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1) The contents of the accumulator after this operation MOV A,#0BH ANL A,#2CH will be

A. C.

11010111 00001000

B. D.

11011010 00101000

2) PSW bits are 00100001. It means _______.

6)The SP is of ___ wide register. And this may be defined anywhere in the ______. a) 8 byte, on-chip 128 byte RAM. b) 8 bit, on chip 256 byte RAM. c) 16 bit, on-chip 128 byte ROM d) 8 bit, on chip 128 byte RAM.

3) Which of the following is of bit operations? i) SP ii) P2 iii) TMOD iv) SBUF v) IP a) ii, v only b) ii, iv, v only c) i, v only d) iii, ii only

4)Which of the following statements will add the accumulator and register 3?


ADD @R3, @A

B. C. D.

ADD @A, R3 ADD R3, A ADD A, R3

5) What is the difference between the 8031 and the 8051?

A. B. C. D.

The 8031 has no interrupts. The 8031 is ROM-less. The 8051 is ROM-less. The 8051 has 64 bytes more memory.

7) Which of the following commands will copy the contents of RAM whose address is in register 0 to port 1?

A. B. C. D.

MOV @ P1, R0 MOV @ R0, P1 MOV P1, @ R0 MOV P1, R0

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