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Totem Pole Worksheet

Teacher Candidate Title of Exemplar !ortfolio Cate"ory # Derek Jones Cohort # 414

Native American History Totem !oles ## x ### #$ $

ACE# %tandard ACE# ### #nstr&ction ACE# %tandard Element's( A)*4 Active en"a"ement in learnin" Candidates &se their kno+led"e and &nderstandin" of individ&al and "ro&p motivation and ,ehavior amon" st&dents at the -./ level to foster active en"a"ement in learnin"0 self.motivation0 and positive social interaction and to create s&pportive learnin" environments*


1all 2312


Novem,er 24th0 2312

1. Description of exemplar and how it demonstrates meeting this ACEI Standard and Element s!. # created this lesson a,o&t Native American history +ith an emphasis on totem poles as the class +as preparin" to learn a,o&t Thanks"ivin" and # really +anted them to learn somethin" other than makin" t&rkey5s +ith their hands* # +anted somethin" that +o&ld ,e more enrichin" to the c&lt&re rather than than the &s&al Thanks"ivin" assi"nments +hich are ,ased off of hi"hly de,ata,le material* 6ith my lesson0 +e moved a,o&t the room often as # had different activities planned o&t and # did not +ant them reserved to sittin" in their seats the +hole time* 6e started ,y readin" a ,ook a,o&t tri,es of the !acific North+est0 follo+ed ,y a ,ook a,o&t the totem poles they ,&ilt and the meanin" ,ehind them* # told them to think a,o&t +hat animal they think represented themselves as +e +o&ld soon create o&r o+n classroom totem pole* 1rom this point0 +e had a class disc&ssion a,o&t +hat the st&dents tho&"ht and their feelin"s to+ards the topic so +e s+itched places and took a st&dent led approach for the portion* Event&ally0 they +ent ,ack to their seats to +ork in "ro&ps and fill o&t a +orksheet that # created for them to "et them prepped for o&r totem pole art pro7ect the next day* ". #eflection on m$ professional growth in knowledge% skills% and dispositions related to this ACEI Standard and Element s!. After teachin" this lesson0 # still really like my ideas ,ehind it and feel that the st&dents took a+ay val&a,le information* Ho+ever0 there are many thin"s that needed refinement in order to make the lesson "o smoother* #n hindsi"ht0 # sho&ld have scanned and printed the pa"es so that the st&dents co&ld have follo+ed alon" +ith me as # read* 8eca&se of my lack of doin" so0 # ended &p +ith a handf&l of st&dents +ho either failed to follo+ alon" or constantly distracted others as they +ere forced to sit and listen to me* This +asted val&a,le time for the st&dents and myself* # learned that yo& can never have to many

learnin" reso&rces for a lesson0 as yo& +ill never have a class of the same type of learner* The st&dent led portion act&ally +ent 9&ite +ell* # +as very adamant a,o&t raisin" hands to speak and not interr&ptin" others* The st&dents seemed to respect one another and provided each other +ith solid and val&a,le information* Class participation and respect is not a skill learned +ith this lesson0 ,&t one # contin&e to thoro&"hly develop and strive to "et ,etter +ith* Also0 +ith this lesson # really +anted to create my o+n +orksheet* #t +as0 in my mind0 a f&n piece of literat&re that +as informational and +o&ld assess +hat they learned* :nfort&nately0 # made a fe+ of the +ords and pro,lems a little to hard for the st&dents and # had to spend most of my time r&nnin" from ta,le to ta,le tryin" to explain +hat certain +ords meant* 1rom a disposition standpoint0 # need to learn ho+ to facilitate a classroom ,etter and respect the opinions of the minds in the classroom* # need to &nderstand that they are pro,a,ly not "oin" to ,e thinkin" +hat # am +hen # comes to ans+ers expected on +orksheets and disc&ssions* *

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