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A corollary of the theorem of recurrence

FromrecurrencetheoremoftheFrenetformulas,weknowthat k+1 =

k2 + k2 .

Thenwehavealso k =

k12 + k12 .

So,thenwecanwrite k+1 =

k2 + k12 + k12 .


k+1 =

2 2 2 k + k1 + ...1 + 1 2.

This would mean that, ifthe lasttermunder theradical expansion, namely 12 , would be zero, then we could conclude that the darbuzian of any order (represented here by k+1 ) depends only on variations of the lancretiansoflowerorder. Asaconsequence,wealsohavetheremarkableproperty:

| k+1 | | k |.
Un corolar al teoremei de recuren
DinteoremaderecurenaformulelorluiFrenet,timc k+1 =

2 k

+ k2 .

Atunciavemi k =

2 k1

+ k12 .

Deci,putemscrieatunci k+1 =

k2 + k12 + k12 .


k+1 =

2 2 2 k + k1 + ...1 + 1 2.

Asta ar nsemnac,dacultimultermenaldezvoltriidesubradical,adic 12 , ar fi nul, atunci am putea ajunge laconcluzia c darbuzianul de orice

ordin (reprezentataiciprin k+1 )depindedoardevariaiilelancretienilorde ordininferior. nconsecin,maiavemiproprietatearemarcabil:

| k+1 | | k |.

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