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Standard Two | Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge This artifact is a lesson plan that was created for

math geometry lesson. It addresses Professional Teaching Standard 2: Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge, knowledge indicator: B, and performance indicator: E. I chose this artifact because it shows my ability to teach major concepts and principles while following their lines of inquiry when discovering how the shapes fit together. The artifact also shows the multiple representations of a hexagon that the students can make which helps them develop conceptual understandings of shapes. This artifact is an appropriate representation of Standard Two because it displays my ability to teach lessons about shapes. Shapes is a major concept in the younger grades, and also understanding what shapes can be put together to make new shapes is important too. The lesson incorporates both concepts. First, we discussed the names of the shapes, and then we asked how many of one shape can fit on top of the hexagon. For example, six triangles are the same as one hexagon. Then the children asked what other shapes made a hexagon, and my partner and I encouraged the students to use trial and error and reasoning skills to answer their own questions (B). The lesson allowed for the students to follow their own line of inquiry, and then they used manipulatives to answer their own questions. Some students could just imagine the amount of diamonds, triangles, and trapezoids that make a hexagon, but many children couldnt visualize that in their head. The manipulatives make concepts concrete and easier to understand for younger students. Also if the students can find answers on their own the answers will make more sense to them and they will also remember the concepts more (E). This artifact demonstrates my growth and development as a teacher because I now understand and can teach a more effective lesson to students. I have witnessed how vital using manipulatives is, and the effect of having them vs not having them. I want to use a variety of manipulatives in my future classroom because aside from being effective, the students respond well to them and the manipulatives keep the engaged for longer. Using the manipulatives will also be a concrete way to assess my students because I can see the work they are doing in front of them, and they will also become stronger at explaining their thought process because they have to explain the steps they took to create what they did with the manipulatives. Knowing the students in my classroom will also depend on the manipulatives because if children have sensitivities to certain textures, need bigger pieces, etc. I will be able to accommodate for them so they will learn and understand the concepts of the lessons too.

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