile consuming one "lcoholic 'rin* $er '", for #omen "n' one to t#o 'rin*s '"il, for men h"s -een sho#n to re'uce the ris* for cogniti1e 'ecline "n' e1en AlHheimer8s 'ise"se, #e recommen' "-st"ining from "lcohol 'uring the first four #ee*s of the Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m.4 Ca,,eine; Discontinue c"ffeine. %ou #ill -e "-le to reintro'uce it l"ter on. &it*drawal Symptoms' If ,ou h"1e -een "ggressi1el, consuming sug"r, c"ffeine, or "lcohol, ,ou m", e2$erience signific"nt #ith'r"#"l s,m$toms. The r"nge of #ith'r"#"l s,m$toms is Guite #i'e "n' c"n inclu'e e1er,thing from he"'"ches, 'e$ression, f"tigue, "n' moo' s#ings to n"use", 1omiting, insomni", "n' fe1er 'e$en'ing on #hich su-st"nce ,ou81e gi1en u$. To m"n"ge these s,m$toms, 'rin* "n "''ition"l eight.ounce gl"ss of #"ter t#o or three times '"il,, $refer"-l, s$ring #"ter or re1erse osmosis $urifie' #"ter, "n' me'it"te "s 'escri-e' -elo#. Acce$t th"t ,ou m", h"1e to feel " little -it #orse -efore ,ou st"rt feeling -etter. %astinDo not f"st 'uring (ee* 9. Dietary Supplements A'' the follo#ing n"tur"l su$$lements to ,our 'iet. T Ve-etarian D"A; 9,=== mg >milligr"ms? '"il,. Veget"ri"n D+A t,$ic"ll, comes in the form of " B== mg c"$sule, so t"*e fi1e c"$sules '"il,, "ll "t once or s$lit the 'ose throughout the '",, #ith or #ithout foo'. :ee$ refriger"te'. T Olive oil) vir-in) or-ani3; 9 t"-les$oon '"il,. This m", -e "''e' to s"l"' 'ressing, 'riHHle' o1er ste"me' 1eget"-les, com-ine' #ith freshl, Auice' org"nic 1eget"-les, or consume' #ith"in -re"'. The oil must -e consume' uncoo*e', so oli1e oil use' in coo*ing 'oes not count to#"r' this reGuirement. T Alp*a8lipoi3 a3id) 3ontrolled release; 5== mg '"il,, 4= minutes -efore me"ls or on em$t, stom"ch. A1"il"-le un'er the -r"n' n"me ALAm"2 CR from ###.S, >tel. )==. 5CD.59==?.


T Co3onut oil) vir-in) or-ani3; 9 t"-les$oon e"ch morning. Feel free to "'' this to " smoothie or use it "s " s$re"' on"in -re"'. Altern"ti1el,, c"$sules of coconut oil "re no# "1"il"-le. T Pterostilbene >$ronounce' tero./TILL.-e"n?; 6= mg e"ch morning "n' e1ening, #ith or #ithout foo'.@ T Sul,orap*ane; 4= mg e"ch morning "n' e1ening, #ith or #ithout foo'.@ T Cur3umin ,rom turmeri3 e(tra3t; B== mg e"ch morning "n' e1ening, #ith or #ithout foo'.@ T /reen tea e(tra3t; B== mg e"ch morning "n' e1ening, #ith or #ithout foo'.@ @These su$$lements "re cont"ine' in 9 c"$sule of NrfB Acti1"tor, "1"il"-le from S,mogen; )==.5CD.59== or ###.S, NrfB Acti1"tor "lso cont"ins ioPerine, " $e$$er e2tr"ct th"t signific"ntl, enh"nces the "-sor$tion of the "cti1e com$onents of this uniGue su$$lement. P*ysi3al E(er3ise As* ,our $h,sici"n to hel$ ,ou 'etermine ,our e2ercise toler"nce. Aerobi3s; E2ercise >#"l*, -i*e, or Aog? "t " sust"ine' "ero-ic $"ce for B= minutes e1er, '", &or more if ,ou8re in goo' $h,sic"l con'ition. /et ,our t"rget $ulse r"te "t " num-er eGu"l to 9)= minus ,our "ge, unless ,our 'octor "'1ises other#ise. Don8t inclu'e #"rm.u$ or cool. 'o#n times in this B=.minute tot"l. If ,ou "re incline', $urch"se " #rist#"tch.t,$e monitoring 'e1ice such "s the Pol"r +e"rt R"te Monitor, #hich #ill gi1e ,ou "n inst"nt"neous re"'out of ,our $ulse. These 'e1ices "re "1"il"-le "t most s$orting goo's stores "n' online. Yo-aEStret3*in-; Pr"ctice ,og" or " simil"r stretchingPfle2i-ilit, $rogr"m "t le"st t#ice " #ee* for "t le"st 4= minutes $er session. S*amani3 e(er3ise T*e S*aman$s Bat*; EnAo, this once " #ee*, on the '", of ,our choice, in the e1ening -efore going to -e'. Buietin- Your "PA A(is; Perform this e2ercise t#ice e"ch #ee* in the e1ening -efore going to -e'. .editation P"rtici$"te in the Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m8s '"il, Pl"net"r, Me'it"tion. Do#nlo"' this $e"ce me'it"tion&"long #ith "n im"ge th"t c"n -e use' "s ,our 'es*to$ screen s"1er&from ###. Po#erU $%our r" As ,ou 'o the me'it"tion, tr, to tune in #ith others "roun' the $l"net #ho "re me'it"ting "t the s"me time. #elations*ips Reflect on ,our rel"tionshi$s #ith ,ourself "n' others, es$eci"ll, $eo$le #ho "re im$ort"nt to ,ou. Thin* "-out #ho these $eo$le "re "n' ho# ,ou re"ching out to them to'",. +o# "re ,ou cele-r"ting the ones ,ou lo1eF +o# "re ,ou honoring ,ourselfF Contem$l"te ,our interconnecte'ness #ith "ll hum"n -eings "n' #ith "ll cre"tures of the E"rth. As ,ou $re$"re to e"t " me"l, s", " short $r",er of -lessing "n' im"gine "ll the 'ifferent $l"nts, "nim"ls, "n' $eo$le #ho h"1e contri-ute' to ,our nourishment. Inclu'e not onl, the f"rmers, gro#ers, "n' li1estoc* r"isers -ut "lso the h"n'lers, truc*ers, "n' grocers.


&EE7 2 T"#OU/" &EE7 9

As ,ou mo1e for#"r' from (ee* B through (ee* C, ,ou m", e2$erience " heightene' "#"reness of ,our -eing, " gre"ter "$$reci"tion for ,ourself, "n' " 'iminishing "mount of "n2iet, "n' "nger in ,our life. As ,ou smile "t the $erson #ho Aust cut in front of ,ou in the grocer, chec*out line, ,ou "re " ste$ closer to#"r' "n enlightene' life. D!ET Continue to choose "s m"n, org"nic foo's "s "re "1"il"-le. Continue to "1oi' "llergens, h,'rogen"te' "n' s"tur"te' "lcohol, "n' c"ffeine. %ruits F Ve-etables; E"t "t le"st fi1e to si2 ser1ings of fresh fruits "n' 1eget"-les '"il,. (hen fresh $ro'uce isn8t "1"il"-le, choose froHen $re$"r"tions o1er c"nne'. Carbo*ydrates; Re'uce ,our int"*e of c"r-oh,'r"tes to one ser1ing $er '",&t#o slices of"in -re"' or one ser1ing of"in $"st", or cere"l >unless ,ou e2ercise strenuousl,, in #hich c"se ,our -o', #ill nee' incre"se' "mounts of com$le2 c"r-oh,'r"tes, li*e"in cere"ls, $"st"s, or -re"'s?. %astin%ou #ill f"st t#ice in this $"rt of the Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m; once 'uring (ee* B "n' once 'uring (ee* 4. Choose " '", to f"st. If ,ou -eg"n the $rogr"m on the '", of the full moon, then the fourth '", of this secon' #ee* #ill -e the 99th '", "fter the full moon "n' #ill corres$on' to the i'e"l f"sting "n' me'it"tion '",, "s 'escri-e' in the A,ur1e'ic te2ts >"s mentione' in Ch"$ter 9B?I this #ill s,nchroniHe ,our f"sting "n' 'ee$en ,our me'it"ti1e e2$erience "s ,ou energetic"ll, connect #ith others #ho "lso "'o$t this $rogr"m. If ,ou "re not "-le to f"st on the fourth '", of the secon' #ee*, then choose " '", #hen ,ou h"1e no 'em"n'ing -usiness or $erson"l o-lig"tions. F"st "g"in 'uring (ee* 4, i'e"ll, one #ee* "fter ,our first f"st. Do not f"st 'uring (ee* C. !n the '",s ,ou f"st, 'rin* "m$le "mounts of #"ter. If ,ou fin' f"sting to -e "n o1er#helming ch"llenge, e"t fresh fruit, such "s slice' or"nges, on the '", ,ou f"st. Ag"in, it8s im$ort"nt to chec* #ith ,our $h,sici"n -efore eng"ging in " f"sting $rogr"m, es$eci"ll, if ,ou "re 'i"-etic, h"1e lo# -loo' sug"r, t"*e $h"rm"ceutic"l me'ic"tions, or "re e2$eriencing "n, other $h,sic"l concerns. Dietary Supplement Follo# the s"me recommen'"tions "s in (ee* 9. !n the f"sting '",, continue to t"*e "ll of ,our nutrition"l su$$lements, -ut "'' " secon' t"-les$oon of coconut oil "n' " secon' t"-les$oon of oli1e oil in the "fternoon. T"*e " 'ou-le 'os"ge of Pterostil-ene, sulfor"$h"ne, curcumin >from turmeric e2tr"ct?, "n' green te" e2tr"ct t#ice on this '", onl,I or sim$l, t"*e t#o c"$sules of NrfB Acti1"tor morning "n' e1ening. P*ysi3al E(er3ise Pr"ctice ,og" or " simil"r stretchingPfle2i-ilit, $rogr"m "t le"st t#ice " #ee* for "t le"st 4= minutes $er session. Incre"se ,our '"il, "ero-ic #or*out to 4= minutes, if $ossi-le. Refr"in from "ero-ic e2ercise on the '", ,ou f"st. S*amani3 E(er3ises !$en "n' close ,our sh"m"nic e2ercises #ith the Cre"ting /"cre' /$"ce $r",er, or " simil"r $r",er of ,our o#n cre"tion or choosing.


