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Management de proiect


Definire Proiect Definire Management de proiect Etapele proiectului Structura organizationala Echipa de proiect



Standardul SUA ANSI/PMI 99-001-2008 : Un proiect reprezinta o activitate temporara realizata cu scopul de a crea un produs, serviciu sau rezultat.

Standardul UK 6079-2:2000 defineste un proiect ca: Un proces unic ce consta intr-un set de activitati coordonate si controlate, cu date de inceput si sfarsit, intreprins pentru a atinge un obiectiv in concordanta cu cerinte clare incluzand constrangeri temporare , de cost si resurse.

Un Proiect se refera la: o in sens general: ansamblul operatiunilor desfasurate intr-o organizatie, in vederea realizarii unui obiectiv. Caracteristici: o presupune efectuarea unei activitati temporare o are un inceput si un final o finalul este reprezentat de atingerea ( sau nu ) a obiectivelor in contextul dat o are o finalitate bine definita: produs, serviciu sau rezultat, predate sub forma de livrabile. o are alocate resurse: financiare, umane, materiale


Management de proiect
Definitie (PMBOK) Managementul de proiect reprezinta aplicarea cunostintelor, competentelor, calificarilor, tehnicilor si instrumentelor in coordonarea activitatilor unui proiect pentru atingerea obietcivelor asumate. 5 grupe de organizare a activitailor:
Initializare, planificare, executie, monitorizare si control si incheiere

PROIECT = planificare MANAGEMENT = rezultatul este conform planificarii

Management de proiect
Context sistemic:
Subsistem organizational Subsistem de control Subsistem informational Subsistem metodologic Subsistem cultural si de mediu Subsistem de planificare Subsistem uman Sistem tehnologic

Management de proiect
Subsistem organizational
Utilizarea resurselor organizatiei
Ex: Buget, echipamente

Utilizarea structurilor functionale ale organizatiei

Ex: Departamente, echipe de lucru

Matrice organizationala
Ex: roluri, functii

Subsistem de control
Standarde de performanta Masurarea performantei
Ex: Evaluari periodice

Mecanism de feedback
Ex: rapoarte de activitate

Masuri de corectare

Management de proiect
Subsistem informational:
Gestiunea informatiei pentru planificare si monitorizare Informatie formala si informala Sisteme suport decizie

Subsistem metodologic
Metode de evaluare si estimare a planificarii Metode de estimare a costurilor si resurselor Metode de evaluare a riscului si a calitatii

Subsistem uman
Cunostinte Tehnica de management si leadership Comunicatie, set de valori, motivatie

Management de proiect
Subsistem cultural si de mediu
Filozofie de management Context social: perceptii, atitudini, prejudecati, presupuneri, experiente, valori . Comportamente: actiuni, reactii Educatie, training, munca in echipa

Subsistem de planificare:
Identificarea necesarului de resurse Alocarea resurselor pe toata durata proiectului Plan de realizare: componente ale proiectului Plan complet de proiect

Subsistem tehnologic
Tehnologia aplicata in proiect Managementul cunostintelor

Management de proiect
Componente: Project integration management Project scope management Project time management Project cost management Project quality management Project human resources (HR) management Project communications management Project risk management Project procurement management
Project Management Institute (PMI) Conform PMBOK. Ref 1

Management de proiect
Managementul calitatii totale (Total Quality Management):
Actiunile ce trebuie intreprinse pentru ca un rezultat sa indeplineasca asteptarile clientului.

Inginerie concurenta (Concurrent Engineering):

Organizarea activitatilor in paralel pentru a imbunatati performanta fara a genera riscuri suplimentare.

Managementul schimbarii (Scope Change Control):

Controlul schimbariilor ce vor afecta rezultatul final oferind valoare adugata.

