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Assignment Four

Linking Differentiated Instruction To Unit Plan

By Marco DAversa

Part 1: Unit Plan and Lesson Plan Description

Subject: Physical Education Grade: Ten Title of Unit: Fitness Description of Lesson: My introductory lesson is the starting point for the grade ten fitness unit. Students will learn about the proper ways of lifting weights and interacting in the workout centre while also learning other topics such as benefits of physical activity and nutrition, body image, safety and etiquette and goal setting. I will incorporate two pre-assessments at the beginning of the unit in order to generalize my students prior knowledge in the subject manner as well as the different and unique ways my students learn (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.). This will give me as the teacher a good starting point in order to figure out and refine my lessons so that they can compliment my students learning needs. In the unit, the outcomes are directly related to the topics for the lesson mentioned prior. For example, goal setting has its own lesson where it is concentrated on. However, throughout the unit students will be given the majority of the time to work out and accomplish other assignments such as exit slips, quizzes, projects and unit tests. My introductory lesson focuses on the safety and etiquette regulations when working out or being in a gym/workout centre.

Part 2: Pre-Assessment

1. Readiness: Brainstorm Poster/Web

Readiness is an aspect that is very important in learning. Without students being ready, their potential of learning will decrease rather than if the students are ready to meet their potential. This is especially important for me as the teacher because it allows me to create lessons that I believe will meet my students readiness needs the best. For my lesson, students will be split into four or five groups (depending on class size), they will each be given a piece of poster paper and some markers. As a group they must brainstorm ideas related to three questions that I would verbally explain and write on the whiteboard. The questions are 1. Have you ever worked out before? 2. What are some benefits of working out? 3. Name as many types of machines/work outs you can do in the gym. I believe this activity is a fun way to start off the unit as well as gives students a chance to discuss and pool together ideas and/or experiences to complete the task. It is helpful for me as well because I can collect the posters and I am able to generate an idea of how much prior knowledge my students may have in some areas but also see areas where they might be lacking that knowledge. This will in turn help me focus on the areas that need to be worked on in my later lessons.

2. Learning Styles: Multiple Intelligence Quiz

In my introductory lesson, along with the brainstorming poster, I will also include a multiple intelligence quiz for the students to take as well. Another key component in developing an accurate and good differentiated lesson is by always giving a variety of presentation options. If I was to lecture and verbalize the content every class, my students who are visual and kinesthetic learners will suffer. Therefore, to combat this issue, students will each take a multiple intelligence quiz on the first day in order for me as the teacher to have an idea what my

students strengths are when it pertains to learning. In this way, I will be able to create lessons that cater to their strengths as learners and maximize their learning potential more than if I just used one presentation approach such as lecture (auditory). Not only is it extremely helpful for myself, but it might also be fun for the students to see what their learning style is. I might have students who have never taken a multiple intelligence quiz before and this could be beneficial for them because they may see what style suits them the best and they will be able to use this knowledge in the future.

Part 3: Differentiating The Lesson

Components What Pre-Assessments Will I Use? Explanation
I choose to use the multiple intelligence quizzes. This provides me as the teacher with an idea of the different learning styles present in my classroom and gives me an idea of how I can differentiate my lesson to meet all my students learning needs.

How Will I Differentiate?

Based on my pre-assessment, I will be differentiating my process of the lesson. This is because with the many different learning styles in the classroom, I must be aware of how I can change up each to meet the needs of my students. For process, I must use the results that I have gained from my pre-assessment in order to provide a variety presentation types to meet the learning needs of my students. If I focus too

much on a lecture/auditory style of teaching, I will lose the focus of my students who excel with visuals and kinesthetic learning. Also, I am not unlocking the learning potential of those students that may fall into a visual or kinesthetic learning category. Therefore, I must use my pre-assessment to refine my lessons so that I am presenting the information or material in multiple different ways so that every student has their own specific style met and can continue on with their learning in a better way.

What Differentiated Instruction Strategy And Learning Activities Will I Use?

