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TampereUniversityofTechnologyTuulaHk High pressure die casting (HPDC) die gating system consists of a biscuit or a sprue, a runner, a gate, overflows and vents. The biscuit forms in the cold chamber HPDC machine shot sleeve and sprue in the hot chamber HPDC die sprue bushing. Sprue bushing is an active element in guiding the metal flow. Cold chamber HPDC shot sleevedoesnothingbutoffersaclosedplacetoshootthemetalfrom. Basicelementsin theHPDCgating system

There are two basic runner types: tangential and fan runner. (See images below.) Runner Runner is a carefully designed part of the HPDC die. It controls the metal flow by acceleratinganddirectingittotherightplacesinsidethedie. Overflowsgathertheoxidisedfrontofthemetalandfunctionasheatstoragenearthin and/ordistantpartsofthecasting.Ventsgivethegasesoutofthediecavity.Shortdie cavity fill time requires more generous venting than longer fill time. Vents and over flows attract the metal front to the wanted directions, but mainly it is the runner, whichdoesthedirecting. Overflowsand vents

Image1. FantyperunnerwiththebasicelementsinHPDCdiegatingsystems.Coldrunner gatingsystemontheleftandhotrunnersystemontheright. Image2. TangentialrunnerforacoldchamberHPDC die. Both runner types are widely in use. Tangential runner gives better possibility to guide the metal flow in the runner and inside the die cavity. It also gives better possi bilitytocontrolthemetalvelocityinthegateandraisethevelocityashighaswanted. GateandVenting1

CAEDSHighPressureDieCastingDesign Usually foundry technical personnel design the gating system together with the die Gatedesignsteps makingcompany.Thecastingdesignershouldbeawareofthetechnicalrestrictionsin gating to be able to produce cast friendly shapes. From the gating point of view, most important is to shape the casting so that the metal enters the mould cavity from one side,flowswithdirectandclearroutesthroughthedieandpushesthegasesoutfrom the opposite side of the cavity. Shapes, which block the metal flow or form closed cavitieswithoutventing,arenotdesirable.Insomecasestheyarenoteventolerable. Thegatingdesignincludesthefollowingsteps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Analysisofthemetalflow Selection of the best place for the gate on one side of the casting and vents on theoppositesideandselectionofasuitablediecavityfilltime Divisionofthecastingintogatingsegments Fill time and gate area calculations by segment; gate velocity selection by segment PQ2analysis Modificationsandanewtryout

An ideal casting design allows the metal to pass the die cavity with direct and clear routes. Usually there is a need to compromise. Only seldom it is possible to design an idealgateandrunnersystem.(Seeimages.) Image3. Acupshapedcastingwithaflange.Metal flowstartsfromthepartinglineandfinishestothe partinglineontheoppositeside.Nolargebosses outsideorinside.Clearflowpatternandenoughspace forthegate. Image4. Aflatcasting.Nohighbosses.Clearroute.Thereare blindspotsbehindtheholesintheendofthemetalflowpath. Metalentersthelastpointfromtwodirectionsanditispossible thattherewillbeanareawherethemechanicalpropertiesare notasgoodasontheotherareasofthecasting. Image5. Acastingwithcoolingribs.Thisisnotanoptimal solution.Ribsformclosedcavitiesoutsidethemainrouteofthe moltenmetal. GateandVenting2

CAEDSHighPressureDieCastingDesign Image6. Bettertogatefromthisdirection,butthereisnotas muchspaceforgatingasinthecaseabove. Image7. Ablindboss.Aclosedshapeabovethecavity surfacewithoutventing.Notagoodsolution. Image8. Betterthanabove.Metalflowsaroundthe projectedshapesandpushesgasestowardventinginthe oppositesideofthecavity. Image9. Betterthantheexampleintheimage7. Metalflowsthroughtheribsandgasesouttowards theventingintheoppositeside.Ribscancausesome moredifficulties,forexampletherecanbeshrink marksonthebottomofthepart.Ribsarerelatively expensivetomachinetothemould. Possiblecastingdefects: Castingdefects If the metal does not flow efficiently through the cavity it is likely that the castings resultingfrom will have gas porosity, gas bubbles or even large voids in the problem areas. Blind poorflowprofile projectionsdonotfillproperly.Forexamplethecoolingribsintheimage5donotfill with ease. One solution to the filling problem is to use vacuum valve or to adjust the casting shot pressures carefully. Castings with shapes, which fill with the metal flow ing from two directions, tend to form cold flows. The casting in the image 5 might endinhavingcoldflowsbehindtheholesinthelastfillingpartsofthecasting.Below areimagesofthesecastingdefects. Image10. Porosityandalargebubbleinsidean aluminumcastingwall.Iftheventingdoesnotworkproperly ortherearesomeblindareaswithoutventing,theairinside thecavitymaymixtothemetalandformvoids.Thesevoids canbeverylargeevenifthecastingseemsfineoutside.