Management de risc (Risk Management):

Identificarea, cuantificarea si raspunsul la situatii de risc

Management de proiect
Methodologies do not manage projects; people do. It is the corporate culture that executes the methodology Beneficii ale managementului de proiect:
time to market mai bun Reducere a riscului asociat Imbunatatirea procesului de luare a deciziilor Client multumit Timp investit in productie si nu in birocratie

Management de proiect
Program (nivel tactic) o un grup de proiecte din aceeasi arie, conduse coordonat, pentru a obtine beneficii suplimentare.

Subproiecte: o componente ale unui proiect ce pot fi mai usor controlate

Portofoliu (nivel strategic): o colectie de proiecte sau programe, nu neaparat interdependente, grupate impreuna pentru a eficientiza managementul in concordanta cu obiective strategice de afacere.

Management de portofoliu
Infrastructura necesara pentru managementul de portofolii:
1. Sistem de management de portfoliu 2. Sistem de management de proces 3. Sistem de management organizational 4. Sistem de management al performantei

Etapele managementului de portfoliu

Proces de pregatire (business case) Proces de selectie Proces de prioritizare Proces de planificare si alocare de resurse la nivel de organizatie

Proiect vs portofoliu
Nivel strategic Nivel tactic Proiect Portofoliu Proiect Subproiect Program Proiect Subproiect

Nivel operational Subproiect



Etapele unui proiect

Probleme ce trebuie adresate:

Asteptarile clientilor Capacitatea clientilor Intelegerea cerintelor Management al schimbarii Management de risc Management de calitate Estimari

Necesitatile curente Resursele Initierea proiectului Rol si responsabilitati Implicare management Monitorizare Pierdere de personal cheie

Etapele unui proiect

Idea proiectului Initializare Schita de proiect



Planul de proiect

Implementarea proiectului



Plan de proiect



Finalizare proiectului


Livrabile Timp

Etapele unui proiect in cadrul unei organizatii

Creaza Idee Solutie Fezabilitate / Impact Risc Resurse


Analiza de cost

Analiza de risc

Selectare solutie

Prioritati strategice



Solutie tehnica Comunicare Calitate


Schimbare Implementeaza / Management Monitorizare





Relocare resurse


Lectii invatate


Idea proiectului

Sponsor Toate proiectele au un sponsor. Sponsorul reprezinta o persoana sau entitate ce indeplineste urmatoarele caracteristici:
identifica o necesitate de schimbare are autoritatea necesara de a schimba Este capabil sa finanateze sau sa atraga surse de finantare

Nothing is impossible for the person who doesnt have to do it.

Idea proiectului

Sponsorul poate avea:

- Definitie clara a obiectivelor proiectului - Imagine corecte asupra cerintelor proiectului


-Viziune incomplet asupra proiectului - Cerinte de proiect slab definite sau structurate

Sponsorul trebuie:
Asistat in definirea clara a obiectivului / rezultatelor proiectului Definirea coerenta cerintelor proiectului

Idea proiectului

Idee Contract Oprotunitate de afaceri / Business Opportunity Caz de afaceri / Business Case

Grup de lucru: -Initiatori -Stakeholder -Consultanti Schita de proiect

Schita de proiect

Factori interni organizatiilor Factori externi organizatiilor Stakeholder

Schita stakeholder

Idea proiectului

Poate cuprinde:
Mandatul Scop si obiective Descriere Rezultate Beneficii Timp Control Prioritizare Realizare sanity check Permisiune de incepere

Idea proiectului

Schita de proiect (project charter): Un document care autorizeaza in mod formal proiectul Include: Necesitatea proiectului business need Descrierea proiectului Obiectivele proiectului Desemneaza echipa de proiect Identificat rezultate, buget, durata

Contractul poate reprezentat schita de proiect


Idea proiectului De unde pornim? Necesitate

Cerinte Specificatii Constangeri

Livrabile Definitii Cerinte: O descriere documentata formal a nevoilor sponsorului ce vor fi adresate in cadrul proiectului Specificatii: O descriere detaliata a functionalitatilor ce vor fi implemetate in proiect / trasturilor proiectului


Idea proiectului

Identificarea cerintelor: De ce facem proiectul? Care este rolul dumneavoastr n afacere i proiect? Ce funcionalitatea i rezultatele sunt necesare ? Cine sunt prille implicate.? Ce fel de impact financiar are acest proiect asupra organizaiei dumneavoastr? Poate infrastructura existenta sprijini nevoile dumneavoastra? Ce sprijin din exterior este necesar? Cum definim succesul? Cat timp dureaza? Sunt alte produse similare aflate deja n dezvoltare sau operare? Care este criteriului de finalizare?

