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Workshop on Model Building and Validation for Research in Management and Social Sciences March 27-29 2!

"# $rogram Schedule Session %hursda) March 27 2!"# +rida) March 2, 2!"# Saturda) March 29 2!"# %imings & *a) " ( & *a) 2 ( & *a) - ( &'ours( 8.30 8.45 Registration 8.45 9.00 9:00 10:30 Ice-breaking Academic Research in Management and ocia! ciences An "#er#ie$ Reso%rce &erson: *r. /. Ra0endran 10:30 10:45 10:45 - 1/:15 Ro!e o) 0iterat%re Re#ie$ in 1a( Identi)ication and Mode! .%i!ding Reso%rce &erson: *r. 1a)anth 1aco2 1/:15 13:15 13:15 14:45 In c!ass e2ercise in Mode! .%i!ding 'escri(ti#e Research 'esign Ro!e o) tr%ct%ra! *+%ation Mode!ing and &ath Ana!,sis in Mode! )it Ana!,sis Reso%rce &erson: %h. R.M 'arindranath

Reso%rce &erson: *r. /. Ra0endran -ea .reak ca!e 'e#e!o(ment

Mediation and Moderation Ana!,sis Reso%rce &erson: %h. R.M 'arindranath 3se o) so)t$are in Mode! -esting and 4a!idation

Reso%rce &erson: *r. 1a)anth 1aco2 0%nch In c!ass e2ercises on sca!e de#e!o(ment in t%ne $ith the mode! b%i!t in the (re#io%s e2ercise. Reso%rce &erson: *r. 1a)anth 1aco2 -ea .reak %(er#ised 0earning on ca!e 'e#e!o(ment Reso%rce &erson: *r. 1a)anth 1aco2

Reso%rce &erson: *r. 1a)anth 1aco2 15:00 15:15 15:15 15:45 %(er#ised 0earning on Mode! .%i!ding Reso%rce &erson: *r. 1a)anth 1aco2

Reso%rce &erson: %h. $. Murugan Inter(reting the Res%!ts o) &ath Ana!,sis6 *M and &0 Reso%rce &erson: %h. $. Murugan 4a!edictor, 7%nction and certi)icate distrib%tion

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