Image11. Left:Coldflowandflowlines.Thesewilloccurifthemetaltemperature dropstoolowbeforethediecavityistotallyfilled.Right:Anonfillinacoolingrib.Possible causesapoorventingorbadshotparameters.

2.Selectionofthebestplaceforthegateononesideofthecasting andventsontheoppositesideandselectionofsuitablediecavityfill time

Filltime The casting should have enough space on the parting line for the gate and vents. The gate length is the gate area divided by the gate thickness. The gate area depends on selected die cavity fill time and gate velocity. Die cavity fill time is selected on the groundsof: Thinnestcastingwallthickness:Thickwallallowslongerfilltimethanathin wall.Thinwallstendtosolidifyprematurelyifthefilltimeistooshort.Also theflowlengthiscritical.Iftherearelargeareasofthinwallsorthethinwalls areindistancefromthegate,thefilltimemustbeselectedshorter. Thermalpropertiesofthecastingalloyanddiematerials:Liquidustempera ture,widthofthesolidificationrangeandthermalconductivityofthemould material.Theseinfluencethesolidificationtime. Combinedvolumeofthecastingandoverflows:Thinwallcastings,castings withlongflowdistancesthroughthecavityandcastingswithspecialsurface qualityrequirementsneedlargeoverflows.Largevolumeofthemetalisable tokeeptheheatlongerthanasmallervolume. Percentagesolidifiedmetalallowedduringfilling:Thebetterthewished surfacequalitythelesssolidifiedmetalisallowedandtheshorterthediecav ityfilltime.


CAEDSHighPressureDieCastingDesign OneofthebestknownformulasfordeterminingdiecavityfilltimeistheNADCAfill timeequationbyJ.F.WallaceandE.A.Herman 1 :theequationtakesslightlydifferent forms in different literature. The following equation and parameters are modified fromMikeWard:GatingManual,NADCA,USA,2006.

Ti T f + SZ t = K T T T f d

t=maximumfilltime,s K=empiricallyderivedconstantrelatedtothethermal conductivityofthediesteel T=characteristicthinnestaveragewallthicknessofthe casting,mm Tf=liquidustemperature,C Ti=metaltemperatureatthegate,C Td=diesurfacetemperaturejustbeforetheshot,C S=percentsolidsattheendoffill,% Z=solidsunitsconversionfactor,Cto%,relatedto thewidthofthesolidificationrange

The part of the equation between the brackets sets a relation between the consumable heat during the cavity fill time and the temperature difference between the minimum flowtemperatureanddiecavitysurfacetemperature.ConstantKrelatesthistothedie material thermal conductivity and T to the thinnest wall thicknesses of the casting. More information about this equation can be found in the document Runner and gatingsystems. ConstantKis: 0,0312s/mmbetweenAISIP20(prehardenednitratingplasticmouldsteel) steelandzincalloys 0,0252s/mmbetweenAISIH13(hotworkingtoolsteelalloyedwithchro mium)andAISIH21(hotworkingtoolsteelalloyedwithchromiumand tungsten)steelandmagnesiumalloys 0,0346s/mmbetweenAISIH13andAISIH21steelsandzinc,aluminum andbrassalloys 0,0124s/mmbetweentungstenandmagnesium,zinc,aluminumandbrass alloys

Solidifiedmaterialcanbeallowedaccordingtothefollowingtable. Table1. Recommended percentage of solidified material as a function of the average thinnest wall thickness. If there is a need to have good surface quality in the casting, use lower values. MikeWard:GatingManual,NADCA,USA,2006.
Seinmnpaksuus, mm < 0,8 0,8 - 1,25 1,25 - 2 2-3 Suositeltu kiteytyneen aineen mr (S), % Alumiini 5 5 - 25 15 - 35 20 - 50 Magnesium 10 5 - 15 10 - 25 20 - 35 Sinkki 5 - 15 10 - 20 15 - 30 20 - 35