Urmatorul pas este catalogarea in cerinte si constrangeri


Planul de proiect Grup de lucru: -Echipa de planificare de proiect -Stakeholder -Consultanti externi Resurse umane Buget Plan de desfasurare Plan de activitati Plan de comunicare Plan de achizitii Management al integrarii

Plan de risc Plan de calitate

Schita de proiect

Plan de proiect

Constrangeri Echipa de planificare de proiect este formata din: - Manager de proiect - Consilieri tehnici - Consilier financar - Consilier juridic

-interne organizatiilor -de parteneriat -mediu de afaceri

Implementare proiect


Monitorizare Management de calitate Management al comunicarii


Plan de proiect

Management de cost
Achizitii Resurse umane


Implementare activitati


Management al schimbarii


Structura organizationala
Organizatia = grup de oameni care iscoordoneaza activitatile pentru a atinge obiectivele stabilite (obiective organizationale) Elemente cheie:
Autoritatea (Authority) este puterea de decizie oferita persoanelor Responsabilitate (Responsibility) este obligatia persoanelor asociata cu executarea activitailor alocate Raspundere (Accountability) masura indeplinirii satisfacatoare a unei activitati

Structura organizationala Structura traditionala



Vanzari si marketing







Structura organizationala Structura traditionala

Buget si control al costurilor relativ simplu. Continuitate in proceduri, politici, responsabilitati. Control al resursei umane: un singur sef pentru fiecare angajat Canalele de comunicatie sunt verticale si bine definite

Nu exsita o singura persoana raspunzatoare pentru tot proiectul Deciziile favorizeaza de obicei cel mai puternic grup Nu este orientat client Motivarea si inovarea sunt scazute

Structura organizationala Management departamantal

Manager divizie







Structura organizationala Depatament de legatura


Divizie Vanzari si marketing Financiar Inginerie

Departament Legatura

Structura organizationala Coordonator de proiect

Manager Divizie

Manager proiect

Manager de departament

Manager de departament

Manager de departament

Structura organizationala Organizare orientata produs


Manager de produs

Manager de produs

Manager de produs

Structura organizationala Organizare matriciala

Manager general




Manager proiect Manager proiect Manager proiect

Structura organizationala Organizare matriciala modificata

Manager general

Divizie management




Manager proiect Manager proiect Manager proiect


Interactiuni / Stakeholders
Project Stakeholders
Project sponsor / Finantator Executives / Conducere Team / Echipa Customers / Clienti Contractors / Contractori Functional managers / Manageri

Putem satisface cerintele tuturor ???


Its always a people problem Even when its really a technical problem, it can always be traced back to management action or inaction. Even so, the experienced consultant will resist pointing out that it was management who hired all the technical people and is responsible for their development. At the same time, the consultant will look for the people who should have prevented this problem, or dealt with it when it arose. Gerald Weinberg, The Secrets of Consulting

Managerul de proiect
Managerul de proiect asigura ca proiectul: Sa produca rezultate de calitate Sa se desfasoare conform graficului Sa se finalizeze in parametrii de buget Satisfaca cerintele clientului Sa produca rezultate sustenabile Managerul de proiect trebuie sa: Evalueze situatia reala Gestioneze aparitia conflictelor

Principalele motive de insuces in cadrul proiectelor sunt: Managementul de proiect defectuos Managementul resurseri umane

