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MTV True Life: I Have PTSD Review and Summary In essay format, using comp ete sentences and

a minimum of t!ree, five sentence paragrap!s, p ease summaries t!e MTV True Life Documentary, I Have PTSD" #e sure to answer t!e information isted $e ow" % % % % % % % % % &!at is PTSD' &!at type of menta disorder is PTSD Is PTSD a cognitive, ife situation, persona $e!avior, environmenta or $io ogica stressor' ()p ain in detai &!at are t!e signs and symptoms of someone wit! PTSD' &!at is t!e specific event or series of events caused *rt!ur, +enny and *dam to $e diagnosed wit! PTSD' How were a t!ree men initia y treated for t!is disorder' ,t!er t!an medica met!ods, !ow do t!ese cope wit! t!eir symptoms' T!ere is one symptom mentioned $y +enny t!at a t!ree men seem to !ave as a resu t of PTSD" &!at is it' &!at is *dam trying to get off t!e ground for veterans wit! PTSD' P ease inc ude !is met!ods of treatment and w!y !e is fee s it necessary"

- &!en comp ete p ease fo ow t!e directions $e ow" If you do not insert the correct subject in you email you will not receive credit. % % % *ttac! document to an emai Inc ude t!e fo owing information in t!e su$.ect $o)" Your Name / Your Period # / PTSD ollow !" (mai to seniorpe/01gmai "com

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