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*Note: The line breaks, internal capitalizations, and lack of punctuation in general are intended as guidelines to characters thought

processes, in terms of emphasis, pattern and rhythm; they should be honored, but not feel enslaving.

This Glossary of Terms

Aberrant(uh-ber-uh nt)- straying from the right or normal way. Absolution (ab-suh-loo-shuh n)- the act of forgiving someone for having done something wrong or sinful : the act of absolving someone or the state of being absolved. Achilles (uh-kil-eez )-the greatest warrior among the Greeks at Troy and slayer of Hector Admonish(ad-mon-ish)- to speak to (someone) in a way that expresses disapproval or criticism. Agnosticism (ag-nos-tuh-siz-uh m)- an intellectual doctrine or attitude affirming the uncertainty of all claims to ultimate knowledge. Any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable. Alan Ginsberg (June 3, 1926 April 5, 1997) an American poet and one of the leading figures of both the Beat Generation of the 1950s and the counterculture that soon would follow. He vigorously opposed militarism, economic materialism and sexual repression. Ginsberg is best known for his epic poem "Howl", in which he denounced what he saw as the destructive forces of capitalism and conformity in the United States. Asymmetry (ey-sim-i-tree)- not symmetrical/having two sides or halves that are not the same . o Aurora (uh-rawr-uh)- a luminous phenomenon that consists of streamers or arches of light appearing in the upper atmosphere of a planet's magnetic polar regions and is caused by the emission of light from atoms excited by electrons accelerated along the planet's magnetic field lines. Aurora Borealis (uh-rawr-uh, bawr-ee-al-is)- an aurora that occurs in earth's northern hemisphere called also northern lights. Barb (bahrb)- a medieval cloth headdress passing over or under the chin and covering the neck. Benign (bih-nahyn) not causing harm or damage. Bereft (bih-reft)- sad because a family member or friend has died. Bjorn [babybjorn] (bee-orn)- Babybjrn is a Swedish family-owned company specializing in the manufacturing and marketing of baby products. It was founded in 1961 by Bjrn Jakobson. The company's first product was a bouncing cradle but Babybjrn is today most known for its baby carriers. Board of Ed- short for Board of Education. A board of education, school committee or school board is the board of directors or board of trustees of a school, local school district or higher administrative level. Bounteous (boun-tee-uh s)- giving or providing many desired things. Brita- a German company that specializes in water filtration products.

Cloying (kloi-ing)- too sweet, pleasant, or emotional. Commiserate (kuh-miz-uh-reyt)- to express sadness or sympathy for someone who has experienced something unpleasant. Computation: (kom-pyoo-tey-shuh n)- the act or process of computing or calculating something. Cremate (kree-meyt)- to reduce (as a dead body) to ashes by burning. Desmond Tutu a South African social rights activist and retired Anglican bishop who rose to worldwide fame during the 1980s as an opponent of apartheid. He was the first black Archbishop of Cape Town and bishop of the Church of the Province of Southern Africa.

Destabilize (dee-stey-buh-lahyz)- to cause (something, such as a government) to be unable to continue existing or working in the usual or desired way : to make (something) unstable. Discern (dih-surn)- to come to know, recognize, or understand (something). Doctors Without Borders- is a commonly used name for Mdecins Sans Frontires . MSF is a French-founded secular humanitarian-aid non-governmental organization best known for its projects in war-torn regions and developing countries facing endemic diseases. Its headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland.

Dormant (dawr-muh nt)- not doing anything at this time : not active but able to become active. Drambuie (dram-bOO') - a popular Scotch whisky based liqueur made with honey, herbs, and spices and an essential ingredient for cocktails such as the Rusty Nail Engender (en-jen-der)- to cause to exist or to develop. Entrench (en-trench)- to place (someone or something) in a very strong position that cannot easily be changed. Enumerate- (ih-noo-muh-reyt )-to name (things) one after another in a list. Exalt (ig-zawlt)- to raise (someone or something) to a higher level. Existential (eg-zi-sten-shuh l)- of, relating to, or affirming existence. Extramarital (ek-struh-mar-i-tl)-happening outside of a marriage. Ferklempt(Fer-klempt)- Yiddish term for overcome with emotion. Franc (frangk)- a basic unit of money that is used in some countries where French is spoken and that was formerly used in France, Luxembourg, and Belgium; also : a coin or bill representing one franc.

Gallant (gal-uh nt)-brave, spirited, noble-minded, or chivalrous. Glandular (glan-juh-ler)- of or relating t-o glands. Horticulture (hawr-ti-kuhl-cher)-the science and art of cultivating such plants. Hostel (hos-tl)- an inexpensive place for usually young travelers to stay overnight. o

Hush Puppies- savory food made from cornmeal batter that is deep fried or baked rolled as a small ball or occasionally other shapes. Hushpuppies are frequently served as a side dish, usually at seafood restaurants.

Inadvertent (in-uh d-vur-tnt)- not intended or planned. Increment (in-kruh-muh nt) an amount by which something increases or grows Interdisciplinary (in-ter-dis-uh-pluh-ner-ee)- involving two or more academic, scientific, or artistic disciplines. Interpersonal (in-ter-pur-suh-nl)- of or pertaining to the relations between persons. Irredeemable (ir-i-dee-muh-buh l)- not able to be saved, helped, or made better. John Coltrane (September 23, 1926 July 17, 1967) an American jazz saxophonist and composer. Working in the bebop and hard bop idioms early in his career, Coltrane helped pioneer the use of modes in jazz and was later at the forefront of free jazz. He organized at least fifty recording sessions as a leader during his career, and appeared as a sideman on many other albums, notably with trumpeter Miles Davis and pianist Thelonious Monk.