Succes / Esec

The Bull Survey (1998)


Succes / Esec
Source : Geneca Type of survey : Interview based study of software projects Date : 2010 2011
Interviews with 600 people closely involved in software development projects finds that even at the start of a project many people expect their projects to fail! Fuzzy business objectives, out-of-sync stakeholders, and excessive rework mean that 75% of project participants lack confidence that their projects will succeed. A truly stunning 78% of respondents reported that the Business is usually or always out of sync with project requirements

Succes / Esec

STUDIU DE CAZ Succes / Esec

Source : IBM Type of survey : Survey of 1,500 change management executives Date : Oct 2008 IBM survey in the success / failure rates of change projects finds; Only 40% of projects met schedule, budget and quality goals Best organizations are 10 times more successful than worst organizations Biggest barriers to success listed as people factors: Changing mindsets and attitudes 58%. Corporate culture 49%. Lack of senior management support 32%. Underestimation of complexity listed as a factor in 35% of projects

Oameni (motivare, lipsa calificare, eroi, prea tarziu, angajatul problema, politica companiei, neintelegeri clientdezvoltator ) Proces (planificare optimista, management de risc, defecte in planificare, voi recupera) Produs (dezvoltare cercetare, mai mult decat poti) Technologie (schimbarea de tool-uri in mijlocul proiectului, insuficienta cunoastere a tool-urilor, supraestimarea)


Cateva Skill-uri
Leadership Capacitate de analiza Gandire sistemica Negociere Mentoring Expertiza tehnica si de proces


Managerul de proiect
Manager de proiect: Face lucruruile sa se intample Priveste lucururile cum se intampla Nu stie sau nu ii pasa de ce se intampla


Capacitate de a asculta Capacitate de a analiza imaginea de ansamblu Implicarea in detalii Capacitatea de a decide Determinare Capacitate de comunicare Conducere prin exemplu Integritate Organizator Receptiv open-minded Cosnstient ca poate gresi Pozitiv Entuziast Orientat spre rezolvarea problemelor

10 Secrets of Successful Leaders
1. Assemble a dedicated team. Your team needs to be committed to you and the business. Successful entrepreneurs have not only social and selling smarts, but also the know-how to hire effectively, says leadership trainer Harvey Mackay, who wrote Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive (Ivy Books, 1995). A colossal business idea simply isn't enough. You have to be able to identify, attract and retain talent who can turn your concept into a register-ringing success, he says. Related: What's Your Leadership Style? (Quiz) When putting your team together, look for people whose values are aligned with the purpose and mission of your company. Suzanne Bates, a Wellesley, Mass.-based leadership consultant and author of Speak Like a CEO (McGraw Hill, 2005), says her team members rallied around each other during the worst part of the recession because they all believed in what they were doing. Having people on your team who have tenacity and a candid spirit is really important," she says. 2. Overcommunicate. This ones a biggie. Even with a staff of only five or 10, it can be tough to know whats going on with everyone. In an effort to overcommunicate, Bates compiles a weekly news update she calls a Friday Forecast, and emails it to her staff. My team is always surprised at all the good news I send out each week, Bates says. It makes everyone feel like you really have a lot of momentum, even in difficult times.

3. Dont assume. When you run a small business, you might assume your team understands your goals and mission -- and they may. But, everybody needs to be reminded of where the companys going and what things will look like when you get there. Your employees may ask, Whats in it for me? Its important to paint that picture for your team. Take the time to really understand the people who are helping you build your business. Entrepreneurs have the vision, the energy, and theyre out there trying to make it happen. But, so often with their staff, they are assuming too much, says Beverly Flaxington, founder of The Collaborative, a business-advising company in Medfield, Mass. Its almost like they think their enthusiasm by extension will be infectious -- but its not. You have to bring people into your world and communicate really proactively. 10 Secrets of Successful Leaders

