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Made by : Group 2 Dia i!a Ri"#y A$a%&ya' Frida E.A./ Ad%i$ia Purba M. Adi!ya Na1ara M. 2adi /i3aya Radi Noor&ya4a$ I##e A!ria Nora Budi a A.R Syapu!ra Ad'i 2 Ed6a & 2e ry /i da Fa!ia' Sari C'aeru i&a' ()(*+)(+(,()(*+)(+((0 ()(*+)(+()* ()(*+)(+(2* ()(*+)(+()2 ()(*+)(+(52 ()(*+)(+(+* ()(*+)(+(+( ()(*+)(+(22 ()(*+)(+(2, ()(*+)(+(,2 ()(*+)(+(7(


Thanks to Allah SWT because of Allahs bless so we can finish this report of first P ! well" This report was #a$e to co#plete P !s process which part of C C %& &' learnin( s)ste# in Me$ical *acult)+ Sriwi,a)a -ni.ersit)" All the #e#berof this (roup $o not for(et to sa) thanks to all the people who help so this report can finish well" This report has not perfect )et" So+ rea$ers critics an$ su((estions will be .er) useful for this (roup to #ake re.isions"


/roup 0

Centil Cantiks Scenario

Centil cantik is a secon$ )ear #e$ical stu$ent" She likes #o$ellin( acti.ities" She alwa)s ,oin #o$ellin( co#petitions an$ wish be a fa#ous #o$el" Actuall) she $oesnt want to be a #e$ical $octor+ but her #other force$ her to stu$) in #e$ical facult)" She (ot a ba$ achie.e#ent in #e$ical facult)+ because$a)+ she en,o)s #o$ellin( acti.ities #ore than rea$in( books or stu$) in (roup" She feels that she $oesnt fit as #e$ical stu$ent because she en,o)s tra.ellin( #ore+ while #e$ical facult) learnin( strate() forces her to stu$) in her roo#" Now shes beco#e #ore confuse$ because PD III su((ests #e$ical stu$ent to ,oin scientific acti.ities" Centil feels that scientific acti.ities are borin( an$ wastin( #uch ti#e" In fact+ at the #o#ent shes $ifficult) in ti#e #ana(e#ent"


Term Clarification 1 Mo$ellin( Acti.ities

1 *a#ous Mo$el 1 Strate() 1 PD III 1 Scientific Acti.ities 1 Me$ical Stu$ent 1 3n,o) 2 Acti.ities ,oine$ b) #o$els+ like fashion show 2 Mo$el who has (oo$ reputation an$ achie.e#ent in #o$ellin( an$ entertain#ent 2 34act wa) to reach certain purpose 2 So#eone who help $ean in uni.ersit) stu$ent affairs 2 that connecte$ in knowle$(e re5uirin( s)ste#atic stu$) an$ #etho$ 2 -ni.ersit) stu$ent who learn about #e$ical thin(s 2 *eel happ) an$ co#fortable in $oin( so#ethin(


Problem Identification
6" Centils hope to be a fa#ous #o$el inco#patible with her #others hope to be a #e$ical $octor" 0" Centils achie.e#ent in #e$ical facult) is not .er) (oo$" 7" !earnin( strate() in #e$ical facult) is not fit with Centils habit" 8" Centil is happier with #o$ellin( acti.ities" 9" Su((estion fro# PD III to ,oin scientific acti.ities confuse$ Centil" :" Scientific acti.ities are borin( an$ wastin( #uch ti#e for Centil" ;" Centils inabilit) to #ana(e the ti#e"


Problem Analysis
6"a" What shoul$ Centil $o to sol.e her fact of bein( force$ stu$)in( in #e$ical facult)< b" Wh) $oes Centil feel bein( force$ stu$)in( in #e$ical facult)< 0"a" Wh) Centils achie.e#ent in #e$ical facult) is not (oo$< b" =ow to #ake Centils achie.e#ent in #e$ical facult) beco#e (oo$< 7"a =ow Centil sol.e her inco#patibilit) in #e$icals learnin( strate() an$ her habits< b" Wh) $oes #e$icals learnin( strate() inco#patibilit) with Centils habits< 8"a" Wh) Centil #ore intereste$ in #o$ellin( acti.ities than #e$ical acti.ities< b" =ow to #ake Centil #ore intereste$ in #e$ical facult)< 9"a" What is the $efinition of > #ore confusin( con$ition? < b" =ow to #ake Centil unconfuse$< :"a" Wh) $oes Centil feel bore$ about scientific acti.ities<

