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Voluntary Sector Forum for Learning Difficulties (York)

Wednesday 19th March !1" 1#$! % $#$! &m 'riory Street (entre) York *genda 1#$!&m Welcome and *&ologies

1#$ +otes from nd ,anuary !1" Meeting a) Accepted are they right? b) Matters arising 1#"- Day (are Ser.ices / changes 0ithin Learning Disa1ilities Ser.ices % u&date Katie Brown, Commissioning Manager, City of York Counci #1! Mental 2ealth 3 Learning Disa1ilities 'artnershi& 4oard % last met on 5th ,anuary !1" !eedback from our representati"e #ache Barber #e"iew of $artnership Board structure

#$- 4reak

#"- Mental 2ealth and Learning Disa1ilities 'artnershi& 4oard ne6t meets on -th March !1" %o we ha"e anything to ask or te them? $ &m 7&date on the 8esearch into &eo&le 0ith learning difficulties and lo0 3 moderate su&&ort needs %r &orna 'ami ton and (ue Mesa from the !acu ty of 'ea th ) &ife (ciences at York (t *ohn +ni"ersity, $#1- &m 9nformation :6change $# - *ny ;ther 4usiness< Dates for !1" Forum meetings May -/rd *u y -0th (eptember 12th 3o"ember A meetings are at 1,/4 pm unti /,/4 pm at the $riory (treet Centre, 15 $riory (treet, York Y61 789

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