S5y /aDin-; Perform this e2ercise e"ch morning "t sunrise. Dream Yo-a and u3id Dreamin-; Perform these e2ercises e"ch e1ening. Buietin- Your "PA A(is; Perform this e2ercise t#o times " #ee*, in the e1ening -efore going to -e'. #esele3tin- Your /eneti3 Destiny; Perform this me'it"tion once e"ch #ee*. &e Are Our Stories; Perform once 'uring the #ee* "n' 'e1elo$ ,our ne# life stor,, ,our $erson"l m,tholog, in #hich ,ou "re the hero. S*aman$s Bat*; EnAo, this once e"ch #ee* in the e1ening -efore going to -e'. .ED!TAT!ON P"rtici$"te in the Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m8s '"il, Pl"net"r, Me'it"tion. Do#nlo"' this $e"ce me'it"tion&"long #ith "n im"ge th"t c"n -e use' "s ,our 'es*to$ screen s"1er&from ###.Po#erU$%our r" As ,ou 'o the me'it"tion, tr, to tune in #ith others "roun' the $l"net #ho "re me'it"ting "t the s"me time. !ften 'uring e"ch '",, t"*e time to -e consciousl, "#"re of ,our -re"th in or'er to culti1"te stillness. T"*e long, 'ee$ -re"ths "n' feel the "ir mo1e in "n' out of ,our -o',. Notice the sens"tions in ,our -o', "s ,ou -re"the. An' "s ,our -re"thing -ecomes more rh,thmic, ,ou #ill fin' ,our sense of inner $e"ce gro#ing. #elations*ips Elimin"te to2ic rel"tionshi$s. M"*e " list of the $eo$le ,ou nee' to forgi1e, "n' em$lo, the R"'ic"l Forgi1eness $r"ctice in Ch"$ter 94.

&EE7 :
In (ee* 6, ,ou #ill continue ,our hero8s Aourne, #ith gre"ter "#"reness of "n' "$$reci"tion for ,ourself "n' ,our -eing. %ou "re on ,our #", to enlightenment. As ,ou elimin"te to2ins in ,our -o', "n' ,our -r"in, ,ou #ill notice th"t ,our senses -ecome more refine'; colors -ecome sh"r$er, feelings -ecome 'ee$er "n' cle"rer, "n' ,our other senses, inclu'ing touch, he"ring, "n' smell, m", -ecome heightene'. %ou #ill fin' th"t situ"tions th"t once c"use' ,ou stress or 'uress c"n no# -e 'e"lt #ith much more eleg"ntl, "n' gr"cefull,. As ,our -r"in -ecomes cle"rer, ,our me'it"tion -ecomes e"sier. The noise le1el in ,our he"' is re'uce' gre"tl,. D!ET Continue to choose "s m"n, org"nic foo's "s "re "1"il"-le. Continue to "1oi' "llergens, h,'rogen"te' "n' s"tur"te' f"ts, "n' c"ffeine. Continue to e"t "n ele1"te' num-er of #hole fruits "n' 1eget"-les&"t le"st fi1e to si2 ser1ings. Continue consuming onl, one ser1ing of c"r-oh,'r"tes $er '",. Al3o*ol; %ou m", consume "lcohol if ,ou #ish, $refer"-l, org"nic re' #ine. Drin*, "t most, one gl"ss #ith ,our e1ening me"l, "t most three times 'uring this #ee*. Do not consume "lcohol on the f"sting '",. Calorie Consumption; Im$lement c"lorie re'uctions or, if ,ou "re "lre"', consuming c"lories "t the recommen'e' le1el, m"*e no ch"nges&'o not restrict ,our c"lorie consum$tion "n, further. &omen; re'uce '"il, c"lorie consum$tion to B,=== c"lories, or "s "'1ise' -, ,our $h,sici"n. .en; re'uce '"il, c"lorie consum$tion to B,66= c"lories, or "s "'1ise' -, ,our $h,sici"n.


Remem-er th"t these "re onl, gener"l recommen'"tions. Consult ,our $h,sici"n or 'ietici"n for s$ecific recommen'"tions -"se' u$on ,our height, le1el of "cti1it,, muscul"rit,, met"-olism, un'erl,ing me'ic"l con'itions, me'ic"tions, "n' other f"ctors. %astin%ou #ill f"st for one '", 'uring this #ee*. If $ossi-le, choose the 99th '", "fter the full moon, #hich is the i'e"l f"sting "n' me'it"tion '",, "n' it #ill s,nchroniHe ,our f"sting "n' 'ee$en ,our me'it"tion e2$erience "s ,ou energetic"ll, connect #ith others #ho "lso "'o$t this $rogr"m. Dietary Supplement Follo# the s"me recommen'"tions "s in (ee* 9. !n the f"sting '",, continue to t"*e "ll of ,our nutrition"l su$$lements, -ut "'' " secon' t"-les$oon of coconut oil "n' " secon' t"-les$oon of oli1e oil in the "fternoon. T"*e " 'ou-le 'os"ge of $terostil-ene, sulfor"$h"ne, curcumin >from turmeric e2tr"ct?, "n' green te" e2tr"ct t#ice on this '", onl,I or sim$l, t"*e t#o c"$sules of NrfB Acti1"tor morning "n' e1ening. P*ysi3al E(er3ise Pr"ctice ,og" or " simil"r stretchingPfle2i-ilit, $rogr"m "t le"st t#ice " #ee* for "t le"st 4= minutes $er session. Re'uce ,our e2ercise from '"il, #or*outs to fi1e '",s " #ee*, -ut incre"se e"ch #or*out to C= to C6 minutes, if $ossi-le. Coinci'e ,our '", #ith ,our f"sting '",. S*amani3 E(er3ises !$en "n' close ,our sh"m"nic e2ercises #ith the Cre"ting /"cre' /$"ce $r",er, or " simil"r $r",er of ,our o#n cre"tion or choosing. Perform the /*, 0"Hing e2ercise e"ch morning "t sunrise. Perform the Dre"m %og" "n' Luci' Dre"ming e2ercises e"ch e1ening. Perform the <uieting %our +PA A2is e2ercise t#ice 'uring this #ee* in the e1ening -efore going to -e'. EnAo, " /h"m"n8s "th once e"ch #ee* in the e1ening -efore going to -e'. .editation P"rtici$"te in the Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m8s '"il, Pl"net"r, Me'it"tion. Do#nlo"' the '"il, im"ge "s ,our 'es*to$ screen s"1er, "n' tune in to the +um"n 0lo-"l M"tri2 of others "roun' the $l"net #ho "re me'it"ting "t the s"me time. !ften 'uring e"ch '",, -e "#"re of ,our -re"th "n' culti1"te stillness. #elations*ips As* for forgi1eness of "n,one ,ou m", h"1e #ronge'. Dro$ them " h"n'#ritten note in the m"il, or get on the tele$hone #ith them "n' s", ,ou "re sorr, 'irectl,. KI8m sorr,K is one of the most $o#erful sentences th"t our higher -r"in *no#s. Then continue to #or* on forgi1ing "n,one #ho ,ou -elie1e h"s #ronge' ,ou, using the R"'ic"l Forgi1eness e2ercise in Ch"$ter 94.

No#, "fter fi1e #ee*s in the Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m, ,ou "re #ell on ,our Aourne, to#"r' " he"le' -r"in, one th"t is incre"singl, free of the '"m"ging effects of stress "n' tr"um", "n' th"t is Prime' for enlightenment.