b" =ow $oes the wa) to #ake Centil not feel bore$ in scientific acti.ities< ;"a" =ow to sol.e Centils $ifficult) in ti#e #ana(e#ent< b" What shoul$ Centil $o so she can #ana(e her ti#e well< Answers 2 6"a" Centil has to built an effecti.e co##unication with her parents especiall) with her #other+ tr) to #ake herself co#fortable in #e$ical learnin(+ an$ #oti.ate herself to $o #e$ical acti.ities" b" Centil feels bein( force$ when stu$) in #e$ical facult) because she $oesnt ha.e interest in #e$ical at all+ she #ore interest in #o$ellin( acti.ities but her #other wants her to be a $octor" 0"a" ecause Centil entere$ #e$ical facult) b) her #other force an$ she $oesnt stu$) in #e$ical facult) seriousl)+ pro.e$ b) her ba$ achie.e#ent" b" Centil has to less $own her #o$ellin( acti.ities so her #e$ical stu$) not not bein( $isturb an$ less $own her han(in( out habits" 7"a" Centil has to #oti.ate herself to #ake her habits co#patible with #e$ical learnin( strate()+ such as $ont han(in( out an$ $o #e$ical (roup acti.ities" b" ecause Centil #ore en,o) han(in( out than stu$) in her roo#" facult) which ask her to stu$) in her roo#" b" Centils en.iron#ent+ such as classroo# an$ frien$s ha.e to #oti.ate her an$ #ake her #ore co#fortable in #e$ical learnin( process" 9"a" The $efinition of > #ore confusin( con$ition? is con$ition when Centil can not #ake a $ecision on what she has to choose an$ cant #ana(e her ti#e+ so she $oesnt know her priorit)" b" Centil #ust has (oo$ ti#e #ana(e#ent an$ less $own her #o$ellin(" :"a" ecause Centil $oes not ha.e interest in #e$ical thin(s so it #akes she feels that all of #e$ical acti.ities or scientific acti.ities are bore$ an$ wastin( ti#e" b" Centil has to know the purposes+ reasons an$ a$.anta(es of scientific scientific acti.ities" ;"a" Centil #ust #ake $ail) sche$ule+ #oti.ate herself+ an$ #ake #e$ical acti.ities to be her priorit)" b" ecause Centil $oes not know her priorit) an$ she $oes not ha.e a (oo$ ti#e #ana(e#ent" 8"a" Mo$ellin( acti.ities co#patible with her han(in( out habits+ not in #e$ical



There is #isco##unication between Centil an$ her #other an$ inco#patibilit) between learnin( strate(ies in #e$ical facult) an$ her $ail) habit #akin( centils achie.e#ent in #e$ical facult) is not (oo$" Concept #appin(

Bei 1 9or<ed by Ce !i$=& %o!'er

Ce !i$ %edi<a$ 9a<u$!y &!ude ! E99e<! Bad a<'ie6e%e ! So$u!io App$yi 1 Lear i 1 &#i$$

A<!i6e i Mode$$i 1 Bad !i%e %a a1e%e !

E99e<!i6e Co%%u i<a!io

Ti%e Ma a1e%e !

Lear i 1 &!y$e

Adu$! Lear i 1

Medi<a$ $ear i 1 pro<e&&

Mode$$i 1 a<!i6i!ie&

Good a<'ie6e%e !


FO !"#AT$ #I!IT$% &'O(#$%)$ A'% #$A 'I') ISS"$

Topic What I know 6" a$ achie.e#ent 0"Centil Cantiks interest What I $ont know 6" 3ffecti.e co##unica tion 0" Ti#e #ana(e#ent 7" !earnin( st)le 8" !earnin( at#osphere 9" A$ult !earnin( What I ha.e to =ow I will pro.e learn Centil Cantiks Internet learnin( st)le Te4t ooks a$aptation with Sli$es #e$ical learnin( st)le

