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Naich 1S, 2u14

Ashley Sack
4721u Tilch Ru. Nacomb, NI 48u44
(S86) 61u-9222

To Whom It Nay Concein,

I am seeking a position as a special euucation teachei. I feel that I am
qualifieu because of my completion of the five-yeai teaching piogiam thiough
Nichigan State 0niveisity, my yeai-long inteinship at Buncan Elementaiy in 0tica
Community Schools, anu my ueuication to suppoiting anu auvocating foi people
with exceptionalities who also have uiveise neeus anu abilities.
I iealizeu my life's passion at age ten, when I met Rachel, a little giil who has
Bown Synuiome anu a contagious smile. Thiough yeais of guiuing hei, it became my
ueepest belief that iegaiuless of uiffeience oi uisability, each peison has a special
puipose in this woilu anu with fitting suppoits anu stiategies that puipose can
come to fiuition.
Ny teaching is not only guiueu by my ueuicateu heait foi people with
exceptionalities but it is also uiiven by eviuence anu ieseaich-baseu instiuction that
is uiffeientiateu anu inuiviuualizeu as tailoieu to the stiengths anu neeus of my
stuuents. Ny ultimate focus is the stuuents on my caseloau, with which I will utilize
a univeisal uesign foi leaining in oiuei to teach content anu skills while builuing
meta-cognitive thinking anu specific leaining stiategies in oiuei to meet theii
inuiviuual anu IEP goals. I also uesiie to collaboiate as a pait of youi team with youi
effoits to pioviue suppoit foi stuuents thiough builuing-wiue initiatives such as RTI
(Response to Inteivention) anu SWPBIS (School-wiue Positive Behavioi
Inteivention anu Suppoit). I fiimly believe that the special euucation teachei can
play a cential iole in univeisal scieening, uata scoiing, anu uata management anu
analysis, tiei2 anu tiei S acauemic anu behavioial inteiventions, piogiess
monitoiing, anu uiiect instiuction foi all caseloau anu non-caseloau stuuents.
I have gaineu this knowleuge thiough expeiiences uuiing my fifteen weeks in
both an inclusive kinueigaiten classioom anu a highly uiveise multi-categoiical k-S
iesouice ioom. I taught an aftei-school 2
giaue Liteiacy Suppoit Piogiam foi at-
iisk stuuents, co-leu an aftei-school Bomewoik Club offeieu to 1
giaueis, anu
tutoieu stuuents in mathematics anu liteiacy. In these settings, my instiuction was
uiiven by uata-baseu uecision making with a special emphasis on the stiengths anu
neeus of my stuuents. I uesiie to assist all of my stuuents in moving towaius gieatei
self-awaieness, self-iegulation, self-ueteimination, self-efficacy anu confiuence. In
auuition, I have piesenteu to colleagues, tiaineu paients on technology anu eaily
liteiacy, anu sought out auuitional piofessional uevelopment oppoitunities.
Thank you foi taking the time to consiuei me as a canuiuate foi youi
position. I tiuly believe that as a membei of youi team, we can equip stuuents foi a
life of successes anu fulfilleu uieams. I genuinely look foiwaiu to being in contact
with you within the next two weeks to uiscuss oui next steps.
Waim Regaius,
Ashley Sack

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