CAEDSHighPressureDieCastingDesign ConstantZis: Brass HPDC die fill time can be determined by multiplying the wall thickness with a constant 2 : s<2mm:t=sx7 s=23mm:t=sx10where t=filltimeinms s=averageminimumwallthicknessinmm 4,8C/%foraluminumalloysASTM360,380ja384,allundereutectic,less than12%SicontainingAlSi(Cu/Mg)alloys 5,9C/%foraluminumalloyASTM390,overeutecticAlSi(Cu/Mg)alloy 3,7C/%formagnesiumalloys 3,2C/%forzincalloys12and27 2,5C/%forzincalloys3,5and7 4,7C/%forbrass Castingdefects resultingfrom poorlyselectedfill time Gatearea,cavity filltimeandgate velocity

Possiblecastingdefects: Ifthefilltimeistoolong,somesurfacedefectsmightoccur:nonfill,coldflow,swirls, laps, and visible flow lines. Too short fill time does not cause any special defects. It is possible to cut the fill time by raising the plunger speed, but this raises also the gate velocity and this might cause some other problems if the gating is not designed to highvelocity.

Gatevelocity Gatevelocityhasaninfluenceonthecastingmechanicalpropertiesandontheproper ties in the casting surface quality. High gate velocity produces higher mechanical properties and less porosity than lower gate velocity. New HPDC machines are capa ble of producing gate velocities up to 100 m/s, but the die erosion starts to increase already around 40 m/s. For that reason the higher velocity range from 40 m/s to 100 m/sisnotverypractical.Gasporositycanbereducedwithoutraisingthegatevelocity bydesigningthegateandrunnersystemtomaintainsmooth,continuousflowprofiles and by designing the casting so that no backflow occurs. Backflow can occur if there areshapesonthewayofthemetalflow(Seeimages1013). Possible gate velocity range depends on the selected gate thickness (or vice versa) accordingtothefollowingformula 3 :

V g1,707 * Tg * J ,where

Vg=gatevelocity(m/s) Tg=gatethickness(mm) =alloydensity(kg/m3) J = constant, 998 000 for aluminum, magnesium andzincalloys

2 3


Modified to metric dimensioning system from Mike Ward: Gating Manual, NADCA, USA, 2006. 1,707(or1+1/2)isusedaspowerinsteadof1,71intheoriginalequation.


CAEDSHighPressureDieCastingDesign Theformulagivesalimittothelowestrecommendedgatevelocityasafunctionofthe gate thickness. It is not a good practice to choose a low velocity with a thin gate. Typicalgatethicknessis0,83mmforaluminumalloys,0,72,2mmformagnesium alloys,0,351,2mmforzincalloysandfrom1,5mmupto4mmforbrassalloys. Some examples of gate areas and gate lengths are in the following tables (Table 1 and Table 2). These tables are prepared for total casting and overflow volume of 0,1 dm3. For other volumes multiply the values with the actual volume. For example: if the casting+overflowvolumeis0,283dm3,multiplythetablevaluesby2,83. After the gate length and thickness approximations there is a need to decide WHERE toplacethegate.Therearesomebasicruleseventhougheachcastingisdifferent: Placethickersectionsnearthegateandthinnernearoverflows.Thisarrange mentdoesnotblockthemetalflowduringthesolidificationshrinkage compensation. Avoidtwometalfrontstoencounterindistancefromthegate(Seeimage4). Thisisanunwantedsituationonthewhole,butsometimesnotavoidable. Frameshapedcastingsshouldbegatedfrominside. Trynottoplacethegateinfrontofcores.Highgatevelocitybrakesorwears thecorerapidly.Iftherearecoresandtheycannotberemoved,seeifthegate couldbedividedintosectionsbetweenthecores.Consultthefoundryanddie makingcompany. Castingdefects resultingfrom wronglyselected gatevelocity

Possiblecastingdefects: Gasandshrinkageporosityarethemostcommonandmosttroublecausingdefectsin HPDC. There are contradictory opinions about the causes of gas porosity and the influence of gate velocity to the problem. One reference convinces that the atomized flow phenomena or high gate velocity causes the gas porosity. Another reference recommends using as high gate velocity as possible, even over 50 m/s. It seems that if other variables are the same, raising the gate velocity reduces porosity. But high gate velocity causesexcessivedie wear. If the gate velocity is too low,this may cause poor flow profile and flow porosity inside the casting. It is worth noting that the gating is designed to some fill time and gate velocity combination and this is the combination thegateworksbest.Foundryshouldkeepthedesignedparameters.

