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SAT's This term the children will undertake end of Key Stage ssessments! known as S T"s.

These tests will assess the children"s knowledge in reading! writing! spelling! #ath"s and Science and in preparation for these! we will be revising different elements in class. $ have also shared a "%oot &amp" with the children and this is an online resource! which will provide them with a variety of games and activities. The children should be using this for their homework tasks . Rewards s with every new term! house points and marble totals return to 'ero again. There will be lots of opportunities to earn plenty of house points as the term continues and $ hope to give out some of our (old and maybe even platinum certificates. The children worked well together and achieved their )** marble reward last term. $ hope they will continue to work well together and achieve even more rewards this term. Dates for your diary for this term: ++nd pril , %ack to school +-th pril. S "s start /*th pril . #ath"s 0ay 1st #ay . 2o school32ational 4oliday 6th.-th #ay . Year 6 &amping Trip 1-.+/rd #ay . Year 6 S T"s +5th #ay . S "s end /*th #ay. #ove up 0ay 6 Year 6 Presentation afternoon /1st #ay . 7esta 8unina 6th 8une . 9eports sent home -th 8une . 7S 6 KS1 Sports 0ay 1*th 8une . KS+ Sports 0ay 11th 8une . Speech 0ay 6 school finishes $ look forward to a wonderful end of the year and hope the children en:oy the rest of their time in Year 6. Yours sincerely! #iss ;aura %everley

Curriculum Outline
Term 3 Year 6
Welcome back to Year 6. This booklet aims to provide an indication of the areas of the curriculum that it is expected the children in Year 6 will be studying this term.

n$lish This term we will focus on revision! in preparation for the end of Key Stage tests ?S T"s@! to be taken in #ay! and in preparation for secondary school. We will revisit the ma:or genres in reading and writingD reports and recounts! explanations! instructions! narrative text and poetry. We will continue to look at comprehension skills and will analyse text for deeper meaning. Towards the end of the term! we will reflect on our time in Year 6 and write about our memories and present these in different forms.


$n #ath"s we will continue to cover and revise the breadth of the curriculum. We will continue to make links between the various aspects and apply our knowledge through problem solving. We will consolidate our use of written methods for the four operations! with a greater link to using them for word problems and will develop our mental math"s skills and discuss our chosen methods. Science This term will begin by studying the 4uman body. We will learn about the human skeleton! muscles and organs and look carefully at their function in the body. We will produce a selection of models to show how these work and will combine our rt and 0T skills to present our findings. We will also investigate the effect of exercise on our body and learn how to keep ourselves healthy. We will continue to prepare for our S T"s and will use a range of games and activities to extend our theoretical knowledge. To(ic)Art This term our topic work will have an art focus. We will be learning about the life and work of >ablo >icasso and will learn about his different art periods. fter analysing his work and the techniEues he used! we will develop our own skills and produce our own pieces. <ur work will focus on his blue period and his cubist style. *+C+T+ $&T will complement many areas of the curriculum this term. We will use it for researching the work of >ablo >icasso and use paint programs to create work based on his cubism faces. We will investigate and explore the human body through the use of a variety of apps and we will also use it for a selection of revision games and activities. Towards the end of the term the children will produce films reflecting on their time in Year 6.

Physical ducation Outdoor and Ad!enture "ames and Stri#in$ and %ieldin$ "ames $n <utdoor and dventure (ames children will develop their orienteering and problem solving skills in familiar and unfamiliar situations and environments. Throughout! there will be an emphasis on building trust and working as a team. $n Striking and 7ielding games the children will practice striking and bowling the ball with increasing control and accuracy. When fielding! they will be encouraged to work together to keep the batters" scores down. $n all games activities! children have to think about how they use skills! strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. PS& This term is all about preparing for future changes! both on a personal level! and as a year group. We will complete our "9elationship and Sex =ducation" unit at the beginning of the term and will finish by looking at "&hanges" and "The Transition to Secondary School". Portu$uese 0uring term three! Year 6 >7; ?>ortuguese as a 7oreign ;anguage@ children will be involved in two different ;anguage AnitsB 4olidays and %ra'ilian &ultureB 7ootball. The main ob:ective is to develop childrenCs vocabulary! making them feel confident about the >ortuguese ;anguage! and improve social language skills in interactive and fun activities. $n order to develop these abilities! children will be involved in speaking! listening! reading and writing exercises. Year 6 %ra'ilian children ?as well as foreigners who speak >ortuguese@ will continue with their >ortuguese ;anguage lessons based on the %ra'ilian 2ational &urriculum >arameters. This will allow them to develop their ;iteracy skills and to keep up with 2ational <b:ectives for >rimary =ducation! preparing them to cope with %ra'ilian Aniversities. #ore details on their weekly topics can be found in our >ortuguese %logB httpB33portuguesewl.weebly.com3


$n #usic this term the children will extend their sound vocabulary! using it to describe and discuss a range of instrumental pieces and to reflect on the sounds they have made. They will create a soundscape and explore different textures using untuned sounds.

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