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Afurisania mpotriva francmasoneriei dat de ctre Ciprian, Arhiepiscopul Ciprului Prin urmare, spunem c, oricine fiind mbrcat n sfintele

veminte cu epitrahil i omofor, i un astfel de om v va bine vesti vou o alt Evanghelie afar de ceea ce am bine vestit vou, mcar de ar fi i nger din cer, anatema s fie. ( alateni, !, "#$% &eci, oric'(i se altur cu grbire acestei slu)be drceti i nelegiuite a francmasoneriei, i to(i cei ce i urmea* n m'ndria i rtcirea lor, s fie afurisi(i i da(i anatemei de ctre +atl, ,iul i -f'ntul &uh. &up moarte, ei nu vor avea parte de iertare i de*legare. -uspin'nd i tremur'nd, precum .ain, vor fi ei asupra pm'ntului. (,acere !/, 01%. Pm'ntul se va deschide i i va nghi(i ca pe &athan i 2viron (3umeri 4/!, 50#56%. 7rgia lui &umne*eu va fi asupra capetelor lor, i partea lor cu !uda v'n*torul. ngerul &omnului i va i*goni cu sabia de foc, i, p'n la sf'ritul vie(ii lor, nimic nu vor dob'ndi. ,ie ca lucrrile i meteugurile lor s fie blestemate i s se nece ntr#un nor de praf, ca o arie de treierat n mie*ul verii. 8i to(i cei ce vor strui n rutatea lor vor avea parte de o atare rsplat. &ar to(i cei ce vor iei din mi)locul lor i se vor deosebi, i vor scuipa ur'cioasa lor ere*ie, i se vor lepda de blestemata lor m'ndrie, unii ca acetia vor primi plata *elotului ,ineas9 adic vor fi binecuv'nta(i i ierta(i de ctre +atl, ,iul i -f'ntul &uh, +reimea cea singur neamestecat i nedespr(it, 7nul &umne*eu n fiin(, i de ctre noi, smeri(ii -i slu)itori. Declaraia lui Ciprian, Arhiepiscopul Ciprului. Cipru, 2 februarie, 1815

THE APHORIS A!AI"ST #REE ASO"R$ b: Cyprianus, Archbishop of Cyprus ;<herefore, clad in the sacred vestments of epitrachelion and omophorion, =e sa:, !f an: man preach unto :ou an: other gospel than that =hich =e have preached unto :ou, even though an angel from heaven, let him be accursed.; ( al. 0,",$% 2s man: as are befitting, that pursue after such a diabolic and la=less emplo:ment of ,reemasonr:, and all the: that follo= unto their infatuation and unto their error, let them be e>communicated and accursed b: the ,ather, the -on, and the ?ol: -pirit. 2fter death, the: shall be unpardoned, indissoluble, and bloated. roaning and trembling, as .ain, shall the: be upon the earth. ( en. 1@01%. +he earth shall cleave and s=allo= them up, as &athan and 2biram (3um. 0A, 50#56%. +he =rath of od shall be upon their heads, and their portion together =ith Budas the betra:er. 2n angel of the Cord =ill prosecute them =ith a flaming s=ord and, unto their lifeDs termination, the: =ill not Eno= of progress. Cet their =orEs and toil be unblessed and let them become a cloud of dust, as of a summer threshing#floor. 2nd all the: indeed that shall abide still unto their =icEedness =ill have such a recompense. Fut as man: as shall go out from the midst of them and shall be separated, and having spat out their abominable heres:, and shall go afar off from their accursed infatuation, such Eind shall receive thte =ages of the *ealot Phineas9 rather let them be blessed and forgiven b: the ,ather, and the -on, and the ?ol: -pirit, the Gnl: unconfused and undivided +rinit:, the Gne od in nature, and b: us ?is servants.; Declaration of Cyprianus, Archbishop of Cyprus. Cyprus, February 2nd, 1815

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