Timpuri Le

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7th Grade
1. Always, usually, never si sometimes sunt specific timpului
.. acest timp exprima actiuni repetate sau stari
Forma negative si interogativa se formeaza cu auxiliarul _________/____________.
2. .exprima actiuni temporare sau care au loc in momentul
vorbirii. Acest timp se formeaza astfel: S+ TO BE+ VB+ ING

3. Trecutul simplu exprima actiuni

Adverbele specific acetui timp sunt ././/
Exista doua tipuri de verbe pe care le folosim in exprimarea acestui timp:
Forma negative si interogativa se formeaza cu_________________________________
4. Trecutul exprima actiuni care erau in desfasurare la un
moment dat din trecut. Acest timp se formeaza
While, when si as sunt specific acestui timp si toate se traduc_______________________ si
introduce o propozitie la timpul_____________________________________ .
5. Prezentul perfect simplu (P.P.S.) este timpul verbal care foloseste in formare auxiliarul
_____________ si forma _______________a verbelor.
Adverbe de timp specific P.P.S. sunt:
Ele exprima
Pentru fiecare adverb mentionat dati cate un exemplu.

Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul correct:

1. Look! Sara (go)

to the movies.

2. The handbag (be)

very beautiful.

3. Sara usually (put)

on black shoes but now she (wear)

4. And look, she (take)

5. We (go)

an umbrella because it (rain)

to London because our friends (invite)

6. He (hear)

the news, (go)

7. I (just / finish)

16. While the parents (have)

in Canada two years ago.

to Canada so far.

13. Last week, Mary and Paul (go)

15. While one group (prepare)

to the telephone and (call)

to his home town in 1994.

12. But I (already / travel)

14. The boys (swim)


five letters.

10. My friend (be)

11. I (not / be)

my homework.

8. Mary (already / write)

9. Tom (move)

white trainers.

to London a couple of times.

to the cinema.
while the girls (sunbath)
dinner the others (collect)

breakfast the children (run)

wood for the


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