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DIALOGO INGLES Ann: fred, do you like this sweater Fred: no, I don't but I like that jacket.

Ann: what do you think of this blue jean? Fred: I, like it. It's nice Ann: Do you think these shoes are good? Fred: yes, I think so. Ann: and these stockings? Fred: no; I don't think so. Ann: well, let's take these clothes to the hospital. Fred: thank; you are my best friends. Ann: oh! dont flatter me.

DIALOGO ESPAOL Ann: fred, Te gusta este suter fred: no, a m no, pero me gusta esa chaqueta. Ann: qu piensas de este jean azul? Fred: me gusta. Es agradable Ann: Cree usted que estos zapatos son buenos? Fred: S, creo que s. Ann: y estas medias? Fred: no, yo no lo creo. Ann: Bueno, vamos a tomar esta ropa al hospital. fred: gracias, ustedes son mis mejores amigos. ann: oh! no me halagues!

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