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A p r i l 11 , 2 01 4 K a r e n B r os t, M a th / Sc i e nc e /S o ci a l S tu d ie s L a ur a M cD o n a ld , L a n g ua g e Ar t s /S o ci a l S tu d ie s /S ci e n ce Sh a r on St e v e n s o n , L a ng u a g e A r ts M a r y W ol f, M a t h H e a t h e r W o r d e n , L a ng u a g e Ar t s

Upcoming Events at Bentley

Tuesday, April 15 Wheelchair Basketball game from 7 8:30 pm! Thursday, April 17 1:00 dismissal to celebrate Spring Break finally being here!
Officer Mike Jurka will be in 5th grade again on Tuesday, all students can wear their Character Counts T-shirt to show support! He is teaching us about on-line safety and bullying. Let's think about making good choices in everything we say, text, and do:)

Monday, April 28 School resumes Tuesday, April 29 Field trip to see Disneys Bears!


2014 2015 Registration

R e g is tr at ion for 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 i s n ow b e in g a cc e p te d t hr o ug h P owe r S ch oo l. P le a se l og in an d r e gi st er y ou r stu d e nt for n ext y e ar . It ta k es a few m om en ts . Y ou m a y ev e n d e fe r p a y m en t. C hi ld r e n a r e n ot in c lu d ed on c la ss l is ts for th e n e xt sc h ool y e ar un ti l th e y a r e r e gi st er e d . T h an k y ou !

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Students are allowed to have a snack at school daily. This snack is intended to provide a small nutrition boost in between meals. The size of this snack should be reasonable. The ideal snack time should be about 5 minutes. Please help your child pack a snack that takes about 5 minutes to eat and provides nutritional value. Snack time is not a mealtime. We would appreciate the help in providing this opportunity for students without disrupting our instructional time. As always, please encourage your child to eat a healthy and hearty breakfast. We have been experiencing an increase in students reporting that they are hungry when they arrive at school and wanting their snack right away. Thank you for working with us to provide a quality learning environment at Bentley School.

Mrs. Brost

Science- Eat ice cream! Please save the discs and sticks from the ice cream push ups for our Jet Toy cars. Due April 28th, after spring break. Social Studies- As we continue our study on the Revolutionary War, students wrote a letter from Valley Forge. They are learning to think like a soldier and the hardships and hope that go with it. Math- students are getting into algebra in Unit 10 starting off with pan balance problems. Continue to practice multiplication facts. Great Job to Tyler Good for practicing on last week!

Mrs. McDonald

Language Arts: Next week students will write an expository composition, highlighting the life and contributions of the individual he/she reported on at our wax museum. In grammar, students will study possessive and reflexive case pronouns. Science: Next week students will finish presenting their planet slideshows. In addition, students will discover why we see the different phases of the Moon through the use of a science model. Social Studies: Next week students will continue studying the battles of the Revolutionary War, including the locations, events, and outcomes.

Mrs. Stevenson

Only 4 days until a well deserved break! I can't wait. Next week's spelling words are words with suffixes -ant,ent,-eer,-ist,-ian. Students can practice the words on spellingcity. The focus for grammar will be possessive and reflexive pronouns. The quiz will be on Wed. Next week's reading skills are making inferences and synonyms and antonyms. The skill quiz will be on Wed. Students can review Lesson 17 vocabulary and skills on edmodo.

Mrs. Wolf

This week, we took our Unit 9 test and the students did an amazing job! Look for the tests to come home on Monday. We also began exploring balance as it relates to algebra - balancing objects in pans by removing them in equal amounts. We will also graph in/out tables on the coordinate grid. These and many other skills can be practiced on so please encourage your student to log on! Have a great weekend.

Mrs. Worden

Students need to still be reading every school night for at least 20 minutes. It is so important they continue to do this. It really helps if they can read out loud to someone as well! We will be having review units in spelling and grammar. We will be finishing up on our novel study essays. We will begin Tuck Everlasting after Spring Break. Please encourage students to work on their book reports as well! Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!!

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