D!ET Continue to choose "s m"n, org"nic foo's "s "re "1"il"-le. Continue to "1oi' "llergens "n' h,'rogen"te' "n' s"tur"te' f"ts. Continue to e"t "n ele1"te' num-er of #hole fruits "n' 1eget"-les, "t le"st fi1e to si2 ser1ings. Continue consuming onl, one ser1ing of c"r-oh,'r"tes e"ch '", "n' u$ to one gl"ss of #ine '"il, >if 'esire'?, -ut not on ,our f"sting '",. Continue on ,our restricte' c"lorie e"ting $l"n. (omen c"n h"1e u$ to B,=== c"lories $er '",, "n' men c"n h"1e u$ to B,66= c"lories. Remem-er th"t these "re onl, gener"l recommen'"tions. Consult ,our $h,sici"n or 'ietici"n for s$ecific recommen'"tions. Ca,,eine; Reintro'uce c"ffeine in the form of coffee or te", if ,ou #ish. Consume no more th"n 5= mg of c"ffeine e"ch '",, $refer"-l, in the morning. Re"' l"-els. A t,$ic"l ).ounce cu$ of -re#e' coffee #ill cont"in from 5= to 9B= mg of c"ffeine, 'e$en'ing on the t,$e "n' ho# finel, it is groun'. 0reen te" cont"ins " $re'ict"-le B= mg of c"ffeine in "n ).ounce cu$. l"c* te" cont"ins C6 mg in "n ).ounce cu$. Monitor ,our res$onse to c"ffeine c"refull,. Re'uce the "mount if s,m$toms of o1erstimul"tion, such "s insomni", follo# c"ffeine use. %astinContinue to f"st one '", " month, $refer"-l, on the 99th '", "fter the full moon. Dietary Supplements Continue to t"*e ,our nutrition"l su$$lements. !n the '",s ,ou f"st, incre"se ,our '"il, su$$lements, "s 'escri-e' on $"ge 9)9. P*ysi3al E(er3ise Pr"ctice ,og" or " simil"r stretchingPfle2i-ilit, $rogr"m "t le"st t#ice " #ee* for "t le"st 4= minutes $er session. Continue to 'o "ero-ic e2ercise for C= to C6 minutes, 6 '",s " #ee*. Refr"in from "ero-ic e2ercise on the '", of ,our f"st. S*amani3 E(er3ises Continue #ith the sh"m"nic e2ercises; Cre"ting /"cre' /$"ce /*, g"Hing, 8Luci' Dre"min ,og", <uieting ,our +PA A2is "n' the /h"m"nRs "th. .editation P"rtici$"te in the Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m8s '"il, Pl"net"r, Me'it"tion. Do#nlo"' this $e"ce me'it"tion&"long #ith "n im"ge th"t c"n -e use' "s ,our 'es*to$ screen s"1er&from ###.Po#erU$%our r" As ,ou 'o the me'it"tion, tr, to tune in #ith others "roun' the $l"net #ho "re me'it"ting "t the s"me time. !ften 'uring e"ch '",, t"*e time to -e consciousl, "#"re of ,our -re"th in or'er to culti1"te stillness. T"*e long, 'ee$ -re"ths "n' feel the "ir mo1e in "n' out of ,our -o',. Notice the sens"tions in ,our -o', "s ,ou -re"the. An' "s ,our -re"thing -ecomes more rh,thmic, ,ou #ill fin' ,our sense of inner $e"ce gro#ing. Culti1"te rel"tionshi$s #ith $eo$le th"t u$lift "n' ins$ire ,ou. Choose ,our frien's c"refull,, "n' c"re for them li*e " g"r'ener ten's to his flo#ers. In1est $rime time "n' energ, into the frien'shi$s th"t ,ou #"nt to t"*e #ith ,ou for the rest of ,our life.


&EE7 0
Diet T ;rganics; Choose T -llergens; Re'uce T %ats; A1oi' h,'rogen"te', s"tur"te' T -lcohol; A1oi' T 3affeine; A1oi' T %ruits = vegetables; No ch"nge from norm"l T 3arbohydrates; No ch"nge from norm"l T 3alorie consumption; No ch"nge from norm"l T %asting; No f"sting this #ee*

Dietary Supplements T Vegetarian D:-; 9,=== mg '"il, T Pterostilbene@; 6= mg morning 3 e1ening T ;live oil; 9 t-s$ '"il, T 2ulforaphane@; 4= mg morning 3 e1ening T -lpha-lipoic acid; 5== mg '"il,, 4= T 3urcumin@; B== mg morning 3 e1ening minutes -efore me"ls T 7reen tea e/tract@; B== mg morning 3 T 3oconut oil; Virgin, org"nicI 9 t-s$ in e1ening morning @#ote; These "re "ll cont"ine' in 9 c"$sule of NrfB Acti1"tor, "1"il"-le from S,mogen. P*ysi3al E(er3ise T -erobic; B= minutes '"il, T 'oga>2tretch; At le"st t#ice " #ee* S*amani3 E(er3ises ? @uieting 'our :P- -/is ; T#ice 'uring ? 2haman*s (ath; !nce 'uring the #ee* "t the #ee* -efore -e' the en' of the '", .editation T Planetary 4editation; D"il, #elations*ips T Cele-r"te those close to ,ou, "n' ,ourself T Im"gine the interconnecte'ness of "ll -eings on E"rth


&EE7S 289
Diet T ;rganics; Choose T -llergens; A1oi' T %ats; A1oi' h,'rogen"te', s"tur"te' T -lcohol; A1oi' T 3affeine; A1oi' T %ruits = vegetables; Incre"se T 3arbohydrates; Re'uce to 9 ser1ing $er '", T 3alorie consumption; No ch"nge from norm"l T %asting; !nce 'uring the #ee* in (ee*s B "n' 4I no f"sting in (ee* C

Dietary Supplements T Vegetarian D:-; 9,=== mg '"il, T Pterostilbene@; 6= mg morning 3 e1eningI T ;live oil; 9 t-s$ '"il,, $lus 9 "''ition"l 'ou-le this on f"sting '", t-s$ on f"sting '", T 2ulforaphane@; 4= mg morning 3 e1eningI T -lpha-lipoic acid; 5== mg '"il,, 4= 'ou-le this on f"sting '", minutes -efore me"ls T 3urcumin@; B== mg morning 3 e1eningI T 3oconut oil; Virgin, org"nicI 9 t-s$ in 'ou-le this on f"sting '", morning, $lus 9 "''ition"l t-s$ on f"sting T 7reen tea e/tract@; B== mg morning 3 '", e1eningI 'ou-le this on f"sting '", @#ote; These "re "ll cont"ine' in 9 c"$sule of NrfB Acti1"tor, "1"il"-le from S,mogen. P*ysi3al E(er3ise T -erobic; 4= minutes '"il,I 'o not e2ercise T 'oga>2tretch; At le"st t#ice " #ee*I not on f"sting '", on f"sting '", S*amani3 E(er3ises T 3reating 2acred 2pace; D"il, -efore other ? 2haman*s (ath; !nce 'uring the #ee* "t sh"m"nic e2ercises the en' of the '", T @uieting 'our :P- -/is; T#ice 'uring the T 2ky 7a1ing; D"il, "t sunrise #ee* in the e1ening T Dream 'oga; D"il, T <eselecting 'our 7enetic Destiny; !nce T 5ucid Dreaming; D"il, 'uring the #ee* T ,e -re ;ur 2tories; !nce 'uring the #ee* .editation T Planetary 4editation; D"il, T (reath - areness; !ften #elations*ips T Elimin"te to2ic rel"tionshi$s T Pr"ctice R"'ic"l Forgi1eness


&EE7 :
Diet T ;rganics; Choose T 3affeine; A1oi' T -llergens; A1oi' T %ruits = vegetables; Incre"se T %ats; F"1or lo# c"r-oh,'r"te, lo# T 3arbohydrates; 9 ser1ing $er '", s"tur"te' f"t T 3alorie consumption; (omen re'uce to T -lcohol; Re' #ine, 9 gl"ss 4 times $er B,=== '"il,I Men re'uce to B,66= '"il, #ee*, if 'esire' >not on f"sting '",? T %asting; !nce 'uring the #ee* Dietary Supplements T Vegetarian D:-; 9,=== mg '"il, T Pterostilbene@; 6= mg morning 3 e1eningI T ;live oil; 9 t-s$ '"il,, $lus 9 "''ition"l 'ou-le this on f"sting '", t-s$ on f"sting '", T 2ulforaphane@; 4= mg morning 3 e1eningI T -lpha-lipoic acid; 5== mg '"il,, 4= 'ou-le this on f"sting '", minutes -efore me"ls T 3urcumin@; B== mg morning 3 e1eningI T 3oconut oil; Virgin, org"nicI 9 t-s$ in 'ou-le this on f"sting '", morning, $lus 9 "''ition"l t-s$ on f"sting T 7reen tea e/tract@; B== mg morning 3 '", e1eningI 'ou-le this on f"sting '", @#ote; These "re "ll cont"ine' in 9 c"$sule of NrfB Acti1"tor, "1"il"-le from S,mogen. P*ysi3al E(er3ise T -erobic; C=.C6 minutes, 6 '",sI not on T 'oga>2tretch; At le"st t#ice " #ee*I not f"sting '", on f"sting '", S*amani3 E(er3ises T 3reating 2acred 2pace; Prior to other T 2haman*s (ath; !nce 'uring the #ee* "t sh"m"nic e2ercises the en' of the '", T @uieting 'our :P- -/is; T#ice 'uring the T 2ky 7a1ing; D"il, "t sunrise #ee* in the e1ening T Dream 'oga; D"il, T 5ucid Dreaming; D"il, .editation T Planetary 4editation; D"il, T (reath - areness; !ften #elations*ips T As* for forgi1eness T Forgi1e using R"'ic"l Forgi1eness