Table2. Gate velocity, minimum fill time and gate dimension ranges for different alloy types. Indicative values for 1 1,25mmminimumaveragewallthickness.CalculatedwiththepresentedWallaceandHermanfilltimeequation.
Minimum fill time range for a casting with 1 - 1.25 mm smallest average wall thickness Gate thickness range for the typical ingate velocities Gate and vent measures for a cast part with total cavity and overflow volume of 0.1 dm3


Typical ingate velocity

Gate area 0.8 - 3 mm 0.35 - 1.2 mm 0.7 - 2.2 mm 1.5 - 4 mm 65 - 370 mm2 80 - 305 mm2 55 - 175 mm2 200 - 700 mm2

Ingate length 43 - 215 mm 70 - 780 mm 25 - 125 mm 70 - 245 mm

Minimum vent Vent length** area 16 - 93 mm2 20 - 77 mm2 14 - 44 mm2 50 - 175 mm2 82 - 460 mm 100 - 380 mm 70 - 220 mm 250 - 875 mm

Al Zn Mg Cu (brass)

17 - 40 m/s 30 - 60 m/s 25 - 50 m/s 20 - 50 m/s

0.016 - 0.038 s 0.011 - 0.021 s 0.023 - 0.036 s 0.007 - 0.010 s*


CAEDSHighPressureDieCastingDesign Table3. Indicative values for 2 mm minimum average wall thickness. Calculated with the presented Wallace and Hermanfilltimeequation.
Minimum fill time range for a casting with 2 mm smallest average wall thickness Gate thickness range for the typical ingate velocities Gate and vent measures for a cast part with total cavity and overflow volume of 0.1 dm3


Typical ingate velocity

Gate area 0.8 - 3 mm 0.35 - 1.2 mm 0.7 - 2.2 mm 1.5 - 4 mm 42 - 190 mm2 51 - 152 mm2 34 - 85 mm2 100 - 250 mm2

Ingate length 30 - 110 mm 45 - 390 mm 16 - 60 mm 35 - 86 mm

Minimum vent Vent length** area 11 - 48 mm2 13 - 38 mm2 9 - 22 mm2 25 - 63 mm2 53 - 238 mm 64 - 190 mm 43 - 106 mm 125 - 313 mm

Al Zn Mg Cu (brass)

17 - 40 m/s 30 - 60 m/s 25 - 50 m/s 20 - 50 m/s

0.031 - 0.060 s 0.022 - 0.033 s 0.047 - 0.058 s 0,02 s***

Table4. Indicative values for 3 mm minimum average wall thickness. Calculated with the presented Wallace and Hermanfilltimeequation.
Minimum fill time range for a casting with 3 mm smallest average wall thickness Gate thickness range for the typical ingate velocities Gate and vent measures for a cast part with total cavity and overflow volume of 0.1 dm3


Typical ingate velocity

Gate area 0.8 - 3 mm 0.35 - 1.2 mm 0.7 - 2.2 mm 1.5 - 4 mm 30 - 125 mm2 35 - 101 mm2 23 - 57 mm2 70 - 167 mm2

Ingate length 20 - 75 mm 30 - 260 mm 15 - 41 mm 25 - 58 mm

Minimum vent Vent length** area 8 - 32 mm2 9 - 26 mm2 6 - 15 mm2 18 - 42 mm2 38 - 157 mm 45 - 127 mm 30 - 72 mm 88 - 210 mm

Al Zn Mg Cu (brass)

17 - 40 m/s 30 - 60 m/s 25 - 50 m/s 20 - 50 m/s

0.047 - 0.090 s 0.033 - 0.050 s 0.070 - 0.087 s 0,03 s***

* Estimatedbycalculatingwiththeformulat=sx7.

