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Key Points of Discipline Plan Dreikurs' Social Discipline model is based on the four basic premises of Adler's social theory. This includes: humans are social beings and their basic motivation is to belong, all behavior has a purpose, humans are decision-making organisms, and humans only perceive reality. Dreikurs believed it was possible to understand children's misbehaviors by recognizing the four main purposes or goals of the child. The four goals of misbehavior are attention getting, the contest for power, seeking revenge, and displaying inadequacy. Dreikurs promoted the use of encouragement and logical (and natural) consequences rather than reward and punishment. Essentially, every action of the child is grounded in the idea that he is seeking his place in the group. A well-adjusted child will conform to the requirements of the group by making valuable contributions. A child who misbehaves, on the other hand, will defy the needs of the group situation in order to maintain social status. Whichever of the aforementioned goals he chooses to employ, the child believes that this is the only way he can function within the group dynamic successfully. Dreikurs states that "his goal may occasionally vary with the circumstances: he may act to attract attention at one moment, and assert his power or seek revenge at another". Regardless if the child is well-adjusted or is misbehaving; his main purpose will be social acceptance. rs

2. Plan for the Establishment of Classroom Expectations The choice theory developed by Dr. William Glasser, is the explanation of human behavior based on internal motivation. As Dr. Glasser explains, all of our behavior is chosen as we continually attempt to meet one or more of the five basic needs that are part of our genetic structure. This theory is a great way for students to still be able to choose two or more activities that are coming from the teacher. This will create a positive learning environment because students will be participating in something they may not always enjoy but something that certainly needs to be covered. Expectations during activities will include: participation, effort, and sportsmanship. Students will know this after talking about expectations and rules the first day of class. 3. Consequences of Misbehavior For the method of disciplining my students I will use the three warning method. The first warning will be a verbal reminder to act more appropriately during class time. The second warning will be telling the certain student to take a seat on the sidelines for an amount of time.

This of course depends on the student. The student might want to sit out; therefore, the second warning will result in loss of participation points. The third warning will result in telling the student to remove themselves and head to the principals office with a possible call t o their parents depending on the situation. Using this sort of method makes students think for themselves and gives them a chance to act appropriately on their terms. They have a decision to make if they want to keep their daily points or if they want to not participate. 4. Plan for Recognition or Celebration of Good Many verbal cues will be used as in recognition. They will immediately know when they have done something good. This will make the students want to keep pleasing the educator. Students grasp onto the verbal congratulatory cues that an educator gives to them. 5. Plan for Involvement with Parents To communicate with parents or guardians, I will send home a letter or email them with any sort of information I believe they need to know. Information will include: short field trips (pool, bowling alley), negative behavior, new units, new findings in research that affect parents/students, and any ideas that can get parents and student to be active with each other outside the classroom. This will almost be like a weekly/monthly newsletter for parents. 6. Procedural Rules of Protocols Attendance will be taken while the students are doing their daily warm-ups. Each student will be responsible for taking out and putting away equipment when needed. If equipment is not taken care of, students will need to run extra laps for the beginning of class during warm-ups. I will have a whistle every day to start and stop every activity so that students can hear clearly. For any minor injuries, students will be told to sit out for awhile and to grab a bag of ice if needed. For any major injuries, students will stay calm and listen to my instructions. In the situation of an ambulance needing to come, I will have the students report to the cafeteria where another supervisor can watch over my students if necessary (such as possible office workers if no other teachers are available). 7. Behavior Rules Individually, students will be expected to come dressed and ready for physical activity. Students will participate in every activity will their full effort. Students will also be expected to work well with every single student in their classroom. For any assignments, students will be expected to turn in the assignments on the day I tell them that it is due. In groups, students will work well with each other and be expected to give their full efforts. For the locker room situations, students will be expected to be changed and ready to go in the gym

5 minutes after the second bell rings. Students will then be given 10 minutes after activities to get showered up and dressed for class. At the end of the week, students will be expected to clean out their lockers to ensure they wash their gym clothes.

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