10 Secrets of Successful Leaders
4. Be authentic. Good leaders instill their personality and beliefs into the fabric of their organization, Flaxington says. If you be yourself, and not try to act like someone else, and surround yourself with people who are aligned with your values, your business is more likely to succeed, she says. Related: Tips on Loyalty and Leadership Every business is different and every entrepreneur has her own personality, Flaxington says. If youre authentic, you attract the right people to your organization -- employees and customers. 5. Know your obstacles. Most entrepreneurs are optimistic and certain that theyre driving toward their goals. But, Flaxington says, its a short-sighted leader who doesnt take the time to understand his obstacles. You need to know what youre up against and be able to plan around those things, she says. Its folly to think that just because youve got this energy and enthusiasm that youre going to be able to conquer all. Its much smarter to take a step back and figure out what your obstacles are, so the plan that youre putting into place takes that into account. 6. Create a 'team charter.' Too many new teams race down the road before they even figure out who they are, where theyre going, and what will guide their journey, says Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One-Minute Manager (William Morrow & Co., 1982) and founder of The Ken Blanchard Cos., a workplace- and leadership-training firm. Just calling together a team and giving them a clear charge does not mean the team will succeed. Its important to create a set of agreements that clearly states what the team is to accomplish, why it is important and how the team will work together to achieve the desired results, says Blanchard, who is based in Escondido, Calif. The charter provides a record of common agreements and can be modified as the business grows and the teams needs change. 7. Believe in your people. Entrepreneurial leaders must help their people develop confidence, especially during tough times. As Napoleon Bonaparte said, "Leaders are dealers in hope." That confidence comes in part from believing in your team, says Maxwell, who is based in West Palm Beach, Fla. I think of my people as 10s, I treat them like 10s, and as a result, they try to perform like 10s, he says. But believing in people alone isn't enough. You have to help them win. 10 Secrets of Successful Leaders

10 Secrets of Successful Leaders
8. Dole out credit. Mackay says a good salesperson knows what the sweetest sound in the world is: The sound of their name on someone else's lips. But too many entrepreneurs think it's either the crinkle of freshly minted currency, or the dull thud of a competitor's body hitting the pavement. Many entrepreneurs are too in love with their own ideas and don't know how to distribute credit, Mackay says. A good quarterback always gives props to his offensive line. 9. Keep your team engaged. Great leaders give their teams challenges and get them excited about them, says leadership expert Stephen Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Free Press, 1989). He pointed to the example of a small pizza shop in a moderate-sized town that was killing a big fast-food chain in sales. The big difference between the chain and the small pizza joint was the leader, he says. Every week he gathered his teenage employees in a huddle and excitedly asked them: What can we do this week that weve never done before? The kids loved the challenge. They started texting all their friends whenever a pizza special was on. They took the credit-card machine to the curb so passing motorists could buy pizza right off the street. They loaded up a truck with hot pizzas and sold them at highschool games. The money poured in and the store owner never had problems with employee turnover, says Covey, who is based in Salt Lake City, Utah.

10. Stay calm. An entrepreneur has to backstop the team from overreacting to short-term situations, says Mackay, who is based in Minneapolis. This is particularly important now, when news of the sour economic environment is everywhere. The media has been hanging black crepe paper since 2008, he says. But look at all the phenomenal companies and brands that were born in downturns, names like iPod, GE and Federal Express. 10 Secrets of Successful Leaders

Echipa de management
Manager de proiect / Manager adjunct Asistent de proiect
Creaza, consolideaza, coordoneaza planificare proiectului. Proceseaza fisele de pontaj. Genereaza rapoarte privind desfasurarea proiectului.

Manager de activitate / echipa

Coordoneaza activitatea echipei de implementare Monitorizeaza desfasurarea activitatii.

Echipa de management
Manager al modificarilor
Coordoneaza schimabraile la nivel procedural sau organizational: identifica, evalueaza, planifica, coordoneaza si tine evidenta schimbarilor.

