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Name: Emma Van Diest CSI Major: Physical Education K-12 ni!ersity"Colle#e $trans%er institution&: Idaho State ni!

ersity Plan o% 'ction 'ssi#nment Pur(ose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to begin to address the graduation requirements for your major and to address the entrance requirements for your chosen four-year institution. Please address the questions below. Please type your responses. 1. What courses are you currently taking this semester? am taking chemistry 1!1 and e"it seminar. #. What courses do you need to graduate with your $$ degree? %&ee your 'egree $udit( The two classes that am currently taking and then also need to meet my sports safety requirement. ). *a+e you applied for ,& graduation? 0es ha+e. 1. *a+e you completed ,& 2s ,omputer 3iteracy $ssessment? 0es my education #14 class completed that requirement. 4. When do you plan to transfer to your chosen institution? plan on transferring any time from the fall of #!11 to the fall of #!145 it all depends on my financial abilities. 6. What are the entrance requirements for your chosen four-year institution? What are the application deadlines? f you plan to apply for scholarships5 what are the scholarship application deadlines? *a+e you applied for financial aid? ha+en2t applied for financial aid but plan to shortly. The entrance requirements are as follows5 submit an application for submission and all transcripts you ha+e from any.all of the colleges that you2+e attended. ,omplete the 7$7&$. To be considered for scholarships applications5 test scores and transcripts must be submitted by 7ebruary 14th. 8. 'oes your chosen four-year institution require Pra"is 1 %or other tests(? What scores are needed? What are the dates for Pra"is 1 %or other tests(? 'o these tests ha+e to be completed before the application deadline? f so5 how long does it take to process test scores? The minimum scores required for the pra"is required are 9ath:16;5 reading : 18#5 and writing :181. The information found said that you must ha+e passed all of the pra"is tests at least eight months prior to being placed in your student teaching. <. What do you hope to accomplish with your degree? hope to find a job in a school where can be acti+e in the physical education department5 my first choice would be to teach P= classes but would also lo+e to do some coaching. ;. What are your greatest challenges with your chosen profession?

9y greatest challenge will most likely to get placed in a school right away as a P= teacher because most schools just ha+e one teacher that teacher all of the classes. $lthough if.when attend &> plan to ha+e a minor in biology so then would ha+e a higher marketability.

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