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Learning H6LEcM0E0io

Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning - Associations are made between the neutral stimulus and a learned neutral response. Stimulus anything that involves a response

Response Reaction to a stimulus

Classical Conditioning
Ivan Pavlov Behaviorist
Broke ground on how humans and animals learn

Famous Dog Salvation Study (1890s)

Pavlov observed the UR (salivation) produced when meat powder (US) was placed in the dog's mouth. He then rang a bell (CS) before giving the meat powder.

Classical Conditioning
Dog (participant) + Meat (stimulus) = Salivation (response)

Overtime: After some repetitions of this pairing of bell and meat the dog salivated to the bell alone, demonstrating what Pavlov called a conditioned response (CR) Automatic Behavior Dog will salivate when food is put in front of them

Pavlovs Dog Training

Classical Conditioning Factors

Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) - Stimulus that automatically elicits a response.
UCS Ex. - Meat

Unconditioned response (UCR) Automatic response to certain neutral stimulus.

UCR Ex. Salvation

Neutral Stimulus Experimenter will not get a response.

To get a response the animal must associate experimenter with food.
Sight of the Experimenter (NS) + Receive Food (UCS) = Salvation (UCR)

Prolonged Conditioning
Sight of experimenter (CS) + Receive Food (UCS) = Salvation ( UCR) Eventually the dog begins to salivate at the sight of the experimenter because they associate the experimenter = food. Conditioned response (CR) Response to stimulus that brought about by learning
As we get older certain words, commercials, smells can make our mouths water. Pizza, Pickles, Double Cheesberger

Emotional Condition
John B. Watson deep emotions are a result of association and learning. - Watson Trained rats to go through a complex maze.


Watson Little Albert 11 months Mom worked as an assistant for Watson Began conditioning Albert's behaviors

Little Albert Experiment CsOI

Little Albert Experiment

Loud Sound (UCS) = Fear (UCR) Association Phase: Rat (NS) + Loud Sound (UCS) = FEAR (UCR) Leads to: Rat (NS) = FEAR (CR)

Stimulus Generalization
Stimulus Generalization Response spreads from one specific stimulus that resembles the original

Ex. Watson would conduct same experiment on Albert using stuffed white rabbit instead of rat. Ex. Albert even associated fear with Santa

Watson Proved
1. Conditioning the emotions to neutral objects is possible. 2. Conditioning emotions can generalize to other objects with same characteristics and features.
--Do not know how long conditioned response last
Extinction Gradual loss of associations over time. Spontaneous Recovery Sudden reappearance of extinguished response

Mary Cover James

Worked with Watson Revised Watsons Little Albert experiment to CURE child of terrible fear

Bring in animals that child was afraid of: (PHOBIAS)

Give favorite food to keep kid calm Move closer to kid with animal in hand Give more food and move closer Child is close and calm Child eventually feels safe and will touch animal Fear of animal is replaced by thought of food

Operant Conditioning
Operant Conditioning Results from individuals actions and the consequences they cause. Rewards vs. Punishments Behavior is learned or avoided as a result of the punishment. Behavior (VR) Reinforcements Reward

It All Started With a Big Banggg Analyze how Sheldon uses Operant Conditioning to alter Pennys behavior

Operant Conditioning
Voluntary Response (VR) Reinforcement

You HATE to eat green vegetables: Eat your vegetables (VR) + Reinforcement = REWARD You get ice cream if eat all of your vegetables at supper

Operant Conditioning
VR + Reinforcement = Reward Work Hard (VR) Earn Promotion with a Raise (Reinforcement) Continue hard work (Reward)

B.F. Skinner
How we turn out in life is a result of what we learn from our operations over the year. Our actions are a result of people getting upset and angry = We associate the world as a threatening and dangerous place.

If our behavior is rewarded then we will be more likely to repeat this behavior.

Reinforcement Theory
Spend time studying for a test and make an A makes you want to continue studying because you know you can do well and want to continue. Work hard and spend a lot of time on a paper and get a D and makes you not want to spend time on a paper again.

Reinforcement Follows response and strengths tendency to repeat response. Primary Reinforcements necessary for psychological or physical survival is used as a reward.
Unlearned and necessary = Food and water

Secondary Reinforcement - Represents primary reinforcement

Ex. MONEY $$$ Love

Work Hard in school to make good grades Parents praise you You feel Loved with Hugs and Praise Positive Reinforcement Good - Encourged Negative Reinforcement Bad TAKEN AWAY

Punishment - Weakening a response by following it up with an unlike consequence. Deprive - Take away something
Administrator confiscates your cell phone at school and puts it in the front office Must pay fine for speeding

Add unwanted punishment

Parents have to get off work to pick it up and now your parents are mad at you even more so Court ordered community service for drunk driving

Shaping Behaviors
Shaping behaviors gradually refine response by successfully reinforcing closer versions of the desired behavior. Gradually refined successively Ex. Dog jumping through a hood
1. Dog steps through hood on ground given a treat 2. Hold hoop up and dog steps through it and given treat. 3. Dog jumps through hoop and given treat

Chaining Behaviors
Chaining behaviors reinforce behaviors after each sequence of behaviors Connections between the individual parts to the sequence of desired behaviors

Pigon used to see orange life vest in ocean

90% effective vs. Human only 35% effective

Schedule of Reinforcements (4)

1. Partial Reinforcement Schedule Not given the reward every time the act is preformed. SLOT MACHINE

Schedule of Reinforcement
2. Fixed Rate Schedule Reinforcement occurs after desired act is preformed a certain number of times.

Ex. Paid per number of products you produce

The new employee on the job tries to out work his co-workers but the other co-workers get angry bully you to stop working so hard.

Schedule of Reinforcements
3. Variable interval Schedule desired act preformed after a variable amount of time. Fishing and Hunting No guarantee

Schedule of Reinforcement
4. Fixed Interval Schedule After desired act is preformed following fixed amount of time. EX. Payday

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