T"E#EA%TE# Diet T ;rganics; Choose T 3affeine; Coffee or te", m"2 5= mg '"il,, if T -llergens; A1oi' 'esire' T %ats; F"1or lo# c"r-oh,'r"te, lo# T %ruits = vegetables; Incre"se s"tur"te' f"t T 3arbohydrates; 9 ser1ing $er '", T -lcohol; Re' #ine, 9 gl"ss 4 times $er T 3alorie consumption; (omen re'uce to #ee*, if 'esire' >not on f"sting '",? B,=== '"il,I Men re'uce to B,66= '"il, T %asting; !nce 'uring the #ee* Dietary Supplements T Vegetarian D:-; 9,=== mg '"il, T Pterostilbene@; 6= mg morning 3 e1eningI T ;live oil; 9 t-s$ '"il,, $lus 9 "''ition"l 'ou-le this on f"sting '", t-s$ on f"sting '", T 2ulforaphane@; 4= mg morning 3 e1eningI T -lpha-lipoic acid; 5== mg '"il,, 4= 'ou-le this on f"sting '", minutes -efore me"ls T 3urcumin@; B== mg morning 3 e1eningI T 3oconut oil; Virgin, org"nicI 9 t-s$ in 'ou-le this on f"sting '", morning, $lus 9 "''ition"l t-s$ on f"sting T 7reen tea e/tract@; B== mg morning 3 '", e1eningI 'ou-le this on f"sting '", @#ote; These "re "ll cont"ine' in 9 c"$sule of NrfB Acti1"tor, "1"il"-le from S,mogen. P*ysi3al E(er3ise T -erobic; C=.C6 minutes, 6 '",sI not on T 'oga>2tretch; At le"st t#ice " #ee*I not on f"sting '", f"sting '", S*amani3 E(er3ises T 3reating 2acred 2pace; Prior to other T 2ky 7a1ing; D"il, "t sunrise sh"m"nic e2ercises T Dream 'oga; D"il, T @uieting 'our :P- -/is; As necess"r, T 5ucid Dreaming; D"il, T 2haman*s (ath; !nce 'uring the #ee* "t the en' of the '", .editation T Planetary 4editation; D"il, T (reath - areness; !ften #elations*ips T 3ultivate rel"tionshi$s #ith $eo$le #ho u$lift "n' insire ,ou



The se"rch for the soul h"s $reoccu$ie' hum"ns for centuries. At first, our "ncestors thought the soul h"' its se"t in the he"rtI l"ter, numerous other org"ns, inclu'ing the li1er "n' the s$leen, -ec"me c"n'i'"tes for housing the soul. E1entu"ll,, #hen #e coul' not fin' the soul in "n, of these loc"tions, #e 'eci'e' th"t it must resi'e in the he"', insi'e the -r"in. %et the "ncient Eg,$ti"ns h"' little use for the -r"in; #hile the, c"refull, mummifie' "ll of " 'ece"se' $erson8s org"ns, the, 'r"ine' the -r"in -, inserting str"#s through the n"s"l $"ss"ge into the cr"ni"l c"1it, "n' tosse' the #hole -loo', mess "#",. To'",, most scientists #oul' "rgue th"t #h"t #e c"ll consciousness is "n e$i$henomenon, or secon'"r, -,.$ro'uct, of the -r"in&th"t is, th"t the neur"l circuitr, in the -r"in cre"tes consciousness. In f"ct, Fr"ncis Cric*, one of the 'isco1erers of DNA, st"tes in his -oo* The Astonishing +,$othesis; The /cientific /e"rch for the /oul th"t e1er,thing to -e le"rne' "-out the soul c"n -e foun' -, stu',ing the #or*ings of the hum"n -r"in. In contr"st, sh"m"ns "re more $rone to -elie1e the re1erse, th"t the -r"in is "n e$i$henomenon of consciousness, "n' th"t consciousness itself utiliHes com$le2 e1olution"r, mech"nisms to cre"te the neur"l circuitr, th"t "llo#s us to -ecome "#"re of oursel1es "n' the uni1erse. Perh"$s some'", #e #ill 'isco1er th"t -oth mo'ern scientists "n' "ncient sh"m"ns "n' m,stics #ere right. Perh"$s scientists #ill 'isco1er th"t, in'ee', #e "re more th"n " s"c* of neurons, "n' $erh"$s m,stics #ill 'isco1er th"t the -r"in "n' the -o', "re -oth essenti"l elements of consciousness. ut #h"t if #e 'i' not h"1e to #"it for le"'ing scientists "n' s$iritu"l le"'ers to $"ss " 1er'ict on this m"tterF (h"t if #e #ere to con'uct the e2$eriment oursel1esF !N T"E BE/!NN!N/ &AS T"E &O#D /cience $ro1i'es "ns#ers to the gre"t Guestions th"t once coul' onl, -e "ns#ere' -, religion. (hen these scientific "ns#ers "re first 'isco1ere', the, seem li*e heresies to the est"-lishe' or'er. (e once -elie1e' the #orl' h"' -een cre"te' 5,=== ,e"rs "go, th"t the E"rth #"s fl"t, "n' th"t our $l"net #"s the center of the uni1erse. (hen 0"lileo trie' to 'escri-e the science -ehin' Co$ernicus8s 'isco1er, th"t the E"rth re1ol1e' "roun' the sun, he #"s sentence' to house "rrest for his heres,. %et, to'",, e1er,one "cce$ts th"t f"ct th"t the E"rth is not the center of the uni1erse. M"n, religions te"ch th"t #e h"1e " soul th"t is etern"l "n' un',ing, e1en though our $h,sic"l -o'ies e1entu"ll, return to 'ust. M"teri"listic scientists #oul' "rgue th"t of course, energ, "n' m"tter c"nnot -e 'estro,e', "n' e1er, $"rticle in our -o'ies #ill -e rec,cle' into ri1ers, e"gles, or cosmic 'ust. ut the sh"m"n -elie1es th"t it is $ossi-le for e"ch one of us to h"1e the e2$erience of "n etern"l "s$ect of oursel1es. Alberto' T*in5 wit* Your "eart) %eel wit* Your "ead I remem-er the first time I hel' " hum"n -r"in in m, h"n's. M, frien' ri"n, " stu'ent in me'ic"l school, h"' in1ite' me to Aoin him th"t e1ening #hile he remo1e' the -r"in from " c"'"1er th"t he "n' his 'issection $"rtner h"' -een #or*ing on. ri"n h"' the -r"in to himself, "s his $"rtner h"' $"sse' on the e2$erience, s",ing th"t she #"s going into o-stetrics "n' h"' little interest in th"t $"rt of the hum"n "n"tom,.


The double door at the &niversity of 3alifornia -natomy 5aboratory as a ponderous, institutional gray. The sound of its bar lock ricocheted off cold linoleum. The room as the si1e of a small arehouse and blue-gray bright ith fluorescent light. There ere four ro s of (akelite-topped tables upon hich vague shapes ere draped ith black rubberi1ed sheets. The stench of formalin rinkled my nose. (rian set a stainless steel hacksa beside a bucket of Aentucky %ried 3hicken and an empty beer bottle, then slid off the tall stool at the head of his table. (rian*s cadaver as that of a young oman. The rubber sheet had been folded back to e/pose her upper chest, neck, and head. :er skin as like a calf*s hide, her comple/ion gray and tinged ith olive drab. "This is 9ennifer," (rian said. ",e*ve been together all semester." :e lifted the surgical sa . "2he*s taught me more about the human body than 0 kne there as to learn. 0*ll never forget her." "(rian." "Tonight she is going to lose her head for me, and 0 anted you to be here." "Thanks." :is eyes held mine in a matter-of-fact stare. "'ou don*t get to see a decapitation these days ithout a hundred-grand student loan and a year*s orth of medical school. 0 thought you*d be interested." ",hyB" "Psychologist." "'eah," 0 said. ",hen people lose their heads, they come to me." :e stared at me for a second, trying to gauge my tone of voice. P;,8< &P ';&< (<-0# "'ou don*t have to do this if you don*t ant to," he said. "0 )ust thought.> mean, if you*re uncomfortable ..." "0t*s all right," 0 said. "0f you*d rather. . ." 0 looked at the bucket of chicken. "0*m )ust trying to stay a ay from fried foods," 0 said. 0 asn*t prepared to admit that 0 as strangely revolted, yet irresistibly fascinated, by the body on the table. :e handed me a beer. "8at after ardB" he said. "0f e can." "0ncredible, huhB 9ust do n the hall, there*s a lab here they conduct the foremost research in recombinant D#-. ;ne floor do n, neurologists are teaming up ith biochemists and computer gurus to simulate the neural path ays of simple brain functions. (ut here e are cutting up dead people )ust like 5eonardo da Vinci did five hundred years ago." :e looked around the room at all the black-draped figures. ",e start on the back," he said, "because it takes a hile to get used to hat you*re doing, and it*s easier if you don*t have to look at the if they can really look back at you and make you feel guilty for violating them ith a scalpel." :e reached do n and cupped the cadaver*s chin in the palm of his hand. :er head moved back slightly. Decisively, he placed the serrated blade of the sa on a edge of cartilage bet een the e/posed vertebrae of her neck. 0 couldn*t take my eyes from it. ,hen the head as free from the body, he held it in both hands. ,hile e talked, he took hat looked like a large dental drill from a dra er, plugged it into an electrical socket, and selected a bit, a round, disklike blade about t o inches in diameter. "They save the best for last," he said, and the handpiece hirred. ":old her for me, ill youB" 0 took the head in my hands and positioned it for him, and he brought the spinning blade do n on the forehead. ,hen he as through, hen he had rotated the head a full CDE degrees, he s itched off the little sa . The hine of the blade still rang in my ears. There as