Judaism (joo-dee-iz-uh m)- the religion developed among the ancient Hebrews that stresses belief in God and faithfulness to the laws of the Torah : the religion of the Jewish people Kaddish (kah-dish)- a Jewish prayer recited in the daily ritual of the synagogue and by mourners at public services after the death of a close relative. Laborious (luh-bawr-ee-uh s)- requiring a lot of time and effort. Latenik (layt-nic) Yiddish term for someone who is late or procrastinates. Malcolm X-(May 19, 1925 February 21, 1965) activist and outspoken public voice of the Black Muslim faith, challenged the mainstream civil rights movement and the nonviolent pursuit of integration championed by Martin Luther King Jr. He urged followers to defend themselves against white aggression by any means necessary.

Manila (muh-nil-uh)- made of strong, light brown paper. Martyr (mahr-ter)- [as a verb] to torment or torture and make someone a martyr. [as a noun] a person who is killed or who suffers greatly for a religion, cause, etc. Maude (mawd)- another form of the name Matilda. In This Maude is Janes daughter. Memoir (mem-wahr)- a written account in which someone (such as a famous performer or politician) describes past experiences. Mentalist (men-tl-ist)- a mind reader, psychic, or fortuneteller. Micro-finance- refers to the provision of financial services to poor or low-income clients, including consumers and the self-employed. The term also refers to the practice of sustainably delivering those services. More broadly, it refers to a movement that envisions a world in which as many poor and near-poor households as possible have permanent access to an appropriate range of high quality financial services, including not just credit but also savings, insurance, and fund transfers.

Miles Davis (May 26, 1926 September 28, 1991) an American jazz musician, trumpeter, bandleader, and composer. Widely considered one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century,[3] Miles Davis was, with his musical groups, at the forefront of several major developments in jazz music, including bebop, cool jazz, hard bop, modal jazz, and jazz fusion.

Mischigoss (mish-eh-GOSS)-Yiddish term for crazy or senseless activity or behavior; craziness. Mnemonist (ni-mon-ist)refers to an individual with the ability to remember and recall unusually long lists of data, such as unfamiliar names, lists of numbers, entries in books, etc. Mnemonists may have superior innate ability to recall or remember, or may use techniques.

Mystique (mi-steek)- an air or attitude of mystery and reverence developing around something or someone. Off-kilter (off, kil-ter)- different from the ordinary, usual, or expected. Offhand(awf-hand)- without previous thought or preparation. Osteoporosis (os-tee-oh-puh-roh-sis)- a condition in which the bones become weak and break easily. Patroklos (puh-troh-kluh s )- In Greek mythology Patroklos was the son of Menoetius, grandson of Actor, King of Opus, and was Achilles' beloved comrade and brother-in-arms. He was slain by Hector at Troy.

Peppermint Schnapps (shnahps)- Peppermint schnapps is a clear, mint-flavored distilled spirit that is often used in winter cocktails. It is less sweet and typically contains more alcohol than crme de menthe.

Peril- (per-uh l)-the possibility that you will be hurt or killed or that something unpleasant or bad will happen. Post-partum depression- clinical depression affecting women typically after childbirth. Proctor (prok-ter)- a person who takes charge of, or acts for, another. The word proctor is frequently used to describe someone who oversees an exam. Psyche (sahyk)- the soul, mind, or personality of a person or group. Resilience (ri-zil-yuh ns)- the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens. Sanitation Logisticians a job typically used in developing countries (Doctors Without Borders, etc). Logistics concerns working around the current needs in sanitation for the area to provide healthy ways to avoid human contact with waste.

Schvitzy (sh-vit-zee)- Yiddish term for sweaty. Shortcoming (shawrt-kuhm-ing)- a weakness in someone's character : a personal fault or failing. Shtick (shtik)-a usual way of performing, behaving, speaking, etc. Smug (smuhg)- having or showing the annoying quality of people who feel very pleased or satisfied with their abilities, achievements, etc.

Socioeconomic(soh-see-oh-ek-uh-nom-ik)- of, relating to, or involving a combination of social and economic factors Speculative (spek-yuh-ley-tiv)- showing curiosity or uncertainty/ based on guesses or ideas about what might happen or be true rather than on facts. Tenacious (tuh-ney-shuh s)- not easily stopped or pulled apart : firm or strong/ very determined to do something. The Peace Corps - The Peace Corps is a volunteer program run by the United States government. The stated mission of the Peace Corps includes providing technical assistance, helping people outside the United States to understand American culture, and helping Americans to understand the cultures of other countries. The work is generally related to social and economic development. Each program participant, a Peace Corps Volunteer, is an American citizen, typically with a college degree, who works abroad for a period of 27 months after three months of training.

Triple Sec -originally Curaao triple sec, is a variety of Curaao liqueur, an orange-flavoured liqueur made from the dried peels of bitter and sweet orange.Triple sec may be consumed neat as a digestif or on the rocks, but is more likely to be used as an ingredient in a variety of cocktails such as the Margarita, White Lady, Long Island Iced Tea, and Cosmopolitan.

Troy (troi)- The ancient city of Troy is the basis of Homers Iliad and site of the Trojan War. Verbatim (ver-bey-tim)- in exact words. Wainscoting(weyn-skoh-ting)- wooden panels that cover the lower part of the walls of a room

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