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Kurtis Wragg Writing 37 / Lynda Haas February 2, 2014 The Bake Street Irregulars The novel The Sign of the Four written by Arthur Conan Doyle, was published in 1890 in the widely claimed, 1 shilling, December issue of Lippincott monthly magazine. At the beginning of the novel Sherlock Holmes is approached by Mary Morstan who is inquiring about the mysterious pearls and letter that she has been receiving for the past 6 years. Holmes, along with his partner Watson, are interested in investigating this matter further. Together, they join Miss Morstan on her visit to meet the mysterious sender, Thaddeus Sholto. Sholto reveals much of the mystery that connects with his father Major Sholto and her father Major Morstan with a treasure. Sherlock Holmes and Watson, discover that Bartholomew Sholto has been murdered and follow the trail of clues left behind by the culprits to catch the killers. Sherlock employs the Baker Street Irregulars to help get to the bottom of the mystery and uses their lack of importance to his advantage. After being captured, Johnathan Smalls told the full account of the treasure of India. Sherlock sees past the segregation that resides in the Victorian Era streets of London. The Baker Street irregulars in the Sherlock Holmes series illustrate the Victorian eras lack of equality and overall consensus made by the middle and upper classes that the lower class lacked importance. Sherlock sees past the class structures that create the separation between the lower class to further his cases development. Sherlock exploits their ability to fly under the radar and go unnoticed to attempt to find the steamship, Aurora, in a secretive manner. His ability to do so furthers his ability to observe and detect. He is able to be multiple places at once and be somewhere he cant be without exposing himself. My dear fellow, it would be a

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colossal task. She may have touched at any wharf on either side of the stream between here and Greenwich. Below the bridge there is a perfect labyrinth of landing-places for miles. It would take you days and days to exhaust them if you set about it alone (59). Sherlock needs the help of the baker street irregulars. Without them, his cases would struggle to break ground due to the lack of man power needed. The baker street irregulars make up the lower class and were often ignored and cast off by the middle and upper class. Although Sherlock was not completely kind when it came to his interactions with the baker street irregulars, he always treated them fairly. The Aurora, sir. Ah! Shes not that old green launch with a yellow line, very broad in the beam? No, indeed. Shes as trim a little thing as any on the river. Shes been fresh painted, black with two red streaks (58). The lower class felt unimportant, Sherlock made sure when he interacted with them he choose his words carefully to insure they wouldnt withhold any information from him. His recognition, and their lack there, of the pertinence of the knowledge they would be feeding him only helped to allow Holmes to go unnoticed. The irregulars struggled as the upper and middle classes prospered. Dear little chap! said Holmes strategically. What a rosy-cheeked young rascal! Now, Jack, is there anything you would like? The youth pondered for a moment. Id like a shillin, said he. Nothing you would like better? Id like two shillin better, the prodigy answered after some thought (57). The classes were not only separated by the middle and lower classes lack of nobility but their overall economic state. Money is on the minds of all the lower class who often struggled to afford their day to day expenses. Kids were put on the street by their parents in an attempt to raise money for their

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familys survival. Sherlock employed the workers at little cost to him and always paid them fairly. Sherlock never took advantage of the people below him and understood that any information that they gave him had value and to not ignore their importance when it came to his case development. You remember the Baker Street division of the detective police force whom I employed in the Jefferson Hope case? Well, said I, laughing. This is just the case where they might be invaluable. If they fail I have other resources, but I shall try them first. That wire was to my dirty little lieutenant, Wiggins, and I expect that he and his gang will be with us before we have finished our breakfast (59). Due to the massive economic inequality, a shilling to the irregulars, was a days work, while to Holmes, it was a mere drop in the bucket. cohesive

Works Cited 1. Doyle, Arthur Conan. The Sign of the Four. Chicago: W.B. Conkey, 1900. Print.

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