a curious smell in the air, and a fine po der of bone dust lay on the face and clung to its eyelashes. :e leaned over and gently ble it a ay. "0magine," he said. "#o human being has ever seen 9ennifer*s brain. 'ou and 0 are the first. Drum roll, maestro." -nd he pulled the calavarium a ay from the skull. 0 had seen a human brain. 0 had seen many, floating in formalin-filled lab )ars. (ut that moment ill al ays live for me. -ristotle thought that the brain cooled the blood, that thinking as a function of the heart. <ene Descartes described the brain as the pump of a nerve fountain. 0t has been compared to a clock, a telephone s itchboard, a computerF yet the mechanics of the brain are far more intricate than any analog. Theorist 5yall ,atson rote that if the brain ere so simple that e could understand it, e ould be so simple that e couldn*t. -nd the source of all this theory and speculation as the alnut-shaped, fleshy, gray mass of tissue before me. (rian looked at me and nodded his head to ard 9ennifer*s. ;nce again, 0 placed a hand on either side of her face, and (rian eased the brain from her head. :e stood eighing it in his hands for a moment, then handed it to me. 0t as heavy. (rian interrupted the silence. "0 don*t believe it either," he said.! Th"t e1ening, I too* #ith me " tin, $ortion of 7ennifer8s -r"in th"t #e h"' slice' "n' 'ice' "n' $l"ce' on " gl"ss sli'e, the *in' ,ou use in " microsco$e. I s"i' to m,self th"t I #"nte' to Kloo* insi'e her he"'K more c"refull, "t " l"ter '"te. The sli'e cont"ine' " sm"ll $iece of 7ennifer8s $refront"l corte2. (ee*s l"ter, I #"s in CuHco, the c"$it"l of the "ncient Inc" em$ire "n' the longest continu"ll, inh"-ite' cit, in the Americ"s. The "ncestors of the Inc" h"' -uilt the origin"l mu'."n'.str"# structures, "n' the Inc" h"' -uilt gre"t stone $"l"ces on to$ of them. I #"s 1isiting Don Antonio Mor"les, m, tr"nsl"tor "n' inform"nt "s I in1estig"te' the he"lers "n' s"ges of the An'es, "n' #hom I #oul' l"ter 'isco1er #"s one of the gre"t sh"m"ns in the "re". Th"t night, #hen I entere' Don Antonio8s sim$le c"-in, the first thing he s"i' to me #"s, K%ou81e -rought someone #ith ,ou.K I imme'i"tel, re$lie' th"t I h"' come "lone, -ut he g"He' -e,on' me to the -"c* of the room, "n' he s"i' th"t the guest th"t I h"' -rought h"' come unin1ite'. An' then he -eg"n to 'escri-e 7ennifer to me, ho# she h"' li1e', #hom she h"' lo1e', "n' ho# she h"' 'ie'. The h"ir on the -"c* of m, nec* stoo' on en'. I #"s not use' to h"1ing unin1ite' guests "ccom$"n, me, -ut I rec"lle' th"t I h"' -een slee$ing restlessl, since th"t e2$erience #ith ri"n in the "n"tom, l"-or"tor,. An' no# this ol' s"ge #"s telling me th"t 7ennifer8s soul h"' "tt"che' itself to me. KIt8s -ec"use ,ou "re #"rm.he"rte' "n' com$"ssion"te,K the ol' m"n s"i'. KAlthough she h"' 'ie', her soul #"s c"ught -et#een the #orl' of the li1ing "n' the #orl' of s$irit. /he #"s tr"$$e' in " nightm"re th"t she coul' not #"*e u$ from. An' $erh"$s she *ne#, some#here 'ee$ insi'e, th"t ,ou #oul' -ring her to me "n' th"t #e #oul' relie1e her suffering.K The ol' m"n $ointe' out th"t 7ennifer8s soul h"' -ecome "tt"che' to "n o-Aect of hers th"t I h"' remo1e' #ithout $ermission. I imme'i"tel, st"rte' 'igging through m, -"c*$"c* "n' $ulle' out the microsco$e sli'e. K(h"t is itFK Don Antonio "s*e'. KIt8s her -r"in, " $iece of it,K I s"i'. +e loo*e' "t me "n' fro#ne'. K%ou81e 'one " 1er, -"' thing,K he s"i'. K ut m",-e it #"s for the -est. No# #e #ill he"l her "n' hel$ her go -"c* home to the #orl' of s$irit.K Thus -eg"n m, tr"ining #ith the sh"m"ns. /ince then, I h"1e h"' " 'irect "n' $"l$"-le e2$erience of m, o#n soul "n' the -e"ut, of the souls of others "roun' me. I h"1e 'isco1ere' the soul to -e the finest "s$ect of hum"n n"ture, th"t $"rt of us th"t fin's -e"ut, e1er,#here reg"r'less of ho# much ugliness there is "roun' us. It is the $"rt of us th"t no longer se"rches


for the truth -ut, r"ther, -rings truth to e1er, encounter. It is the $"rt of us th"t no longer see*s h"$$iness -ut infuses e1er, inst"nt #ith Ao,. It is the $"rt of us th"t $r"ctices *in'ness "n' li1es in sim$licit,. The sh"m"ns -elie1e th"t the soul is "ll th"t is -e"utiful "n' no-le "-out -eing hum"n. The soul h"s the $ossi-ilit, of -ecoming etern"l -ec"use -e"ut, "n' no-ilit, "re etern"l. ut to e2$erience this, #e first h"1e to he"l the tr"um" "n' $"in from our $"st "n' -ecome enlightene'. The gre"t e2$eriment th"t e"ch one of us c"n $erform is to reco1er "n essenti"l "s$ect of oursel1es th"t #e h"1e lost "s " result of $"in, tr"um", "n' stress. In met"$horic"l terms, this is the $"rt of oursel1es th"t ne1er left the 0"r'en of E'en, th"t still #"l*s #ith -e"ut, in the #orl', connecte' to the ri1ers "n' the trees, "n' th"t s$e"*s #ith 0o' e"sil, "n' re"'il,. (e -elie1e th"t the *e, to this lies "-o1e our e,e-ro#s, in our $refront"l corte2. !nce this -r"in is "#"*ene', #e c"n e2$erience -r"in s,nerg, "n' un'erst"n' #ho #e "re "n' #h"t #e #"nt from life.


Alberto Villoldo' T*e Seer$s #eward Third day of fasting. 0 am on the southern slope, belo the ruins of 4achu Picchu, in a temple cave that archeologists have not yet restored. -bandoned cultivation terraces that once fed an entire citadel no lie in ruins above and belo here 0 am camped. The refined 0nca stone ork is evident in the back of the cave, and after cutting do n the tall grass, 0 as able to arrange a comfortable spot for myself, protected from the sun and rain. This morning 0 found a snake, hich had obviously been arming itself all night from my body heat, coiled by the foot of my sleeping bag. 0 am not sure hich one of us as more startled, yet the snake as still lethargic, as it had been a chilly night, and 0 as able to coa/ it out of the cave ith a stick. 0 am certain that this is its cave, that 0 as the intruder, but there as no arguing over this. %or t o more days, it ould be my cave. 'esterday as sheer torture. The groaning of my empty stomach as no here near as bad as the torment of my mind. 0 ould try to meditate, but could not stop salivating every time my thoughts andered to the chocolate bar 0 had stashed a ay at the bottom of my backpack, to the taste of the arm chocolate, and ho every cell in my body longed for the fortifying sugar and cacao. %inally, to ard sunset, 0 tore through my pack and found the ob)ect of my torture, opened the foil rapper, and tossed the bar to the &rubamba <iver belo . ,hat a relief. #o 0 only had the rumbling in my belly to orry about. . . & Al-erto8s 7ourn"l9 /omeone once e2$l"ine' to me th"t the 'ifference -et#een religion "n' science is th"t in science, ,ou come u$ #ith " h,$othesis "n' ,ou test it out "g"inst the f"cts. If the f"cts 'on8t su$$ort ,our theor,, ,ou toss it out "n' come u$ #ith " -etter one. If ,our "ssum$tion is th"t stones f"ll u$#"r', "n' the f"cts $ro1e ,ou #rong, then ,ou h"1e to come u$ #ith " -etter $remise. , contr"st, in religion, if the f"cts 'on8t su$$ort ,our h,$othesis, ,ou 'ismiss the e1i'ence until -etter $roof is offere', -ec"use religion is the re"lm of f"ith, not f"cts. F"ith h"s r"llie' men "n' #omen to heroic "cts "n' ins$ire' them to gre"t #or*s of "rt. F"cts h"1e sel'om mo1e' the soul or the im"gin"tion. (ith religion, the ol'er the -etter. There "re fe# ne# religions. (ith science, the ne#er the -etter. oth the $h,sics "n' the me'icine of B= ,e"rs "go "re '"te', ,et the religions of hun're's of ,e"rs "go rem"in 1i-r"nt "n' "li1e. For sh"m"ns, ol' "n' ne#, $"st "n' $resent, "ll coll"$se into the etern"l moment. Neither science nor religion, sh"m"nism is -"se' neither on $roof or -elief. It is -"se' on e2$erience. /h"m"ns, ,ogis, "n' m,stics "roun' the $l"net 'e1ise' " series of e2$eriments in consciousness th"t "n,one #illing to $ut the effort "n' time into the rese"rch coul' re$lic"te. The e2$eriment #"s eleg"ntl, sim$le; <uiet the min' "n' 'isco1er the /eer #ithin. !nce ,ou 'isco1er the /eer, #hen ,ou "re "-le to 'ro$ in -et#een the moments, #hen the cloc* sto$s tic*ing "n' ,ou h"1e not 'ie', then ,ou c"n e2$erience infinit, "n' -ecome " m"ster of ,our o#n 'estin,. An' #hile the /eers #ere often the men "n' #omen #ho #ere "-le to inter$ret #h"t the cr"c* in the turtle8s shell me"nt for the em$eror8s future or #here the -ison #here going to -e the follo#ing morning, this #"s consi'ere' "n outer m"nifest"tion of " 'ee$er gift. The re#"r' th"t the /eer 'isco1ere' #hen he turne' his g"He #ithin #"s the un'erst"n'ing of the #or*ings of Cre"tion "n' his role in the unfol'ing of " he"1enl, 'esign. The m"ster sh"m"ns of the An'es, refer to this "s the K#is'om th"t c"n -e *no#n -ut not tol'.K I "m not " goo' enough $oet to e2$ress the free'om "n' Ao, one "tt"ins "s " result of


