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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Plantilla del plan de unidad

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Autor de la unidad Nombre y apellido Nombre de la institucin educativa Ubicacin de la institucin educativa Otros datos de la institucin educativa Descripcin de la unidad Ttulo de la unidad Luis Ch P.C. Santa librada San Miguelito Belisario Fras Santa Librada 4ta Etapa Basic Junior High School

e!er sa"


Resumen de la unidad
#his learning acti!it" tries to i$pro!e the Listening% &riting% Speech% and 'eading s(ills. First% students )ill start a brainstor$ session that includes ans)ers and as( *uestions about +re*uenc" ad!erbs and dail" acti!ities generated +ro$ their pre!ious (no)ledge. #he" )ill see and )rite the ad!erbs o+ +re*uenc" and the dail" acti!ities screened in the $ulti$edia. #he" )ill prepare in &ord progra$ a report o+ their personal dail" routines in chronological order. ,lso% the" )ill create in groups o+ +our students a !isual aid in Po)er Point to illustrate their group e-positions pointing out the application o+ the +re*uenc" ad!erbs% according to the percent o+ +re*uenc" the" per+or$ in their personal routines. Presents orall" a dialogue screening in the $ulti$edia )ith the laptop and using the Po)er point tool about their personal dail" routines.

Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s

English% Co$puter% ,rt and 'eligion

Ao y nivel
inth Le!el Junior high school

Tiempo necesario apro imado

. periods o+ classes o+ 4/ $inutes% 0 )ee(s.

!undamentos de la unidad


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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Conceptual ,d!erbs o+ Fre*uenc"

Procedimental Listening attenti!el" to a !ideo )here people use the ad!erbs o+ +re*uenc" and the dail" routines. Preparing a dialogue about their personal dail" routine using ad!erbs o+ +re*uenc". &riting a chronological report about dail" routine Presenting orall" in class the dialogue about their dail" routine.

Actitudinal Participating acti!el" in the creation o+ his1her personal routine in chronological se*uence. 2aluing the responsibilit" o+ ho) people organi3e their dail" acti!ities.

"#$etivos del aprendi%a$e

4 5ntegrates and de!elops listening% spea(ing% reading and )riting s(ills )ith nutritional habits. 4 Creates a dialogue about personal dail" routines 4 5nterprets personal dail" acti!ities in chronological se*uence. 4 5s conscious o+ the i$portance o+ ad!erbs o+ +re*uenc" in order to e-press dail" acti!ities.


Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad


Pregunta esencial

&hich is the i$portance o+ e-pressing and organi3ing )ith responsibilit" a )or( da"6


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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Preguntas de unidad

&hich acti!ities are necessar" to e-press the ad!erbs o+ +re*uenc"6 Could "ou $ention dail" acti!ities6

&hat is an ad!erb o+ +re*uenc"6

Preguntas de contenido

&h" ad!erbs o+ +re*uenc" are use+ul6


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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Plan de evaluacin

Cronograma de evaluaciones Formas de presentar el cronograma de evaluaciones Ejemplos de mtodos, propsitos e instrumentos por cada etapa del proyecto
Antes& #ttp&''((('content'((('xl'es'education')*2'assessing, pro+ects'strategies'gauging,student,needs.#tml Durante el desarrollo& #ttp&''((('content'((('xl'es'education')*2'assessing, pro+ects'strategies'monitoring,progress.#tml &eri'icar comprensin& #ttp&''((('content'((('xl'es'education')*2'assessing, pro+ects'strategies'c#ec)ing,understanding.#tml

Al concluir la unidad& #ttp&''((('content'((('xl'es'education')*2'assessing, pro+ects'strategies'c#ec)ing,understanding.#tml Antes de empe%ar el tra#a$o del proyecto ,ns)ers and as( *uestions about the +re*uenc" o+ dail" acti!ities. Brainstor$ing session generating ideas bet)een the pre!ious (no)ledge and the ne) possibilities. Durante el desarrollo del proyecto 5n!estigates in the internet the +re*uenc" ad!erbs and dail" routines. &rites a list o+ dail" acti!ities and the ad!erbs )ith the percent o+ +re*uenc". Loo( +or the $eanings in Spanish o+ the in!estigated ite$s. Elaborates a )ritten report in &ord )ith a chronological se*uence about personal dail" acti!ities. Creates and illustrates a !isual aid using the Microso+t 7++ice tools about their personal dail" routine in chronological se*uence. (na ve% completado el proyecto Presents orall" the personal dail" routine screening the created !isual aids in the $ulti$edia. Prepares in groups o+ +our students an e-position in Po)er point to e-press the dail" acti!ities and using the Microso+t o++ice tools.