** Ventthickness0,2mm. *** Estimatedbycalculatingwiththeformulat=sx10.

AdditionalinformationunderthetitleRunnerandgatingsystems.Diemakingcompany and/or foundry calculate the gate area, gate velocity and cavity fill time more precisely. Theyhavemanyyearsexperienceinthistopicanditisrecommendedtorelyontheiropin ion.Thetablesandequationsareonlyforchecking. GateandVenting8


Gating segment is a portion of the casting where metal flows to a relatively coherent direction. Avoid closed ends: There should always be a vent on the opposite side of the gating segment. Tangential runner gives good possibilities to direct the metal flow.(Seeimages.) Image12. Acupshapedcastingwithnarrowrib typeprojectionsinthemiddle.Themetalflowisdirected throughtheflatprojectionsinthesidesofthecasting bothinupwardandsidewarddirections.Theribtype projectionswillcauseproblems. Image13. Image14. Segmentedcasting.Theribshaped projectionsformclosedcavitiesinthemiddlesegmentand makethemetalflowmorecomplicated.Itispossiblethat somebackflowoccursinthemiddlesegment.Backflow mixesgastothemetalandcausesporosity. Image15. Modifieddesign.Thelongribshape projectionsarenowsmaller.Metalflowsbettertotheright directionsandtherearenoclosedshapes. Foundry and die making company may suggest some modifications to the casting design.Sometimesitisnotpossibletomakethesechanges.Thereasonscanbetechni calortheycanberelatedtothevisualappearanceofthecasting.Itisrecommendedto consultthefoundrytechnicalpersonneltofindagoodcompromisingsolutioninthese cases. Blind cavities are cast able and can be produced in good surface and inner qualitywithvacuumsystemorothertechnicalsolution. NOTE: It is the die and gating system designers task to divide the casting into seg ments, but the casting designer should also be aware of this step to be able to make properdesignsandtakethegateandventpositioningintoaccount. Overflowsforthecasting.



4.Filltimeandgateareacalculationsbysegment;gatevelocityselec tionbysegment
3D CAD software gives an excellent possibility to measure casting total volume, volume for each gating segment and the projected area. Total volume and segment volumes are used in fill time calculations. Projected area determines the required locking force in the HPDC machine. The best option is to deliver the native format castingmodeltothefoundryanddiemakingcompany,buttheneutralformats(IGES, STEP and parasolid) are also feasible. If neutral format is chosen it better that the castingdesignermeasuresthethinnestaveragewallthickness.

Example:Filltime,gateareaandlength Total casting volume Vg is 0,0375 dm3 and total overflow volume Vo 0.0147 dm3. Casting width is 120 mm, length 80 mm and height 45 mm. Average minimum wall thickness is 1,8 mm. Overflow volume is about 40 % of each segment, which should be enough to produce a good surface qualityforacastingwith1,8mmminimum wall thickness. There are totally 5 casting segmentsand6overflows.(Seeimage.) Image16. Segmentedcastingandoverflows.

The casting material is aluminum, AlSi10Mg. The process is cold chamber HPDC. Liquidus temperature of AlSi10Mg alloy is 600 C and solidus 530 C. If the casting temperature is 690 C, temperature at the ingate (Ti) is around 660 C. Minimum flow temperature (Tf) for this alloy is 570 C and die cavity temperature (Td) after a good production start 340C. Only 15% solids are allowed to obtain a good surface quality. SZwillbethen72C.Diecavitymaterialsaresomecommontoolsteel.TheconstantK is0.0346s/mm.Withthisinformationminimumfilltime(t)willbe:
T T f + SZ 660C 570C + 72C t = K i T = 0,0346 s mm 1,8mm = 0,0325s 570C 260C T f Td

Gatethickness(h)isselectedto1,0mm,onethirdoftheflangethickness.Gatevelocity is selected to 32 m/s, as low as possible not to cause excessive die wear. Minimum velocityat1,0mmgateis32m/s. Gatearea(A)is:
V g + Vo t A = Q / vg = 0,0375dm 3 + 0,0147 dm 3 320 dm / s = 50,2mm 2 0,0325s


Gate lengthwill be then:A /h=50,2. The calculatedvalue wasaminimumfill time. It isrecommendedtouselowervalues.Ifthefilltimeiscutto70%oftheoriginalvalue, 0,7 x 0,0325 s = 0,0228 s, the gate length will be 71,5 mm. This value is accepted. GateandVenting10