Manager de formare
Identifica, dezvolta, organizeaza, achizitioneaza si monitorizeaza activitatile de formare a resursei umane

Monitorizeaza dezvoltarea solutiiilor de afacere: aplicatii, procese, proceduri, servicii, facilitati

Echipa de management
Arhitect de tehnologie
Monitorizeaza implemetarea proiectului din punct de vedere al tehnologiilor.

Manager al configuratiilor
Asigura managementul versiunilor livrabilelor

Manager de calitate
Monitorizeaza respectarea planului de calitate. Avizeaza livrabilele

Echipa de management
Manager organizational / resurse umane
Defineste sau modifica structuri organizationale Defineste atributii si cerinet pentru rolurile din cadrul proiectului Evalueaza resursa umana

Consultant juridic Responsabil financiar

Gestioneaza bugetul proiectului. Asigura legatura cu departamentul financiar si supervizeaza activitatea financiara.

Echipa de management Personal auxiliar

Specialist in comunicare
Cordoneaza comunicarea externa si interna proiectului. Identifica nevoile de comunicare si imagine, creaza comunicate, evalueaza impactul

Specialist in securitate
Asigura securitatea datelor si livrabilelor. Identifica, defineste si monitorizeaza livrabilele din punct de vedere al necesitatilor legate de securitate

Manager al bazelor de date Web master

Dezvolta si actualizeaza portalul web al proiectului

Echipa de management Personal auxiliar

Secretara Suport grafic
Creaza continut vizual: prezentari, diagrame, imagini, continut vizual web

Suport tehnic
Instaleaza si administreaza echipamente si software: PC, servere, retele.

Se ocupa de activitatile curente: control procedural, comunicatii, intalniri, management de resurse si achizitii pentru servicii, materiale, resurse, sali, etc

Echipa de implementare Tipuri de persoane

Roluri destructive Agresorul

Critica pe cei implicati, ataca statutul colegilor


Inceraca sa preia controlul, stie tot, manipuleaza


Gaseste greseli in MP, nu asculta

Cel care schimba subiectul

Primul cu o idee, schimba subiectul, nu termina

Echipa de implementare Tipuri de persoane

Roluri destructive Cel care cauta recunostinta

Se lauda, isi arata pozitia, sustine propriile idei


Nu se face remarcat, e timid, ascunde info, speriat

Cel care blocheaza

Critica, respinge pareri, opinii personale

Echipa de implementare Tipuri de persoane

Roluri pozitive Initiatorul

Atitudine proactiva, dispus sa incerce

Cel care incurajaza

Are atitudine pozitiva, lauda efortul

Cel care ofera informatia

Este informat, stie unde sa caute, are experienta

Cel care cauta informatia

Cauta, se documenteaza, intreaba

Echipa de implementare Tipuri de persoane

Roluri pozitive Pacificatorul

Apropie perspective diferite


Supune la vot, cauta compromisul

Deschizatorul de porti

Crere alte opinii, cauta alte solutii

Cel care clarifica

Ofera o mai buna perspectiva, explica

Tehnica de management
Urmatoarele activitati:
Planificarea Organizarea Alocarea de resurse Controlul Conducerea

Controlul presupune:
Masurarea Evaluarea Corectarea

Tehnica de management
Conducerea = executia (prin delegare) a planului
Staffing: Training: Supervising: Delegating: Motivating: Counseling: Coordinating:

Autoritatea (Authority)
dreptul de a lua decizii pentru indeplinirea obiectivelor

Responsabilitatea (Responsibility)
Alocarea unei sarcini specifice

Raspunderea (Accountability)
Acceptarea esecului sau a succesului

Din experienta:

Nine women cannot produce a baby in 1 month. The same work under the same conditions will be estimated differently by ten different estimators or by one estimator at ten different times. The most valuable and least used word in a project managers vocabulary is NO. Too few people on a project cant solve the problems too many create more problems than they solve. What you dont know hurts you. A user will tell you anything you ask aboutnothing more.

