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Stage One History Unit - The Past In The Present


Stage One HISTORY Unit
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UNIT DESCRIPTION This topic provides a study of present and past life within the context of the students own world. Students learn about similarities and differences by comparing the present with the past. They begin to explore the links, and the changes that occur, over time and are introduced to the use of historical sources. ADAPTED FROM NEW CURRICULUM SAMPLE HISTORY UNIT STAGE 1

Year 2 2014

Stage One History Unit - The Past In The Present

Focus Question: How has life changed over time? Contributing Questions: How can we show that the past is different from or similar to the past? How do we describe the sequence of time? Why are photographs and artifacts an important part of historical recollection? Outcomes HSIE Syllabus Outcomes CCS1.1: Communicates the importance of past and present people, days and events in their life, in the lives of family and community members and in other communities. CCS1.2: Identifies changes and continuities in their ownd life and in the local community. Australian Curriculum Outcomes HT1-1: Communicates an understanding of change and continuity in family life using appropriate historical terms. HT1-4: Uses skills of historical inquiry and communication

Macro Concepts: Change and continuity, preservation of history Enduring Understandings: That heritage is important and should be preserved. That artifacts, photographs and oral stories play an important role in preserving history. That times have changed. That similarities and differences should be appreciated. Historical Skills Historical Concepts Comprehension: chronology, terms and concepts The following historical concepts are integrated discuss and recount stories of family and local history in the lesson sequences: sequence familiar objects and events Continuity and change: changes and distinguish between the past, present and future continuities in family life over time Use of sources explore and use a range of sources about the past identify and compare features of objects from the past Cause and effect: what may have influenced changes in everyday life over time and present Perspectives Perspectives: different points of view held by explore a point of view within an historical context people from the past Research pose questions about the past using sources provided Empathetic understanding: why people in the Explanation and communication past lived as they did develop a narrative about the past use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, Significance: the written, role-play) and digital technologies significance/importance of a family event in the past

Year 2 2014


Stage One History Unit - The Past In The Present

Content Descriptions! Week 1 The importance today of an historical site or cultural or spiritual significance a war memorial

Teaching, Learning & Assessment! Anzac Day *Read a childrens story about Anzac Day, e.g. My Grandad Marches on Anzac Day *Discuss the importance of Anzac Day as a commemorative occasion. *Read the Ode of Remembrance and discuss the ways in which we honor and remember the sacrifice of the ANZACS (annual event, memorials, medals, poppies). *Look at a variety of images of war memorials, discussing their features and position. Have students seen these before? Where have they been seen? Why were memorials important when they were first created? Why are memorials important today? Writing Task: Why are war memorials an important part of Australian culture? ! Pre-Assessment students record similarities and differences between life in the past and life today under the headings Life then and Life now. Introduction my family *Read a story about families, e.g. Mem Foxs Whoever You Are (can be found in library or on YouTube). Discuss how families are similar and different. *Students draw/paint a picture of their family compare differences/similarities within the class. Alternatively, students can bring in a family photo and record a sentence to describe the members of their family.

Resources! *Childrens book about Anzac Day *Writing template or workbooks *A copy of the Ode of Remembrace *Images of war memorials!

Evaluation! !

! Week 2 Differences in family structures and roles today, and how these have changed or remained the same over time !

*Template for pre-assessment *Book about families -Whoever You Are Mem Fox -Whos in a Family Robert Hauskerr -Me and My Family Tree Joan Sweeney *Paper/paints/pencils for family portraits

Year 2 2014


Stage One History Unit - The Past In The Present

Content Descriptions! Week 3 Differences in family structures and roles today, and how these have changed or remained the same over time

Teaching, Learning & Assessment! Families past and present Why are photographs an important part of historical recollection? *Create a display of family photos from the past and the present. *Initiate discussion about this display. Questions include: When the photos were taken and how the viewer can tell that they are modern or historic. *Ask what we are able to learn about people and life in the past from looking at these historic pictures. As a whole class, analyse the similiarities and differences in the photos such as the number of children and adults, clothing worn, the stiff formality of the poses. *Explain that photos and drawings are valuable because they are historic records of events, places and people. Personal photographs are records of individuals. They form part of an individuals personal heritage Historical Detective visual literacy In small groups, students conduct a historical detective exercise. Each group is given a historical photo of a family and asked to work together to answer the following questions. -what can you see in this photo? -when do you think this photo was taken? -write three things that make this photo different to photos that would be taken today? Students present their findings to the class. Encourage students to use relevant vocabulary in the past, then and now, today, years ago, in the olden days.

Resources! *Display of family photographs modern and historic *Printed copies of historical photographs for groups to analyse *Template to record responses! !

Evaluation! !