CAEDSHighPressureDieCastingDesign Thenexttablepresentsthefilltime,gateareaandgatelengthpercastingsegment. Table5. Gatelengthpercastingsegment

Segment 1 2 3 4 5 Total Segment + overflow Minimum fill volume, dm3 time, s 0.0063 0.0114 0.0167 0.0114 0.0063 0.052 0.0228 0.0228 0.0228 0.0228 0.0228 0.0228 Gate area, mm2 8.7 15.6 22.9 15.6 8.7 71.5 Gate length, mm 8.7 15.6 22.9 15.6 8.7 71.5

PQ2 analysis matches the selected gate velocity to the HPDC machine plunger hy draulic system. The plunger hydraulics consists of nitrogen bottles, accumulator, computer controlled valve system, and a hydraulic cylinder to which the plunger is attached.Thepurposeoftheplungerhydraulicsistomovetheplungerandfillthedie cavity.(Seeimage) Image17. Coldchamberhighpressure diecastingmachineplungerhydraulics. Plungermovementhasthreephases: Gate velocity depends on the metal pressure during the fast shot phase according to thefollowingformula 4 :
Vg Pm = 2g Cd

Slowphaseduringwhichtherunnerisfilleduptothegate. Fastphaseduringwhichthecavityandoverflowsarefilled.Fastphaseisad justedtofillthemouldcavityinthecalculatedfilltime. Intensificationphaseduringwhichacastingispressedwithaveryhighpres sure.

Pm=metalpressurePa =metaldensitykg/m3 g=gravitationalconstantm/s2 Vg=gatevelocitym/s Cd=coefficientofdischarge

HPDC machines have unique pressure and velocity profiles. The coefficient of dis chargerepresentsthevariationbetweenmachines.Typicalvalueis0,450,5.



CAEDSHighPressureDieCastingDesign HPDC foundries analyze their machines to find out the dependence between the velocity and the pressure inside the plunger hydraulics. Pm is theoretical, actual value canbedifferent. The HPDC machines are classified by their locking force. Locking force is the force, which resists the mould opening in the end of the shot. When the mould is totally filled, a high pressure forms inside the mould cavity. The pressure is still increased in the third, intensification phase of the shot. These pressures form a force which is the proportional to the projected area of the casting. Projected area is the area of the castinginthepartingsurfacedirection.(Seeimage.) Image18. Projectedareaofthecastingintheimage2. Projectedareaisthecasting,runner,biscuitandoverflows projectioninthepartingsurface. Metalpressurecreatesmoldbreakingforcewhichisproportionaltotheprojectedarea with the equation F = P x A. This calculation is used in estimating the required HPDC machine size. For example if the intensification pressure is 550 bar = 550 x 105 N/m2, theprojectedareaof1,49dm2createsadiebreakingforceof820kN.Thisforcewould require a 82 kilotonne HPDC machine, which is very small. Present HPDC machine sizevariesfrom100to1000kilotonnes. Consequenceofthedependencesbetweenthemetalpressureandgatevelocityandon the other hand the gate velocity and the pressure inside the die cavity is, that it is not always possible to produce wide casting with high gate velocity and/or high end pressure.Thereisaneedtocompromise.

Gating design is compromising. It is done together with HPDC foundry, casting designer and mould designer. It is likely that there will be something to correct after first tryout. There are also many other details than gating to discuss and develop. Noticethatdesigningacastablepartmaybeatimeconsumingproject. GateandVenting12



D.R. Gunasegaram, B.R. Finnin, F.B.Polivka: Effect of FlowVelocity on the Properties ofHighPressureDieCastAlSiAlloy,MaterialsForum29,2005 H. H. Pokorny and P. Thukkaram> Gating Die Casting Dies, Society of Die Casting Engineers,USA,1981 J. Orkas, edit. E. R. Keil: Painevalumuotin suunnittelu, seminar, Espoo, Finland MikeWard:GatingManual,NADCA,USA,2006. P. H. Andersson, P. Jrvel, P. Peltola, J. Mkel, V. Koskenniska, M. Heikkil, J. Saarinen, P. Mikkola, J. Kokkonen, I. Nieminen: Muotin suunnittelu ja valmistus, TampereUniversityofTechnology,Finland,2004 W.G.Walkington>DieCastingDefects/Causesandsolutions,NADCA,USA,1997 GateandVenting13

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