Din experienta:

What is not on paper has not been said. No major project is ever installed on time, within budget, with the same staff that started it. No major system is ever completely debugged; attempts to debug a system inevitably introduce new bugs that are even harder to find. Project teams detest progress reporting because it vividly demonstrates their lack of progress. Parkinson and Murphy are alive and wellin your project.

Din experienta:

Achesons Rule of the Bureaucracy: A memorandum is written not to inform the reader but to protect the writer. Browns Law of Business Success: Our customers paperwork is profit. Our own paperwork is loss. Golubs Laws of Computerdom 1. Fuzzy project objectives are used to avoid the embarrassment of estimating the corresponding costs. 2. A carelessly planned project takes three times longer to complete than expected; a carefully planned project takes only twice as long. 3. The effort required to correct the course increases geometrically with time. 4. Project teams detest weekly progress reporting because it so vividly manifests their lack of progress.

Din experienta:

Pattons Law: A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. Putts Law: Technology is dominated by two types of peoplethose who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand. Trumans Law: If you cannot convince them, confuse them.


Scopul reprezinta o afirmatie ce furnizeaza contextul general a ceea ce incearca proiectul sa realizeze sau beneficiile aduse. The Purpose / Mission / Goal Scopul = motivul pentru care realizati proiectul Trebuie sa raspundeti la urmatoarele intrebari:
Despre ce este vorba in proiect ?(pe scurt) Cine sunt stakeholderii? De ce este necesar proiectul? Contextul proiectului?

Goals provide an overall philosophy, a concise statement to the purpose of the whole project

bine definit, concis concret, denota rezultatele ce doresc a fi atinse si nu metodele prin care acestea vor fi atinse.

Scopul proiectului este foarte important deoarece trebuie sa transmita finantatorului rezultatele proiectului si stadiul in care se va afla problema dupa finalizarea proiectului.

Studiu de caz
To raise awareness of the effects of soft drinks (sugary drinks) in the community and promote healthier choices
To raise awareness of the benefits of physical activity and promote regular exercise To raise awareness of the benefits of smoking less and promote quitting smoking for the sake of family and community

To increase awareness of the benefits of health checks and promote visiting the doctor for regular check-ups
To promote bush tucker as a healthy food choice

SCOP SI OBIECTIV au semnificatii diferite n planificare. (general vs specific) Un obiectiv este un cstig concret care trebuie obtinut dupa o perioada de timp data. Obiectivul permite obtinerea scopului, convertind un plan general ntr-o serie de pasi specifici si usor manevrabili.

Objectives relate directly to the goals and say what you are going to do, but not how you are going to accomplish your goals. The Methods or Procedures section describes how

The project objective consists of the business benefits that an organization expects to achieve as a result of spending time and exerting effort to complete a project. Obiectivele reprezinta afirmatii concrete ce descriu elementele ce trebuie atinse in cadrul proiectului. Obiectivele trebuie formulate in asa fel incat sa poata fi evaluate (indeplinit sau nu) la finalul proiectului.

O tehnica pentru formularea unui obiectiv este respectarea principiului SMART,

SMART Specific, Measurable, Attainable/Achievable Realistic, Time-bound.

Mod de redactare:

Obiectivul proiectului este [imbunatatirea, cresterea, .] [rezultat al proiectului] cu [%, cifra] pana la [data calendaristica]
EX: Obiectivul proiectului este cresterea vanzarilor companiei cu 20% pana la 31.12.2013 De obicei (!!!) se evita folosirea termenilor vagi de tipul eficientiza, maximiza, minimiza si a perioadelor vagi de timp: trimestru, toamna, aprilie Beneficiu

Obiectivul se refera la:
Cine va face ce, cand si cum va fi rezultatul masurat At the end of the three-day training session (when), workshop participants (who) will infuse quantitative reasoning into one course (what) as determined by a survey distributed and reviewed by a panel of knowledgeable faculty members.

to construct a new Art Gallery

Studiu de caz
Increase attendance from the local community (what and who) within the next five years (when) at the scheduled art exhibits, as indicated by daily registers of attendees.
Affect the level of art appreciation (what) within the local community (who) by offering an annual series of four regularly scheduled lectures (when) as measured by preand post-surveys of audience members. Determine the impact of contaminated sewage water on the xxx fish population in Barnegat Bay. Identify the needs of the fish industry in preventing the loss of these fish due to contamination. Formulate guidelines for the wastewater treatment plant to meet the needs of the fish industry and the xxx fish.