The strategy that I will be using is the webquests. I feel that webquests would work the best with the process of my lesson because it would allow the learners that may be struggling with learning the different ways the workout machines work, a chance to see if through skill progression videos and other aspects to aid their learning. This will allow students to breakdown the skill or motion for that specific machine and enhance their understanding more so that they can in turn apply it physically later. Learning Activity: A learning activity that I incorporate with webquests

is through a worksheet. I will give the students a specific website that shows different videos of a specific workout (for example, leg press). Students will then watch a video on what beginner, intermediate and advanced person doing the leg press looks like. On the worksheet, they will explain the differences and aspects that they saw in their own words. This way the student will gain a better understanding of the motion and workout and be able to apply it later on when working out in the gym/workout centre. I believe it gives students plenty of options and freedoms because they may be able to choose a machine that they struggle to use or they can use a machine they excel at and find a new way to make the workout harder. Therefore, it is meeting the varies needs of each student.

Part 4: Anchor Activities

1. Building A Nutrition Plan:

My first anchor activity will have students develop a nutrition plan for themselves. For this assignment, students would need to research their proper calorie intake as well as the different sums of calories for certain meals. For a one-week span, students will create a nutrition/diet plan for them to follow. They must meet their calorie intake for one week WITH physical activity taken into consideration everyday. If students wish to have a harder challenge, they may set goals in the beginning such as I want to gain a pound or I want to lose a pound and must also research how many calories lost or gained would be needed. Another variation to make the assignment harder if students wish so would be to make the time span longer. Instead of one week they can do two weeks or a month. This anchor activity relates to the interests of students. Students at this age are starting to experiment with diets and working out. It may be for the wrong reasons some of the time while it also may be because of an advanced outlook on health and living a healthy life. If students are interested in bulking up or slimming down and have also excelled in the other parts of the unit than this would be an anchor activity that would be beneficial for their development.

2. Building A Workout Plan:

My second anchor activity will involve students developing a workout plan for themselves. For this assignment, students will create a one weeklong workout plan that meets their goals (building muscle, toning, cardiovascular enhancement, etc.). Students will need to research different types of workouts incorporating free weights and machines as well as the different uses of weights and repetitions in order to meet their goals. Students must make their workout plan equal with regards to all aspects of the body. For example, students cant just focus on their

core but must mix in leg workouts, arm workouts and etc. To refine this activity to make it harder, students may look up their needed calorie intake and figure out how many calories are needed to be burned or how intense their workouts must be in order to meet that guideline. Another way to make the assignment harder would be for students to research their maximum heart rates and resting heart rates. They than must incorporate their heart rates into their workout plan in order to gained desired results or meet their goals. The final way that this activity could be made harder is by increasing the time span from one week to either two weeks or an entire month. This anchor activity relates to the readiness of my students. If students feel that they are ready to go into more advanced thinking with regards to working out and fitness than this assignment is perfect for them. Especially, if students are interested in being more physically fit or learning more about how to train their muscles and body. This assignment would align perfectly with the unit while also meeting the needs of those students who chose to do this assignment.

Part 5: Relationship To Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes

For the first portion of part five, I checked off every KSA listed in the table below. I did this because I believe each KSA relates to inclusive education in its own unique way and that each one has a specific job in meeting the needs of students of any or every exceptionality or uniqueness. The two KSAs that I chose to focus on in the planning of my lesson were number five, Teachers identify and respond to learner differences, and number eleven, Teachers gather and use information about students learning needs and

progress and assess the range of learning objectives. For the fifth KSA, I meet this aspect during my pre-assessment with regards to the multiple intelligence quizzes. This quiz will not only help my students become more aware of their learning style but it also helps me understand how many different learning styles I have in my class and how I should plan my lessons in order to meet my students learning needs. To meet the fifth KSA, I am identifying what are my learner differences and responding to them by focusing on a variety of presentation options in order to teach the material successfully to all of my students. To meet the eleventh KSA, I am using a couple different aspects in order to gather and use information that my students have created to assess the range of learning outcomes. For my pre-assessments, the multiple intelligence quiz as indicated earlier, provides myself with an idea of the different learning styles that I have in my classroom. Therefore, I can adjust my teaching of the learner outcomes so that it caters to the variety of different learning styles. For the other preassessment, that had to do with brainstorming in groups about the prior knowledge of working out. I am gathering information about the prior experience my students have had as it pertains to the unit. Therefore, I can see where my knowledge foundation of the class is and can figure out where I can start and go during my entire unit. I feel that my anchor activities also meet this KSA by giving the students different options to use their knowledge and create assignments that not only meets the learning outcomes but also exceeds them. These are two KSAs that I have met in my planning. However, I believe that unit also consists of several concepts that meets the many other KSAs and provides a great inclusive education for all my


