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Type II Diabetes

Roberto Antunez-Blas, Alona Dodson, Salvador Gonzalez, and Marina Silva

Do you know what Type II Diabetes is?

Type II diabetes is a chronic disease in which there are high

levels of sugar in your blood.

Type II diabetes is the most common type of diabetes. Type II diabetes is caused when there is a problem on how
your body makes or uses insulin.

Fatigue Increasement of urination Hunger Fatigue Infections that heal slowly

Insulin resistance


Our Priority Population

Puerto Ricans of any age have the highest rate to be

diagnosed with Type II Diabetes.

Humboldt Park is our main Priority Population due to the

fact that there are many Puerto Ricans that reside in this area.

Leaders in Chicagos Humboldt Park community learned

that its Puerto Rican residents had a 14 percent higher rate of Type 2 diabetes than any other Chicago neighborhood.

Helping the community out and our goals

The reason why we are going to focus on Puerto Ricans

residents in Humboldt Park to reduces the number of people who don't know nothing about Type 2 Diabetes. This will also make sure that they will know that they are the priority population. Our goals is to decrease the number of people know don't know about Type 2 Diabetes and for the resident to modify there weight. After the presentation that we give to them, we wanted to see how many people had signed up to get there free scanning. This will show us how many people took this serious.

Risk Factors for Tpe 2 diabetes

These are the following risk factors for Type 2 Diabetes Weight (modifiable) Fat distribution(modifiable) no exersing(modifiable) Family history(unmodifiable) Race(unmodifiable) Age(unmodified) Prediabetes (modifiable) Gestational diabetes ( unmodifiable) Enviroment (depends) Knowledge (modifiable) But the two risk factors we are going to forces on is knowledge (very important) enviroment & weight (semi-important)

Knowledge on Type 2 Diabetes if you know know what Tpe 2 Diabetes is then you have a higher chances of getting it. not knowing the risk factors of Type 2 Diabetes can also make you have a higher chances of getting it. basically, most of the risk factor falls in the catergory of knowledge or include knowledge.

Enviroment & weight If you live in a neighborhood where there is alot of fast food restaurant then there is going to a be a big chances that you might be overweight. There are more than 25 fast food restaurant in Humboldt Park. Being overweight gives you more fatty tissue which mean them more fatty tissue you have the more resistant your cells become to insulin. 51% of the Puerto Rican residents are overweight in Humboldt Park.

Prevention method

We are using two prevention methods,primary and secondary, to lower diabetes rates in Humboldt park. Our primary prevention is to inform the community of

diabetes, its risk factors, symptoms, and how to improve their life. Our secondary prevention method is scans ,and doctor appointments.This will help they see if they have diabetes,and if they do they can try different treatments. We believe this methods will be successful because first we will inform them about it.Afterwards, we will provide scans and doctor appointments to start treatments.

We are planning to help Humboldt with its diabetes residents.We will try to achieve this by trying to do the following; conference room in the Norwagon American hospital. we will try to inform the neighborhood about this meeting.We will do this by radio, fliers, and by telling them person to person. Then we will have the meeting give them information ,and we will give them free scans. We will test if its successful if a large amount of people actually take the steps by making an appointment.

Materials needed for intervention

Support from the hospital to get free scans and conference room. Money for fliers and for the radio. Volunteers to help spread the word. For the citizens in Humboldt park to actually go to the conference. Chairs and we hope that their is lots of them. Refreshments. good quality speakers.

Pilot Test
In our pilot test we will grab a hand full of people inform them about diabetes by; Radio fliers talking to them

We will give them a general knowledge about diabetes. How it is caused symptoms riskfactors Then we will tell them they get free scans and appointments.We will test if its successful if the people we tested on actually make appointments to get scans.If this is successful we can be more confident in Humboldt park.

Successful Intervention
Our intervention will actually work if we... spread the word around the neighborhood. Ask the hospital(Norwagon American) that we need a conference room for our meeting and they agree to let us use one. motivate people to come to the meeting. Refreashments(healthy) Free day care for anyone that have children.

1) Urban spoon by: every day people (review site) last updated:September 8, 2011 2)Pubmed health by: A.D.A.M. Editorial Team: David Zieve, MD, MHA,
and David R. last updated:8/31/2011 3)Humboldt park: by:American diabetes association website last updated:??

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