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The Nazi party only won 12 seats or 2.

5% of the vote in

the 1928 general election. It was a small extreme group and very few people thought about voting for them. This all changed with the Economic Depression that resulted from the WALL STREET CRASH of October 1929.

The German economy had got lots of loans from

America since 1924. This had helped to the German economy to grow. After the Wall Street crash unemployment rose and American businesses failed, unemployment rose and American banks started to lose money. They demanded that their loans be repaid.

This took a lot of money out of the German economy

and German businesses began to struggle. Banks went out of business and German companies had to cut production and lay people off. By 1932 Industrial production was 40% lower than what it had been in 1929. At the beginning of 1933 one in three workers or 6 million people were unemployed.

As there were a lot less people at work the German

government took in less money in taxes which meant they did not have enough to pay people unemployment assistance. People became angry and desperate and started to turn completely against the Weimar Republic and the democratic political parties. They began to turn either to the Communists or the Nazis.

1) How did Hitler end up joining the Nazi party?

2) What were the SA and the SS ?

3) What did his party promise to do ? 4) What was the Beer Hall Putsch and what did Hitler

learn from it ?

1) How did the Nazis do in the 1930 election ?

2) Why was Bruning an unpopular Chancellor?

3) What did the government have to do by 1932 to get

laws passed? 4) How did the Nazis fight the 1932 general election and how did they do ? 5) Why did people start to support the Nazis in great numbers ?

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