Centil Cantiks achie.e#ent


Centil Cantiks interest in #o$ellin( acti.ities an$ wish beco#e a fa#ous #o$el" Ne.ertheless+ she face$ with her #others hope to be a $octor" *inall)+ she entere$ #e$ical facult)+ althou(h she $oes not want to be a $octor at all" This con$ition #akes Centil has $ifficult) in stu$)in(" So she has to #ake her achie.e#ent beco#e (oo$" @ There is not (oo$ interpersonal co##unication between Centil Cantik an$ her #other+ #ake she feels bein( force$ when she stu$) in #e$ical facult)"She has to #ake an effecti.e co##unication" %6b'%0a'%6a' @ Centil Cantik has to a$apt her habit with learnin( strate() at #e$ical facult)" %7b'%8a'%:a'%8b' @ Centil Cantik #ust be able to sol.e her proble#s with #akin( priorit) an$ sche$ule" %7a'%;a'%;b'%9a'%9b'%0b'%:b' Centil has to #ake (oo$ interpesonal co##unication between she an$ her parents+ especiall) her #other" Co##unication is process of e4chan(in( infor#ation an$ interpersonal co##unication is process that we use to co##unicate our i$eas+ thou(hts+ an$ feelin(s to another person" Centil was force$ b) her #other when she entere$ #e$ical facult)" She $i$nt ha.e a $esire to enter #e$ical facult)" She is #ore intereste$ in #o$ellin( acti.ities" ut now she is in her secon$ )ear" So+ the best wa) is interpersonal co##unication with her #other+ so she can tel about her opinion an$ interest" Centil has to be able to a$apt with her en.iron#ent at #e$ical facult)" Me$ical facult)s en.iron#ent+ such as frien$s an$ her class situation" Centils frien$s #ust be able to #oti.ate her to put #ore interest in #e$ical acti.ities" Classroo# shoul$ be well e5uippe$ in aspect+ especiall) in technolo()

an$ structural" Ph)sical facilities shoul$ be $esi(ne$ to enhance co##unication an$ cooperation" Centil Cantik has to $eci$e her priorit) an$ #ake a (oo$ ti#e #ana(e#ent" Centil has proble# that she can not $i.i$e her ti#e well" If she can built (oo$ ti#e #ana(e#ent+ she can sol.e her proble#" Centil shoul$ $o 2 6" Make priorit) 0" Make $ail) sche$ule 7" Must ha.e #oti.ation for herself to $o #e$ical acti.ities+ she nee$s a #oti.ation in this situation so that she can enhance her achie.e#ent at #e$ical facult)" There re two #oti.ation A 34ternal #oti.ation+ it is fro# her en.iron#ent at #e$ical facult) e.en her fa#ilies" A Internal #oti.ation+ it is fro# herself+ she #ust think that she likes #e$ical acti.ities" Tr) to #ake herself #ore en,o)able learnin( in #e$ical facult)" 8" Centil has to applicate her own learnin( st)le

3ffecti.e Co##unication
Co##unication is the process of e4chan(in( infor#ation" Infor#ation is con.e)e$ as wor$s+ tone of .oice+ an$ bo$) lan(ua(e" Infor#ation not onl) real fact+ also fiction+ ru#or etc"Wor$s account for ; percent of the infor#ation co##unicate$" Bocal tone accounts for 99 percent an$ bo$) lan(ua(e accounts for 7C percent" Interpersonal co##unication is the process that we use to co##unicate our i$eas+ thou(hts+ an$ feelin(s to another person"Our interpersonal co##unication skills are learne$ beha.iors that can be i#pro.e$ throu(h knowle$(e+ practice+ fee$back+ an$ reflection" To be effecti.e co##unicators+ tea# #e#bers #ust be aware of these for#s %wor$s+ .ocal tone+ an$ bo$) lan(ua(e'+ how to use the# effecti.el)+ an$ barriers to the co##unications process" If in the Co##unication process+ the #essa(e can be accepte$ an$ un$erstan$e$ b) the + si#ilarl) with the sen$er #eanin(" In$icator 3ffecti.e Co##unication 2 -n$erstan$ble 3n,o)able Influence Relationship action *actors that barrier of effecti.e Co##unication 2 Phs)colo(ic+ e4a#ple+ co#unicant is an(r)+ ner.ous+etc" Se#antic+ $ifferent lan(ua(e Mecanic+ $isturbin( soun$ fro# telephone satelite+ unrea$ wor$s+ no si(nal in cellular phone 3colo(ic+ noise+ soun$ of li(ht rain Characteristic of supportin( effecti.e co##unication 2 Co##unicator #ust ha.e 2 6" Cre$ibilit)