'isco1ering the /eer. The e2$erience is there for "ll #ho "re #illing to tr, it. An' it is "s ol' "s hum"nit, itself. ut it reGuires t"ming the gre"t -e"st of to2ic emotions, " cre"ture "s fe"rsome "s the chocol"te -"r th"t o-sesse' me in the Am"Hon, "s terrif,ing "s " m"n,.he"'e' ser$ent li*e the f"-le' +,'r" th"t +ercules struggle' "g"inst, for e"ch time he cut off one of its he"'s, t#o more #oul' gro# -"c*. The sh"m"nic e2ercises in Ro#er U$ %our r"in "re "mong the most effecti1e "n' $o#erful th"t I *no#. (hen com-ine' #ith the recommen'e' -r"in nutrients, 'iet"r, recommen'"tions, f"sting, c"lorie re'uction, "n' $h,sic"l e2ercise, the, #ill hel$ ,ou he"l from tr"um" "n' 'isco1er " ne#foun' inner $e"ce "n' cre"ti1it,. The, #ill "llo# ,ou to t"*e $"rt in the most "ncient e2$erience in hum"n consciousness. (e in1ite ,ou to tr, the $rogr"m "n' t"*e ,our -r"in out for " s$in to see #h"t it c"n 'o. ut first, ,ou must get ri' of the chocol"te in ,our min', thro# the intern"l ch"tter-o2 of 'istur-ing emotions into the ri1er, $ush the leth"rgic sn"*es of interru$tion "#", from un'er ,our feet. T"*e u$ the Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m, "n' "fter ,ou h"1e trie' it, let us *no# ho# #ell it is #or*ingJ David Perlmutter' T*e .ost Power,ul .edi3ine o, All (e st"n' "t the threshol' of the ne2t Gu"ntum le"$ in hum"n e1olution. For the first time in the histor, of "ll li1ing things on the $l"net, " s$ecies #ill no# t"*e "n "cti1e "n' conscious role in 'irecting its genetic 'estin,. E1olution, until no#, h"s -een ste$#ise "n' com$li"nt #ith D"r#ini"n 'octrine. In " sense, e1en self.'irecte' e1olution, "s #e h"1e 'escri-e', is D"r#ini"n, since choosing to $ursue its constructs re$resents " Kn"tur"l selectionK $rocess. The ultim"te go"l of "m$lific"tion of neurogenesis "n' enh"ncing neuro$l"sticit,, utiliHing the 'iet"r, "n' lifest,le mo'ific"tions recommen'e' in this te2t, is to cre"te " fertile g"r'en to enh"nce the effecti1eness of the me'it"tion $rogr"ms 'escri-e'. An' o1er the $"st t#o ,e"rs, "s this $roAect unfol'e', m, t"s* #"s $rett, much focuse' on the former, #hile Al-erto, #ith his rich e2$eriences li1ing "n' #or*ing #ith sh"m"ns in the An'es, #"s $erfectl, suite' for the l"tter. As #e $rogresse' on the $roAect, ho#e1er, Al-erto "n' I note' ho# #e gr"1it"te' to " more centr"l common groun' "s I -eg"n incor$or"ting me'it"ti1e recommen'"tions into the $r"ctice of neurolog,, "n' he -eg"n to em-r"ce the technolog, "n' nutrition"l "$$ro"ches th"t h"1e -ecome centr"l to m, me'ic"l $r"ctice. (ith the thought of full, com-ining our t#o seemingl, 'is$"r"te "$$ro"ches, #e offere' " #ee*long intensi1e ther"$, $rogr"m in N"$les, Flori'", #here-, $"tients #ere tr"ine' in 'ee$ "n' focuse' sh"m"nic $r"ctices #hile, "t the s"me time, -eing tre"te' #ith "ggressi1e, high. tech "$$ro"ches to enh"nce -r"in function "n' rece$ti1it,. The l"tter inclu'e' -oth h,$er-"ric o2,gen ther"$, "n' intr"1enous "'ministr"tion of glut"thione. (h"t tr"ns$ire' #"s"nging not onl, for the $"rtici$"nts -ut for Al-erto "n' me "s #ell. In'i1i'u"ls #ho #ere struggling #ith lifelong issues #ere fin"ll, "-le to g"in the necess"r, insight to un'erst"n' "n' re'irect m"n, of their 'ee$.se"te' "n' m"l"'"$ti1e res$onses. E$ilogue Cle"rl,, the #hole of the $rogr"m $ro1e' much gre"ter th"n the sim$le sum of the $"rts. An' these "chie1ements h"1e ser1e' to su$$ort the 'e1elo$ment of our $rogr"ms "t our res$ecti1e f"cilities; the Center for Energ, Me'icine in Chile "n' the Perlmutter +e"lth Center in N"$les, Flori'". Enh"ncing "ntio2i'"nt $rotection, 'eto2ific"tion, gro#th of mitochon'ri", "n' re'uction of infl"mm"tion -, the im$lement"tion of the techniGues 'escri-e' in the Po#er U$ %our r"in Progr"m $ro1i'e he"lth -enefits f"r -e,on' enh"ncing -r"in function "n' enriching the me'it"ti1e e2$erience. Infl"mm"tion, e2cessi1e "ction of free r"'ic"ls, "n'


to2icit, re$resent $"thologic"l -iochemistr, th"t un'er$ins " 1"st "rr", of he"lth issues, inclu'ing coron"r, "rter, 'ise"se, c"ncer, "rthritis, 'i"-etes, "sthm", infl"mm"tor, -o#el 'ise"se, "n' "utism. An' -e,on' m"l"'ies, "ttention to these f"ctors $ro1i'es -enefits r"nging from sim$le feelings of #ell.-eing to enh"nce' "thletic $erform"nce "n' resist"nce to 'ise"se. (hile I h"1e s$ent the $"st B6 ,e"rs $r"cticing me'icine "n' e2$loring the frontiers of nutrition"l -iochemistr,, -ringing inno1"ti1e "$$ro"ches to the '",.to.'", c"re of $"tients #ith ch"llenging 'isor'ers, the fun'"ment"l "n' $o#erfull, effecti1e role of s$iritu"lit, "s $"rt of " tre"tment regimen elu'e' me&until no#. It is no# cle"r th"t "ncient -eliefs, cou$le' #ith mo'ern -enefici"l $h,sic"l "n' ment"l $r"ctices, m", -e the most $o#erful me'icine of "ll&the #", to $o#er u$ ,our -r"in to see*, "n' "tt"in, hum"nit,8s Guest; enlightenment.


!ntrodu3tion 9. D"n uettner, The lue Lones; Lessons for Li1ing Longer from the Peo$le (ho81e Li1e' the Longest >("shington, DC; N"tion"l 0eogr"$hic, B==)?. C*apter 0' T*e Neuros3ien3e o, Enli-*tenment 9. M"rcel 0ri"ule >9)E).9E65?, The P"le Fo2 >9E56?, tr"nsl"te' from the French -, /te$hen C. Inf"ntino >Chino V"lle,, AL; Continuum Foun'"tion, 9E)5?. B. /tu"rt R. +"meroff, Ultim"te Com$uting; iomolecul"r Consciousness "n' N"notechnolog, >Ne# %or*; Else1ier, 9E)D?I /tu"rt R. +"meroff, Alfre' (. :"sHni"*, "n' Al#,n /cott >e's.?, To#"r' " /cience of Consciousness >C"m-ri'ge; MIT Press, 9EE5?. 4. 7"c* A. TusH,ns*i, The Emerging Ph,sics of Consciousness >Ne# %or*; /$ringer, B==5?. C. +is +oliness the D"l"i L"m", ecoming Enlightene' >Ne# %or*; Atri" oo*s, B==E?, )). 6. I-i', B9D. C*apter 2' T*e Power,ul .ind 9. (. E'#"r' Cr"ighe"' "n' Ch"rles . Nemeroff, The Corsini Enc,clo$e'i" of Ps,cholog, "n' eh"1ior"l /cience, 1ol. 4 >Ne# %or*; 7ohn (ile, 3 /ons, B==9?, 9B9B. B. D"rol' A. Treffert, E2tr"or'in"r, Peo$le, "c*in$, B==5. C*apter 6' T*e Evolution o, t*e Brain and t*e .ind 9. Deuteronom, B;B=, :ing 7"mes 1ersion. C*apter 9' .ito3*ondria and t*e %eminine i,e %or3e 9. To m"*e " scientific 'istinction; Cells "lso h"1e the "-ilit, to utiliHe other chemic"l $"th#",s to $ro'uce ATP #hen o2,gen is not $resent. +o#e1er, this $rocess, *no#n "s "n"ero-ic met"-olism, is onl, 9P9) "s efficient "s o2i'"ti1e met"-olism. B. In " strict scientific sense, the term free r"'ic"ls refers not onl, to re"cti1e o2,gen s$ecies, or R!/, -ut "lso to " simil"rl, re"cti1e f"mil, of r"'ic"ls c"lle' re"cti1e nitrogen s$ecies >RN/?, -ut for $ur$oses of sim$lific"tion #e use the term free r"'ic"ls to refer to re"cti1e o2,gen s$ecies, #hich h"s -ecome the norm in nonscientific $u-lic"tions. 4. Nic* L"ne, Po#er, /e2, /uici'e; Mitochon'ri" "n' the Me"ning of Life >Ne# %or*; !2for' Uni1ersit, Press, B==6?, $. 9)E. C. 7. F. R. :err, A. +. (,llie, "n' A. R. Currie, KA$o$tosis; A "sic iologic"l Phenomenon #ith (i'e.R"nging Im$lic"tions in Tissue :inetics,K ritish 7ourn"l of C"ncer B5, no. C >August 9EDB?; B4E.6D. 6. D. +"rm"n, KAging; A Theor, "se' on Free R"'ic"l "n' R"'i"tion Chemistr,,K 7ourn"l of 0erontolog, 99, no. 4 >9E65?; BE).4==. 5. /ee L,nn M"rgulis, /,m-iosis in Cell E1olution, Bn' e'. >Ne# %or*; (. +. Freem"n, 9EEB?. C*apter :' Neural Networ5s and "abits o, t*e .ind 9. R. C. :essler et "l., KPosttr"um"tic /tress Disor'er in the N"tion"l Comor-i'it, /tu',,K Archi1es of 0ener"l Ps,chi"tr, 6B, no. 9B >Decem-er 9EE6?; 9=C).5=. B. I-i'. 4. 7ulio F. Peres et "l., KCere-r"l loo' Flo# Ch"nges 'uring Retrie1"l of Tr"um"tic Memories -efore "n' "fter Ps,chother"$,; A /PECT /tu',,K Ps,chologic"l Me'icine 4D>!cto-er B==D?; 9C)9.9CE9.


