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ESL 4 Week 6

Section Ten Comprehension and Learning Strategy Rationales

April Gallagher

In this assignment or Section !"# $sing the % Lesson plans yo$ ha&e already created# yo$ are to e'plain# connect and de end a minim$m o ( instr$ctional strategies and methods yo$ $tili)ed in the % lesson plans* Complete the chart and incl$de the ollo+ing in ormation, Strategies-methods. list the strategy or method* Rationale. E'plain# connect and de end yo$r reasons or $tili)ing the strategy-method in relationship to e ecti&e instr$ction or ELLs* This is a minimum of 1 page and is in chart form. This is worth 25 points.

Strategies & Methods Used

!* /.W.L Chart 0RWSL Lesson1

My Rationales for Selecting Them

I decided to $tili)e this /.W.L strategy or my lesson a2o$t 3Graphic 4o&els5 2eca$se it +as important or me as the ed$cation leader in the classroom to kno+ ho+ m$ch prior kno+ledge my st$dents ha&e a2o$t the topic# 2e ore +e di&e into the act$al &oca2$lary portion o the lesson* I my st$dents +ere ne&er e'posed to graphic no&els or cartoons or comic strips# then this lesson +o$ld 2e an $phill 2attle rom the start# re6$iring a great deal more preparation than 7$st pl$nging into the content* 8o+ co$ld I start teaching graphic art &oca2$lary or 2egin a disc$ssion o cartoon heroes i I ha&e st$dents +ith little 2ackgro$nd kno+ledge o the topic9 As part o the lesson I had the st$dents compare and contrast the eat$res o a pre&io$sly read 3standard5 piece o literat$re and the graphic no&el 38eroes :ol$me <ne5* I think that this is a2$lo$s +ay to ind the similarities and di erences 2et+een the t+o styles o +riting# and the in ormation collected +ill s$pply a disc$ssion later on in the lesson +here the st$dents de2ate +hether or not graphic no&els 3co$nt5 as 3real literat$re5* Arts Integration is a h$ge part o my school>s charter# and I like the idea that the st$dents +ill 2e a2le to $se the ne+ly ac6$ired &oca2$lary and kno+ledge# 2lended +ith their ideas on +hat makes a hero# to make a graphic no&el o their o+n* This strategy enco$rages the kids to le' their creati&e m$scles in a colla2orati&e +ay that em2races the +hole classes> strengths in some +ay* The part I like 2est a2o$t assignments like this is that in the end the st$dents ha&e tangi2le e&idence o the o$tcome o their learning* It>s a great eeling to see st$dents 2e so pro$d o their accomplishments*

%* :enn ;iagram 0RWSL Lesson1

=* :is$al art thro$gh creation o a !".panel graphic no&el 0RWSL Lesson1

4* :oca2$lary ?o$rnals 0:oca2$lary The concept o gathering all o the learned &oca2$lary or each Lesson @lan1 lesson or $nit into one place is a great idea 2eca$se it 2$ilds a sort o sel .made dictionary or each st$dent* These 7o$rnals can 2e di erentiated 2ased on the needs o each st$dent>s strengths and +eaknesses# and are ideal or re erence i yo$r lessons 2$ild $pon each other* I ind that these 7o$rnals are

more moti&ating i st$dents are allo+ed access to them d$ring testing# e&en more so than +hen they are 3graded5* (* St$dents create their o+n chart to The ad&antage to ha&ing the st$dents rate items +ith a chart o 3rate5 common types o technology their o+n making 0as opposed to gi&ing them one that the 0:oca2$lary Lesson @lan1 teacher has created1 is that they get to think a2o$t +hat speci ic 6$alities in a piece o technology are &al$a2le to them personally* Each st$dent may come $p +ith a completely di erent set o criteria# 2$t 2eca$se they +ill 2e $sing that same chart or all o the tech assessed# it +ill still pro&ide data that +ill pro&e interesting +hen it>s time to ha&e a $ll.class disc$ssion a2o$t their rankings* The comparison o +hat each st$dent inds important co$ld lead to a &ery engaging classroom con&ersation*

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