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19 February 2008

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Lesson plans were presented to the group.

• Consonant lesson plan that culminates in the creation of a recipe book
• Word beginning/ending lesson plan that utilized bats and baseballs to create words
• Phonogram lesson plan utilizing Little Cricket’s Song by Joanne Barkan, a dry-erase
workbook, a cooperative learning worksheet, and a worksheet completed
• Phonogram lesson (–ad word family) using a flip book, a worksheet completed as a
group, and an independent worksheet
• Word wagon lesson to teach high frequency words used in first grade
• Consonant digraph (blends) using a letter box (foam letters in a box), a song, and a
tongue twister activity.

Who Has a Word that Starts with Sh?

sung to the tune of “The Wheels on the Bus”
Who has a word that starts with sh?
Starts with sh?
Starts with sh?
Who has a word that starts with sh?
And the word is __________ (students raise hands and volunteer sh- words)
*You can also modify this with “ends with sh”.

• Hink-Pink lesson where students practice rhyming words to answer riddles with one
syllable. in the hang-man format. Can also be done as Hinky-Pinky (two syllable
set), or Hinkety-Pinkety (three syllable set).

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