C. 7"mes +illm"n, in the Pref"ce to The Logos of the /oul, -, E1"ngelos Christou >Ne# %or*; /$ring Pu-lic"tions, B==D?; ). C*apter ;' "ow Stress "arms t*e Brain 9. 7o"n /te$henson, KE2$osure to +ome Pestici'es Lin*e' to P"r*inson Dise"se,K 7ourn"l of the Americ"n Me'ic"l Associ"tion B)4, no. B4 >7une B9, B===?; 4=66.65. B. KFirst PA Detection in U./. Inf"nt Cor' loo',K En1ironment"l (or*ing 0rou$ Press Rele"se, Decem-er B, B==E. 4. E. Di"s.Ferreir" et "l., KChronic /tress C"uses Frontostri"t"l Reorg"niH"tion "n' Affects Decision.M"*ing,K /cience 4B6, no. 6EC= >7ul, 49, B==E?; 5B9.B6. C. Ro-ert M. /"$ols*, Guote' in N"t"lie Angier, K r"in is " Co.Cons$ir"tor in " Vicious /tress Loo$,K Ne# %or* Times, August 9D, B==E, htt$;PP###.n,times.comPB==EP=)P9)P scienceP9)"ngier.html. 6. Ro-ert M. /"$ols*,, /tress, the Aging r"in, "n' the Mech"nisms of Neuron De"th >C"m-ri'ge; MIT Press, 9EEB?, 4BD. C*apter <' T*e /i,t o, Neuroplasti3ity 9. /ee egle,, Tr"in %our Min', Ch"nge %our r"in, 96). B. I-i'., 96E. 4. 7oe Dis$enH", E1ol1e %our r"in; The /cience of Ch"nging %our Min' >Deernel' e"ch, FL; +CI oo*s, B==D?, 9E4.EC. C. /h"ron egle,, K+o# Thin*ing C"n Ch"nge the r"in,K ("ll /treet 7ourn"l, 7"nu"r, 9E, B==D, htt$;PPonline.#sA.comP "rticleP/ 995E96=6)=59E)=6E5.html. 6. Al1"ro P"scu"l.Leone et "l., KThe Pl"stic +um"n r"in Corte2,K Annu"l Re1ie# of Neuroscience B) >7ul, B==6?; 4DD.C=9. 5. Dis$enH", E1ol1e %our r"in, 9E4. D. /ee egle,, Tr"in %our Min', Ch"nge %our r"in, 96B. ). 7effre, M. /ch#"rtH "n' /h"ron egle,, The Min' "n' the r"in; Neuro$l"sticit, "n' the Po#er of Ment"l Force >Ne# %or*; +"r$erCollins, B==4?, 9D.9). E. An're# Ne#-erg "n' M"r* Ro-ert ("l'm"n, +o# 0o' Ch"nges %our r"in; re"*through Fin'ings from " Le"'ing Neuroscientist >Ne# %or*; "ll"ntine oo*s, B==E?, 9E.B=. 9=. I-i'., 9BC. C*apter =' Neuro-enesis' /rowin- New Brain Cells 9. egle,, Tr"in %our Min', Ch"nge %our r"in, 56. B. +is +oliness the D"l"i L"m", KFore#or',K i-i'., 1ii.1iii. 4. Nicol" L"utenschl"ger et "l., KEffect of Ph,sic"l Acti1it, on Cogniti1e Function in !l'er A'ults "t Ris* for AlHheimer8s Dise"se,K 7ourn"l of the Americ"n Me'ic"l Associ"tion 4==, no. E >/e$tem-er 4, B==)?; 9=BD.4D. C. 7ennifer (eu1e et "l., KPh,sic"l Acti1it,, Inclu'ing ("l*ing, "n' Cogniti1e Function in !l'er (omen,K 7ourn"l of the Americ"n Me'ic"l Associ"tion BEB, no. 9B >/e$tem-er BB, B==C?;9C6C.59. 6. A. V. (itte et "l., KC"loric Restriction Im$ro1es Memor, in El'erl, +um"ns,K Procee'ings of the N"tion"l Ac"'em, of /cience 9=5, no. C >7"nu"r, BD, B==E?; 9B66.5=. 5. M"r* P. M"ttson et "l., KPro$h,l"ctic Acti1"tion of Neuro$rotecti1e /tress Res$onse P"th#",s -, Diet"r, "n' eh"1ior"l M"ni$ul"tions,K NeuroR2 9, no. 9 >7"nu"r, B==C?; 99B. En'notes D. I-i'., 994.


). %"*ir :"ufm"n et "l., KCogniti1e Decline in AlHheimer Dise"se; Im$"ct of /$iritu"lit,, Religiosit,, "n' <!L,K Neurolog, 5) >M", B==D?; 96=E.9C. E. :"rin %ur*o.M"uro et "l., KResults of the MIDA/ Tri"l; Effects of Docos"he2"enoic Aci' on Ph,siologic"l "n' /"fet, P"r"meters in Age.Rel"te' Cogniti1e Decline,K AlHheimer8s 3 Dementi" 6, issue C >7ul, B==E?; )C. C*apter @' T*ree Conditions You Don$t &ant to "ave 9. (illi"m R. M"r*es-er, "n' M"r* A. Lo1ell, KD"m"ge to Li$i's, Proteins, DNA, "n' RNA in Mil' Cogniti1e Im$"irment,K Archi1es of Neurolog, 5C, no. D >7ul, B==D?; E6C.65. B. I-i'., E66. 4. Ling 0"o et "l., KNo1el n.4 F"tt, Aci' !2i'"tion Pro'ucts Acti1"te NrfB -, Dest"-iliHing the Associ"tion -et#een :e"$l "n' Cullin4,K 7ourn"l of iologic"l Chemistr, B)B >7"nu"r, B5, B==D?; B645. C. M.R. V"rg"s et "l., KIncre"se' 0lut"thione ios,nthesis -, NrfB Acti1"tion in Astroc,tes Pre1ents $D6NTR.'e$en'ent Motor Neuron A$o$tosis,K 7ourn"l of Neurochemistr, ED, no. 4 >M", B==5?; 5)D.E5. 6. ("lter F. /te#"rt et "l., KRis* of AlHheimer8s Dise"se "n' Dur"tion of N/AID Use,K Neurolog, C) >M"rch 9EED?; 5B5.4BI +onglei Chen et "l., KNonsteroi'"l Anti.infl"mm"tor, Drugs "n' the Ris* of P"r*inson8s Dise"se,K Archi1es of Neurolog, 5=, no. ) >August B==4?; 9=6E.5C. 5. A. C"gnin et "l., KIn.Vi1o Me"surement of Acti1"te' Microgli" in Dementi",K L"ncet 46) >August 99, B==9?; C59. 5D. D. N"r","n"n Ven*"tes"n et "l., KCurcumin Pre1ents A'ri"m,cin Ne$hroto2icit, in R"ts,K ritish 7ourn"l of Phr"m"colog, 9BE, no. B >7"nu"r, B===?; B49.4C. ). T. L. Perr, et "l., KP"r*inson8s Dise"se; A Disor'er Due to Nigr"l 0lut"thione Deficienc,FK Neuroscience Letters 44, no. 4 >Decem-er 9E)B?; 4=6.9=. P!(ER UP %!UR RAIN E. D. Perlmutter "n' D. To#nsen', KP"r*inson8s Dise"se; Ne# Pers$ecti1es,K To#nsen' Letter for Doctors "n' P"tients >7"nu"r, 9EED?; C).6=. C*apter 0A' Cuttin-8Ed-e T*erapies ,or En*an3ed Ener-y Produ3tion 9. Person"l communic"tion, Dr. Rich"r' Neu-"uer, Decem-er B=, B==5. B. 0lut"thione "1"il"-le from (ellness Ph"rm"c,, 4C=9 In'e$en'ence Dri1e, /uite B49, irmingh"m, AL 46B=EI >)==? BBD.B5BD 4. 0. /echi et "l., KRe'uce' Intr"1enous 0lut"thione in the Tre"tment of E"rl, P"r*inson8s Dise"se,K Progress in Neuro.Ps,cho$h"rm"colog, "n' iologic"l Ps,chi"tr, B=, no. D >!cto-er 9EE5?; 996E.D=. C. Christo$her A, /h"# >e'.?, 0lut"thione in the Ner1ous /,stem > oc" R"ton, FL; CRC Press, 9EE)?, C. 6. L. %e et "l., K<u"ntit"ti1e Determin"tion of Dithioc"r-"m"tes in +um"n Pl"sm", /erum, Er,throc,tes "n' Urine; Ph"rm"co*inetics of roccoli /$rout Isothioc,"n"tes in +um"ns,K Intern"tion"l 7ourn"l of Clinic"l Chemistr, 495, nos. 9.B >Fe-ru"r, B==B?; C4.64. C*apter 00' T*e S*aman$s /i,t 9. C"l1in C. Cl"#son, M"them"tic"l /orcer,; Re1e"ling the /ecrets of Num-ers >Ne# %or*; "sic oo*s, B==9?, 9=. C*apter 02' Primin- Your Brain ,or Enli-*tenment 9. (illi"m +. C"l1in, A r"in for All /e"sons; +um"n E1olution "n' A-ru$t Clim"te Ch"nge >Chic"go; Uni1ersit, of Chic"go Press, B==B?, 4=D.


