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NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________ Annotations / Text Marking Rubric 1 - No evidence of annotation skills 2 Shows evidence of e!

ort and understanding, but does not adequately demonstrate all the criteria of a Level 3 response 3 - Su"cient jots in the margin focus on the purpose for reading# - Underline, highlight, or mark specic words that trigger thoughts# - Use a variety of reading-isthinking strategies to explicitly answer the question, What could this mean?# - Use questions to better understand the text or reading purpose and, when possible, answer those questions using information and ideas from the text 4 - Abundant jots in the margin focus on the purpose for reading# - Underline, highlight, or mark specic words that trigger thoughts# - Use a variety of reading-isthinking strategies to explicitly answer the questions, What could this mean? and Why might this matter?# - Use questions to better understand the text or reading purpose and, when possible, answer those questions using information and ideas from the text

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Analyze Perspective (Authors / Characters / Speakers) Rubric 1 Answer does not demonstrate understanding of...! - The concept of (authors / characters / speakers) perspective! (and/or)! - The text itself 2 Answer does not meet the Level 3 criteria: ! - Perspective may only be partially valid! - Details from the text may not provide sufcient support: there may be too few details, or the reader may overlook details that contradict that perspective 3 - Identies and clearly expresses a valid perspective about a relevant topic! - Refers to details from the text to provide sufcient support 4 - Identies and clearly expresses a valid and sophisticated perspective (i.e., claries under what circumstances, or with what exceptions, etc.)! - Uses abundant and/or subtle details to provide precise and compelling support

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NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________

Theme Statement Rubric 1 2 - Theme statement expresses a truth or understanding that is revealed by the story! But...! - Theme statement may be so general that it overlooks the particularities of the text ! - Theme statement may be related to a conict, but not the main conict! - Word choice may make the theme statement unclear! 3 - Theme statement expresses a truth or understanding that is revealed by the storys main conict! - Theme statement is generalizable (i.e., It could apply to other stories or situations)! - Theme statement is written in precise language that captures the particularities of the text (e.g., Theme statement answers questions such as, How? Why? Under what circumstances? So what?)! - Theme statement is written as a complete sentence 4 - Theme statement expresses a truth or understanding that is revealed by the storys main conict! - Theme statement is generalizable (i.e., It could apply to other stories or situations)! - Theme statement is written in precise language that captures the particularities of the text (e.g., Theme statement answers questions such as, How? Why? Under what circumstances? So what?)! - Theme statement is written as a complete sentence! - Theme statement demonstrates a sophisticated interpretation of the story! - Theme statement uses particularly well chosen words

- Theme statement is not written as a complete sentence or complete thought! - Statement is too specic to be a theme statement! - Work suggests that the student either did not read or did not understand the text!

Writing: Support and Elaboration (CER) 1 Ideas are not well developed; most or almost all ideas lack the features of level 3 support. 2 Ideas are generally well developed, but one or two ideas lack the features of level 3 support. 3 Ideas are developed with su"cient evidence, valid analysis and interpretation, and clear reasoning for the assigned purpose. 4 Ideas are developed with abundant evidence, valid and original analysis and interpretation, and clear and compelling reasoning for the assigned purpose.

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