Obiectivul general
maxim 200 de caractere exprima ce se construieste n cadrul respectivului proiect. finalitatea acestuia

Obiectivul general este mpartit n 2-4 obiective specifice, formulate astfel nct rezolvarea lor sa conduca la realizarea obiectivului general.

Obiective principale = motivul pentru care realizati proiectul Obiective secundare = beneficiile pe care le aduce proiectul odata cu parcurgerea unor etape dar nu motivatia intregului proiectului Non-obiective = beneficiile ce nu vor fi atinse in timpul sau la finalizarea proiectului

Managementul de scop
Definirea scopului este procesul in care se specifica criteriile pentru finalizarea cu succes a proiectului. Declaratia de scop: scope statement
Document de cerinte user acceptance requirements Obiectivele proiectului Specificatiile generale ale rezultatului Etapele principale ce trebuie parcurse Lista de livrabile principale

Managementul de scop
Scop Obiective

Descrierea activitatilor

Diagrame de retea






Managementul de scop
Descrierea activitatilor cuprinde urmatoarele elemente:
Descrierea activitatilor statement of work (SOW)
Descriere narativa detaliata a activitatilor proiectului

Specificatiile proiectului Lista milestone

Momemnte de timp pentru evaluare / verificare inaintea unor activitati importante: rol in identificarea problemelor

Descompunerea activitatilor work breakdown structure (WBS)

Planul de realizare
Lista de specificatii:

Planul de realizare
WBS (WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE) O descompunere ierarhica, orientata catre livrabile, a activitatilor ce urmeaza a fi intreprinse de catre echipa de proiect, in scopul atingerii obiectivelor propuse predarea livrabilelor. Fiecare nivel descrescator presupune o descriere mai detaliata in raport cu precedentul nivel. Tipuri:
- WBS orientat verb actiuni ce trebuie intreprinse - WBS orientat subiect componente ale livrabilelor - WBS orientat catre timp imparte proiectul in faze, doar fazele apropriate fiind descrise in detaliu
The 100% Rule...states that the WBS includes 100% of the work defined by the project scope and captures ALL deliverables internal, external, interim in terms of the work to be completed, including project management

Planul de realizare
Pas 1 - 2 modalitati de pornire pentru descrierea planului de realizare: a. Enumerarea rezultatelor (deliverables / products) proiectului. b. Stabilirea etapelor de baza preluate din descrierea obiectivelor proiectului.

Planul de realizare
Pas 2 - Stabilirea numelui etapelor obtinute din pasul 1 - Definirea pachetelor de lucru /activitati

- Unde ne oprim in granularizare:

- Regula 40 de ore elementul de baza nu poate avea o durata mai mica de 40 de ore (norma pe saptamana) - Regula 4% elementul de baza trebuie sa cuprinda minim 4% din activitatea intregului proiect - Un element trebuie asociat cu o componenta a rezultatului

Plan de realizare
Doua modalitati de reprezentare: Lista Arbore

Plan de realizare

Plan de realizare

Planul de realizare

Planul de realizare

Activitatile proiectului

Ce include un PACHET DE LUCRU

Exemplu WP model FP7

Exemplu WP model FP7

Exemplu WP model FP7

Exemplu WP model FP7

Exemplu Plan Realizare

Planul de realizare
In unele cazuri este indicat sa adaugati ca activitate si managementul de proiect Atentie la complexitatea unei etape.

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