0" Power of attraction 7" Power 8" Intelectualit) 9" Inte(rit) :" Trust) ;" Social C" A$ulthoo$ D" Orientation to the Ps)cholo(ical Co#unican con$ition 6E" *ra#e of reference an$ fiel$ e4perience Messa(e+ technic to sen$ the #essa(e 2 6" One si$e$ atau two si$e$ 0" 34splisit or i#plisit 7" To Influence the Co##unican+ #ust obser.e2 a" attention b" nee$ c" satisfaction $" BisualiFation e" action

Ti#e Mana(e#ent
To #ake a (oo$ ti#e #ana(e#ent+ there are so#e wa)s to $o 2 6" &now )our interest 0" Make priorit) of acti.ities will $oin( 7" Make $ail) sche$ule 8" Tr) to take responsibilit) to the sche$ule 9" !ess $own uni#portant acti.ities

!earnin( St)le
!earnin( st)les are si#pl) $ifferent approaches or wa)s of learnin(" About learnin( st)les an$ how to use )ourself in the #ost efficient wa)" !earnin( st)les are the wa) in which each in$i.i$ual learner be(ins to concentrate on+ process+ absorb+ an$ retain new an$ $ifficult infor#ation" So#e t)pe of learnin( st)le 2 6" Aural or au$itor) learner+ $raw charts an$ $ia(ra#s+#o.ies or clips" 0" Bisual !earner+ use lecture+ ha.e stu$ents e4plain concepts to each other+#usic" 7" Rea$ an$ write learner+ han$outs an$ >inco#plete? notes" 8" &inesthetic learner+ lab e4ercises or $e#os+ role Pla)in(+ power point or assi(n#ents"

!earnin( at#osphere
So#e aspect of learnin( at#osphere 2 6" Classroo# 0" Mobilit) or posture

7" Soun$+ contrar) to popular belief+ not nee$s to stu$) in a perfectl) 5uiet en.iron#ent" if )ou $o choose to stu$) to #usic+ choose classical #usic" The te#po an$ instru#entation of this #usic see#s to be #ost co#patible with stu$) an$ learnin(" 8" !i(htin(+ so#e people beco#e $epresse$ because of li(ht $epri.ation" If )ou are one of those people+ )ou shoul$ tr) to stu$) an$ spen$ as #uch ti#e as possible in hi(hl) lit places"Rea$in( abilit) can be affecte$ b) the li(ht contrast between print an$ paper color" There is a hi(h contrast between black letters printe$ on white paper" So#e people fin$ it easier to rea$ black print on blue or (ra) paper which has less contrast an$ is easier on their e)es" 9" Te#perature* )ou shoul$ be aware of )our preference for either a cool or war# en.iron#ent" Dress in la)ers so that )ou can a$,ust to $ifferences in classroo# te#peratures" Choose to stu$) in the en.iron#ents in which )ou feel #ost co#fortable" :" /et #oti.ate$+ create a work area that is free fro# $istractions an$ co##it to sta)in( there for at least one to two hours" If )ou (et si$eAtracke$+ re#in$ )ourself how this will help )ou to #eet )our (oals"

A$ult !earnin(
A$ult learnin( is an a$ult learn so#e thin(" An a$ult learn 2 A ecause he #ust learn for his own (oal A ase on e4perience A est b) $oin( Characteristics of a$ult learners2 Autono#ous an$ selfA$irecte$ Accu#ulate$ a foun$ation of life e4perience an$ knowle$(e /oalAoriente$ Rele.anc)Aoriente$ Practical !ookin( for respect

6" 0" 7" 8" 9" :"

VII. Concl+sion
Centil Cantik has to chan(e her han(in( out habit an$ less $own her #o$ellin( acti.ities in or$er to (et (oo$ achie.e#ent" esi$e that+ Centil Cantik has to #ake a (oo$ ti#e #ana(e#ent+ so she can $o her #o$ellin( acti.ities without takin( out interest in #e$ical acti.ities"

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