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CASE Lesson Plan- Reading- Lesson 3- Farfallina and Marcel- Tuesday, Nov. !

, Periods


At your school site you will use this form to plan your lessons. You will send it to your supervisor 24 hours in advance of a prescheduled observation and he/she will offer feedbac . !se the glossary to help you thin throu"h your lesson plannin". Na#e$ *'s. +$ %a&e$ Su'(ec&$ Reading Su)ervisor$

Things to do to prepare for the lesson: (What materials will you need? What examples will you need to have prepared? What visuals (i.e.
charts, diagrams, organizers, etc.) will you need to prepare ahead of time? What homework will you need to do to make certain you really know the material you are a!out to teach? What will you need to have prepared if you are using an "#$%? &f you are using we!sites, do you need to !ookmark them ahead of time?) #ist all of these things !elow to remind yourself.

#ournals %lmo 'encils

$ote cards &lendin" words (arfallina and )arcel *raphic +r"ani,er

Learning goal(s): ('emem!er( )hese are not tasks !ut statements that will guide your planning for learning. *sk yourself, What do & want children
to learn? +ow does this goal help me understand what & need to teach and what tasks do & want to design to extend this learning? learning.) )he focus is on the

-he students will practice decodin" and encodin" words with the lon" o sound spelled o. oa. oe. and ow. /tudents will apply what they now to tier two words. State Standards for the lesson: (,se http( to help you with this). )his is a .* /epartment of "ducation we!site designed to
align with 0ational 1ore 2tandards.

1.1.2.B: Use knowledge of phonics and word recognition (e.g., root words, prefixes, suffixes, and syllabication) to decode and understand new words during reading.
1.1.2.E: Demonstrate accuracy and automaticity, in oral reading of grade level text

Class plans: (refer to the glossary)

Ti#es (estimates to help with pacing) S&ruc&ure ("roupin". behavior e0pectations) 1ntroduction 23-24 minutes

%e&ailed descri)&ion and )ur)ose of &as,-s. (what are you doing and why; prepare some questions and possible responses for discussions)

Cau&ions " No&es (things you need to keep in mind)

Su)ervisor Feed'ac,

/tudents will "et their student 5ournals out. and respond to the prompt. 1ma"ine you are )arcel. You have 5ust reali,ed that the butterfly you are tal in" to is (arfallina. -ell (arfallina why you did not reco"ni,e her and e0plain what has happened to you. *ive students about 6-24 minutes to respond in writin". and then have a few students share their writin"s. 7ependin" on the time. students should write the sentences in their 5ournal and correct the mista es or teacher should 5ust call up students to fi0 mista es if there is less time. most of the the hens8 e"" hatched none of the three duc s8 e"" hatched one hens8 chic were noisy.

&ody 43-34 minutes

-eacher should review the lon" o sound spelled with o. oa. oe. and ow. /tudents should "ive e0amples of words usin" these spellin"s to have the lon" o sound.

$e0t. students will chorally read the sounds that the short vowels. lon" a. lon" e. lon" i. and lon" o sounds. -hen teacher will show the cards and as individual students to sound out the sounds. $e0t. the teacher will pro5ect the words the students should practice blendin". 9ave students read the lines chorally as a whole "roup. tables. "ender. or any other cate"ory. 9ave them read throu"h them first. and then as them to read at a faster pace. -hen as students or a student to read the sentences after the blended lines. As students to identify the words with lon" o sound. 'ractice more blendin" usin" the lon"er words. As students why it is easy to read these words even thou"h they are lon"er: /tudents should complete the rest of the "raphic or"ani,ers for 3arfallina and $arcel. 1f they are finished or finish early. the students should wor on boo reports or their wor folders. -he last 23-24 minutes of class. the students should put everythin" away and stac their wor folders and hardbac readers. <eview the definitions of the vocabulary words: fluttered. peered. reco"ni,ed. vanished. and loyal.

;lose 23-24 minutes

As the students to finish the followin" sentences: -he baby bird fluttered away when= >hen 1 peered into the dar room 1=. /he reco"ni,ed the ban robber because= >hen my allowance money vanished. 1 had to= 1 am loyal to my friends. even when=

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