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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Resumen de evaluaciones
Los l"n(s anteriores e-plican cada $8todo% prop9siton e instru$ento E!aluaci9n ,C#525#: ;< Proceso " prop9sito ,ns)ers and >uestions Brainstor$ing session 5n!estigation



&ritten reports Collaborati!e &or( ?se o+ 7++ice #ools @esign !isual aids



E-positions 7ral Presentations


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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial


Loo( +or the +re*uenc" ad!erbs and dail" acti!ities in the google translator page.$.ar1 E-position o+ personal dail" acti!ities in se*uential order.

7ral Presentation

Detalles de la unidad )a#ilidades previas

Bno) Bno) Bno) Bno) ho) to read and )rite ho) to pronounce so$e )ords the English language ho) to arrange se*uential order the dail" acti!ities the 7++ice tools C&ord% Po)er PointD

5ntroduction to the topic starting a brainstor$ing session )ith their pre!ious (no)ledge. 5n!estigates in the internet the +re*uenc" ad!erbs and dail" routines. ,C#525#: ;0 &rites a list o+ dail" acti!ities and the ad!erbs )ith the percent o+ +re*uenc". Loo( +or the $eanings in Spanish o+ the in!estigated ite$s. Elaborates a )ritten report in &ord )ith a chronological se*uence about personal dail" acti!ities. Creates and illustrates a !isual aid using the Microso+t 7++ice tools about their personal dail"
2008 orporacin !ntel. "odos los derec#os reservados. $%gina



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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

routine in chronological se*uence.



Presents orall" the personal dail" routine screened the created !isual aids in the $ulti$edia. Prepares in groups o+ +our students an e-position in Po)er point to e-press the dail" acti!ities and using the o++ice tools.

'ubric to e!aluate an oral presentation Lista de coteEo o rubrica

))).gra$$ar.cl1Basic1,d!erbsFFre*uenc"Fhtr )))$1search6*Gdail"Hacti!itie$.ar1$1od1beginningenglish1g1ad!$


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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

#here are special students

Estudiante con necesidades especiales

#here are special students )ho )e dedicate e-tra ti$e and $a(e adEust$ents in the teaching and learning acti!ities% ade*uate ho$e )or(s% and recei!e the support o+ the special teachers +ro$ 5PHE. #hese special students $a(e )ritten tests instead o+ oral tests.

#here are not hispanish spea(ers

*o +ispano, parlantes

#he hispanish spea(ers ha!e language teaching support +ro$ !olunteers o+ the co$$unit" and bilingual students. #he" use te-t in their nati!e language% bilingual dictionaries% illustrated te-ts% and translation tools. #hese special students $a(e )ritten tests instead o+ oral tests.

#here are talent students #hese students can e-plore the contents including independent stud" and other options )here the" can sho) )hat the" had learned% such asA open assign$ents or proEects research about selected topics b" the students related )ith the unit and ho$e )or(s that re*uire $ore pro+undit".

Estudiante talentoso

-ateriales y recursos necesarios para la unidad Tecnologa . )ard/are .e-uipo necesario/ %mara omputadora.s/ %mara digital 0eproductor de 121 onexin a !nternet Tecnologa . 0o't/are .necesario/ 7ase de datos'Ho+a de c%lculo 1iagramador de publicaciones $rograma de correo electrnico 4nciclopedia en 1,0O8 4ditor de im%genes 7uscador 9eb 8ultimedia 1esarrollo de p%ginas (eb $rocesador de texto Otro 1isco l%ser !mpresora 3istema de proyeccin 4sc%ner "elevisor 2 0 %mara de v5deo 4-uipo de v5deo con6erencia Otro


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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

-ateriales impresos

STUDENTSDOS SANTOS, Manuel Goal 3, Bogot: Mc Graw Hill, 1996. English Here, English There 3. DOWNIC, Michael Freeform 3, !ain: Grficas Estella, ."., 1996 Editorial McGraw Hill " #lose $! of English 3 Editorial Norma %m!act 3. Editorial Norma &eflection 3. Editorial Santillana Team wor' 3 MILLO , El!a and Mar"a am"re# Time for English. M()ico: McGraw Hill, 199*. ICHA D, $ac% +ew %nter change %ntro. +ew ,or': $ni/ersit0 1ress, 1992.

Foa$"% construction paper% pictures% colors% pilots 0uministros ))).gra$$ar.cl1Basic1,d!erbsFFre*uenc"Fhtr )))$1search6*Gdail"Hacti!itie

Recursos de Internet

"tros Recursos

2isit o+ the coordinator Feli- Ion3Jle3. #eacher o+ the se$inar KEntre Pares Face 0L

:os programas de !ntel; 4ducacin son 6inanciados por la <undacin !ntel y la orporacin !ntel. 1erec#os reservados 2008, orporacin !ntel. "odos los derec#os reservados. !ntel, el logo de !ntel, la iniciativa de !ntel 4ducacin y el $rograma !ntel 4ducar son marcas registradas de !ntel orporation o de sus subsidiarias en los 4stados Unidos y otros pa5ses. =Otros nombres y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.


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