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Year 2 2014


Stage One History Unit - The Past In The Present

! ! Content Descriptions! Week 4 Differences in family structures and roles today, and how these have changed or remained the same over time

Teaching, Learning & Assessment! Families the role of women *Introduce the range of roles within families today, focusing on the role of women and how it has changed over time. Using magazines/newspapers/digital downloads students locate and collate photographs of women performing a range of roles and make a display with the heading women today. Students discuss the roles of women they know. *Provide a range of photographs of women in the past (100 years ago) in a variety of roles (they will be mostly domestic), e.g. cooking, washing, chopping wood, child care, changes during war time. Encourage students to pose questions and make observations. *List their findings and record under the headings Women: Then and Women: Now. Discuss what is similar and what is different (change and continuity) Writing Task: Create a compare/contrast table looking at the changing roles of women over time. Activity: Provide students with a page of photos from the past and now. Students cut and paste them, categorising under Women: Then or Women: Now.

Resources! *Magazines, newspapers, internet access *Display of historic photographs of women in the past *Compare/contrast template *Page of photographs (modern and historic) for the cut and paste activity! !

Evaluation! !

Year 2 2014


Stage One History Unit - The Past In The Present

Content Descriptions! Week 5

Teaching, Learning & Assessment! How we remember

Resources! * Stories about life in the past *A selection of fables or stories that teach a lesson or moral, e.g. The Hare and the Tortoise *A selection of Dreaming stories (the Australian Museum Sydney has recordings online). *Old photographs of aspects of childrens lives such as school days, childhood toys, etc. !

Evaluation! !

*Read several stories that focus on life in earlier times (see school librarian Differences and for suggestions). Ask students what was similar and what was different. similarities between *Tell a family story of your own and ask students what they know of any old students daily lives and story told in their family. Students may inquire at home and report back in a life during their ancestors different lesson. Discuss with students how stories are remembered over time, including family time and that they may vary depending on who is telling the story. traditions, leisure time *Examine some Dreamtime stories and discuss the importance of these and communications stories in retaining Aboriginal culture. *Explain that the class is going to examine life in earlier times compared to life today. Show a selection of photographs of children over time and ask students to categorise them into past or present and to justify their decision. What clues were in the photographs to help them decide, such as clothing, toys, transport. Alternatively, students can write about the photos using the starter, I know this picture is from the past because Toys past and present Using photographs of toys from the past and present (or actual toys if you can find them), have the class classify them as in the past or in the present. See Resources for related website activities. Play old fashioned games with students quoits, blindmans bluff, pin the tail on the donkey, tiddlywinks, straws. Create a class toy museum display: In pairs, students research a toy from the past, explaining when it was used and how it was used. Present & display.

Week 6 Differences and similarities between students daily lives and life during their ancestors time, including family traditions, leisure time and communications

Lueralla Toy Museum photos Sorting old and new toys activity Toys then and now Webquest activity Make toys from the past Books or internet access to research a toy from the past.

Year 2 2014


Stage One History Unit - The Past In The Present

Content Descriptions! Week 7 The importance of artifacts/photographs in preserving time/special moments ! Week 8+ How the present, past and future are signified by terms indicating time such as a long time ago, then and now, old and new, tomorrow, as well as by dates and changes that may have personal significance, such as birthdays, celebrations and seasons !

Teaching, Learning & Assessment! How do artifacts provide historical information? *Read books such as Isabellas Bed or Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge. Ask students to identify the things that were important to the major character and why they were treasured. *Show a collection of items/photos that are important to you. Explain the memories each item has and why they are treasured. * Ask students to bring a favourite thing to school (or draw a photo of their favourite thing) and talk about why it is important to them. How has society changed over the past 100 years? How can I research and record history? Research project: In small groups, students are given the task of showing how things have changed over the past 100 years. Each group is given a specific category (transport, leisure, toys, food, education, technology, communication, clothing). Using books and the internet, students must research their category. Students present their projects to the class as a PPT or Prezi display, clearly showing the difference between then and now. Assessment: Students draw three pictures or use technology to illustrate lives in the past, today and in the future, and write a sentence explaining each stage. Students can also create a timeline of their life, describing important significant events.

Resources! *Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge/ Isabellas Bed Examples of family artifacts !

Evaluation! !

Year 2 2014


Stage One History Unit - The Past In The Present

! Students find a photograph of a grandparent or older family member and a photograph of themselves. They construct a table and place the photographs at the top of each of two columns. Students then write words to describe their family member and themselves. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Suggested Homework Enrichment Tasks! Students bring in a family toy that once Students interview a member of their belonged to a family member (or photo of family to find out what life was like in the one) OR a toy from their own childhood. past. Students may share with the class why their family members toy is important to ! them OR why their toy is special to them. Students create a family tree. !

Year 2 2014


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