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All-School FUNdraising Event

Friday, April 11
Student Name: Teacher:
1 ! o" event proceeds support #yan $ar% $T&' A list o" $T& supported activities is on the (ac% o" this "orm'


Sponsor Name 1 * + , . / 0 1 1 11 1* 1+ 1, 11. 1/ 10 11

$ledge Amount

Amount )ollected

* 2uring the Ama3ing $ace, students 4ill participate in 5challenges6 that 4ill (e active and "un7 Si8 challenge stations 4ill (e set up in the gym, students 4ill have - minutes to complete the challenge (e"ore receiving a 5clue6 to their ne8t challenge' T4o volunteers 4ill (e at each station to help the students complete their challenges'

Everyone 4ill (e eligi(le "or pri3es and a4ards7

If the school wide goal is met, each student who participated will receive one piece of Duct tape to stick to Principal Heavin in attempt to stick her to the wall! The student(s) who raise the most money school wide will have the choice of either eing Principal or !i rarian for the day" #tudents who raise at least $%&& will get to have lunch with 'r" (hrist" #tudents who raise $)&& * $+,, get to have lunch or tech time with Principal Heavin" (#tudent choice) #tudents who raise $-&& * $-,, get to do announcements" The class that raises the most money at each grade level gets an e.tended recess! /0/1234/ will win something!

Activities 9our $T& $rovides: Classroom Supplies Kindergarten Round-up Materials Winter Workshop Rockys Writers Donuts with Dads Muffins with Moms Goodies with Grandparents eacher !ppreciation Week Science "air #th Grade $arty Rockys Math%laster %racelets

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