B. 0. F. C"hill, 7r., "n' R. L. Veech, K:eto"ci'sF 0oo' Me'icineFK Tr"ns"ctions of the Americ"n Clinic"l "n' Clim"tologic"l Associ"tion 99C >B==4?; 9CE. 4. M. A. Reger et "l., KEffects of et".h,'ro2,-ut,r"te on Cognition in Memor,.im$"ire' A'ults,K Neuro-iolog, of Aging B6, no. 4 >M"rch B==C?; 499.9C. C. /ee htt$;PP###.treeoflife.nuPme'i".li-r"r,P "rticles.1i'eos.moreP#h,.f"stP. 6. P"r"m"h"ns" %og"n"n'", M"n8s Etern"l <uest; Collecte' T"l*s "n' Ess",s, 1ol. 9 >Los Angeles; /elf.Re"liH"tion Fello#shi$, 9E)B?, 9=D. 5. Thom"s R,"n, C/P, The /"cre' Art of F"sting; Pre$"ring to Pr"ctice >(oo'stoc*, VT; /*,Light P"ths Pu-lishing, B==6?, 954. D. N. T. L"utenschl"ger et "l., KEffect of Ph,sic"l Acti1it, on Cogniti1e Function in !l'er A'ults "t Ris* for AlHheimer Dise"se,K 7ourn"l of the Americ"n Me'ic"l Associ"tion 4==, no. E >/e$tem-er 4, B==)?; 9=BD.4D. ). 7. (eu1e et "l., KPh,sic"l Acti1it,, Inclu'ing ("l*ing, "n' Cogniti1e Function in !l'er (omen,K 7ourn"l of the Americ"n Me'ic"l Associ"tion BEB, no. 9B >/e$tem-er B==C?; 9C6C. 59. E. R. D. A--ott et "l., K("l*ing "n' Dementi" in Ph,sic"ll, C"$"-le El'erl, Men,K 7ourn"l of the Americ"n Me'ic"l Associ"tion BEB, no. 9B >/e$tem-er B==C?; 9CCD.64. C*apter 06' S*amani3 E(er3ises 9. E. E$el et "l., KC"n Me'it"tion /lo# R"te of Cellul"r AgingF Cogniti1e /tress, Min'fulness, "n' Telomeres,K Ann"ls of the Ne# %or* Ac"'em, of /ciences 99DB >August B==E?; 4C.64. B. Poetic ren'ering of the %og" /utr"s of P"t"nA"li, 9.4B, -, Al-erto Villol'o, in %og", Po#er, "n' /$irit; P"t"nA"li the /h"m"n >Ne# %or*; +", +ouse, B==D?, BD. C*apter 09' T*e Power Up Your Brain Pro-ram 9. Celi"c Dise"se A#"reness C"m$"ign of the N"tion"l Institutes of +e"lth, KPro1i'er Points; Testing for Celi"c Dise"se,K htt$;PP'''*.nih.go1P''ise"sesP$u-sPceli"ctestingP Celi"cWTestingWCDACWPP.$'f. B. %our 'octor c"n $erform this test -, cont"cting 0eno1" Di"gnostics "t >)==? 6BB.CD5B or "t ###.geno1"'i" 4. KMo'er"te Drin*ing C"n Re'uce Ris*s !f AlHheimer8s Dementi" An' Cogniti1e Decline, An"l,sis /uggests,K /cience D"il, Decem-er 49, B==), htt$;'"il,.comP rele"sesPB==)P9BP=)9BBEB==D6=.htm. C*apter 0:' Sear3*in- ,or Your Soul 9. Al-erto Villol'o "n' Eri* 7en'resen, D"nce of the Four (in's; /ecrets of the Inc" Me'icine (heel >Rochester, VT; Destin, oo*s, 9EEC?, 9=. AC7NO& ED/.ENTS (e gr"tefull, "c*no#le'ge Ro-ert (eir "n' N"nc, Pes*e, #ho $ro1e' o1er#helmingl, successful in meeting the ch"llenge of mel'ing t#o seemingl, 'is$"r"te 1oices into " cohesi1e #hole. (e e2ten' our sincere gr"titu'e to the +", +ouse te"m inclu'ing P"tt, 0ift, #hose 1ision "n' insight h"1e sust"ine' this $roAect from its ince$tionI "n' L"ur" :och for her s$ot. on comment"r, "n' e'itori"l $ro#essI "s #ell "s Rei' Tr"c,, Richelle LiHi"n, 7oh"nne M"h"ffe,, /"ll, M"son, "n' Christ, /"lin"s.


ABOUT T"E AUT"O#S David Perlmutter) .GDG) %GAGCGNG) is " -o"r'.certifie' neurologist "n' fello# of the Americ"n College of Nutrition. Dr. Perlmutter is recogniHe' intern"tion"ll, "s " le"'er in the fiel' of nutrition"l influences in neurologic"l 'isor'ers. In B==B, he #"s "#"r'e' the Linus P"uling A#"r' for his #or* in inno1"ti1e "$$ro"ches to neurologic"l 'isor'ers, "n' in the s"me ,e"r he recei1e' the Denh"m +"rm"n A#"r' for his #or* in "'1"ncing the un'erst"n'ing of free r"'ic"l -iochemistr, in neurologic"l 'ise"ses. +e "lso recei1e' the B==5 N"tion"l Nutrition"l Foo's Associ"tion Clinici"n of the %e"r A#"r' "n' the B=9= +um"nit"ri"n of the %e"r A#"r' from the Americ"n College of Nutrition. +e is "lso the "uthor of four -oo*s; r"inReco1er,.com, The etter r"in oo*, Life0ui'e; %our 0ui'e to " Longer "n' +e"ltheir Life, "n' R"ise " /m"rter Chil' -, :in'erg"rten. Alberto Villoldo) P*GDG) h"s tr"ine' "s " $s,chologist "n' me'ic"l "nthro$ologist, "n' h"s stu'ie' the he"ling $r"ctices of the Am"Hon "n' the An'e"n sh"m"ns for more th"n B6 ,e"rs. (hile "n "'Aunct $rofessor /"n Fr"ncisco /t"te Uni1ersit,, he foun'e' the iologic"l /elf. Regul"tion L"-or"tor, to stu', ho# the min' cre"tes $s,chosom"tic he"lth "n' 'ise"se. Con1ince' th"t the min' coul' cre"te he"lth, he left his l"-or"tor, "n' tr"1ele' to the Am"Hon to #or* #ith the me'icine men "n' #omen of the r"inforest "n' le"rn their he"ling metho's "n' m,tholog,. Dr. Villol'o 'irects The Four (in's /ociet,, #here he tr"ins in'i1i'u"ls in the U./. "n' Euro$e in the $r"ctice of sh"m"nic energ, me'icine. +e is "lso the "uthor of Illumin"tion, Cour"geous Dre"ming, The Four Insights "n' Men'ing the P"st "n' +e"ling the Future #ith /oul Retrie1"l, "mong other titles. ###.thefour#in' ###.Po#erU$%our r" "ay "ouse Titles o, #elated !nterest %!U CAN +EAL %!UR LIFE, the mo1ie, st"rring Louise L. +", 3 Frien's >"1"il"-le "s " 9.DVD $rogr"m "n' "n e2$"n'e' B.DVD set? ("tch the tr"iler "t; ###.Louise+", T+E /+IFT, the mo1ie, st"rring Dr. (",ne (. D,er >"1"il"-le "s " 9.DVD $rogr"m "n' "n e2$"n'e' B.DVD set? ("tch the tr"iler "t; ###.D,

T+E I!L!0% !F ELIEF; Unle"shing the Po#er of Consciousness, M"tter 3 Mir"cles, -, ruce +. Li$ton, Ph.D. C!URA0E!U/ DREAMIN0; +o# /h"m"ns Dre"m the (orl' into Villol'o, Ph.D. eing, -, Al-erto

ILLUMINATI!N; The /h"m"n8s (", of +e"ling, -, Al-erto Villol'o, Ph.D. T+E /P!NTANE!U/ +EALIN0 !F ELIEF; /h"ttering the P"r"'igm of F"lse Limits, -, 0regg r"'en


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