Addressing Professional Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (KSAs) Professional Semester Two
Knowledge, Skills and Attributes for Alberta Teachers
1234567Teachers make reasoned decisions about teaching and learning based on their ongoing analysis of contextual variables. Teachers understand the legislated, moral and ethical framework within which they work. Teachers use the programs of study to inform and direct planning instruction and assessment. Teachers demonstrate knowledge of the content they teach. Teachers identify and respond to learner differences. Teachers plan for instruction, translating curriculum and outcomes into meaningful learning activities. Teachers create and maintain environments that are conducive to student learning and understand student needs for physical, social, cultural and psychological security. Teachers establish relationships with students that respect human dignity Teachers use a broad range of instructional strategies. Teachers apply a variety of technologies to meet students learning needs. Teachers gather and use information about students learning needs and progress and assess the range of learning objectives. Teachers engage parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of teaching and learning. Teachers identify and use relevant learning resources. Teachers contribute, independently and collegially, to the quality of their school. Teachers engage in assessing the quality of their teaching. Teachers are able to communicate a personal vision of their own teaching.

The following chart denotes the alignment of the Alberta KSAs with instruction in the PSII modules Education 3602
Educational Psychology of Exceptional Learners


8910 11 12 13 14 15 16 -

Readiness Pre Assessment

Build muscle

I have worked out before

I work out everyday

Healthy living

I have never worked out before Leg Press Have You Worked Out Before? What Are The Benefits Of Working Out? What Are Different Machines/Works You Can Do? Free weights


Multiple Intelligence Pre Assessment

Test taken from link:

Anchor Activity #1 Task Description

Congratulations! You have just been named the new Nutrition Specialist on the Team Canada Olympic Team. As an athlete and nutrition specialist, your job is to create a diet plan for yourself for the next week. An optional component would be to please include a personal goal that you may want to set for yourself (gaining weight, losing weight, etc.). Please keep this in mind as you include the following components in this step-by-step process: 1. Set a goal for yourself (optional) 2. Research the amount of calories you lose when playing a sport or participating in physical activity. 3. Research the amount of calories you may need to have a proper nutritional intake each day. 4. Research the amount of calories you may need to lose/gain in order to reach your goal (optional) 5. Create a 7-day grid that outlines breakfast, lunch and dinner meals that are to be eaten with a calorie count. As well as a physical activity component. 6. Make sure to include daily calorie intake and expenditure. As well as total calories gained for the day. 7. Submit assignment with name written on top by TBA. An exemplar will be posted on the class website for assistance. You may also ask me any questions that you may have.

Anchor Activity #2 Task Description

You are about to enter the Arnold Classic Weightlifting Competition. In order to ensure that you are prepared for the competition, you must create a workout plan for the next week that meets a goal. An optional component that can be added into the assignment would be to include calorie intake and expenditure as well as using heart rates to demonstrate intensity. The following is the step-by-step process and components needed for the assignment: 1. Set a goal (toning, putting on muscle, lifting a certain weight, etc.) 2. Research the different workouts that must be included to meet your goal. The workouts must include at least 3 aspects of using free weights and 3 aspects of using machines. 3. Research the amount of repetitions, sets and intensity needed to accomplish your goal.

4. Research your personal heart rate limits or calorie intake and expenditure (optional) 5. Develop a 7-day grid that includes workouts for each day. I following the optional routes please include these components into your grid. 6. You must not concentrate on body part but rather the whole body to ensure you are getting the appropriate effect of the workout 7. Submit assignment with name written on top by TBA. An exemplar will be posted on the class website for assistance. You may also ask me any questions that you may have.

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