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[Uttara Kalamrita] The following are to be investigated from the 7th house: (1) marriage (2) Unchastit (!

) winning of a love (") enmit with a debauched female (#) deviation from the right $ath (%) good $erfume (7) music (&) flowers (') ta(ing of savor food and drin(s (1)) chewing betel leaves with areca (11) brea( in a *ourne (12) curd (1!) loss of memor (1") ac+uisition of garments (1#) semen virilit (1%) faithfulness of the husband (17) a $air of wives (1&) generative organs (1') Urine (2)) the anus (21) trade (22) sweet drin( (2!) tasting of nectar, sou$, ghee, etc- (2") gifts (2#) loss of $ower and status (2%) victor over enem (27) mone (e$t in another $lace (2&) controvers (2') se.ual union (!)) ado$ted son (!1) relishing food $re$ared in ghee (!2) foreign $lace (!!) wife (!") all secret $leasures due to se. (!#) theft- [/ata(a 0ari*ata] 1ames for the seventh house: /amithra, Kama (love), 2amana (cohabitation, travelling etc-)- Kalathrasam$at (3ower), 3 una, 4sta and 5a$thama

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